The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In the wake of recent news, Liz makes it her goal to train as much as possible, until her body breaks, she evolves, or she’s strong enough to defeat Zero. Whatever happens first.

    Stay strong, my wings. Don’t fail me now.

    We can make it, we’ll do it somehow.

    Keep flying on through the day.

    On my love!

    It was a bright, sunny day in the town of Thornwell. Every citizen was awake already, doing their duties for the day. For some, that was selling goods. For others, construction. But all of them had something to do.

    For Liz, her main goal was to train. Train and get stronger, so she could protect those weaker than herself—or at least, that was what she told herself. True strength, as she came to find out, was hard to grasp, but saying she wanted to help others made it easy for her to set a goal. Of course, she still needed to actually train.

    Liz flinched, seeing smoke sprouting in front of her. A simple strategy, but very effective. Blinding her first, then using that opportunity to strike. Of course, such a strategy was easy for someone like her to counter. All she needed to do was relax and prepare for the attack.

    Straightening her legs, preparing vines—her posture was set. Liz saw a different color to the smoke, a hint of orange that moved and swooshed in the air: fire.

    “Hiyah!” Onyx announced her entrance with a scream, her fist coated in orange flames as she prepared to strike Liz.

    Liz simply spun around, before she jumped over Onyx, raising her petals and jabbing her, poison coating the flowers in her arms. “Sloppy!”

    “Tch!” Onyx was hit by the attack, landing on the ground. The flame in her tail burnt brightly, and she turned around, claws shining like metal. “Not so fast!”

    Seeing the attack coming, Liz dodged it, backing away. Once, then twice, then three times. Onyx kept trying the same attack repeatedly, as if doing the same thing would yield any different results. Liz thought it wasn’t a very smart move, if at all. What was she trying to accomplish?

    “I do not understand what you plan by doing this, but—” Liz dodged another strike, but her words slowed her down enough that it almost hit her. Cringing, she punched the Charmeleon once more, flowers coated with poison.

    However, before the attack could connect, Onyx ducked, backflipping away from the attack, watching the smoke settle. Liz smiled, the poison vanishing from her flowers.

    They stood atop the sun-drenched hill, overlooking their team’s headquarters. The scorching rays of the sun beat relentlessly upon them, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain. Luckily, there weren’t any onlookers or potential interruptions nearby, granting the freedom to focus solely on their training. Only Liz, Onyx, and…

    Amelia cleared her throat. She slurped a juice prepared by the team’s cook, lowering the sunglasses in her face. “I take it you two aren’t finished yet?”

    “Of course not!” Liz raised a brow, getting ready to fight again. “I must train. That opponent was simply too strong for us… but not for long. I will surpass him!”

    “Y’know, that’s a fine enough goal.” Onyx said, but she shrugged afterwards. “…’Cept we don’t know a lot about that guy, what he’s plannin’, and all that. Sure you’re up for the task?”

    “I will, I must be.” Liz said, her voice laced with venom. “It is my duty. I will not be weak. There are… others that need protection, and I will give them that.”

    …Not again. I will never be weak again. I must be… strong.

    Not once did the thought of helping Terry cross her mind. For now, all Liz could focus on was her own strength.

    Amelia gave out a loud sigh, rubbing her head. “Alright, you two are lucky I’m on break today. I will heal any of you to the best of my capabilities, but that doesn’t mean you can just act recklessly. Is that clear?”

    “Aye, aye.” Onyx grinned.

    “Interesting choice of words,” Liz crossed her arms, looking straight at Onyx. “You were not actually trying to win. You were holding back, I just know it. Like Shiron.”

    “…He holds back?”

    “That Marshtomp shares a different opinion about fighting than we do, so I can tell he holds back.” Liz shook her head. “It does not matter, this is about you. I accepted your offer to spar, but if you are not going to put any effort into this, then—”

    Onyx pouted, a puff of smoke coming out of her nostrils. “Listen, I wasn’t. I… I mean, I don’t wanna hurt you too much y’hear? Plants and fire don’t mix all that well.”

    Hearing that, Liz almost let her emotions get the best of her. Almost. Blowing out at her training partner wouldn’t help either of them, but the words Onyx said were the strongest of poisons, they reminded Liz of her training, of all that she had to endure. An opponent holding back against her was preposterous.

    “Hm… I figured that was the case.” Liz took a deep breath, letting all the air inside, then out. In, and out. It helped calm down, and she needed that. “…I understand your point. However, Onyx, if you do not push me, how can I evolve?”

    Onyx just shrugged. “Well, we could get ya that stone? It’d make the process a lot faster, for one.”

    But Liz shook her head. “I considered it, but I want to achieve my evolution through my own power, not any shortcuts.”

    Although… the Crack is very tempting.

    “Own power, huh?” Onyx grinned again, the fire in her tail bursting further. “Heh, I respect that! Alright, c’mon! We gotta train some more!”

    To help with this, she pounced towards Liz, surprising the Roselia, leaving little to no room for her to properly react. It all happened in a flash.


    Before she knew it, Liz was down on the ground, Onyx pinning her down with two arms, and grinning wildly. “I can do this. But don’t be reckless, alright? It’s training, not a battle to the death!”

    Liz could feel all her insides rushing to her face, twisting it into a deep blush, before Onyx moved off of her, cracking her knuckles.

    “I-I… Promise not to be reckless. I will… try.” Liz stood up, composing herself. “Let us continue!”

