The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The team investigates the mysterious Cracks a little longer. With the new information they have, one member decides to take matters into their own hands. Whether or not they have the power to deal with it… remains to be seen.

    After the dream that felt wouldn’t end,

    Now I’m back in my own world again.

    But I’ll be back. Sun or rain.

    I will do my best and fight through the day!

    “Aah… man, all this training is tiring!”

    Shiron climbed down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Yesterday had been a normal day, if not for training with that weird looking Samurott for the majority of it.

    But it was a new day! Shiron could rest, and do things normal people—though he wasn’t exactly a person anymore—did! No more parents that forced him to go through torture to meet their standards! Definitely the best part of the entire ordeal. His new friends were a bonus package.

    Friends, right? They didn’t yell at me for being reckless, they don’t hate me… apparently, they don’t want to punish me for making a mistake. Why…?

    A momentary distraction came with the smell of toasted bread. Shiron started drooling, wondering if it was for a sandwich, or just bread with jam. Either option sounded just wonderful for him, so the Marshtomp ran to the kitchen.

    It didn’t take long until Shiron saw Nick messing with a frying pan, flipping a piece of bread up and down. He didn’t seem to notice Shiron, though.

    Maybe I should just wait. Things might go south if I scare him, he’s too focused. Shiron licked his lips, pulling a chair to sit down.

    Nick’s ears twitched, and he took a quick look at the table, before returning to the pan. “Oh, g’morning! Since Gramps is still traveling, I figured I could make breakfast for us!”

    “Mornin’…” Shiron rubbed his eyes again. Yup, still weird that he treats me so nice!

    An audible whine came from him, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Nick. “Everything alright, dude?”

    “Uh…” Shiron gulped. Play it slow!


    Nick frowned, turning off the stove. He gently put the bread on a plate, picking it up. “You do know you can talk to me about everything, right?”

    There it was: kindness. Kindness he didn’t deserve. Yet, Shiron couldn’t help but accept it. “Are… a-are you sure?”

    “Yeah, why not? We live together, we work together. Nothing wrong with it.” Nick put the plate next to the fish and went back to grab a second for himself. “We’re friends, that’s what friends do. Unless… you didn’t have any back as a human?”

    Shiron gulped. It was true, he didn’t have any friends in Lilycove, nobody that would miss him. The shock of having anybody do that was very much visible, as were his slowly drooping gills.

    “…I’m taking the silence as confirmation.” Nick took one final trip; this time to the fridge, grabbing red jam. He finally sat down. “And I do mean it. I dunno how life was there, but things are different. You can trust me.”

    “I… want to.” Shiron muttered. “Okay, hear me out. I was a dumbass and attacked that guy without him even doing much to us. I thought I could take him.”

    “Well, it happens.” Nick spread jam across his toast and took a single munch, swallowing before continuing to talk. “Really, I did stupid things too.”

    “That’s not what concerns me, Nick.” Shiron didn’t even look at his breakfast; things were that bad. “I was fully expecting you guys to beat me up, or punish me, or expel me from the team—”

    “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there!” Nick interrupted, his eyes widened. “Why would we do any of that?”

    “It’s…” Shiron wondered if he could trust Nick with that kind of information. But he already spilled the beans about being human, so… “My parents did that. Whenever I failed any assignment, whenever I misbehaved, they would lock me up. Dad… said it built character.”

    Nick looked at his friend, whining. “Shiron, I—I’m… so sorry that happened. But I’m not gonna do any of that. Neither will the others. We support each other through everything.”

    “I know that. It’s just weird.” Shiron took a bite from his toast, and then kept looking at the bread. “So many good things happened to me, and it’s all so overwhelming. I’m not used to it yet.”

    “Then let’s make you.” Nick flashed a smile. “I’m gonna beat those stupid thoughts myself if I have to!”

    “What, why—”

    Nick had a more serious look, the smile was still there, but Shiron knew it was serious instead of friendly. “They hurt my friend. That’s all. I don’t tolerate anyone that hurts my friends.”

    “I…” Shiron smiled, and then it turned into a chuckle. It was happening; he was loved! His friends cared for him!

    “Okay… I’ll try it. Though I gotta say having friends feels super weird..”

    Nick nodded, biting the bread again. “Speaking of, I told Terry to come. We gotta discuss what our plan is, right?”


    The Riolu chuckled again. “Also, I want to borrow some of his comics.”

    After they were both fed, the duo went to the living room, sitting on the couch to discuss their part of the plan. Nick had picked a can of soda, and was downing it down.

    …At least there’s something similar to home here. Kinda funny, to be honest. Shiron blinked. “Well, we’re to get the weather reports, right? Then—”

    Someone knocked on the door. Nick figured it was their dragon teammate, and went to open the door.

    Shiron looked at the TV, and realized it was indeed a very old one. He wondered just how developed this world was, and who made these things. They looked very human-like.

    If there’s more than me and Daichi, I wonder if other humans invented this, he thought, stretching both arms. “Yuuup. Still sore. Fighting sucks, but it is what it is.” 

    He heard the door opening and closing, and then quick steps made their way to the living room; Terry waved with a stubby arm.

    “Good morning, Shiron! Sorry I’m late, I was, uh… busy with stuff.” Terry chuckled, a tint of red in his face.

