The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted September 23th, 2022
    Ported June 13th, 2024

    Chapter Summary

    Kobi has a dream. She is lost shifting through troubling memory after troubling memory before she dwells on her choices.

    Then she wakes up and morning training begins. Fang and Hunter make Makkuro and Kobi face the music.

    Kobi Espurr’s POV

    “Don’t tell just any random Pokemon you used to be a human or a Pokemon Trainer,” I told Makkuro yesterday.

    I remembered the look in his eyes. Confusion. “Sure,” the Rockruff replied. “I won’t.”

    I normally didn’t use my powers to pry into others’ minds, it’s given me nightmares too many countless times. But when he answered, I had to know the truth.

    Real emotion.

    Makkuro said that, but they didn’t understand. I read it myself. This Rockruff didn’t know what happens when you mess up. I mean, how could they? I’ve told the wrong Pokemon. I just don’t want him to make the same mistake as me.

    I mean you got lucky and tell your best friend and his family, so why can’t you tell his cousins? They are your other friends, right? They’ll understand, right?

    I was wrong.

    “You’re a damn Monster!”

    “It’s your kind’s fault our family suffered! Monsters like you don’t belong in this village!”

    “You’re worse than a feral, you’re not worth being called a Pokemon you Monster!”

    I heard it clear as day. I mean I was a Pocket Monster now, an Espurr. Espurr had terrifying psychic powers that had to be restrained at all times to avoid catastrophe. But that wasn’t the reason I was called a Monster. It was for who I was before, a Pokemon Trainer.

    I was a great Trainer. So why? Why couldn’t I get a chance to finally start my research into Pokemon Powers? I made it, I had everything ready to show Professor Sonia. So why was I sent here? To a place where no one appreciated my hard work. Everyone was always afraid of me. What I could do, what I’d find, what I’d say, who I could be. What I could become.

    Even the first Pokemon who met me seemed to be scared. Maybe it wasn’t fear, but instead, worry. I didn’t understand and I still don’t. I lived with Pokemon I never understood before my time with Hatchet’s family in the village. My first Pokemon parents, that Espeon, and that Meowstic, just who were they? Why did they leave me after putting me through that?

    When will I know?

    When can I remember the exact details?

    Why can’t I?

    All I remembered was the pain.

    Swipes across my side. Psychic blasts in my face. Flames burned through my fur. Electricity crackled throughout my body. Again. Again!

    Mother trained me day in and day out. I’m a threat, a monster. Why were they like this? They were the ones who welcomed me to this world, and I couldn’t even understand a word they said. What were they really like?

    Maybe it was I who was ‘like this’. I was the one with strange grey markings on her coat, not them. Perhaps there’s something special about them that they knew about.

    The Keeper Police Pokemon in Midori Mori thought I was suspicious. They knocked me out on sight. They treated me like I was in Wicked Blow. Fang was furious that I tried to get into Team Vanguard’s research. That Lycanroc let out their bright presence to crush Makkuro and I on purpose. They thought I could have been a member as well. What would have happened if I didn’t have my League acceptance papers? Who would come to help me?

    The Disruption happened five years ago, only a couple months after I arrived in this world. I used to be able to sense regular Keepers when they were in the same room, now I can only sense them when they are right next to me. Before my senses dulled I finally realized the punishments of being a Keeper. Being in tune with mana.

    One day I tasted an awful presence for the first time. The sins one must commit to get that way… I dread to find out. I was walking with Hatchet and when it hit me I vomited immediately. I was sick to my stomach. A crushing force gripped my body from all sides, more intense than any cramps I had as a human.

    His parents told me to ask the elder for advice, as they didn’t know much about Keepers. Strange, considering his father and older brother who moved out were the only Sentinels of his family. Why did his mother keep everyone ignorant?

    Thankfully, the village elder knew everything. The dark-type Persian’s words, I remember what he said as he responded to my questions.

    “Why do I feel like this?” I asked. “We’re not normal, everyday Pokemon are we?”

