The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    It all happened so fast. Getting thrown into a cliff with such ferocity… that really was common in the world she was in, wasn’t it? Meggie felt the cold breeze of the wind flowing all around her body, her purse flailing around her arm, and most importantly, the scenery of solid ground was getting closer every second. She needed to think, and fast!

    Calm down! This is bad, but if you don’t think of something, you’ll die!

    With her eyes darting around, she tried to get a hold of her surroundings before it was too late, looking for something, anything that would help her survive that fall.

    Come on, come on!

    Her fight-or-flight instincts were almost overloading her mind. Panic was setting in even more, but even amidst it all, her eyes locked on what could be her salvation: a tree!

    The only bad part about it was that the tree was on the left side of the cliff, while Meggie was on the right side. With quick thinking, she blasted water into the rocky walls she was facing, propelling herself towards the tree.

    Great! Now all that was left was fall on the leaves, and hopefully soften the impact! Meggie, however, noticed another problem with that idea: she was getting faster, and the crash would surely break her.

    Oh, come on! There has to be somethi—

    Meggie’s tiara was falling right in front of her, something given to her by Brian, and that could boost… her ice-type move! If she could use that, she could slow down the fall and survive!

    With a swift movement, she grabbed the accessory, aiming right at the tree. Then, with a long breath, she released a frosty wind, amplified by the item on her hand. That was enough to make her movement slow down. Yet, there was a limit to how long she could hold it, and she was getting close to it.

    Come on!

    Just a few more meters until impact. Her whole life flashed before her eyes. From the day she met that Sceptile, to when she joined the twins, and to their journey to search for Morgan. That man… who she once knew, but right now was nothing more than a monster.

    Almost there!

    Finally, she fell into the tree. Even if she slowed down the fall, it still hurt a lot, and her entire body ached. The pain distracted her for a few seconds, but soon Meggie held on to the tree’s trunk, coughing up a few leaves. That entire thing drained her to the point she was using all her strength to not fall from the tree. Her vision blurred, tired from everything.

    I can’t die now… come ON!

    Still clinging to life, Meggie noticed a blue glow inside her purse, that expanded until she felt a surge of energy all around herself. It was something so surreal, cold, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest. No, it was almost like that feeling was natural to her.

    What’s… that?

    She climbed down the tree, panting, and immediately opened her purse. Inside, she discovered the source of the glow: it was the dawn stone she got earlier that day. Whispers of what she heard back in the headquarters were coming to her mind.

    …You need to die to use this? It was a rumour, right?

    Nobody answered. Of course, she was all alone down there… oh no, Brian! Her friend was still up on the town, fighting against two opponents at once.

    I… need to do something.

    Biting her lips, she cursed her body. So fragile and useless. She couldn’t even help her friends when they needed, and every battle up to that point was a chore to get through. She wondered how they could even survive all those fights.

    It doesn’t matter right now. I still have an enemy to face…

    Her mind wandered back to what Morgan said about them. How they were brutal and savage creatures that she shouldn’t associate with. But, throughout her adventure, all she found were beings that had hopes, dreams, sorrow and happiness. They wanted to live… just like her.

    He’s wrong. I know that, and… I can’t continue being so weak.

    Meggie couldn’t afford to be a burden any longer. Even if Morgan was right, even if they were all brutal, they were her friends, the ones who helped her during the entire journey. And now… returning the favor was all she could think of. No longer would she be a weak damsel in distress, she would fight to help the ones she loved.

    “Let’s do this.”

    She touched the stone, and the glow expanded all around her body.

    Brian was still paralyzed from what he did, and couldn’t take his eyes off the Lycanroc. The blood was still falling from the corpse. He didn’t feel anything, not rage, just… emptiness. His mind was entirely focused on the body, which made Brian fail to notice Derek dashing towards him, until the Garchomp turned around, tail enveloped in watery energy.

    He didn’t even react, being pushed back by the tail slap and giving a loud scream as he felt his body aching from the attack. Brian fell to the ground, coughing and panting. On the other side, Morgan was holding another one of those weird, capsule-like balls.

    Brian raised his head. “W-What are you gonna do to me…?”

    “I didn’t expect to catch a Zoroark of all things… but perhaps you will be useful to me.”

    He had failed. Failed to avenge them all, failed to help his brother, and to top it off, he had murdered someone in the process. To make that even worse, Brian… felt no remorse over it. Maybe things just weren’t meant to be, maybe they couldn’t win, no matter how much they tried. There was a reason Morgan had survived all these years, after all.

