The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted June 8th, 2022
    Ported June 1st, 2024

    Number 12 of the Sentinels Code, Sentinels who are strong enough and well equipped shall do routine checkups on at-risk areas in their communities. Whether it be Mystery Dungeons, Holy sites, dens of Strays, and or rumored gang hideaways.

    Makkuro Rockruff’s POV

    The brisk wind rolled across the rocky hills of Pebble Creek, carrying the scent of river water and moist clay far across the sky. My paws made light imprints on the soft stone as we trek towards the gentle reach of the forest. It was almost late afternoon, so Kobi and I decided to talk to some of the Guild Pokemon to learn more about the area and our abilities before we headed out of the townscape.

    A Miltank at the Guild said she was glad Kobi came back to see her with a friend. Am I already making friends here? Wow, I’m doing much better here than back home.

    The Riverbank Guild has a machine called the Connection Orb, which another organization gifted them called an Expedition Society. The machine was a giant translucent blue sphere that had two tables, one low-rise and the other for a taller Pokemon. All I had to do was walk up to the Connection Orb and then it told me my four moves: Tackle, Bite, Dig, and Rock Tomb. Kobi’s moves are Psychic, Payback, Signal Beam, and Dazzling Gleam.

    Kobi had never heard of the Expedition Society or all of their feats in discovering all sorts of things. They must had been probably rather low-key outside of the reach of her old village. The Expedition Society wasn’t bound to the Leagues or Keeper Committee but to another organization. What could that be?

    Hints of the unusual taste of cold temperatures were washed out by the presence of the Nakagawa, a massive river that ran through this town, and all across the Continent. Out of all places to end up in this world of Mysterious Dungeons I believe this couldn’t be any better. Well, besides a sunny beachside tropical paradise, akin to Hau’oli City in Alola. That would be preferable, but apparently, that’s somehow to the north. The city is called Palm Shore, and it has an establishment Kobi called a Mana Research League.

    Guild? Expedition Society? Mana Research League? Ai Tapu! So many Pokemon organizations, and apparently there are even more! Keepers, Sentinels, Wicked Blow, Mystery Dungeons, mana artifacts, and Rescue Teams. My head is gonna fall off trying to make sense of everything.

    There are so many new things to learn about in this new world so I should just take my time and enjoy myself. “Ah, the freshwater breeze feels so nice against my fur!” I said to Kobi, as we started to go uphill. “Pebble Creek seems to be a great town to live in.”

    “Yeah,” she replied, taking me further into the woods. “It’s really good weather for a nice little introduction to the basics.”

    “I think I can still remember plenty of things about Pokemon moves, it should be easy!” I grinned, following Kobi deeper into a rather empty stony woodland.

    “That’s great,” she finally stopped walking once we made it to an open stretch of pebble-filled grass. There were thick, large bushes surrounding almost the entire area and then a view of the river beyond a ley of trees.

    Kobi then placed all of her saddle-pack down beside a tall stone. “But to use moves in this world is quite different than back home, we Pokemon have steps to using moves.”

    I sat on the ground, watching as the Espurr moved various sized boulders closer and closer to where we were stationed. “What are the steps?” I asked, feeling something had an odd taste in my mouth, like stale bread and bitter food. Again with the bad presences… But where are they hiding?

    “Okay so first you have to draw in the specific type of mana based on the move you want to use,” Kobi started, exhaling before she started to very dimly, but faintly glow. “It’s easy to take in normal-type elemental mana first, which is why practically all Pokemon start out with a move of that type.”

    “Normal tastes like vanilla right?” I questioned, before trying to copy her.

    “Yeah,” the Espurr responded.

    I took in a deep breath and felt the energy be drawn into my body. But then it kinda felt a bit odd, like all I could think about was vanilla. What’s going on?

    “Okay, once you’ve taken in the mana you then convert it into PowerPoints,” Kobi said as her tail began to swish. She must be getting excited doing this training, it makes sense that using moves in a battle would be fun. I thought as I tried to follow along.  
    “So the normal type mana I take in turns into Power Points so I can use it for Tackle!” I asked aloud, trying to have it make sense.
    “Yeah! This next part should come easy, just let one of your moves fly out,” the Espurr once again had a faint glow to her body. Was this normal? I thought.