    Waddle, waddle waddle. Terry climbed the hill, holding a brand new comic book in his arms. It had the cover of a Drizzile hugging what appeared to be a Salandit/Helioptile hybrid. Said Drizzile looked flustered, but happy at the same time. It was probably a fun story.

    “This heat is awful…” Terry looked at his cape; it wasn’t built for that kind of heat at all. “…Almost makes me miss Cydonia, it rains all the time there.”

    Behind the Tyrunt came Shiron, holding a chocolate bar that he was munching on. His scarf bothered the scales, especially with how hot the day was, but he kept it on anyway. Better than being naked, he told himself.

    “Missing home, huh?”

    Terry turned to face his friend. “Right… you don’t remember yours, right? Sorry for mentioning this.”

    “Nah, don’t worry, I’m alright. I think.” Shiron shrugged, eating more of the chocolate. Good, but not as good as whatever Magnus baked for him. Funny enough, he kept thinking more about that Quilladin. It… probably didn’t mean anything, he thought about all his friends!

    One of them—Terry—kept staring, like Shiron was stuck inside his own little world. “…You’re doing it again, not really moving. Are you alright? Is the heat getting to you?”

    That promptly sent him back to reality. “Oops, sorry! I was just… really thinking about this chocolate. It’s really good.”

    “Oh, that’s fair.” Terry resumed walking up the hill, peeking at the comic every now and again. Once they entered the HQ, they could all rest a little, and take shelter from the heat—

    “Eat this!”

    Onyx jumped again, trying to land another punch, but Liz backed off, and she only hit the ground. Still, the impact left a small crater on the ground.

    “Oh, Reshiram almighty.” Terry stopped on his tracks, watching the fight with widened eyes. His eyes darted to Liz, who kept dodging attack after attack, but sometimes, Onyx almost hit her, getting increasingly closer. “Liz! Don’t overexert yourself!”

    Liz heard him, moving her head to see him. “Sire, I—”

    “Hah, sloppy!” Onyx used the distraction as an opportunity, jumping and spinning around, before hitting Liz with her tail, knocking the plant back, while Onyx landed on her feet with a smirk. “Hehe.”

    “Tch… I was sloppy, but you’re—you cannot call me that, not when you are… sloppier.” Liz stood up, rubbing her face where the punch hit, and spitting a little. “This is not over.”

    Terry let out a loud sigh, shaking his head. “Liz… training is fine, just don’t get yourself hurt.”

    “Y-Yeah!” Shiron arrived, having finished his chocolate. He looked at Amelia. “But… she’s there to help, r-right?”

    Amelia shrugged. “I will, but yes, it’s better to be careful.”


    Liz walked forward, preparing to fight once again. Her flowers dripped with poison, but she was smiling. “Very well, Onyx. You are very strong, I must admit. But… winning will make me stronger.”

    “Took the words right outta my mouth!” Onyx laughed, before she charged again, cutting the distance between them in a matter of seconds.

    She started with a slap of her tail, one that Liz dodged. Afterwards, Onyx prepared her claws, slashing away while Liz was busy dodging the previous attack. This time, it connected, but Liz wasn’t sent anywhere by the attack.

    There was a plan on her part as well. Liz smiled, jabbing Onyx right in the chin, sending her into a scream of pain, as her scales started being corroded by the poison, and forcing Onyx to back off a few feet.

    “Is that the best you can do?!”

    Terry had watched the fight a little longer, but as it continued, he moved to the sidelines, sitting down on the ground with Shiron by his side. They got under a tree, thanking the shadow for alleviating a little of the heat.

    “She’s always like this…” the prince muttered, looking at the fight. “Liz pushes herself too much all the time. I don’t like it.”

    Shiron heard him and turned to his friend. “All the time…?”

    “Ever since I met her. Before she became my bodyguard, me and my brother watched her train with the other cadets.” Terry explained, frowning. “…The guard is mostly composed of dragons, but a few other types have joined. Liz is one of them.”

    Well, now I’m curious… Shiron thought. Should he probe more? Would it be invading Terry and Liz’s privacies?

    “…Can I ask you about it?”

    Terry sighed, slowly nodding. “Yeah, I don’t mind. Liz was… and I suppose always will be… complicated.”

    As he watched the intense fight unfold before him, Terry was both captivated and worried about Liz’s relentless flurry of punches, a sight he was all too familiar with. Each strike was precise, landing most of the time. One more punch connected with its target, and Terry flinched involuntarily, a vivid memory flooding back.

    It was a day much like any other, with the exception of the heavy responsibilities that Terry carried on his shoulders. He and his brother, Edgar, had been entrusted with overseeing the rigorous training of the royal guard. Together, they stood in one of the sides of the vast training area—a long, plain field where the guards were allowed to fight and hone their skills without constraint.

    For this session, they were overseeing one of the knights—a Baxcalibur, fighting against three Pokémon: Liz, a Noibat, and a Jangmo-o. Two dragons and a grass-type, fighting another dragon. They were obviously at a disadvantage, but the entire point of the training was surpassing that.

    Once the brothers arrived, Terry noticed that the trainees were already bruised—Liz herself had part of her arm covered in ice, and had stopped fighting to give all their attention to the princes. Terry gulped, frowning at the sight. Could he do something about it…?

