The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted October 18th, 2022
    Ported June 14th, 2024

    Chapter Summary

    Rosario deals with side effects of becoming a Pikachu and learns about the world around them.

    Rosario Pikachu’s POV

    Number 5, a Keeper shall not misuse the mana locks and keys, this includes unrightfully unlocking too many Pokemon or locking up any of different elemental locks.

    Come on! Even in the body of a Pikachu, I can’t give up on my goals. For their sake, I gotta try. I reasoned, strengthening my will. “I will find the Pokemon who has this feather, or at least someone! And they better tell me where they are or something!”

    I headed further into the sandy area, clay-colored mountains growing closer from the distance. My hands and feet felt so weird in this sand urgh, the grains stuck to the fur and rubbed my skin.”A single feather, a green one at that,” I said as I ran down a small hill. Was it light green, dark green, or uh teal? I pondered, before heading higher up to another slope.”What Pokemon has it?” I found myself questioning aloud subconsciously.

    “Has what?” a voice above the trees called out. Before I could answer, a thick floral scent engulfed my entire mind. The voice continued.”Perhaps all you yearn for, by chance?”

    When I opened my eyes I found a clay pathway between some hedges. “If it lets me find them then I don’t care,” I replied, taking a couple of steps forward. The orange ground underneath was warm and soft, so I felt nice.

    As I hesitantly continued onward I noticed more and more fauna and trees were hidden away. Were these always here? I got up on two legs and noticed another hill. Suddenly there was the sound of flapping wings.

    “Come now,” another ethereal voice demanded. “You’ll miss your chance going at this rate!” 

    I quickened my pace and practically launched myself off the hill, falling. Dirt and small rocks went flying as I crashed against the side, which only marginally slowed my descent. My body hit the ground and my face planted into some soil. The sting of the hard earth colliding with fur and skin made me tense up. Ow, that hurt. Way more than I was expecting.

    A soft faded scent of smoke clouded the area. Almost like Virbank City… a nostalgic melancholy filled my chest, another reminder of the past. I slowly opened my eyes and was faced with an impressive sight. A Dartrix and a Noctowl stood before me.

    Noctowl was so huge! Or maybe I’m just small.
    Both of them had a vest pitch-black fabric and a small pouch. There seemed to be something made of a matte black on the Dartrix’s side but I’m not quite sure. 

    “Are you Rosario?” the Dartrix… The Dartrix asked me a question.

    Did that Pokemon just talk to me? Oh wait, I’m a Pokemon now. Still insane. Wait a minute, how in Ultra Space do they know my name? “Uh-uh yeah,” I answered. “How do you know my name, you’re just a Pokemon.”

    “We are Specialists of the Sentinels Union,” the pair of Pokemon said in unison as I sat back against a rounded tree stump.

    “That doesn’t answer my question,” I growled. What is going on with me? I feel so agitated. Am I being messed with?

    The Noctowl turned their head to the Pokemon next to them and then back to me. “The Sentinel’s Union is under the influence and receives orders from Leader Cresselia and Leader Darkrai, how those two Legendaries know your name and more we cannot comprehend.”

    “Dream and Nightmare Legendaries command you?”

    “Indeed,” the Dartrix affirmed. “We’ve heard that you are looking for something to strive for?”

    What? How did they know? “Y-yeah something like that,” I replied. It won’t hurt to talk to these guys I guess, they haven’t attacked me for being a dumbass and tripping. Maybe Pokemon here are nice?

    “Well, congratulations! By your presence you are a Keeper and there are many goals you can strive for,” they said together, then Dartrix pulled out a book from their pouch. The Pokemon gently pushed it toward me.

    “What?” I asked, crossing my shorter-than-usual arms. “Why am I a Keeper? What does this have to do with finding my Pokemon, the goal I’m striving for?”

    The Dartrix folded their wing and flipped their feather curl. “To keep it simple, a Keeper is a Pokemon who is sensitive to mana and one responsible for using the artifacts that caused the Disruption.”

    “Not sure where that’s my problem but okay.” I shrugged.

    “Even though you were not present during the events that started this mess you should care more.” The Noctowl narrowed their eyes and firmly planted their talons in the dirt. “You’re suffering from this disaster as well.”