    “You and your psychic-type parents are Keepers. I am also a Keeper,” the Pursian mewled in a low raspy tone.

    “I know that! What does this have to do with how I felt today?”

    “You only felt this because you are a Keeper, the presence of an unlocked Keeper. One who had fallen off the path and sank into the depths of vanity.”

    I still remember our first conversation.

    “Why did they treat me that way? You are just like them, tell me everything you know!” I demanded, trying desperately to hold back the tears.

    The elder reached forward to comfort me.”Your parents had a terrifying Dream Mark regarding you. It was a vision or prophecy of sorts. They saw a weak Espurr being killed by two claw swipes of a black and white beast.”


    “They asked me for advice. I told them to make sure the Espurr is strong, no matter the cost. But I never imagined this would happen, that they’d fall to the beast.”

    “Why? Why couldn’t I understand them!? How could you understand me!? Who were those Pokemon chasing me? How did they find us? What is going on?” 

    “I need you to take a deep breath, and calm down.” The Pursian requested. All that matters now is your safety … I’m sorry, young one, I’m so sorry.”

    They predicted the Disruption, but couldn’t protect me from the worst of it; Wicked Blow. That beast was a group named after the signature move of Single Strike Urshifu, the same Pokemon that once saved my life. How ironic.

    My parents were targeted. Like many others across the land. All of this was a distraction, for forces of evil to run unchecked. They managed to ruin enough of the elemental keys and locks of mana this way. All that power, in the wrong claws. Too many lives were changed, too many disrupted.

    Is this what life here is like? What was going on? It hurts. For them to be snatched from me by the clutches of those black and white cloaked bastards. Wicked Blow.

    Of course, they ruin everything. They even had some stock in ruining my relationship with Hatchet. But apparently, it doesn’t matter to him, he still pretends like this never happened. Even though it’s killing him.

    Hatchet’s presence, ever since that day. The day his ‘ friends’ came back with Wicked Blow. Just to ruin his life. Mine too. I don’t know exactly what happened because I was knocked out, but somehow they had a strong essence of draconian presence. This was from two sources: Pokemon and something else. It hasn’t been the same ever since. Hatchet has buried the memory in himself. He remembers it better than I ever could, so why doesn’t he understand?

    Maybe this never would have happened. We could have all stayed friends, and no one had to get hurt. But I just had to be so naive after the town elder taught me how to understand and speak their language. Back then the only thing I wanted to tell them was that I was a Pokemon Trainer.

    It’s all my fault.

    This was the wrong move. I got into a pretty nasty fight because of it. Then more despair followed.

    Even more Pokemon came to hurt me, all because of what I said. Monster. A blade of grass and a wall of flames. The searing pain of ice and draco tainting me forever. Monster.

    I got the scar above my eye from this. Monster. It still haunts me. Those blokes who claimed to be my friends because they were his “family”. Monster. If they were, then why did they let this happen to us?

    Why am I the Monster?

    If I’m a Monster…

    What are they?

    Something soft, yet firm jabbed my side and I sprang awake. “Huh?” I questioned, my eyes slowly adjusting to the light of the room. The cold, moist air of the area conflicted with the scent of freshly polished wood. I could taste a soft milk chocolate, a warm familiar presence.

    “Wake up ya sluggy Slowpoke,” a voice said. It sounded like an odd mixture of Johtoian, Unovan, and Hoennian. Wait, this was Fang’s voice! 

    The room… That’s right I’m in the Sentinels Union Hideout. Something something Numero Seis. There are six or more of these? It seems my Paldean isn’t completely rusty. “Oh,” I started, crawling out of bed. “Good morning.”

    The Lycanroc wasn’t the only one in the room waiting on me, Makkuro and Hunter were here too. Drat, I must have kept them waiting. “Morning… Kobi you worried me,” the Rockruff sighed.

