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    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Posted April 29th, 2022

    The illusive Sentinels Union members talk with Kobi and Makkuro.

    Then they set out to a place that can help the Keepers control their unlocked powers, bonding along the way before they reach their destination. What secrets will unfold and problems will arise?

    3rd Person POV

    Number 3 of the Sentinels Code 
    Be wary of those who claim that matters involving the betterment of lost Keepers and research into all aspects of mana are worthless. Monitor their actions closely.

    The Boltund smiled at Makkuro and Kobi as the two stared at them. This Pokemon did have the same exact designs on their black coat as Fang. The Lycanroc called themself a member of the Sentinels Union and declared the pair as unlocked Keeper miscreants. Even though the Boltund’s coat and their temper were smaller they too could be of use.

    “A Defender of the Sentinel’s Union eh? the Espurr noted.

    “Yes, that was the title given to me!” they said.

    “Interesting, so you are an equal to Fang then huh?” the Rockruff murmured.

    “Why of course,” Hunter prodded the side of the Lycanroc lying on the ground. “Fang!” they barked.

    “Uh yes darling?” the Lycanroc asked, stumbling as they got back up. “I was just about to help train these two unlocked Keepers, but you stopped my fun.”

    “You went overboard,” the Boltund got close to Fang’s eyes. “These two told me they were scared!”

    “And? It serves them right-” 

    Hunter growled and tackled the other Sentinel Union Pokemon from the side.”I can’t believe you. That’s not the kindness that Sir Cooper gave all of us long ago and you know it!” 

    “I-!” Fang tried to explain.

    “Don’t tell me you forgot.” Their partner’s eyes pulsed with a jet black energy.

    “Forgot what?”

    “What’s it like to be treated this way.” 

    Hunter’s paws tenderly rubbed against the Lycanroc’s flank before they grimaced a bit and let go. “I gave you a reminder, do you understand now?”

    There was a long pause as the crisp wind howled behind the four Pokemon, the sky had darkened slightly and the temperature was dropping slowly but surely. Fang may have had a relatively sturdy body, but their heart and mind could bend with ease. Especially the pressure they felt in their heart and mind, like a spark, traveled throughout their being.

    “I’m… I sincerely apologize for my actions,” Fang said as they began to prostrate themselves on the ground. “I acted out of… prejudice… Valid if I may, but undoubtedly cruel prejudice.” 

    “Hmm,” Kobi narrowed her eyes. She stared at the Sentinel’s Union Pokemon unfazed before walking away into some of the fried underbrush that surrounded them.

    “I’m not sure if I forgive you just yet,” Makkuro growled once he assumed she was out of earshot. “I mean you haven’t even helped us with our problems, you’ve only yelled at us for having them!”

    The Espurr eventually returned and let out a cumbersome groan. “Honestly, Master Fang I’ll be real. I prefer you over those Police bastards. They would have beaten us senseless. But you are only barely better than them as of right now, you need to prove it to me. No, to us, that you are willing to help us with our powers.”

    “I understand,” the Lycanroc said. They got up and sniffed the air. “I see you’ve met my mate while I was out,” they wagged their tail.

    “Yeah, we have,” Makkuro answered.

    The Lycanroc grinned. “She’s so cool, aren’t they?”

    “Oh, Hunter goes by she and they?” Kobi tilted her head.

    “Yeah,” Fang shivered as a dark spark lit up through their fur. “Does it surprise you?”

    “Not really, I actually prefer something similar,” Makkuro said as they stepped back.

    “I see. Well then I need you to get used to mine, Hunter convinced me to try all three and it worked out fine!” the Lycanroc barked.

    “That’s fine with me but I’ve got so many things to juggle around,” the Espurr yawned. “Gonna be honest I may just stick with one for now.”

    The Lycanroc nodded. “No need to worry about me, use whatever pronouns you’d like. My wonderful mate will handle all of that, lest I get carried away.”

    “So you mean you are an all, any type of Pokemon?” Makkuro tilted his head. “That’s something, the no-nonsense and uptight Fang of the Sentinels Union is really progressive!”

    “Makkuro mate, how do I put this er… The Pokemon outside of your ‘village’ are way more progressive than you’ve ever seen before,” the Espurr beside them laughed.

    “Ah right, I should take this new “city” Pokemon life into consideration,” the Rockruff caught on.

    Kobi rolled her shoulders and stretched backward. “I’d say they’re more regressive in other ways too, don’t get too swept away.”

