The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Prince Edgar reminisces about his brother, his motives, and wants to find him as soon as possible, so everything will go back to the way it should be. Whether he likes it or not.

    After the dream that felt like it wouldn’t end.

    Now I’m back in my own world again.

    But I’ll be back.

    Sun or rain.

    I will do my best and fight through the day!

    A Tyrunt sat on a bench, panting, lonely except for the moon’s light shining on him. He winced, looking at his arm. There was a bit of blood in it. For anyone else that trained in that field, a bit of blood was nothing to be concerned with. But to Terry—a prince that never once fought in his life—it was far more painful.

    And it wasn’t just his arm. His head was a bit bloody as well. Luckily, it had dried up already, so the blood didn’t spill onto his cape or anything. Regardless, it was still pretty painful.

    Terry looked forward, towards the training field. A large rock column sat in the middle, the middle of it slathered in blood as well. The sight made him wince again.

    “This is no time to sit around doing nothing…” Terry stood up, panting. There was no telling when his brother or Liz would come looking for him. As such, he had to finish the training before they found him.

    Taking a few steps ahead, he was met with the column. Another wince left his mouth, and Terry took a deep breath. He held it in for around seven seconds, and let it out, counting another eight seconds.

    “Okay… I think I am ready now.”

    It would need to be fast. Terry charged ahead, preparing a headbutt to hit the column. He was close, closer every second. One more second and—

    Something wiggled behind him, but Terry ignored the sound for another second. However, before he hit his target, thick vines shot up from his behind, wrapping around him and pulling Terry away from the rock. Startled by it, he took a moment to look at the vines, recognizing them instantly. Liz.

    “Sire! What are you doing?!”

    “L-Liz! Do not startle me like that!” Terry said, or rather, shouted at her, seeing the vines retreating. Finally freed from their grasp, he glanced back and saw the Roselia.

    She was staring back at him, but didn’t dare say another word. Instead, Liz’s first reaction was to bow down to him.

    “A-Apologies… I acted without thinking.”

    “…Fine, you are forgiven.” Terry rolled his eyes. Most of the time, Liz was formal. Too formal for his taste. “I knew you would come sooner or later.”

    “…” Liz remained quiet, like she was waiting for his permission to say anything.

    “…You do realize I do not like this, right? We are equals, you can talk to me without permission. Or rather… I permit you to talk to me whenever you like.”

    She took a moment to process it, nodding, but continued to bow. “Very well, Sire. May I ask what you were attempting? To me, it looks like training, but…”

    Terry took another deep breath, sighing and looking back at the rock. “Yes. Prince Terrence Montclair XIV has never trained once in his life! What a mockery of a prince!”

    “Sire… if I may…”

    “I just said you could—”

    “Ahem, Sire. My job is to fight for you. There is no need for you to bother with fighting.”

    “…I want to, though.” Terry shook his head. The wind blew on his cape, making it swirl around. “I am sixteen. Soon, I swear I am leaving this place… I must, I cannot stand the castle, the pressure… everything!”

    “I… I understand.” Liz didn’t quite understand it, but she was there to support him. “Sire, if I may… I believe you should get treatment. You are wounded.”

    “I might as well… before my brother realizes where I am.”

    Unbeknownst to them, the distant sound of hurried footsteps approached, growing louder with each passing moment. None of them heard it, but there were three pairs of footsteps.

    Liz shook her head. “He was following me. Luckily, I was able to get here first, but—”


    A voice blurted out from the entrance to the field. Another Tyrunt—Edgar—was frantically panting, rushing to their side and scowling. Following him were a shiny Fraxure and a Druddigon.

    …Wow, his timing is impeccable. Terry sighed. Great, now his brother was there, looking as ridiculous as always. “Yes, hello, Edgar.”

    “Prince Edgar—”

    The younger Tyrunt hissed at her. “Silence! You are to refer to me as ‘your Highness’!”

    He took a moment to check his brother—and his wounds, before turning his gaze back towards Liz. “You scoundrel! Did you hurt my brother?! I should have you punished for this!”

    “Y-Your Highness, I did not—”

    “I did this to myself, Edgar.” Terry blurted out, standing in front of Liz. “I was training, but my body is not used to it, and as such… I was hurt.”

    “Why in Reshiram’s name were you doing that?!” Edgar tapped the ground and snarled. “That defeats the whole purpose of us having bodyguards!”

    “…It hardly matters.” Terry glanced at Liz. “We are leaving. The training has left me hungry, and I do not wish to deal with… him.”

    “Excuse me?! I can hear you, Terrence!”

    “And that is where the issue lies.” Terry rolled his eyes. He started to walk towards the entrance, completely ignoring his brother’s pleads to stop, with Liz following him.

    She, on the other hand, bowed to the other prince, before following Terry again.

    “Terrence, Terrence! Come back here!”

