The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted May 30th 2022
    Ported June 1st, 2024

    Who is the Pokemon of Kobi’s Dream Mark?
    Who were they before they crossed paths?
    Is Hatchet the only Keeper who has something wrong with their presence?

    3rd Person POV

    Another smudged letter, this time attached to a clipboard. It was fastened to a low-rise desk for a Pokemon often close to the ground.


    Dear Red Rock Chief 

    Don’t worry my dear friend. We have sent out our finest Rescue Teams to safely follow through with Pokemon requests far out into the land. Well, we are a little understaffed back at the base but we’ll keep in touch. Also, I feel like one of the Keepers under me; Astesia is correct, and will we have more Pokemon to help keep the promises intact. I hope your subordinates are doing well.


    Love Bristberg Chief 

    Faraway in the human and Pokemon World, a Trainer was about to go through a transformation that would change their life for the better. In the Region of Johto near the tall peaks of Blackthorn City, Humans and Pokemon bustled about in their everyday lives.

    Young Trainers preparing for a venture inside the depths of Ice Cave. Fans getting tickets to a Gym Challenge Match of an uprising star and Clair, the beloved Dragon-Type Gym Leader. Families going for a stroll on the nearby Route. All of these humans lived their lives with Pokemon right by their side.

    But far away from the reach of the cityscape, there were three particular Trainers, atop a flat mountain surrounded by the hills. A Student, the Sensei who he was battling, and the Sensei who would judge him. They were all on a peak that hosted a battle ring. There were bleachers adorning the ring with Pokemon Trainers all dressed in teal, orange, and black sweatshirts, and joggers, the same colors the three Trainers also wore. One Trainer, an older man, one of the Sensei stood across from the middle of the ring where the other two stood inside, valiantly judging the actions of and inside the Pokemon battle. 

    There was a frigid burst of wind as the younger Trainer, a novel student under the Ace Trainer Senseis’, called out his last command.

    “Typhlosion! Use Earthquake!” 

    The Sensei judging the battle stepped back to glance over at his pupil, in his eyes: a rather short and oddly built, foreign young…wo… m- person. Still nevertheless, one of the judging Sensei’s most promising students.

    This simple, yet extremely powerful ground-type move is… my big shot. The student Trainer reasoned with themself. It was the only moderately effective attack that could have a chance in taking down our final opponent, Sensei’s Furret. 

    The Ace Trainer Sensei battling him, an older woman cautiously eyed over at her Pokemon, and her opponents before laughing happily. “That’s your last chance huh Alola boy!?” the battling Sensei half-mocked. 

    “You know it, Teach!” he cheerfully replied.  This has to hit! The student Trainer pleaded as the earth roared and shook under their Pokemon’s power.

    “That’s Sensei to you!” the judging Sensei called, jumping back from the ring. “Island Hopper!”

    “It’s Makkuro Teach!” the Ace Trainer student waved back. Noticing the lack of enthusiasm in the older man he backtracked.”… er Sensei.”

    The battle ring rumbled as massive teeth of like jagged stones coursed towards their destination, the battle Sensei’s Furret. And promptly missed. “Ooh!” the students on the bleachers cried out in unison. Can we make it to the next turn?! Makkuro thought, gripping his belt, on it five Ultra Balls filled with fainted Pokemon. Not just any Pokemon, the Sensei’s grandaughter’s old team.

    “Furret Roll Out once more!” the Battling Sensei called out without missing a beat. Her Pokemon let out a cry of joy and curled up in a ball before beginning to quickly spin.

    “Typhlosion!” the student warned their Pokemon with a shout. Roll Out is on its second strike here. He refreshed his memory and tried to calm his nerves. The move shouldn’t be able to knock out Typhlosion based on their stats. Actually Roll Out may not even hit, it’s at a less than 90 percent hit rate… Wait!

    “Typhlosion-” Before Makkuro could even make another command it was over. He lost. 

    “Don’t beat yourself up about this dearie,” the battling Sensei said, sipping from a mug of green tea. The three Trainers were back inside the meeting room of the Ace Trainers School. “If we didn’t have to abide by those darn regulations from the Indigo League, Elite Four, and Champion you would have passed on effort alone,” she sighed, pushing aside some paperwork and pulling out a thick rectangular case. 

