The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Originally Split June 16th, 2022
    Ported June 1st, 2024

    Can Makkuro and Kobi prove themselves to the Lycanroc?

    The Keepers will learn more about their powers and the world around them, but the two will have to reconcile their roles.

    What does the Sentinel Union Pokemon have in store for Makkuro and Kobi?

    Makkuro Rockruff’s POV

    The Lycanroc stood before us with a smirk. “I want to believe in you, but you’ve gotta show me your drive!”

    “Fine!” I barked back, trying to redo the steps Kobi explained before a jolt of pain spasmed throughout my body. I cried out as a force of pressure blocked me from taking in any more mana. No more vanilla mana, no bitter licorice mana, no chocolate mana, and no beer-battered mana, all of the flavors of mana of my moves. Whatever is causing the pressure must be the same bright presence from when the Lycanroc from the Sentinels Union arrived. “What’s going on, why am I not able to do it?”

    “Oh, you don’t know why? Do you?” Lycanroc snarled. “You shouldn’t have unlocked yourself without understanding the consequences.”

    What? I slumped over onto the floor and stared at the paws of the Pokemon.

    “We of the Sentinels Union won’t let anyone get away with something like this,” the Lycanroc barked.

    “I told you he didn’t do anything suspicious! His body won’t let him use moves anyway!” Kobi stood in front of me. “Also how in the world are we unlocked? How do you know? Out of all Pokemon?”

    “I told you I’m not just any Pokemon, I’m Fang! A traveling Guard for the Sentinels Union,” the Lycanroc barked, shaking their fur. “Look here,” they sat down and lifted up their cloak. “This has the crest of the Sentinels Union. It was made into the shape of Leader Cresselia and Leader Darkrai’s will to claw the world into a better place.”

    I stared at the fabric as I started to feel a bit better. Fang really did have a special badge and cloak, with a stick with three branches, shaped like a claw.

    “I’m also a Keeper of renown talent and expertise,” they pulled out their notes and journals. “It’s only fair that you wouldn’t know, most aren’t privy to our Sentinels Union work.”

    “What’s all this?” I asked, involuntary sniffing at the papers. “Your proof?”

    “You can see for yourself,” the Lycanroc sighed. “We of the Sentinel’s Union take pride in our efforts and respect the sacrifices other Pokemon have made for discovery.”

    “Woah!” Kobi backpedaled after reading through some of the books. “You have some reports about Team Vanguard as well?”

    “Hold a moment!” the Lycanroc used their paws to pull back their pile of books into their bag. “You think you are allowed to try and research Team Vanguard’s legacy!?” Fang roared. “Do you really think you could?!”

    What’s the big deal? I backed away from the two and stared at the ground. The Lycanroc narrowed their eyes at me and knelt down. “Do not think you would be off the hook either! You do not have a single credit to your name!”

    “I don’t know what any of that means,” I barked back, feeling my tail curl between my legs. “I just wanted to perform my duties as a Keeper and help Pokemon, that’s all I ever wanted!”

    “I see,” Fang softened, sneezing as a breeze picked up. “I just wanted to make sure your Espurr friend here understood what she was doing,” they then faced Kobi, lowering to stare into her eyes. “Getting another Pokemon involved like this, what were you thinking?”

    “Well, I just wanted to learn more about how Pokemon’s power worked,” the Espurr started. Then she pawed at her bag, averting her eyes from the Lycanroc. “And using Team Vanguard’s research and findings seemed like a great way to start. To help Pokemon deal with issues caused by the Disruption,” the Espurr responded, her fur bristling up as she panicked. “Am I at fault here?”

    “You don’t understand the extent of the meaning behind Team Vanguard, ou-” the Lycanroc paused and snarled at themself. “Behind the meaning of their name!” Fang barked, stamping their paws into the earth, crushing through the layer rocks. “And all the power their research held in this world! What certain organizations would do if you just mentioned that name! You never try to do any of this on your own! That shit gets Pokemon killed! It ruins families, and strips away trust! What don’t you understand!?”

    “They would do terrible things wouldn’t they?” I asked, my ears folding down. “But how?”

    “Drat,” Kobi lamented, her eyes pooling towards the ground. “I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know that it was this big of a deal.”

    “What were you thinking?” Fang spat. “Especially doing something so dangerous without a proper team!” They then paused. “You need to be more careful! They could tear you apart!” the Lycanroc cried.