    “Now, now. I know we are the heirs—or at least Terrence is, and as such, we are a sight for sore eyes.” Edgar smirked, raising his head in the most pompous way possible. His gray cape flickered in the wind. “…However, our presence here does not mean you can simply stop! It is our duty to oversee this training session, and as such… I order you to continue.”

    “Edgar…” the other Tyrunt muttered, knowing his brother was always like this. Terry was never one for royal life, and his brother was the exact opposite. “W-Well, yes! I think we must proceed, right?”

    “Be more imposing, brother.” Edgar rolled his eyes, huffing. “But yes, we should. Proceed!”

    Liz panted, looking at the two princes. In front of them, she could not show any kind of weakness, not even when her arm was burning from the ice in her flesh. She stood up, wrapping vines around that… and ripping the chunk of ice off of her. “Urgh! U-Ur…”

    “Pay attention!” Baxcalibur stomped the ground, causing a small shake. “I will not hold back anymore! This will be a simple exercise, to show your strategic thinking! I will charge my attack, and you will have the chance to deal with it! If you let me charge…”

    A smirk ran across his face. “Well, I doubt the princes will be enjoying it.”

    Despite that, Edgar’s tail wagged. “Hm… I am curious. Keep going!”

    Baxcalibur raised his head as high as he could, and started charging a beam. The air around his mouth got colder, shards of ice forming, coming together to form a ball. More and more energy was poured inside, expanding the ball.

    Ice Beam…? Terry wondered if that was the attack. It could be something else, and frankly, he didn’t know enough about ice-type moves.

    Hm, intriguing. I should not charge blindly. Liz wondered, watching the air gathering around the dragon’s mouth. Regardless of what the attack was supposed to be, Liz wasn’t about to let herself be hit by it.

    But at the same time, I cannot stand around doing nothing. She charged ahead, preparing an attack. Her options were, unfortunately, limited to absorbing a bit of energy from the dragon, launching poisonous darts, or spores to paralyze him. Her other attack was for healing purposes—Life Dew, as it was called.

    Out of those three, she chose the latter, preparing to jump and strike. However, before she could, the Noibat nearby flew faster, flapping her wings to speed up, before trying a headbutt. Her hope was to stop the attack from charging.

    Hm, even if the attack is not ready, I am sure it can still— Liz’s eyes widened in realization. While the attack wasn’t ready, the dragon could still launch it, and it would be devastating for Noibat. “Stop it, you will—”

    It was too late. Baxcalibur roared, unleashing a powerful beam of ice that hit Noibat right in her stomach, sending the small dragon down to the ground.

    Edgar, having watched it, simply shook his head in disapproval. “That was a poor strategy, I must admit. What do you think, Terrence?”

    “I-I…” Terry paused to think. “I am not sure. There were better options, I am sure of it.”

    “Hmph. If she did not notice it, then she is simply too weak, and not proper material for the royal guard.”

    Liz, on the other hand, noticed that Baxcalibur was distracted after using the attack, breathing deeply to regain his composure, and leaving an opening to strike. But… Noibat was wounded, and badly. Faced with this choice, what should she do? Surely, saving the young trainee would not get her in the princes’ good graces. Yet, her instincts said it was the right choice.

    Oh, that’s interesting! Terry watched, noticing that Liz was having trouble deciding what to do. …As a king—urgh, don’t want to be one. Anyway, I think saving your subordinates is important. Will she choose that?

    Next to her, the Jangmo-o had made a decision, rushing to Noibat’s aid as fast as possible. Right before the dragon could do anything, Baxcalibur roared, launching another beam that knocked him out, landing next to Noibat.

    “Damn it!”

    Had she chosen to save her fellow trainee, the same result would happen to her. Yet, not helping someone was just as bad, if not worse. Which one would it be? Herself, or her teammate? Could she do both? Such an important decision was like a mountain laying on her back, but Liz did her best to ignore all instincts.

    Instead, she charged towards the knight. She jumped, spinning her petals and launching poisonous darts that hit the rugged scales of the dragon, but didn’t do much to harm him.

    Huh? Terry was left flabbergasted. Why didn’t she help him?

    Baxcalibur roared, punching Liz when she was close enough and sending her to the ground. Finally, he huffed. “Dismissed! All three of you were knocked out, what a disgrace to the crown! Your princes are right here!”

    “Actually, I do not really mind—”

    Edgar stomped the floor repeatedly. “Sometimes you are too soft for your own good, brother… ahem! I expect a little more out of you next time!”

    “Hmph, I shall train this sorry lot better, your Highnesses!” Baxcalibur bowed. “Please, during the next session, I can assure you they will have better results. To join as your personal bodyguards, they must.”

    Liz panted, slowly standing up. She had a move that could heal the others, but… she wasn’t ordered to. “E-Err, I believe I can help them heal. Lately, I have been practicing Life Dew. It is not my best move, but—”

    “Don’t talk out of line, Elizabeth!” Baxcalibur roared, causing her to be quiet. “…Apologies, your Highnesess.”

    Oh, is that her name? How lovely.

    “No, let her talk.” Terry raised his voice slightly. “She wants to help.”

    Liz bowed, getting to her knees. “Thank you, your Highness. I practiced the move Life Dew, which lets me heal others, as well as myself. I believe this will help my fellow trainees.”

    “Hm…” Terry scratched his chin, before smiling. “Good plan! Please, mister Baxcalibur, heal your soldiers as well as you can. Me and my brother—”

    “We shall take our leave.” Edgar said, huffing a little smoke out of his nostrils. “While this presentation certainly… lacked in a few aspects, it makes up for it in others.”

