The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    3rd Person POV

    Celestial News Issue Number # 412

    Jovian Continent Headlines. Expeditioner Jones Purrloin and the Admirals have discovered another ancient city’s ruins, this time rumored to house shrines for the Mythical Leader Volcanian.

    Nebula Continent Headlines. A new massive Mystery Dungeon in the Starry Outback has just been charted by the Strike True Guild’s rising stars, Josephine Midnight Lycanroc, and Chiave Zoroark.

    Twin-Star Continent Headlines. Tensions heightened as Master Arceus demanded all Enforcers’ and Scholars’ branches have additional members placed into individual squads to deal with the unruly Pokemon of the Mysterious Zone.

    Constellation Continent Headlines. Palm Shore City Mana Research League broke records on monthly recruitment averages, over twenty and catching Pokemon of Wicked Blow Gangs, over fifty.


    The sounds of wind howling outside shook against the walls of the Bristberg Mana Research League. Chilled air-hardened the iron bars that lined the gate and fence on the perimeter of the building as dark clouds shifted in the sky above. The radars fastened to the corners of the towering barriers sat still amidst the wind. In the front courtyard, the watchtower remained firm, even as snow piled high on its roof.

    With the early morning ending, it was time to get to work. If the machines and equipment couldn’t make out any traces of importance outside then it would be up to the Pokemon of the League to discover it. The Granbull Coordinator understood this all too well. It was time for some mana research.

    “Now that class is over I need you all to hurry. You need to get ready for Exploration inside a Mystery Dungeon,” Cooper explained, opening the classroom door for Team Sharp Claw. “You’ll be on your own with the ward, so ask me everything you need to know right now before it’s too late,” he reminded the three Pokemon. “I don’t want anything going wrong and you all getting in trouble alright.”

    “Where are we going again with the ward?” Glade questioned. The Totodile then rubbed the back of her head. “I forgot after thinking about those important artifacts you mentioned.”

    “I suppose I could explain more,” the Granbull sighed, as the four of them walked down the hallway. “You are going to Brist Mountain Mystery Dungeon.”

    “Ah yeah, that’s right,” Nevada perked up. “Aren’t there multiple parts to it?” the Charmander asked.

    “Yup,” Linus nodded, turning to face them. “Mystery Dungeons like Brist Mountain are great,” the Treecko rubbed his arms together. “They have numerous sections to it, this should mean there will be plenty of requests we could do while we give the ward an escort.”

    “Do we have to go to the one you choose, Sir Cooper?” Nevada glanced up at the Granbull .

    “No, you all can pick from the three Mystery Dungeons that make up the Bristberg Mountain Range: the lowland, mainland, or highland,” Coordinator Cooper waved his paw before entering a staircase to the third floor. “Now go and figure out what supplies you’ll need to purchase while I go get ready for my meeting with Head Tiger, one of the League Committee Heads.”

    Cooper, Linus, Glade, and Nevada left the league building and entered the nearby town of Bristberg, a large settlement nestled in a range of expansive teal, aquamarine-colored Mountains. 

    Pokemon bustled in the cobblestone streets as a gust of late Winter wind chilled the air. A few grass-types bundled up in long scarves and wooly coats as they tried to venture out in the town. Numerous water, ice, and fire-types enjoyed the weather as it was. Some flying-types stayed close to the ground for warmth, while ground-types and dragon-types remained mostly indoors, buried under blankets. Swarms of snowflakes and flurries flew in the cloudy sky, signaling an approaching storm. It wouldn’t be best to stay out late today, the sleet fall would be torrential.

    The League members’ route had them headed towards a Cafe in a higher uptown district, so they had to trek to the other side of town. The southeast part of Bristberg, towards the reaches that lead to Midori Mori City. Then the four Pokemon headed up a long, narrow cobblestone pathway to the meeting place, named Indeedee Cafe.

    “I almost forgot, Sir Cooper,” Linus started. “You were talking about the various important things in Mystery Dungeons. Could you tell us more about what to look out for?”

    The Granbull rubbed his forepaws together and exhaled. “Oh right, most Pokemon don’t know this, but Sentinels have an important job to do in place of Keepers.”

    Nevada grinned. “Really? What is it!?” 