    They? Who is Fang talking about? I shook my head and tried to come up with an excuse. “We weren’t going to do this blindly Fang, we didn’t know we were unfit at first-“

    “If one of the members of Team Vanguard was right in front of you what would you say to them?”

    “I don’t know,” I replied. “I am honestly unsure.”

    “I would tell them I’m sorry,” Kobi answered immediately after.

    Fang folded their ears back as their tail started to wag in aggression. “Sorry?” the Lycanroc questioned. “That’s it?”

    “Yes,” the Espurr murmured. “For what happened.”

    “What happened?” Fang repeated, pure rage filling their muzzle. “You don’t know what the Vell happened!”

    “I-” Kobi’s tail clung to one of her legs. “I don’t… You must be-“

    “What I’ve been through,” they growled. “What they’ve gone through, what… What we dealt with.”

    Did Fang use to be part of Team Vanguard? I pondered. “Fang, you were one of them?” I questioned them.

    “I was,” the Lycanroc sighed. “That’s the difference between me and you.”

    “Do you really not know what happened, Kobi?” I asked, turning my head towards her. “Do you?”

    The Espurr looked away and stared at the rolling clouds above. “I-“

    “It doesn’t matter anymore!” Fang barked, getting closer to the two of us. “Prove yourselves or I’ll take you to the Police Department that deals with Wicked Blow myself!”

    “But why?!” I questioned. “What’s wrong with being unlocked in the first place?”

    “Being unlocked irresponsibly like this lets you take in inconceivable amounts of mana that will boost your attacks and cloud your mind!”

    “What? How?” I panicked, glancing between Kobi and the Lycanroc. “I don’t know what happened to me, I only just woke up about a few hours ago!” I explained.

    “How did you get our research?” the Lycanroc snarled as their fur bristled. “Answer me!”

    Kobi looked at me as if she was on the edge of crying but just took a deep breath and stared at the ground. “You’ve got this,” I tried to comfort her. “It’ll be alright.”

    She broke her tough facade. “I’ll admit it, my Father, a Sceptile only gave me these notes because he told me he couldn’t trust the other Keepers in our village, not even his mate or my brother, his actual child!”

    What? She never got the chance to tell me that. I tilted my head at her, trying to make sense of her explanation.

    She paused as another strong gust of wind blew throughout the area. “Then he told me that our mother, a Haxorus amputee Keeper, noticed changes in my brother, an Axew’s presence over four months ago, while I was away from them. I finally was able to talk in private with my brother, like old times-“

    Fang laughed, before interrupting the Kobi. “You think just because I heard your little story, it means you’re allowed to go through with your research now that I’ve found you?”

    “Well, uh,” the Espurr giggled to herself in panic before she waved her paw towards me. “I had to try.”

    I smiled as I walked over to her and let her rest her head on my shoulder. “You did well.”

    “Eh whatever.” The Lycanroc finally put their black satchel back on.”It would be suicide if you did anyway.”

    “What?” Kobi and I asked. Suicide? It would be that bad? I pondered.

    The Lycanroc shook their fur and yawned. “You two were being followed by members of Wicked Blow,” they explained. “My partner and I dealt with them before anything could happen.”

    Those were those awful tasting mana presences! I realized and raised my paw “We were being followed by who?”

    Wicked Blow,” the Fang rolled their icy blue eyes. “To make things easy for the Pokemon who just had what appears to be his second fucking birthday this year-“

    “Hey,” Kobi interrupted them with a hiss. “Stop with the shit-talkin’.”

    Yeah! It’s not my fault I was just summoned here! I thought as I turned my head to the side and growled. “I’m not some little bitch alright.”

    The Lycanroc stepped forward and looked all over me before smirking. “Never said you were.”

    I’m not being taken seriously. It used to be with my gender and now it’s with my capability as a Pokemon!

    Kobi noticed my melancholic stare and place a paw on my shoulder.”They may not know a lot of things about current events in this area but he’s not some mindless fool.”

    “Thanks, Kobi, but.. Fang you need to understand,” I barked as I stood up, planting my paws on the ground.

    “I need to understand what?”

    “There’s a reason why I don’t know everything. I’ll make you believe it eventually. I promise!”

    “Okay mon,” Fang snarked, stepping away for a moment. “Sure,” they moved past me towards Kobi. “Shouldn’t you have thought about this Espurr?” the Lycanroc narrowed their eyes.


    “Not informing someone like this, the Keeper of your Dream Mark?”

    “We only just met today and had some urgent matters to attend to,” Kobi explained.