    Thunder reverberated in the air, and Edgar was thrown back to reality. He stood in the middle of a large ship, looking forward, Though the area they were in had no clouds, he saw them in the distance, along with rain.

    To make matters worse, it was already evening, which meant their visibility was barely working.

    “Come back…” his words were not meant for anyone, but two other Pokémon heard him.

    The Fraxure and Druddigon duo were standing behind the prince, quiet, waiting for any input on his part.

    “Stop staring. I do not like it.” Edgar only glanced, snarling afterwards. “…Why do you think Terrence left us? You may speak, but not both at once.”

    Fraxure raised an arm.

    “Yes, Vulcan?”

    “Y-Your Highness… perhaps the prince simply did not wish to be one anymore?”

    “Hm.” Edgar turned to the Druddigon. “And what do you think, Damian?”

    Damian gulped. “M-My opinion is the same as Vulcan’s. I believe Prince Terrence never liked his royal life.”

    “Nonsense. If that were the case, I would have noticed!”

    Surely, Edgar would have. After all, they lived together for most of their lives. Something as important as that had to be noticeable.

    But what if it wasn’t? Edgar had that thought—small, unimportant. But it was relentless. Perhaps he had neglected his brother’s true feelings.

    No… I cannot believe it. It cannot be the truth…

    What would even cause Terrence to be so dissatisfied in the first place?

    We had everything we could possibly want! There is no reason for him to reject it all! That is why… I will find out. I must.

    “Y-Your Highness? You were awfully quiet…” Vulcan said. In hindsight, this would likely get him on the prince’s nerves. Regardless, it was his duty to ask.

    “Silence.” Edgar started to walk around the deck, his bodyguards following him.

    He continued to wonder about Terrence’s motives, and they were a mystery. They had it all, so it surely couldn’t be dissatisfaction.

    “I cannot think of a reason…” Edgar muttered, looking back at his bodyguards. “We were always happy, always together. It just… I do not believe it makes sense.”

    Damian raised his arm. After receiving a confirmation nod from Edgar, he continued. “P-Perhaps you missed something, your Highness?”

    “Me?! Miss something?!”

    Such a preposterous statement. However… Edgar was curious as to what that could mean. Of course, he would never let them know about that curiosity.

    “…Explain yourself, now.”

    Vulcan held out a chuckle at his partner’s expanse. Damian looked at the Fraxure and scoffed, before returning his attention to the prince.

    “W-Well, your Highness, sometimes one sees things that are not there. You have biases, and as such, you may perceive things in a different way than they actually are.”

    “…Hmph.” As much as it made sense, Edgar refused to acknowledge that he was right. Instead, he moved around the deck, next to its edge, to take a look at the ocean.

    It was hard to see his own reflection, but Edgar had a pretty good idea of how he looked.

    I am a prince… I am smart. There is no way I missed anything. Terrence was happy, he had to be!

    Remembering all the time they spent together could help. Edgar considered it, still looking at the sea. To be honest, he still didn’t know how close they were to reaching that town—but Edgar hoped they were landing soon.

    Fine. There are more important things to do. Maybe, in the end, Terrence’s reasons do not matter. I am bringing him home regardless.

    Edgar nodded to himself. Yes, that was his goal. Certainly, his brother would need a little bit of convincing.

    …How am I gonna do that?

    And that was why he needed to find his brother’s reasons. Edgar crossed his arms, groaning. It seemed he’d actually need to reminisce about their lives together. There had to be something that—as much as he hated to admit—he was missing. A detail, a conversation, anything that could help.

    “…That time I found him training, what was it for? Why train at all? We are princes, we have no need for it.”

    Now he got curious. Edgar closed his eyes, focusing on what he could remember. After that conversation, the two didn’t meet until Edgar went to their room, finding Terrence inside.

    “Right. That was it. What did we talk about?”

    Remembering things from two years ago was hard, but Edgar was getting there, eventually. He knew Terrence was angry at him when they met in their bedroom.

    “Hm… I think.. I remember?”

    It was starting to make sense.

    Terry walked through the halls with Liz by his side. His side, not behind him, as he put it. They were equals, after all.

    “Sire, I believe you should rest. Maybe check the infirmary?”

    “I am fine, Liz. If anything… I believe getting hurt just proves my resolve.”

    “Well, it is almost time for dinner. Your father will call you soon, so…”

    “…Right.” Terry sighed. At least he could stay in his room for a while. Unfortunately, Liz was not allowed to join him, but instead of waiting outside, Terry had other ideas.

    “Liz, I want you to return to your quarters. I am going to my room for the moment.”

    “But, Sire… I am your bodyguard—”

    “You are my friend. First and foremost.” Terry glared, crossing his arms. “Listen, I know it is hard to get this off your mind, but… I do not want any of this. I just want to be a normal Tyrunt, alright?”

    “But…” Liz stopped herself, nodding. Trusting his decision, not as a prince, but as her friend. “…Alright, I understand. Should you need me, you can talk to me.”

