The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted December 20th, 2022

    Chapter Summary

    Nevada has a haunting dream of their past… But the Charmander’s current life causes some conflict ending the dream in a horrifying way. Thankfully they are comforted by Pokemon of the League. In this new relief, a troubling revelation is found about the Committee regarding some artifacts and Pokemon like Jin.

    Eternal Flame- Forts (MSR, Obadiah Brown-Beach)

    [Listen during/before reading if you’d like]

    Warning: Death, Infant Death! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    Warning Notes

    There is one line where an Unborn Egg is destroyed.

    Nevada Charmander’s POV

    A low soft tune filled my ears suddenly, waking me from my sleep. The notes danced slowly throughout the air, carrying their call far along the surroundings of the Pokemon playing it. A tear rolled down my face as the nostalgia hit me in full swing. That rich somber melody… It was a triple-barrel flute like the one Ocala used to play!

    I glanced down to see my tail flame whipping around, but this wasn’t my bed back at the League. It was back in the same half-flame, half-water-weaved bedding I got from our cousins. Back in my room. Wait, why am I back here?

    I jolted backward and scanned the rest of my surroundings; my old evolution stone collection, Mother’s Feather Scale, and Father’s Thin Trident Spear, alongside some scarves and a woven drawstring bag.

    Where are Linus, Glade, and Jin? And all the others back in the League? It was no use, I just had to see what day this was and how it plays out. I hopped out of bed and took a glance out the window…

    There it was, the beauty of my childhood and early teenage years on full display. A field lush with rich golden stalks of wheat, with ruby and emerald strands that sparkled brightly within, as far as the eye could see. Glorious Tapu Plains, I haven’t been here in such a long time.

    I shivered and stepped onto my rug, trudging to the door. Once I stepped out I was greeted with a sight I haven’t seen in such a long time. Ocala was back to being a Sobble, meaning she was shorter than me. My older sister stood in the living room, flute case in her claws.

    “Ugh, morning,” I tried my best to smile before the wooden floor boards squeaked. Only one Pokemon in this house could have that weight, a Charizard, Seminole’s here.

    “Ari-” I immediately shut down and filtered out my deadname from out of his maw. “Morning, scrimblo, we’ve got fucking a busy day today!”

    “W-why is it gonna be busy?” I asked.

    “A Sentinel like you should know already for Koko’s sake! Families from both sides are coming over today to talk about the concern about the war.”

    “Family?” My question came out slowly.

    “Yeah family, scales, and blood,” Ocala explained. “Dakota and Mississippi are set to arrive first.”

    Dammit, I really need to figure out when today is!
    “Dakota and Mississippi?”

    “Yeah, I don’t understand what those two-spirits meant with this new term “non-binary” and being referred to as “they” thing but when we talk again maybe I’ll figure out how they work, along with how’d they get so strong,” the Sobble closed her eyes.

    I’m gonna ignore those comments… I don’t feel like explaining the validity of our identities to Ocala and Seminole, at least right now anyway.
    “They are really strong? How tough are they?”

    Our Charizard brother rubbed the top of his head and grinned. “Well see here, I’m stronger than Dakota but that Charmeleon is so great with strategies, just like Mississippi, the Drizzile. “Those two are gonna lead the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters group after… After she retires.”

    “Wow, that’s awesome! Those two will take Mom’s place as Leader!”

    “Yeah, her place, hopefully soon.  I’d like for her to be here more often. To make up for the time lost,” Seminole grumbled, closing his eyes.

    Ah, he wanted to avoid saying her title… our Mother. I remembered it now. He shouldn’t be the only Charizard in the house. Mother should be here.

    “Yeah, I miss her,” I sighed, holding my chest.

    “Me too,” the Charizard slowly flapped his wings. “I heard the hatchling inside her egg should be coming out soon. That’ll get the Leader to finally retire. Then she’ll take her rightful place.”

    Ocala held out her arms and rubbed them before yawning. “Yeah, we’re due a nice family Mystery Dungeon exploration with Dad too. He needs to assign a new Tribe Chieftain already!”

    There should also be an Inteleon here too. Mother and Dad should be home. But they’re so busy. Wait… Why didn’t Seminole just say her name instead of being vague? He was the oldest… he still was the oldest. He hated having to raise us in her place. He would never call her Mother again. Or would he?

    Well, that’s what I want to tell myself. Our parents were busy.  One was the Head of a Tribe, One ran an organization, and both managed recon information. Those aren’t easy tasks. Especially when shackled under debt to… To whom exactly?