    “You have something of an artifact of your own that is usually inside of the hidden depths of a Mystery Dungeon to check on,” Cooper shielded his eyes from a cloud of dust as some rocks crumbled from a hill above.

    “Yeah but what does that really mean?” Glade groaned. “There are so many different types of stupid crap called artifacts.” 

    “Well, you are right, I wouldn’t necessarily call it an artifact. Although it is an ancient device,” Sharp Claw’s Coordinator admitted, taking the Team beside some various stores.

    “So what is it that we are dealing with?” Linus shivered, getting closer to the Charmander behind him.

    “There is always a lever or wheel that is inside a Mystery Dungeon that controls the mana balance of the Dungeon,” the Granbull coughed, placing his elbow over his maw. 

    “Where is the wheel generally located?” Nevada asked as they allowed their Treecko teammate to snuggle up to them.

    “It is hidden away, usually by a passageway to a secret room near the very top or very bottom of a Mystery Dungeon,” Coordinator Cooper took the group out of the alleyway and pointed towards a building resting atop a small teal mountain.

    “We’re almost at the cafe!” Glade cheered, pushing past Linus and Nevada. “Race ya up the steps!” the Totodile dashed up the faded cobblestone pathway that spiraled up a mountain face.  

    “Get back down here!” Linus yelled. “It’s too cold for all that running!” the Treecko then took after her.

    “Oh Mew,” Coordinator Cooper chuckled, watching the two chase after each other. “Anyway in turn the valve or lever affects the pressure that only Keepers can feel and are sensitive to.”

    “I see,” the Charmander carefully followed him up the steps as it began to snow. 

    Eventually, the two made it to the top, marveling at the grand view of the rooftops and streets below. Glancing behind them, the Granbull and the Charmander took in the foreboding jagged edge of the earth beside them, the Bristberg Alps southeastern slope, trailing into the frigid skyline above.

    “But only you Sentinels can touch the artifacts and return them to their natural state…” the Granbull wiped his paws off on the doormat of the awning covering the cafe. “Or in the case of Wicked Blow or other ruffians, they change them off balance.”

    Glade, who was sitting on a chair at one of the outside tables, waved to the two of them and pointed to Linus. The Treecko was sticking to one of the cafe windows, one that had its blinds closed, trying to stay warm as a brisk bellow of air flew around the bend.

    Their Charmander teammate waved back, hurrying up the pathway to help Linus. “Why would anyone do something like that in the first place?” Nevada dusted some snow off their scales, hugging the Treecko. “To go out of their way and be a jerk.”

    “Usually to mess with Keepers in Leagues, Guilds, and other organizations who try to go and follow them,” Coordinator Cooper reached forward to pat Linus on the head.  I’m going to go check if Head Tiger and the ward are waiting up there for us, sit tight and don’t cause trouble okay?”

    The Granbull then gently opened up the door, the sound of a bell signaling his entrance. Team Sharp Claw glanced down at the townscape below, watching as all sorts of Pokemon peacefully went about their morning.

    After a few minutes, Coordinator Cooper returned, carrying a bag of warm fried eggs inside some bread and a cup of coffee. “I’m sure the two will arrive soon, but now we have time to relax,” he explained, patting the backpack on his side. Linus took that cue to reach inside the backpack and pulled out his folded Rescue Team bag.

    “Can you explain the other artifacts, the ones in that Mana Temple?” Glade asked, through a mouth full of food. 

    “You should let him explain what a Mana Temple is first,” Nevada waved.

    The Granbull finished eating his breakfast and took a sip from his cup. “They are deep inside a Mystery Dungeon, either the very bottom for a descending Dungeon or at the top for an ascending one.” 

    “That’s just like the wheel or levers we can use,” Linus realized. “What else?”

    “They can also be hidden away in smaller Mystery Dungeons,” Cooper explained. “Finding a trap door or some sort of secret pathway.” 

    “Ooh,” Team Sharp Claw gasped.

    “There is one Mana Temple for each elemental type on every Continent,” the Granbull scratched his chest fur. 

    Linus crossed his arms. “So Pokemon built that many? What does that imply? That there could be eighteen keys on each Continent at a given time and we just don’t know?” 