    “You’ve done very well this semester,” the judging Sensei handed Makkuro a mug of tea. “Now do be a dear and hand in your rental Pokemon, my girl,” he opened up the case. There were ten round foam slots, a perfect shape for practically every type of Pokeball.

    “I’m not a girl Sensei,” Makkuro finished drinking from the ceramic mug and frowned, before grabbing the five Ultra Balls from off their belt and placing each one inside the box.

    “Eh?” the judging Sensei glanced over at the younger Trainer. “Er, uh, thank you for letting our granddaughter’s Pokemon battle with you and your Typhlosion. You girls could have been friends if she was still here.”

    “Sensei-” Makkuro shifted his stance, standing up taller and trying to suck in his chest. “I’ve been trying so hard to change just so all of this wouldn’t happen.”

    “You young people need to learn how to accept compliments …” the battle Sensei rubbed underneath her chin. “Anyhoo, you can come back next semester to try at the Ace Trainer School.” She then brought up a large container and a small duffle bag. “I want you to take these fair-well gifts as a token of our appreciation.”

    “Thank you,” the young disgruntled Trainer took the items and waved, grabbing their backpack. “I’m off to plan for taking on something new,” they made it towards the exit before opening the sliding doors. “See you later Sensei!”

    “Take care now Island Hopper!” the judging Sensei shouted.

    “Bye-bye dear!” the battling Sensei called out.

    An early evening sunrise loomed over the windows and paper doors of a Minka, a traditional ancient Johto-styled house. “Hmm,” Makkuro hummed in thought, sitting on a tatami mat with his laptop on a wooden slab. My folks and friends back home must be wondering how I’m doing. He realized as he checked the date. It’s been three months since I left after failing the Poni Canyon Island Trial. 

    “Alrighty, I’ll tell them I didn’t pass the Ace Trainers Exam but I’m okay,” the said as they began typing out the message to their various group chats. Then he got up and started to sweep the hallway. “My roommates really need to help out more around here,” the trainer made it to the front room and stared at the spot beside the door; there were missing shoes, that usually filled the empty space. “We only get to live at this house to keep it tidy and neat.”

    When those two get back home from Azalea we can talk about what I should do next, either go through the Elite Four or back home.  “Which option allows me to help more Pokemon?” they said, staring at the now empty dustpan. Pokemon always need help… and so do I.

    “I should check if Typhlosion is okay, he did really good in today’s battle,” Makkuro said as a dim light began to glow from around him. I’m fine.  They thought as they reached over to a Pokeball in their jacket pocket and opened the capsule. “Hey buddy,” the trainer leaned upon the tips of his toes to hug his Typhlosion as he stood on the wooden floor. 

    He’s fine. “I’m sorry for failing you again,” Makkuro cried. “Time and time again you always put up with me, especially when Decidueye couldn’t make it pass the border along with our other team members,” The Pokemon folded his ears down and embraced Makkuro as they buried their face into his fur.

    We are fine.
    “When I finish these chores I can’t wait to go find some Pokemon to help train with you!” The light from the trainer’s body illuminated the entire room.

    He was gone.

    Just moments earlier in the world of Mysterious Dungeons, a decision was made. Floating off the eastern shore of the Grass-Continent of the Terrestrial Hemisphere there was a heavily fortified fortress. There were gold banners of a black branch with three main limbs sticking out and then one smaller limb fashioned like the thumb of a claw, each changing color every second. Deep inside the chambers, numerous Pokemon worked. They toiled all for their Leaders, Cresselia and Darkrai.

    “It is time,” Cresselia declared aloud.

    “Really now?” Darkrai asked, blinking their eyes as they turned around.

    “The Dawn Stone shall be the first to form,” Cresselia explained, mulling further over a large clear stone. “The human is ready to be summoned.”

    “Nice,” Darkrai smiled the best they could. “They need to be a stable force in the relationship.”

    “What about the other group?” Cresselia pondered. “Doesn’t the Mjolnir need to have the hammer reforged?”

    “The lightning that will be embedded inside will fuel the flames of change and their bond will be tested time and time again,” Darkrai asserted. “I will order Zeraora to instill some advice and perhaps if necessary strike fears into their hearts.”

    “I see,” Cresselia said. “Follow in accordance with the dream marks you sent to the one already here.”

