The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted May, 8th 2022

    Team Sharp Claw and Jin enter the Bristberg Highlands. What exciting adventure and new experiences await them inside the depths of the mountaintop Mystery Dungeon?

    Third Person POV

    “This is the outside of Brist Mountain Highland Mystery Dungeon or just Brist Highlands for short,” Linus rubbed the shoulders of his coat. “Take in the sight for a moment as this sleet storm passes,” the Treecko gestured upwards.

    The dark teal body of the mountains shimmered with the slick of the rainfall, just as some of the black and light aquamarine sections of rock reflected the bright beams of the sun.

    “Excuse me but why are we waiting?” Jin asked.

    “Oh uh, contrary to popular belief the weather outside affects the weather inside a Mystery Dungeon,“ Nevada explained.
    “Speaking of Mystery Dungeons, we’ve gotta tell you about the most important part,” Glade placed her claw on the Zorua’s shoulder. “Look up there,” she pointed towards the peak of one of the mountains.

    There were Pokemon who roamed around the mountain range, some flying and climbing around the particularly treacherous areas, one’s outside of the Highland Mystery Dungeon and on another one. 

    “The Brist Mountain Peak Mystery Dungeon or the titular Brist Mountain is sacred and hallowed ground,” Nevada explained. “Even the most advanced Rescue Teams, Explorers, and Expeditionors only venture into that Dungeon with the utmost caution, for the Pokemon who guard the treasured depths inside are furious.”

    “Oh my word, there are Pokemon up there,” Jin murmured while studying their motions. “The town Pokemon are surely hearty, braving those impressive cliffs like that.”

    “The Pokemon on the mountain don’t Pokemon that live in Bristberg.” The Totodile shook her wrists. “Well not inside the town, the point is they aren’t like us.”

    “I beg your pardon?” the pale Zorua tilted his head. “They are not?”

    “These Pokemon, well uh live on and dwell inside… Mystery Dungeons and are called carnal ferals,” Nevada mumbled as the sleet started to slow down.

    “Ferals? If I may, why do you classify Pokemon by a different name based solely on where they call home?” Jin watched as the sky cleared slightly.

    Linus picked up the Team bag and passed it to Glade. “They are called ferals by some Pokemon, which I don’t like by ta way, because of the sickness they get. It’s from absorbing mana from inside the Mystery Dungeon when restoring their Power Points.”

    “Oh right,” the Zorua said. “They probably don’t go out and procure supplements.”

    “This sickness is often called Carnal Instinct, and there are five stages that have been researched on,” the Charmander exhaled to defrost some of the ground. 

    “All forms are dangerous and only the fourth and fifth are considered full-on feral Pokemon though.” Glade grabbed Linus’s shoulder and shook him. “But we need to do more research on the Pokemon here anyway.”

    “I know, I know,” the Treecko explained.

    “Even with all of our various journals, logs, and guides we still only know a little bit of info on about five or six species,” Nevada added.

    “Oh, you are all compiling data on Pokemon you encounter?” Jin lit up. “I was familiar with some colleagues of mine who were tasked with that in my homeland!”

    “Well, how do I put it…” Nevada brushed off their shoulders. “Our other Rescue Teams, cause the League has a few more, usually do it but we’d help pitch in occasionally. That makes sense right?”

    “Yes, I seem to follow correctly,” the Zorua acknowledged.

    “Come on Mister Team Captain.” The Totodile slung the bag across her back. “We have to go inside to show Jin here more about the Dungeon!”

    “Alrighty then let’s head on in!” the Treecko nodded. “Follow me!” he then ran inside the entrance on the mountain face that led into the Mystery Dungeon. 

    Once the four Pokemon entered the Brist Highland Mystery Dungeon a mysterious tune began to play. Then an odd natural enclosure of stones closed the opening of the mountain face. Inside the Labyrinth, the open reaches of the sky were visible, however, the majority of clouds were a ghoulish deep black, with swirls of red and purple mixed into some grey patches.

    “Ugh.” Jin grimaced, lowering his ears. “My companions, something is off  about this Mystery Dungeon place.”

    “It must be mana right?” Nevada questioned. “Remember we Sentinels can’t feel a thing!”

    The Zorua shivered for a moment. “Yes, it is as if a strange pressure is running through my body.”

    Linus patted him on the back and began to rummage through the team bag. “I see, so one of the requests from the board in town was correctly flagged.”