    “Of course.”

    Terry continued to walk. The hallways almost blended together, especially to him. After so many years living inside them, it was starting to get a bit bland. It was all the same, the same architecture, the same paintings over the walls, same… everything.

    And coupling that with his own wish to escape made the walk a lot more annoying than it should have been.

    Luckily, he still knew how to reach his—and Edgar’s—room. One turn to the left, one turn to the right, climbing a set of stairs… Terry stopped to check the windows, seeing the kingdom from afar. He could almost feel the wind blowing.

    Maybe… I should stay here for a few minutes.

    Terry approached the windows, checking out the view. Houses looked tiny, and Pokémon were reduced to a few dots around the area. But the most important part of all was in the sky: all the stars.

    It was very hard to not look at them. After all, they were all majestic and radiant. Terry almost wanted to touch one.

    What I really want… I want to be free to see them whenever I want. Wherever that may be. With… friends. Yeah, I want friends. Nobody is born to be alone, I will find them, someday.

    For the moment, Terry was trapped in that awful place. Sure, there were subordinates to do his every whim, but… that was awful. Terry walked up the stairs some more, getting to the second floor of the castle.

    The door to his room was larger than all the others, and there were two guards in front already—two Goodra—who let him in without saying a single word.

    …At the very least the bed is nice.

    Terry looked around to see a closet. He removed his cape, putting it inside the closet. Next, he jumped on his king-sized bed, letting out a long sigh.

    I suppose I should just wait for my father to call me.

    Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing Edgar entering the room. His first action was to look directly at his brother.

    “Well, then, I figured you would be here.”

    Almighty Reshiram, you sure love your timing…

    Terry sat down on his bed, eyes almost closed. “Yes, Edgar, I am here. Considering that I was hurt during my training, I desired to rest. I am sure you can understand that.”

    “Understand it? Brother, you should not be doing it in the first place. I mentioned that already.” Edgar rolled his eyes. On the other side of the room was his own bed, which he jumped and sat on. “What were you thinking?”

    …He would never understand me. I cannot let him find out. Terry glanced at his arms, not really feeling the same pain as before, or much of it at all. “Well, I imagined that, in the worst case scenario, our bodyguards would be taken out. If that were to happen, I would like to protect myself.”

    “…That is surprisingly clever of you. I am impressed.” Edgar chuckled a bit. “Well, that is a good reason.”

    Terry blinked, surprised at how easy it was to fool his sibling. “R-Right. Well, it still hurts, but I can—I will get better.”

    Edgar frowned. “Hmmm, well, I suppose that is fine. But please, you should at least get an instructor.”

    “An instructor…?”

    Right, that also made sense. But who? Terry wasn’t sure. Who would even support his decision anyway?


    Maybe her. No, definitely her. She was always there for him.

    “Liz? Do you mean Elizabeth, your bodyguard?”

    “O-Oh, worry not, I will choose a suitable instructor.”

    That should keep Edgar off his back for a little longer… even if he planned to have Liz teach him how to fight anyway.

    Another thunder echoed in the distance, and Edgar was, admittedly, startled by it. He yelped, and immediately looked back to see if his guards had any reaction to it.

    They didn’t. Or at least, didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Either way, Edgar snarled at them. “Nothing happened. I am not afraid of thunderstorms!”

    “Of course, your Highness…” Vulcan cleared his throat. “Would you like me to talk to the captain of this ship?”

    “I assume you mean me,” the prince raised a brow. “But yes, talk to them.”

    Vulcan left to do just that. Meanwhile, Edgar wondered about his brother’s words, even if they did happen long ago.

    Another instructor… I do not remember seeing him with that Roselia training after that. Maybe he was telling the truth. But… hmph, I cannot seem to remember his body language.

    Such a minor detail in the past, but now it seemed to be important. Edgar grumbled, tapping the wooden floor of the ship. He heard more thunder, and after looking ahead, saw them approaching the storm.

    …May the Gods protect us. I cannot show weakness. Not to these peasants.

    So, Edgar wouldn’t. It really was that simple. He took a deep breath—muted by more thunder—and turned around. Damian was still standing still, waiting for orders.

    …At least he can respect authority. Edgar rolled his eyes. Right, he still needed to investigate Terrence’s motives. “You. I have something to ask you.”

    “Y-Yes, your Highness?”

    “Did my brother—did prince Terrence ever consult an instructor? Have you seen him do it?”

    Damian shook his head. “Hm…? N-No, your Highness. Prince Terrence hardly talked to me in the first place.”

    Edgar managed to see the slightest sign of hesitation. Damian took a while to reply, and even when he did, the Druddigon took his time to scratch his stomach a few times.

    How suspicious. Perhaps he knows more than he lets on.

    Better to put some pressure, then. “You are aware who you are talking to, correct?”