    “Really, just like that huh?” I questioned.

    “It should be like riding a bike or skating!” she then jumped forward and slashed one of her claws at a rock, splitting it apart.

    When she did it, her claws were cloaked in a black outline. “What type of move was that?” I ask, smashing into one of the smaller rocks. I cried out when my body just hit the stone and didn’t break it. “What the Tapu!? Why didn’t it work?”

    “The move I used was Payback, it’s a dark-type move,” Kobi tilted her head at me. “That’s crazy, why can’t you use Tackle? You should have enough Power Points… what’s going on?”

    “I’m not sure… Did I mess up the steps somehow?”

    “No, no, something going on-“

    “Oh well, I can’t even use a little attack, that’s nothing new,” I lamented, shaking my fur as I tasted the odd presence again. “Well, if you want to leave me while I figure this out you can.”

    The Espurr deflated. “No,” she stepped forward. “I’m not going to just leave you Makkuro,” she said, looking deep into my eyes.

    “Why?” I turn my head away from her. “You can just find another Keeper to go with you and do research, someone who won’t slow you down anymore.”

    “You and I share a Dream Mark,” Kobi glanced at my paws. “I want to be there for you.”

    “We just met, you don’t need to,” I sighed.

    “It’s a cruel and dangerous world out there. I don’t want you to face it alone without my help.”

    “But I can’t even use the simplest of moves,” I pried myself away. “How can I help you without being able to help myself?”

    Before the Espurr could reply there was a bullet of water that landed on the ground, splashing my fur and even stinging me. “Wait, what was that?”

    Then there was a dark purple dart that hit the ground beside Kobi. “It looks like Water Gun and Poison Sting!” she explained, grabbing up her saddlebag. Suddenly there was a rain of attacks that started flying out. “Look out!”

    I cringed as small droplets cascaded into my face and chest. “Where are these enemies hiding!?” I snapped once a small purple thorn pierced my side. Then I rolled over to dodge a huge burst of water. Kobi and I were then pelted by small shots of Water Gun and Poison Sting for a bit before the rounds stopped. All of a sudden white threads of silk and web launched out in rounds from every direction, completely covering us.

    “We’ve gotta break these webs Makkuro!” Kobi urged me.

    “I’m trying!” I barked back, now trying to draw in chocolate-tasting energy. “Maybe my rock-type moves will work?”

    “Maybe!” the Espurr used Psychic to pry strands off and Payback to slice them apart. Then the tiny Water Guns and Poison Stings start flying out again, riding on the lines cast by our enemies in the bushes.

    I wrestled with the String Shot binding my right hind leg to the ground. “Here goes nothing!” I yelled before I tried to form Power Points again. Quickly, a rush of different, almost raw mana flooded into my body, I felt something like a move start to form. “Woah!” I shook as I started to get overwhelmed with power that clouded my vision.

    “Makkuro you’ve gotta stop!” Kobi distanced herself from me as shards of translucent rocks shifted and crumbled in the air all around me. “That’s not a regular move!”

    “What’s happening to me?!” I panicked as they grew in size, now forming into massive stones. I lost control as a bright brown light dazzled all around me. I strained my muscles to try and pull down whatever was happening. But I couldn’t contain it, I failed, coughing up blood, and screaming out in pain.

    Immediately it felt like I was floating in the air just for me to fall to the ground. The rocks around my body were glitching in and out as the brown light faded in and out in various luminosities. Then suddenly there was an extremely bright light that I felt inside my head that pulsed throughout my body. It made me sick to my stomach.

    “Urgh, now what?” Kobi groaned, trying to not fall over. “Whose presence is this? It’s so strong!”

    “I have no clue, but those attacks keep coming!” I reply, getting bombarded with Water Guns. So whatever this is it must be another Keeper, either a good one or a bad one! I realized as I fell to the ground, holding my lower stomach as I kept taking in more energy. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this!?

    The radiant presence went in and out before there was a black bolt of lightning that struck inside the bushes. Then the thunder roared as crackles and flashes dashed across the stone, frying away the String Shot and stopping the rounds of attacks.

