The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted November 16th, 2022
    Ported June 14th, 2024

    Chapter Summary
    Makkuro and Kobi do some more practice with Fang and Hunter, steadily gaining control over their abilities before they learn more about the stakes and forces at play.

    Makkuro Rockruff’s POV

    We finally got to go to the Trader’s Outpost! This was my chance! It was harder to keep up with Master Hunter and Master Fang than I thought. Doing all that Breath of Mana practice has worn me out pretty badly, but let’s gooo!

    I felt my tail wagging with every rushed bound I took. “Awesome!” my bark rang out through the cave. “I get a chance to help some locals!”

    Master Hunter and Kobi glanced my way when I finished, smiles adjourned on their muzzles. “We’ll have a bunch more chances when we’re free to work at the League eh lad?” the Espurr asked, slowing down so I could reach her.

    “Yeah! Oh right, the League!” I gasped, darting around in a circle. “I don’t know much about them but they are friends of the Sentinels Union right?”

    The Boltund beside me widened their eyes and sighed. “You could say they are.”

    Ooh, that reminds me. “What’s the difference between the League and the Sentinels Union?” I asked. “Kobi and my village hadn’t had a chance to fill me in,” I shuddered. My mood swung back to being upbeat. When the word village slipped off my tongue, I felt kinda bad for lying but I want to wait until the moment is right before I tell them I was a Trainer. 

    “Sorry about that,” Kobi apologized, a forlorn glint in her dark purple eyes. “I don’t actually know the difference myself. I only just learned about the Sentinels Union.”

    Master Fang curtly turned to glance at me. “The League is in the public eye while we tend to the shadows.”

    “Why’s that?”

    “The League just has to be. Unfortunately to get funding from-” the Lycanroc paused to stifle a growl in their throat. “Their sources. They have to be partially open with their recruitment and the information that the sources know they have. They get special requests from them too.”

    Sources. Master Fang must be talking about the forbidden word, the Committee. The ones who had some part in taking out Team Vanguard. “Oh, so that means they can lie and pretend they don’t know certain touchy subjects right?” I added, lowering my tail to stare at Kobi’s saddle bag.

    Like everything that the Committee did when they figured out what the Vanguard was researching, those Mana Artifacts. There’s something more to them, a hidden property, one that must stir the pot. From how desperate Fang sounded earlier the Team was probably on the edge of discovery.

    “Anything the source can’t prove the League has in their possession or knowledge of,” Master Hunter sighed.


    “It’s just what I’ve heard from the Palm Shore League,” the Boltund replied. “But I’ve heard the severity of how much a League needs to hide is based on which one of the four heads has their eye on them.”

    “Oh, the Leagues sure had it rough don’t they?”

    “Yeah,” the Espurr mewled slowly. “That’s why we’ll give them all the help we can!”

    There’s a fire building up in me! This is something that I wanted to do back home with my Team, I’ll carry on my goal here! “I can’t wait to use my powers to help Pokemon with those guys!”

    “You have to keep your unlocked power under control first,” Master Hunter sharply reminded me. “And manage to use a move along with everything else.”

    My ears folded down and I felt my stomach drop. Dang it, I sound like I’m getting over my head. “Affirmative,” I managed to reply, the word low in my throat. As if it meant nothing, like it was expected, Master Fang kept their steady pace, leading us through the rocky passageway. Soon we found our way out of the tunnel and a larger cave opening. 

    There it was, a light blue building akin to the small shack we saw earlier, the Trader’s Outpost. From the open windows, I could see the few Pokemon inside. Well not all of them, as the shelves blocked part of their bodies. On this building, there was a wooden sign board outside that read “Cave Outpost”. As we got closer I noticed the light brown accents of the Outpost matched the other one and the sign. 

    Suddenly both of our Masters stopped dead in their tracks. “Don’t mention anything besides being under our watch,” the Boltund barked, eyeing Kobi.

    “Better yet just tell them you’re our apprentices,” the Lycanroc beside her added.

    Okay…Why does it feel so tense? This is just an Outpost, which you two said we could go to. Finally, we walked inside and I could confirm my suspicion.