    “Y-Yes, your Highness! I am your bodyguard, your servant. I am to follow you—”

    “Wherever I go, yada yada yada.” Edgar rolled his eyes. “I know that already. No, that is not my point. My point is… I would tread very carefully if I were you. You are not hiding something, are you?”

    Damian felt his legs start to turn into jelly, and he opened his mouth to tell the truth—all of it. Before he could do that, however, Vulcan returned, his footsteps heavy.

    “Your Highness!” Vulcan bowed, and Damian did the same. “I bring… news.”

    “Hmph. What is it?”

    “The captain—err, the sailor does not wish to go through the storm. As such, we will take longer. Around twelve hours, since we will be contourning it.

    Great. I did not want to sail through it anyway. But… twelve hours? That is too long!

    Vulcan noticed the king’s foot tapping the ground, and continued. “If we go through the storm, there will be less obstacles, so we may be able to reach it faster. The sailor has predicted eight hours if we go that way.”

    “I see. Thank you.” Edgar turned around, walking in circles. To go through the eye of the storm, or turn the other way? It was safer to turn the other way, but there was a four hour difference.

    If I persevere… perhaps father will reward me! Yes, a prince that went through several adversities to get his brother back.

    Thinking that caused Edgar to slowly start smiling. He even forgot about Damian keeping information away from him. Well, he could handle it later.

    “Let the sailor know we intend to go through the storm.”

    “B-But your Highness!” Vulcan raised his head to protest, only to receive a glare from the prince.

    I am in charge here. It is not a feeble storm that will take us out! I wish to see Terrence as soon as possible… even if it means going through all that.”

    He waved a hand dismissively. “Now, shoo, shoo! Go tell him!”

    Vulcan gulped and left to do that. Meanwhile, Edgar turned his attention back to the Druddigon nearby.

    “Now… I believe we were having a discussion. You will tell me what you know. Otherwise…”

    “O-Of course, your Highness!” Damian did his best impression of a smile and a chuckle.

    Not that Edgar was interested in either. “Stop stalling. What do you know?”

    Damian’s smile was gone. “Well, y-your Highness… I saw him at the training field once. Him and Elizabeth. Prince Terrence threatened me, telling me that I should never say this to anyone. Not even you.”

    “He did that? I… I never believed he could do such a thing…” Edgar closed his eyes and sighed. “Am I really that bad of a brother? How did I not notice this?”

    That wouldn’t do.

    “Tell me more.”

    Not a single soul was awake at that time of the night. They were resting their troubles away, and included the castle’s staff. Even Edgar was asleep. They all were.

    Except for Terry and Liz. The prince panted, watching his opponent not move, vines spreading across the ground.

    “I-I told you… to not hold back.”

    “Yes, and I am not holding back.” Liz retracted the vines, sighing. “We are trying to increase your resistance. I know it hurts, but… you asked for it, Sire.”

    “I know!” Terry shook his head. He wasn’t wearing neither his cape nor his crown, and to be honest, was focusing just on her. “My scales are not that tough…”

    “Hm, I have an idea.” Liz spread out her vines again. “Perhaps one of my instructors can find it. This… thing, it is supposedly called a “TM”. I do not know how it works, but… it supposedly helps you learn new moves faster.”

    “Oh, I remember hearing about it. Interesting stuff.” Terry panted. He ran ahead, going for a headbutt. Liz moved out of the way, slapping him with her vines. The prince fell to the ground, wincing in pain.

    “S-Sire! Did I overdo it?!”

    “N-No, it is fine.” Terry groaned, slowly standing up to face her. “Although… I suppose trying to headbutt you all the time will not work.”

    “Not really. In a real battle, you are meant to have different strategies.” Liz shrugged. “Sire, what moves do you know?”

    “Uh…” Terry had to think hard about that one. “Bite, Tackle… Ancient Power and Rock Throw. I had issues using the last two, though. Takes too much energy.”

    “Interesting, especially considering you are a rock-type.” Liz closed her eyes for a moment. “…I am not qualified to teach you those moves, but like I mentioned, I can try reaching out to my superiors.”

    “I would not mind that.” Terry nodded. “I just want you to teach me how to protect myself. Once we leave… I cannot depend on you to do all the heavy lifting.”

    Even though that is my job… prince Terrence is a strange one. Liz opened her eyes. “Well, I can certainly try. For starters—”

    “Wait!” Terry looked around.

    Considering they were in the middle of the night, it was strange to think that anyone else would be awake that hour. Yet, there was someone else coming to the training field, judging by the heavy footsteps the two started hearing.

    “Oh no…” Terry gulped, stepping back. “B-But we are the only ones—”


    A lone Druddigon entered the field, rubbing his eyes while he walked. Evidently, he was tired, as the rubbing continued for around twenty seconds. When he finally stopped, the Druddigon saw the two others there, in front of him.

    “What the… your Highness? And… Elizabeth?”