    Then the ground shook as something akin to a meteor struck the space in between Kobi and I, sending us tumbling to the side.

    A thick plume of brown dust clouded the air as chunks of stone crashed on top of us and the ground. After a long silence, I opened my eyes. Somehow I didn’t pass out from the commotion. Neither did Kobi, I can hear the familiar sound of her Galarian accent through her mumbling. How did we make it? I have no clue.

    Eventually, Kobi and I scrambled upright and we got our bearings enough to not lay face-first in the crushed pebbles. “Wha, what’s happening?” I panicked, trying to see through the cloud of debris.

    “I’m not sure,” Kobi said, helping me off the floor and shaking her fur free of soot. “But, we’ve got to stay alert.”

    “Ah, right.. Ah-” I said as I sneezed. “Gah that stuff went straight up my nose!”

    “Sorry,” she stepped away from me to rid her coat of more dust.

    The pressure from earlier came back as I felt another force of power try to make a way through my body. What is happening now? I thought, trying to shut it down. As I did, the enormous thick cloud of dust that surrounded us was blown away.

    The Pokemon who had crashed into the ground was finally revealed. Standing before us was a Midday Lycanroc, one with a black decorated cloak and black satchel across their torso.

    The Pokemon stared at Kobi and me before growling. “Who are you two and what are you doing!?” they howled before the pressure of presence increased.

    “Us?” Kobi and I asked.

    “Yes, you!” the Lycanroc barked at us. Their mighty presence continued to crescendo whilst their panting and shortness of breath started to sound aggressive. “Stop what you are doing right now!”

    What the Tapu is going on now!? I thought, trying to settle down the rock-type mana within me. Finally, it stopped, and then a pressure released its grasp on my entire body. A wave of relief and exhaustion crashed into my body and I slumped onto the stone woodland floor, unable to support myself.

    The Lycanroc studied the two of us for a moment, ignoring me and going towards Kobi. They got close to her face, snarling. “What the Vell do you think you’re doing?!”

    “Are you the Police?!” Kobi questioned, moving in front of my body as I coughed raggedly. She backed away to make sense of what the cloak, bags, and badge emblems read. “Wait no, that isn’t their uniform!”

    Who is this Pokemon? I thought, trying and managing to somehow stand.

    “If I was with the Police, I would have already had you two on the floor, knocked out flat!” the Lycanroc barked.

    ‘Well, who are you with then?” I questioned before I felt drained of all energy again. “If- if you don’t mind me asking,” I coughed.

    The Lycanroc sighed and planted their claws into the earth. “I am a Guard of the Sentinels Union,” they explained, before leaning forward. “Espurr! State what your business is!”

    Kobi glanced over at me. I nodded at her to go ahead, so she tried to explain. “I was just trying to help this Pokemon here,” she got closer to me and gave me a reassuring glance. “Makkuro can’t use moves-“

    “I’m not worried about what you are doing to that Rockruff,” the Lycanroc growled.

    “You aren’t?” I asked. “Kobi’s clear on that?”

    “I’m not too concerned about that,” the Lycanroc exhaled, flattening their ears. “I’m more interested in what Espurr’s presence is doing!”

    “Mine?” the Espurr questioned.

    “Yes, yours!” Lycanroc yelled.

    Is that why she was glowing whenever she used her moves? What could all of this really mean?

    “But, how could that have happened to me, I never knew?” Kobi panicked. “How can ya even tell?”

    “I can taste your unlocked presence,” the Lycanroc roared, and giant jagged stones formed into the air all around us. “I’VE BEEN THROUGH THE WAR OF THE DISRUPTION! The black bells in my cloak are ringing, and they don’t lie when it comes to mana!”

    Unlocked presence? War of the Disruption? I scooted backward and held my paws over my head. “W-what does all of that mean?” I just wanted to help Pokemon, I didn’t mean to cause any problems! My thoughts began to spiral.

    “It means that someone has some explaining to do,” the Union Pokemon gestured to Kobi. “Now.”

    “I never heard of any instruments like that, this must be a mixup,” Kobi pleaded. “I can’t be unlocked, I can’t be!”

    “Don’t play coy with me,” the Lycanroc growled, baring their fangs at the two of us.”You’re unlocked and so is he!”