    Stationed in the center of the wall next to the entrance there it was. “I had a feeling in my gut a Request Board of some sort would be here!” I cheered.

    “Yep, hi there folks welcome to the Cave Outpost, the biggest Traders Outpost inside Numero Seis Six!” out of seemingly nowhere a Pokemon greeted the four of us. This Pokemon was a Quagsire, wearing a black vest and cape with the Union claw symbols on it like Master Fang and Master Hunter had on, but they had a blue apron covering it.

    I turned to the left to see the staffer greeting us. Behind them were numerous shelves filled to the brim with all sorts of useful items. Next to the staffer was one of the Sentinels Union Pokémon, a Primeape. They wore a black vest along with a cloak and cap and were browsing some berries. 

    “Hi,” I felt my eyes close as I wagged my tail in joy at the new Pokemon. Maybe I can learn something here!

    “Well who are you?” she questioned.

    “I’m Fang and Hunter’s apprentice,” I answered. Then I gestured to Kobi. “This Espurr is too.”

    The Primeape placed a branch of Cheri Berries and a bundle of Rawst Berries in their hand and turned my way. “Oh, looks like Fang and Hunter put the pounce on ya eh?” she beamed, pointing at the couple.

    “What?” I asked.

    “Think that means our training is gonna be brutal as apprentices,” Kobi tried to explain. “Am I right?”

    “Yea, good luck and best wishes!” Primeape grinned before smacking Master Fang on the flank. “Need more nerve on this lot ya hear!” 


    She then hit Master Hunter on the head. “We’ve gotta have more spark going after those blokes in black y  and white!”

    I’m so confused.

    “Got it for Xern’s sake,” our Masters growled, gleaming daggers at the Primeape. “Beat it, Fist!”

    “Ya ya, just make sure to take a gander at the board will ya?” Fist waltzed up to the checkout, coins in hand. “Let ’em prove it to ya, that they can do it!”

    “She has a point, somehow.” Master Fang padded up to look over each paper pinned onto the cork and grinned. “Think there’ll be good for ’em?” they asked their fiancé.

    The Boltund stared at two particular small pieces of paper and then went back to Kobi and me. “If not for tomorrow, then maybe once they have grasped the basics better,” she replied.

    “What are the requests?” Kobi asked.

    “Retrieving a lost crate of scarves, orbs, and berries for one, the second is locating and capturing some suspicious Pokemon,” Master Hunter explained.

    Suddenly there was a gasp from the other side of the shelves. “You’re taking them!?” Then came a waddling sound and my ears swiveled to the side. “You Sentinels Union mon are gonna do those?” a Ducklett wearing a yellow scarf asked.

    I subconsciously felt my nose twitching as they approached Master Hunter and Master Fang slowly. “Yes, we are doing some, probably gonna try to do them tomorrow or later this week,” the Boltund answered.

    They must be from town because they aren’t wearing a black vest or any jewelry with the Union symbol on their body. This Ducklett doesn’t seem to be under Fist either. “Those are the requests I sent out!” they cheered.

    I grinned at Pokemon as I felt a rush of excitement blanket me.”I can’t wait to report on a job well done for you Ducklett!”

    Ducklett waddled forward with an open beak. “I’ll be expecting it!” they squawked.

    “We’ll have to see when you’ll be able to do these requests together with us,” Master Hunter placed the papers in one of her bags. “Come now we have some training to do, we will talk about the scraps later.”

    Knowing that I will be able to help some of the Pokemon here I’m satisfied. With a long full gaze, I gave the Traders Outpost one last look as we headed out of the shop.

    Instead of going back the way we came, we headed in a different direction, Master Fang taking us to the right further into the cave. 

    “Alrighty now we are going to get ready for our physical training,” the Lycanroc explained, taking us uphill. Once we got to the top I was able to see that massive river from before. The Nakagawa River in all its glory.

    On the hill was a set of wooden crates with some odd bolts and belts attached to them, some crates had wheels on the bottom while others did not. Beside those crates were different colored and sized weights.”How are we gonna train now?” I asked, nudging one of the crates with my snout, filling its scent into my head.

