The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted January 16th, 2023
    Ported June 14th, 2024

    Chapter Summary

    Following in Kobi’s pawsteps, Hatchet decides to head out to the League. But he buries himself in a lie and strays off course. The Axew ends up encountering Rosario and their personalities clash. How will the two manage a short Mystery Dungeon run?

    Hatchet Axew’s POV

    I can’t wait for Kobi forever. I need to hurry on toward the League. But before I make my way to Bristberg I really ought to check on something. To find the stolen shipment of Heal Seeds, Empowerment Seeds, and some other items.

    Billybob and Cletus, our Scovillain, and Artibax cousins said some ferals stole from the village a couple of weeks ago! Those two said it could only be ferals who could’ve done it. And I believe them, even if they say they don’t even know what species or type the ferals were. I have to, cause ferals are way easier to deal with than Wicked Blow.

    This sandy forest on the outskirts of Hunters Plains, how magnificent it was in the Winter. While there wasn’t snow yet, the browned leaves danced in the wind, waving hello to me as I trudged by. 

    It was a tad melancholic. Somewhere in my heart I it. Kobi left me all by myself. Well maybe it was my fault she left me, I don’t see what’s so important about Team Vanguard. I mean, what could I even do? I don’t know anything to help anybody, especially all by maself and all.

    Suddenly as I neared the mountainous area of the land I felt a small wave of energy.”There’s a strong Keeper presence, coming from those orange mountains,” I mumbled to myself, reaching to pick up a twig off the ground. The Electro Sun Mountains. I placed it in between my maw and tusks and rolled it slowly. “It’s an electric-type Keeper.” A strong wave crashed into me and sent a shiver through my body.”Wooee! That Grevard-gone sour Sitrus taste is mighty strong!”

    But there’s something else to it, the most important part. It’s like Kobi’s, in how overwhelming it is. She said mine’s ta same way. Ever since that time my cousins visited with those Pokemon. Those Pokemon. They… I can’t bear to remember the sight.

    “Alrighty, let’s go see who it is, hopefully not Wicked Blow,” I went through my plan out loud. “I’d rather it be a Domestic… I don’t know what I’d do if it was a Stray or a Feral Pokemon.”

    The orange, er tangerine-clayish colored mountains had a triplet set of Mystery Dungeons here. Twistbolt Foot, Brittlesand Sierra, and Needlemaw Peak. This is the bottom so it must be Twistbolt, hmm, where did I hear this from? Oh right, Kobi said something about Mana Artifacts being moved out here!

    I tucked my stick back into my satchel and peered into the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon. Electric… “Oh, maybe they’ll be the yellow Pokemon of my Dream Mark!” I secured my bag and quickly, but carefully made my way down the dip in the earth and into the gullet of the Dungeon.

    Clay-colored mountain slowly closed the way behind me, and the sky darkened to the inside of a cavern. Mystery Dungeons sure are interesting when they change the entire environment.  There was a room with two branching pathways, I’ll head left first. Okay, let’s go. The second I took a step a voice started speaking.

    “How does this stuff come out?” they echoed. “Why is this stupid thing so hard? It’s getting in my way and I can’t stand it!”

    What is goin’ on? Sounds like a ‘mon is having some trouble with something. I’ll just take a quick peek. Once I made my way to the passageway, I saw it bright as day. 

    A Pikachu, with dark grey fur on their head and dark teal eyes. This Pikachu didn’t have a heart or flat tail, which was interesting. I guess I’ll have to ask for their pronouns and everything later eventually, I may not be from the town or city but I’m not rude. Or at least I hope so. “Howdy,” I slowly approached.

    “Woah!” the Pikachu screamed, jumping backward, their cheeks sparkling.

    “I ain’t here to cause trouble,” I apologized, distancing myself. “Are ya lost?”

    The Pikachu took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, I was told to go change my relationship with Pokemon.”