    “I am unlocked?” I questioned. “Is that why I can’t use moves?”

    The Lycanroc folded their ears down. “No, you being in this unlocked state does not mean you shouldn’t be able to access any of your moves, however, that is not the problem here.”

    “But I need to be able to use moves to help other Pokemon and not be a burden!”

    The Pokemon glanced over at Kobi and sighed again. “You Wicked Blow scum are so vile, finding and unlocking a Pokemon like this-” the Lycanroc then shook their head and sniffed the air.

    “We aren’t part of Wicked Blow, I promise!”

    “Really now?” the Lycanroc barked. “Then who do you belong to?”

    “I’m supposed to be with a League,” Kobi looked at the crushed pebbles on the ground and sighed. “But I went to go get Makkuro first, I didn’t want them to end up alone.”

    “Why would you forgo your League responsibilities for this Pokemon?” the Pokemon tilted their head. “How did you know they would be around here anyway? Wouldn’t it be safer to come to get him with another Pokemon?”

    “Yes, but Kobi had a Dream Mark that had me in it!” I explained, digging my paws into the ruined ground.

    “Really, did you tell him what it was or are you bluffing?” Lycanroc blinked.

    “Yes, after I introduced myself and some other things I told Makkuro about our Dream Mark,” Kobi replied.

    “You may not know this but certain Keepers, like me, can sense when one of us has had a Dream Mark,” the Lycanroc sat down to stretch out their legs. “The bells will ring if the Dream Mark was true, it listens for whatever Leader Cresselia has shared.”

    What does all of that mean? Who is this Leader Cresselia? “Kobi?” I questioned. “What do I do?”

    “Please tell them what I told you,” the Espurr responded.

    “This very stony Riverland, my brown body, and my rock-type presence,” I stood up. “It was all foretold in the Dream Marks!”

    “Hmpt,” the Lycanroc took a second to glance around the area. I followed their eyes. They noticed the Riverbank peaking beyond the reaches of the forest. They tasted moist damp air, feeling the smooth stone beneath their paw pads. “The black bells are ringing,” the Lycanroc sighed. “You weren’t lying,” they turned around to face Kobi. “Now then, Espurr, you said you are with the League?”

    “Yes,” Kobi used Psychic to reach into her bag. Then she pulled out various rolled-up papers, journals, notebooks. “Here it is, here is my proof.”

    “Really now, you must be so studious,” the Lycanroc leaned down to study the contents of each note. “Well, I’ll be. You are with them.”

    “Yes,” Kobi sighed. “I’m with the Bristberg Mana Research League.”

    “What about the Rockruff,” Lycanroc suddenly focused their attention on me. “Where does your allegiance lie?”

    “Me?” I lifted one of my forepaws for a moment. What does this Lycanroc mean about allegiances? Why would that matter? “Why do you need to know?”

    “Is there any other Rockruff in the immediate area besides you?” they lowered their eyes to stare directly at me. “The reason is, I have an inkling that you somehow are affiliated with Wicked Blow.”

    “Wicked Blow?” I tilted my head in confusion at the Pokemon’s claim. “What are you talking about?”

    “You could have easily just thrown off your black and white bandana for a moment now couldn’t you?” Lycanroc got off the ground to gesture towards the bushes that surrounded the stony grass field. “Could that be why you two were attacked?”

    “I don’t even know what Wicked Blow is,” I replied, feeling my tail wag fervently. “I don’t even have any belongings with me, I’m from out of town!”

    “You must be joking, you don’t know about Wicked Blow?” Lycanroc scoffed, narrowing their eyes. “You are a Keeper with their mana controlling powers unlocked by a various mana artifact or some unknown outside force and you don’t know.”

    “You mean the things you wanted my help to research?” I whispered to Kobi.

    “Yes,” the Espurr sighed, her tail sinking to the floor. “I’ve heard that if we find one of the key mana artifacts corresponding with an elemental type of your line we can reverse the effects.”

    “Somehow in one-way shape or form something happened to you two,” the Sentinels Union Pokemon spoke up, startling me. “I can sense all. You can’t hide from me! This power means you are unlocked. Show me your attempts at an attack right now!”


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