    “What?” Jin squirmed as the Treecko fastened a blue hood tight against his head. “W-what is going on?”

    “Do not worry, we’ll help you deal with the status effects, please bear with us.” Linus reached down to ruffle the Zorua’s chest fur and hug him. 

    Jin dropped his ears. “My friends?”

    “I’m so sorry, you’ve never felt this before so it’s scary,” Nevada panicked. “Pokemon in this Mystery Dungeon also are dealing with the same problem.”

    “Which are?” Jin looked up at his companions.

    “Because of the imbalance of pressure, you Keepers overall ability to move quickly is lowered, you all also have weakened physical defenses and special defenses to elemental damage,” the Charmander noted.

    “Really?” the Zorua narrowed his yellow eyes.

    “But don’t worry,” Glade assured. “It says here in this exploration guide that says that ferals in Mystery Dungeons that have imbalanced mana pressure seem to always be absent from the first floor.”

    “Alright then, but what did you put on my body?”

    “It’s just a Reunion Cape buddy.” Glade narrowed her eyes.

    The Charmander beside the two knelt. “We need you to wear it so if we somehow get separated you get back to our side,” they explained. “Got it?”

    “We need to hurry through the Mystery Dungeon to find the wheel, the solution to the imbalance now y’all,” the Treecko started to head out of the small room the group arrived in. There were two choices that the group could make and they did heads or tails on a poke coin to see which one.

    Soon everyone hiked up the left hallway. The Rescue Team tried to run but forgot that it left their companion a couple of meters behind them before his cape teleported him back to their side. Linus, Nevada, Glade, and Jin decided to slowly and carefully navigate through the various winding paths and mainly empty rooms of the Mystery Dungeon.The Labyrinth wasn’t completely desolate; however, there were leftover items scattered around the mountainside. A Pecha Berry lay in one room, some coins rested on some rocks in another while there was a pile of Geo Pebbles seen from a hallway the group passed.

    As for the environment of the Brist Highland, it had a dark teal base lined with grey, black, and light aquamarine stones. In narrow cracks of the boundaries of the Dungeon had realms and dens where feral Pokemon preferred to hide away.

    The Team continued onward and saw small pockets of water that branched in between some rooms, while certain paths were cut off by thin ravines, and others twisted into dead ends. Very few signs of feral activity were present besides the sounds of scampering and the alarm calls that rang out in the distance.

    Glade, Linus, and Nevada continued forward, eventually making their way into a large room with another branching pathway.

    “Without many enemies in our way these first couple of requests should be easy!” the Totodile cheered.

    “I’m afraid I still can not manage to comprehend what you are all referring to.” Jin pressed a paw on the Treecko beside him.

    “There are missions for us to do inside of this Mystery Dungeon, otherwise we’d have fewer reasons to come in here,” Glade stepped away and pointed down towards an entrance into another room. “It’s a natural Labyrinth where if you aren’t careful the weather conditions, traps, or the Pokemon inside could put an end to your run.”

    “My word!” Jin panicked. “If I may, with all of those forces to fear why would you League Members dare venture inside?”

    “The missions aren’t just tests of strength or whatever, they are to help other Pokemon in the town.” Nevada crossed their arms. “Our first request was to check out the pressure of the Mystery Dungeon.”

    “It was?”

    “Which is why we needed ya Jin,” Linus added, ruffling the Zorua’s head. “Without ya here we’d hafta go and hire a Keeper mercenary from the groups that worked with our League before. And then they would tell us about the pressure and get a percentage of our request profits.”

    Jin calmed down slightly. “I understand that, but you mentioned more requests.” he paused to dig at the ground. “What else could the town possibly require from you all?”

    Glade stamped her feet on the ground. “In these specific requests, Wicked Blow caused all the issues! We’re supposed to be the first ones to handle those guys whenever we get word of them!”

    “Wicked Blow… What did they do here?” the pale Zorua pondered.

    “If it’s anything besides what’s in our requests we’ll hafta figure it out when we get on the next floor, not sitting here!” Linus sighed. “Up the stairs now y’all.

    The four eventually found a room with an exit that appeared to be a portion of a stairwell, which was a natural occurrence. The Team and Jin ventured up the stone staircase to the next floor of the Mystery Dungeon.

