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    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Posted March 10th, 2023

    Team Sharp Claw and co make their way back to the Bristberg Mana Research League. What is waiting for them?

    Glade Totodile’s POV

    Yoshiko and Austin really pissed me off. They managed to somehow avoid Devolution unlike some of their peers but decided to take out all their frustrations on us still. What are they even upset about? They didn’t lose anything like I did. Like we did .  

    “Let’s get a move on, folks,” Coordinator Cooper said and glanced up toward the path before us. I looked up as well. Right before us was the magnificent heights of the Bristberg Mountains: the teal, silver, and light blue sections of the earth shimmered in the morning sun. We then headed up the dark stone pathway out of Navy Valley City.

    “You heard him Team Sharp Claw!” Yoshiko and Austin yelled, which caused me to jump back. Woah! Those guys are fricking loud!

    “Whatever,” I grumbled.

    “Back off of those three, would you?” A-san tapped Austin on the shoulder.

    The Charmeleon and Groyvle immediately flinched under their Teammates’ grasp. “What? Why not?” 


    Libra growled and held up the League evaluation folder, “Because they’ve earned it. Just because they look the same doesn’t mean they are the same Team Sharp Claw from five years ago.”


    “You and every Pokémon that doubts them, best keep that in mind,” the Granbull who led our group ordered. “Now let’s enjoy our walk.”

    As we made our way out of Navy Valley City the sun was still high in the sky.  “This is good,” I said as I grinned. “Judging by the horizon it’s only around afternoon. I’m glad we didn’t waste too much time out here.”


    Coordinator Cooper nodded. “We came here when the sun was a fair bit lower.”


    “The Time Dilation in that Mystery Dungeon wasn’t so bad,” Libra explained.


    “O-oh no, that could have been awful!” Nevada panicked, and my mind went to work.


    We didn’t have to worry about lots of hours or days passing while we were inside. Only some Mystery Dungeons have heavy Time Dilation like that anyway.


    If the Time Dilation were intense it would have to be marked in an Adventure Guide… Which we thankfully checked while at the request board down in Navy Stone Valley. 


    The wildland in the rough mountain range between Bristberg and Navy Valley was always a good workout, but I hate when it gets too slippery for my claws. 

    I had to dig my claws into the ground and hold Linus’s hand for support, for Arceus’s sake! If only there was a good river, I could just ditch everymon and swim back to the League.

    Nah, Linus would be all whiny about it. And I don’t want to leave him and Nevada alone with those assholes Yoshiko and Austin. We continued our way back northwest, the ground of the wildland path had more traction so I could relax a bit.  

    Unfortunately, this traction was only because we were going to scale cobblestone stairs up the Bristberg Mountains.


    Eventually, we reached the town of Bristberg and walked all towards the three-story League Building, which was on the west side of town. 


    We stood in front of the towering gates of our Mana Research League, which every League in the Hemisphere had. We watched as the two watchtowers in the courtyard flashed green and the front gates and temporary airway barrier opened.


    “Alright,” Coordinator Cooper started as we passed the awning, placed our badges against the lock next to the metal doors, and got inside the building. “I’m going to check on Rio, River, and the Mienfoo and the Slowbro prospects.”

    “B-but… you said you were going to train us on something because we were still inexperienced!” Nevada added.

    The Granbull rubbed his head. “Well, I didn’t quite say I was the Pokémon that would teach you.”


    Linus shook a little in the warm air before he nodded. “Sounds good ta me, we’ll be alright.”

    “Thanks, Sir Cooper!” I waved.


    Libra and Aquarius took a step away from us. “We have to give Sir Chief McBone the report on the evaluation, though.”


    “Fair, I guess,” Linus crossed his arms, and tapped the floor. “We’ll hafta train with them some other day.”


    “Aw come on…” I groaned. 

    Yoshiko stretched her arms and leaned toward the Treecko. “Well, now Team Whitelight was supposed to tell you brats something.”

    “Excuse me?” Linus and I shot back.

    “Yoshiko, quit irritating them. Go get everything you wanted to show Team Sharp Claw,” Coordinator Cooper sighed. “Austin, you know better as well.”

    “But it was the other Teams who said they were gonna do it, not us!” Austin waved. 

    I stamped my feet on the ground and crossed my arms. “Sounds like you’re scared!”

    “Am not!” the Charmeleon grabbed my shoulders. 

    “Then why do you still avoid us?” Nevada asked.

    Yoshiko flicked the Charmander’s forehead with her claw. “Because I can tell you’re still full of yourselves,” then she lowered her voice to a whisper, ”and I don’t think we’re ready.”


    “What was that?” Linus grumbled and moved in between the two. 


    Somehow I hadn’t noticed Granbull who disappeared during our conversation until he loudly snapped his claws upon his return. “Oh right, can you train with them later?”


