The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The intense and cold wind blew, ruffling Lance’s fur as he went inside the Black Skull guild’s building. Stoic as always, he kept focus on the task at hand, going straight to the guildmaster’s office. Lance had already planned how he was going to get the Swalot to reveal everything and showed a light smile on his muzzle while opening the door.

    “Well, if it isn’t the young explorer… to what do I owe the pleasure of his visit?.” The Swalot was in his chair and turned his eyes to Lance. “I have to say that I heard the news and I’m sorry about what happened in your apartment–”

    “Shut up.” Lance cut him off, sitting on the chair to face the Swalot. “Cut the crap. Anyone with enough neurons would realize that this situation is too convenient for you.”

    “Excuse me?!” Looking away, he shuddered slightly, but kept pretending ignorance. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

    “Is that how you want to play it? Fine. Let me explain it for you,” sighing, Lance stared into the eyes of the guildmaster.

    His aura exhaled lies, and was agitated. Lance saw it colored blue and smirked at the tip of his lips.

    “Evidence number one: you wanted to interrupt our investigation. Number two: shortly after we confronted Alakazam, we were attacked in our apartment.”

    As he confronted Swalot, the guildmaster began to sweat, drops and drops of it fell on the ground beneath him. Lance, of course, noticed this, but chose to continue pointing out what he found out.

    “Number three: while I was in the hospital, my brother decided to talk to you again… and of course, he has the element of stealth with him. Who would have thought that he would get a chance to listen to your conversation on the phone?”

    That nearly made Swalot gag. He choked on his own saliva for a few seconds, while Lance just stared at him with cold eyes. He calmed down, and growled.

    “Listen here, kid! Stop being an idiot and an idealist! This is how the adults deal with things! You don’t know how it–”

    “Shut up! Don’t assume for one second that I don’t know how things work!” Lance pinched the table, snarling to the Swalot.

    The Riolu bared his teeth, but a deep breath, Lance put his hands on his face to calm down before continuing the conversation.

    “You are a despicable being, Robert.”

    “As I said, that’s how we work here! Don’t come with that idealistic crap to me! Those who don’t have the power need to find ways to get it… it’s survival!”

    “Silence. I understand perfectly. You want to talk about survival? Fair enough. I am a survivor.”

    Lance snapped his fingers, producing a blue glow around his palm. He aimed at Swalot and then continued.

    “You’re pathetic, a Pokémon like you shouldn’t be running this guild… an accomplice to murder,” he stood up, eyes fixed on the guildmaster. “I can’t stand around doing nothing. Only justice can bring peace.”

    The Swalot trembled, breath and heart rate accelerated. He couldn’t believe that this kid, who had just arrived to the town, was already trying to get him in jail. However, there was still something Robert could do to prevent that.

    “So what?!” he grinned. “You can’t do anything, the police have no proof of my involvement!”

    Oh blue glow around Lance’s palm faded away and he stuttered. No words came out, even if he tried to.

    “Shit!” Lance’s eyes squinted and he backed away. “I hadn’t realised… I came here for nothing.” The boy lowered his ears and closed his fists.

    “Exactly! I work with them and in exchange the mayor finances me! But you can’t do anything, you’re powerless… Fortunately, I’m in a good mood. I’ll let you out, but if you keep doing this, the mercenaries won’t be the only Pokémon you’ll need to worry about,” after finishing the sentence, the purple Pokémon started laughing out loud.

    “N-No…” Lance said in a low tone and left the building.

    After leaving the guild, the boy walked towards the police station, smiling and grabbing the recorder in his backpack. Swalot fell into the trap as planned. Happy that his plan worked, Lance went on to meet his brother.

    Okay, if he did his part, then I’ll have to use Brian’s strengths again…

    Speaking of him, Lance managed to see a Zoroark standing right at the entrance to the police station.

    “Heya, shorty! I’m sorry, I almost couldn’t see you!” Brian gave a broad smile, making the peace sign with his fingers.

