The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Posted September 26th, 2023

    Chapter Summary

    Linus goes through trials and tribulations with the League but eventually gets what he’s waited for.

    Of course, it never could be without a caveat, there’s something big they have to deal with- something bigger than themselves, and the League.

    Linus Treecko’s POV

    I should have never gone home. Even though it was supposed to be a celebration because I passed the Entrance Exam, and worked at the League for nearly a year, AND finally made a Rescue Team. But I was wrong.

    After that.

    I just wanted to forget about it .

    I couldn’t be him.


    The one who filled the hole left in her wake.

    I’ll never come home again.

    Sorry Hatchet, Kobi.


    I failed you.

    “Team Sharp Claw,” I murmured to myself.

    How could I keep my promise to that busy Lycanroc and all the others in the League? I tried to believe in myself and wanted to be a useful Sentinel. But no, I was just a solo rookie.

    “Linus, you’ll be with Team Aegisdrip,”  Coordinator Cooper explained. The Granbull gestured to the Pichu and Squirtle. 

    “Glad you’re joining the team!” the two Pokémon cheered.

    I grinned and flashed them a smile. “I’ll do my best!”

    We spent about ten months together before things started to change.

    One day the Coordinator brought a miserable-looking Totodile home. 

    “Who’s that?” I asked as I followed the Granbull toward the Med Bay.

    Coordinator Cooper placed the Totodile down and ushered me out of the room. “Do not talk to her right now.”

    Just a week later, the Chief returned to the League with a frightened Charmander.

    “Is that-”

    The Stoutland must have noticed the look in my eyes. “Don’t say anything to them,” she sighed before and shut the Med Bay door.

    I held my chest and leaned against it. “When would I ever see those two again?”

    Maybe I’ll ask Kobi and Hatchet to join me again? We went on one mission in the Bristberg Lowlands, and encountered a strange Keeper. The two panicked, and said it wasn’t for them. Those Keepers really were sensitive, but something was wrong with that poor Wooloo, maybe I’ll figure it out. Perhaps the Espurr and the Axew could tell me.

    It’s been about two months since I last saw the Totodile and Charmander. Team Aegisdrip took me on wilder and wilder rides.

    “Hurry up Linus!”

    “I can’t go any faster!”

    “You need to do more damage! Hit HARDER!”

    “What, My Leafage ain’t strong enough?”

    “Why did you faint from those attacks?”

    “The Special Defense Band wasn’t the right gear?!”

    Various scenarios repeated, usually in intense Mystery Dungeons, other times when we were outside trailing dangerous outlaws. Not the ones wearing black and white, as we at the League haven’t seen them since my encounter. But our foes were still way over my head.

    The Squirtle and the Pichu handled them like nothing. Those two were older and stronger than me, they even managed to evolve. 

    All the while I barely got better. I was just there to hold the Rescue Team bag for crying out loud!

    My ‘good times’ couldn’t last forever. Not at this rate.

    “I’m getting kicked out of the Team?” I gasped. “Is it because you’ve evolved?” 

    The now-Pikachu rubbed the back of his head. “Yup, we need to get the others stronger too.”

    A Skorupi and a Shieldon of Team Aegisdrip were the ‘others’ in question, currently away and training with another Rescue Team.

    “Sorry Linus.” The now Wartortle patted me on the shoulder. “Maybe next time.”

    After Kobi and Hatchet left, I wouldn’t be getting my Team. Not how I’d like it. I left the room. Tears of frustration clouded my eyes. “I hate it here.”

    “Team Aegisdrip just doesn’t want to be held back on dangerous missions,” Chief McBone explained as we walked to her office.

    “I know. I’m just a weak and useless Sentinel.”

    The Stoutland shook her head. “That’s not true.” 

    “But yur a Sentinel that everyone in the League looks up to as Chief,” I sighed. “The numerous other Sentinels are also doing their best at the League. And I’m the only one who held my Team back so bad I got kicked out.”


    Chief McBone let out a breath. “You need to change your outlook on League work, and especially on life. Linus, you have great potential.”

    “If I did, someone would want me.”

    “But someone does want to see you.”

    My eyes widened. “See me?”

    We entered the room and there the Totodile and Charmander were. They sat on some low chairs beside Chief McBone’s desk and fiddled with some scarves. Not just any! League scarves!

    My jaw dropped. “What?”