    Now on the second floor, Team Sharp Claw decided to rest a bit so that Jin could recover from his fatigue, the imbalance of pressure was taking its toll on the Zorua’s body. But Jin insisted that he was going to continue his journey with his new friends no matter what.

    “Okay someone’s lost item is on this floor and there seem to be gang members of Wicked Blow hiding around the next couple of floors,” Linus explained as he glanced over the lengthy request paper. There were two more pages of information that they had at this disposal thanks to the work of the Winter’s Reach League. “The reports speak of stolen goods that belonged to the town’s Pokemon and attacks on them.”

    “Egads!” Jin panicked. “That is what has happened!”

    “We’ll have ta see partner,” Linus sighed. “Time’s of ta essence folks, let’s get a move on.”

    “Alrighty, let’s go kick some ass!” Glade flexed her arms.

    “Hey wait, we forgot about the ferals!” Nevada said while the Team continued through the large room they found themselves in before there was a light gust of wind.
    “What about them?”

    “You all know there were not any Pokemon that we encountered on the last floor,” the Charmander replied.

    “Yep.” Glade rubbed under her chin. “I didn’t even get a chance to use my moves or anything.”

    “But that changes right now,” Linus said. “Because the Pokemon living in here take in the mana directly from the Mystery Dungeon, I’va heard they have some interesting temporary abilities.”

    “Praytell, what about the Pokemon abiding in this place?”

    “Guys we can’t stand here and wait, we’ve gotta find our first item!” Nevada yelled.

    “What was it again?” Linus asked, his brow lowering.

    “You are the one holding the freaking requests!” the Charmander huffed. “It’s someone’s bundle of Warp Wands.”

    The four Pokemon were on the lookout as they walked through the next area. They had to check every nook and cranny of each room. Team Sharp Claw didn’t want to come back empty-clawed on such a simple request. 

    As the four Pokemon traveled across the mountain range, louder Pokemon calls and cries could be heard from within the Mystery Dungeon. The majority sounded like one-word commands, while others were intelligible chatter among a clattanoia of cries. Then the group finally saw one, a Pokemon that inhabited the Brist Highlands. There was a little Cubchoo that stumbled out of a den that spotted the group. 

    “Alright now watch carefully before we act now everyone,” Linus said. 

    “Huh, woah!” the Cubchoo cried, eyes wide and scampered away, back into their little den.

    The Rescue Team continued down a long winding pathway. Jin grumbled to himself as they walked down the narrow wedge of the mountain. “That was underwhelming,  you all said that we have to have the utmost care around these Pokemon?” 

    Linus laughed before rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry about that, how bout next time you make the first move Jin?”

    “That sounds splendid!” the Zorua cheered. 

    Behind them, Nevada sighed. “It’s our first time dealing with ferals inside an unbalanced Mystery Dungeon,” the Charmander said. “We have to be aware of their new conditions, it’s not a game.”

    “Let’s see.” Glade pulled out the Team’s adventure manual. “Well, ferals either hideaway more often or are extremely aggressive.”

    “What?” Jin questioned.

    The Totodile closed the book and put it away. “Here’s that encounter you wanted!”

    On the other side of the room in front of the four travelers was a pair of Mankey and a Sentret. The fighting-types brushed some snow out of each other’s fur. Not too long the normal-type noticed the Team and let out a loud warning cry. Both Mankey banged their chests and dashed towards the Zorua.

    “I won’t let you down, companions!” Jin used Bitter Malice on the bigger Mankey, as his large ghostly energy crashed into the Pokemon.

    The Mankey stumbled backward and smirked before they Furiously Swiped at the Charmander in front of them. 

    Linus hit the other Mankey with Quick Attack, while Glade swung her palm out and knocked the back the Sentret with Brick Break.

    The larger Mankey jumped forward and swept out a Low Kick at the Totodile to their side, and knocked her slightly off balance. The Sentret fired out a Swift at Linus, the white and yellow stars homing in on the Treecko and crashing into him.

    Beside them, the smaller Mankey slapped Jin on the muzzle with their palm, the Assurance shoving the Zorua over. But before the Dungeon Pokemon could see his full form Linus and his Team knocked them each out.

    After they scuffled with the three ferals Team Sharp Claw and their Zorua companion finally entered the room they were looking for.

    “Oh, here the Warp Wands are!” Linus pointed at some pieces of wood in the middle of the floor. They were bundles of sticks with curved ends wrapped in a mesh blue bag. “These belong to Mareep.”