    “Ahuh,” I replied. “Well, I’m heading to Bristberg ta do the same.”

    “And to get comfortable using my moves. Oh, Bristberg! I also need to give you this,” they pointed their paw out to me and a small faded Purple Gem appeared. It floated towards me.

    “Uh, you gave me this because I’m a Keeper hmm?” I asked, tilting my head. 


    Hmm, this looks like a doohickey that Kobi would be excited about and want to study “Are you heading to the Bristberg League?” I asked.

    The Pikachu rubbed their nose for a moment before narrowing their eyes. “Oh yeah! Talon mentioned something about asking a Pokemon if they were heading there!”

    “Wait a moment,” I crossed my arms. “Are you a feral?” 


    “You know how to speak Constellation so don’t play dumb with me.”

    “Listen, buddy I just walked in here only a couple minutes ago, I don’t know anything,” they replied. “You’re worse than Flight and Talon, for Space’s sake!”

    Hmm. “Alright… Hold a moment. Did you used to be human?”

    “H-have you-have you worked with the Sentinel’s Union before?!” the Pikachu asked. 

    Dodging my question with a question? Typical human panicked reaction. “The who?” I questioned back.

    “I guess not,” they folded their ears. “You aren’t wearing the black vests or anything with a claw emblem. How did you know I was a human anyway?”

    “The grey fur on your head, oh, and how you act,” I smirked.

    “How I act? Oh because I gave you that mana artifact huh?”

    “Well uh.”

    “You’re a Keeper aren’t you? And you are looking for them too?”

    “Not that one in particular, I have never heard of a mana artifact that looks like a Gem, but I was leaving all that exploration to the League Pokemon. Only humans like you would be trying to go out there.”

    “Is that what I, a human, would do?” the Pikachu growled. “Go do it without this League everyone keeps whining about?” 

    “Yeah, you did it, didn’t you?” I yelled. “Probably without an actual Team or training because you’re insane!” 

    “Insane?! I didn’t do it without a Team I was guided by Pokemon from the Sentinels Union! And all to get this super scary mana artifact all I had to do was some puzzles.” 


    “Yeah, they required me to use all my moves successfully,” they then folded their ears.”That was really difficult to master at first but I used all four.”

    “That was something you struggled with?” I jabbed. “Really? Don’t act like you’re better than me because you managed to find that, you can barely use your moves.”

    “Shut up, you don’t know what it’s like to be placed into a new body, one with all these strange powers!” the Pikachu growled. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be in control! I can’t afford to be struggling in this life just as much as I did in the past!”

    “What in the voidlands is wrong with you?”

    Suddenly their eyes widened and they placed their paw on their muzzle. “I’m sorry,” they apologized. “I need to work out some things and your pestering is driving me insane.”

    That’s what Kobi said the other day before she left. “Oh,” I stepped back and glanced over at them. “Sorry I just wanted to know how you ended up in such a situation to get a mana artifact in the first place. That’s all.”

    “To get these Ether Gems we managed to find a hidden entrance to an Ether Shrine. We accessed it when the fancy Pokedex-like slates Flight and Talon had reacted to something in the area.” 

    “Pokedex? Did you fight any Pokemon before then?” 

    “Sorry, a human term. No, the only one I had to fight was myself. It seems like this is something the both of us need to work on.”

    Shoot. “Well listen here, you ain’t know nothing ‘bout how this world works alright!” I crossed my arms. 

    “Why are you worried about me?” They snapped before tightening their fists. “Ultra, ultra I should ask for that Ether Gem back and let you carry on.”

    “I can’t leave you.” What would Kobi do? What would that Espurr say?


    I have to come clean before it’s too late. “It’s a dangerous world out there and you’re the Keeper of my Dream Mark.”

    “That sounds like something you made up, and pulled out of your ass.”

    “I didn’t. A Dream Mark is a sign from Cresslia and Darkrai that a Keeper will encounter and grow alongside another Keeper,” I explained.