    My nose twitched in annoyance and I could feel my brows or whatever Pikachu had raised. “How? By being here?” The Dartrix leaned over to the side and whispered to the Noctowl, my tall ears shifted to try and hear but it sounded foreign. “What are you hiding from me?” I grumbled.

    They turned their heads to me and put their wings on their chests before they sighed. Something jingled when they did that… little bells? Wait a minute, there’s an odd claw shape pattern on the front of their vests. 

    “Well our black bells confirmed it, Rosario,” the Noctowl hooted in a low solemn tone.

    Before I could even ask what, the two Pokemon zeroed in on me. Their soft plumage of feathers and impressive wingspans once again reminded me that these were still dangerous Pokemon I was talking to. Razor sharp manicured talons on their feet, strong big beaks belonged to the birds of prey. Is this how it felt to be them? Those four?

    The Dartrix noticed my expression and allowed me some breathing room. “Most of the symptoms we’ve witnessed and felt are lining up: a strong presence. Destructive tendencies.Violent, aggressive, harsh, cruel, disrespectful natures.”

    “Now now before you get upset, and claim ‘some of those you have to physically feel’… You can’t hide your unlocked presence from us.” 

    Another random load of unnecessary boufshit from these birds.”And? Do you Sentinel’s Union Pokemon deserve my respect and best behavior?”

    “You’re unlocked,” the Noctowl emphasized the last word and stepped away from me. “This also makes you dangerous as you presumably have access to mana to artificially boost the strength of moves.”

    I shook my head, trying to find where this leads to me finding my Pokemon. “I haven’t used a move ever since I woke up here man.”

    “Well it hasn’t set in completely yet has it…”

    What in the world is going on? I should tell these stupid Pokemon off for wasting my time! “Do I look like I care?” I spat, and felt my ears pull back.

    “My friend, why would we tell you something that you shouldn’t care about?” 

    “Don’t talk to me like we’re friends, you need to get to the good part and stop wasting my time.”

    The Dartrix snapped their neck to the side.“Very well then. Once the worst of the effects comes we will come to help you keep it under control, try your best to hold on.”

    “Eh whatever.” I waved the Pokemon off. ”Who wrote this book?”

    “Our Supporter Smeargles and our Medic Swadloons created this book and many of the other recently published ones,” the Noctowl explained.

    “Pokemon make books of their own?” I marveled, picking up the small book and peering at its cover. It was covered in a soft yet hard blue material and bound by small yellow strings. I could read the title. It said World History in Galarian. “Hey, how on Earth could useless Pokemon like them make a book I can read?”

    “Excuse me? What gives you that idea?” The Dartrix opened their eyes slightly. “Calling our Supporters and Medics useless!”

    “I meant their species-”

    “So? Don’t act like you know how many lives they’ve saved and battles they’ve won!”

    “Well I mean-” I started before both Pokemon held a wing up to shush me. “Don’t you shush me!”

    “Be quiet or you shall never find what you are looking for!” the Noctowl screeched.

    “Give me one reason I should listen to you Pokemon!” I shot back, as an odd hot sensation popped in my cheeks.

    “You know nothing!” the Dartrix brought their beak close to my head and looked me in the eyes. “You would rot for the rest of your days on this miserable land without our intervention! We of the Sentinels Union came to assist you! You must heed our words!”

    I felt the fur, long thick hairs on the back of my neck stand up as they glared at me. “Fine.”

    “Flight,” the Dartrix called out. “Look at the top of their head.”

    Flight, I guess that’s the Noctowl’s name turned their head to lock their eyes on me. “Oh my!”

    “What!?” I raised my hands in between my ears and the large tuft of fur. “What is it?”

    “My partner Talon and I know what you are,” Flight somehow smirked through their beak.

    “Y-you do?” I held my chest and the plushy short coat of fur. Damn smug bastards!

    Talon, the Dartrix chuckled to themself before they waved one of their wings. “You’re a human, a former Pokemon Trainer, we know it by the grey furs on your head.”

    “What the- Pikachu doesn’t have grey fur!” I yelled. “I demand proof!”

    Flight pulled out a small oval mirror and pointed it at me, and then I realized it. “Do you see your own face in the mirror?”

    A Pikachu. One with dark teal eyes, and a large tuft of fur on their head. The top of my head was a striking dark grey… I couldn’t deny my previous humanity. 

    “Instead of giving you a lecture about the entire history of the world, we thought it would be better to give you a book on it,” the Noctowl hooted before they flapped their wings.