    “You evolved… congratulations.”

    “Thanks,” he said scratching his head. “Oh, I have my recording. And you?”

    “What do you think?” Lance showed him the device.

    “So come on, Apollo’s waiting for us!” so the two of them entered the scene, heading to the Arcanine’s office.

    The Arcanine was sitting on a chair built for quadruped Pokémon, waiting for the boys to show up. When he heard the door opening, the canine’s gaze shifted to the entrance.

    “Kids! How was it? Did everything go well?!” Apollo said as he jumped down the chair to approach them.

    “We have the necessary proof. So, answering your question… yes.” Lance put his recorder on the table and soon after, his brother did the same.

    “You… really did it,” the Arcanine gasped as his tail began to quickly wag behind him.

    “We never had any doubts about our ability,” the fighting-type let a light smile show on his face.

    “That’s right… but what now? You still have those three,” Brian said, looking at them.

    “Well, without the political support, I think it should be much easier to arrest them.”

    “I have a suggestion,” the Riolu raised his arm.

    “Let’s listen carefully, kid.” Apollo nodded.

    “My brother and I will arrest them personally. After all, it was us who received the mission from that Tyrunt,” Lance squinted his eyes. “They are yet to receive proper punishment.”

    “I don’t see any problem with that, but… do you happen to have a plan?” Apollo looked at them, trying to understand what they were going to do.

    “Actually, they gave me the idea… we’re gonna do it their way…”

    Brian realized what his sibling’s plan was, based on all the conversations they had after the battle with the Sigilyph. “Wait! You want to forge a mission for them?!” Brian gasped, surprised at his brother’s idea.

    “Exactly,” Lance crossed his arms. “Detective, you have informants on the dark side of town, correct? Brian can pretend to be a client. Now that he’s a Zoroark, his illusionist skills are even better than before.”

    Apollo was unconvinced and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but… don’t you think it’s dangerous? Your brother may end up being discovered, even with the support of my informant…”

    “Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry, Brian,” the kid frowned, looking at the Zoroark. “Well, I can try to do it myself then… but maybe it would be more risky…”

    “No! I will do it! I’m the best fit for that!” Brian declared, worried about what could happen to Lance if he went to do that part of the mission.

    “Okay, so, detective, do we have a deal?” he said stretching his hand towards the Arcanine.

    “Yes,” Apollo shook Lance’s hand with his paw. “You guys can go home, I have to mobilize the cops to arrest the two of them, and probably make an announcement to everybody… come here tomorrow and I’ll give you more instructions, ok?”

    “Ok!” Brian agreed and walked away from there.

    Lance decided to do the same, when he heard Apollo clearing his throat. Turning back, he saw that the detective was tapping his front paws on the ground again and again.

    “You know, after a few years on the force, you understand how to manipulate mons,” Apollo pointed out. “What I mean is… I understood what you did, kid… it wasn’t very nice… especially with someone close to you…”

    “Yes I know, I manipulated him so he would accept it. He’s very protective, and that can be useful sometimes.” Lance walked out of the room. He forged a blank expression, but his heart thumped. Involving his brother was the best call right then, but that didn’t mean Lance wasn’t guilty.

    “I hope this doesn’t turn against you, kid,” he said, watching the Riolu leave.

    On the way home they both looked happy, After all, they just accomplished a successful mission. Brian was getting used to using two legs and his new height.

    “Hey, now that we’ve taken the mayor out of office… Do Pokémon have elections here? It’s not like we’re citizens here… I think,” Pondering, the Zoroark scratched his chin.

    “I didn’t have time to think about that part because of all the mess with those mercenaries. But I believe that if Apollo tried, he’d be able to run… it would be good for him. He’s an honest cop and after all we’ve seen around here, I’m surprised.”

    “Yeah… we’ve only been living here a short time, but it doesn’t feel like it. How do you think things are at home?”

    “Knowing Dad, he must still be on his mission… they went to the extreme northwest of our continent… I heard it’s an island run by a monarchy.”