    “Yeah but they are clearly not some little kid,” Fang sighed. “These are things he should know by now as a young adult er..”

    “My name is Kobi,” the Espurr answered.

    “Okay so you’re Kobi,” the Lycanroc sniffed the air and suddenly perked up. “Also explain why you wouldn’t know anything about one of the most nefarious Global Criminal Organizations in this Hemisphere for me, Rockruff.”

    They have something like that here, like a Global version of Team Skull or something?! I felt my ears lower down behind my skull. What in the world! Why would Pokemon end up like this? “My name is Makkuro, I’ve only just arrived from my old village school to learn about my Keeper abilities,” I said.

    “Really now?” Fang tilted their head. “Makkuro?” they whispered before mumbling something in a tongue that sounded a bit like Johtonian. All I made out was ‘darkest ink’.

    “Yes, my village elders were, er, fearful of teaching us on these matters, less we bring ruin to the land,” I finished, trying to make myself believe the nonsense I spouted.

    I can’t just tell this Pokemon, who already thinks I’m suspicious, that I’m a human out of the blue. I reasoned in my head. The Lycanroc just stared at me with a mixture of confusion and hesitancy. As if they were waiting for something.

    Kobi caught on quickly and jumped in. “Makkuro here used to be a Stray raised on the outskirts of the Wei Super Cluster District to the north,” she explained. I’m thankful she actually knows the names of places around here. I thought, sighing in relief.

    “Alrighty, back to Wicked Blow,” the Lycanroc dug into the pebbles and grass. “They are Pokemon who fly the colors white and black all across the hemisphere who want good, honest Keepers and Sentinels dead.”

    “Wouldn’t that just be any terrorist group?” I questioned. “What makes them so special?”

    “No, you don’t get it,” Fang huffed. “These sons of Dittos are constantly trying to kill us all by misusing the mana artifacts. That’s why you two need to be careful.”

    What? Those guys are after the same thing we were going to research and go look for! Do these artifacts hold that much power and influence in this world? Could they be related to what’s going on with my body?!

    “That’s why you got mad at us for mentioning them,” Kobi started. “I’ve heard that the League Committee-“

    “Don’t speak that name!” Fang howled, their eyes shrinking into daggers as they trembled with fury. “Do you know what they’ve done?!” the Lycanroc barked.

    The Espurr nodded. “No… but I know what Wicked Blow has done.”

    “Yes,” the Lycanroc turned to face me. “They’ve already managed to disrupt the balance of mana across the world but were set back because of the efforts of the Sentinel’s Union Legendaries,” they paused as their ears suddenly perked back.

    Fang continued. “And also the Mythical Masters and Leaders scattered the keys into Mana Temples,” they sighed. “It’s better than having all of them just having them remain out.”

    “Remain out?” I questioned.

    “Out in the open at Parliament or some Tauroshit,” the Lycanroc scratched the fluffy fur under their chin. “They are still considered national treasures, even with their sacred power.”

    “So that’s why all the artifacts aren’t in their old resting grounds,” Kobi said softly, looking off into the distance.

    “Oh, it’s way more than that. I’m not letting you go to any so-called possible artifacts site,” Fang sighed. “Which are called Mana Temples, for your information.” They gestured a forepaw at Kobi.

    “When can we be deemed ready to follow through with Team Vanguard’s research?” Kobi tapped her saddlebag.

    “Until you two can control those presences,” the Lycanroc growled before shaking their fur coat. “And your friend here can use at least two of his moves. Say… Three to four times in a battle.”

    We all sat in silence as the wind began to pick up across the forest. The clouds surely have built up all across the area, it’s becoming a bit chilly. Have we really sat here and talked for that long? We really were locked in a stalemate with this Sentinels Union Pokemon. I thought, staring at them as they rummaged through their satchel. If we didn’t have to explain almost everything to this Lycanroc, who knows what could have happened?

    Kobi tapped me with her forepaws. “This is our moment,” she murmured quietly. “If we could use all the knowledge Fang has at their disposal this may help us in the long run with figuring out how mana works.”

    “Plus all the other important things they could help us with! Our Keeper presence and my moves!” I wagged my tail. “We could even get back to the League on time!”

    Kobi nodded before waving a paw in the air at Fang. “You know how to let him use his moves?!” she questioned excitedly, nearly knocking me over.

    I pushed Kobi away and watched as the Lycanroc’s expression changed; from annoyance to a mix of smugness. Shoot, we might lose our chance! “Can you please teach me!?” I begged, lowering my head towards the earth. “Please help the both of us Lycanroc!”