    “You know what I’m going to ask before we head out don’t you?” Seminole craned his neck to peer into my eyes.

    “Uh… no?” I leaned away from him.

    “You need to come train with us Keepers.”

    “No thank you.”

    “This is the last time you get to avoid my training,” Seminole grumbled.

    I crossed my arms and stepped away from the Charizard.”W-why?”

    “The family needs you to toughen up. You’re a Sentinel after all. Can’t you just act like Ocala and the others?” he answered.

    “But I don’t wanna train with you anymore!” I begged.


    Oh no, he doesn’t like that! “I mean well, I not for a little bit, maybe when I feel better I would but-”

    “Because of this, I won’t help you with your problems!” the Charizard grumbled, folding his wings and ducking out of the house. “Since you’re too good for my recently evolved Charizard training!”

    Ocala shook her head and approached the doorway as well.

    “You’re gonna leave me too?” I asked, feeling my tail curl around my legs.

    “I need to evolve before a war starts,” the Sobble sighed. “You should try to get stronger and evolve too.”

    “But how?”

    “You heard Seminole. He mentioned Dakota is smarter than him. Maybe she-“

    “They,” I corrected.

    “Maybe that Charmeleon can help you,”  Ocala tapped her chest and leaned further on the door frame. “I’d go ask Mississippi for some advice. But after practice, I have to go to a meeting with Seminole and-“

    Suddenly her tail slapped the door, and she nearly toppled over.

    I ran forward to catch her and then noticed it. I didn’t grab hold of her scales. My claws didn’t feel anything. “Are you okay?” I panicked, my body feeling tense. What’s going on? 

    Oh right. This was a dream of the past. How silly of me, I thought I could change it.

    “Yeah, it’s just, my whole body has been feeling weird for the past two weeks or so,” the Sobble assured me.

    Was something weird going on? I stood still as I tried to process the words… Wait. She was set to have evolved soon. No, not just soon it would be today. The same day our cousins came over.

    Shit. I now knew what day it was. Five years ago, only a few weeks before the Disruption started. It was the day that they would be taken from me. Everyone I held dear would forever change. Because I lacked the strength. To stop them. To stop Wicked Blow.

    “Well I think that’s a sign to get out of here,” my sister grinned. “Have fun with Dakota and Mississippi for me!”

    I didn’t reply as the door closed, I just sank to the floor. I couldn’t believe this would be the last time my siblings wouldn’t hate me. The last time Seminole and Ocala would try to protect and nurture me, from whatever came our way, like proper older siblings.

    Somehow everything changed, all around me were beautiful stalks of grain as far as the eye could see, and a glimpse into the depths of the mighty Tapu Valley. This was where our cousins wanted to hang out with me. On the edge of the world as we knew it.

    At some point during my combat practice, something happened to me. I reached forward to swat the Charmeleon in front of me with a Scratch, their face reminding me of him. I missed and they danced around me.

    My next opponent tossed a small burst of water on the ground to catch my attention. I snapped my head to the side. Once I saw Drizzile’s face all I could think about was her.

    Even though Seminole and Ocala were not near me I couldn’t help but think of those two. How they made me feel useless, but how they used to worry about me. How they used to have wanted the best for me, but how they now tried to bring me down. I couldn’t do it anymore. My claws trembled as my pulse soared and I sank to the ground.

    I really was just a weak little excuse of a Charmander compared to these guys. How would I be able to face them? The past blended with the future, or did I barely change? Why am I still here? I simply just cried, tears pouring down my face.

    A warm claw patted me on the back suddenly. It belonged to a Charmeleon, Dakota. “Hey, it’ll be alright bud,” they rubbed my back and held onto me.

    “But how will I be like you, a two-spirit who is trusted and honored by the Tribes?”

    Another claw touched me, well a hand-mitten. One from a Drizzile, Mississippi. “You believe you are like us, two-spirits?”

    “Yeah,” I replied, taking a deep breath. “I also don’t want to be called Arizona anymore.” Two-spirit Pokemon of our Tribes, the Ama A-Tsi-Li didn’t always change their name. They usually added one of the opposite sex. But there are other expressions our Tribes honor too.

    Dakota’s tail flame brightened as they hugged my side. “What would you like us to call you?”

    The world began to morph all around me, the sky twisting into a mono-color visage, stripped of beauty and now infected with a paralyzing dread.