    “Well… you’re going to make a fine pet, Zoroark.”

    “What… the fuck… are you saying?!” Brian protested, suddenly standing up. His body shivered, and he raised his hand, producing a black energy ball. Its usual spherical shape was changing to a more amorphous one.

    He was struggling to stay up, vision blurring, but Brian remained focused on Morgan. One shot was all he needed.

    “Since you’re on your last moments of freedom, I might as well tell you. This is a pokéball, an item used by humans back in my world… they should make you an obedient pet for me.”

    Snarling, he fired the Shadow Ball directly at Morgan, but it faded mid-air. Brian’s reaction was to stumble back and try to make an illusion of invisibility on himself. It almost worked, but soon the illusion dissipated.

    “Hmph. Struggle all you want, you’re too weak to do anything.”

    In the end, Brian was going to be reduced to a puppet to an insane Pokémon, and that alone scared him. How would his brother react? How would any of his friends react? He couldn’t fight them! He tried to get up, but felt a sharp pain around his stomach. With his head raised, Brian saw that ball coming towards him, and closed his eyes, resigning himself to that fate.

    “I’m… back!”

    A familiar voice and a cold shiver made Brian snap his eyes open, seeing that device frozen in the ground. That wasn’t the end of it, though, as he saw a Froslass standing right in front of him.

    Brian looked at her. “…Meggie? Is that you…?!”

    She simply turned her face around to Brian, smiling, but soon her gaze shifted to their enemies. Morgan clenched his fist, but remained calm and collected.

    “I see… you evolved as well. Congratulations, my dear assistant.”

    “Don’t call me dear! I’m done with you!”

    Morgan closed his eyes. What a bothersome situation. Why couldn’t she just realize how wrong she was? A snarl drew his attention, and he saw Derek in a combat position, but backing away slowly; perhaps it was an instinctual reaction.

    “Very well. I mentioned this before, but since you’re not interested in joining me… I’ll have to part ways with you! Derek, kill her!”

    The dragon roared and flew through the air, towards where Meggie was floating. He tried to bite her with his fangs, but she dodged. He quickly turned around and released a stream of flames towards her, and once the attack hit, her body vanished.


    A shiver ran down Derek’s spine, until he felt a burning sensation around his back, followed by the hissing sound of ice. His entire body screamed at him to get away, and so he did. He flew away from the Froslass, until he stopped, seeing her right in front of him. Snarling, Derek tried to hit her with his scythe, but before he could do that, multiple copies of Meggie materialized all around him.

    “What trick is this? Show yourself, coward!” Derek roared, firing stream after stream of flames across the copies, that simply dissipated in the air.

    Morgan was less than amused, and screamed loud enough for Derek to listen. “You idiot! She’s using Double Team! You won’t hit her like that!”

    “But I can!”

    Morgan took a look in front of him, where he saw Meggie releasing a breath of purple, ghostly wind at him. The energy of the move made him fall back, groaning in pain.

    Meanwhile, Brian could only watch the entire battle unfold. He cursed his body’s lack of movement, trying to force himself to do something to help her. Anything, really.

    It was then that he saw Derek diving down, while preparing another flamethrower to launch at Meggie, and Brian snapped. Right before he could release the fire, Brian focused all the energy he could muster, his eyes glowed and the fox fired a multicolored circular beam of psychic energy at the dragon.

    Derek got hit point-blank by the Extrasensory and fell to the ground, knocked out by the move. His body was enveloped in red energy and was transferred back to one of Morgan’s pokéballs.

    “D-Derek, you moron…” Morgan panted, his collected demeanor was slowly crumbling apart. Not only was he hurt by the ominous wind Meggie used before, his ally had fainted. Still, he couldn’t give up just yet.

    Morgan took one step backwards before, from the ground, a large barricade of ice crystals appeared, freezing the area in front of him. He looked up and saw Meggie floating in the air, a black ball of ghostly energy around her fingers, while her mouth had a frosty breath around it.

    “Like I said, I’m through with you!” Meggie snarled, making the ball expand in size. “Now I’m gonna talk, and you’ll listen!”

    “Hmph,” Morgan returned Derek to his pokeball and crossed his arms, looking at the Froslass.

    Brian, still exhausted, tried to get up again, but a jolt of pain kept him on the ground. “What are you planning? We need to leave this place, Meggie!”