    “He means going from the comic book store to the HQ just so he could put the comics there, and not share with his friends!” Nick stuck out his tongue. “Oh, how awful!”

    Terry ignored the comment and sat next to the fish. Shiron, meanwhile, realized Terry wore a different cape. Still regal, but now it was green.

    Shiron was too curious to not ask. “…Change of clothes?”


    “He says weird stuff sometimes,” Nick shrugged, taking a seat as well. “Don’t mind it.”

    “I wasn’t going to—” Terry pouted. “When I left, I picked some of my capes. They remind me of home, or the good things that happened there.”

    Never had anything like that. Shiron clutched his scarf. “Oh… I see.”

    “Is something wrong…?” Terry did see the mood was a little low on that house. Maybe they could use a story or two about his kingdom to cheer them up.

    “I mean, no. Unless Shiron—”

    “…I’d like to talk about it,” he said. “It’s weird that everything’s going so well with us. Don’t you think that, Terry?”

    “Not… really,” he sighed. “I don’t understand where you’re coming from, Shiron. As Reshiram teaches us, we must seek the truth, even if it hurts us! And then, a better life awaits us.”

    Nick watched that little speech with sparkling eyes. So inspirational! Even if Terry didn’t want to be a king, he had the personality of one. The Riolu wondered if Terry could march soldiers into battle with such a bolstering voice.

    “You all are too nice…” Shiron muttered. “Well, I think looking for weather reports isn’t such a bad idea. Meanwhile, Nick can go check with his girlfriend?”

    “Aaaaand that’s where I dip.” Nick hopped off the couch. His words were heartfelt and emotional, and he put on a toothy grin. “She’s a genius! I’m sure she can figure it out!”

    Terry nodded. “Perhaps. I’ve talked with Liz, she will give us some of the reports. Seems Daichi has them.”

    “Guess that’s decided, then.” Shiron took a deep breath. Part of him was excited about the entire mission, and he didn’t exactly know why. “Guess we gotta wait for Liz…”

    She sat at the center of their headquarters, waiting with the windows opened, letting the sunlight reinvigorate her. Liz liked, in particular, how shiny and warm it was, and how her flowers blossomed because of the sun.

    Until someone barged in; the one she waited for, presumably. “Please, do come in, Daichi.”

    “Heya. Got the stuff you asked me to get!” The Golem closed the door. In his right hand was a folder with a few pieces of paper sticking out, though Daichi put them back into place as he walked forward. “This place’s looking better than I thought. You guys did a good job at it.”

    “A humiliating act, if I am allowed to be honest,” she shrugged, using two vines to grab the folder. “Neither me nor my liege should have to clean.”

    “Eeeeh, I wouldn’t go that far.” Daichi looked for a chair to sit on, but realized there was none that fit him. Instead, he leaned against the wall. “But that’s not really the point, is it? We’re here for business.”

    “Indeed.” Liz put the folder on the table, opening it. Her eyes gazed at the pages.

    Letter and letters, and more letters. Each one described a sighting of a meteor site. Liz raised a brow, annoyed, because this didn’t help her at all. She already knew most of those things.

    “Tried getting in touch with my contacts. They didn’t answer the call,” he explained. “…Then I tried callin’ again, and nope, nothing. I’m starting to think there’s more to it than we know.”

    “Really? I thought that was obvious.” Liz deadpanned, flipping another page. She began to read one the letters, the first one she saw. 

    It described a strike near Pokémon Square, all the way in the Water Continent. Liz thought it made sense; meteors weren’t contained inside a single continent after all. What really caught her attention was another detail: a description of a yellow, apparently electric Pokémon.


    Daichi blinked, unsure of what she meant. “Excuse me?”

    “This letter describes Zero to a near flawless degree.” Liz prepared to read out loud. “We don’t know what this species is, but it’s yellow, bipedal, with fluffy fur and wearing a vest.

    “Oh… it is him.” Daichi’s eyes widened, and he raised a finger. “In my defense, I didn’t go through that.”

    What?!” Liz said, practically spitting venom from her mouth. “You mean to tell me you, a supposedly experienced fighter, sent me and my associates to an abandoned town, with the possibility of us being killed in action… all without letting us know there was an unknown Pokémon on the loose?!”

    Daichi, with each and every word she said, crawled back, towards the door. He started to sweat. “I-I… I didn’t mean to, so I only checked the latest letter! That’s all!”

    “…Reshiram Almighty.” Liz took as deep of a breath as she could, and sighed out loud, covering her face with a flower. “I am choosing to ignore what I just heard.”


    “Regardless, it is all in the past.” A lie. If she was stronger and evolved, then they would be just fine. Liz really needed to become a Roserade as soon as possible.

    “Oh, good to know!” Daichi sighed in relief, rubbing the sweat off of him.

    “Anyway, did you happen to bring a map? Or rather, two maps, as I requested. One will be used by me, and one by my liege.” Liz said.

    “Aye. It’s at the bottom of the folder. Last page, I think.”

    “Good.” Liz flipped through the folder, and once she stopped at the final page, she took two pieces of paper, wrapping them in vines. “Hm, in better condition than I expected. Good job.”

    “…Should I be flattered or upset?”