    I couldn’t help but grin. I’m in love with his little Alolan accent, it’s my second favorite, right behind Kalosian. Unovan is pretty great too. Now if only some Kalosian girl would sweet talk me like that one summer in Lumiose-


    I stared at everyone for a moment as I reoriented my mind. “I’m sorry.”

    Makkuro placed one of his paws on my shoulder and took a deep breath in. “I called for you, but you didn’t wake up.”

    The others shook their heads at me before giving me some space. Hunter pulled something out of her bag and rolled it towards me. It was a black canister.

    “Did I mess up your plans Master Hunter?” I asked, using Psychic to lift up the item and unscrew its cap. Inside was a small brush with even tinier bristles. On further inspection, it was a toothbrush. Next to it was a small tube of gel.

    “Doesn’t matter,” Fang grumbled as they opened the door. “Go get ready for your training.”

    The Boltund beside them nudged them with their snout. “Don’t worry I’ll take care of it, follow me,” Hunter wagged her tail and led us down another hallway.

    Soon Makkuro and I found ourselves in the large restroom-like area of the base. There were sinks and stalls of numerous shapes and sizes for all Pokemon here. That’s a relief, I was wondering how everything in the base was so clean and fresh. And I needed to use these facilities.

    Quickly we got ready for the day and exited the room. When we did, Hunter and Fang were outside. “After a short breakfast, we are going to one of the training rooms for aptitude testing,” the Boltund explained.

    “Let’s not waste time,” the Lycanroc beside them said, stepping forward.

    We followed them into the mess hall, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were so many Pokemon. All elemental types and sizes worked for the Sentinels Union, and were stationed in this particular branch. How have I never seen any black-cloaked Pokemon before? Mon, I really should have traveled more.

    “This is how the Sentinels Union looks during the day huh?” Makkuro asked, trying his hardest to stay behind us without getting squished.

    “Yep,” Fang answered as we moved up in the line a bit. “Bright and lively isn’t it?!”

    After getting our food, we ate. This was possibly the best meal I’ve had in my entire life! Eggs and berries again, but the chefs here must have put something into it. Makkuro looked like he was having trouble eating, but I could tell they were enjoying it too. It is hard getting used to being a Pokemon so I don’t blame ’em.

    “Okay everyone it’s time to go to our morning training site,” Hunter spoke, getting out of the bench. “It’s outside of the base but we’ll take the path through the caves.”

    “Ah, so we’re getting a tour of another part, yeah?” I asked, following her and Fang.

    The Boltund shook their head. “Not exactly, we’ll just be passing through the courtyard.”

    And that’s exactly what we did, Makkuro and I spent our first early morning here walking around a stony building. Not the best, not the worst. As we got further into the underground system the temperature dropped. A wind started to pick up and the sounds of rushing water grew louder. Soon we were right in front of a little hut. It was painted a light brown with shades of blue as the accent colors. Above a window it had a sign on it that read ‘Waterfall Outpost’. “Here’s one of those Trader’s Outposts you were begging to visit Makkuro,” Fang nudged the Rockruff. “There’s a bigger one that’s more active that we’ll go by later if you can prove yourself to me.”

    When they said that they also glanced at me. I guess I’m being judged as well here too. To these guys I’m suspicious and probably their biggest target. Considering the knowledge I have and my unlocked Keeper status. It’s gonna be a long day of training.

    “As you two know your status is unlocked, we will have to rehabilitate you for public safety,” Hunter barked as we stood only a couple meters from a massive waterfall. “Kobi, you need to work on sensitivity and control over mana presences.”

    She glanced to the left and we followed her gaze. There were other Pokemon here doing ‘rehabilitation exercises’ as Sentinels Union members watched over their progress.

    “Makkuro, you need to control the connection between your unlocked mana and your Power Points,” Fang said as they pulled something out of their bag. “To safely use a move.”

    Hunter also pulled something out of a bag. It looked like a set of small cylinders. “To solve these issues, we must prepare you.”

    “Prepare us for what?” I asked.