    Baxcalibur put a hand on his chest, as a sign of respect. “Yes, sir!”

    Nodding to his subordinate, Edgar began to walk off, before he realized his brother stayed behind. Rolling his eyes, Edgar called his attention with a snarl.

    “Terrence, come on!”

    “M-My apologies…” Terry gulped, waddling towards his sibling. The two walked out of the camp.

    Along the way, they meandered past the garden, where vibrant blooms reached as far as their eyes could see, bringing serenity to the landscape. Diligent servants tended to the oasis, nourishing the plants with water and trimming away any unruly foliage.

    Edgar sniffed the air, his small tail wagging. “Ah… I just love the smell of flowers. It really makes you appreciate what you were given.”

    Then, he stopped, clearing his throat. “See, Terrence, this is what we should strive for, our dream! To lead our people to a brighter tomorrow! It is in our blood, and we must accept it!”

    There he goes again… always eager to talk about our lineage of royals. I cannot understand my own brother. Terry sighed, but smelled the flowers as well. As annoying as Edgar could be, he had a point; the place was beautiful. Everything else that he said, though? Terry didn’t like it. Not one bit.

    …Maybe a change of subject was warranted. He did want to talk about the trainees. “Ahem, Edgar! While I appreciate your… enthusiasm about our lineage, I believe there are other matters to discuss.”

    Edgar, taken out of his speech, pouted slightly. “Very well. This is about the trainees, correct?”

    A nod, but before Terry answered, he ordered one of the servants to rest, seeing they were drenched in sweat.

    “…Yes, the trainees. We are supposed to pick one to be our personal bodyguard. It feels like a tough decision.”

    “Of course it is! Personally… I am intrigued by that Roselia. She did consider the mission above all else. However… I could tell she hesitated.”

    Hesitated as in, wanted to save a comrade. Terry sighed. …I think that is more important than the mission, but Edgar would never believe me.

    “What about you, brother? What do you think about her?”

    Terry opened his mouth, but he didn’t know much about her, or at least not enough to properly voice his opinion. He did want to know more about her, though.

    Another punch brought him back to the present, just in time to see Onyx falling to the ground, panting and grinning. She was bruised, but so was Liz, with a few burns in her body. They weren’t enough to knock her out, but still…

    “Hmph. I warned you, didn’t I?” Amelia left her chair, crossing her arms as she approached the two. “How long have you two been training?”

    Onyx chuckled, standing up to shrug. “Like… two hours, give or take. Dunno exactly, it was so fun I didn’t pay attention.”

    “Then I will be as blunt as possible: you need a break.” Amelia said, first to Onyx, and then to Liz, the Roselia glaring back at her. “I mean it, nobody here is overstepping their limits.”

    “Suit yourself.” Liz scoffed.

    Amelia clapped her hands together, enveloping them both in a bright, pink glow of healing aura. “Stay close. This pulse is enough to heal your wounds. They aren’t serious.”

    Letting the energy envelop her, Liz sighed in relief. Training will not yield any results right now, but in the near future, I will be able to see them. I just need to be patient.

    “Yo!” Terry ran towards the girls, still holding the comic in his arms. “Are you two alright? Nothing broken?”

    Shiron followed him, but slowly. “Uh, hi Liz, hi Onyx! And Amelia, too! Hope we didn’t interrupt all the training, haha…”

    “Not at all.” Liz rolled her eyes. Then, to Terry, she smiled. “Don’t—do not worry. Like Amelia said, she is healing us.”

    Onyx grinned at the two, adjusting her hat. “Phew, your friend’s really tough! Fightin’ was fun, and we’re okay.”

    “Tell me about it!” Terry chuckled a bit.

    “Well… I must admit, it was a fun match.” Liz nodded.

    Yes, it was. And it would make her stronger. Liz had to keep pushing herself, no matter how painful it got, because she had to win. In a way, joining this—unnamed—team was more helpful than she thought, allowing her to surpass her own limits.

    Terry frowned a little. He turned to the others, getting their attention. “Can I have a minute or two with her? It won’t take long.”

    “Right!” Shiron gave him a nod, moving with the other two towards the entrance to their HQ.

    Back at the hill, Terry watched them go, only turning to see Liz when he was sure they wouldn’t peek.

    “They’re pretty nice, don’t you think?”

    Liz nodded. “I suppose they are. I still believe you are better off in the kingdom, with your family, but… if this is your desire, then I will support you the entire way.”

    There it was, the thing Terry was thinking the most about. Liz, like always, was putting her life on the line for his, all because of tradition, because she was chosen to be his bodyguard.

    “…Don’t overdo it. I don’t want you getting hurt for my sake, alright?”

    But what could Liz do, when that was her entire role?

    “I… am unsure if I can ever do that, Sire—”

    Terry stared right through her.

    “…Terry. It is my duty to protect you, and as such, I will go through any lengths to get stronger for your sake. You know I must.”

    “Do I, now?” Terry huffed, tapping the ground a few times while he prepared his next few words. His silence was deafening, capable of shattering everything in Liz.

    “…Here you are, training day after day, for what? To protect me?”

    Liz pouted. “Of course I am! I must defeat that, that—whatever that Pokémon was! For your sake! For—”

    No! Can’t you see, Liz?!” Terry’s voice cracked, his clenched fists turning the comic into a crumpled mess. His fangs were bared into a snarl. “This is not for me! It’s not about protecting us or our friends! It’s about your own wounded pride! You’re seeking validation through victory!”