    As if ignoring the younger Pokemon, Fang started singing a strange song.”~Oh with such a fierce thunderclap and strong jaw-“

    “Oh come on now, we do not have all day,” the Boltund grumbled. 

    “Sorry,” the Lycanroc lowered their ears. “We should get going.”

    Kobi sneezed. “Get going where?”

    “You two need to stay under our guidance as unlocked Keepers and there is no better place than the nearest Union hideaway,” the Hunter adjusted their black cloak.

    “Huh?” Makkuro puzzled.

    “Just follow me,” Fang began to walk out of the clearing. “We’ll talk on the way there. Well outside the town.”

    As the four Keepers traveled outside the Riverland forest, they made it back into Pebble Creek. Hunter demanded the group stop for a little rest and a meal. “These two should at least have one last good taste of fun before we start the training,” they explained. Much to Fang’s dismay, the cuteness from Kobi and Makkuro swayed them too well.

    Once outside of the town limits the Keepers finally saw the Sfumato Peaks. Steep grey and black mountains guarded the western side of Pebble Creek from the reaches of the stony hill land country beyond the boundary. The countryside consisted of rolling mounds of firm earth and kilometers of low elevation. 

    Just outside the mountainside, there was a branching dirt pathway with two large stone and wood-based signs firmly planted in the center, one facing towards the Stfumo Peaks and the other facing away. The four travelers noticed that each board had the same names just different cardinal directions.

    Fang and Hunter understood which one to follow and began to read the destinations aloud. “The North reads Palm Shore, where there appears to be some suspicious activity going on in the League. To the South: Saltwater Cliffs, a future destination of ours,” the Lycanroc said. “One I’m not mentioning much further.”

    Noticing the anticipated stares of Kobi and Makkuro, the Boltund next to them further explained.”Why? Sorry, but you two aren’t privy to this  at the moment.”

    “Alright, I suppose that’s fair,” the Rockruff lamented. 

    “Now where were we? To the West: Pebble Creek, the town we were just visiting, the place we all met,” Hunter read off the board before stepping away. “And finally to the East: Hillock Country, oh our Hillock Country, what a sight to see.”

    “We’ll be heading off to the Hillock Country and depending on your progress we may take you with us to Saltwater Cliffs,” the Lycanroc explained. “Do not disappoint our trust and faith in your capabilities in self-control.”

    “Master Fang I have no idea what you are talking about,” the Rockruff beside them sighed.

    “Why not?” Fang spat.

    Kobi blinked. “Master Hunter, could you explain it in Constellation for us?”

    “Sure,” the Boltund nodded, taking the group to a secluded freshwater deposit nestled behind a set of hills.

    “How is this an explanation?” Makkuro sniffed at the plants.

    “We are finally out of the city limits so feel free to let it all out,” Hunter sighed as she noticed the unease of their three companions. “Then we shall return to the road.”

    Makkuro screamed and buried his muzzle in a pile of pebbles as he felt a weight of pressure lift off his body. “Ugh,” he groaned. “I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind being around you two!”

    “Who, me?” Fang questioned. “You two are the ones who haven’t been turning down your mana presence!”

    “I’m still not sure how to even tell when mine is off or on, let alone control it.”

    “I’m sorry that our pressure seems to bypass our techniques because of your sensitivity, but please try to remember we feel yours,” the Boltund apologized.

    “I’ll try to remember that, but I’m getting a bit bored,” the Rockruff said.

    Then the four Keepers continued their departure further into the Hillock Country. The stony wildlands seemed sparse in vegetation at first but there were berry bushes and various thin trees. These plants grew anywhere where fertile soil and water met, so they could be stationed in interesting places along the hills.

    As everyone navigated the steep and rolling slopes Makkuro stared at the satchels of the Sentinels Union Pokemon and sighed. It had been about two hours of travel at this point and everyone was getting restless. “Could you tell us more about the Sentinels Union and all your work?” he questioned.

    “Not out here,” Hunter shook her head. “You’ll be able to know more about that when you are ready and certainly not outside of our base.”

    Makkuro lowered their ears. “But just earlier Master Fang-”

    “The only reason I told you guys all that stuff earlier is to make you understand my authority!” the Lycanroc in front of him fumed. 

    “Honestly I’m not worried about that right now,” Kobi walked over to a patch of grass and yawned as she stretched out before she continued following the others.