    Terry felt his heart stop beating for just a fraction of a second. No, no, no! Someone found out about him! And it was his brother’s guard!

    “What are you two… doing here?”

    “Sire, I—”

    “…I will handle this.” Terry stepped forward, walking towards the Druddigon. “Damian, was it?”

    “Uh, yes, your Highness!” Damian straightened himself, head raised as far as he could.

    “My reasons for being here do not matter to you. But yours does to me.” Terry said, trying to sound imposing. On the inside, he was apologizing repeatedly. Imposing his will on someone else was… awful. I am sorry. I am so, so sorry… I have a secret to keep.

    “W-Well, your Highness, I wanted to train,” he took a quick glance at Liz. “…Which, and this is me assuming, s-sir, is what you two are here for?”

    “I said it does not matter.” Terry said, snarling afterwards. “Listen, Damian, and listen well. I am only saying this once. Do not tell anyone about this. Not to my father, not to my brother, not to any of your friends.”

    With every sentence, Terry paused, getting closer to the Druddigon, until he raised his head to look at Damian.

    “I-I understand, s-sir. Your Highness…” Damian gulped. It was an easy request, all things considered. Looking at the fierce eyes Terrence had, Damian knew he should never, ever consider betraying his words. “I-I will not tell anyone about this.”

    “Under no circumstances. If you do…” Terry stopped, both to prepare himself and to think of a fitting punishment. “Hmph, I think exile will fit you well.”

    “E-Exile?!” Now there was no chance he was going to tell anyone about it.

    “Right. Now, carry on! Back to your room, or wherever it is that you live! Shoo, shoo!” Terry waved at him dismissively, and the Druddigon soon ran away.

    Alone with Liz, Terry stopped to consider his actions. His stomach knotted in on itself, and he snarled. I hate this… I hate this so much… I feel… I want to apologize to him, but I cannot. This is for me. Am I being selfish? Probably, but it is for the best. Edgar will make a better king than me.

    After he finished saying everything, Damian collapsed on his knees. He did… exactly the thing he promised not to do. And if this mission was successful, then Terrence would exile him.

    “I see. My brother threatened you.” Edgar looked towards the sea, frowning. “…I never expected him to do it. It hardly seems like him. All so I would never find out about his training.”

    The prince tapped the floor a few more times. “It is very unorthodox of him to train with a bodyguard. And now that I think about it, a lot of his decisions are… unorthodox.”

    He took a moment to breathe. “Damian, I promise you this. You will not be exiled. We will find my brother, go home, and you will not be punished. In fact, you will receive immense gratification.”

    Damian almost wanted to smile, but who knew how the prince would react if he did?

    “T-Thank you, your Highness.”

    “Hmph. Do not thank me yet. We are not done.”

    Regardless, Edgar was happy with himself, smiling. They just needed to get through the storm and—

    “Oi! What in Kyogre’s name be ye plannin’?!”

    Looking back, Edgar saw Vulcan talking with a Quaxwell, who was steering the ship’s helm.

    “I-I just said the prince wishes to go there! He is the one paying for this, and as such—”

    “Nonsense! I ain’t fixin’ to risk me life just fer some runaway!”

    “Damian, stay here.” Edgar rolled his eyes, walking through the hall, towards the Quaxwell.

    “Eh? Oh, it’s the prince!” Quaxwell said, raising a brow. “Sorry, yer ‘Ighness. I ain’t ready to risk it all.”

    Edgar sniffed the air, wincing. “You smell like alcohol. Are you sure you are capable of steering this ship?”

    “O’ course! I am the best sailor in all o’ Cydonia!”

    “Well, perhaps you find yourself hesitant now, but…” Edgar smiled. A devious smile. “…What if I paid you double the amount? Instead of a thousand poké, I can give you two thousand. And we go through the storm.”

    “T-Two thousand?!” Quaxwell nearly fell from the shock alone. “…N-Nah! I ain’t riskin’ my life fer that amount!”

    “I see. Very admirable, I have to admit.” Edgar crossed his arms. “Very well, then. Four thousand.”


    “Four and a half.”

    Quaxwell took it into consideration and nodded. “Aight. I’ll take y’all through the storm.”

    “See? It was easy.” Edgar turned back, climbing down the stairs. “Come, Vulcan.”

    “O-Of course, your Highness.” Vulcan took a look at the clouds—they were getting closer. Not that he was doubting the prince’s decisions, but it was dangerous. At least the ship was big…

    Edgar walked towards Damian, and then turned back. “I am hungry. One of you will make me a meal—I do not care which one.”

    Vulcan and Damian locked eyes.


    “You do it.” Damian moved his head away. “You know I am not good with cooking.”

    “Tch, fine.” Vulcan glared.

    “Stop slacking and follow me already!” Edgar shouted at them. He was already up the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

    Once they arrived, Edgar sat in one of the tables, the furthest from all the others.