    Chief McBone gestured with her paw. “These two Sentinels are ready to meet you!”

    I couldn’t believe my eyes! My chance to form a Rescue Team! This Totodile and this Charmander, I knew I felt something special about them!

    “Howdy y’all.” I ran over to them. “I’m Linus!”

    “I’m Glade,” the Totodile said in a rough voice as she flinched away.

    The Charmander curled into their seat. “My name is Nevada.” Their voice was soft yet a little deep.

    I took a step back and bowed. “You wanted to see me?”

    “Yeah,” Glade clenched her arm. “We’d like to form a Rescue Team with you.”

    Nevada nodded. “We heard you were also a rookie at the League too.

    “But you two still need to actually pass your Entrance Exam.” The Stoutland stepped in between us.

    “Wait, Glade and Nevada haven’t?”

    The Totodile’s maw went a bit red, and the Charmander buried their’s in their claws.

    I stepped forward and held out my hands. “Do y’all need my help?”

    Slowly Nevada reached out for me. “Well, uh, yeah.”

    Glade looked away but took it as well. “Ugh, it’s a pain to admit it but yes.”


    Glade, Nevada, Chief McBone and I sat in the second story by the window with a pile of textbooks. “Alrighty,” I started, “so y’all need to understand the difference between normal League work and casual rescue team work.”

    “I don’t understand, shouldn’t all organizations look out for our duties?” Nevada fiddled with the papers. “I can’t tell them apart!”

    “And I don’t even understand a freaking thing about those organizations to begin with!” Glade groaned.

    The Stoutland shook her head. “Leagues were made specifically to research Mana. We still do missions and requests but usually they are also involved with Mana.”

    “Can y’all list areas of importance we in the League check in or for?” I asked.

    “There’s something in Mystery Dungeons.” The Totodile said.

    “Yes Glade.” Chief McBone nodded. “Nevada?”

    The Charmander stared at a page. “Strange activities regarding mana artifacts?”

    “Good,” I smiled. “Can ya’ll each name something related to the mana artifacts?”

    “Keepers.” Glade crossed her arms.

    Nevada hummed in thought. “And our power.”

    My tails touched the floor. “But what about them? Keepers, and our power.”

    “Our power is kept in balance because of all Pokémon and their relationship with Mana.” The Charmander answered.

    The Totodile pointed to a page. “But Keepers could change that if they aren’t careful. Although it’s not like the average one can do anything so we’re fine!”

    “Can you explain what you mean by that?” I closed our book slightly.

    “Keepers can use the key and lock artifacts right? I’ve never seen them or heard anyone say they have, which is why no one’s probably done anything with them!”

    “That’s right!” I clapped my hands. “Mana has been properly balanced for centuries, so everything should be under control.”

    Nevada murmured. “Interesting.”

    Chief McBone got up from her seat. “However we don’t know all of the details behind it. There is so much that all of us are trying to study and research together.”

    Glade rubbed the back of her head. “Aw shoot. I suck at this huh?”

    “I’m sorry I’m not good enough.” Nevada softly groaned.

    “Don’t worry, you know enough for the Entrance Exam.” I patted each of them on the back.

    The Stoutland smiled at us from the doorway. “You think you’ll be ready next week?”

    “Yep!” the Totodile cheered.

    The Charmander followed her. “I’ll try!”

    I had done small requests for the League for the past week to stay active when I received a summons.

    “Y’all have something to announce?” I walked down toward the patio with the Chief and Coordinator.

    Chief McBone and Coordinator Cooper padded beside me as their tails wagged. We opened the sliding glass door.

    There, everyone was. Team Aegisdrip, Team Blue Heroes, and the newly formed Team Whitelight. Everyone except Team Vanguard, the Lycanroc’s Team, who was away doing research, sat around the variously sized tables. While two particular Pokémon stood in the center of the deck.

    “Glade Totodile and Nevada Charmander have passed their Entrance Exams!” the Granbull cheered.

    The Stoutland gave each a wooden badge. “They are officially joining the League!”

    I ran up to the Totodile and Charmander with a Quick Attack, my arms stretched out. “That means!”

    “Yep!” Glade grinned, her massive jaw wide.

    Nevada’s tail flame whipped brighter. “We’ve made our choice!”

    “To join Team Sharp Claw!