    “And how do you know it was me, did they tell you my description?”

    “Not exactly, it told me I was going to meet a yellow Pokemon, one with a Sitrus Berry presence, which is an electric-type. It then told me that I’d find you like a flash of lightning in these orange mountains.” It also said you’d be the one that strikes a hammer. Whatever that means.

    “Well considering I heard a voice before I was summoned, and all the stuff that happened with the Sentinels Union earlier I believe you,” the Pikachu folded their ears.

    “Now it’s my turn to apologize, my nerves are going crazy because of all these rumors of ferals going crazy and Wicked Blow attacks ramping up. And there’s something in this Mystery Dungeon that’s messing with my mana.”

    “You can feel it too?” they asked. “There’s something like a lightning rod drawing me in, I didn’t feel like yelling and fighting anyone until I walked close to these mountains and in this Mystery Dungeon.”

    “Maybe we can figure it out together, let’s start over,” I offered. “I can take you to League for putting up with me and teaching me about that Gem. Sounds good?”

    “Fine,” the Pikachu sighed. “We need each other. I need you to work with me.”

    “Alright, not-feral Pikachu, I’m Hatchet. What’s your name?”

    “My name?” they replied. “Uh… Rosario.”

    “Rosario, yeah that’s an interesting name,” I replied. “Let’s hurry through here.”

    I glanced to the left and the right, there was a pathway that could lead to an area with the stairs to exit. But more importantly to find those no-good ferals who stole from our village. I entered the path Pikachu followed me into the next room.

    Rosario and I entered the room to find there was only an Oran Berry. “Hey Rosario, do you want to hold onto it?” I asked, moving closer to the fruit and to the next pathway.

    “Er, actually I think that I’d prefer you to call me Voltaru,” the Pikachu walked over to me and folded their ears. “I let Flight and Talon call me that because they knew my whole story but you Hatchet,” they pointed at me, “Don’t know anything yet.”
    I rolled my eyes. Humans sure are picky about all this name stuff.  “Sure thing pal, you still want that Oran?”

    “Yeah, I guess I need it for something, yeah?”

    Suddenly a Roggenrola feral stepped into the room, and locked eyes with me. “You wanted a chance to practice your moves right Rosario?!” I brought my arms into a defensive position and asked.

    “Hatchet quick hit them!” the Pikachu yelled, moving right behind me. “Hurry up! What moves do you know!”

    “You hit ’em!” I pulled Rosario forward. “You said you wanted to practice, pal!”

    The Roggenrola feral took that as its chance and launched at the Pikachu with Tackle, the blow sending them flying back into me. 

    “Darn it, you were supposed to push it back! This is just a stupid feral, you don’t have to try too hard not to hurt it!” I grumbled, standing back up and placing my claws on the Pikachu’s shoulders.

    “Hatchet, what’s your problem!?” Rosario brushed me away. 

    The feral furrowed its brow and made a growling noise. Suddenly small brown rocks surrounded the Pikachu beside me, the Rock Tomb crushing them immediately. Roggenrola stood on the tips of its toes and jumped away just as its move vanished. 

    Why aren’t they fighting back? “Rosario?” I asked, noticing their ears fold down and tail twitch. “Are you-“

    “Kyruem Damnit!” The Pikachu swung their back towards the Roggenrola, their Iron Tail smashing directly into its eye. That was such a mighty blow! They’re strong! The feral fainted on impact and I saw the most puzzling thing ever. Rosario held onto its body. “Shoot! I didn’t mean to hit you so hard!” they cried, as the feral lay unconscious. “Is this what it’s like when Bel, or G.G hit you guys?”

    “What are you going on about?” I questioned, kneeling down beside them. “Come on, we’ve gotta go.”

    Rosario reluctantly followed me out of the room and into a long hallway. “What, you don’t have sympathy for these Mystery Dungeon Pokemon?” they asked, cheeks sparkling so bright it lit up the tunnel a little bit.