    “Alright! Let’s find the stairs!” Nevada cheered.

    Jin decided to take care and lead Team Sharp into another room where they found a set of twisting walkways. “I am afraid I am not sure which route to pick,” the pale Zorua admitted. 

    “It’s okay if it doesn’t lead anywhere important, it just matters that you picked it,” Glade said.

    “Very well then.” Jin sniffed the ground for a moment before he lead the group into another walkway.

    Linus smirked. Trying to steal my thunder eh Glade? He thought as the group wandered into another room. In this open stretch of mountain, Jin spotted the stairs. 

    Team Sharp Claw followed the Zorua up the steps and they finally found another one of their requests. Catch two Wicked Blow thieves and retrieve their stolen goods.

    In front of the entrance to the third floor, there were two Pokemon, a Blitzle and a fairy Ponyta. Team Sharp Claw stood in their tracks and checked over their request papers. 

    “Just fricking great,” Glade mumbled, clenching her fists and trembling. “I just had to run into hostile electric-types again.”

    “Ah, you have an elemental weakness against them, but it should not be too troublesome with our companions,” Jin said, as his ears folded down.

    The Totodile took in a deep breath. “My family was targeted! You don’t understand my hatred of our weakness, my weakness-” 

    “Calm down,” Linus commanded. “Focus on what’s important here.”

    As paper rustled Nevada growled, the flame on their tail brightening. “Those two are known criminals of Wicked Blow, besides stealing they are known for all types of killing; including young children and crushing eggs.”

    The Ponyta and Blitzle had black and white striped kerchiefs on their necks, with two black and white marks. Unmistakable signs of their allegiance to Wicked Blow. The two gang members held some bags of treasure, their bodies partially hidden behind a wall.

    “We have the upper claw, let’s put offensive items to use.” the Treecko rummaged through the bag. “Here Nevada,” Linus handed the Charmander a Special Attack Band and a Violent Seed.”

    “Stand back.” Nevada patted Jin as they placed the cloth over their head and swallowed the seed. “We can’t have them see you.”

    The Zorua nodded and slunk to the ground. “Understood.”

    Without warning, Linus tossed an Energy Ball at the Blitzle while Nevada fired out a Flamethrower towards the Ponyta. The two Wicked Blow members looked up as the moves hurdled in their direction, surprise and fear etched onto their faces. As the giant grassy ball and fierce flames blasted against the Blitzle and Ponyta they collasped in a heap, fainted.

    After they sent the Wicked Blow members back to town with the power of their Rescue Team badges, the group made their way through the rest of the Dungeon floor. They kept the secured items in a separate compartment of their bag and eventually found the stairs to the next level.

    On the third floor, Jin and Team Sharp Claw searched for a Cutiefly from town who got lost after being sent inside as a dare. They ran into more and more ferals, some fleed immediately, while others became aggressive. When the group made it to the fourth floor they were ambushed by some weak Wicked Blow grunts, ones who had participated in illegal trade and theft and thought they could just rob any explorer they came across. 

    Then they quickly found the stairs to the next floor. The group decided to rest at the entrance once they decided the coast was clear. Team Sharp and Jin exited the room, they felt a sharp chill around the bend. They entered what appeared to be an oddly pitch-black room.

    “What in the world is going on here?” the Totodile groaned. “This could be the room where the last item is and it’s dark.”

    Nevada patted the sash on their shoulder. “Don’t worry, I can use Heat Wave and warm this place up-“

    “No, that could be a Blast Seed trap or something, we have to be careful,” the Treecko stopped them.

    “What should we do then?” Glade asked. “Mystery Dungeons aren’t normally this dark!”

    “Perhaps you could fashion up a torch so we can see what is directly ahead of us?” Jin suggested, rubbing his head against Nevada’s side.

    “Sure,” the Charmander replied and took in a deep breath.

    Linus took out a throwing stick and used it as a makeshift torch with Nevada’s help. There was the sound of rocks crumbling as heavy materials or Pokemon shifted in the corners of the room.

    Glade grabbed a few more branches out of the bag and held it close to the Charmander beside her. “Just in case ya know?” the Totodile reasoned.

    “My companions, I need you to stay alert,” the Zorua said once the group finally ventured further into the room. “I’m sensing two Keeper presences.”