    Master Hunter pulled off the lid of one of the wooden crates, revealing a bunch of harnesses inside. “It’s weight training while walking time! Since you, I, and many other Pokemon, don’t have any arms and legs that can carry things I had to figure out a substitution.”

    “What’s that mean?” I asked, tilting my head.

    “Yeah we can carry things fine with our saddlebags and I can use my psychic abilities. Oh and we can hold things with a hand of Mana,” Kobi added.

    The Boltund shook her head.“That’s not ideal, you are going to run certain distances wearing these crates, loaded with weights to train. Then I’ll be able to gauge your strength.”  

    I folded my ears back at the thought. I guess being a Pokemon who helps save the world isn’t all fun and games. Kobi and I realized that to an extent yesterday but even in some resemblance of peace, we’d be instantly put to work.

    “Don’t worry it won’t be too hard,” Master Fang tried to calm our anxieties down a tad, before smirking.”Well if you’re in shape that is.”

    Their partner then fastened an empty box onto the two of us. “Just the crate now, follow us!” 

    Oh no, did I get put into a Rockruff body with puppy fat or something? “But-but what about using our moves safely? And figuring out presence sensitivity?” I strained to ask, trudging after the other Pokemon.

    “You need to be at the height of physical fitness. If not, you better get to it,” the Boltund stated, heading uphill along a stretch of rough stone. “There’s no way you’re going to get out of here otherwise.”

    Then once we made it back around Master Fang added an orange-colored weight to our crates. The pressure on my hind legs, thighs, and back began as a light tugging but once we ventured off into a segment of bumpy paths it hurt. Aye Tapu! Adding insult to injury was my paw pads’ lack of extra callus and durability which made them sensitive.

    Another weight was added, this time yellow and my knees started to wobble as we slowly made our way around the lakeside. Ow. A whimper crept out of my maw.  We just had to have traveled slightly off-route, didn’t we?

    “This is harder than I thought it would be!” Kobi practically said what I was thinking, her body deflated.

    “Everything will be harder than you think. Especially making it into the League,” the Boltund leading the way barked. 

    Salty droplets of water gently covered my coat as we approached the water’s edge, the softer ground catching the crates in its soil. “I-I never assumed it would be a walk in the park!” I replied, digging my paws into anything that remotely resembled purchase in the ground.

    “But I have the acceptance letter?” Kobi tilted her head, the wind blowing across her fur. “How will getting in be hard?”

    “Because unless you prove yourself with some sort of Act of Valor or whatever you’re still going to have to pass their special entrance exam. And that exam is no joke.”

    After gaining traction and my footing I noticed my panting intensifying. “That means nothing!” I yelled, closing my eyes and pulling even harder. “We’re Keepers, ones that were given power! We aren’t scared of some exams, especially ones made to see if we’re capable of joining the League!”

    I couldn’t see it but I could tell Master Fang had a smile on their muzzle. “And then after that, you’ll have to prove yourself to your new Rescue Team and upperclassmon.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    “You two will have to perform well on lots of requests. Oh, and because you are unlocked you’ll be monitored closely by the Chief and Coordinator.”

    “We are probably going to end up doing something a bit more difficult in our work here aren’t we?” I pondered aloud.

    “Yeah,” the Lycanroc said, picking up their pace. “If you would like to be more than an apprentice- or rather your prisoner status.If you think you can keep up with us.”

    I shook my head with a groan. “Thank you for training and teaching us, but I don’t want to join your organization. I don’t plan on hanging out here in the shadows forever, I need to travel the world for myself and more importantly find a way to make my mark on the world.”

    “I’m going to decline on that, that whole staying at the Union thing,” Kobi said. “I need to join the League. I know that’s where Hatchet wants me to be and where he’s going to end up. He’ll never find me if I stay here.”

    “We get it, we get it!” both Master Fang and Master Hunter barked. “All right! Let’s go, less talking, more running!“

    Kobi and I continued exercising for what felt like hours. My bones and my body became sore, and my breath was ragged. But of course, that wasn’t enough, it wouldn’t be enough. Not yet. These Sentinels Union Pokémon are hardcore and we’ve always known that.