    “So this isn’t a world I’m familiar with? But there are Pokemon here,” I stared at the Sentinels Union Pokemon. Subconsciously my ears drifted back as dread started to kick in. What mess did I get myself in?’We live in a land blessed by Mana, a force that powers all Pokemon abilities and moves.’

    What is this a fairytale? Sounds lame. “I don’t care about all this mumbo jumbo, I just want to find my Pokemon!” I skimmed through the pages before I closed the book. 

    “Hmm,” the Dartrix cooed. “It seems like you need more inspiration.”

    What? Who does this birdbrain think they’re talking to? “Inspiration for what?” “What you’re striving for obviously.”

    “If you know how to help me find them then spit it out already!”

    “It’s not that simple-”

    “Hey, I’m getting bored with all this talking, and Rosario is making it difficult for us to get anywhere,” Talon hooted impatiently. “Should we try the slate out?” 

    I looked at Talon’s side and noticed they had a dark grey square tablet on them. They flipped over from the matte side to a smoother side. There was a sword and shield symbol in the middle of the screen blinking every couple of seconds, flashing cyan and magenta light.

    Flight took to the sky. “I have no idea what it will do.”

    “Me either,” replied Talon. “But maybe it can test Rosario here… and allow us to do some research. Something Team Vanguard couldn’t find.”

    “Folks from Branch Numero Seis Six and Numero Trece Thirteen said that when it starts flashing you just need to tap it and everything should theoretically happen on its own. Not sure where they got that information from though.”

    “What’s the worst that could happen?”

    I lifted my head up and suddenly the two Pokemon were gone. Just like that, the book in my hands disappeared too. “Hey wait a second!” I scrambled forward. 

    A thick plume of mist filled the air and then a strong gust of wind battered my body. I was able to resist them at first before suddenly the earth itself began to attack me. Roots and vines whipped in the air and struck the soil as the windstorm grew in intensity. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds before it died down. I heard the whirring of machinery and slowly descended somewhere as if I was on a cable car or something. When I stood up I noticed that the area looked different.

    I sat on the floor of a circular elevator, a glowing ring of cyan and magenta around me. There was a sword and shield symbol in the middle that ebbed and flowed with the light, the waves washing over me with every second. “Ugh, where am I?” I groaned.

    In front of me was a large black-tiled room, there were all sorts of symbols and runes on various walls and surfaces of the area. 

    Some looked like the sword and shield, others the claw thingies on Flight and Talon’s vests. There is one other thing I noticed, clear and bright as day gear symbols and a constant rhythmic ticking sound.

    “Guess I had to go forward?” with a shake of my coat I focused my attention on the center of my vision. There was a gated machine with a large bowl inside that sat in the middle of the room. Trying to head beyond that area was going to be hard because there was a tall ass metal gate that blocked it. It even went to the ceiling and other walls. On the huge gate was a wire or cable that directly connected to the gated machine.

    There was a large switch that was atop the odd machine… Unfortunately out of reach for me. “Could you help me out?” I questioned.

    “Rosario, it seems like this place was made for you,” Flight tried to pull on the switch.

    A large swath of cyan and magenta static current repelled them. The Noctowl fell to the floor in agony, and spread their wings out to minimize the effect.  

    “Are you okay?” Talon flew down to console their partner. 

    “You aight?” I asked them, my ears folded down in sympathy. “That looks like it left a mark.” I had to admit I don’t like to see these guys hurt, cause that meant they can’t help me. 

    Flight struggled off the ground and then pulled their static-filled wings back. Suddenly they sliced through the air towards the left of the room. “Yeah,” the electricity and its current disappeared somehow.

    You’ve got to be kidding me. “Just great, so now I’ve got to do everything myself huh?” I asked.

    On the right side of the machine was a small box with a glass bulb, there was a lightning-bolt symbol on it. “Must be something electrical.” I rubbed my head.

    “Unfortunately it seems that way,” Talon sighed. “Now you need to get used to problem-solving and your natural Pikachu abilities.”

    To the left was an odd floating platform, on it was a huge ceramic ball. On the ball were small gear symbols and in the middle ends there was a glowing cyan and magenta sword and shield.  How am I gonna connect and fix all of these things by myself? “Do I really have to use my moves?”

    “It won’t hurt to try them,” Flight shivered. “It’s the only way you’ll be able to accomplish any of your goals you know.”