    “You know what to do.” the Treecko quickened his pace.

    “Got it.” Nevada moved in tandem with their teammates to shield the ward. “We’re not clear yet.”

    In the near absolute darkness a giant shard of ice barreled straight at Linus, Nevada jumped forward and blocked it with Metal Claw. It shattered instantly. Two shards then aimed at the Charmander and Glade broke each of them.

    “Wow!” A voice called out as the dashing of footsteps and flapping of wings filled the room. “Bravo little Sentinels!”

    Shoot, how did they know we were here?! Linus’s thoughts spun around in his head as he tried to make sense of the situation.

    “There is a Keeper among these Pokemon!” an icy voice of the foreigners called out.

    “I am truly sorry my companions, I do not know how to turn my mana presence any lower! I am not aware of one either!” Jin yelped.

    “This ain’t your fight.” the Treecko clenched his fist. “Whoever these fellas are, we’ll deal with it!”

    The icy voice called out again. “We know you are from the Bristberg Mana Research League, but do not worry, we have worked with one of your Rescue Teams before!”

    “It’s why we’re here!” the more gruff voice yelled. “You will engage in combat with us and we will see who is the strongest!”

    “What?” Team Sharp Claw asked. 

    Before the four knew it, a large green plant flew toward Glade. Linus pressed an Energy Ball against the stalk and knocked it down, just for it to swing back. When it hit him, the force knocked him this body away.

    “Linus!” the Zorua cried out.

    The Treecko was tossed aside, unconscious, leaving the torch behind.

    Nevada and Glade changed positions, and lit up another torch as soon as their teammate went down. “Stay back! Just who are you!?” the two yelled as a figure got closer.

    “Why should I tell ya?” one of the voices replied. “That’ll ruin the surprise! We slipped away from our Boss to see you guys after all!”

    Dumbfounded, the Charmander’s and the Totodile’s jaws went slack. “We don’t have time to play these games!” they snarled. “Tell us right now!”

    “This isn’t a game to us,” the other voice said. “After all, we captured four members of Wicked Blow just to ensure they would not get in our way for this very moment.”

    On the wall near the entrance, Linus finally opened his eyes, one of the Reviver Seeds in his stomach pouch emitted a light green smog. His teammates and his client were standing in the dark talking to two mysterious Pokemon, ones who had taken on Wicked Blow just as they did. 

    “W-what in the voidlands is going on!?” the Treecko gasped as he tried to recover from his injury. He got up on his feet and blasted out a Dragon Breath toward the enemies. “Glade, Operation:Strike!”

    The Totodile grabbed a Defense Scarf and chucked it at Linus. “Alright!” she yelled, and rushed forward. “We’ll engage the enemy!”

    Even in the darkness of the room, Linus’s attack made its mark, the blue draconic mist crashed into one of the Pokemon. The light from the Dragon Breath revealed the silhouette of both of the figures for a moment, one small bird and one tall bird.

    There was another flapping of wings before there was a loud thunk. Small green and yellow lights began to illuminate different pockets of the cave in small sections as another chill blasted through the area. The two enemies were a fighting Farfetch’d and an Eiscue, both with dark grey markings on the feathers of their head and upper body.

    “Very well, let us begin,” the Eiscue said as she recovered from Linus’s Dragon Breath, the light showed her as she stood back.

    “It is not right to fight an opponent and not know their name, you know,” Jin spoke up.

    The Farfetch’d slammed the base of his stalk against the floor. “‘Cha right about that!” he shook his head, the odd grey feathers on it bounced in the wind.

    “That doesn’t matter! Watch out!” Nevada stopped their partner before the enemy Pokemon waved around his weapon.

    In the Charmander’s firm grip Glade sighed. “Very well then. We are Team Sharp Claw of the Bristberg Mana Research League, Linus, Nevada, and Glade are our names.”

    “The name’s Kenji,” the Farfetch’d chirped. Before he lifted the huge leak had dragged along the floor. The Farfetch’d wore a plaid scarf around his neck, the colors were green, black, and gold.

    “Plaid scarves? Three colors! League-Bound?” Nevada gasped. “You guys are affiliated with a certain group?!”

    Glade crossed her arms. “Who wears those?”

    “Answer our questions damnit! What organization do you work for?” Linus demanded as he steadied himself from the attack.

    “I’m Kenji, I roll with the Black Clover Mercs!” the Farfetch’d explained before he rushed forward.