    Darkrai held up a thin slab of pearlescent material and swiped upward. “The strength of the voltage will seem weak at first but then the current will realize its true power spirals within.”

    “Hmm, the scratched surface of the hammer is worrying.” Cresselia tilted their head. “Also, the key-shaped hole needs to be filled or else it will overflow with mana.”

    “The lightning will also have a fragment that needs to be aligned.” Darkrai scrolled to another page. “Only, it will be less visible until the moment is right.”

    “Ah, this is enough preparation.” Cresselia floated back to their station. “Let us send a human to be this Pokemon.”

    “Let me find the right candidate for the Mjolnir,” Darkrai offered. “It will be hard filling through all the possible contenders.”

    “Very well.” Cresselia used some psychic energy to lift some papers off their desk. “But both of the Pokemon; the Domestic and the one we need to summon aren’t ready to join the Mjolnir yet, either. “

    In a mountainous forest, there was a stretch of dry land that declined towards a massive forest.  “Okay, it’s been about an entire two days since I left home,” Kobi sighed as she finished drinking from a stream, she then stared at the expansive bamboo forest before her. “I can’t afford to avoid Mystery Dungeons forever, unfortunately,” the Espurr sighed, looking down at her reflection. She never really realized how big she was, not until she got stares from almost every Pokemon she passed and couldn’t fit things made for her species. She was also not as normal-looking as a typical Espurr. Kobi had three claw-shaped scars on her left eye and stood on four legs.

    “There are two Mystery Dungeons to get past Midori Mori City and to Pebble Creek. It will only take about a day, instead of three, the one I am in front of is called Bamboo Palace,” she flipped through her adventurer’s guide and sighed. “They haven’t updated this Mystery Dungeon’s stats in a while, I have no idea what I’m in for.”

    The Espurr placed all of her belongings inside her saddlebag before she pulled out a Special Attack scarf and used Psychic to wrap it around her neck. Then she entered the gates, a row of bamboo appearing behind her, locking her inside.

    Bamboo Palace Mystery Dungeon had a thick carpet of grass as the floor, corridors were lined with stalks that stood high, and almost endlessly into the sky. The walls were fashioned from tightly packed bamboo and dark brown wood. There was a thick fog that obscured details of view of anything not directly beside a traveler.

    Immediately Kobi felt uneasy as if she was swimming in an ocean of air with every step she took. “Something’s wrong with this Mystery Dungeon,” she groaned, trying to regain her balance and enter the adjacent room. I know any other Keeper wouldn’t be able to stand this so I can’t imagine the ferals living here are doing well. the Espurr realized noticing the lack of other nearby Pokemon. Some could be heard scurrying around on the upper floors, the creaking of the wood evident as the sound of heavy paw steps.

    She made her way into a hallway and saw that the grass was adorned with red tape and glowing yellow stones that lead her straight to a little hideaway hosting the stairs. A staircase made of bamboo somehow shined bright amidst the plume of fog in the area and called out to Kobi. Unfortunately, her first step towards the next floor was her last inside the Bamboo Palace, an enormous figure suddenly sped towards her.

    What in the world!? The Espurr scampered backward from the path of the Pokemon, somehow through the toxic haze of the Mystery Dungeon Kobi was able to see who they were, a Bewear wearing a red cap and scarf with the infamous Pokemon Police symbol on them. Wait they have a Keeper presence? It’s so faint! Before she could even say a word to the Officer everything went black as she collapsed onto the floor. 

    The tinking of a clockstone, the sound of papers being torn to shreds. Pokemon arguing over an out-stretched pile of journals and notebooks. Enough time had passed, she was ready.  Kobi slowly blinked open her eyes. Arceus damnit, where the bloody voids am I? She looked all around her, noticing her surroundings, some sort of front office, she was laying out on a chair obviously made for a larger Pokemon. “Eh, where’s my bag?!” the Espurr panicked, leaping out of her resting place, only to see her saddlebag sitting on a circular wooden table. Next to it was a note, an Oran berry, and an apple. She glanced towards the left and found a hallway that led into a room with a large windowed door, the exit.

    Then the Espurr inspected her belongings and looked to see whatever this pitiful apology could ever say:  ‘When you first arrived in the Mystery Dungeon I noticed your odd presence right away and thought that you were a Wicked Blow member who was trying to conceal their identity so I was advised by my partner to act swiftly.’

