The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Split (Unedited) April 28th, 2023

    I remembered that this chapter switches from 3rd person to 1st (Why did 2022 me do that?) so I decided to fix that and have each POV in a chapter.

    Rosario’s POV

    I can’t believe it. My last chance. It was stripped away. I just could have become a Pokemon Trainer again. Shoot… Man what am I saying. Did I even have a chance?

    When I find however did this to me, I swear- Wait they said this is where I’m needed… I’m needed by someone, even if it isn’t those four… They’d want me to help them, no matter what.
    Oh well, that’s not important anymore. Just like… Wait what’s going on? Something extreme is being barreled into me. Damn, it felt like a bolt of lightning struck me! This was unbearable!

    Woah. Something strange ran haywire throughout my nerves. Now it’s so sensitive and tingly. Agh! The pressure is gonna drive me to the brink of insanity! It’s too much!What in Kyreum’s Ice is this? My limbs ached, felt tense, and were sore simultaneously. All the muscles and tendons in my body acted like they are being squeezed and compressed tight enough to shrink.

    The pain came to a stop and my body relaxed during these moments of relief. But why did this happen? My nose feels strange as it takes in some smells and scents. It’s easy to tell I wasn’t in my home anymore. For one, it’s not raining, and the air doesn’t hint that it has recently. I can’t smell rain. Nor the sea. Not anymore.

    My whole body tensed as it was a locked spring. The skin on my face burned, then the sensation spread down to my chest, and soon all my torso ignited in irritation. It painfully pulsed its way through my shoulders. Then forearms, and hands. Finally, the bursts of agony traveled in my abdomen, it violently flared up down at my groin. Then settled down whilst the jolts maneuvered through my thighs and legs.

    The pangs I had bravely endeavored ended. After it all, I felt soft and fluffy. Like my neighbor’s Pokemon. But why would my skin be covered in enough hair to be like fur? What is going on?

    Hmm. I finally opened my eyes to see a strange smoke floating above me. Thankfully the thick fumes lifted with every passing moment. My surroundings were a forest. Like where I was earlier, how fitting. I was laying on my stomach, which felt different. Where am I?

    In an area of dark orange earth. Underneath the shade of some strange trees. Once again I felt weird like my knees were hugging my chest. As if they were placed somewhere else. Strange. My heart rate soared. Keep it together Rosario, everything will be okay. “Okay, I should probably get off the floor,” I reminded myself out loud in a somewhat different voice, it was much deeper than normal. My mouth and nose felt strange and felt odd as if they were farther away than normal. I ran my tongue around my teeth. They are all thin. Like I had way fewer molars and smaller canines.

    Eh, whatever. I probably just need to drink some water. I glanced down to see two vibrant, plush yellow objects in front of me. Are these pillows or something? To get off the ground and take a better look at them I moved my arms. 

    Kyurem’s Gale? “These things are attached to me, what am I?!” All sorts of thoughts flashed into my mind when I stood up, then I felt a tang. It feels like my foot was standing on my back. Do I, do I have a tail? “What the?”

    I looked down to see my foot, which is now a three-toed foot, no, a paw on top of a large rectangle of another limb. Is it coming from between my legs?  “Oh,” I gasp. “That’s different,” I placed my hands, no wait, my paws through my fur, and feel something very interesting. It wasn’t my tail. I tried to reach further before I realized something else.

    My tail, or whatever was much longer than this. I can’t grab it from here. It was not in sight. I kinda wanted to know what it looked like, it wasn’t all be a thick square. So I leaned back and got a glance at my whole body. 

    After I tried and failed to gain my balance I fell over onto my back. Two long yellow things with black tips loomed over into the top of my vision and so I looked down. They seemed familiar…”What am I?”

    Yellow body, fur, new teeth, new knees, three-toes, rectangle tail thing, black-tipped things. “Wait, this is!”

    “So I’m a freaking Pikachu in this world?” I sighed once I finally managed to pull my tail into view. A tail. Is in my hands. No, my paws. This tail was a Pikachu’s. My tail. I was a Pikachu.

    “Why!? Am I a Pokemon!?” something on my face twitched. Whiskers? “Yep, I knew it. I’ve lost my mind,” I groaned aloud, as I dropped my tail. 

    It swept across the grass and rose. “Wait a damn moment,” I reached around to grab my tail and study it. It was thin and firm. My paws traveled towards the base and then all the way to the top. It’s so cool! Anyway, this long jagged appendage didn’t have the default shapes on the end.

    It was a half-circle on one half with a flat slant on the other half. It wasn’t completely heart or flat so I wasn’t about to complain. Didn’t know that was an option. Sweet. 

    “I hope Pokemon aren’t gonna be annoying or whatever when I tell them I’m non-binary,” I said, feeling my ears twitch. “These guys aren’t too much like humans, are they?” I patted all across my body, ran my paws through every part. 

    I had an unfamiliar body with parts that’ll take time to get used to. But they are ones I’m finally okay with. “Maybe I can feel the way I want and be treated how I want in this body,” I might as well start walking if I want to be treated by anyone, no one was here.

    My new front and rear legs, er, paws were hard to coordinate even when walking slowly, so I walked on my hind legs alone.

    Augh, man, what a pain. I had a much smaller stride than what I’m used to, but I think I can end up with a faster gait if I tried four legs… Ugh, so difficult. Since there isn’t anywhere else to go I decided to head further on this dirt pathway.  “Oh?” I was surprised at my paw pads’ durability. It didn’t feel too strange when I touched the ground. 

    The rich chalky soil I walked through was soon replaced with thick grass. The blades became taller and taller until they appeared to be stalks of some sort, so naturally, I lifted my head. When I did so I was able to see where my journey was taking me.

    “So this leads to a hilltop with a gentle slope, that lets me get a nice view of where I am,” I marveled at the fantastic change in landscape. There was a large reach of stones and rises that stretch far into breathtaking massive sets of brownish-orange mountains. They weren’t particularly tall but still amazing.

    I stopped. There was something odd. Like a powerful force that pulled at my core.

    It urged me to venture up into those low rocky hills. Something that tasted like tea from Kanto, had an odd feeling of melancholy. Wait, why did I taste it? 

    I really don’t have many options to head towards, unfortunately. My tail flicked to the side when a strong breeze passed by, reminding me of my condition. My new condition is a Pikachu. 

    “Since I transformed into a Pokemon, maybe a Trainer will find me. That sucks, I hope I… Don’t end up with someone like me.”

    Being a small little Pokemon is not gonna help me become a better Pokemon trainer… But maybe, just maybe it could help with something. “Maybe I don’t need to hide behind the name Rosario… Maybe I can be Haru like how I am online… Eh, it needs more Pokemon ring to it… Haru… Voltaru! That can work.” Eh maybe not.

    Begrudgingly, I took a peek back at the sandy forest. It was full of thick endless trees, high dips, and drops. I can’t find an easy way through that one. 

    This seemed like a fairly decent place to start looking for shelter, food, and or a friendly Pokemon. I began my search, heading deeper into the mountainside.

    “This is the life those three must have had before me,” I mused passing by the base of the mountain. “Bel was hatched in my home so he didn’t.”

    I continued before I noticed a green feather on the ground. Unintentionally I found myself approaching it. My nose buried into the feather and a jolt course through my body.

    A herbal scent washed inside my head. I needed to find the Pokemon! They could help me figure out where I am. But more importantly, I needed closure. Why am I here?

    “Could it be?” I gasped. “Are they here too?” 


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