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    In a world filled with Mana, the gears are always ticking. Linus, Glade, and Nevada of Team Sharp Claw need strength to recover the Artifacts that ruined the land. Artifacts they cannot use. And so does Kobi, one of their future Teammates, one who can use them. When more Artifacts and info on mana resurfaces, what will happen? Where does that power to seal ruin lie?

    Posted January 9th, 2023

    Chapter Summary

    To understand what those League Pokemon would do, one must understand the League.

    Team Sharp Claw and co are guided by the Chief and Coordinator of the League, who also have baggage from before the Disruption five years ago.

    They are finding teaching a difficult task but are saddled with an even more dangerous one during an evaluation.

    Coordinator Cooper Granbull’s POV 

    A glimmer of sunlight crept through the blinds, and roused me out of the perpetual blanket of darkness that enclosed me. We were comfortable this way. Me and my mate. Sleeping in solid swaths of black. 


    I blinked my eyes before rolling over with a heavy sigh. “Oh Mew, I need some coffee,” I yawned. With a subdued second yawn, I fully willed myself to crawl out of bed to start my morning routine. The sky was barely blue… My early morning routine. For five years it’s been this way, how long will we endure this Disruption?


    The blasted Disruption took everything from me, from us. Especially Team Sharp Claw and long-gone Team Vanguard, those two groups of Pokémon lost so much, like many Pokémon across the land. My family even lost someone, my brother in-law.


    I wasn’t fast enough, I couldn’t mobilize a battalion to counter Wicked Blow’s efforts, and none of the League Coordinators across the Hemisphere could. That Gardevior and Honchkrow leading the organization still remained elusive, and out of my reach! They allowed too many artifacts to be misused. Unfortunately Wicked Blow managed to harm an innumerable amount of Pokémon all throughout the land. And forced a dangerous near irreversible status onto them, disrupting the world’s mana balance in the process.

    Ever since those weeks after Team Sharp Claw passed their introductory request in  Wei Forest I’ve always required the caffeine boost to get me in top condition. Being the Bristberg Mana Research League’s Coordinator I wasn’t comfortable being anything less, and I won’t be comfortable until I’ve found the mysteries behind every single Mana artifact. Every single one.

    Number 1, a Keeper shall do everything in their power to protect the balance of the world’s mana.

    In a brightly lit office room, there was a single letter placed on a desk. The paper was unfurled gently, as the contents were very important. Though some of the words on the letter had been smudged the overall information was still readable. 

    Dear Stoutland,

    This isn’t just a game we Mana Research Leagues can send our Rescue Teams to play in. There are forces of absurd power lurking around every Mystery Dungeon, city, and wildland. These Wicked Blow ruffians are searching for more powerful Pokémon to recruit into their nefarious group. They’ve even recruited some stray and feral Keepers, so it’s important we keep Pokémon safe, as many as we can.



    “Oh dear, you’ve received yet another letter,” I started, my deep and gentle voice reverberating throughout the room. 

    The window beside me reflected my old Granbull self, nothing new there besides some more tiny white fur streaks. More than a couple months ago for sure. I remember having none before the Disruption five years ago.

    My ears folded when there was a loud crash and rumbling downstairs. 

    McBone, my Stoutland mate, glanced at me from her desk. “Can you check on them real quick?” she asked.

    I shook my head as I spotted the figures far below us. A Treecko, a Totodile, a Charmander, okay Team Sharp Claw. Beside them was a Mienfoo and a Slowbro. The Slowbro had purple and yellow markings on him, which signaled he was one with poisonous powers. The two were prospective League Members, as long as they eventually managed to pass the Exam. It shouldn’t be too difficult for Pokémon of their age.

    Or so I hoped, since the prospects were just a couple of years older than Team Sharp Claw. They passed their exam five years ago somehow by the grace of Mew, I’d say. 

    Thankfully the group of five was in the back practice field, not inside the League building. “Watch it or you’ll never get in!” one of the Pokémon, either Glade or Linus yelled. Maybe it was both at the same time? 

    Ah, Team Sharp Claw had trouble wrangling the prospectsI’ll have to go check on them later. Back when those three were still teens they were like that… But these prospects have an added sense of urgency. They had a thirst for strength, to combat the horrors of the Disruption.  Well, at least I hoped so.

    That encounter with Master Zeraora’s pupil, Young Master Xue, looked like it was the catalyst, even though I know those Mythical Pokemon tried their best to avoid us regular Pokémon. But we knew it wasn’t their doing. Events across the Hemisphere all culminated in this matter, not theirs. We Keepers couldn’t keep one another in check, we all didn’t try hard enough to stop the Disruption from happening. 

    It got Team Sharp Claw to sharpen up, once they realized what happened to their families and our Teams. Nothing was just a separate incident, everything was connected. 

    Enough of that. I blinked to wipe the weariness from my eyes. I fixed my gaze on the supplies in the office room. With a fold of my arms I watched the river from the window.

    “It’s the second letter from him this week,” the Stoutland barked. I glanced down at McBone again. She mulled over the contents of the paper at the singular desk.