    I sniffled and rubbed my claw underneath my maw. “Nevada.”

    “Nevada.” Mississippi knelt down in front of me and smiled. “Do you know how strong you are?”

    “How strong I am?”

    “Yeah, you had the courage to face your biggest fears and recognize your faults before it was too late.”

    “But the war is coming soon and I’m not a Charmeleon yet,” I grumbled, stamping my feet down.

    “My child you don’t need to worry about the past,” another voice spoke up.

    “What?” I asked, and looked around me. For a moment I honestly had no clue where I was. The view of a breathtaking large green mountain in front of me, and the rich scent of smoke in the air.

    Then I realized I had something heavy in my claws. What was I carrying? I glanced down and felt my heart sink. It was an egg. Wait. I finally looked back up, towards the sound of the voice. A Pokemon stood in front of me, they were a Charizard. One with familiar deep cerulean eyes unlike Seminole’s pale sky blue. This Charizard was my Mother.

    Her large yet gentle claw sat on the top of my head. “Nevada,” the Charizard started, hugging me tightly. “I need you to take my egg for me, and go to your Father’s auxiliary office in Prismacolor Plains.”

    “But I need to be with you,” I begged. One last time, please!

    “Nevada it’s too dangerous, there are rival Bounty Hunters working with this new nefarious organization called Wicked Blow after me.”

    “I-” Oh right this was the past, at a time I wouldn’t know who they are.

    “And I won’t let them put a claw on you. This is why you must go,” she explained, taking a deep breath.


    “I said go!” Mother demanded, a scowl fierce on her face. “I can’t protect you and deal with those bastards at the same time my love.”

    I couldn’t stop my eyes from watering as I tried to reply. “B-but, I needed you, and you weren’t there. And, now this!”

    “Please remember, no matter what I always love you.” Then she knelt down and kissed the egg and my forehead. “I’m sorry for not being a proper Mother. I hope you’ll forgive me. Take care, I’ll see you soon.”

    I didn’t know what this Nightmare had done to my reality. All I knew is that it wasn’t supposed to end like this. Father was supposed to be here, where was he?!

    Pokemon of Wicked Blow were in my path, but not just any. These were the ones who forced rival Bounty Hunters to go after my family, and now after me. Their eyes gleamed red as the sky darkened, thick black clouds looming overhead. This shouldn’t be happening! What is this nightmare!? Get me out of here!

    I just needed to see Father again. Sure he sent letters to the League with pictures of Miami, my Sobble little sibling, and all sorts of items but that wasn’t enough. I needed to hold both of his strong hands again, not just one weak hand. Especially after the threat my siblings gave me. I needed him.

    “No, get away from me!” I yelled, clutching the egg tighter as I ran towards the Prismacolor Plains. But these were Plains of the past, a small developed area with barely any Pokemon. No one could have saved me.

    One of the Wicked Blow Pokemon dashed forward, blocking my way through, whilst the others tailed behind. I held the egg closer to my chest as the shadowy Pokemon approached me.

    “You know if you’d have evolved you could have stopped us?” One mocked, pushing me over. “Stopped us from killing the Leader of the Econlockhatchee Bounty Hunters. Your Mother.”

    “Father!” I yelled. “Please save me!”

    The other took the egg out of my grasp and laughed. “He’s not coming. You weren’t strong enough, everymon else had to fight and pull your weight.”

    I reached for the egg but couldn’t grab hold of it. “No, that’s wrong!”

    “But Dakota, that Charmeleon you hold so dear was quite the nuisance. Actually managed to kill some of our Hunters to try and save the Leader,” one shadow circled around me, fangs glistening with some dark energy. “We killed them and captured your other cousin the Drizzile, Mississippi. We forced them into Wicked Blow as punishment. But all that your mother, that Charizard had to do was have everyone underneath her join Wicked Blow.”

    “What!?” I growled.

    “Oh and stop protecting Tapu Plains, simple and easy. I mean she did owe us quite the poke so we were letting her off easy.”

    “Leave me alone, please!” I begged. 

    “But it’s too late for you,” the fast shadow slammed my head back against the dirt and pressed a claw to my chest. The pain blurred my vision as I thrashed around, my limbs phasing through the Pokemon despite my efforts.

    “Stop it!” I yelled.

    “And your next of kin!” they crushed Mother’s egg into the Earth, the soil underneath the eggshell fragments stained red with a sickening squelch and horrifying crunch. “You’ll both get to join her!”

    No! I want to live! I won’t die here!