    “Whatever you wish.” Liz looked at one of the maps. It was a map of their entire continent, with several check marks. Each one denoted a city or village, and each one of them was hit by meteors sometime over the last months.

    Luckily, Cydonia is safe. Perhaps one day we can go back there… but that is a thought for the future. Liz kept staring, knowing she needed to find some sort of pattern to follow. “Although I know the answer, I will ask anyway. Did you know why those towns were attacked?”

    Daichi shrugged. “No clue. Seems random to me.”

    “True randomness is almost never a reality.” Liz stated. “There has to be a clue, some lead to guide us. I will find it.”

    “Maybe you’ll need their help? What’re they looking for, again?”

    “Terry mentioned Shiron wanted to help with the geography,” she added, still keeping her eyes on the map. “Now, I am unsure what an amnesiac Marshtomp would do with a map, but if he thinks it would help, then I have no choice but to accept it.”

    “Aaaalright.” Daichi walked towards her, grabbing the second map. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna give this to them.”

    “By all means.” Liz ignored him, tracing a vine from Thornwell to the town where they found Zero and Infernape. “I wonder… what secrets are you hiding, meteorites.”

    While she was distracted by the map, Daichi gulped, rushing out of the office. Liz knew she was alone.

    Good. This means I am free to train. I will evolve.

    Liz simply left the chair, putting on her cape and smiling. Yes, she had the time to train, to better herself. Even on her own, Liz was more than capable of practicing. Without access to her evolution stone, the process would take more time. Liz could wait, granted it wasn’t a long wait.

    “Now… what can I do?” Liz left the office, letting the wind make her cape flicker, and taking in more sunlight. “Perhaps practice my use of Substitute, or even better, I could work on getting Leaf Blade to be functional, for once.”

    Ah, how embarrassing. Someone as high as her, unable to use such a practical move. At least nobody else knew about it. And she would never tell anyone, especially Terry.


    A voice echoed from far away, on the hill. Liz didn’t know who it was, but the intonation was definitely familiar. She walked forward just a little, and was met with Magnus running as fast as he could.

    …Running would be a compliment. He was sluggish and slow, stopping every now and then to pant and catch his breath. 

    That, too, is embarrassing. Liz thought, but chuckled to herself. How very curious. Perhaps she could help. “Greetings, Magnus.”

    “Not now, I’m—” he fell face first on the ground, and stood up slowly, panting again and again. “Okay, nevermind. H-Hi!”

    “I would ask what you are doing, but I sense the answer is in my grasp already.” Liz looked at him with a mix of pity and amusement. “Is training really that hard?”

    “U-Uh… yeah! I’m bad at fighting, but I don’t wanna be useless, so I figured… walking up and down this hill would help! Or maybe try Rollout?”

    “Both are good options. However…” Liz flicked an arm, proudly. “You are spending too much energy trying to run, leaving no energy to go back. Ergo, you must rest. At least for a little while.”

    Was it really necessary for her to use so many complicated words? Sure, Magnus understood where she was coming from, but maybe Liz should talk like one of the common folk. Which… she wasn’t.

    “So, gotta rest, right?” Magnus sighed. He was tired. “But uh… from one grass-type to another, do you have any tips?”

    Tips. Oh, she did have a lot of them. Liz smiled, a smug and proud smile. “Perhaps I do. I was on my way to train when I stumbled upon you.”

    Magnus bit a lip. There was a chance and he had to take it. “So, uh… question. Could you train me?”

    “Train you?” Liz wondered, turning her head to the side. “I never trained anyone in my life, and I think my methods may be a little… rough. With that in mind, do you still wish to proceed?”

    It was scary, but Magnus’ determination was bigger than any sense of fear. “I already said I wanna help you guys!”

    “Wanting to become stronger for someone else’s sake…” she paused. It was something Liz understood very well. “Hmph. Understood. We shall begin your training routine.”

    To start the training, Liz ordered Magnus to go down the hill just a bit, enough that there was a reasonable distance between them. She extended a rose forward, smiling. 

    “Magnus, focus.” Liz hissed. “I want you to hit me with your best shot. I will not retaliate or dodge.”

    “Aye!” Magnus ran up the hill, grunting. Two vines appeared in each of his arms as he jumped, launching the two attacks as whips towards Liz.

    Liz didn’t flinch. She let the attack hit her, but it didn’t do any damage at all. Not even a cut, nothing. She was completely fine. “A very simple attack.”

    “I don’t have that many things to use, to be fair.” Magnus sighed. He still had something, and it was better to put it into use.

    Magnus created two vines again and then ran. However, he curled up into a ball, propelling himself forward. His vines remained, and this time, he collided against her, combining the power of his sphere state and the whips. 

    This time, Liz was sent back, even if only by a few feet. She cringed, smiling. “Ah… fascinating. A combination of Rollout and Vine Whip. I did not expect you to pull it off.”

    Magnus’ limbs popped off, no longer curled. He had a visible blush. “Uh, thanks! I got the idea from Daichi! He’s like me… kinda.”

    “Hm… I would not recommend basing your attack strategy on such a brute like him.” Liz paused. “However… you show promise. We shall continue, and we will keep going until we are both too tired.”

    Magnus frowned, curling into a ball again. He could do this! Becoming stronger for Sh—his friends.