    “Don’t ask questions when you aren’t ready for the answer,” the Lycanroc in front us barked. “One step at the time, we can’t do all four at once right now.”

    “What is the goal of your heart?” the Boltund suddenly questioned, pulling a small scroll out of her satchel. The dull bronze reflected the faint light from the torches and lamps behind us.

    “Our hearts?” Makkuro and I repeated like a pair of Chatots.

    Yes,” they replied. “Is it one of peace?”

    “What do you mean by peace?” I tilted my head.

    Fang shook their head in disapproval. “That is for you, and you alone to decide.”

    “Is the same true about your mind? If neither are true you will never succeed,” Hunter declared. Their yellow-green eyes pierced me with such unwavering conviction. Is this true? How could it be? It must be.

    If so…Why? This isn’t fair! We haven’t even done anything! I took in a ragged breath as I tried to process my thoughts and emotions.

    “There is a long path to complete control,” the Boltund sighed. “We didn’t master it overnight or on first blush.”

    I need to calm down. A quick glance to the side showed me Makkuro was doing the same. Or was he already fine? I always have to hold Restraint, I must strive to be a better example. My body started to relax and the others noticed.

    “That’s right,” Fang shook their upper body. “The only way to understand you need absolute control is through tranquility.”

    I tucked my tail against my leg and sat down, letting out a deep breath in the process. We can’t let our powers win. Makkuro had already sat there patiently, their tongue idly rolling out. I gave in.

    “Without a peaceful goal in your heart and mind there is nothing to override flare-ups in your mana,” the Lycanroc explained. Then they finally pulled out whatever was in those bags.

    Small wooden and metal cylinders, with tiny holes for air to go through. They seemed like a recorder or flute pieces. Are these for music-making?

    In the other bag there were small bound leaflets. Beside the notepads were small whistle-like devices, but with circular ends, enough to fit inside the cylinders. These look kinda like mouthpieces or something.

    “Today we are going to start your mana control training. We are going to use techniques from Shifu or Master Urshifu,” Fang wagged their tail. “But first a little history lesson for our pupils here.”

    The Lycanroc then closed their eyes, I assume to remember the details. Soon their maw opened. “About fifty years ago these techniques were first crafted by two Elder Urshifu from the Jovian Continent: Shifu Yang and Shifu Shui, named after darkness and water. Their family members and other Urshifu, were asked to share and spread these techniques by the leaders of our Parliament…”

    Makkuro and I stared back at them. “Parliament?” I inquired.

    “Er…Oh and the other government officials from the other Continents. Nowadays the Mana Leagues and the Sentinels Unions deal with global information on mana.”

    I tilted my head as a purr of thought rumbled in my throat. Does this mean whatever form of Government Stella has can not be trusted? What happened? Was it what those blokes were talking about?

    “Either way these techniques for mana control are breathing techniques,” Fang stood upright and took in a series of quick yet deep breaths. The Lycanroc used Stone Edge and carefully constructed a tiny balcony. These rocks were smoothed down before being connected to the ground and pointing towards the waterfall behind us.

    Now that I thought about it, it had no makeshift railing or fence. Why does it kinda remind me of a diving board?

    Fang took a couple of steps towards the edge before Hunter walked up to them. The Boltund ran a current of black lightning on the Lycanroc before they jumped straight into the waterfall.

    “Master Fang!?” Makkuro barked, running towards the edge. “What are you doing?”

    “Have ya gone mental Master Fang?!” I involuntarily gasped and ran over as well, trying to find the Lycanroc amidst the pouring current.

    “Oh relax!” their voice echoed out. “I know what I’m doing!”

    Once I peered further into the waterfall I noticed the dark brown tipped ears of Master Fang. They sat still against the pounding torrent of the water. Their maw opened in an odd strange pattern, as if they were chanting.

    Master Hunter walked up the balcony and sat down. “Fang is practicing a high-level exercise, doing the breathing whilst under strain from natural elemental pressure.”

    “You want us to do that?” the Rockruff beside me panicked.