    So you’ll pick out our first mission?” I asked, as my dual tails waved in the air.

    The Chief placed a piece of paper in my claws. “Yes, we are off to the Bristberg Mainlands. There is a Mystery Dungeon with only two floors.”

    “So this request is to deliver an item to someone on the first floor.” Nevada peered at the page.

    “And the last one is a joint-request,” Glade pointed to the fine print. “We have to retrieve an item and reach the second floor.”

    I adjusted my League scarf and hopped around. “I’ma so excited to go out with my Team, Team Sharp Claw!”

    The Charmander groaned to themself. “Is it okay to mention that I’m a bit scared?”

    “You don’t need to be. To be alone that is. I am too.” the Totodile looked away.

    Nevada’s eyes widened. “You’re scared?”


    “I’m here with ya guys,” I held out my hands. “Don’t think you’re alone!”

    “Um, Linus?” the Charmander choked out.


    “Thank you.”

    “Yeah, thanks,” Glade said as she faced me. “You’re a good Treecko Linus.”

    We sat in silence as the Stoutland approached us with something in her maw. She dropped it to the floor and sighed. “I have prepared your Exploration Bag.”

    I tossed it onto my back, and smiled as the heft of the items inside comforted me. “Alrighty!”

    Glade and Nevada nodded.

    “Let’s go Team Sharp Claw!”

    We weaved through the quiet streets of Bristberg, the afternoon sky dreary with thick clouds. But that didn’t stop us as we reached the huge mountains in the center of town, that towered up into the heavens and even higher peaks.

    “Here we are!” The Chief’s bark echoed through the narrow sections of mountain. “Bristberg Mainland Mystery Dungeon!”

    “Follow me now y’all!” I fastened my bag straps and headed toward the darker patch of stone.

    “Yeah!” Glade rushed through the boundary of the land and the Mystery Dungeon, with Nevada right behind her.

    It’s so cool! Although we were on the infamous dark teal Bristberg Mountains, inside this Mystery Dungeon was bright, even with the clouds. “Let’s go together, careful now!” I called to the Totodile ahead of me.

    The Stoutland behind us nudged the Charmander toward me. “I trust you know what to do?”

    “Yes, we are going to give a Heal Ribbon to a Sewaddle and gather a Blast Seed for a Blipbug!” I scanned the room. 

    For some reason there weren’t any Mystery Dungeon Pokémon on the first floor at all, like something or someone made them hide away. If anything through the winding hallways and corridors we heard the rumbling of Pokémon above. Strangest thing I’ve ever encountered.

    We entered a larger room with the stairs where a green and yellow Pokémon paced around back and forth.

    “Oh, there’s the Sewaddle!” I called as I noticed their features. Nevada pulled out the Heal Ribbon and Glade walked over to them.

    “Here’s the Heal Ribbon!” the Totodile wrapped it around the Sewaddle’s body. “Er, whats wrong?”

    They blinked. “Thank you for bringing this to me. As for my pacing, well, you guys aren’t Keepers so you can’t feel this but it feels like somethings wrong with this Mystery Dungeon. I’m not going to stay and figure out what.”

    I watched as the Sewaddle vanished in a ray of light and then sighed. “Whatever that means, let’s be prepared.”

    The four of us walked up the staircase and  I could see the Blast Seed, it was right near the entrance to another room. “We’re almost done!” I dashed toward it.

    “Alright!” Glade cheered.

    Nevada yelped as I passed them. “Wait up!”

    “You shouldn’t run off so far ahead!” Chief McBone barked.

    Right as I reached it a plume of purple smoke shot out from the hallway. I grabbed the Blast Seed and bolted backward with the added speed from Quick Attack. 

    Out came a Gothia, and a Stunky, but they couldn’t have been Mystery Dungeon Pokémon. Those Pokémon didn’t live here!


    “If you know what’s good for you, you weaklings will submit and join our fresh new world order!” the Gothia and Stunky yelled. 

    “Team Sharp Claw, this is an unexpected test!” the Stoutland stood firm. “I’m right behind you! Do well!”

    “Wait a minute,” Glade stepped back.

    The Charmander beside her took in a deep breath. “It can’t be.

    On their necks was a sight that stopped me in my tracks. Black and white striped scarves, with two black claw marks in the center.

    No, I can’t.

    “Linus watch out!” Nevada pushed me out of the way of a psychic wave of Confusion. “We- we have to fight!”