    Liz fell silent, allowing Terry’s words to reverberate within her. Contemplating the truth buried within his accusation… was he right? This battle was about herself, not her prince’s safety? Personal satisfaction?

    “I… I’m not complaining, Liz.” Terry’s voice quivered, barely audible. His body trembled, while tears welled up, tracing a path down his cheeks. “In fact, I’m glad you’re putting yourself first. But please, whether it’s for me or for yourself, promise me you won’t do anything foolish. I… I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”

    “S-Sire—Terry…” Liz held back her own emotions, and her urge to hug him, to remind him that everything was going to be okay. Because… she wasn’t sure she could stop herself from doing anything like that. But she could try.

    Nevertheless, she took a hesitant step forward, closing the distance between them. With resolve, she enfolded the prince in a tight embrace, offering solace and support for as long as he needed.

    “Thank you. I promise to be careful.”

    “I… I understand.” Terry sighed in relief, keeping the hug. However, he grumbled a little, noticing the state his comic was left in. “Aw, man… I’m gonna have to buy another one!”

    Liz pulled herself away, clearing her throat. “Ah, apologies for making you do that.”

    “It’s fine…”

    Someone whistled, coming from the headquarters. Terry turned around, seeing Shiron waving at the two. On his side was Magnus, holding a large tray with waffles, a few berries… and syrup? It was enough for his mouth to start watering.

    “Well, I know you don’t eat like we do. Would you still like to join us?”

    Liz considered, but shook her head. “Apologies, Terry, but I will meditate a little here.”

    “Suit yourself! Come on in when you’re ready!” Terry nodded, waddling towards the others.

    Liz settled herself upon the sun-drenched hill, taking a seat, looking down at the ground, as much as she wanted to gaze upon the radiant orb in the sky. Inhaling deeply, she embraced the warmth of the sun, savoring the energy infusing her being.

    Alright, this should be easy… I always enjoyed meditating. It helps bring me ease, to soothe all my worries.

    She took another deep breath, relaxing her body and letting everything go. Her mind focused on Terry’s words, on the reason why she was training so hard. He was right, but… was she? Was she doing the right thing? They were living peacefully, and maybe, just maybe, that was good.

    …No. Maybe for them, but I doubt it is to me.

    How long had she been doing this? Fighting… was her life. It always was, and it always would be. Liz almost wanted to chuckle at that, because her current life had nothing to do with fights.

    Unlike back in the kingdom. No, everything was different. Her sleep schedule, what she did in the day, who she talked to… it was all different. Until she met Terry.

    The memory was vivid and haunting. Torrential rain cascaded down from the heavens, while the chilling winds howled like mournful spirits. Most of the others had sought shelter and succumbed to sleep. But not Liz.

    Her resolve absolute, Liz found herself drawn to the training area. As the raindrops pelted down her body, her determination itself shielded her from any harm. With a deep breath, she thrust her right arm forward, then her left one, then the right one again. With every movement, she grew more accustomed to her surroundings.

    Must… keep going.

    Liz jumped, spinning in the air while letting her vines out, whipping at the air itself, and sending a few of the droplets out of the way, before more came from above. She landed on her feet, panting.

    “N-Not yet… I’m not done just yet…”

    Once again, she jumped, doing the same trick. This time, however, it was slightly faster, taking more out of her. But Liz still didn’t quit. She wanted to perfect this maneuver, and as such, continued to try. Again. And again. And again.

    “More… I must… I…”

    With every spin, Liz panted more. With every move, she grew more tired. The toll on her body was only growing, but she showed no signs of stopping.

    Meanwhile, under a large tent—where the soldiers stood to rest—was one of the princes, wearing his purple cape: Terry. He watched her in silence, contemplating on how to initiate a conversation.

    Seeing her getting increasingly tired did help, at least somewhat. Terry cleared his throat, preparing to talk to her, and whistled as loud as the rain allowed him to.

    She didn’t hear him. Liz was ingrained in the exercise, even if it was getting exhausting. Once again, Terry whistled, louder. Liz still didn’t hear him.

    Oh, this might be a little… rude… but I fail to see another option. Terry stomped the ground, and a chunk of rock flew towards Liz, just as she was spinning.

    “Hm? What?!” Liz cringed, whipping away at the rock with her vines, shattering it into tiny pieces of rubble, before landing. “Hm…? Who did this—”

    She looked to the side, finally locking eyes with the prince. “S-Sire?! What are you doing here?! Have you not seen the storm? The—”

    “Hush, I wanted to talk to you.” Terry said… and heard thunder rumbling in the distance. “But I need you to come over. Please.”

    “Right away, sir.” Liz nodded, walking towards the tent. She walked slowly, taking her time while the rain got stronger. Eventually, Liz was able to find shelter.

    Once they were close enough to each other, Liz kneeled, lowering her head in a bow. “What is it, sir? Sire?”

    “Oh boy…” Terry sighed; this could take a while. “Okay, first, you don’t need to bow. Also, you can call me Terry! I don’t really like all the formality, hence the contractions.”

    “But… it is tradition, Sire.”

    “Well, I don’t care,” he grumbled, pouting. Terry smiled at her next. “Seriously, stand up! I just wanted to talk to you.”

    “Hm… very well, if you insist.” Liz stood up, but still kept herself straight, hardly moving at all.