    “Monarchy… we hardly see that around here anymore…”

    “Indeed. Well, I’m starving… we can order food today too,” Lance looked up, smiling at his brother.

    Brian could not miss an opportunity to make fun of his sibling and smirked.

    “Or you could learn to cook, you know?” Lance’s brother laughed at his own joke for a while.

    “Your tongue grew along with that evolution of yours,” he sighed.

    “Relax, mister shorty, someday you’ll become a Lucario!” Brian nodded, stretching his body.

    “Obviously. I can’t be a Riolu forever, my aura skills wouldn’t be good enough,” entering the building, he went upstairs to the apartment.

    “Oh! I noticed an engineering course the day we arrived here! Once this is over… I’m gonna apply to it!”

    “Congrats, and good luck. You got this, Brian.”

    Away from the two’s house, Mayor Alakazam hit his table with his mind, even kicking the furniture, knocking it to the floor. On the first floor of the building, the Arcanine came next to two Pokémon: one Dewott and one Throh.

    “Lee, be careful, he might try something and has type advantage.” Apollo said to the Throh and turned his look to the Dewott. “Jack, prepare your shells in case the force is needed. We’ll take him into custody as soon as possible.”

    The three policemon followed, seeing the fainted secretary in the ground. Signaling Lee to take care of her, he went up to the Alakazam room next to Dewott.

    When they got there, the mayor recoiled away from the entrance, trembling with fear while at the same time clenching his teeth in frustration, all because he had been exposed by a simple Zorua.

    “Please, I’ll pay you…”

    “Mayor Prometheus. You’re under arrest on a charge of murder,” unable to hide his smile, Apollo faced the Alakazam. “Anything you say can and will be used against-“

    “No! You can’t do this to me! You can’t do this to me!” he started to float, eyes glowing in a pink tone. “You little, insolent brats-“

    Before he had time to finish the sentence, the psychic Pokémon was hit by a seed and fell to the ground, sleeping. The Dewott closed his bag after having done the deed.

    “Okay, boss, now we can take him… we’ll have to report it,” the Water-type said, staring at the detective.

    “The others must have taken the Swalot by now, they’ll be great cellmates. Now only the mercenaries are missing,” he grinned.

    “Are you really gonna trust these two to catch those criminals? I mean, their plan is good, but risky.”

    “It was because of them that we managed to arrest those two, they’re no better than the mercenaries,” he explained. “Anyway, I’ll have to believe the brothers, even though I don’t like that Riolu’s idea,” he shrugged.

    “Alright,” the Dewott turned around. “Anything else we should do, boss?”

    “Jack, I’d like you to investigate this building for more evidence, it may be necessary. I have to prepare things for the press… okay, I admit it’s gonna be horrible to do, but it’ll be worth it!”

    As night fell, three Pokémon were in their natural habitat, a bar. Aggron, Empoleon and Bisharp were sitting at the table, talking among themselves about the last days.

    “You heard the rumors, right? Delphis was captured,” Atlas said, rolling his eyes.

    “Well, it means he was weak if he couldn’t handle two boys,” Flint said, scraping the blades of his arms on the table.

    “If you blame me again, I swear I will leave this group, it’s not all my fault that I wish to be able to pay for the things I want!” The aquatic Pokémon angrily yelled at his companions.

    “Nobody said anything, and what’s this idea of leaving? We’ve been together since we were teenagers!” Atlas growled, angry at what he heard.

    Napoleon shrugged that last part off. “Anyway, it’s just rumors. We have to be patient, maybe they’re still in that cave.”

    “Oh, they better be!” Atlas closed his fists, his tail hitting the ground hard enough to make the table shake.

    Thinking about the next actions, the two rival groups wanted to give everything to prevent the other from succeeding in combat, in their own different ways. But one idea was common to both leaders.

    I’ll win… even if I have to… the Riolu thought while having dinner.

    “Kill them,” Atlas pondered, confident in his decision.


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