    Ah… I think it has been a while since Terrence and I shared a meal. It was always nice…

    Their father was not a good cook—but then again, he didn’t need to be. They had chefs for that exact reason.

    Still, having them all together in the kitchen was nice. Even if our mother is no longer with us…

    That was a little too sad to think about. Edgar just waited instead. Damian sat on a distant table, and the prince almost wanted to sit nearby. But… they were his guards, he was to sit alone. They should not, and would not join him.

    It does feel nice to remember that. All the feasts we had… I liked them. All of them. Terrence left, despite that. Were we not enough for him?

    Once again, he was considering the possibility that his brother left due to not being satisfied. It was making more sense the more he thought about it, as much as it hurt to do so.

    Edgar thought that, once they arrived in the town, he would get his answers. And that was enough to relax him, even if only a little bit.

    Still… I remember a lot of happy moments back at the castle. Did Terrence not notice them? He always seemed happy…

    For once, the weather was good. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect for anyone to relax. But not for Edgar.

    That day, his father had invited them all for a special feast. And, to make it better, Edgar was allowed to bring someone with him—a Salandit friend of his.

    “Come on now, Adelaide!” Edgar was walking through the halls. She was by his side, and the two guards behind them. “It is a tad unusual for my father to let you come, but… I love it!”

    “Teheh. You are such a charming young man…” she giggled a bit, following him. Adelaide’s claws were painted with a fine golden color, and she wore a necklace around her neck, with a diamond at the end.

    “Ah, but you know I appreciate you. Your family has helped mine so many times, after all…”

    Adelaide stopped to see one of the paintings. It had the king and his wife, an Aurorus. At the bottom, she could see the two princes standing together. They all looked happy.

    “Hm, she looks gorgeous there…” Edgar looked at the painting as well. “Mother left us when we were young, but… I always heard how much she admired our father.”

    “It is my pleasure, your Highness.”

    Edgar’s tail wagged as he crossed the large door to the dining room, though not before warning his guards to stay behind.

    The dining room was very regal. A large and decorated red carpet covered the floor, held in place by several pieces of furniture. At the middle sat a large, U-shaped table. Multiple plates were set on it, along with the adequate silverware.

    “Splendid…” Edgar whistled, checking the many chandeliers lightening the place up.

    Much to his own surprise, Edgar saw his brother already sitting in his place.

    “Ah, I see he is not late for once. Good, good.” Edgar raised his head and walked to his seat—to the left of the king’s. “Greetings, brother.”

    “Oh, hello, Edgar…” Terry glanced over at Adelaide, seeing her sit next to a Salazzle.

    “I see you brought her this time.”

    Edgar only smiled in return. “Of course! She is my friend. You would know that if you had any.”

    “Hey, I do have friends!”

    “…The Roselia does not count.”

    Why not?! Terry wanted to say that out loud, but he knew better. “…I suppose she does not.”

    Hopefully this feast wouldn’t take too long to be over. Terry wanted it gone, because it was boring and full of pretentious nobles. He still smiled at anyone that looked at him. Doing it that many times before made his forced smile look natural.

    The doors opened again. This time, multiple Kommo-o appeared out of it, clanging their scales in rhythm. All of them danced, moving left and right to announce someone was coming. But not just anyone.

    …Father. Terry thought.

    Justifiably, the doors were tall enough for someone of his caliber to walk through them. Announced with more clanging scales, a Tyrantrum entered the room.

    He was large, his head had many yellow spikes, the feathers around his neck were larger, though he still wore a cape—a brown one. The king’s scales weren’t as red like his species’, and instead, a little on the lighter side—a sign of his age. His large crown was adorned with a large, black diamond at the middle of it. The lighting in the room showed an engraving inside the diamond, but it was hard to make out details.

    Accompanying him was a tall Duraludon, wearing a cape of his own, with a sash around his shoulder, all the way to his waist, decorated with multiple badges.

    “Rejoice!” Duraludon said with a salute. The entire room was in complete silence. “For this is King Terrence Montclair XIII! He has graced you all with his presence today! May this feast be fruitful for all of us!”

    The king looked at the room with his emerald eyes and a neutral expression. Though… it almost looked like a frown, even if he was trying to remain neutral.

    “Greetings, my subjects.” It was all he said as he moved towards his seat, a table larger than all the others, fitting for his size.

    After he sat, the room erupted into claps and cheers. Even Terry was cheering.

    So many pompous royals… they think they are better than everyone else… Terry clapped anyway.

    “…And greetings to you two. I hope I did not take too long to arrive.” King Terrence said to his children, though he didn’t look at them.

    “Worry not, father, I arrived not long ago!” Edgar said with a smile on his face. “In fact, my brother was here long before I was.”

    The king finally looked at Terry. “Is that so?”

    “I-Indeed. I had time, so I came here before anyone else.” Not a lie, for once. Terry gulped. At least the feast was starting soon. The sooner it did, the sooner it would end.