    “A little too stiff, but I’m sure we can work on it.” Terry groaned slightly. “Well, Elizabeth, is it? Can I call you Liz? It’s shorter.”

    “Well, sire, you are the prince.”

    “Liz it is!” he nodded. “…Well, Liz, I spent my day learning more about you, about your skills. You… weren’t very good at the job, were you?”

    Being so blunt was… not what Liz wanted. Knowing she was talking to the future king meant she should never voice that concern. “No, sir, I was not. Not at first. Even now, I am… weak, compared to the others. During today’s lesson, I hesitated. I should have done better.”

    But Terry shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. I think… you made a mistake.”

    “I beg your pardon, sir?”

    “I think you should have tried to rescue the others,” he said. “No mission is more important than lives, not even those for peace and justice.”


    Liz didn’t have any words to say. Sure, his message was good, he understood where he was coming from, but everyone else taught her differently, so why should she accept this opinion, even if it came from the prince?

    “I… I see, sir. But I cannot accept this. As part of the guard, I cannot fail. I must protect the crown at all costs.”

    “Crown this, crown that…” Terry muttered, looking nearby to find a bench. He sat on it, tapping the bench for Liz to sit as well. “…I’m actually curious. The crown has this strange jewel in it, it’s pitch-black. But I digress, now come on!”

    “Y-Yes, sir.” Liz followed suit, taking a seat. What a strange prince…

    “I’m here because I have an offer for you, Liz!” Terry’s eyes sparkled. “I think—I know you have a lot of potential, and I want to help you unleash it. So… will you be my bodyguard?”

    That entire sentence took Liz off-guard and almost made her fall, only barely managing to hold on. “S-Sir? You want me to guard you?”

    “Well, first you should rest a little. How are you feeling?”

    Liz took a look at herself, and every part of her body was tense. Just moving her arms hurt. “I… was planning on healing myself with Life Dew.”

    “Hm, I think healing yourself doesn’t work as well as healing others, but alright.” Terry nodded slowly. “…Still, you should rest.”

    Why was he telling her all that? All those… good things? Liz was a warrior, tasked with defending the proud lineage Terry was a part of. And yet, there he was, talking with her in the middle of the night, while the rain poured over the kingdom.

    “I do not… understand why you are picking me over the others. I was slow and weak.”

    The prince crossed his arms, shaking his head in disappointment. “That’s not what true strength looks like. I’m sure you can find it, and I promise to help, however I can.”

    Could she really trust him? Should she? He was the prince, he could simply order her to serve him, but he wasn’t doing anything like that.

    It could be worth a try. “I… might need some time to think about this, sir. I am flattered, but… it is a big decision.”

    “Of course! I never expected you to decide this right now, just… let me know, I want to help you, and I think you can help me too.”

    He offered her his paw. Knowing she didn’t have one to shake Terry’s with, Liz elected to create vines, wrapping them around Terry’s paw. She had a small blush on her face.


    “Please, just call me Terry! I swear I won’t mind!”

    “Well, if you insist, I shall… try my best to keep that in mind. It is a tad hard to unlearn proper manners.”

    “Oh, tell me about it!” Terry sighed, but smiled afterwards. “How about we stay here a little longer and watch the rain together? That way you can rest, and stop me from going to my room under this storm. Deal?”

    So simple, yet so charming… Liz couldn’t help but smile at his idea. “Of course, Terry.”

    That was the start of their friendship. Yes, friendship. Liz had friends, she could accept that much.

    …I know I promised Terry I would not do anything foolish, but I suppose training does not count as foolish. I certainly hope so.

    Liz sighed, standing up and stretching her arms. While she wasn’t entirely sure how long she spent meditating, Liz also knew she had to train, as much as she enjoyed laying down to meditate. The training came first.

    Perhaps he worries too much, but that is a good sign. I can count on him.

    Enveloped in her own thoughts, Liz didn’t feel the poke in her arm until heat rose next to her arm; Onyx again.

    “Howdy!” Onyx grinned, spinning her hat with a claw, before putting it on. “Hope I didn’t interrupt your brooding session!”

    Liz scoffed, pouting. “I do not… brood. I was simply meditating!”

    “Sure, sure…” her grin remained, and Onyx flexed her claws. “Alright! I had a nice bit of waffles for lunch, how about we continue our fight?! I don’t wanna let you go on a winning streak!”

    “Hmph… if you actually believe you will win, then you are more naive than I thought.” Liz grinned, stepping back and getting into a fighting stance. “…But your challenge is accepted. What do you say we invert the roles? I attack, and you dodge.”

    “Heh! Kinda doubt I’ll need to dodge, but fine by me!”

    Liz moved her arms, vines protruding from them. With a smirk, the petals in her arms started gathering around, while she moved slightly from left to right, until the petals enveloped her entirely. Liz charged ahead, gathering dust and a large number of petals behind her. Liz jumped, preparing to strike with a swish movement, like a whip.

    Dodge, huh? Onyx thought. Knowing how Liz liked to fight, this was likely a distraction. Substitute? She wants me to hit it! Meaning—

    Onyx ducked under Liz, setting her sights on where the petals were, still in a large quantity, enough to obscure the real Liz, right?

    …Wrong. Behind Onyx, she was struck with a mighty jab, sending her to the ground.

    “I did say you were supposed to dodge.”

