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    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted on June 22th 2022

    Someone is being summoned to the world of Mysterious Dungeons.

    For what purpose? Who awaits their presence?

    Why were they chosen?

    Third Person POV

    Back off the Grass-Continent in the Terrestrial Hemisphere, the Sentinels Union Leaders were hard at work. Trying to facilitate Pokemon Resources to aid in the Rehabilitation, or the Disruption Recovery project.

    “It is time again,” Cresselia spoke up.

    “Really now?” Darkrai asked, and wavered into the room.

    “The Mjolnir has been separated for quite a while now,” Cresselia explained. “The Dawn Stone has been together for about a week, and it has only been one week since the foolish decree of that so-called Committee of Keepers.”

    “Trying to hide away the chessboard after disposal of some pieces huh, Queen and Rook? The rest too, the five of those lot know there are plenty of younger Pokemon who researched these war campaigns in and out, don’t they?” Darkrai questioned. “Actually, isn’t the group named the League Committee?”

    “I don’t care,” Cresselia said, their eyes narrowed. “Those fools made them interchangeable at this point.”

    Darkrai rubbed their chin in thought. “When will our Sentinels tell their fellow justice striving Keepers, the ones in competent Leagues at least, to get their act together and stop them? Our dear Lady!”

    “I’m not entirely sure, I know Lord Mew and the two Shamin are currently indifferent.”

    “Can’t they hear all these prayers just like the rest of us?”

    “Well, Lady Mewtwo, Lady Lugia, Zeraora, and Zarude to name a few on the Constellation Continent seem to care about the whereabouts and deeds of the powers at bay,” the Cresselia sighed.

    “Ah yes, Wicked Blow’s Gardevior, and Honchkrow… Those faux heads are not unlike an unruly Hydreigon,” Darkrai grumbled. “Hidden beneath the draconic shadows of the night.”

    Their sibling gave them a concerned look before gesturing towards the Mist Continent on the map.

    “Ah wait, the Voice of Hope…” the Darkrai fumbled. “I need new metaphors.”

    Cresselia stamped their wings against a table. “Ones under our oath should strike them all down when they have the chance.”

    “Back to the Mjolnir… I feel we need a more pretentious name for their satellite pair. Nevertheless, there are Fangs of the Fallen in Bristberg and other Sentinels that are destined to assist in the balance as well,” Darkrai picked up one of the sheets from the stack. “Everything according to her will… in due time.”

    “Yes, Our Lady in Galaxies above, Arceus. Her will shall steer their paths. They don’t need our guidance,” Cresselia waved one of their big arms. “Those Pokemon will be right where they belong.”

    “Understood,” Darkrai phased back into the next room. “Make sure those under us get information flowing to our new Keepers, little breadcrumbs of inspiration.”

    “One the average calls ‘Master’ shall do our will, with whatever method seems fit,” Cresselia chuckled softly. “They know not to cross certain boundaries of ours, they aren’t rash.”

    A few hours later, somewhere deep in the human world, in the Unova Region, someone would gain hope. Someone in dire need of a change of pace could have a push in the right direction. All they needed was to go somewhere, a place where they had a purpose. They just didn’t know it yet.

    Down by the Ocean, and the bay, in a densely populated woodland. In this massive reach of the forest, there is a wonderful nature trail with a view of a mighty river. The closest major city to the town was Virbank, in the Southwest of Unova. This city was home to the loud and chaotic Virbank Gym. 

    People would travel hours from the reaches of the city to get away from the cloudy and smoky atmosphere. Others lived in neighborhoods close to these woods. One of these people needed a spark of change in their life. 

    At the top of a hill, there was a rustic old stone platform where a person was standing alone. The person was a built young adult with reddish tan skin and jet black hair. It was a chilly day, so the person was sporting a dark grey jacket with bright yellow stripes. They had on light grey shorts, and black calf-length socks, with grey-yellow shoes. 

    This person gazed absent-mindedly at the landscape and sighed. “I miss Bel,” they lamented. 

    There was another pavilion in view at the platform. One with a small number of people standing around inside, surrounding a large bulletin board. “Interesting,” the person said as they stretched. “Might as well check it out.” 

    Then they carefully climbed down from the platform and made it back into the forest. The person followed the little markers along the grass and made it back towards a trail with a diverging pathway. “I miss the others too,” they murmured to themself, pushing away a stray tree limb. “What am I gonna do?”

    Nothing hid in the bushes or underneath any rocks. Surprise encounters just couldn’t happen, not Pokemon ones anyway. There were no wild Pokemon that lived in this area as they didn’t favor an odd pressure that occasionally washed over the land.

    The sound of a weather bell echoed throughout the forest and surrounding trail, signaling the approach of foul weather.