    Shiron received the folder and watched Daichi roll out of there. The Marshtomp sighed, but then smiled. This was an odd world to live in, but the best one he could hope for. If he deserved it or not… that was a question he would answer in the future.

    “Back!” Shiron ran to the couch, sitting again. In his hand, he flashed the folder to Terry. “All done!”

    “Thank you.” Terry took a look with squinted eyes. “What we’re looking for is something to give us a lead. Can you give me the file with the weather reports?”

    Shiron did as instructed, and waited to see if he could give any input.

    “Hm…” Terry started reading. His first thought was checking the town they visited, and what was reported there. “Snow? But that place is so close to the shore!”

    “…There’s no way that’s natural.” Shiron said. “Usually, if you live this close to the shore, you’d get sea air, a lot of wind, but still a hot place, y’know?”

    Terry raised his head. “How… what?”

    Wait. Shiron facepalmed. “I-I mean! Thornwell has a shore! You could notice the effects yourself, haha!”

    …I thought he was amnesiac. Terry felt better to ignore this for the moment and focus on the task at hand. “Alright, so we have this tropical town that somehow got a blizzard. Does that mean it’s connected?”

    “Probably, but there might be something in the geography that’s drawing in all the meteors… do we know that?” Shiron flipped the pages, looking for anything related. “Like, let’s see. If there was a gravity pull so strong in these cities, then it’d make sense for the meteors to land there.”

    Terry blinked again. Was Shiron’s amnesia just selective? He knew some things and didn’t know others?

    “The thing I’m most worried about is what Nick said—the aura he felt there.” Shiron added. “Maybe… maybe the aura is making the pull be that strong. Not to mention he felt a presence, right? Can aura have a presence? I dunno much about this…”

    Okay, now that’s just weird. He knows… a lot. Then again, I’m not familiar with amnesiacs. Maybe I’m being weird. Terry looked at his map again, deciding to follow Shiron’s lead. “Can gravity—or something that’s as attractive as gravity affect weather?”

    “Kinda? If you had less gravity, you’d have slower winds, more storms, etcetera. Though I wanna say it’s not the only factor that’s related to the weather.”

    “Then there’s a chance.” Terry muttered. “So let me get this straight: the meteors are being attracted to something. Or… maybe the “presence” Nick felt is going there because there’s something it wants? Does that make sense?”

    Shiron didn’t exactly know how to reply. It both made sense and didn’t at the same time. “Maybe…? It’s a weird thing to say. Like I said, we need to know more about the towns being attacked.”

    “Then we need to contact Liz; knowing her, she’s cracking her head wide open trying to figure out what’s really going on.” Terry left the table, handing the papers to Shiron.

    “And Nick’s off to… a not-date,” he grimaced. “Well, let’s hope this part of the plan is going smoothly.”


    Nick sneezed, rubbing his snout. “Ew. It’s not even the season for me to be sick!”

    He knocked on Audrey’s door, adjusting his goggles. Nick needed to be as presentable as possible to her.

    “One secon—”

    A small explosion could be heard, and smoke coming out of the door. Nick immediately opened it, not waiting for Audrey to do it for him.

    On the inside, there was a large cloud of dust, forcing Nick to cough and wave a little of it off with his paw. “Audrey? What’s going on here? Did another one of your inventions explode? I mean, I see an explosion, but—”

    Nothing I do explodes!” Audrey came in with a vacuum, sucking in all the smoke. She held it with her… paws? Gloved paws. And with a leg, she pressed a valve, making it suck the dust.

    “Whatcha got there?”

    “A vacuum, didn’t you see?” Audrey rolled her eyes, turning it off. “And gloves that let me get as much dexterity as you and the others.” 

    “I meant… yeah I meant that.” Nick coughed some more. “Seriously, no way of automating it yet?”

    “Nah, I’ve got nothing.” Audrey did her best version of a shrug. “Anyway, what brings you here, sweetheart? The gloves I made for your friend? They’re not done yet. Got busy.”

    “Actually, something else!” Nick’s tail started wagging like crazy, not that he cared enough to try and stop it. “I wanna see if you can make an aura tracker.”

    “…An aura what now?” Audrey rubbed her eyes, twitching her ears. “Did I hear that right?”

    “You did!” Nick took a peek inside. Her living room was full of tools and gadgets, and the smell of oil filled his nose. She had worked very recently from the looks of it. “Me and the team need a way to track this… very specific aura.”

    “A very specific aura.” Audrey repeated, muttering to herself. “Hm… maybe, maybe not. What do you think?”

    “What do I think?” Nick tapped his chin, thinking. “…Maybe if I can find a way to capture that signature, then you make a device that tracks based on it?”

    “Y’know, if you weren’t busy doing the whole hero schtick, we could’ve made great partners!”

    “Aren’t we already?”

    Audrey giggled. “I meant as engineers! And I’m sure I can figure something out. But I dunno, I might need help from one lil puppy~!”

    “Helping my girlfriend out?” Nick didn’t need to hear it twice. “Oh yeah, definitely. Count me in!”

    She turned back, ready to head into another room. “Alright, and you can even help me with the glove… you sure he’ll like it?”

    “I’m fairly sure he likes anything. Except veggies? Which also seems to have an exception. If you count Magnus as a vegetable.”

    “Really? Oh… I could write about them, te-hee!” 