    A swath of darkness surrounded me. There were also the vibrations of soft yet deep breathing beside me. I’m alive!

    I opened my eyes and felt the embrace of a warm figure. “M-mother?” I questioned. Did she really crawl out of the flames? Did she rise from the ashes? When did I call her name?

    “I’m afraid I’m not her,” the figure suddenly left my side and warm light slowly filled my vision. “However, I can be if necessary Nevada,” a heavy Bristbergian accent entered my ears.

    I jolted upright, my head pressing into a soft object, possibly a pillow. “C-chief Mcbone!” I exclaimed, my cheeks heating up.

    “Are you alright?” she questioned in a whisper, ears flat against her skull.

    I sniffled and took in a shuddering breath. “No,” I answered, wiping away the tears. “I had a bad dream. One about my family, and my Mother.”

    “Oh Mew.” The Stoutland gave me some appropriate space, not moving a muscle until I seemed composed.

    It was just a bad dream but I can’t believe I just called her Mom! Argh, Spirit o’ Koko! I lay in a dark room with the Stoutland this whole time. What happened to me? “Where am I?”

    “You’ve been out for the past day Nevada,” Chief Mcbone explained. “I took you all to the Tapu Plains Clinic. Jin explained the situation to the Police Pokemon to the best of his ability before the others woke up.”

    “And now?” I asked.

    “We are back at the League, in the med bay. Thankfully my younger children CJ, Anabel, and Bernard were able to whip up a brew that could get you up.”

    I sighed in relief and shuffled out of the warmth of the comforter and blankets.

    “Sorry,” a familiar Hunter’s Plains accented voice said. “We’re all here bud.”

    “L-linus!” I gasped, pulling out of the sheets, and turning to his voice.

    The Treecko rubbed the back of his head and sighed. He traced his fingers on his shoulders before reaching his hand. “I’m sorry,” he choked, his low tone dimming my flame. “As tha Team Captain, I should’ve had us head on home as soon as possible instead of enjoyin’ the scenery… I put Jin in grave danger, especially considering his unique status but more importantly I put you in danger. I’m sorry.”

    No he doesn’t understand, he didn’t do anything wrong! My siblings attacked. I could have stopped them. If I just wasn’t weak! It’s all my fault. I noticed the pause in his ramble as he shifted close to me. “Linus, it’s my-” I started before suddenly another voice entered the picture.

    “Nope, it’s not your fault,” my eyes shot to the side, actualizing the Totodile beside me.


    A claw gently yet firmly gripped onto my arm. “D-don’t ever say that!” Glade cried, burying her snout against my chest.

    “You were not privy to your siblings’ whereabouts,” Jin added from his ‘seat’ on the floor, then the Zorua from Hisui stood up. “Nevada you do not need to carry this insurmountable burden alone. I know you are not as they say you are, you are not to blame.”

    Tears pooled onto my face once I realized everyone was there for me. They didn’t blame me for the encounter with my family’s Bounty Hunters, nor the threat they placed on the town of Bristberg. No one here did…. Except me.

    I cried. Long and hard, babbling incoherently away my built-up sorrows and fury to everyone willing to listen. “O-okay,” I sniffled, managing to find some shred of dignity.  “Let’s go.”

    “Alright,” Linus said, reaching forward to help me climb down from the massive bed.

    “Woah!” I started falling towards the ground. I forgot how high up I was!

    Glade rushed forward and stabilized my other side when I nearly tumbled face-first into the floor. “I got you!” She kept me upright for a moment.

    “You always show such marvelous Teamwork!” Jin cheered, nudging me up.

    I sheepishly rubbed my head.  “Yeah.”

    We then walked out of the medical bay, and into the hallway of the first floor. I glanced at Jin and noticed a gloomy look in his eyes. His ears and tail were still low. Is that just how Zorua from Hisui behave? Before I could do anything my stomach let out a loud rumble.

    “Guess someone’s hungry,” a peppy voice came out of nowhere. I turned my head and around the corner near the kitchen was Chad the Pikachu from Team Aegisdrip.

    Linus, Glade, and Jin followed me down the hall. “Yeah,” I replied, patting my stomach.

    Another Pokemon poked their head out, a Wartortle, Diamond also from Team Aegisdrip. “You guys don’t have to worry, we’ll cook breakfast, the Coordinator wants to talk with you,” she waved.

    Oh? “He does?” I asked, my eyes darting side to side.