    “Don’t worry, I can still keep going!” Onyx stood back up again, still smiling. It seemed she was still full of energy. As was Liz. Thankfully, their battle was uninterrupted.

    That didn’t mean they were alone. Watching the fight from the door were Shiron, Magnus and Terry. Amelia had decided to spend a little more time sunbathing, drinking another berry juice.

    “She sure likes to fight, doesn’t she…?” Shiron rubbed the back of his head. That was one of the few things he didn’t get about Pokémon. Sure, trainers existed back in his homeworld, but nothing like this. At least, not that he knew of. “I wonder why…”

    “It’s her dream to be strong.” Terry said, sitting on the floor. “A way to surpass her past self.”

    “But… why? Why go that far?”

    Magnus looked at Shiron, tapping the Marshtomp on the back. “Sometimes, when you have a dream, it’s really painful. Other times, it gets you really fired up, y’know?”

    “I… didn’t.” Shiron ignored the fact he got a tap and how good it was to focus on the matter at hand. “Maybe I know now. Maybe.”

    But what do you do when you don’t have a dream? Shiron sighed, and went back to watching the two.

    Liz kept moving forward, hitting Onyx every time. Her attacks were relentless, wild, and almost savage. She stopped at nothing to hit her opponent, not giving a single moment to breath. It was sheer luck that Onyx managed to keep up with Liz.

    Finally, Lix went for one last attack; another jab, right when Onyx was in front of her. This was the perfect opportunity to win, and…

    Onyx pulled a trick out of her opponent’s book, spinning and trying to slap the Roselia with her flaming tail. Though she was unsuccessful, Liz ended up falling on her rear.

    “Alright, I give up! You win!” Onyx said, panting and gasping for air. “K-Kinda tired, so… let’s end it here.”

    “What, but I did not—you—but…”

    Onyx just shook her head. “Nah, I’m beat. You’re really good.”

    “Good job, Liz!” Terry whistled from afar, waving at his friend with nothing but pride. “Whooo!”

    “That was not a win! I needed to best you in battle, I—”

    Someone walked next to her, and Liz only noticed the blue fluff on her side; the Riolu.

    “Yo!” Nick waved at her from up close, before stepping back. “I’m not sure sitting there is a good idea. What’re ya doin’?”

    “…Hello, Nick.” Liz didn’t wave back at him, crossing her arms instead. Her curiosity peaked when seeing a folder in one of Nick’s paws. “Do you have any updates on our search for Zero?”

    Nick looked at her before giving her a smile. “Yeah, I do, actually! I wanted to tell the rest of the team before doing anything, so…”

    He saw the others next to the door and smiled brighter. “How lucky! Everyone’s here! Well, except for Daichi and Jackett. Where are they?”

    “Off on a mission.” Onyx shrugged.

    Intriguing… Liz nodded. “I was in the middle of training… but this seems more important.”

    It didn’t take long before the entire team was gathered on the couch, with Nick at the center, putting down the folder on the table nearby. He sweat, noticing that all of the eyes were on him. A quick glance revealed how they were sitting: Shiron and Magnus together. Terry, Amelia and Liz were each on a different chair, and Onyx was next to him.

    “Man, this is kinda pressuring me, haha…” Nick rubbed the back of his head. “…But honestly, I don’t think what I have to say is that bad. Quite the opposite!”

    “Teeeell us all about it!” Onyx teased, sticking out her tongue.

    Shiron sighed. “Don’t put so much pressure on him, guys…”


    Nick opened the folder, and it had the same map as the one he used before. This time, he pointed to a circle near a city name. “This is… Egovale. Nothing strange about it, right?”

    Nobody but Magnus reacted, and even then, it was a shrug. “I dunno much about that place, other than it’s what, an hour walk from here?”

    “Yeah! But… there’s something more!”

    Liz rolled her eyes. “What is this about?”

    Nick grinned. “Remember the reports we found, about that snow on the town we met Zero?”

    read those reports!” Shiron protested, putting his hand in his chest.

    “Easy now.” Magnus tapped the Marshtomp on the back once again, and Shiron responded with a grumble.

    “Don’t worry, it’s alright.” Terry reassured the Marshtomp.

    “Guys, shush.” Nick grumbled, swishing his tail around. “Alright, hear me out. Egovale has been struck with a sandstorm. It was around… a week or so. Nothing major, but considering that we know it’s near a leyline…”

    “It might be attacked next.” Liz completed the sentence. And if it was, then that meant Zero would be there.

    Her opponent would be there. And she could get back her pride.

    “…There is something else. I visited the hospital a while ago, and there I met two, err, goons. They were acting suspicious. Amelia?”

    The Kirlia nodded. “Yes, a Sneasler and a Krokorok. They took my patient out, somehow convincing my boss that they were the only ones capable of saving him.”

    “Q-Quite the big conspiracy, don’t you think?” Shiron messed with his fingers, before tugging on his scarf. “…Honestly, do you guys think we can handle this?”

    A clap got his attention, and Onyx stood up. “Listen up, we’ve been doing this for a while. Me, Daichi and Jackett. If we say you guys are good, then you’re good. Don’t worry about it.”


    “Shiron,” the Quilladin next to him smiled softly. “It’s alright! We can do it! Just, y’know, trust yourself a little more.”

    “…I’ll try.” Shiron tugged harder, but didn’t touch the subject anymore.

    With that distraction dealt with, Nick knew he could focus back on the subject at hand.