    “Not really.”


    We kept walking in silence down the hallway. 

    Why? Because I’m a coward for Arceus’s Sake! I’m terrified of running into Wicked Blow without Kobi. And now without you Rosario. But I can’t tell them that, I need to keep up my facade before I make it to the League. Who am I kidding… Those guys will rip me apart. Ugh, what am I gonna do?

    We made our way into another room, one with nothing in it. I needed to say something, Rosario could end up leaving me! “Because these ferals are easy targets,” I waved a claw at the Pikachu. “And uh it’s practice for other Pokemon we’ll have to battle when we make it to the League.”

    “And those Pokemon aren’t always Mystery Dungeon dwellers?”

    “Yeah some of them are bandits, and uh maybe Wicked Blow,” I sighed. There’s gotta be a lie I can drop in here somewhere.

    “Wicked Blow… I think Flight and Talon mentioned for me to be wary of them,” Rosario’s ears twitched. “Have you met them before?”

    “No, well I think I haven’t,” I shook my head. “I think.” I really don’t want to bring up memories of that day. The day I failed Kobi. The day we were betrayed.

    The Pikachu’s cheeks sparked again. Shit, they’re on to me. “You aren’t doing a good job persuading me Hatchet. What’s wrong with you, seriously?”

    “You shouldn’t prod so much into another’s life,” I deflected.

    They let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine.”

    We finally made our way into another room, one with the stairs. “More ferals,” I grumbled. “Now you can prove yourself.” A Pawmo and a Varoom sitting near a corner, doing Arceus knows what. All eyes were soon on us.

    “They have Pokemon from Paldea here!?” Rosario panicked, stepping back. 

    What are they talking about? Okay what moves do we have for this situation? Am I even strong enough to do this? I feel dizzy just thinking about fighting more Pokemon, especially ones we don’t have a super effective move against!

    Just as they said that the Varoom revved its engine and launched forward with a Headbutt at me. Its metal head slammed into me and spun me sideways. “Rosario!” Ugh, that hurt like an Ice Ball right in the nads. While I pulled myself off the ground the Pawmo jumped next to the Pikachu and let out a row of Arm Thrusts.

    “Hey, cut it out!” Rosario tried to block the first set of blows but then was assaulted with two more. “Ugh! I want to learn about you!”

    “Quit it with the Pokemon Trainer talk mon!” I grumbled.

    “It doesn’t matter Hatchet!” the Pikachu cried. “Are you okay?”

    “Yeah! Let’s go!” I took in a deep breath and pulled dragon-type mana into my body before I reached out with a Dragon Claw toward the Pawmo.

    Rosario grit their teeth before shooting out a Thundershock, the thin beam of electricity nailed the Varoom, who retaliated with a small cloud of Poison Gas. They coughed and heaved as the poison instantly invaded their body, wheezing all the while. “I’m sorry but I need you to leave us alone! Goodnight!” The thick fumes blocked my view of the scenario but the Pikachu fired a Thundershock out again finally stopping that pesky feral. 

    Not to be outdone, the Pawmo sidestepped, before rubbing its paws on its cheeks. It then reached forward and swiped me with its Metal Claws, and knocked me over.

    “Augh, that hurt!” I screamed, watching the blood slowly trickle out the wound on my side. I stumbled upright and stood still,  my heart pounding. What should I do? Pawmo resists Crunch. Suddenly fighting-type mana flooded my body and I widened my stance. Counter!

    I spread my arms and threw a hefty punch with all the force of my pent-up rage and pain into a fighting-type attack, the blow immediately fainting the Pawmo. “Wow,” I gasped, falling to the floor. “I didn’t know I had that in me.”

    “Come on Hatchet, the stairs are right here!” Rosario helped me off the ground and led me up the staircase. 