    “And I am Algoa,” the Esicue shouted from across the room. “Also of the Black Clover Mercenary Group.”

    “These Pokemon work with some of the fellows you would have hired?” Jin questioned.

    Linus shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t believe it, the guys that are attacking us are Keeper mercenaries!”

    “If you are not our enemies and we are not trespassing on your land why do you wish to cause a commotion with a battle?” the Zorua asked.

    The Eiscue was the first to speak. “To test out one of my hypotheses from another encounter we had.”

    “I wanted to see if the rumors were true.” The Farfetch’d pointed his huge stalk at the three.

    “W-what rumors?” the League members asked.

    Kenji laughed, and thrusted his blade at the pale-Zorua in between the Charmander and the Totodile. “That the Bristberg League is hardcore!”

    Jin panicked as he saw the hefty shalk aimed straight at his head before Nevada placed their body in between it.

    “Leave him out of it!” Linus shouted as he scampered upright and crashed into the Farfetch’d.

    “Oh, I see.” Kenji was crushed against the floor for a moment before he shoved the Treecko away. “Let’s go!”

    “You wanna see if it’s true huh!?” Glade blocked his next attack and stood beside Jin.

    The Zorua curled into a ball underneath his cloak.

    A long kunai-shaped-blade of ice struck the Totodile in the chest.

    “Are you sure about that?” Algoa said before another Icicle Spear stabbed her foe in the shoulder. 

    When the last blade pierced her scales Glade cried out. She fell to the floor, and yanked out the sharp ice in her wounds. “Why don’t you come over here and fight me face to face?” SHe growled, teeth shining.

    “As you will,” the Eiscue answered, and waddled forward. “I do warn you, I was trying to make this a fair fight, and only use my ranged attack.”

    “Well, I don’t care!” Linus tossed an Energy Ball at Algoa. “You two need to get out of our way, we League members have important business to deal with!”

    The Totodile shot out a Water Gun in the dark and soon heard a squawk of pain.

    “What is going on?” the questioned Treecko as the lights danced and looked to his left and right.

    The Farfetch’d then aimed his stalk at the Charmander and did a broad swipe, “Just a friendly competition!” This attack slammed directly into Nevada and sent them into the air for a moment. When the Charmander collided with the ground they only barely managed to roll to the side to dodge the Farfetch’d’s Night Slash.

    “Why are you doing this in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon!?” Linus struck Kenji with a Quick Attack and darted back near Jin.

    The Farfetch’d dusted his feathers off and swung his stalk in a circle.“We Black Clovers are having a friendly little test of strength!” he shouted.

    Linus dodged the attack while Nevada launched out a Flamethrower and neutralized it, partially leaving Kenji wide open. The Treecko used this moment to fire out a Dragon Breath at the Farfetch’d. “That doesn’t answer my question ya bloodthirsty freak!”

    The blue flames were once again partially blocked by Kenji’s stalk, some of the draconic energy scorching his feathers. He swung his blade again cackling all the while. “Oh come on now, it’s just a competition!” the Farfetch’d laughed. “Just like going out to the batting cage and doing the thousand pitches of death!”

    “What are you babbling on about! You can’t call this a competition!”

    “But we heard you League folk were tough as nails!” Kenji thrust his blade at the Charmander with Night Slash. The blow soared just over her shoulder and into the air. “Ain’t it true!?”

    “Who said that we were?” Nevada questioned as they charged up their Solar Beam, a spiral of green energy forming on their belly.

    “That’s right!” the Farfetch’d yelled as Linus moved towards his teammate. “Give me more! More!”

    Meanwhile, the Eiscue slid towards Glade on a ramp of ice and water, crashing into her with a mighty Headbutt.

    The Totodile shot back a Water Gun before Algoa summoned a vertex of water and Dove into the earth.

    “I needed to test your merit as well,” Algoa’s icy-voice called out. Once the Eiscue reemerged from the rapid current she flew into the air at Glade. “If we clash five hundred times, who will be the victor!?” Algoa yelled.

    Soon she collided with Glade and the impact sent the Totodile backward into the air. Which left the Zorua exposed. The Eiscue nearly dove at him

    “Don’t you dare touch him!” Standing back up, Glade lunged forward and struck Algoa with Brick Break. “It’s me you want, not him!”