    I clenched my fist with a nod. “Right!”

    The Gothia’s attack wasn’t like the Pigeotto’s! It was normal!

    “Are y’all Sentinels!?” I yelled as I shot out a burst of Leafage at him.

    “Yep! But we aren’t useless like you!”

    What!?” My leaves sliced right into the Gothia’s side. “Your attack ain’t glow like that Pidgeotto’s!”

    “What, you think every Keeper with us is unburdened like she was?” The Stunky rammed into the Totodile beside me with a Feint.

    Glade stumbled to the side and shot a Water Gun at her. The pressure of the liquid sent the Stunky to the floor.

    The Gothia blasted Nevada with Confusion, the Charmander gritted their teeth and fired back an Ember through the attack. He fainted from the heat of the flames, and left the other outlaw alone.

    Through a slow limp the Stunky sprayed me with a sharp burst of Poison Gas, the potent toxic fumes choked my lungs and I sank to the ground. My vision blurred.  No! I won’t let them get away! My legs flared but I propelled off the ground with one last Quick Attack.

    As soon as I knocked into the Stunky, she fell over in a daze. I slumped over.  “We did it?” 

    “Don’t relax just yet!” Chief McBone ordered as she rushed toward the outlaws, a net in her jaws.

    “Let’s help with tying them up,” I said. Glade and Nevada came up next to me and held the links.

    Now you’re done!” Glade smirked at our work.

    Nevada finished their section and dropped the netting. “Yep, no more, uh attacks.”

    Once firmly secured in the net, the outlaws had nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. “Don’t-” the Gothia coughed. “Think this is the end!”

    The Stunky slowly lifted her head. “We’ll rule the world!”

    “Just who are you vile fiends anyway?” the Stoutland asked, with a paw on her Diamond badge.

    Instead of an answer they just laughed.

    I couldn’t believe it.

    The cackles from the two of them echoed along the Mystery Dungeon, before Chief McBone growled.

    “I asked you a damn question! she bore her fangs, ice energy charged on the tips.Answer it!

    The Stoutland stood right over them as the two outlaws sighed. “Fine, don’t think you can stop us just because you’ll know our name.”

    Just tell us who you are!” I yelled.I’ve encountered only one of you before, and the League will always triumph!”


    Chief McBone narrowed her eyes at the Stunky and Gothia.Hurry up and say it.

    With a smirk the outlaws gestured at their scarves.

    Then their eyes glew.

    “Wicked Blow.”

    That name.

    That damn name!

    Ruined not just my life.

    But everyone elses!

    And of course thats not all.

    Thats not even close.

    There was even more corruption out there, and I will punish them.

    But I cant do it alone, rather we cant do it alone. Team Sharp Claw.

    But we’ve got some help, the others at the League were right by our side. And everyone else who supported us. Even from the shadows.

    This is the last of the prologue chapters!

    Now get ready for the real deal chapters!

    1 Comment

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    1. May 4, '24 at 10:08 am

      Alright, so I’m here with a review that I can say is my first ever one. If we can call it that, as it’s more or less some general thoughts I had. So here we go.

      So after reading the entirety of the prologue, I have to say the whole keepers and sentinels thing going on here is an interesting premise. Keepers sensing mana, and sentinels protecting it and I assume keeping the former in check. I can only imagine the plethora of interactions that could result from a system like this. From mons acting like they’re superior and inferior like the Pidgeotto and Linus, to certain pokemon wanting little to do with you from the taste in their mouth your mana gives off.

      Now for me personally, characters are often a bit of a focal point, and from what I can gather about Linus, he seems to get on himself when he can’t seem to prove his merit, at least at the league so far, feeling like he’s falling behind. But seems to use this in a way to help out his new teammates. Speaking of which, I wasn’t expecting Kobi to turn down a position on the team. Or at least at first. As for Glade and Nevada… It’s not easy being the new guys, ain’t it?

      Onto our mysterious group of baddies clad in black and white, I have to wonder what they’re endgame is with them targeting keepers like this. Finding a way to steal their power to bolster their own? End the world with these mana artifacts? A little bit of both?

      Although something I will say is that there were just a few bits in the first part that I did have to kinda reread, as I found them a bit difficult to follow. But that might just be me. However, I do think that there’s potential for something good here that I’d like to come back to.