    Nick rubbed the back of his head. Once he had the time, he could try acting as a wingman. Now, if Shiron got his part done, it’d be great! If Liz got hers it would be even better!

    Magnus jumped out of a gunk-coated flower that threatened to punch him, and nearly tripped. Liz simply smirked, running towards him.


    “Do I really need to—”

    “Just dodge!” Liz tried an uppercut, but Magnus curled up, rolling out of the way just in time. She smiled. “Good job. But there is hardly any time to rest! We must continue!”

    “W-W-Wait, wait!” Magnus fell on the ground, raising an arm. Under him were drops and drops of sweat, while he panted. “Timeout! I wanna call for a timeout!”

    Liz didn’t quite get where he was coming from. It looked like he was too tired to keep going, but the word he used was strange. “A… what? What is a “timeout”?”

    “How do you not… huh.” Magnus sat down, panting. “I was asking for a little bit of time to rest. This is exhausting.”

    “Ah, fascinating.” Liz said. It really was, but not knowing what that wort meant? Shameful. Thankfully, Magnus seemed okay with it. “Hm, very well. I believe we can end this session here.”

    “Okay, good. Seriously, I don’t know how you guys do this. Makes the whole thing seem so easily…” Magnus rubbed some of the sweat off, panting. “Now all I want is berry juice. Maybe rawst if I’m feeling lucky.”

    “Hm… for what is worth, I have reasons to believe you were doing well. Of course, there is room for improvement. A lot of room.”

    “Okay, okay, I get it!” Magnus lay on the ground, panting again. He was tired and they did this for what? Half an hour? Training repeatedly was the most optimal choice, but if just one session left him this tired, Magnus didn’t dare wonder how multiple would make him feel.

    “Perhaps I can teach you a few of the moves I know. Vine Whip is… weak, and not something you should strive for.” Liz pondered. Considering Magnus wasn’t evolved, he didn’t have his full arsenal.

    “…Yeah, I know. It’s most of what I got, though.”

    “It amazes me you evolved in the first place.”

    Ah, something she could ask! 

    “…If I may, how did you evolve?”

    “I think naturally? I just sorta… woke up like this.” Magnus shrugged. “Dad said it was from age or something.”

    “From… age.” Liz sighed. Not the answer she wanted or looked for. “Understood.”

    “Also, can I go home now? Am I free to go?”

    Liz pointed downhill. “By all means, feel free to. I still have things I must attend to, but if I find the time… I would not mind tasting berry juice.”

    Another thing she doesn’t know, huh? Magnus slowly stood up, bowing to her. “Thanks. I’m gonna keep going. Gotta get stronger!”

    “Stronger…” Liz muttered it to herself, watching Magnus run down the hill.

    Alone again. Hmph. It seems I also need a “timeout”. The maps await me…

    Liz kept staring at the maps, and using a vine to grasp a nearby pencil, started scribbling on an empty piece of paper. Or would be, if she had any idea of where to go from there.

    How rude. I am a trained combatant, I should be able to find… some sort of pattern! Otherwise, what am I good for?

    If the others were there, they’d make a speech about depending on one another to solve this mystery. Oh, but Liz wanted to do it on her own. Nobody should follow her. Letting Zero defeat her was her mistake, not theirs. Therefore, Liz should be the only one to pay for it.

    “Good afternoon!”

    Shiron opened the door and entered, moving to the side so Terry could do the same. After they were both inside, the Marshtomp closed the door and yawned.

    “Bah! It’s been a pretty exhausting day, and I’ve done nothing but read!” Shiron giggled, waving at Liz. “Also, heya!”

    “Hey, Liz.” Terry said, running to sit in one of the chairs. “We’ve made some sort of progress.”

    Liz looked at the dragon, then at the map next to her, and then back at the dragon. “My apologies, Sire. I have yet to figure this out…”

    “I have a working theory!” Shiron raised a hand… only to immediately tug on his scarf, blushing. “I-I mean, it’s an idea! Might not be worth it, but…”

    Terry was the first to glare at him. Liz only did it after seeing her prince. 

    “Okay, buddy. First off, it’s a good theory. Second, stop internalizing those thoughts… it’s not good for you.” Terry sighed. “Anyway, Liz. Care to hear?”


    Shiron still tugged on the scarf, slowly making his way to a chair. At least Terry was assertive enough to make him not focus on the anxiety and fear of his theory being wrong.

    “We think the meteors are being drawn—uh, no. We think that the presence Nick felt is in the meteor, being drawn to the cities because something there is attracting it, or is attractive to it.”

    “It has to be something strong, Liz.” Terry added, shaking his head. “At first we thought it was gravity, but Nick mentioned sensing an aura, or energy? Maybe it’s some sort of energy.”

    “Something is pulling the presence…?” Liz stopped to think, mental gears grinding. Wait… a minute. Zero said the Cracks are pockets of energy, so what would that mean? Unless… unless—

    …Ley lines. Liz thought, her eyes widening from the revelation. Of course, that is the answer! They are brimming with energy, perfect to draw in such a presence. And perhaps—perhaps the presence, combined with the lines is what creates the Crack.

    Liz failed to notice the growing smile on her face, and the rush of adrenaline that filled her. Yes, yes! That has to be it! The presence, whatever it is, is hitting those cities because there are ley lines around it!