    I walked towards the large gate in the back and tried to squeeze through the bars. No dice. Going back to take a crack at the machine I tugged and pulled at the slightly ajar gate. I pushed and prodded the piece of crap with the bulb next. Nothing. What in Kyreum’s Mist am I supposed to fucking do? “Gah, damnit! Pokemon are supposed to do work for me, not the other way around!” 

    Talon flew over to the ceramic ball and landed next to it.”Oh really?” 

    “Of course! Why else would I be a Trainer?” I ran up to the edge to yell at them.

    “Unfortunately there is no other way to reach the missing parts, power the machine, or turn on any switches,” the Noctowl above me explained. 

    Something in me told me I can make it, I just needed an extra push. 

    “You wish to find your friends correct?”

    “My friends?” I questioned, tilting my ears. I don’t get it. “No, I’m just looking for my missing Pokemon!”

    Talon furrowed their brow. “Oh, so they weren’t your friends?”

    Maybe they weren’t. “I-”

    “No wonder you weren’t successful, you needed to value your Team as friends instead of trying to win all the time.”

    “But winning Pokemon battles is all Pokemon are good for,” the words slipped out.”I-if they can’t do that then-”

    You’re worthless!” the Dartrix cut me off. 

    “Shut up!” Subconsciously, I tasted something like a sugar cookie as I willed myself to smack that smug look off their face. A rapid fusillade of energy moved through my legs and my instincts took over.

    Suddenly I flew in the air, I somehow crossed the chasm. Instead of hitting the Dartrix, I landed next to the ball with a thud. But how am I going to get the ball across?

    “That’s it, you managed to use Quick Attack!” Flight cheered.

    I just used a move… When I was upset… Is this- “I did?” 

    “Rosario!” Talon hooted, flying back to the room, where I just was. 

    “What do you want?”

    “You only think Pokemon are worth something if they can help you achieve your goals, correct? You think clinging onto them will excuse your wrongs?” the Dartrix darted forward and nearly dive-bombed me. At the last moment, they turned away and brushed against my tail.

    When they did a jolt went through my entire body. At the tip of my tail, a throb began to pulse. The tail also gained weight as if a metal or something filled it. It started to feel weird.“I just-”

    “That’s exactly why the Great Betrayal happened! Pokemon in this world and yours have suffered because of fools like you!”

    “I wanted to beat all the Gym Leaders and become Champion! I just wanted to prove to everyone that I could win, that I was as good as the rest of them!” Uncomfortably, my heavier than ‘usual’ tail twitched with my every word.”I wasn’t any different from other Pokemon Trainers!”

    “You think because you were given authority to guide Pokemon you can just abuse it for your darkest desires?”

    My tail continued to twitch and felt heavier by the second. This stupid Pokemon is pissing me off! I ought to launch this ball at them! Before I knew it when I tasted sushi or sashimi-like thing in my mind, my back muscles tensed.

    My tail slammed into the ceramic ball with a metallic crunch and it went flying. “What the fuck are you talking about!?” I roared, as a rush of energy nearly engulfed me. “I never abused my authority!”

    The ball crashed into the tiles, and even with all that pent-up force, there were no cracks or dents to be seen. “Ooh, a nice and sturdy Iron Tail,” Talon had an expression on their face that looked like a self-satisfied smirk. Quickly they breathed out a whisper. “Down, don’t let the full effects out yet,” then they turned back to me and frowned, their wings soon covering their gaze. Are they embarrassed?

    “Rosario. Are you sure about that?” Flight took over, and landed next to the switch above the machine, careful to avoid its wrath.

    “How in Kyreum’s Blizzard could you know anything? You weren’t there when they left me!” I leaped up after them, tasting the vanilla cookie again. My Quick Attack let me reach the top of the machine somehow.

    “There we go,” the Noctowl called in a slow tone of realization. “They left you.”

    “Yeah, they did!”

    “Why do you think that happened?”

    “Because they weren’t good enough for me!”

    “Have you considered how healthy your mindset and relationship with Pokemon is?”

    “What? Of course not!”

    “I see. Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

    With pure adrenaline, remorse, and rage I slammed my tail toward the Noctowl. How dare they! Subconsciously I felt the raw fish on my tongue and in my head, I used the steel-type move again.