    “Okay now it’s time for some different types of training,” Master Hunter removed the harnesses and crates from our bodies. “I can’t do only one type or you won’t be able to get stronger.”

    “Master Hunter,” I gasped as the harness was released. “Could- could we take a breather or something?”

    “Tired already?” a new and unfamiliar voice called out. Immediately I snapped my body to the side, to see who was speaking.


    Across the strip of Riverview stone, there was a Smeargle, one with a grey vest on. She stood next to a Morpeko. “But we haven’t even given you our welcome gift yet!” the Morpeko sighed, sparks flaring out.

    Then a wave of four gentle pressures washed over me. They are Keepers with unlocked presences?! This is what it could feel like?

    “What?” Where did these Keepers come from? They concealed their presence!?” And they were not alone, there were two other Pokemon. An Aron and an Impidimp… Now that I think about it, the first two of these Pokemon are familiar! 

    “Wait, aren’t those two our roommates?” Kobi gasped, her eyes widening as the group approached us. 

    “That Smeargle and that Morpeko!”

    Master Fang chuckled lightly.  “Unfortunately this is the way you get to meet with the actual apprentices.”

    “Yes, it is truly unfortunate,” Master Hunter added. 

    “Why is it unfortunate?” I asked. As if on cue the Aron charged at me with their steely Iron Head, the blow sending me flying. Agh, Tapu! That fucking hurt! Koko’s Sparks!

    “What the-” the Espurr who was previously beside me yelped as she was blasted with a barrel of electricity. 

    I grit my teeth from the aftershocks and whimpered. My entire body must have been crushed into pieces of rock. Then I looked down… I was a whole Rockruff, nothing was broken off. Was that how a super-effective move felt from a powerful Pokemon? From my position on the ground, I noticed the Morpeko smirking, pumping their fist in celebration. 

    Kobi rushed back to me, a light lavender-hued mist surrounding her body, in preparation to fire off Psychic. 

    “No! Cease immediately!” Master Fang and Master Hunter ordered, halting all of us in our tracks.

    I growled as a rush of energy built up in my body. The half-translucent rock that was forming, dissipated into the air right away. Ay Tapu, my mana struggled to work! “Why not?” I barked. “Don’t want me to see if these guys can help?”

    “This is not the place to test out your unique circumstances Makkuro,” the Boltund sighed. “We are supposed to test your reactions to various elemental attacks and your resistances. Attention!”

    The four Sentinels Union apprentices saluted our Masters with a hand of mana, four fingers pointed outward. 

    I can’t believe it. I jumped off the floor and ran up to Master Hunter. “Wait so these guys get to pummel us and we can’t hit them back?”

    “That’s a load of fucking bollocks,” Kobi spat.

    “Aye listen! We had to go through this too.” The Morpeko crossed her arms. 

    “Not with your own moves,” I watched as the Lycanroc grumbled, ears folding down in annoyance. Then they turned to the apprentices. “Who told you brats to sneak up on them?”

    “Uh….” the Impidimp tried to speak up for his companions.

    “Yeah, I thought so,” Master Hunter growled. “Kobi, Makkuro you are allowed to strike back for every blow they deal to you.”

    “Got it,” I replied, wagging my tail as I saw the expressions morph on the apprentices’ faces. That look in their eyes, they know they’ve messed up big time. Quickly I slammed my body into the Morpeko, knocking them onto the floor. “No moves, no problem.”

    My opponent writhed out of my grasp and took in a labored breath, parts of their fur gaining a purplish hue. Oh no soon they’ll be in Hangry Mode!

    I grinned as Kobi raked her claws at the Aron’s softer section near their shoulder. Then with a shove, she exposed their underbelly, before pouncing on their chest. In an instant, once her paws touched back on the floor as the Aron recovered, the Impidimp made his move. 