    She bit a  lip. Of course… Zero must know about this. He is a master tactician, hunting down and containing the Cracks. What a smart opponent… I can only wonder what he is up to right now. Perhaps he is planning on how to deal with the next Crack.

    Zero was doing anything but. He left the hotel holding a bag of chips, crunchy and salty; just the way he liked them. After munching on them, he opened his satchel, picking a notebook.

    “Now, lemme see… I should work as a reporter, right? Eh… not my worst disguise, but honestly, I don’t care much about it.” Zero opened it on an empty page, and then fiddled with his satchel more, this time getting a pencil out. “Alright, let’s see… need to check if the folks here are feelin’ a little weird.”

    I’d be, if I was forced to live in such a smelly place. Yuck! Zero stuck out his tongue. I have no clue how they can handle it. I wouldn’t…

    It only came to him that there were more than a few citizens staring at him, a reminder that his species was—for lack of a better word—unknown. Not even Zero knew what he was, let alone find others of his kind.

    Oh, for cryin’ out loud, I don’t have the time for this! Gotta interrogate—err, ask around. Seriously, why don’t the folks at the organization make a tracker? It can’t be so hard to do…

    Zero looked around, first to see which paths would land him further from the murky lakes, and then to decide who he should question first. “Maybe I gotta go fast…”

    Sure, he could go fast and ask a bunch of them in quick succession, but a little voice said no. Said voice sounded rough and coarse, and had a distinct image in his head, belonging to a Mightyena.  

    Don’t run around like an idiot, Z.”

    With his consciousness in head, Zero’s eyes landed on a Lampent. Whoever they were, they were flying, headed to the shopping district. 

    Relegated to walking, Zero began a stroll. Even at his slowest, he could catch up with that Lampent quickly. The feline continued, walking through roots and through a small bridge, before seeing the market up ahead. Lampent continued to float.

    Okay, in hindsight, I could’ve done this earlier… Zero cleared his throat and raised his voice. “Hello, Lampent! Could I get a minute of your attention?!”

    “Hm?” Lampent turned to face him, gasping at the sight. “Oh, hello! Whoa, I’ve never seen anything like you before!”

    The voice that came out was distinctly feminine.

    “…I get that a lot, ma’am.” Zero straightened himself, checking the notebook. “I’m a reporter from far away, and I was sent here to check some abnormalities. Could I ask some questions?”

    “I don’t see why not!” Lampent replied, the flame inside her bursting forth, making her insides glow. “What’s wrong?”

    Alright, where do I start…? Zero cleared his throat. “I’ve seen reports of abnormal weather. Did you see anything in particular?”

    “Oh, there’s been a sandstorm a few days ago!” Lampent answered, looking down to wonder if there was anything else. “…It lasted a few days.”

    “Did any of your friends and or family seem strange after the storm? Or during the storm? That happens too.” Zero scribbled what she said, waiting patiently.

    “I mean, it’s a bunch of sand in a city that has zero all year. Of course everyone was shaken up…”

    “Duly noted.” Zero wrote that as well. “But was there anything… specific? Like a surge of power? Increased strength, even on non-battlers?”

    “A surge of power…” Lampent stopped to think, and then shook her head, meaning, her entire body. “No, I don’t think so.”

    “Hm… sure, I guess that’s it. You can go on your way now.” Zero shooed her off, and Lampent left with her flames bursting out of her body.

    Still need to talk with others. Dang… and here I thought I could finally get that nap I need.

    His other encounters went the same way. Some reported that the sand made them upset, angry or bothered, but very few—a Mienfoo and a Cacnea—mentioned feeling stronger. Not enough to classify the city as Crack-free in Zero’s book.

    Which meant he’d still need to stay there for a few more days. For now, he remained under one of the bigger trees, leaning against it. Putting his own report book down, Zero picked the one he received from his superior.

    “Alright, Will, let’s see what you have for me…” Zero started reading. “Our reports indicate the biggest condition for the appearance of Cracks is the presence of ley lines. Ley lines came to be conceived as lines of power that are filled with energy. Ancient Pokémon used to travel through the world using entercards, cards that draw on their power to open what is known as a Magnagate.

    “What a bunch of mumbo jumbo…” Zero groaned. “Will, you’re one weird ‘mon.”

    Still, he couldn’t deny using the gates; it was how he got to the town in the first place. 

    “Hm… I wonder if those kids from before will keep investigating this. Knowing the organization, they’ll want to recruit that team. Which is gonna be a pain in the ass.” Zero started to shiver. “Gods, hopefully I won’t be reduced to a glorified babysitter.”

    That would be beyond humiliating. Zero closed the notebook, yawning. For now, he had to remain in low profile, investigating this town. From the looks of it, It’ll take… around a week before the next phase of the Crack starts. I might need to give the bosses a call, make ‘em evacuate the folk here.

    Zero bit a lip. Yes, that was the best course of action. Now, he needed to go back to the hotel, remembering there was a phone there. Part of him still wondered how the kids were doing, if they could help him sometime. But involving them was dangerous and stupid.

    He ran towards the hotel, silently hoping they’d just go on with their lives.