    “Not just Lycanroc,” the Lycanroc from the Sentinels Union said us, closing their eyes. “You will call me Fang, Master Fang!” they smirked, tail wagging.

    “Alright Master Fang,” I replied immediately. “We’ll do our best!”

    “Hmm,” Fang reached over to place a paw on my head. “Do remember you’ll have to strive to prove yourselves and gain my trust. So you are coming with me.”

    “I promise I’ll be good and follow all the rules,” I felt and gave in to the urge to rub my head into the Lycanroc’s paw. “You too right Kobi?”

    “Yeah, of course,” the Espurr was excited, nuzzling her head on their other forepaw. “Anything you ask us to do, Master Fang!”

    The Lycanroc folded, their tongue lulling out as they wagged their tail. “Well, the only reason I’m going to bother teaching you is that I don’t want you two going around and actively causing problems with your unlocked powers.”

    “I don’t know what that means, being unlocked and having powers,” I explained. “I only just realized I was a Keeper.”

    “The two of you aren’t leaving my sight until I figure out why you are unlocked, either” Fang sighed before they stepped away from us.”I need to learn if you are Keepers worthy enough to be kept from the jaws of the enemy.”

    “What?” Kobi questioned. “How can you say that! It isn’t fair! We didn’t do anything!”

    “It doesn’t matter!” Fang howled, suddenly cranking their pressure to max. “Training starts right now!”

    A Radiant golden light pierced my vision and I strained to stand. Then the Lycanroc grinned.

    I staggered to the ground as a torrent of nausea crashed through me. Argh! Their presence hurts so much! Both Kobi and I fall to the floor in pain and convulse in agony. “Wait, you can’t do this!” I cried as a flare of pain jolted across my abdomen.

    “Well don’t you want to learn how to control your unlocked power and finally be able to use moves?” the Lycanroc questioned me. The pain was so unbearable I couldn’t muster the strength to speak any longer.

    Fang turned to Kobi. “You aren’t out of the park yet either,” they chided. “You need to learn how to adjust your presence as I can!”

    “But we- we can’t-” Kobi strained to get out before she gagged and shuddered. “It’s too much.”

    “Aw it hurts doesn’t it, my presence’s pressure on your body?” Fang asked, clearly getting a little too excited. “Well, that’s how the both of you made me feel this entire time!”

    “R-really?” I groaned.

    “This is your-” before Fang could finish, out of nowhere a bolt of black lighting fried them. They were stunned and paralyzed instantly from the electrical attack. Before I could tell how they were there was a booming thunderclap that shook the entire area.

    A large yellow and white Pokemon bounced off their body and landed adjacent to them. “What in the world is wrong with you Fang!” the Boltund barked, as the sound of their electricity crackled throughout the air. “Are you two okay?”

    Kobi and I found ourselves throttled from the Lycanroc’s overwhelming Keeper presence to the Boltund’s bright presence. The Pokemon said something but I couldn’t make it out as the stress of everything took a toll on my body. My consciousness slipped from under my feet and I swore I blacked out and so did Kobi.

    When I came to, I felt some compression and warmth.

    The curtain of pain was slowly lifted off my body and I looked up. The Boltund was lying down beside us. I didn’t realize it before but the Pokemon who saved us was wearing the same gear as the Lycanroc.

    When we stirred, the Boltund stood up immediately to check on us. “I’m truly sorry about my fiancé,” they explained.

    “They’re yours?” Kobi coughed, managing to stand to back up.

    “Yes, that lovable idiot is my mate,” the Boltund placed a paw on the paralyzed body of Fang. “We were called in to search the area for Keepers matching your description.”

    “Our description?” I tilted my head at the choice of words.

    “I think Boltund is referring to our Keeper presence signatures,” the Espurr answered. “Ours are of unlocked Keepers so for these sensitive guys it’s not hard to sniff us out.”

    “Correct,” the supposed Sentinels Union Pokemon nodded. “But I got caught up in dealing with the of the Wicked Blow members that were tailing you.”

    They were strong enough to deal with all of those Pokemon in the bushes by themself?  “Wha, what?” I flinched, trying to get used to the Boltund’s presence. “Who are you?” Another strict Pokemon coming to threaten us and demand we follow along with whatever they say? I panicked internally.

    “I’m Hunter,” the Boltund wagged their tail, and seemingly turned down their presence pressure. “Defender of the Sentinels Union, at your service!”


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