    “What… do you want with me?!” Morgan held on to a wall, still tired from the battle.

    Meggie didn’t even flinch, aiming at Morgan. “You’re going to let us go, and you know why?! Brian, too bad we can’t illusion ourselves out of this, since you’re too tired to make a big one… well, show the papers!”

    Brian’s ears twitched. Well, I can still make a small illusion, I guess, but… the papers…? O-Oh!

    He took the envelope from out of his mane and raised his hand. Morgan gasped at that, and his expression turned from exhausted to angry. His hand was glowing with psychic energy.

    “Give me back that… NOW! You don’t understand what you’re holding, you fools!”

    “Oh, really? Then that must be important!” Meggie smirked, now aiming at the papers. “Arrange us an Escape Orb, and we’ll give you them back!”

    “Are you trying to bargain with me, child?! You’re in no position to—”

    Meggie fired another shadowy ball right in front of Morgan, the attack only inches away from him. He cringed and nodded.

    “I’m… sure we can reach an understanding.”

    Brian snarled, his blue eyes glowing red. “Oh, of course we can! You kidnap others, force them to become murderers, make them into weapons… and we can just fucking ignore all of that! I… despise you!”

    Morgan, unfazed, stared at Brian. “A savage like you wouldn’t understand me… none of you can,” he looked up at Meggie. “Not even you, who I thought was someone close to me…”

    “Escape Orb. Now!” Meggie screamed again, ready to fire the attack once more.

    Morgan scoffed. “Hmph. Very well. If you allow me, I’ll pick it up inside. You will allow me to do that, correct?”

    She floated down to the ground and looked at Brian. “Stay here. I got this, okay?”

    “Fuck no! You’re not going alone with that psycho!”

    “You’re too hurt. Besides… I got this, okay? Trust me.”

    Brian whined and looked down, not doing anything but protest in silence. Meggie sighed and entered the building once more. Now with Morgan, she hoped everything would be fine.

    After they left, the fox then looked at that frozen pokéball, it was shrinking. Brian blinked, an idea coming to his mind. But first, they needed to escape.

    As they walked, Meggie didn’t take her eyes off Morgan during the entire way, mostly because she wanted to make sure he wouldn’t try anything funny, but also because he brought her a sense of nostalgia, even if she tried to shake that off.

    She, for a faint fraction of time, wanted to ask him more about what they were like as humans. But then, the memories of all the atrocities he committed in that world made her rage return.

    It appeared that Morgan also shared the same sentiment. Every so often, he looked at her, a mix of sorrow and sadness on his face. Meggie didn’t fall for that, though, and remained on high alert for anything he might try.

    Finally, Morgan broke the silence. “It’s been… such a long time since I last saw you, Meg.”

    She raised an eyebrow, almost literally giving him the cold shoulder. “Really? Well, not enough, if you ask me.”

    Morgan sighed, continuing to walk. His attempts to keep the conversation going went on.

    “You might not believe me, but I missed you. During all my years in this… prison of a body, I looked for you.”

    “That makes no sense…” Meggie pouted, refusing to believe in him. “I’ve been here for six months, not years!”

    Morgan stopped and turned around to face her. Now with a confused look, the Gallade tilted his head.

    “Interesting. It looks like we might have missed a few calculations on the portal… we might have been sent to different eras. I’ve been here… for almost thirty years.”

    The revelation almost made her lose focus, but Meggie still carried on, not wanting to show weakness. The end of the hallway was near, she only needed to keep stalling him a while longer.

    “What portal?! What the fuck are you saying?!”

    Morgan chuckled. “Of course, you have no memory. I don’t blame you, it took me years to recover mine. I only did it because… well, my psychic abilities diminished when I achieved this form. It’s quite pathetic, really.”

    “W-Well, I’ve been told that I needed to die to become a Froslass, but that wasn’t the case…”

    Morgan scoffed, grinning at her. “These monsters have lots of rumors. Ghost-types aren’t actually dead, they’re only called like that because of a so-called ‘tradition’.”

    “Really? Then what—”

    He interrupted her, raising his head.

    “If you had your memories intact, you would know that the body of ghost-types possess large amounts of ectoplasma. Somehow, their aura expresses itself in that way.”

    “This feels like something Lance would talk about…”

    Morgan squinted his eyes in frustration. “Again, had your memories stayed intact, you would know that Lucario are naturally attuned to aura, and it comes easy for them, even as children. It’s one of the reasons I took number ten in.”