    “You aren’t?” the Boltund questioned.

    The Espurr stood up, shaking her fur free of stray blades of grass. “Yea,” she smiled. “I’m just happy to know we are coming with you all. Especially with Makkuro, the Keeper of my Dream Mark.”

    “Thanks for staying with me Kobi,” Makkuro brushed up against his companion.

    “No problem, you reminded me of the important things in life after all,” Kobi smiled. “It’s the least I can do.”

    After about three more hours of traveling through the Hillock Country Fang, Hunter, Kobi, and Makkuro were in the final stretch. They were atop one of the tallest hills in the area, from where the silhouettes of bridges and other structures could be seen from far away in the distance, signaling a settlement.

    Along the rocky hills dirt trail, small road signs had begun appearing. First, the group saw one that Hunter walked over to inspect and read. “The writing has faded after the decades but it says ‘Hillock Village twelve Kilometers away’.”

    The group then walked further along the path for a couple of minutes before they saw another sign buried in the hills.

    “Trader’s Outpost is four Kilometers away,” Fang said after glancing over the sign. The four continued along the rough passage, occasionally stopping by some streams to refresh and soothe their bodies. 

    Staring into the water, Makkuro couldn’t help but let out a whimper. I’m not used to all this walking and I’ve slowed everyone down again. He thought, burying his head under the stream. Then the Rockruff suddenly lifted his head and shook their fur. I’ve got it!

    Makkuro nudged his paw against the Lycanroc and the Boltund. “That Outpost, do you think it’s a place where there are Pokemon who need help?”

    “Need help?” Hunter questioned. “Well yes, but why do you want to assist them in particular?”

    Fang laughed. “It’s not those guys in particular, is it? What could you want from them?”

    “I was thinking that maybe I could help them with something-” Makkuro tried to explain, feeling his words fall.

    “That is a place we’ll be passing by tomorrow,” Fang answered. 

    The Rockruff sighed. “Passing by.”

    The Boltund beside them walked back over to the dirt road and dug her paws into the soil. 

    “Looks like we’re ready to go,” Kobi said as she walked up to her partner. “We’ll get our chance.”

    Makkuro trailed behind his companions.  “But without my moves, I feel so useless-“

    “Don’t worry,” the Lycanroc interjected. “We’ll go by the area on our way to the afternoon practice site after our plans for the morning.”

    “And if we do good in our practices?” Makkuro excitedly asked.

    “Will we?” Kobi added.

    “You have another training after that one,” Fang said. “Oh, and the last one is after dinner.”


    “I told you were going into our custody, and by proxy, that means we will mold you as we see fit. No matter how many hours of training, studying, and pain it takes!”

    “Our stop is off the path so get ready!” Hunter explained as they led the group further down a rugged section of the hill. Kobi and Makkuro nodded and followed her carefully.

     The four Pokemon were finally heading north after two more hours of travel. The sky darkened into the evening purple-red hue and heavy clouds filled the horizon, only specks of starlight reaching through.

    “I appreciate you taking us with you Master Fang,” Kobi said as the group neared the bottom of the slope. “I really mean it, thank you.”

    “Just earlier you said Hunter had to save you from me!” Fang gave out a flustered reply. “Are you starting to warm up to me?”

    Makkuro smirked as he studied the older Pokemon’s facial expression. “Ooh,” they giggled.

    “You are not some big bad wolf you know~” the Boltund beside them teased. “What you are is a big softy, a big softy who just needs some time, that’s all.”

    Embarrassed, the Lycanroc turned away. “Don’t try to change the subject Hunter, Kobi, what’s this about?”

    “Well sorta. We are going to a building of some sort, right?” the Espurr questioned.

    “Yes, it is our secret base,” Hunter answered before she laughed. “Secret base, what a silly name! It is the Sentinels Union Branch Numero Seis.”

    “Interesting,” the Rockruff noted, finding his footing on the ground.

    “Well I can’t wait to finally get some rest in a nice comfy bed,” Kobi explained. “That’s all, I’m beat.”

    “Ah, I see, and uh,” Fang grinned stupidly. “That reminds me of a question I had. What I meant to say earlier was- did you expect her to set me straight?”

    “Her sudden appearance was more surprising, I thought they were going to be like you,” Makkuro shivered.

    “What do you think Kobi dear?” Hunter questioned. “About me?”