    “Ah, I understand. It is good that you wish to start so early. I also asked the chefs to start cooking a while ago, which means…”

    With a snap of his claws, the king gestured, or rather, commanded. In response, a door positioned at the right end of the room swung open with grandeur, unveiling a multitude of chefs and waiters, each bearing enormous trays laden with the food for the feast.

    “Rejoice, my subjects! For today, we will feast and discuss important news for the kingdom…” he clapped his hands, and a chef walked towards his room, putting down a tray. It contained a rather large piece of meat, decorated with parsley and lettuce. Just sniffing it was enough for the king to get hungry.

    Father eats a lot… Terry gulped. A waiter put a similar plate on the table, with more meat, but this one was seemingly made from Crawdaunt, judging from how it looked. He took a chunk and began to eat.

    “Father, what are we here to discuss, exactly?” Edgar waited for his own food—a stew, which Edgar recognized to have a few bits of Lumineon in it.

    “Important business. I would like to ask how the economy is doing. Are we exporting enough products? We have enough metals in the mine to export them…” The king said after munching on his meat.

    The one that answered was a rather large Dusknoir, wearing a black fedora. “Your Highness, production has increased by fifty percent. The business is booming.”

    “Ah, splendid.”

    “How about the citizens—err, the common folk?” Terry almost let it slip, but he quickly corrected himself. “Are they satisfied with the current rule?”

    “As usual, brother, you worry too much about them.” Edgar had grabbed a soup and blew on his stew to cool it a little. “But I checked. Satisfaction seems to be the case.”

    “Good to know!” Terry said. He was happy that the citizens were enjoying the rule, because it meant less reasons for him to stay behind.

    “How pleasant.” The king raised his arm, holding an empty glass, and a waiter came to pour wine into it. He started sipping the drink. “Exquisite.”

    “Father.” Edgar didn’t look at the king, but called out to him all the same. “I am fifteen, Terrence is sixteen. When will we learn about important—and pardon my language, kingly matters?”

    …Great. Terry held the urge to roll his eyes. His smile was still there, and it was starting to hurt keeping it up. “Indeed! I had a good time with my physics and math instructors, but I would love to learn more history…”

    That wasn’t a lie either. At least partially. History was a fun subject, and learning it helped prevent bad things from happening like in the past. Math, on the other hand? Annoying and time-consuming.

    “Hm, I suppose I could have you two start learning politics…” he called for more meat, and the waiter brought it to the king. “But I can say it will not be any easier than what you are learning now.”

    “I do not want it to be.” Edgar smiled. He continued to eat his stew, only stopping to take a sip of berry juice. “I may not be the next in line for the throne, but I wish to learn either way, in order to help my brother.”

    Why did he say it like that? Terry’s heart sank. He ate his food in silence, not really in the mood to say anything. Maybe I should try to learn how to pilot a boat. Maybe that way I can leave this place.

    “Good answer,” Terrence said. But then he noticed the actual next king was quiet. He looked over at Terry. “What is your answer, son? Would you like me to add political classes for you as well?”

    No. But that is not something I can tell him. Terry forced himself to smile once more. “Of course! I would love to!”

    “Very well.” The king turned his attention to the other royals, raising the glass. “Have you all heard it? My sons are getting ready to take their place… and I could not be prouder of them!”

    Another round of applause came. Edgar raised his head, grinning widely, while Terry just kept smiling to the best of his abilities. As long as he kept the charade up, nobody would suspect a single thing. He would leave… it’d take some time, but he would leave. Sooner or later.

    “Now… let us continue partying! I want to celebrate this development! And together with all of you, I can!”

    King Terrence had a refill on his wine and raised the arm carrying it, causing some of the royals to do the same—those that were of drinking age, anyway.

    Edgar winced, his cape billowing in the fierce gusts threatening to tear it from his grasp.

    “Madness, I say! Utter madness!” The Tyrunt’s voice strained against the howling winds as raindrops clung to his scales.

    Despite the darkened sky, occasional flashes of thunder illuminated his surroundings. Not that it made things any better. Apart from the rain, the very sea was against him, waves crashing against the wooden ship with such intensity Edgar was barely able to stay up.

    “Y-Your Highness, are you okay?!” Vulcan approached the prince, staying behind him in case he was thrown back by the wind, or by the waves.

    Damian was nearby, on Edgar’s right. “Your Highness…?”

    “I-I am fine!” Edgar’s pants said otherwise. His legs trembled, and he kept looking forward to where the ship was sailing. “H-How long until we reach the shore?!”

    “Captain Quaxwell!” Vulcan said as loud as he could, which, considering the rain, wasn’t very much.

    Despite that, the bird heard him. “We ain’t takin’ long! A few more hours!”

    “Great! I have to put up with this for hours!” Edgar winced again. “Vulcan, Damian, take me to my quarters! I will not stay here for another minute!”