    The Eiscue stood unmoving as her ice face slid clean in half. “I understand, he’s not with you,” she said. Algoa smirked before stepping away. “He flies the flag of those Pokemon.”

    “What could you know?” the Totodile snarled, and moved in front of the Zorua.

    Every second Jin still trembled under his hood.

    With her true face revealed, the Eiscue created her Icicle Spears. Algoa rushed forward, and pelted the Totodile with numerous ice blades. “Are you surprised?”

    Glade coughed after each dagger-like ice stabbed into her scales. “How are you so strong?” she mumbled, staggering upright and closing her eyes. The Totodile ran forward, jumping towards the Eiscue and slammed her massive jaw on one of her flippers. The dark-type energy of Crunch swam down the side of her body even as Glade still clamped down.

    Unamused, Algoa looked down as rocks formed around her upper body. “Months of training and dedication, that is all,” the Eiscue answered before she managed to land a Head Smash on Glade. The extremely powerful attack threw the Totodile right into Linus.

    The Treecko caught his fainted teammate and crashed onto the floor due to her momentum. He watched in horror as the moments passed, his opponent rummaging through the pouch on her side.

    The Eiscue took out a small yellow seed and tossed it at the Totodile. It revived her on contact. Algoa slid across the mountainside and stood in front of them. Now all three were right by Kenji and Nevada.

    “Stand up and fight,” the Eiscue demanded, pointing an Icicle Spear at Linus and Glade.

    “What?” the Treecko furrowed his brow.

    Algoa stared down at the two and sighed. “I request that you get up and strike me with your full power. Only then will I feel satisfied.”

    “Why are you toying with us like this?”

    “That was not my intention.” the Eiscue, dropped her spear and folded her flippers. “We are challenging you because we’ve worked with your League before.”

    “Don’t you have better things to do?”

    “I revived you to continue the test, nothing more, nothing less. I hope you understand it’s no hard feelings.”

    Just as this happened Nevada took a nasty Aerial Ace to the face. “Don’t make me burn you,” they staggered back to their feet, wiping blood from their nose

    “You’re a Charmander, of course I want to see that!” Kenji shouted as he sped up his attacks. “Ever since I saw you on T.V I knew I had to feel how strong you were in real combat!”

    What does that even mean!? Nevada’s tail flame began to flare out as they countered the mercenary with Solar Beam. “Q-quit it!” The Charmander demanded as Kenji slid back from the powerful blow. “Cut it out!”

    “You don’t understand!” the Farfetch’d cackled, coughing and using his leek to stand up. “We have to clash, I have to fight you guys!”

    “I said we ain’t got time for this!” Linus got up and chased Algoa.

    “Oh so iconic, the Treecko is so no-nonsense!” the Eiscue squawked. “So incredible! It’s just like the first Gym Challenge I saw!”

    “What are you going on about!?” Glade growled trying and failing to push back against the ice-type.

    “This is the only logical conclusion, Team Sharp Claw!” Algoa said, stepping back and forming more Icicle Spears.

    Kenji brandished his stalk. “Bend to our will or accept your fate!”

    “That ain’t gonna happen ya idiots!” a voice echoed throughout the room just before there was a bellowing of wind and gust that filled the area.

    There was a rumbling that shook the entire cavern floor, startling all six of the Pokemon. When it finished there was a tall black and white Pokemon that crashed into Kenji and Algoa. Team Sharp Claw and Jin took this moment to run back towards the nearest exit. “Hey League kiddos don’t leave just yet,” the Pokemon the mercs laid beside called out. “I’ve got a message for ya’s.”

    Clouds flew sporadically in the air but the figure spoke up again. “As you can see I’m here to pick up these two knuckleheads!” she started. “I’d let them continue their practice but we Black Clovers got some real shit to deal with in Tapu Plains!”

    Dark plumes of dust and debris that swirled around the mercenary duo parted and allowed the Rescue Team to see who this Pokemon was. She was an Obstagoon, one wearing a cape and backpack, holding some sort of orb. “We’re going against some fucking Bounty Hunters working with Wicked Blow this time!” The Obstagoon’s large plaid cape blew in the new sudden breeze of frigid air. This fabric had the same colors and pattern as the scarves the Eiscue and the Farfetch’d below her wore.