    I noticed he was glowing a dark pink with some energy from some move, then he caught hold of the Espurr’s flank fur. The Impidimp tilted her slightly, using her force against her, and slammed his foot, covered in darkness against her lower belly. Kobi immediately stumbled to the ground from the super-effective attack. She growled out a Galarian curse while I stayed close to try and assess the situation… That’s it! Impidimp probably used Foul Play on her because she’s so strong!  

    Shit! I still had to wait for my next opportunity to strike! Who’s gonna hit me?

    The Smeargle picked up her red-painted tail with a sigh before quickly Sketching something into existence. 

    Then it hit me. A concentrated burst of cold water blasted into me, forcing me to retreat out of its range. That was a Water Pulse, damnit! I felt the skin and fur practically ripping from my body. I shivered as I stood back, before shaking the droplets away, my paws scraping against the stone as the wind picked up. “We’re gonna be watching you, outsiders!” the Smeargle growled, her crimson-tipped tail slowly turning a light fuschia.

    “We’ve-” Kobi started, standing up beside me, “We’ve got all day.”

    “Hit me with your best shot!” I smirked despite regretting it immediately. “Show us what the Sentinels Union is made of.” 

    I lost track of the time. It was easy when your head was spinning so hard. Those apprentices, of Fist the Primeape, and Pride the Pyroar respectively beat the shit outta Kobi and I. They used every move they had on us, then lowered our natural defenses and raised their offensive powers to give us a true taste. We couldn’t do much back to ’em without our moves but I know they felt the drive behind our will. That’s what I want to believe anyway. All that’s left was our tired breaths.

    “Don’t worry after you get a hold of your moves safely you can pay them back in full, with interest,” Master Fang nudged me up from lying on my back.

    Sounds good to me. I huffed as I rolled back over, stretching out my legs with a groan. “What are we doing next?”

    “Are, are we gonna get a break?” Kobi begged, hissing as she rolled her shoulders and groomed her chest fur.

    Once I looked to the side I noticed Master Hunter was writing something in a rather large notebook, jotting on a scroll of parchment. The Boltund sang softly in thought before finishing up something and promptly returned all the papers into their saddle bag. “Yep.” They smiled. “It’s time for you to do some research for the League you care so much about.”

    Her voice was a spark of hope for us. “Wait, we’re going back to the base?”

    “Yeah,” Master Fang replied. “Hunter and I have got to review your presence fluctuation, join in on a meeting with the Branch Sies Commanders, and then finalize our plans for tomorrow, based on your contingencies.”

    That’s a lot of words just to say their schedule is loaded. “You’ll be escorted into the Library by some more,” Master Hunter cleared their throat, “upstanding members of the Sentinels Union.”

    Dissing Fist eh?

    “What do you want us to look up while we’re there? Oh, and is there a good book on the letters of the foot runes?” Kobi asked.

    Oh great, now I can finally read stuff on my own, instead of being treated like a toddler! I was beginning to get fed up with all the patronizing and shit. Becoming independent sure is hard when there’s stuff folks have to teach you the entire time. Stupid new body ugh.

    Our Masters took us back toward the inside of the base. “I need you to know the truth, you need to find out about the Great Betrayal,” the Boltund narrowed their eyes, the rich green hue wavering in emotion.

    “The truth huh,” I replied, my nose twitching as I wracked my head.

    “Will we still have time for our lesson?”

    “Why do you need to know about the letters?” Master Fang asked me as we got closer to the base’s entrance. I nervously glanced back towards Kobi before I shivered.  “Oh wait, the village must have taught ya different ones than what we use here right Makkuro?”

    Oh no…“Yeah,” I replied. No matter how hard I tried, no more words came to mind.

    Kobi took that as an opportunity. “Why are the Pokemon involved in the Great Betrayal, something that happened so long ago, relevant to our work here today, dealing with Wicked Blow and recovering the keys and locks of mana?”

    “Kobi, the Pokemon that were involved in it are also involved in the Disruption, everything comes back to the fight for a specific something,” as our paws treaded the tilted floor of the Sentinels Union base the Lycanroc managed to answer, shaking their coat. They lowered their tail as they continued wagging in what I presumed was thought.