    Already fed up with it all, Meggie finally fired the ghostly ball, but it hit the wall, as a warning for Morgan. Scoffing, he went back to his stroll.

    “Come. My office is at the end of the hallway, I’ll give the orb to you there.”

    Brian was waiting for his friend, but he still had a lot on his mind. He could sense the blood, that metallic but cloying smell filled the air around him. It made him dizzy, but also scared of what he did.

    C-Calm down, calm down…

    In. Out. In. Out. He tried to use the breathing exercise his brother was so used to try and relax. Well, the most he could relax considering he murdered someone. He still couldn’t fathom what happened, and why he did it. Flashes of the scene went on inside his head, never leaving.

    M-Maybe I can… distract myself! R-Right?!

    Brian looked at the frozen pokéball. Perhaps he could make some new tool based on that thing. Morgan was using it to, in his own words, “catch” others. That part was disgusting to him, so he focused on something else entirely: the mechanism through which the device shrunk. If he could somehow create something like that, what kind of gadgets could he make? That would certainly help his team.

    That worked wonders for him, and he stopped thinking about the corpse, brain filled with thoughts and ideas about how that mechanism worked.

    For the moment, that was enough.

    Now at the door, Meggie was breathing deeply. She already used Shadow Ball so many times that day to the point of exhaustion. Of course, she couldn’t let Morgan know about that. To keep the illusion, she was pretending to charge her Ominous Wind move while Morgan messed around the office, searching for the orb.

    Morgan finally took the sphere and held it in his hand. He looked at Meggie. “You know, I’m going to ask again… will you join me?”

    “Why do you keep asking me?! I already said no!”

    “Call me an optimist if you will, but I just don’t understand… the reason why you defend these people. Aren’t you tired of all this fighting?”

    He took a long sigh, and continued. “We’re scientists, but also humans, above everything else, Meggie. We need to return to our people…”

    Meggie looked down, tears began falling down, freezing before hitting the ground. “Can’t we return there without all this bloodshed?!”

    “They are means to an end. Nothing… more than that.”

    “No!” Meggie screamed. “T-They all have… something to fight for. My friends are fighting with all their might to stop you! And… they’re right. You’re a monster.”

    Morgan sighed again, clutching the orb tightly. His other hand began to glow with a pink tone. “I really didn’t want things to come to this, but you leave me no choice…”

    That was the last straw for her. Meggie opened her mouth to release the ghostly wind, knocking Morgan’s balance and making him drop the orb, which she swiftly took before floating backwards.

    “No…” Morgan got up and took one step forward.

    However, Meggie soon released a freezing breath, powered by her tiara, making a wall of solid ice on the office’s entrance. She floated back as fast as she could, not even looking back. She couldn’t afford to do that, after all.

    Morgan’s body was filled with rage, and with a powerful punch, he shattered the wall. He began to run, following his former assistant, who constantly created more and more ice walls in order to stall him for as long as she could.

    Almost there… Brian, we’re gonna leave this place!

    More and more sounds of ice shattering. “You can’t escape me, Meggie! Since you don’t want to accept your human life… I’ll just take out your miserable Pokémon one!”

    Morgan extended his hand to try and catch Meggie, but she dodged, twisting around. Once she was facing him, she unleashed another frosty wind, freezing the area in front of her.

    Now free to escape that place, Meggie finally left the building, finding Brian right in front of the corpse, staring at it. She frowned, approaching him.

    “Are… you okay, Brian?” she asked, lowering her body to the same level as his.

    Brian only whined. “I-I tried to take my mind off this, but… I can’t stop thinking about it.”

    She sighed, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Look, I know you’re feeling bad about this, but we need to leave. Like, now. I managed to stall him, but we need to go!”

    “Feeling bad? I—”

    Meggie raised her hand, showing him the orb. “Come on, now, Brian!”

    The fox whined again, and nodded. Meggie sighed in relief, smashing the orb in the ground. The duo got enveloped in a bright, white light and vanished from that place.

    Morgan panted, having just gotten there, only to see them escaping. Filled with rage, he punched the ground until his hand began to bleed.

    They reappeared right in front of the gates to Bright Dawn, where Brian saw the same Ursaring he met the day he moved to that city. But this time he didn’t really feel like chatting with the bear, and rubbed his arm.