    Liz wanted to pursue the mystery behind the Cracks. She let Shiron and Terry continue their investigation back at the office. As for her… she was alone, going to talk to the only one that could give at least some answers: Infernape.

    The road was as calm as usual. However, when she was at the point of seeing the hospital’s entrance, she was met with the sight of two Pokémon: a Krokorok and a Sneasler. Thinking nothing of it, she headed inside.

    Hm… perhaps I should ask Amelia for her assistance. Liz thought as she entered the reception. She quickly saw the two Pokémon talking with the receptionist. I suppose I shall wait.

    Liz approached them, waiting for her turn. She was able to hear part of the conversation; her eyes widened, hearing Krokorok ask for where Infernape was.

    Wait, it could be a coincidence, or they could be Infernape’s family. 

    Deciding to follow her instincts, Liz took a single step forward to better hear the conversation.

    This time, Sneasler mentioned the incident, and the receptionist pointed towards the room. It could very well be a coincidence. However, being closer, Liz heard more details—including the surge of power that coursed through Infernape, a detail only she and her teammates knew.

    …How do they know? I am certain none of us told the hospital crew. Unless…

    The duo left to Infernape’s room, leaving Liz to talk with the receptionist, a dark-type Meowth. She didn’t want to ask the same thing, knowing something was brewing there, something she needed to find out. But as it turned out, she didn’t need to.


    Liz recognized the voice; it was the Kirlia she looked for. She turned back, facing Amelia, the Kirlia’s shiny body glistening in the light.

    “Miss Amelia.”

    “I knew you’d show up. We received a call earlier… two visitors wanting to check in on Infernape.”

    “Hm, indeed. My instincts told me there was something wrong.”

    Amelia shrugged. “I can’t say I know what’s going on exactly, but they aren’t relatives, I checked, since I know you and your teammates were investigating this Infernape.”

    “I need to speak with those two.” Liz put it bluntly.

    The Kirlia took a large breath, sighing. “Absolutely not. I know this is an important matter to you, but I will take the safety of my patients first.

    “Hmph.” Liz flicked her cape, and as she looked at Amelia, at the cap the nurse wore, an idea came to mind. “…Let me borrow your cap.”

    Amelia looked up at her own head, and at her nurse cap. “…Why?”

    “If I pretend to be a nurse, I can get close, and get more information this way.”

    The nurse wondered what the best course of action was. Although she didn’t have the time to warn the team about these visitors, she had an opportunity to help.

    “…You have five minutes.”

    She entered the room, remaining close to the door in case escaping proved necessary. Liz squinted her eyes, watching Krokorok and Sneasler closely. Infernape was still laying in bed, covered with a blanket.

    “We wanna ask about the thing you saw.” Krokorok said, eyeing Sneasler. “With as many details as you can.”

    “Don’t push him.” Sneasler snarled, putting on a smile for the fire-type. “Now, will you be a good boy and answer us?”

    “I dunno how many of y’all will keep askin’ me about that bloody thing…” Infernape groaned. “I already told that Golem before! I don’t remember anything! Saw some tendrils, they took me, and I evolved! After that, nothin’!”

    Krokorok frowned, turning to Sneasler. “I don’t think he’s cooperating that much.”

    “Noted.” Sneasler stopped, tapping his chin. “…How about we focus on your feelings? Any emotions?”

    “Just… incredibly strong?” Infernape answered, struggling to shrug, ending up groaning again. It would be so much better if they left him alone. He shivered a little.

    “We won’t be able to help you if you don’t remember…” Krokorok snarled. “Do you have an idea of how long you were exposed to it?”

    Liz, meanwhile, kept hearing them, checking the other, empty beds in that room to avoid any suspicion. What is the point in asking…? Unless expending more time near a Crack has some side effects.

    But Infernape’s interrogators didn’t stop. Krokorok crossed his arms, huffing. “I’m gonna be real with ya. That thing you touched… is very dangerous. We don’t know the full thing, but there’s a chance your body won’t adapt to it.”

    Sneasler slapped the ground-type Pokémon in response. “Idiot! You’ll scare him off! We need to be gentle about this! What’s the organization do if they hear you were this much of a brute?!”

    Infernape groaned, shivering again. His flame was nowhere to be seen, and his fur was… grayer? Krokorok raised a brow, touching the fire-type’s forehead, and instantly backed away, shaking his arm.

    “W-What’s happening… to me?” Infernape panted, shivering more and tugging on the blanket, pressing it as tight as possible. 

    “He’s cold. Really cold,” Krokorok added. “We should call the nurse now, before he gets hypothermia! I don’t think this guy’s strong enough to handle the Crack on his own. He needs help!”

    “There’s one right there!” Sneasler pointed at Liz. “Nurse, he needs immediate assistance!”

    “I—” Liz bit a lip; she had no way of helping. “I will ask for help! Stay put!”

    And with that, she ran out of the door. Amelia was waiting outside, and gave her a cross eye.

    “Five minutes, huh?”

    Liz didn’t bother replying to that sarcastic comment. “There is… something wrong. You need to help them.”

    “On it. Stay away.” Amelia entered the room.

    Meanwhile, Liz started thinking about what Krokorok said… about being strong enough. Just what was going on? What did these Cracks do?

    She had to get to the bottom of that mystery.