    The Granbull was sitting at the coffee table in the common room, a set of papers in front of them. “Yes, I want to apologize for the incident that happened yesterday.” he started.”I was so caught up in my conversation with Head Tiger and the discoveries that came along with it that I wasn’t monitoring you all, despite your special status as Fangs of the Fallen, and a ward of the Committee. I’m sorry I failed you.”

    I just held a claw close to my chest before Linus squeezed the other one. “We’ll manage to recover Sir,” the Treecko explained.

    “Alright, the threat that the Econ Bounty Hunters pose to the town of Bristberg and our League allies is significant,” Sir Cooper pulled out a sheet of paper and flipped it. “But more importantly I want to learn about the Committee’s influence and control over its so-called wards. What is the group’s goal? Does it make you all this way?”

    Woah! That’s a vague albeit loaded question Coordinator Sir! Guess he needs to get straight to the point. Jin folded his ears at the mention of the Committee, but I felt relieved with the attention off me. “Our goal is to reach the requirements for his Eternal Will by any means necessary,” the Zorua responded matter-of-factly.

    “Not to rehabilitate the world’s balance of mana and force all Keeper’s to atone for their sins eh?” the Coordinator narrowed his eyes. “Why do they have you ignorant of the real world and Pokemon of this land?”

    My eyes widened once Jin glanced over at Linus, Glade, and me with a slightly frustrated whine. “From whence they found me and the others I remained at the Committee, we were forbidden from venturing outside the Committee Headquarters.”

    “And in those Headquarters, you spent your time doing what exactly?”

    “They only taught us information that allowed them to test our capabilities.”

    Coordinator Cooper glanced down at a pad of paper and held a pencil to the page. “I know this may be difficult but I’d like you to tell me what those capabilities entail. Because I know they are not how strong you are or anything related to Keeper senses, as that’s not the Committees’ goal now is it?”

    “You are correct,” the Zorua replied. “Unfortunately the staff does not tell us everything.”

    “Sadly I am aware of that, I want you to tell me what you do know, even if it scares or confuses you. I am here to help with that.”

    “We all are,” Linus stepped forward and placed a hand on Jin, a warm smile plastered on his face.

    Jin perked his ears up and shook his head. “The capabilities are to see if some of us from Hisui have the potential to turn into Ether Gems through terrible, terrible means.”

    “What? And what do these Ether Gems do for them, why does the Committee want to create these Gems? Can’t they just find them?” the Granbull crossed his arms, his tail wagging, and his teeth clenched.

    “I’m afraid I am not privy to such matters,” the Zorua started.

    This time Linus stepped in. “Buddy remember we just want to know whatever ya know, only so we can help y’all out. Okay?”

    “All they have said is that the Ether Gems are a mysterious collection of artifacts that power all others.”

    The Coordinator hummed at the mention of ‘power all others’ and my flame started to pick up. Does he already know something about this? Was he just waiting for Jin to spill his guts about it before the rest of us get to learn?!

    “But more importantly they have something to do with artifacts’ Gears of Mana,” Jin finished, immediately curling into a ball and deflating with a whimper.

    My jaw just dropped. There’s something else regarding the artifacts? Are Mana artifacts powered by something? Why don’t they want us Leagues to find it for them? Is Wicked Blow after all this stuff too? I groaned and placed my claws against my head, trying desperately to figure something out. What are we going to do?

    “What the voids does that even mean?” Glade shot out, filling the room’s silence.

    Linus lifted his hand to push the Totodile but stared at Jin for a moment. “Ugh, I think we just need to take things one step at a time.”

    “Yeah,” I sighed, adjusting my sash. “I- I mean we need to work on getting stronger before we can worry about that!” I forced a laugh out, much to my Teammates’ chagrin. 

    The Granbull took in a deep breath. He flipped over to another page on his notes and scribbled away, leaving the four of us in our quiet thoughts.

    The small of batter, sweets, and pepper suddenly grew stronger in the air and I turned my head to the side. Plates of waffles, eggs, and berries on a cart came past our table by Team Aegisdrip. “You guys can eat over here or at the ‘U’ if you’d like,” Chad reached over to pat me on the shoulder.

    I shut my eyes as Coordinator Cooper stood up and approached the four of us. “Jin,” he woofed slowly, the gentle warmth in the Granbull’s words causing me to open my eyes. “I’m sorry.” 

    Eternal Flame- Forts (MSR, Obadiah Brown-Beach)

    [Listen to after reading if you like]


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