    We managed to exit the tiny Twistbolt Foot Mystery Dungeon. Now we sat in the middle of the mountain, before the other Mystery Dungeon, Brittlesand Sierra. There was a path that went across the Mountain, and down to a trail, which could be a faster way to Bristberg. But we ain’t leaving, not ’till I feel satisfied. The mountain was made up of a darker orange, along with some yellow and white streaks. 

    “So earlier you were talking about Keepers,” Rosario started, “What else is there?” 

    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. “Well, what do you know about Keepers?”

    “They have presences that other Keepers can sense, and more importantly can use key and lock artifacts to lock or unlock other Pokemon.”

    “Wait, lock? I only knew about being unlocked. And you said other Pokemon, does this apply to Sentinels?”


    “Oh wow, didn’t know you knew all that,” I gasped. 

    “That’s not all I know,” Rosario replied. “The Sentinels Union Pokemon taught me all sorts of things. Because I used to be a Pokemon Trainer, and because I’m something called ‘unlocked’-“

    I jumped away from them in a panic. “Y-you are? A nearby Pokemon managed to do that?!” 

    “No, well it happened when I was summoned. Well, that’s what Flight and Talon told me. I don’t have any reason to doubt them because no one used an elemental key or anything on me.”

    “That’s really weird,” I laughed, rubbing behind my head. “I was wondering why you have such a strong presence for a second-stage Pokemon.”

    “You have an odd presence too Hatchet,” Rosario patted my shoulder. 

    “No way,” I backpedaled. “I can’t be unlocked, no way!” 

    “I’m not saying I know if you are or not, it’s just different from Talon’s and Flight’s.”

    “What Pokemon are they?”

    “A Dartrix and a Noctowl, but that doesn’t matter, I can just tell something is different about you.”

    I need to change the subject.  “Okay okay, I’ll tell you something. There are Sentinels, it seems like they founded that organization, the Sentinels Union.”

    “What’s special about them?”

    “Well, they have the upper-claw against Keepers as they don’t have a presence we can trace. This means they also can’t be bombarded with their senses.”

    “Hmm,” Rosario ran their paws across their arms. “These are categories all Pokemon are born into correct?” 

    “Yeah, I mean Kobi was mentioning that there was something in her notes that said there was a hidden side to Keepers and Sentinels but I don’t know anything about that. I’ll believe it when I see it.” Where are they going with these questions? 

    “So Pokemon in this world, er rather we aren’t just regular Pokemon with nothing to do. That should extend to who you call ferals too?”

    Ferals!? Are they implying they have importance!? “Yeah but, you don’t understand life in the-“

    “Hatchet stop making these stupid excuses, these Mystery Dungeon Pokemon just live here! Sure some of them just attack us, but from their perspective, we are the same as Wicked Blow.”

    How could they ever make that assumption?! “But-“

    “We go through their home, all in the search of mana artifacts and a way to settlements. They don’t know we are the ones who are trying to make things better!”

    “Stop trying to sound like those Keepers who say they want to make their own Guild! One where they never go into Mystery Dungeons because it taints Keeper’s mana or some stupid Taroshit! And they cry about the precious ‘wittle ferals.”

    “I don’t give a shit about what those other Keepers think!” Rosario shouted as we walked around a huge boulder. “You think I care about other Keepers and all of our responsibilities? Well I don’t!” 

    We stepped onto the pathway and I felt something weird in my head and chest, like the presence but without any flavor. I groaned as I massaged my temples for a moment and then stumbled against the mountain, a stack of rocks coming loose and crashing behind us. Somemon ahead of us cleared their throat, causing Rosario and I to look up at the entrance of Brittlesand Sierra.

    I felt frozen in place.  There was a large Riolu and a huge Froakie that stood in front of the pathway. “Are you Hatchet Axew and Rosario Pikachu?” the pair asked us. 

    The Pikachu beside me folded their ears. “Voltaru,” they grumbled. 

    “What was that?” the Riolu asked. “We don’t have all day.”