    They sidestepped and my Iron Tail collided with the switch beside them. Shit. It was harder than my attack. The sting and echo of shattering metal shook me to my core. Why’d it hurt? A slow rumble filled the air as the small machine gate lifted. 

    Unfazed, Talon began questioning me again.“Were you good enough for them? Do you truly believe that?”

    I opened my mouth to respond but couldn’t find my words. Why do these Specialists act like they know everything? It’s not fair, we just met! How do they get in my head like this? I hopped down on the ground but, accidentally hit myself hard on the machine. A keen escaped my throat and I felt nauseous. One of them asked me a question, it didn’t matter if I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t answer as a pain traveled up my core, sending my head blazing. Kyreum’s Ice. What is wrong with me?! The only reason they knew is that I told on myself. 

    Everything has been my fault. It always has been. This Pikachu body couldn’t tell a lie. It won’t betray my inner thoughts. But this only happened in the presence of them and their slate, and something else has drawn me in. From those orange mountains. 

    Whatever it is, I need to make it stop. The truth of my heart just thundered out, it struck whatever it could. Pokemon wouldn’t want to be around me in this state… Not Bel. Not Gigi, not Francisco, and not Flora. Why’d you let me let you go?!

    I don’t even want to be around me. It’s breaking me. “It’s true… You’ve got me,” I choked out through tears. “I’m nothing without them or with them. But that’s why I want to become a better Pokemon Trainer!”

    Seconds felt like hours as those Sentinels Union Pokemon sat still.

    Talon then bowed to me.”Rosario, I’m sorry.”

    “I extend my apologizes as well,” Flight added.

    “We were so unnecessarily cruel with our tongues,” the Noctowl and Dartrix said in unison. “Our Leaders told us about your past.”

    “It’s okay,” I sniffled. “I figured just as much.”

    “We had to make it known to you, the truth, you were hiding from yourself.”

    “Forgo your title as a Pokemon Trainer,” Talon demanded. “That was the past Rosario.”

    “B-but what else is there for me?” I cried, and pushed the ceramic ball towards the bowl. “What other reason would they have to see me?”

    I let out ragged breaths as the ball sat snuggly inside the machine and then started to glow green and red. Only part of the gated machines turned off runes began to glow cyan and magenta. The last thing left for me was the electricity bulb.

    The Noctowl on top of the machine came to my side and offered their wing. I shook my head and they kept their distance. Flight then cleared their throat.“Now that you have the chance to be in the same position as them you better listen.”

    I nodded and tried to soothe my nerves. My hands sat on the lightning bolt symbol under the bulb  and my cheeks sparkled out. “Come on! I need it to come out! Just a little spark or something!”

    “Your Pokemon companions are in this world.”

    “They are?”


    “Where are they?”

    “Let me finish what I was going to say, Rosario. Just like your companions this world is in trouble. You can only save them by defeating those who have captured them.”

    “Who has them?!” In my excitement a sour taste consumed me, and a flash of light crashed out of my body. The shocks were absorbed into the bulb and suddenly the ball in the machine started to spin. “I’ll go over there right now!”

    “Settle down Rosario.”

    My ears folded sheepishly, a thought spurring in my brain.“Oh yeah sorry, which move did I use?”

    “Judging by the power and your-” Flight’s head feathers twitched. “That was a Thunder Shock alright.”

    The orb sped up in intensity and a droning roar filled the room. The gate blocking the other half of the room fell. 

    “I do not have the specifics, Pokemon in Wicked Blow have some of them.”

    “You cannot battle the Pokemon that hold them alone. You will need a Team to support you.”

    “Who am I going to team up with?”

    “You will not get a Team, you shall join one. But to do that you will need someone to help you meet them.”

    There was an odd glowing object that previously sat behind the gate. The bars obstructed the majority of the thing so I couldn’t tell what was. But now I see that there was a cyan and magenta glass.

    I stared at the switch that sat high up under the platforms that reached near the ceiling. “I can’t reach that, can I?”

    “We won’t know unless you give it a try,” Flight cooed. 

    “Okay, maybe I can do it one go?” I made it as far back as I could and then took off in a running start. I overshot the first platform with my Quick Attack and smashed my head into the ceiling. A quick burst of pain rocketed between my ears, swarming my face.”Shit!” In my agony, I couldn’t have swung my tail at the switch nor landed on the platform below it. Below me waited a chasm of darkness.