    “Don’t fret so much, that’s my job, remember?” Cooper sheepishly laughed. “In the Constellation Continent, there are currently only four elemental mana keys and four locks.”

    “Really? We have four of those things just freakin’ lying around somewhere?” Glade roared.

    “You know it’s not that simple so calm down!” Her Treecko teammate pushed her.

    “All of the pairs reported to be matching as of now, but that could change,” the Coordinator sighed. “And then there are old Churches that look just like Mana Temples, but you know they aren’t.”

    Nevada tilted their head.”How do we, as Sentinels in a mana research League, understand this?” 

    “This is because only two or more Keepers can enter into an actual Mana Temple,” the Granbull explained. “The pressure and lack of mana presence inside a Sentinel’s body will not allow them to walk in.”

    The storefront door opened. “Coordinator Sir,” an Audino waiter started garnering the attention of the Pokemon. “Your guests have arrived.”

    “Alright,” Cooper stood up and waved his paw. Linus, Glade, and Nevada followed him through the Cafe. There was a small number of customers waiting in line at the counter, and an even smaller amount lounging around the booths of the warm and cozy shop.

    The Coordinator and Team Sharp Claw gave their leftover food to one of the waiters to hold on to and finally made it towards the VIP staircase, one that led to the top floor. Once the four League members arrived the door was shut tight and locked. 

    The view up at Indeedee’s Cafe was amazing, one was able to see almost all of the town of Bristberg and the green mountains surrounding the north.

    “Hello, and good morning League Committee Head Tiger,” the Granbull called out to the Pokemon silhouette directly across from him. “It is I, the Coordinator of the Bristberg Mana Research League, Cooper McBone Granbull.”

    Sitting on the edge of the balcony fence was Head Tiger. They slouched backward with their legs wide open, under a purple and red cloak, their hot breath immediately forming steam as the freezing bursts of wind blasted through the mountain tops. Below the Tiger sat a much smaller Pokemon silhouette, one hidden in a purple and red-colored hood.  The League Committee Official, still while concealing themself reached down and pulled the cloth off the smaller Pokemon, revealing them completely. 

    What kind of condition is that? Linus thought as his eyes drifted.

    Nevada’s tail flame shot up and their face went slack. Oh wow, so unusual.

    Glade jumped backward but clamped her mouth shut. The fuck is up with this Pokemon!

    “Now, now,” Coordinator Cooper sighed. “Behave.”

    The four League members managed to conceal their surprise at the Pokemon’s appearance, a ghostly pale Zorua. One with light grey fur, on his main body, white on his head fur tufts, and melancholically droopy yellow eyes. He brightened up when he saw the Pokemon standing before him.

    “I need everyone, except the Granbull to leave,” the League Committee Head demanded in a low roar.

    The three younger adults nervously looked up at their Coordinator. He sighed and shivered for a moment as he watched them head towards the exit. I need to be strong, they’ll be okay. Cooper thought before he took in a deep breath. “I know you all will do well out there, take care of each other,” he pointed two of his finger paws to the side and waved, his team nodded in acknowledgment.  “If you need help don’t hesitate to call for Chief Mcbone or me with your badges.”

    Linus waved his hand. “We’ve got it Sir!”

    Team Sharp left the balcony, leaving the Granbull all alone with the two foreign Pokemon. “Didn’t you want your ward to go out with my Rescue Team?”

    The cloaked Pokemon stared down at Cooper, their red eyes glowing through the darkness. “Why yes of course, Jin?”

    “Yes, Head Tiger?” the Zorua replied.

    “You are to follow all directions given to you by those Pokemon,” Tiger ordered the Zorua. “Under no circumstances are you to be disobedient.”

    “Yes Head Tiger,” he answered solemnly.

    Cooper sighed as the little white Zorua left the balcony. “I don’t want to talk for too long.”

    “My ward can stay with your Rescue Team the entire day or longer if they have to,” the Tiger replied.

    What? The Granbull pondered as he tried to calm down his nerves. “So what have you summoned me here to discuss, Head Tiger?”

    The Tiger sighed and revealed underneath her hooded cloak, she was an Incineroar with strange grey markings alongside her stripes. “I need your assistance in developing some tools.”

    “What kind of tools?”

    “Mana tools, tools that can control and limit mana. Specifically for unlocked Keepers.”