    Liz remained outside, hearing the commotion coming from the room. She cringed, waiting. Was Infernape alright? He had to be. She didn’t know him that well—and certainly wouldn’t pretend to—but that Pokémon didn’t deserve… whatever was going on.

    I… would never have found out about these cracks if Terrence and I remained in the kingdom. Liz sighed. Time itself felt like it stopped while she waited.

    To help distract herself, Liz wondered about Krokorok’s words; about being strong. Was she? Could she take in the power of a Crack and stay healthy? If she didn’t, it would take far too long to evolve, and in case they encountered Zero again, they’d lose.

    So it didn’t matter whether or not she was strong. Liz had to take it, this was her best shot at evolving and helping her—

    …Should I call them “friends”? Liz chuckled to herself. The thought didn’t cross her mind before, but it did make sense, in a way. Was it true? Could she call them friends? 

    They fought together for a little while, but there was something on the way, a possible threat. Whatever the Cracks were, whoever was behind them… it called to her. Liz wanted—no, she needed to find out more. 

    But telling the others about this plan? That was another story. This little quest was hers, and once she was done, Liz would return to their side, to Terry’s side. The adrenaline of investigating and fighting was making her smirk; perhaps he was right in running away, and she was right in following.

    Liz sighed. She had a plan; asking those two about what the “organization” was, if they knew Zero, and if that was the case, where he went. I will follow the trail alone if I have to.

    Of course, that was if the Krokorok and Sneasler were related to Zero. The signs did point to that being the case, and Liz herself was sure. She had to follow this lead.

    She heard a groan, likely coming from Infernape, and sighed once more. This could take a while, and it probably would take a while. Liz wondered if there was anything similar to the Cracks home, or if she heard of them before.

    I got nothing. For all I know, this is new. Though… I suppose I was never the most avid news follower. Hmph.

    While she thought about the situation, Liz walked in circles, touching her face with a flower. On one hand, she didn’t know whether her theory of ley lines being involved was true or not. Without Zero, there was no way of knowing for sure, unless she asked the two with Amelia. 

    On the other hand, the signs pointed to her being right. Although it was strange that Shiron devised this theory. He was an amnesiac, so why did he have this sort of knowledge? 

    Perhaps he is hiding something. But… it is not my job to expose that. I have more pressing matters.

    Those pressing matters made themselves known, as an alarm sounded next to the room. Without wasting a second, multiple nurses rushed inside. Liz had to move out of the way, eyes widening.

    Is it really that bad…?

    There was no way she could know. All Liz could do was wait for them to get out. She didn’t need to wait for long. Krokorok opened the door, moved to the side, letting Sneasler walk out, and closed the door. The two stood right next to her.

    This was what she wanted. “Hm. I believe… there are a few things we need to discuss.”

    They met again outside the hospital. Krokorok had left to buy something for them to eat and drink, so Liz was left with just Sneasler to talk to.

    Good. She had a lot of questions to ask. Picking one to begin with was a hard choice, as there were too many topics to choose just one.

    Eventually, she settled on the Pokémon they encountered before. “Do you know an electric-type Pokémon that goes by the name Zero?”

    Sneasler didn’t reply, but he didn’t need to. The silence was the answer Liz needed.

    “Hm… very well. I will choose to believe there is a reason for you to stay in silence.”

    “…Okay, fine.” Sneasler grunted. “We know the guy. One of our best scouts.”

    Liz quirked a brow; this just got more interesting. “Really? An arrogant, overconfident scout.”

    “Sounds about right.” Sneasler crossed his arms. “Listen, lady. What do you want? We’re just here to assess how bad the situation is.”

    “The Cracks, is that right?” Liz paused, closing her eyes. Good, she could start actually interrogating. “So you travel to this small town, all so you could check on an Infernape. Is that right?”

    Before he could reply, Liz cut him off with a wave of her arm. “It is fascinating. I do not know who you work for, but I must admit… it is impressive.” 

    “T-Thanks?” Sneasler shrugged. “Can you let me go now? I dunno about you, but some of us have jobs.”

    Liz shook her head. “…I understand. Well, here is what will happen, mister Sneasler.”

    “Wha—” Sneasler was covered in sharp petals, and they accumulated towards his face.

    “You will tell me where he went to and how to get there.” Liz proclaimed, smirking. “I will follow him, and I will make the Crack’s power… my own.”

    Sneasler was intimidated, but the way Liz said it was funny enough for him to start laughing. “Oh, please! You call Zero arrogant, but you’re just as bad! If you think you can take the power, go ahead!” 

    “I do not think, I know I can take it.” Liz stepped back, raising an arm. “I have my reasons, and this is something I must prove to myself. Prove that I am strong, that I can help those that believe in me.”

    Yes, it made sense. Terry would get worried, Shiron would follow her, and Nick would say something about being reckless and stupid.

    “Prove to yourself…?” Sneasler deadpanned. “Frankly, I don’t care, lady. But I do wanna warn you… you’re messing with things you don’t understand. The least you could do is ask for backup.”

    “Spill it already, Sneasler.”

    He sighed, leaning closer and whispering the name to her.

    “Ah… I see. No, there is no need for backup. They…”

    None of them understood. Even if she went alone, she was doing what was best for them. As the most trained, the strongest, it was her duty to protect those weaker than her. And this time… she wouldn’t lose.


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