    As they prepared to make their move, a colossal wave surged against the ship, dwarfing the previous ones in power. Such was its force that the trio of dragons was sent tumbling to the deck.

    “GAH!” Edgar coughed a bit, taking a deep breath. He was more soaked than ever, and though he tried getting up, his legs hurt. “You two are useless! I said to take me to my quarters!”

    Vulcan coughed a bit of water, and slowly stood up, just in time to hear another thunder. This one hit very close to the ship, and the sound made his earholes ringing.

    “G-Guh. Y-Your Highness, I am—”

    I do not care!”

    “A-Alright, your Highness.” Vulcan ignored the ringing and the pain to make his move, along with Damian. The latter was checking the corners of the ship for any potential attackers.

    On their way to the inner quarters, they heard the Quaxwell steering the ship, slowly. “Lads, stay there! I be tryin’ to control the ship, but it be gettin’ ‘ard!”

    “I-I can help!” Vulcan blurted out. Anything to not deal with the prince any longer. “Your Highness, may I?”

    “Fine! Just get us to that bloody town so I can get my brother back!”

    And Edgar was soon in front of his room. Damian opened the door, about to enter it…

    “No! You stay outside! Help them steer the ship for all I care! I will be left alone!”

    “O-Of course, your Highness.” Damian turned around. Was it better than dealing with him? Probably. Either way, he ran towards the deck.

    Meanwhile, Edgar entered the room, panting and collapsing to his knees. Now that he was alone, he had the luxury to do that. Doing it in front of his subjects was… not worthy of a prince.

    “H-Hah… hah… Terrence… I am coming for you… I will be very upset if you do not come back with us.”

    Surely Terrence would see the light and return. He had to. Edgar took off the cape, trying to dry it off. Through the windows, he heard more thunder.

    “Why did he have to pick such an obnoxious place? I swear, brother, you are so unorthodox…”

    Just a few more hours. A few more hours and he’d reach shore. Reach the shore, see his brother, convince him to return, and finally come back to his rightful place.

    “I can wait… I can wait a little longer…”

    He took a deep breath. Just a few more hours. Maybe he could sleep it off. Yes, sleep and wake up when everything was over.

    A good idea, but in the middle of the storm? Unlikely. Edgar wanted to try it anyway.

    He laid in the bed, closing his eyes. Picturing himself amidst a dark void, and every thunder just flashed inside the void. Edgar breathed in and out, in and out.

    Father, I am bringing him back… I know it.

    Slowly, his body started to relax. Nothing was bothering him anymore, certainly not the storm. Edgar began to whistle to himself to try and deafen all the thunder. Almost there. Almost there.

    So close he could picture it: him and Terrence, returning home to a triumphant party. Apart from the punishment their father would likely give. But it was close… just a little longer… and he could sleep… sleep… and wake up later…

    Just… sleep…

    “Your Highness! Please wake up!”

    Edgar squinted his eyes—even while they were closed, and slowly opened them up. Although blurry at first, he could make out the silhouette of a familiar Fraxure.

    “Urgh… Vulcan?!” Whatever grogginess he had was broken and replaced by anger. “You are in my room, leave!”

    “O-Of course, your Highness. I only entered to let you know… we just arrived.”

    Hearing it made the prince’s eyes widen in response, and he jumped out of his bed. “We arrived?!”

    “I-Indeed. Damian already picked up the trumpets, and we have your bags ready. We took the liberty of paying the sailor already, and he will wait for us for around three days.”

    Edgar adjusted his cape, clearing his throat. “Ah, I see. Well done, Vulcan, I will be sure to give you a promotion when we get back.”

    “T-Thank you, your Highness.” Vulcan straightened his position. “Shall we go?”

    “We shall, indeed.” Edgar smiled. Finally, at his destination!

    The two left the room, walking up to the deck. Captain Quaxwell was nowhere to be seen. Not that Edgar particularly cared about it, as long as he took them back.

    Damian carried two bags in his back, though they weren’t heavy. “Your Highness! We are ready for the mission. However, I must warn you: this town has no port.”

    “No port? Terrence picked the worst place to run off to.” Edgar walked to the edge of the ship, and after seeing the sand nearby, winced. “…This place is awful. It is hardly befitting of one prince, let alone two!”

    “I am sure he had his reasons, your Highness.” Damian said, already behind the prince.

    “Hmph, I suppose he did.” Edgar wondered how to leave the boat, turning to Damian. “…I have one request. You will do it without a single complaint or comment, do you understand?”

    “O-Of course.”

    “Jump, and then I will jump after you. You are to pick me in your arms, Damian.”

    It was easy enough. The Druddigon jumped, turned around and waited for Edgar to hop, picking him up mid-air. Then, he put the prince down.

    “Well done. We are ready to see this… Thornwell town. Prepare the trumpets, please.”

    Now, more than ever, Edgar was bringing him back.

    This chapter was named after this little song:


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