    There was a flash of green as I was carried up toward the floor. “I got you!” Talon cried, and gently placed me on the ground.

    “I guess I need to train huh?”

    Near the other side of the room, there was plenty of empty space for me to run and jump around. “Oh, wait. With my normal-type move, I can leap into the air again. That can help me stay on each platform, and control the distance.” After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out my Quick Attack distance and quirly double jump, I tested how quickly I can use my Iron Tail afterward. “It can’t go right away, seeing as the pause and shifting in the tastes or something. But I feel acrobatic!

    “Rosario, I remembered something,” Talon started. “I believe based on our Leaders temperament those four will not have the same appearance as you’re used to seeing.”

    “That’s fine, will they at least know it’s me?”

    “They will be able to feel your presence so yes.”

    “Once you get out of this shrine. While you and this other Pokemon grow there will be trouble along the way. This is why you will have a responsibility to those who will help you save them.”

    “I got it!” In one swoop I dashed up the platform with Quick Attack, I jumped on one of the tiny platforms. I stopped for a moment and then took in a sharp breath. I fell towards the switch below me and swung my Iron Tail at it precisely. I rebounded off the next platform with another Quick Attack, successfully making it to the other side. 

    Panting in exhaustion I lied on the comforting cool floor. Man, that was intense, I never want to play platforming games in real life ever again!
    The gated room in the back soon opened. “Come on Rosario!” Talon called, and shot towards the room. “This is where the exit is!”

    I got down on all fours and dashed towards behind them. There was a large square wall of translucent green and red glass or something that stood in front of a split circle. In my stomach, I could feel it drawing me near. When I got closer I noticed a small set of stairs and a statue of something. 

    It looked like a mix between a Kangaskhan and a Ryhdon… almost similar to statues in older Pokemon Gyms. Anyway, with Flight and Talon, the glass barrier turned blue-magenta, then it broke. The tiny electrical shards blasted in all directions. Once we got closer the statue’s eyes emitted a bright light.

    Soon I saw two small crystals floating in the air. One cyan the other magenta. Once I glanced inside I noticed they were dull.

    “Oh, my word!” Talon gasped “The gems reacted with the slate!”

    I took a look over at the Dartrix and their slate. The device now had a sword and shield symbol on it along with a map in the shape of a paw and three claws. “The slate called them Ether Gems and the Statue is called the Forgotten.”

    “Take these with you,” Flight passed them to my hand. “Give one to the Pokemon who says they are heading to the League.”

    I held them up for further inspection. “What will these crystals do?” 

    Talon’s pupils widened and they flapped their wings. “I’m not sure, but we should get a signal when they light up again.”

    “How come?”

    On the slate there were four gem icons: the cyan and the magenta have a ‘1’ next to them with a little Chimecho symbol. The red and green ones were dim with a ‘0’ respectively. Strangely a black staircase appeared, seeing as it was the only exit we headed on out of the place.

    The three of us soon found ourselves in a sandy stretch of woods, the orange mountains I saw earlier right before us.

    We traveled quite a distance… And something in that mountain called out to me.

    That got me thinking back to what they said: I need to go travel with other Pokemon soon.”What if I lose the Ether Gem or some bad guys steal them?”

    “Oh don’t worry about that, our slate somehow shows the location,” the Dartrix beamed. “It shows it on the map of the four known Continents.”

    Fine by me I guess. “Every time I move to the left it beeps, why is that?”

    “Maybe the gems want you to go westward? Our slate seems to want us to as well. Not sure why that is.”

    Flight ruffled the fur on my head. “Rosario, this is where you come in. We need you to do some research on the gems for a couple of days. We have to go connect our slate to the database and discuss with our Leaders in the meantime.”

    “What’s in it for me?”

    “We’ll also get in touch with the Winter’s Reach League and try to find your friends’ whereabouts,” Talon responded. ” If we pester our Leaders we could even learn what they look like, and the biome of where they are on our Continent. You and others in your decreed pair were asked to test these gems out along with other Pokemon across the land.”

    I pouted and folded my arms. “When will these Ether Gems provide me with a reward? I don’t want to lug them around for nothing and have you swindling my precious time!”

    “If my hypothesis is correct this will only happen when you reconsider your relationship with Pokemon,” Flight began to ascend into the sky. “Let’s start with your fated partner, then work your way up alright?”


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