    “Well, here’s the thing… I called a few numbers, services from Egovale. First, the reception there is awful. Secondly… I asked around about anyone matching Zero’s appearance.”

    Liz paid attention to this. If she had a heart, it would surely be beating faster. “And what did you find out?”

    She waited. For a long time, for an unbearable amount of time, as if everything had slowed down. Liz waited for Nick to open his mouth and share the news she so desperately craved.

    “…He’s there.”

    Oh, how it was sweet. Like the purest of nectars, drowning her with its taste. Now all she had to do was go there and defeat him! Simple as that!

    “Okay, so our enemy’s there, but we don’t know the full extent of his powers, what exactly he’s doing there, nothing.” Shiron crossed his arms. “We’re not gonna go rush in blindly, are we?”

    Irrelevant. I am more than enough to handle him. Liz thought. Of course, she would never voice those thoughts to them. They were only for her.

    Even if Terry did see how she had a big grin, the likes of which he had never seen. What was she planning?

    “We’ll have to figure it out, I guess. Just take it slow.” Nick sighed. “…At the same time, if he’s there, it means the place will be raided sooner or later. We need to warn them.”

    I will warn them after I have him in my ropes. Liz mused to herself. “I suppose you are right.”

    “Tomorrow, then.” Shiron said. “…Tomorrow, we’ll plan this.”

    As good of a decision as any.

    Everyone went their separate ways. Shiron and Nick went to the latter’s house, Magnus went to the shop, Amelia to the hospital, and Onyx to Daichi’s place.

    Only Terry and Liz remained in the headquarters. But even then, Terry went to sleep earlier, having gotten tired from reading too much. Liz was the only one awake.

    Good. It was all she needed. With a paper in hand, she put it under the door and left, carrying in her back a bag with all the supplies for the trip.

    Alright, the letter explaining my plan is sent, I am ready to travel… and ready to come back with rewards. Liz thought, smiling to herself. After closing the door, she looked up at the starry sky, taking in the view. I have to admit… it is a beautiful place.

    Nonetheless, she had a job to do. Even if it was the middle of the night, even if the wind ruffled her body, cold and chilly, none of that mattered. All she could think about was the mission.

    And it will succeed, because I am strong. I must be.

    She had a plan. Get to the city, find Zero, fight him, and come back with him as her captive. Then, it would all be just right.

    Never again… I am never being weak ever again.

    Like that night before, like all the countless nights she spent training. Liz would prove her worth, prove her strength, or die trying.

    …No. I will not die. I will win, even if it is the last thing I will ever do.

    She sighed. Was she taking this too seriously? Even if that was the case, doing nothing would only make her feel worse.

    So she kept walking across the lonely streets, headed to the south exit of the town. Having lived there for little over a month, Liz had a rough idea of where to go. Eventually, she saw the exit… and something else. Two of them.

    “Hey,” Onyx waved a claw, adjusting her hat. The flame in her tail burned so brightly it was a good source of light. “Come here often?”

    “…What?” Liz blinked. Ignoring that comment, she focused on the other Pokémon nearby: Terry.

    “You promised me you wouldn’t do anything foolish… is that so hard to do?”

    “Sire, I—” Liz shook her head. “…I am doing what I must. You said it yourself, this is about me, not you. I cannot, and will not, let you stop me.”

    Onyx flexed her claws, and a low growl escaped her throat. “We can try, y’know. I mean, I do have a score to settle with you…”

    “No fighting!” Terry tapped the ground, huffing. “I want you to listen to reason! We know what you’re planning!”

    “Yes, I will finish this mission.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Now step aside. I need to go.”

    Onyx got down on all fours, snarling. Her tail swished in the air, and the flame kept burning. “…Not if I have anything to do with it!”


    Vines protruded from Liz’s petals, touching the ground. “If that is the extent of your will, then I will challenge it myself!”

    “Onyx!” Terry pleaded with her, looking at the Charmeleon.

    “Grrrr…” she sighed, standing up. “…We’re not stoppin’ you, are we?”

    “I believe I made that very clear.” Liz said, retreating the vines. “Now, step aside.”

    “…No.” Terry shook his head. “We may not stop you, but that doesn’t mean you should go alone.”

    Liz stepped back after hearing that. “…I beg your pardon?”

    “He’s got a point.” Onyx crossed her arms, puffing out smoke from her nostrils. “Three heads are better than one! If we’re together, then we have a better shot at winning!”

    Why? Why were they suggesting that? This was her decision, her mission.

    “I… why?”

    Terry sighed, walking towards his friend. “Well, like I said, I know you have a lot of potential. I can’t have you gone just yet, it’d be too much on my conscience.”

    “Heh. What he said.” Onyx grinned, rubbing one of her fangs with a claw. “So, what’d you say?”

    “Hm… it is still my decision.” Liz could either go on her own, risking it all, or take these two with her, as companions, as teammates, and give her a better chance. Her pride was wounded, but… maybe it was for the best.

    “Very well, but do not get in my way.” Liz frowned, taking one step forward. “I have the map in my bag, so we will not get lost. Now… come on.”

    As soon as she passed the other two, they followed her, leaving the city, and following the trail of their newest mission.

    So… yeah. I wanted this chapter to be giving Liz a lot of focus, which is why she was the center of it all here. Thanks for reading it! As always, leave a comment and review if you can! It really helps! As an additional comment, this chapter has a reference to “Free Fiction”, by GumPlum! Do read it, it’s very good.


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