    “Libra and Aquarius managed to slip away to the Chief. And Yoshiko and Austin don’t want anything to do with us,” the Treecko grumbled.


    “Okay, let’s see-” Coordinator Cooper rubbed his head. 


    “We of Team Whitelight will work on that, Sir!” Morág, a tall Pawinard, called from the hallway. 


    “Oh, you guys are back!?” I jumped back and nearly crashed into Linus. 


    Morág nodded. “We were talking with the Chief about our mission. The others are sparring outside, so it’s just me and Devontay right now.”

    “Well we’ll just take our leave-” the Grovyle and the Charmeleon across from us tried to leave the room, but were stopped. 

    “No. I need you two, and everyone here, to come by and help us out,” the Pawinard gently stamped her foot down. “It’ll only be a moment.”


    “You had something you wanted to show us?” the Treecko beside me pushed me away from him. 


    Morág leaned back, but the top of her head blade gently scraped against the wall and she hunched over. Wow, that Pawinard was still huge, definitely about a Bisharp’s height… amazing! She was the captain of Team Whitelight despite suffering from Devolution.

    “Oh hey, aren’t you gonna train us?” I asked.

    “Not just me,” Morág stepped back behind a wall to get something. “We all will!”

    I narrowed my eyes as she returned with a crate. And behind her, Devontay, the Whirlipede, scuttled behind her. “Good morning everyone!” he smiled before bowing to us. “We are doing a bit of an experiment. Then we of Team Whitelight shall train Team Sharp Claw.”


    The Pawinard in front of us opened up the crate and allowed everyone to see inside. It was a pitch-black sword, with a dull silver curved arrow shape in the handle. “This, and countless blades just like it, were found by the Expedition Society over to the East of Pebble Creek. Ways to the South of the Wei Region.”


    I watched as Coordinator Cooper immediately flinched and took a couple of steps back before he took a deep breath and hummed. I wonder why they’re showing us these blades since it looks like it’s bothering Keepers.

    “They found these odd swords inside of an underwater Mystery Dungeon,” the Whirlpede next to her nudged the crate. “We were told that it might be related to the Fangs of the Fallen.”


    “That’s what Team Sharp Claw was called,” the Granbull narrowed his eyes. “Why do you need the rest of us?”


    “To see who can get close to the sword, who can hold it, and who can swing it,” Morág explained before she tapped her hand blades together. “Despite being from the Air Continent, Devontay, I, and some other immigrants in our League are Keepers.”

    Yoshiko folded her arms. “Whatever, don’t act like you Air Continent featherweights are better than us because you turned out to be Keepers!”

    “Devontay and I never implied that you idiot!” the Pawnaird swung her blade-hands close to the Groyvle’s shoulder.

    “Yeah yeah we know we know,” Austin blew a small cloud of smoke at Morág. “With the right gear and a little patience, we Sentinels could do a number on you guys. No matter how fast you are.”


    “Anyway…” Devontay perked up at the mention of his name and wobbled to the side. “Coordinator Cooper Sir is also a Keeper, while Austin and Yoshiko are Sentinels. Team Sharp Claw are technically also Sentinels.” 


    “But those brats aren’t regular Sentinels like us. They are Fangs of the Fallen, whatever that means,” the Charmeleon sighed. 


    “Correct, the Expedition Society and another partner of the League ran some tests on these swords,” the Whirlpede continued. “They determined they are safe. But they need data from all sorts of Pokémon because this could be an ancient mana artifact.”


    Austin smirked when I made eye contact with him and walked up to Morág and Devontay. “Could I try first?”




    The Charmeleon reached into the box and heaved with all of his might but could barely hold the sword in his claws. He tried to grasp it in two claws and swing but couldn’t move a muscle and dropped the sword onto the ground. 


    “Heh, weakling,” I said with a smirk. 


    Austin snapped at me. “What was that?” 


    Devontay shook his head. “Come on Glade, based on the newly translated mana scroll it should be different for each of us. The sword needs to be studied.”


    The sword slid towards Morág who then put her hand blades into their sheath and tried to approach it. When one of her three fingers got close enough to the sword she immediately collapsed to the floor.

    “Woah…” Morág panted and tried to reach out again. The Pawinard couldn’t get any closer so she eventually scooted back. 


    Hmm, is it really that heavy or something? “I’ll give it a go,” I leaned down and grabbed the handle of the sword. It was oddly heavy and I had to grit my teeth to lug it off the floor. Then I pulled it off the ground, held it in both hands, and swung it slowly. “I-I did it!” That was, uh… underwhelming.  


    “Hmm,” Coordinator Cooper watched as I placed the sword back down in the crate. Then the rest of them tried to get near the sword, with basically similar results. 


    “Okay,” Devontay sighed. “We- we all managed to try it.” 


    “Now we need Libra and A-chan to try. Those two were called a threat to the balance of Keepers and Sentinels, so maybe it has something to do with these swords too.” Morág held her chest. “Everyone in a Rescue Team needs to try it.”