    “Interesting.” Cooper sat across from the Incineroar. “But first could I brief you on some of my equipment findings?”

    “Why of course.” Tiger placed her paws underneath her chin and stared down at the Granbull. “Go ahead, Coordinator of the Bristberg League.”

    Right outside the VIP staircase, Team Sharp Claw decided to take the leftover food and sit down at a table with the Keeper Committee ward. A strange white, grey, and red Zorua. Before they left, Coordinator Cooper signaled that the foreign Zorua was a Keeper and for them to be on the lookout. So the three had to do their best to make him as comfortable as possible.

    “Now that we’re free to speak, howdy there! We’re Team Sharp Claw,” Linus waved to the Pokemon. The Treecko then tried his best to give a friendly smile. “My name’s Linus, what’s yours?”

    “Jin!” the Zorua gave a sheepish grin back. “If I may, my good friend, what Pokemon are you?”

    “I am a Treecko, of the Sceptile line,” Linus answered. “I’ll admit, we’ve never seen a Zorua that looks like ya Jin. Is it albinism?”

    The Zorua shook his head. “Do Zorua and Zoroark usually not look like this in this land?”


    “No,” Treecko replied.


    “Who are these other Pokemon?” the Zorua gestured with his forepaws to the Charmander and Totodile, both scarfing down some of the remaining food. “I’ve never seen any of you guys from my homeland.”

    The two Pokemon both paused awkwardly to wave before they continued eating.

    Linus chuckled to himself. “That orange Pokemon over there is a Charmander, named Nevada, and the blue Pokemon, the Totodile next to them is Glade.”

    “I see, I see, Nevada and Glade, interesting names,” Jin smiled, staring at the breaded eggs and wagging his tail. “Where I’m from they wouldn’t have names like that.” 

    The Treecko smiled and tapped the table, signaling for his teammates to get ready to leave. “Welcome to Bristberg, and the Azulo Region Jin! Team Sharp Claw and I’ll give you a little tour as we go to look for requests.” 

    Glade and Nevada gave the last two breaded eggs to Jin as they got out of their seats. The Zorua took them happily, his ears curling down and his tail wagging in glee. 

    “Unfortunately and perhaps fortunately, the board where most of the local job requests that don’t get picked right away is on the northwest side of town,” the stocky Treecko explained, walking up to the counter. Linus then got the clerk to get to his side and whispered something to her before they exchanged two bags.

    While this happened Jin finished eating and nudged the remaining League Members with his snout. “So Nevada, and Glade,” he started, continuously avoiding eye contact. “Could I know if you have any friends… in your group?”

    “What’s that supposed to mean, Jin?” the Totodile tilted her head.

    The Charmander was the first to answer. “In our ‘group’, the Bristberg Mana Research League, we have all sorts of Rescue Teams and some other Pokemon that work with us.”

    When Nevada said this, Linus waved and everyone followed him outside of the Indeedee Cafe. The winds from earlier were somehow less prominent, even as the sky grew more and more bleak, rich dark clouds swirling together. It was still cold, however, and the Treecko decided to get himself a coat from the clerk somehow. Linus then pulled the cloak on Jin’s shoulders over his head, making sure others couldn’t see him.

    Then all four of them traveled back down the cobblestone pathway. They passed by an assortment of different Pokemon trying to brave the weather conditions, some Guild Members and some other groups, judging by their different patterned armbands and scarves. This caught Jin’s attention. “So you are Rescue Team Sharp Claw… could you tell me what the other names are?”

    “The other Rescue Teams here at our League?” Linus repeated, trying to wrap his head around why this Committee ward would want to know before he gazed into his eyes. “We have Team Blue Heroes, Team Whitelight, and Team Aegisdrip as our other Rescue Teams.”

    “Only those three?”

    “Yes,” Nevada added. “They are the only other Rescue Teams that are active at the moment.” 

    “Active? I beg your pardon… Could you elaborate? I seem to not understand,” Jin noticed the somber tone in the Charmander’s voice.

    “It sucks that some of our other League mates are stuck unable to help us because of the stupid time it takes for their injuries to heal, especially ones from Wicked Blow!” Glade complained, rubbing her arms. “Those bastards keep managing to cause too many damn problems for the Pokemon I care about.”