    “That Skitty,” the person gripped at their shirt sleeve. “I want to search for him. I will go out to the nearby Route and out of town by myself to do that. No matter how long it takes, I will find him.”

    Soon the person placed a hand on their forehead. The inside of their head throbbed with fury. “The others too, those three need me just as much. I won’t ever forget the times we had.”

    They stamped the first step of the stairs. “But I can’t, I’m no longer a Pokemon Trainer.”

    If only Professor Juniper gave me a starter Pokemon on that day, maybe my life would be different.
    The young person thought as they saw some other adolescents and adults standing around the pavilion, various types of Pokeballs readied on their bodies.

    As the person neared the top of the steps the bulletin board became closer and closer. Maybe I have a chance that she’ll let me borrow one to go look for the rest of my Pokemon? They pondered, reaching the flat top. “Get it together Rosario!”

    “I could find them and try again,” Rosario whispered, walking past some other people. “I can go at it again! I’ll surely get further in the gym challenge!”

    Once in front of the sign, they leaned down to read the fine print. “Wait, they’re having a contest here? It is one specifically for Trainers who have less than five badges?” Rosario took a step back, and quickly glanced at the other people there.

    Some of them, ones with higher-level Pokemon and Pokeballs scoffed and laughed at the sign, clearly, they were over-qualified and thus unable to compete. “I guess the rookies need a little motivation huh?” one teen noted with a sigh. “Sounds kinda boring but eh, whatever.”

    “The top ten trainers will win a trip to Sinnoh along with a 100,000 poke prize?!” the downtrodden person gasped, and ran down the steps.

    Next to Rosario, a slightly younger teen waved. “I’m wishing good luck to everyone competing!” the girl called out once she had their attention. 

    “Oh uh, thanks,” Rosario shivered.

    “Heh, but remember you’ve gotta get past me!” the girl grinned at them, before walking away.

    The group’s footfalls pounded down the rest of the trail path as the weather bell continued to toll. “It’s not completely over yet!” Rosario mused to themself as they hurried. “There’s one option I haven’t looked into yet!” 

    Other people quickly traveled down back towards shelter as the wind picked up. “We’ve all got to get out of here!” one Trainer panicked.

    “It’s gonna freaking pour dude!” Another one yelled.

    A flurry of Trainers dashed past the group. “We can’t get our hair and new clothes wet!”

    Rosario sighed in anticipation and took out the Pokedex in their pocket. It was slightly dusty but it would get the job done. “Hello?” Their voice rang out, a twinge of hesitation in it. No response but the sound of a dull drone.

    Every descending step Rosario took off the ground, the cold air circled the bend. “Please pick up Professor!” they pleaded, holding their silver Pokedex.

    “Damnit!” Rosario flipped close their Pokedex. “Maybe the service is bad out here because of the weather!”

    Before raindrops fell Rosario made it back to their home in the woodland. Inside the log cabin, they were able to catch their breath. No one would be coming home for several hours, no one else had a Pokedex with the Professor’s contact info. Rosario thought as they traveled all the way to their bedroom.

    Once they got into the room, their feet felt unusually warm. Rosario looked down and noticed a faint light coming from their ankles. “Huh, what’s this?”

    The light started to overtake different parts of their body, causing them to look around frantically. Soon Rosario threw off their jacket and took a glance under their shirt to find out that their skin had the source.

    “What, why is this happening?” they asked. But the light continued to cover their entire body. “Okay, what in the world is going on?!”

    Then as soon as the overwhelming shine became a ray that blinded Rosario something called out to them. A voice from all around their surroundings. “Do not be afraid, my child, we have found a purpose for you in another world,” a mysterious force sparkled in the air, filling the silence. “The transformation will only take a minute, then you will end up where you need to be.”

    Rosario wanted to shake their head and cry out but they found out that their throat felt like it was clamped shut. What in the distortion world is going on? They started to think. My purpose or some nonsense, what type of role would I have somewhere else?! How could this happen to me! Why?! I need to be here! This can’t happen to me!

    “You will make a promise to those in need, each time without fail you will keep it. I will check in with you later on my child,” the foreign voice tried to make it clear before they tapered off.

    Wait! Bel and the others need me! Rosario thought. I can’t go! I have to save them! If I can’t find those four Pokemon then… Then my life has no meaning! Please don’t take me away from them again! I’m sorry! I’m sorry. The worried thoughts flooded their mind.

    When the whole ordeal had come to an end all that remained was smoke. Rosario had been taken from this world and was whisked away into one they weren’t quite familiar with.

    All the while their Pokedex rang. The silhouette of Professor Juniper glowed bright on the screen


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