    “Honestly I don’t know if I could take it, having to deal with another powerful Pokemon barking their head off at me, I might’ve lost it,” Kobi let out a relieved sigh.

    “I hope one day you can forgive her for all he’s done today,” Boltund nudged their partner. “They’ve got a lot of work to do.”

    Fang looked away.

    The Espurr’s eyes widened. “Oh and about your preferences, I was trying not to assume because Makkuro taught me a bit about pronouns earlier.”

    Hunter nodded. “Alright,” she started.”So you two will be okay?”

    “Okay?” The two younger adults questioned.

    “Don’t phrase it like they have a choice in this matter,” the Lycanroc grumbled.

    “What!?” Hunter, Kobi, and Makkuro said.

    “You two are being placed under our custody for the time being as I’m sure you don’t fancy the alternative,” Fang barked. “Going with the Wicked Blow Police force and being tried as one of those bastards.”

    “Why can’t you trust us, Master Fang?! Why do you assume we won’t be able to make it?” Kobi growled. “Why does everyone seem to not believe me when I say I want to help them!?”

    The Lycanroc folded their ears.“I never said I didn’t-”

    “Oi,” the Boltund between the three Pokemon caught their attention. “I have faith in you two, no matter what. I need you to keep your heads up and continue forward. You hear me?”

    “Yes Master Hunter,” the younger Keepers replied.

    Then Hunter nudged Fang. “You better give them a chance. It isn’t over till it’s over alright?”

    “I will, I will,” they responded. “But you need to keep an eye on them too, I don’t want their powers to get out of control, I’m just following protocol.”

    “Pissing them off is gonna make that happen way easier than just taking it easy now darling,” the Boltund growled.

    “You’re too soft on them and you know it!” Fang protested.

    “I’m not the one that gave in and bought them desserts after lunch now am I?” their partner questioned.

    “Augh,” the Lycanroc blushed. “You’ve got me.”

    “Yeah,” the Rockruff scoffed. “We got it, anything is better than that torture we received!”


    “Fang!” the Boltund growled.

    The Lycanroc clicked their teeth against their tongue. “Forget about it, I’m sorry.”

    Then the group walked in relative silence again, the twilight turning into nightfall as dark clouds rolled out of the sky. Nocturnal Stray Pokemon began to peer out of their dens and started their morning. The northwestern side of the Hillock Country was filled with more and more tiny streams and ponds that branched from the Nakagawa River.

    There were densely packed woodlands nearby where Pokemon made little stopping-posts and settlements. The red-orange hue of torchlights made their presence known from meters away but that wasn’t the Sentinel Union Pokemon and their students’ goal.

    As they neared the hideout, the temperature started to lower, as the breeze from a large section of the river below picked up. They started to walk uphill once again, this time there was a wide-open space instead of numerous little bumps and mounds in the way.

    “As much as I don’t want to admit it you two worry me,” Hunter sighed. 

    “Master Hunter, we do?” Makkuro questioned.

    The Boltund shivered underneath her cloak before hurrying ahead. “Your mana presences are awfully strong for just some first-form unlocked Pokemon.”

    “What?” Kobi panicked. “But at lunch, Master Fang told us a technique that would let us do it.”

    “You guys dealt with our pressure crushing you and making you uncomfortable and you didn’t say anything this whole time!?” the Rockruff yelped. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

    “There would be no reason to do such a thing. I don’t want to make you feel guilty or ashamed of something you cannot control, especially something that happened against your will,” Hunter explained before curling her ears. “I mean I believe you two when you said you didn’t unlock yourselves with the elemental keys after all. You wouldn’t lie to us, knowing the consequences?”

    “I never told you that they would work for the two of you now did I?” Fang huffed. “I was seeing if the techniques we personally use could work for you guys but they don’t.”

    “Are you saying that nothing will?” the Espurr worriedly pawed at some loose gravel.

    “But how will I use my moves?” Makkuro panicked. “I can’t stay like this forever!”

    “No, not at all,” the Lycanroc backpedaled. “Only our studies regarding your training can really give us a clear answer.”

    “But Master Fang we need to fulfill our Dream Mark promises to one another!” the Rockruff said.”Besides ours with you two, we have others! Kobi has hers to Hatchet and I have mine to Kobi!”

    “You don’t understand, I’m not like you! I have to complete my research on the artifacts so I can understand-“

    “Enough of that now,” Hunter barked suddenly. “The staff waiting here are going to come out and check you Kobi, Makkuro, it is best not to speak.”