    Meggie stopped floating, sitting on the ground. Her breath was raspy and fast. After all the battles, all she wanted was to rest. Fortunately, she was very close to being able to do that.

    “Look, can I… can we talk?” Brian looked at her, ears drooping. He mumbled something and sat down as well.

    Meggie tilted her head. “I mean, I could really use a nap, but… okay then. What’s up?”

    He reacted by fiddling with his fingers, unable to look at her. “I’m sorry. For doubting you and all that. I know I can be a bit, uh… weird and hyperactive sometimes. It’s… kinda my thing, my way of coping with everything, y’know?”

    Meggie looked to the sky, it was already dusk. How long did they stay there? It didn’t matter. She soon answered. “Brian, it’s fine. You had your reasons. To be honest, I… doubted myself too.”

    Instead of reassuring him, that sentence was more like a knife to his chest, making his stomach wrench. “But I fucked up! If I didn’t doubt you, I wouldn’t have ran from you and Max! A-And maybe, that Lycanroc would… still be alive.”

    “You don’t know that! And you saved me!” she noticed Brian raising his brow and cleared her throat. “Okay, fair, I fell down, but… I evolved! I’m fine! We’re fine! And we have his plans!”

    Brian forced a faint smile. “…We do, yeah.”

    “Look, we’re very near the city. Once we get there, what do you want to do?”

    “I want to see Lance. I need to make sure he’s okay, you guys found Morgan in the black market, right? After that… we check up on the rest of the team.”

    “There’s… only one problem, though. We’re both wounded. We could really use some medical help, y’know.”


    Meggie nodded, and Brian stood up. He was a bit more relaxed than before, or maybe just distracted enough to ignore his worries. Whatever it was, he was just happy to be alive and well, and entered the gate with his teammate, asking for help from the Ursaring guard.

    To say that Morgan was furious would be an understatement. He was throwing what one could call a temper tantrum, kicking chairs all around his office. How dare that stupid Froslass trick him like that… and even steal his notes! Oh, the audacity!

    “I swear… I’m done with her! If she wants to do this, then… I’m not going to try and bring her back to my side again!”

    He huffed and puffed, punching the wall with such strength it got a crack shaped like his fist. He muttered something, cursing his fighting instincts. Morgan couldn’t allow himself to get on their level, not at all.

    Right, the first thing he needed to do in that moment was calm down. Panicking would not be helpful, and neither would be destroying his workplace. The pokéballs fidgeted around him and soon he placed them on his table. Six of them, containing a perfect team for the mission ahead.

    Damn it. I’ll have to step things up… at least a month before my schedule, all because of some… stupid teenagers!

    He sat down, covering his face with his hands. One step at a time. Careful and strategic thinking was his greatest weapon, one that he was prideful of.

    Yes… my brain is my greatest ally. I’m not backing down. I need to go home…

    Morgan stood up, leaving the room and heading towards another. He sighed in relief that nobody had entered that area of the building.

    Of course… they were focusing on killing me, and didn’t notice this. Lovely.

    He smirked and opened the door. Inside was a purple pokéball, accompanied by some type of machine-like bag. Off to work he went.

    Brian cringed in pain. A Slowbro nurse was using Heal Pulse on his stomach, and while he knew it was getting better, that wound still hurt like crap. He was thankful that Ursaring accompanied them to the hospital, and that he went on to call Lance on his home. Now all Brian needed to do was wait for his sibling to get there.

    “Theee…re. It’s… all patched… up. But… we might nee…d to… apply that… again,” the nurse said in the slowest voice he could muster.

    Brian rolled his eyes, annoyed by how slow he talked. Then again, that was in the species’ name. “Sure, doc. But like, how long until I can get free from this place? I’m kinda in the middle of a mission.”

    “You’re… luc…ky that the attack mi…ssed vital or…gans.”

    “Got it, got it. Can I have some privacy…? I mean, she’s here, but you got the point.”

    Meggie was staring at him in amusement, covering her mouth with her hand.

    “Suu…re,” the nurse nodded and left the room, leaving the two alone.

    His ears twitched. “What’s so funny?”

    Meggie ignored him and waved to the Slowbro. “Bye, it was ice to meet you!”

    “O-Oh, a pun,” Brian grinned. “Sorry, but you should have started with a better… ice breaker!”

    She simply stuck out her tongue.

    Brian laughed, but stopped once his wound stung, but he still continued the conversation. “If that’s your idea of humor, I love it. Please keep it up, Meg!”