    I tilted my head at the pair and stared at the equipment they had on them. They had striped scarves, with three colors green, sky blue, and light grey. On those scarves was a triangular gold badge. Not just any badge, as the pair of wings on them indicated their uniqueness. League Pokemon wore these. 

    “We are waiting for a response ya know,” the Froakie narrowed his eyes at me. 

    “Yes, that’s us,” I replied. 

    The Riolu’s nose twitched as she walked closer to Rosario and I. “Well, despite your foul comments we are here to escort you through the Mystery Dungeon.”

    My facial scales felt a little hot when she said that with such a higher-than-thou look on her face. “Oh yeah? Does it look like we need help?”

    “There are dangerous Wicked Blow Pokemon in the area, but more importantly there are reports of a key and lock of mana in this Mystery Dungeon or one of the connected ones.”

    Wicked Blow are actually on this mountain? It wasn’t a rumor? My head rang as my eyes dilated in shock, my tail curling against my leg. I took in a deep breath and held onto my satchel, Rosario giving me a confused glance in the process. “I’m terribly sorry, please escort us to the best of your ability League Pokemon.”

    The Pikachu beside me rubbed their chest and sighed. “I didn’t say anything that I felt was inappropriate,” they admitted, stepping forward. “But I’m not an idiot, you guys look pretty strong so it’s best to hang out with you.”

    “Thank you for choosing such a… An interesting response,” the League Pokemon said, moving closer.

    “You were talking about your views on who you called ferals,” the Riolu pointed to me.

    “And you talked about Keeper responsibilities,” the Froakie pointed a finger at Rosario.

    “Okay? And?” the two of us asked.
    “I want you to remember what those Sentinels Union Pokemon said as we went through this Mystery Dungeon. Let’s go.”

    The pair of League Pokemon led us into the next room. Said room was filled to the brim with sand and gravel, all across the floor and the walls. Large deposits piled onto the corners, dripping from the ceiling like a leak.

    “So who are you guys?” Rosario asks.

    “We are Libra and Aquarius of Team Blue Heroes,” the Froakie explained as we entered a small walkway. “Well I kinda prefer going by A or A-san with Pokemon I don’t know.”

    “Why’s that, is Aquarius your deadname?” Rosario asked.”I’m nonbinary, they them and if I were you I wouldn’t introduce myself with my deadname if I didn’t have to.”

    Aquarius er A let out a sigh. “Well uh, Libra and I are non-binary too… Aquarius isn’t my deadname so to speak, it’s one I don’t feel worthy of.”

    “A name you don’t feel worthy of?” I questioned. “But you work at the League. Shouldn’t that be enough?”

    “Hatchet let me dumb it down for you,” Rosario flicked my forehead. “Names are important to people, it seems like this also extends to Pokemon of this world and my own too.”

    “Are ya calling me dumb!?”

    “Yeah am I, name one thing you taught me that these guys don’t know the real truth behind.” the Pikachu growled. “There’s one I haven’t figured out, why the Ultra Space should I care about my own responsibilities as a Keeper?”

    “What are you talking about?!” A asked, tightening his fists. “You have a chance to set things right in the world and refuse to understand how it’s important? Unbelievable!”

    “I never asked for this. All I ever wanted to do was find my Pokemon friends and change our relationship!” 

    The Riolu in front of us stood still before an entryway into a large room, a pile of items scattered about, and placed her paw on the wall. “There are some things that inexperienced Pokemon like you two don’t understand. Come on.”

    Then we made our way into a room’s separated and unruly mess. Immediately the ground shook and out came a variety of feral Pokemon Drampa, Sandshrew, Varoom, Pawmo, Roggenrola, Jigglypuff, and Buizel. They locked eyes with me. “What the vell is going on!?”

    “How could there be this many of them, all undetectable!?” Rosario questioned

    “Monster House!” Libra gasped, stepping forward. “There’s not that many on the left side, let’s hurry!”