    The Boltund shook their head. “No, yesterday we realized you two would not be able to do the breathing techniques right away, so we had to go retrieve these apparatuses to assist you.”

    I nudged one of the wooden cylinders. “You mean these?”

    “Yes, decades ago other unlocked Keepers modified the mana control techniques so now everyone can use them,” Hunter explained.

    “Oh this should be a piece of cake then right?”

    “No,” the Boltund sighed. “We’ll just show you.”

    Fang took that as a cue to get it out of water. I stepped away from them as they shook dry their fur and took off their cloak. Underneath their cloak they wore a black vest, black collar and black beads. I noticed a large diamond-shaped tag on the collar, it had the symbol of the Sentinel’s Union on it. The claw with three fingers and a jagged thumb. After taking in a deep breath Fang gently picked up a mouthpiece. They attached it to one of the cylinders and then held it in their maw steady. I tilted my head in confusion when the Lycanroc closed their eyes.

    Suddenly, like earlier with Makkuro translucent rocks appeared, this time forming a set of small hands. What is going on? These hands had five fingers, all resting above the barrel of the cylinder.Before I knew the rocky hands began to emit a soft brown light, I glanced back to Fang and then it hit me. A beautiful, melancholic tune arose from the cylinder and raw emotions enveloped my entire body.

    The Boltund beside them picked up the metallic cylinder and hands made of black electricity crackled into existence. A harsh iridescent gleam of teal plasma surrounded the hands and fingers before the same tune played. The metallic cylinder gave it a different feeling in my belly but I’m not sure what.

    “You played the same song?” Makkuro asked, curiosity dripping off his voice as he tried to contain his excitement, his tail quivering.

    Hunter turned towards us and put away the cylinder. They bent down to reveal one of the lines on her scroll. It looked like a sheet of music but only had small dots on the paper. I guess the melody isn’t long, but I don’t know much about that kinda stuff.

    Makkuro wagged his tail and pointed a paw at the lines. “So what is this for?”

    “This is a modification of the breathing techniques,” the Boltund hovered her paw pads over the scroll.”You will use your mana to produce the melody from the cylinder instead of using your body as an instrument.”

    “Why music?” I questioned, staring at the symbols on the parchment and then back at the Sentinel’s Union Pokemon. “How does this work?”

    “If you want to learn then listen up!” Fang barked, sitting down directly in front of us. 

    Their throat began to glow the same brown light, then they took in a deep breath. I stared back in shock when the melody from earlier came out crystal clear. How in the Distortion World did that happen? Did that while under the waterfall and every time they used a move?!

    Makkuro and I sat in silence for a bit, trying to comprehend what just happened. All the while the droning rush of the waterfall in front of us continued strong, drops of cold fluid filling the air of the cave.

    “The original technique was chanting out a specific battle cry with your mana,” Hunter started to roll up the scroll. “But it was impossible for non-Legendary or Mythical Pokemon to use. Now it is ‘Breath of Mana’, use your breath to create the melody instead.”

    The Boltund stood up and stretched her back before nudging the instruments towards Makkuro and me.

    “Let’s try it out, Kobi,” Makkuro smiled. “I’ve got to get this under control if I want to help anybody!” they pushed the mouthpiece into the cylinder with their paws and concentrated to hold it in their mouth.

    I want to continue my research and then go to the League, this is just the road to it.
    I looked down at the parts and then sighed. “Eh, how bad could it be?”

    Oh me and my big mouth.

    No matter how Makkuro and I blew, nothing resembling what Fang and Hunter played came out. Was it my regular breath? Didn’t they say we have to find it there first?

    I guess every breath we took wasn’t a ‘Breath of Mana’ or something. How was this supposed to work? I mean no intelligible sounds came from the cylinders or the mouthpieces when we blew and blew. But Fang said we had to train our lungs, chops, and mouth anyway. Not sure how that works but okay mate.