    It was the early hours of the morning, around seven, only about thirty minutes right after the post office delivered the mail. Bright rays of sunlight started to fill the dark blue sky, a lull of soft clouds slowly parting in the chilly breeze of morning. The post office was far outside the walls, over the mighty gates and fence of the League, past the mountains, across a wooden bridge over a section of the river in the town of Bristberg. 

    I hope she is finding the information well. I began to pace around the desk that enclosed the other Pokémon, occasionally peering over to check on her progress. After a while I glanced out the window, taking in the view of the mighty river below them.

    The Stoutland placed her paw at the side of her desk, and fiddled with the wide knob on the drawer. “I understand Chief Centiskorch is looking out for me,” she started speaking. I immediately approached her right flank, my ears perked to listen closer. “But could he not act like we are hatchlings ?” she grumbled, then gently nudged the paper towards me, presumably careful not to damage it as she reached for a folder.

    “That Centiskorch is just trying to remind us of the issues and threats housed above the Heartland,” I waved my paw. “Honestly I’m worried sick myself, I can’t bear the thought of all the horrors the Pokémon in our Rescue Teams could face without my guidance and-“

    The Stoutland next to me shook her fur, the badges on her harness loudly clanking. Posthaste I shut my trap and sheepishly tried to calm my anxiety. Deep breaths Cooper, it’ll be alright. They are responsible adult Pokémon, they aren’t alone. Our Teams are strong. 

    Once I settled down a tad she spoke again. “Why does he assume that I , as Chief of Bristberg Mana Research League, out of all Pokémon would be toying with my Rescue Teams?”

    “Well if anything it was one of his Rescue Teams,” I rolled
    up the message, placing it somewhere safe. “Some Pokémon from his League were the ones that had a major accident off the island to the north of their League,” I then explained.

    “Oh, how unfortunate,” the Stoutland at the low-rise desk raised an eyebrow at the markings across another page. “Well, this reminded me of something that you played a vital role in,” she turned towards me.

    “It reminded you of what in particular?” my tail sank to the ground.

    A dark image swept through my mind as I stood still, the memory of five years ago. When the Disruption began. A dark blue mountain top; thick grief, and rage in the air. The sounds of a congregated depression, flowing tears, and sorrowful hearts. Fourteen monuments, eight gravestones, and six sets of statues. The black wind slowly warmed up the remains before engulfing them in its shelter.

    The frustration and wrath of hurt Pokémon. A glimpse of primary colors; red, blue, and yellow. The dread of knowledge, knowing that not even the law will save you. A flash of white. No, it won’t save you. Black and white lighting struck the ground twice. Laws were made to kill you.

    This fresh reminder of the past drowned out my thoughts. “Could,” I let out a shaky breath, letting my insecurities resurface in full. “Could it be like Team Vanguard? How I failed them? How I allowed them to be hunted like ferals of the past? How-”

    “No,” my Stoutland mate moved closer, and placed a forepaw on my side. “Cooper?”

    I let out a choked cry, tears ran down my muzzle as the grief swelled within me. “Yes, Laty-” I almost slipped up.”McBone?”

    “Don’t fret it, my dear,” McBone embraced me. “I was only going to mention that Sharp Claw and Blue Heroes are the only Rescue Teams we have stationed here at the League today.”

    I laughed a bit, “Aren’t Libra and Aquarius the only ones from Blue Heroes today though?” I rubbed the back of my head with a sigh.

    “Their teammates aren’t too far away. Also Team White Light and Team Aegisdrip can be called back at a moment’s notice.”

    “Well, Aries and Virgo are out doing a mission close by. CJ, Anabel, and Bernard are working in the Medical Bay with Astesia. But alone they do not count, do they?”  

    “Nothing to fret over darling,” McBone tried to comfort me. “Also, you meant Yoshiko and Austin right? Not Aries and Virgo?”

    “Oh right, the Groyvle’s and Charmeleon’s chosen names.” 

    “Yes, all of those from the Water Continent and Air Continent have new names. Times have changed in these past five years, you have to remember Wicked Blow and the others aren’t specifically on the hunt for our Teams anymore,” McBone added. “They are allowed to choose how they’d like to continue forward and follow in Team Vanguard’s pawsteps. But it wasn’t your fault. How could they’ve known our enemies would be on them like a Houndoom?”

    “But you know as the Coordinator I feel responsible for everything that happened to Team Vanguard and their families!” I lamented, as I tried to contain my terror. “I should have stopped them. I should have told them not to research any further. I should have just-”

    “As Coordinator, you need to try and focus on right now,” the Stoutland below me stared into my eyes. “Can you do that for me, my love?”

    “But, what should I do?” I whined.

    “You are already doing something, your guidance has taught and strengthened the next generation,” McBone nuzzled her head into my chest. “We’ve got to earn our reputation back and prove to our League colleagues that we are capable and trustworthy.”

    “That’s right,” I brightened before placing a paw on her head, with a sigh. The pounding in my chest stopped, and my nerves calmed. “Not all is lost, we can still recover.”