    “Great. I know what your buttons are! And I have another one that might cheer you up!”

    “Really? Do tell.”

    Meggie sat down on one of the chairs. “It’s more of a question. How… does the escape orb know where we need to go?”

    Her friend smiled. “Ah. That’s a good one. I… nobody really knows where the orbs come from, but what we do know is that they react to our emotions.”

    She tilted her head. “What?”

    “Basically, we just need to think where we need to go. Of course, that’s just for the escape one. Warp Orbs don’t have that.”

    “…Got it.”

    Brian looked at the ceiling, still smiling. “Also… thanks for saving my ass back there. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

    Meggie opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Brian’s ears perked up, hearing the footsteps. She ruffled her head, as if it had hair and went on to open the door.

    Lance entered the room, and the first thing he did was look at his brother, whose stomach was wrapped in bandages and who was laying on the bed.

    “Hi, Brian.”

    Meggie pouted. “Hello? I evolved, come on!”

    The Lucario turned to face her. “Oh… congratulations, Meg.”

    Still grumpy as usual… but at least he seems better than when we left the market.

    Brian forced himself to sit. “Lance! Holy shit, it’s so good to see you! How are you holding up?!”

    His sibling grumbled. “I have no idea. Look, I came here to see how you all were, but also… we need to talk.”

    Brian blinked in confusion. “Wait, like, now? I’m kinda on recovery, dude.”

    “Yeah,” Meggie sat down again. “What’s with this? We need to rest.”

    Lance snarled and crossed his arms. “If I don’t come out now, I’ll probably never do it.”

    The fox snickered. “Dude, I already know you’re gay. You literally had a boyfriend!”

    “Wait, really?” Meggie looked at Brian, giving a faint laugh.

    Their friend blushed, grumbling to himself. “First, I’m pan, I just like guys a lot more. And secondly… it’s not about that.”

    Brian shrugged. “Alright, you got me there. What’s your way of coming out?”

    Lance took a deep breath, and pondered if he should really do it. Their most likely reaction would be disappointment, but he also worried about them reacting way worse than that. His fears and doubts over the course of the day, and also the nightmares, contributed to the anxiety of telling them the entire thing.

    “I… am a killer. I’m a murderer.”

    Brian’s eyes widened in shock. He opened his mouth.

    Meggie didn’t even know what to say. Unlike Brian, she didn’t know what Lance was talking about. Another example of them not explaining things to her, so it seemed. But… she wanted to hear it all instead of jumping to conclusions.

    Brian finally said something. “Wait, what are you—”

    “I don’t mean the ones I did in self-defense. I mean… I killed Atlas in that cave. And I did it willingly.”

    His teammates didn’t say anything after that revelation, taking the time to fully sink in. Brian… his mind immediately went to the aftermath of the battle, where he told his brother about what happened, and in that moment, he thought Lance felt the same way, they mourned together!

    But now, Lance said it was all a lie?! How… just how many times did he lie? He couldn’t believe it. It had to be a trick, a test, something. His mind tried to rationalize it all, but then… he heard Lycanroc’s words echoing on his mind. How Lance also tried to murder him.

    And it all hit him like a building collapsing on his body.

    “L-Lance, what?! What the fuck are you saying?! Why did you do it?!”

    Meggie just listened to the entire conversation. Like Brian, she refused to believe that, but Lance wasn’t really trying to defend himself, or do anything to deny. Maybe he was really telling the truth. And if he was…

    “At first, I thought he deserved to die. He was a criminal, Brian! He murdered others, and if I didn’t stop him, he would—”

    “Get out.”

    Lance looked at Meggie, confused. “I beg your pardon?”

    “I said… get out! We… don’t have time to deal with this, Lance! Leave!”

    His eyes darted to Brian, but the fox didn’t say anything. Defeated, Lance looked down and left the room as well.

    “We need… some time to think,” Brian finally said.

    Now outside, Lance shivered. That was the worst thing that could happen! His friends rejected him… they told him to get away. But of course, who wouldn’t do that? They heard him confess to being a killer!

    I… really messed things up this time!

    He fell on his knees. Lance really wasn’t meant for relationships, wasn’t he? First, his boyfriend, then his family, and then his friend.

    They all leave eventually… I don’t deserve anything like that.

    Lance walked away from the building, tears swelling up on his eyes. He truly was… alone.


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