    The two stopped their conversation and looked towards the Boltund. Below her was a steep hill with columns of rounded battlements along the roof. In the dead of night, it was easy for one to miss that it could be the entrance. 

    Suddenly there was a low rumbling that shook the earth, nearly causing the Rockruff and Espurr to fall over. Then there were two dark figures of large Pokemon before them, their enormous bodies towering over the younger Keepers.

    The dark figures then dashed around the group, a whirlwind of air closing in on the four. While this happened Fang and Hunter just nodded while Kobi and Makkuro tried to contain and control their anxieties. 

    Just as quickly the two cloaked figures stopped. They stood by the “entrance” of the Sentinels Base, their current dissipating into the sky before they flash stepped and  teleported right in front of the Espurr and Rockruff. 

    “We see you two are with Guard Fang and Defender Hunter and have passed our background check,” the concealed Pokemon spoke up after the Lycanroc and the Boltund presented two black envelopes to them.

    Background check? Kobi and Makkuro both pondered. 

    The figures then jumped backward, standing next to a stone wall along the ‘front’ of the hideout. “You may enter, but always know we are watching out for and over you, your safety and cooperation are important to the Sentinels Union, have a blessed night,” they said as the wall began to slowly open, brick by brick. 

    They had finally made it to Sentinel Union Base Numero Seis. This building was built inside of an old fort that was stationed inside one of the deepest hills of the region. On all sides of the building were gold banners. Two large banners were at the entrance to the base while all the walls had four each. A black branch with three main limbs sticking out and then one smaller limb fashioned like the thumb of a claw. Each claw symbol changed color with every step the travelers took.

    After a bit of walking, Fang and Hunter took Kobi and Makkuro down to the mess hall. The four rested their bodies on the table; the Boltund yawned, while the Lycanroc stretched out the whole time the younger Keepers beside them were struggling to stay away. 

    “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” the Espurr whispered.

    “Forgot to tell us what?” Fang questioned. “It better not be something stupid.”

    Kobi sighed. “It’s not it’s not, it’s just I’m tired because I just traveled from a village West of Bristberg for two days all the way to Midori Mori and then made it to Pebble Creek today.”

    “Wow,” the Lycanroc sat upright. “I’ll have to give you more credit, that’s quite the lengthy journey!”

    Hunter scratched one of her ears and nodded. 

    Some Pokemon with black aprons opened the double doors from the kitchen and studied them before nodding, then they went back inside.

    The Lycanroc and their companions sat in silence at the long wooden bench as the cooks in the room across from them labored away in the kitchen.

    Soon their meals were placed on a large tray on the counter. This low counter had one of its shutter gates open, revealing a part of the kitchen to the mess hall. 

    Tired, Kobi and Makkuro waited for Hunter and Fang to grab the food. The four then enjoy their meal of fried eggs, assorted Berries, toasted rolls, and a rich brown tea. 

    “Alrighty you two,” Hunter said in a hushed voice as the four walked through a dimly lit hallway after dinner. This corridor had numerous doors with different symbols on them, small drawers, and shelves lining the walls in between. The Boltund then placed her paw against the last room. “This is going to be your bedroom, here are your keys.” 

    She reached into their satchel to grab a pair of small keys, then dropped them in front of Kobi and Makkuro. 

    “You have to share a room with two of the young trainees so please keep that in mind and good night. See you in the morning, bright and sharp,” Fang whispered before walking away.

    The Espurr and the Rockruff crawled into their room and immediately dropped to the wooden floor. Kobi took off her saddle pack and glanced over the area. There were two bunk beds, both of the bottom beds were empty as two forms above in the top bunks slept. Makkuro hopped into the one on the left while his partner made it into the one on the right. With their exhaustion taking its toll and a cold chill in the air it was time to relax. The two bundled up under the warm Dubwool fleece blankets and drifted off to sleep.

    In the early morning at the Sentinel’s Union Base, light gently started to come out from the sunroof, while Kobi and Makkuro stirred in their sleep. The two trainees, a Smeargle, and a Morepeko climbed out of their bunks and quietly inspected the Espurr and Rockruff resting below. Finding them suitable, the trainees left the room. More sunlight broke through the window on the ceiling as the hours passed and suddenly there was a knock on the door.


    Chapter Song:
    Resister, AmaLee Cover


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