    So that Bewear bloke knocked me out cold tha second ey’ saw me, huh? Kobi thought as she felt her claws sink out in rage.

    ‘We checked your belongings and found nothing of that sort and in fact a letter of acceptance into the Bristberg Mana Research League along with research into matters we don’t really deal with here at the Police Force. Sorry.’

    Kobi placed the fruit inside her saddlebag and sighed as she quickly exited the Police Station. Once outside the door, she looked at the sign on the building. “Focking ‘ceus,” the Espurr was now inside the massive city of Midori Mori, “This makes my plans bloody useless!” she growled, walking towards a large board with a map. Other Pokemon crowded around the area and blocked her sight so she used Psychic on herself to finally see.

    Of course, she ended up vomiting in an alleyway about five minutes later, but it was worth it to figure out where she needed to head.  “It’s gonna take a whole day just to get through this place mon,” Kobi groaned, wiping her maw. But my real problem is what that note said… Is my presence really that suspicious? Something’s wrong with me too? the Espurr thought as she passed the pavilion of the Midori Mori Guild. I still have to keep going, I can’t leave the Pokemon of my Dream Mark all alone.

    After traveling outside the city of dense woodlands Kobi checked her travel guide and found that she didn’t need to take any Mystery Dungeons to reach Pebble Creek, as either way it would still end up taking her the same amount of time, approximately two days.

    “Hmm, I’m pretty sure, it looks like the place,” Kobi purred to herself as she stood atop a gravelly hill before suddenly sliding down the small pathway, clearly meant for first form Pokemon. 

    The Espurr yawned, glancing up and down from her map and the scene in front of her. It was a bowl-shaped town beside a wide river and stone-land, there was no mistaking it, this was Pebble Creek.

    “After I find this Keeper, and figure out what they know then I’ll have to test my merit as a teacher,” the Espurr entered the town gates, making her way to a park of some sort. Tired, she then sat down at a low bench to rest and plan out her next steps.

    “I wonder how Hatchet is holding up without me? Hopefully, he isn’t flipping his maw on and on about ferals to all those poor folks over there at the village,” Kobi sighed, stretching. “Or wasting time by going through every Mystery Dungeon he sees-Oh?”

    The Espurr’s ears flicked at the sound of rustling when a sweet milky scent filled the air. There’s another Keeper close by, which type of Pokemon can make this smell with their presence? She thought standing up, scanning her surroundings.

    A Miltank and a Mudbray wearing red and brown armbands walked by and then the Miltank locked her gaze on the Espurr traveler. Kobi watched as the Miltank placed a hoof on the Mudbray before waving. “Stay safe out there, there’s a new mandate that we have to follow!” She told the Espurr before heading off into a large building. “Check the bulletin board in the courtyard if you don’t know, or just ask one of us!”

    “Thanks!” Kobi replied just before the doors closed. “Will do!”

    Those two must be from the Guild stationed here, how interesting. Kobi thought. How nice of that Miltank to care about the random Keeper she saw in her town. Hatchet would have been like ‘Kobi ya gotta ask them their status! We can’t just talk to or take care of anyone ourselves! Leave that to the Leagues!’ She mused, putting away her belongings. Doesn’t he remember that’s our responsibility too?

    Ah, whatever. The weather is great over here, it must be whatever that river is called, perfect. It’ll make tracing scents even easier. “I really did end up traveling almost all the way across the Continent, just a little bit more and I’d be in a different time zone,” she fathomed, glancing at the sun.

    The sections of town led down the mighty path of a river, while the other parts of the settlement were based on a rocky stretch of land leading to a valley. Alrighty’ I need to be careful, I don’ want to attract any unnecessary attention. The Espurr thought as she passed a Building with police insignia. Some of those blokes aren’t worth my time, especially their Keeper officers.

    Now to look for a rock-type Pokemon with a Keeper presence down by the banks. Kobi thought and began to walk down the dock and bridge that lead to the Riverbanks.

    Now on the west outskirts of town, she had a far stretch of land to search through. The Espurr bent her nose to the rocky and sandy ground, beginning to check for traces of Keepers through the more popular side of the shore first. There’s bound to be plenty of Keepers out of the crowds over there. She thought to herself. The secluded part on the very edges would come last.