    I guess we’ll have to figure this out for ourselves. It may be a bit too painful for Master Fang and Master Hunter to talk to us. It’s also gotta be stuff the League needs help understanding since we’re allowed to study it on their behalf. What a stroke of luck for those guys, they’ll have us soon!

    “Alrighty, we’ll be off now,” our Masters called out.

    I tilted my head at the two Pokemon and grinned. “Bye!”

    “See ya later!” Kobi meowed.

    We walked for quite aways before rounding down a warm cozy hallway, before spotting another Sentinels Union Pokemon, there was a Malamar. She stood in front of the two beautifully elaborate decorated ajar doors, the banner of the Sentinel’s Union claw, carved delicately into the wood. “Good afternoon, I’m Inkling, here to assist and watch over you two when you are studying in the library.” the Malamar led Kobi and I passed the entrance.

    “Inkling, we were told to study about the Great Betrayal,” I started, as we headed towards a low table in the center of the library. “Is there anything else we should look into?” I sat on a small cushioned stool, one big enough for Kobi and me.

    The Malamar brushed away their loose head tentacles and began carding through a book from a shelf. “I believe it would be in your best interest to learn about unlocked Keepers and Sentinels in full, that way you can be prepared.” Then Inkling then passed the book onto the table.

    “Unlocked… That’s just like us,” I sat down at the table, watching Kobi peer into the pages. 

    “Sentinels could be unlocked too? They have finer control over the power and revert automatically though huh,” the Espurr questioned, her tail flicking as she continued.

    I hummed as the memory played in my head. “I mean, Keepers are the ones who can use the key and lock mana artifacts.”

    “Correct,” Inkling chirped.

    “I don’t believe anyone said they couldn’t use them on Sentinels, considering they go back on their own they are not as much of a pressing threat.” 

    “Oh, there’s so much information here!” Kobi flipped through more pages. “On pages 127-131, it mentions something else about Sentinels. Certain Sentinels may be able to use illusive color-coded collections of mana called Ether Gems to have access to something akin to unlocked boosted moves. But they need mana artifacts called the Regalia to utilize it in full.”

    What? The way the information is presented seems like it’s mainly theoretical. “Uh excuse me Inkling. Do you have any more info about the Ether Gems?” I placed a paw on the table.

    “Many Branches are currently working with some Slate devices to locate the majority of them and get some claws-on research done,” the Malamar explained, eyes narrow. “Ether Gems were last documented a very long time ago, back when Mana Control Techniques was first discovered.” 

    We continued studying the text, trying to make sense of things Master Fang and Hunter mentioned yesterday and earlier today. There’s so much, but we’ll hopefully be on the road tomorrow and for the next couple of days. Kobi and I can’t risk missing out.

    “Oh right, here’s your books on the footrune letters, and the Great Betrayal.” the Malamar returned with some tomes in her grasp, placing the first in front of me and the second in front of Kobi.

    That was strange… the cover of the book in front of me seemed to be in Galarian. Do all of them know?

    “Okay, since we’ve got a bit of time I’ll help you out with these, Espurr dear can you read the guide correct?” Inkling asked.

    “Uh, yeah.” Kobi lifted her head up from the book. “I can read ’em.” 

    The two taught me how to read and pronounce each letter. It was easy to understand somehow, it felt like my head was tingling the whole time. Then Inkling and Kobi told me a majority of words that would be important. Weird how the word “Rest Stop” looks nothing like how it does in Galarian but the word “Guild” does.

    “Okay, now we’ve got time to learn about the Great Betrayal,” the Malamar stepped away from the table. “Unfortunately I’m a tad bit uncomfortable speaking about this so you’ll have to read it on your own.”

    “If we have some questions we can ask you?” I sniffed, noticing a melancholy wafting through the air. 

    “Yes,” she replied.

    “Okay so…” ‘The Great Betrayal was a war that started because of a conflict between former Pokemon Trainers and the groups they belonged to; Bounty Hunters, and Expedition Teams. These organizations eventually split apart into the numerous ones we have today.’