    “Okay so you guys know how you have an elemental typing inside you?” the Lycanroc put back on their coat with the rock hands. Wait, they can just use their powers like that? Maybe I don’t need to use Psychic and drain my Power Points anymore!

    “Yeah,” I replied, keeling over to pant in exhaustion. I steadied myself back up and then further folded my ears. “I’ve nevar gone a day without forgetting.”

    Makkuro looked hesitant for a moment, their ears folding in thought, before nodding. “I feel an affinity with the rocks around us and bits of the sediment.”

    “Good good. To get sound out you have to use the elemental mana of your type,” Fang grinned. “It’s similar to using a move but without converting it into Power Points. But remember you need that peaceful goal in your heart and mind to override your unlocked power.”

    “Wait,” I panted. “But don’t we need to override the powers only for moves, how does it work?”

    They rolled their shoulder and cracked their neck. “Well you can use moves without the goal but to do the Breath of Mana you are suppressing your unlocked temperament. This is to safely use moves and your mana. When you utilize the breath thus and try to control your power you need to keep all three of the things I mentioned, especially the peaceful goal.”

    That’s a lot to juggle but it boils down to one thing. Mana was connected to your state of mind.The two Sentinel’s Union Pokemon played each note of the melody and wanted to see if we could find it. And by finding it they meant our mana would react to them and try to mimic their tones and sound. I believe it did as every time we tried for a split second I felt peace. But nothing was coming out of the cylinder. Drat.

    “You have to teach your body how to utilize mana in your breath without converting it into Power Points,” Hunter noticed the frustration on our faces. “Don’t worry, the easy way to do it is learning how to sustain each note vocally. Then your mana can find it easier. “

    “Singing lessons?” the Rockruff beside me sighed.

    “If you want to call it that then yeah,” she replied. “This is easier than just blindly yelling or belting our random noises.”

    “Aye, Tapu.” Makkuro took in a deep breath.

    We had sustained something that sounded like one of these notes for as long as we could. We held our breath. We kept blowing and blowing and blowing. Busted our maws on that mouthpiece.
    Makkuro soon made a breakthrough. One of the notes from the Breath of Mana came out of the cylinder they were holding. It wasn’t as loud as the others but I saw the translucent rock hand move it’s fingers to play.

    “Wooo! I did it!” he cheered, dancing around the area. “Let’s go!”

    If this is what it takes to prove to everyone who said I couldn’t and that I’m no good then I’ll try and try again. Eventually after nearly blacking out, throwing up, and accidentally blasting a move out I managed to get out a note. It was only for about three or four seconds but it was solid. For me the hand was a soft purple and dark pink projection of light.

    My heart beat in my chest fast and hard as I felt fur on my hackles rise. “That was awesome.” I felt myself grinning hard as blood rushed to my muzzle. “So awesome!”

    “That is enough for today. I didn’t expect you guys to do this well, getting out one note on your first day,” Fang barked, walking behind us. “You must become a practitioner of these beliefs: cleanse the senses along with your heart, forgo all biases, and sever all desires.”

    “A-and then?” Makkuro tried to catch his breath.

    “You will be free from the influence unlocked power does to your mind.”

    “And to safely use our moves we need our mana under control,” I reminded myself aloud.

    “Yep.” Hunter’s tongue lulled out as they panted. “You need to be able to at least use Breath of Mana with the cylinders.”

    “Oh so only if we can get those stupid notes out, great,” I groaned rolling over on my side. “For Zacian’s sake just getting the easy one out took everything from me.”

    The two Sentinel’s Union Pokemon retrieved all the cylinders and mouthpieces into their bags. “Alrighty it’s time for us to take a little break.” Hunter proposed.

    “Where are we going?” Makkuro asked, shaking his fur free of water droplets.

    Fang pointed behind us. There was a wooden bridge that led to the left and into a tiny cave-like structure. “We’re heading out of the base for our next practice session. But before then, it’s Trader’s Outpost time! You guys get to go to the big shot one before I put you through the wringer!”


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