    Linus and Nevada beckoned me over and I flashed the pair a thumbs-up. “Ya told them we’d be great!” I patted the Treecko on the back.

    “Yea! Just because we’re Sentinels doesn’t mean we ain’t gonna change the world!” Linus puffed out his chest.

    The Charmander smiled and grabbed my claw.

    “How’d you feel swinging that awesome sword, Nevada!?” I asked as I couldn’t help but smile back.


    “Today I feel more confident.” Nevada pumped their fist. “Helping those Pokemon, passing our evaluation, and even swinging that sword! I feel like I really belong!”

    “Fascinating…” Coordinator Cooper said from out of nowhere.I practically jumped backward. I forgot he was freaking here still!

    Everyone else just looked at me like I was insane.

    The Granbull took in a deep breath. “From both Team Blue Heroes’ and Sharp Claw’s reports those Ditto back in Wei Forest sounded particularly alarmed about the Fangs of the Fallen. However, you all could barely use the sword.”

    Morág closed the sword crate. “Still, you three could swing it. We couldn’t.”

    “Does that mean we can take it out on missions!?” I wagged my tail as I watched her heave the crate.

    “Unfortunately though if you took it with you then it would be a liability.”

    “We don’t want Wicked Blow to steal it, because we don’t know if any Pokémon could also be like you guys,” the Whirlpede closed his eyes.

    My jaw dropped at the thought. Could there be more Fangs of the Fallen? Those Ditto knew what we were, somehow, so it’s not so Farfetch’d. Maybe that’s why there are so many swords. But who made them ?

    “Well,  if there is one thing we do know,” Morág explained, “we know that whatever these different scrolls that other Leagues and Expedition Societies said were found outside our reach are related to mana artifacts.” 

    “It seems like Keepers and Sentinels can’t reach them, only Legendaries and Mythicals can grab them,” Devontay added. “Apparently, they did get help from one, not sure who though.”

    A scroll… one like Young Master Xuě Zeraora had was translated in order for Pokémon to find those swords. Interesting. “I can’t wait to swing that sword with full strength,” I smoothed down my scales. “And bash Wicked Blow for all it’s worth!” 

    “I think I can imagine it now!” Nevada joined me in the theatrics. “We’ll put them in their place while you Keepers secure all of the keys and locks!” 

    “Team Sharp Claw’ll become pros in no time and maybe we’ll be able ‘ta finish what Team Vanguard started!” Linus cheered. 

    The Granbull took a couple of steps back. “I admire your enthusiasm and commitment to the League. However, don’t get ahead of yourselves just yet. It was difficult to use the swords because you three aren’t strong enough yet,” he gestured toward me, Nevada, and Linus. “You’ll have to try it out after I deem you fit. I need you to be careful. “

    “But when will that be?” Nevada’s flame dimmed as they pouted. 


    “Yeah! I don’t wanna wait forever!” I yelled.


    The Treecko beside us sighed. “Come on, we managed to get the light on the handle to flicker. We need ‘ta practice before it could ever really shine.”


    “Okay, okay,” I sighed.


    “Well, we’re outta here,” the Grovyle grabbed my arms and rubbed her knuckles against my head. 


    I swatted her and she reached over to noogie Linus’s head as Austin slapped Nevada on the back. Then the Charmeleon nudged me over onto the floor before he and his Teammate left.


    “Stupid jerks,” the Charmander next to me growled, before they helped me up. “Let’s show ’em!”


    I smirked as their flame burned brighter. “Yep. It’s off to train with Pokémon that actually like us, Team Whitelight!”

    All of us, minus Yoshiko and Austin, headed out towards the patio and then to the League practice field. The air was still fairly cold, so it was gonna be a brisk training session. I hope Linus will be okay.


    On the left side, right next to the patio, were the Herdier Twins River and Rio. Coordinator Cooper split off from us as he headed towards those Pokemon.


    The two sat in front of the outdoor whiteboards with Mienfoo and Slowbro sitting on little lawn stools with a small folding table and a couple of varying-sized textbooks. 


    “How’d the requests go, Team Sharp Claw?” River stopped his lecture and called out. 


    “Mighty swell!” Linus yelled back.

    Rio tilted her head at us as the prospects turned to watch. “What did you guys do?”


    “We escorted a Pokémon through a Mystery Dungeon,” Nevada explained in their same quiet tone, only after we got close to the patio. 


    “Can’t forget how we saved that Fidough’s Mastiff sister from Wicked Blow!” I shouted. “We beat the voidlands outta those guys, and they were vice-captains!”


    The Herdier Twins wagged their tails as we passed. “Sounds good!” they barked. “Team Whitelight is waiting, have fun!”


    “Will do!” I waved. 


    We continued through the tall blades of grass, and the spectacular view of Bristberg Mountain as we got closer. 



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