    After a couple of run-ins with other Keepers and just normal rock-types, she found it. A rich, thick chocolate scent amidst the salty river breeze. The Espurr knew it right away, the scent of a rock-type Keeper. Hopefully, they had mostly brown on them too. It, their Keeper energy was strangely strong as if she was bathed in the material which intrigued her. What could be the reason why this Pokemon possess such a presence?

    A Rockruff. One with some grey streaks on their otherwise light-brown coat of fur. They were grooming themselves. Well, I think, otherwise, I think I’m going to have a problem. Kobi thought to herself as she got closer to the other Pokemon. She used Psychic to pick up a large number of pebbles and then dropped them on the side, causing the Rockruff to look up and tilt his ears.

    “Ello, I’m Kobi, nice to meet you,” Kobi started once she had eye contact with the Rockruff. They looked down at their compromising position, their belly was exposed and they jolted upright. The Rockruff sheepishly adjusted themselves, nearly falling over trying to sit properly on their haunches. The Espurr then realized her fault. “Didn’t mean to catch you off guard.”

    “What, why is this Espurr talking to me!?” the Rockruff asked themself, looking back and forth between Kobi and the pile rocks she dropped. “Did you just tell me your name was Kobi?!”

    They’re definitely a former human, no hatched Pokemon would act like this. Kobi thought and smiled to herself. “Yes I told you my name,” she explained sitting down across from the Rockruff. “Don’t be too alarmed mate. We don’t need any attention.”

    “Holy Tapu, I can talk to Pokemon now!” the Rockruff cheered, wagging their tail. “First I found out I’m a Pokemon.”

    “Yes,” the Espurr acknowledged. “That sounds about right.”

    “Next I realize I’m a Rockruff,” they say before spinning. “Then I check and see I’m finally in a body that matches my gender! I’m physically more like how I want now!”

    “You weren’t before?” Kobi questioned, licking her maw. “Don’t be cheeky with me alrigh’,” she growled.

    “Nope,” the Rockruff stood up and studied her before suddenly stamping his paws on the ground. “Oh right!” he exclaimed. “I shouldn’t just tell that to anyone, I don’t know how receptive people… Er Pokemon are.”

    Kobi hummed in thought. “Do you have any other memories?” the Espurr asked, scratching one of her ears.

    “Yeah!” The Rockruff wagged his tail, leaning forward.

    “Okay,” Kobi said as she stood up and stretched. “What else do you remember?”

    “My name, my preferred name; I’m Makkuro!” the Rockruff smiled, tilting his head.

    “That’s a nice name mate,” the Espurr replied. “Sounds foreign,” she added.

    Makkuro folded his ears. “You sound foreign!” he shot back.

    “Where are you from?”

    “The Galar Region.”

    Makkuro’s eyes widened.  “That sounds familiar,” he said, licking his chops.

    “Good, follow me,” Kobi said, walking back up the stony Riverbank.

    “Okay, I don’t have anywhere else to be or anything particular to do,” the Rockruff sighed. “I feel like I can trust your judgment and I feel like you are like me: you want to help Pokemon.”

    “You can?” the Espurr lifted a paw in the air.

    “Yeah,” Makkuro said. “I can get that just by being near you ya know?”

    “Really?” Kobi stared down at the Rockruff and couldn’t help but be a little overwhelmed. “You know, I think you’re something special

    “Just don’t do anything sneaky or I’ll tell the Pokemon police!” Makkuro smirked at the other Pokemon’s reaction. “Or whatever they have!”

    “You don’t need to get involved with those folks,” Kobi’s tail pointed upward and her fur bristled. “They already don’t like Keepers like me so they wouldn’t like you.”

    “Really?” the Rockruff tilted his head. “Well, I guess my friends told me that too, but I don’t know anyone else.”

    “I will not betray your trust,” the Espurr declared.

    “If you say so Kobi,” Makkuro’s tongue lulled out of his maw as he panted.

    Kobi sighed. “If I do, you need to strike me down instantly.”

    The Rockruff in front of her lowered his tail to the ground. “That sounds like a bit of an extreme measure.”

    “We have extreme stakes here,” the Espurr walked across the first planks of a bridge. “Once I know a bit more about you I can adjust my plans.”

    “What did you want to know?” the Rockruff questioned, following her. “I may or may not have the answer.”