    The blinding wind died down and all was calm for a moment, then the mercenary boss crushed an Escape Orb between her paws, the black orb had a glowing blue center. “See y’all later, and watch yourselves League children!” Soon the three of them disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Mystery Dungeon and their new rivals behind.

    “Well that was certainly a sight to behold,” Jin said as he and Team Sharp Claw hiked around the other paths of the mountain in their desperate search for the stairs. They scoured the floor non-stop for about half an hour, the looping maze of rooms blending together in the worn-down minds of the Rescue Team members.

    All the while the Zorua tried to keep his head up the best he could. “N-now that we have finished the requests from towns Pokemon-” Jin paused to catch his breath. “What are we to partake in next?”

    “We’re gonna get out of here,” Nevada sighed. “Well if we can just find those darn stairs.”

    Glade clicked her teeth as they found themselves at another dead end. “Don’t worry pal. We are going to restore the balance of pressure inside this Mystery Dungeon for Keepers like you and all the ferals living here,” the Totodile replied before she heard something fall onto the floor. 

    The Zorua fainted.

    “Jin!” Linus screamed involuntarily when he saw the younger Pokemon crash down in exhaustion. “No! Stay with me!”

    The Charmander beside the Treecko grabbed his shoulder and held their claw out. “Deep breaths Linus, Jin is going to be okay.”

    “But I thought everything was okay and didn’t check on him enough! I failed in my duty!”

    Glade dropped the team bag and started digging through its depths for an Apple through all their other items. “No, you didn’t. He probably just needs some food and more rest, for right now what we have in the bag should do just fine.”

    The Treecko couldn’t stop the tears from running down his face. “But how could I have been so careless again!? I forgot that he’s a Keeper, his body is more delicate than ours! I should have been paying attention to all the signs! She would be so disappointed in me!”

    The Zorua was tired, his trot had him lagging behind the slow pace of his friends. As much as he tried to downplay it or skirt around the issue Jin could not handle the Mystery Dungeon’s drain on his stamina, with his hunger setting in and the discomfort he faced from the mana pressure. He had silently growled in exasperation whenever the group had to fight off ferals and panted nonstop after their second encounter with Wicked Blow, on the fifth floor.

    Slowly the ghostly Zorua came to, stirring as he opened his eyes and crawled off the floor. “Hello my companions,” he softly smiled before coughing a bit. “If I may, why are you all so gloomy and dreary upon my awakening?”

    “Oh, Mew, I’m so sorry Jin.” Linus embraced him with a sniffle, before pulling up his jacket. “I’m sorry.”

    “I’m sorry as well,” Nevada held onto their tail. “I didn’t think this could happen but I was so narrow-minded.”

    Glade picked up the Zorua and sighed, nuzzling her snout into his head. “To make up for having you faint on your first dungeon run I’ll carry you the rest of the way!”

    “That is fine with me my friend!” Jin yapped, his tail wagging.

    Team Sharp Claw finally made their way to the stairs and entered the last and final floor. Upon making it up the steps the group continued onward. They entered a long empty hallway and started to race towards the other side, which looked like a small room. The Totodile didn’t slow down even as she carried Jin. She slipped and tumbled into  a wall adjacent to another walkway.

    “Hey!” Linus called out. “Watch it, ya’ve got precious cargo aboard!”

    Glade got up and stamped her foot. “Sorry, I just swore there was something there.”

    “Maybe there is,” the Charmander behind them said as they stared at the wall.

    A strange dent formed in the mountainside.The slab of rock disappeared and revealed a dimly lit passage. There was light peering from the ceiling, which stretched high into the sky.

    “This must be what Coordinator Cooper was mentionin’,” Linus said as he headed deeper into the tunnel.

    At the very end of the walkway was a large stone pavilion in the room with a large circular object in the middle. Four torches of golden light illuminated the pedestal where the wheel rested. The large stone steering wheel had eight handles, each with a dimmed gem inside and a faint glow emitting from the barrel, where the spokes sat through.

    “Alright let’s turn this wheel and fix the pressure!” Glade placed her claws on the device and a ray of energy from the barrel bounced a light around the room. 

    Linus and Nevada also placed their claws on the wheel and helped her turn the stone clockwise. The light grew brighter and brighter as each handle moved around the room.

    Once the wheel could go no further all the gems on the handles began to twinkle as chimes and a bell played from behind the wall. Team Sharp Claw restored the balance of pressure inside Brist Highland Mystery Dungeon.


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