    ‘These humans were called Monsters for their former practices and many were killed off. There was a force to save them led by a Team called Checkmate, that was on the frontlines.’

    ‘This Team was headed by a Granbull and a Herdier couple, the McBone’s, and it seemed that a large percentage of Team Checkmate were former trainers. Although these five are rumored dead, notable ones are a Torracat, a Hattrem, a Vibrava, a Cufant, and another Pokemon of an unknown species, one given the moniker Camouflage.’

    ‘There was a cult dedicated to Eternaus, made from Expeditioners and Bounty Hunters that spread the campaign against former trainers. And then they thought that it was unfair that Pokemon had been forbidden to use mana artifacts to their full potential, and hiding away their real power.’

    That sounds kinda like Wicked Blow… Except for the Eternaus part. Odd.  

    Inkling, Kobi, and I found more books on each varying subject, trying our hardest to connect the dots. It was exciting to think about all the possibilities we have with the right knowledge at our disposal. Suddenly as we were about to crack open our sixth tome there was a knock on the other side of the table. 

    “Hey guys.” Master Hunter walked up to us, a small pouch through her teeth. 

    Inkling retrieved the bag and set it down. “I assume you’re ready?” she jingled the small materials inside, judging by the soft metallic sound, coins.

    “Yeah.” Master Fang made it to the chair adjacent to Kobi and me. “The most important training is coming up soon so we hurried over after we finished with our work.”

    “It’s the training to help me use my moves!?” I asked.

    “Yep.” Master Hunter ruffled the top of my head. “But first some lunch, can’t run on empty!”

    We then circled around back to the entrance of Numero Seis Six. The dining hall wasn’t as full as it was this morning which was great. “Could I try some different fruit?” I asked, Master Hunter as they picked up a tray. 

    “Sure,” the Boltund replied. “I’ll ask for Razz, Aspear, and Leppa.”

    It’s hard to go against my proper home training and just stuff food in my face, er muzzle but our lunch was so divine! After we got ready with other matters, we headed out to a different place to train. 

    “Okay, I’ll take Makkuro to help them work with mana to Power Point control. We will have this Rockruff here using a move safely by tonight so help me Xerneas,” Master Fang licked their chops as they adjusted one of their bags. 

    “And Kobi will come with me, we need to work on your presence sensitivity, and control,” Master Hunter woofed gently, sniffing at something in the air. “It’s a little odd how your friend here has a calmer presence than you, but it will no longer be an issue after we’re done.”

    Deep breath. Remember to sever all desires, cleanse the mind, and keep a goal of peace in your heart. Everything is in my grasp. “Now, follow the steps Makkuro,” the Lycanroc guided me. 

    I drew in the mana from my surroundings, feeling a large palette of elemental types for me to choose from. Dark, Normal, Rock, and Ground are the types of my moves. “Hey, now when you want to use the move perform the Breath of Mana,” Master Fang barked. 

    “Let’s go with Rock Tomb,” I grinned, my breath already hitching in extersion. Master Fang, they’re familiar with this kind of move too. The taste of milk chocolate filled my maw and the small translucent rocks appeared once again. 

    Then suddenly they started to solidify. Saving the world, making my Pokemon and my Sensei proud, and seeing Kobi’s smile. That Ducklett, they, and the others need my help. Peace. Peace. Peace!

    “Augh!” a jolt of pain ran through my body. The rocks, well more like pebbles, were struggling to gain in size, to be a proper move. “Why does it hurt?” 

    “I don’t know! I think the reason you couldn’t use moves was because you had nothing to control your boosted power and hold you back. Keep going!” Master Fang encouraged me. “You might have to weaken the strength.”

    Wait! Is my power too strong to contain in this one move? What if I, I separated the mana into individual rocks. One, two, three, four! “I can do it!” I howled out, my body cracking underneath the pressure. “I can surpass the limit!”

    “GO for it!” 

    Something inside me shattered. I screamed out in pain, closing my eyes… I couldn’t take it anymore. Please. There was a loud crash on the ground in front of me. My eyes shot open. 