    Aquarius stepped to the side and took in a deep breath before he fired out a Water Pulse at the Roggenrola beside us. “You two follow her!” he shoved Rosario into his spot. “Go!”

    As we ran past the approaching Pokemon a Drampa lunged at me and fired a Dragon Breath, the blue flames scorching through my scales. “Stupid worthless excuses of Pokemon!” I screamed, dashing away from the Drampa and that legion of ferals behind us.

    “Hatchet calm down!” Libra barked, weaving us through the room. “Stay focused and stop talking about ferals!”

    “How can I?” I yelped, dodging a Nuzzle from a Pawmo following us into a narrow hallway. “These feral pieces of crap are getting on my last nerve!”

    “Quit talking about them like that and watch your tone!” the Riolu growled.

    “You need to follow directions from your Team Captain during a stressful event like a Monster House Hatchet!” Aquarius shouted, catching up to us after knocking down the Pawmo with one burst of Aerial Ace. “Especially as Keepers!” 

    “You stupid Pokemon are always bringing that shit up at the most pointless times!” Rosario yelled.

    “Exactly!” I yelled. “Don’t act yur better than us because yur bigger than us! Ya aren’t even evolved Pokemon!”

    The pair turned their heads. “Excuse me?!”

    “Don’t take Keepers responsibilities so lightly Voltaru!” the Froakie chided.

    “As if we can actually change anything! Compared to those nerdy eggheads we can’t!”

    “You can!”

    “What do you know!? You’re just a useless Sentinel!” the Pikachu snarked back.

    We made our way into another room just as a Buizel, and Jigglypuff spilled in from the other two entrances on our side. Thankfully the stairs were on the other side. The four of us ran as fast as we could up that staircase and into an empty room.

    “Okay, let’s catch our breath,” the Froakie collapsed onto his back bubbles for a moment, panting heavily.

    “Yeah,” his Riolu partner stretched. “I’ve gotta make a call about Hatchet and Rosario.”

    “A call? A call about what?” the Pikachu asked.

    “Unfortunately because of your repeated offensive and disrespectful comments you two are getting a referral,” Libra sighed.


    A got off the ground and hopped over to us. “We are going to have to talk with the Chief later about you two. And your punishment.”


    The Riolu marched up to me and slammed her paw into the wall beside my head, crushing through the thick layer of stone. “The parents of my friends and I are what you called those worthless excuses of Pokemon. They’re ferals.”

    Oh no. I dropped to the floor, as my heart started to pound faster and faster, my head becoming dizzy, and my mouth dry. I didn’t think that was possible!

    She then approached Rosario. “And I don’t recall asking what you think about me. Don’t you ever claim to know another’s place as a Sentinel! We’re here to keep you in check and help you. You pathetic human.” 

    Shit, I can’t believe we screwed up in front of our future Leaguemates! And before we even managed to join the League as well. My neck felt cold. Why do I know nothing? How did I manage to grow this way, with information only a small trip away into the mountains? Is this what Ma and Pa were talking about yesterday?

    “Did your parents teach you nothing about the importance of Keepers and Sentinels in our society?!”

    “I used to be a Pokemon Trainer,” Rosario replied.

    “So? If you wish to find your missing Pokemon companions you need to follow the advice given to you by those Pokemon from the Sentinels Union.”

    “Oh shoot!” the Pikachu yelled. “That’s right, Talon and Flight said that another League might be able to track those four! But they’d have to see how my progress was going. Gah! Damnit!”

    “Don’t worry it’s not the end of the world for you,” Libra explained. ” Just try to do better alright?”

    “Yeah okay, I’ll try.”

    “Hatchet?” A-san asked, hopping up to me. “Do you understand why we did this?”

    My mind was blank. “I, uh, well uh,” I stammered.

    “Whatever, we need you two to find out if the reports of the mana artifacts are true,” the Riolu sighed. “Let’s go.”


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