    “That’s fine bruv,” Kobi continued her trek, chuckling to herself. “Where are you from?”

    “Hmm?” the Rockruff noticed he was being left behind and followed after her. “Oh, that’s right, I used to live in Alola!”

    The Espurr turned to the side. “What did you used to do in Alola?

    “I…I used to train with Pokemon,” Makkuro struggled to keep up with the other Pokemon.

    “Were you perhaps a Pokemon Trainer?” Kobi asked, slowing her pace as they went downhill.

    “Right!” Makkuro grinned. “Yeah, I was a Pokemon Trainer trying to take on the gym challenges!”

    “But I thought you were from Alola mate?” the Espurr flicked her tail.

    “I am,” the Rockruff said.

    “But didn’t Alola decide not to have their Trainers go through the gym challenge?” Kobi questioned. “Did ya fancy the idea or somethin’?”

    “I had finished most of the Island Trials but couldn’t get past this one part so my friends told me I should go train in Johto,” Makkuro admitted. “That’s the last thing I can seem to remember, everything else is a bit fuzzy.”

    “Ah, I see,” the Espurr replied. Then she continued leading the way back. Makkuro’s gait and stride were fine, it seemed like had quickly acclimated to his new body. But maybe he practiced moving about before we met. I’ll have to ask about it during battle training tomorrow.  Kobi thought.

    Some time had passed until the two approached the active parts of the settlement. “Woah, all sorts of Pokemon have made their own place to live here!” the Rockruff barked, picking up his pace. “We get to see this Kobi!”

    “Yeah, it’s amazing to see everything they have to offer here,” she replied. “But remember we are supposed to be here too Makkuro, to these Pokemon, it is not a surprise.”

    “So uh, where are we exactly?” Makkuro looked back at her.

    “Hmm I’ll start big,” Kobi flicked her tail. “We are on the Constellation Continent of the Celestial Hemisphere.”

    “Do we have a Region name for this area?” the Rockruff asked.

    “Yes, but in name only, the Azulo Region,” the Espurr tilted her head as the pair made it into town. “Well, right now we are in a Pokemon Town called Pebble Creek. Also, we can’t talk about all that old Trainer stuff right now.”

    “Aw, I guess Pokemon here don’t like it?” Makkuro whined. “But I just want the best for them!”

    “Yeah, me too mate, instead we can talk about my plan,” Kobi explained. “Sounds good? We can chat about it later.”

    “Well, I’ve got nothing better to talk about,” the Rockruff yawned. “So what’s this plan?”

    “My plan involves following the research notes of the Vanguard Rescue Team to find artifacts around here.”


    “I guess I’ve got to teach you how this world works Makkuro,” the Espurr stopped to gesture to the various townsfolk. “We have a mission as Keepers to restore the world’s balance.”

    “Oh, is this Keeper thing like how I could taste all these strange foods?” Makkuro asked as he and Kobi walked under a storefront.

    “Yes, it is!” her eyes lit up as she stared at Makkuro.

    “I knew it wasn’t just anything relating to being a Rockruff!” he wagged his tail.

    “Wow you are making this easy mate,” Kobi unfurled her map. “You, I and about forty-five percent of all Pokemon in this Hemisphere are Keepers.”

    “So you all have these flavors, probably based on type or something?” the Rockruff questioned.

    “Correct,” the Espurr answered.

    “Do you personally know them by heart?” Makkuro questioned.

    Kobi narrowed her eyes. “By heart?”

    “Yeah,” Makkuro walked around the area. “Also how long have you been here?”

    “I’ve been here for almost five years,” Kobi sighed, picking up her belongings and standing up.

    “So you haven’t been a Trainer for so long, ” Makkuro followed her towards a forest. Then suddenly he gagged and began to cough. “I’m tasting some more flavors again,” the Rockruff explained, sticking out his tongue. “But they aren’t right, not like yours or others at the shore.”

    “Hmm, that is odd,” Kobi narrowed her eyes. “ I can’t seem to pick up anything myself.”

    “Could you tell me what this means?” Makkuro questioned.

    “Yeah, but you were asking about elemental-type flavors right?” Kobi questioned, flicking her ears. “I can explain that after we go over some battle basics. Do you want to do this?”

    “I do!” Makkuro smiled. “Tell me about this Keeper stuff and let’s have some fun!”


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