    “Ay, that Rock Tomb worked!” Those were the last words I heard, before I collapsed. Succumbing to my fatigue.

    When I opened my eyes I was sitting in my bottom bunk. Kobi sat beside me, a large smile on her face. “Hey, what did I miss?” I lifted my head up and yawned.

    “You lucky dog you, we did it!” the Espurr hugged me.

    “Did what?”

    “You two are coming with us tomorrow afternoon,” familiar voices echoed through our room. Master Fang and Master Hunter sat on the floor below us. “We’re going to a seminar hosted by Leader Magearna down in Saltwater Cliffs, to learn about what they call the Gears of Mana.”

    “I see, this must be what all of us looking for,” I replied. 


    “The Sentinel’s Union, The League, Wicked Blow, the… The source, and then whoever those Eternaus cultists are,” I explained. “They are related to every type of Mana Artifacts aren’t they?”

    “I guess you’ve done your homework huh,” the Lycanroc grinned. “I know you’ll be excited to learn more with us.”

    “But I passed out-“

    “You were clenching down too hard,” Master Fang barked, nudging me over the head.

    “What? But I was scared it was gonna overflow or something!”

    “Don’t worry about that!” Kobi sighed. “Yesterday I told you to let it fly out!”

    The Lycanroc suddenly grabbed me by the scruff and carried me around the room. “Makkuro you didn’t let out the right amount of mana to use Rock Tomb. You used the bare minimum and your body’s supply was taken instead. No more holding back ya hear me!”

    “Yes Master Fang,” I groaned before they continued nagging me.

    “We’ve all got more training to do,” Master Hunter panted. “We allowed you to rest and recover after passing the most important part, using a move safely. But as you can probably tell there is still plenty of work to do.”

    I climbed out of bed and shook my body awake. “Alright, understood!” 

    “Cha,” Kobi followed. “I’m ready!”

    We worked on gaining resistance against presences, by our Masters slowly releasing theirs on us. The feeling of being crushed still fucking hurt but apparently we made it to a bit less than half of their full presence without yielding. 

    Kobi had to work on using her moves with the Breath of Mana and the difference was like night and day. The previously wide Psychics that couldn’t tear through the practice substitutes, were now thin powerful blasts that went right through them.

    Before I knew it was around midnight and Kobi and I crashed into our beds. Fist, Pride, and their apprentices would be joining us on our trip to Saltwater Cliffs.

    It’s morning. On this trip it seemed like we’ll head into something called a Mystery Dungeon, where Pokemon would attack us on sight for trespassing. I’m a bit worried about that since Master Hunter said that they were a tad on the stronger side. Nevertheless, we continued onward through the rocky Riverland, noticing the dipping temperatures and fiercer gusts of wind. Suddenly I began to feel another crushing force, a presence.

    “Halt, there’s someone up ahead… Not a regular unlocked Keeper, their presence is too bright!” Master Hunter stood in front of us.

    There was a small grey figure who stood in front of the Mystery Dungeon cave entrance.

    “Not a regular Pokemon, could it be a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon?” I asked in a bark, accidentally too loud.

    “Shh!” Master Fang and Kobi pushed me down.

    “Makkuro you dumbass,” Smeargle, one of Fist and Pride’s apprentices chided.

    “Excuse me?” I growled back. Who does she think she is?

    “Huh?” the figure called out, turning to face us. It was a rare Legendary from Galar… a Kubfu. “Wait, was that accent I’m familiar with?” they asked, approaching us.

    Wait that Kubfu has dark grey fur on their head, a former human. What are they doing out here?

    “I’m sorry to bother you, I’m lost,” the Kubfu lifted their paws in the air. “I have so many questions but specifically one for the Rockruff.”

    The Sentinels Union Pokémon looked at me and then back at the foreigner. “Sure, but try anything and we’re through.” Master Hunter suppressed a growl.

    Then the Kubfu walked up to me and grinned. Finally, they asked me the question.  “Are you an Island Hopper?”

    Wait. I haven’t heard that since the day I became a Rockruff. Back in Johto. Wait a minute. What? What?!


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