    I’d like for more Pokemon to come join our League quickly. The Treecko thought before he sighed. “Don’t worry, we’ll make them give back what they stole from us. They’ll pay, one way or another.”

    The group walked closer to their destination, the Zorua noticing the relief oozing from them as they crossed a bridge that led to a street with wide open pathways and more prestigious establishments. “My friends, your status as a Rescue Team must really be noteworthy, especially to take on this journey with me.”

    “Yep,” the Totodile yapped. “We’ve been given the mission to take care of you until League Committee Head Tiger is ready.”

    “Tiger is not special, she’s just one of the League Committee Heads,” Jin scoffed. “Something in my heart hates when I call her by that moniker… Tiger.”

    “Let’s save all that stuff for later, we’re near other folks now,” Linus demanded, pulling the cloak further over the Zorua’s body. “The academy that’s over there hosts a tutoring center for moves, they have lessons in the courtyard and can hear us.”

    “Right,” Glade adjusted her bandages along with her scarf. “Committee Head Tiger told our Coordinator, the pink Pokemon called Granbull, Sir Cooper that we were to take you through the Brist Mountain Range.”

    “If I may, what are we going to do there?” the Zorua followed the three Pokemon towards the request board stationed by an academy.

    “In the Brist Mountain Range there’re things called requests for us ta do while explorin’ the area,” Linus yawned.

    “Requests?” Jin tilted his head.

    “Yea, requests. They are missions where we as a Rescue Team go to the place or a certain location to deal with a problem or look into something for another Pokemon,” Nevada pointed to a slip of paper pinned down on the corkboard.

    “We’ll be taking ya on yer first Mystery Dungeon trip today huh?” the Treecko questioned. 

    “Yes,” Jin nodded.

    “Alright, let’s see,” Linus reached over to pat the Zorua on the shoulder. “You aren’t some kid so I’d assume you’ve used your moves before right?” 


    The Treecko looked over the board for a couple of minutes and then said, “That sounds like a deal, I’ve found some decent requests for us to take on, we are going to the Highland Mystery Dungeon.”

    “Alright! Wooo!” Nevada and Glade cheered in excitement and headed towards a path that led to the town gates. Then the group began to hike up the mountain steps. 

    Eventually, they made it through the chilly weather and frosty path, which was too dangerous and slippery for other travelers who waited at around the middle point to the Mystery Dungeons. Team Sharp Claw decided to melt it with Nevada’s Heatwave. Now traffic was clear and everyone went along their merry ways, thanking the Rescue Team with some spare berries.

    “So pray tell my boon companions, what is this Mystery Dungeon place? Neither me or my fellow comrades from Hisui have never heard of such a phenomenon.” Jin asked as the sky cleared up a tad bit as the four of them reached a higher elevation. They were almost at the entrance to the Mystery Dungeon.

    “A Mystery Dungeon is a labyrinth that exists as a natural way to travel across each Continent,” Linus pulled out his map. “Usually they are shortcuts that allow us to make it to places quicker or safer in some circumstances.”


    “You have more friends that look like weird Pokemon?” Glade asked excitedly. “Are they cool?”

    The Zorua peered at her from his cloak and giggled. “I heard the same thing about my Sneasel friend, apparently the Committee Heads and staff think it’s strange that she and her older brother are this light grey and purple color with dark purple claws.”

    “Woah, I’va heard that their shiny form could have their fur pink and feathers yellow but I’va heard nothing about light purple!” Linus panicked, suddenly beckoning for everyone to hurry towards the natural shelter as some sleet started to form in the atmosphere. “All that’s from Hisui?”

    Jin eagerly followed them up the mountainside and nodded. “Where I’m from this is commonplace, we are all normal.”

    “That’s so freaking awesome!” Glade shouted as they made it to the top of the trail. “After this Dungeon run you’ve got to tell us more!”

    “I’d like to know too!” Nevada smiled.

    Stopping to rest and catch their breath, the four Pokemon finally sat down around the base of the Highland Mystery Dungeon. “Welcome to your first Mystery Dungeon, Brist Mountain!” Team Sharp Claw cheered.

    “Before we enter we have to go over what we are doing here and what to expect,” Linus grinned. “Are you ready?”


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