    “That’s right, Team Blue Heroes, Team White Light, and Team Aegisdrip are off right now to secure our glory-” the Stoutland tried to rant but I moved suddenly, and sent her to the floor. Her reflexes were sharp and she just stamped her paws down. “What’s wrong?”

    “I should have sent some more Pokémon from Team Blue Heroes out there quicker,” I groaned. “At this rate, they won’t catch up-“

    “They’ll be fine, I was contacted by ‘those shored in black’ who sent Austin and Yoshiko on a little errand. Anyway, it’s time for you to go check in on Team Sharp Claw,” McBone interjected before standing up and trotting towards the exit.

    “Ah yes, our little firecracker of a Rescue Team!” I clasped my paws together. “How could I forget?”

    “Those three did very well on their last mission,” McBone smiled as she stared at one of the large cork boards in the room. She walked over to read the papers attached to the board and sighed. “They went down to Legend Eclipse and handled that case in no time flat!”

    A few days ago in the sloping brown hills of sand in the South, three travelers tirelessly continued forward through the desert. The three were a Treecko, a Charmander, and a Totodile, the sole members of Team Sharp Claw.

    A rope was tied to each of their waists as they towed a sandy sled behind them. Cuts, bruises, and marks adorned their scales. All of them had patches and bandages on their limbs. On the wooden, there were two Pokémon seated in it.

    These Pokémon had fainted. They were knocked out the entire journey and were tied up in thick rope. One had their maw bound shut with a caged muzzle, and they both had black mesh nets that covered their bodies.

    It was clear and obvious from their attire what their allegiance was. No Pokémon in a League could mistake it.

    Black and white checkered scarves,  emblazoned with two jagged claw marks of black, outlined in white meant that they were no ordinary criminals.

    The two were members of Wicked Blow.

    That settles it, I’m going to need different Pokémon to help train the prospects dear,” I opened the door. “Er, maybe you could go get River and Rio for me if you don’t mind.”

    “I don’t mind, the Herdier twins should be on watch duty right?”

    “Yes,” I replied.

    “Ah, you’re going to have Team Sharp Claw and Team Blue Heroes go somewhere?” McBone asked, following me into the hallway. “Isn’t it time for a yearly progress evaluation? I need the rest of the teams to do theirs this week as well.” 

    “Those three more mature Teams should pass with flying colors, I’m more worried about Sharp Claw… The young Pokémon are what they call Fangs of the Fallen, whatever that entails.”

    “Hopefully we shall find out soon enough, but let’s worry about what they shall do during the evaluation.”

    I sighed and rubbed my paws. “Yes, we’ll go do some requests in the town to the southern Bristberg Mountains range, Navy Valley.” 

    “Why do you need the other team though?” 

    “Those two wanted to see their growth the most so I’m putting them in charge.” 

    I went into the small classroom in another room to go and gather the required supplies. A vanilla folder, with a couple of sheets of paper inside. “Okay now to get Libra and Aquarius, then go check on those three in Team Sharp Claw.”

    Okay so where are those two? I made a quick round across the third floor, the floor we were currently on. Then I took a trip down to the second floor. This was where the bedrooms for the Rescue Teams are, a long hallway with numerous doors awaited me. Only one door was open, which  meant the Froakie and Riolu were inside.

    “Libra, Aquarius, I have a request for you two,” I knocked on the door, before it opened. Once they were in front of me I realized my folly. “Oh, where are my manners? Good Morning!”

    “Morning,” the Froakie gave me a wave, and adjusted his tie and scarf.

    “Morning Sir. What type of request?” the Riolu yawned, as she opened out her paw.

    “10,000 Poke, I’d like you to go with Team Sharp Claw into Navy Valley town for their annual evaluation, let them pick out some good requests and you be the judge of their growth,” I explained, and passed the folder to the Pokémon.

    “I’ll be down in the back practice field to settle down the prospects with them,” I told the two, stepping back into the hallway. They each clarified they’ll be there once ready so I hurried downstairs and out the patio. 

    “Oh would you look at that,” I heard Glade as she loudly scolded the prospects. “Wanna repeat what you said in front of the Coordinator?”

    Oh dear, please don’t be fighting amongst one another, please. I closed the door and rushed over, through the thin strands of fern grasses, and my body left a flattened trail in my wake.

    The Mienfoo sheepishly rubbed the back of their head. “I said I forgot the difference between Keepers and Sentinels alright!” 

    Oh Mew, please help them. I tried to appear as relaxed as possible once I made up to the five Pokémon in the field. “All Pokémon of this Hemisphere are one or the other, with a slight lean towards Sentinels. Ever since the Disruption it’s been vital for every League member to know the difference, could you help them out?” I asked.

    “Eer, what really is the Disruption?” the Slowbro blinked slowly. “All I know is we can’t evolve anymore.”

    “The mana we use to power our moves and bodies has been altered as well,” Glade added. “Come on, you guys should know this! Has no one taught you anything?”

    I crossed my arms at the thought. 

    Linus, finally willed himself to remind me he’s Team Captain clapped his hands together. “You, Coordinator Cooper Sir, and Mienfoo are Keepers, you have mana presences and would be able to use the elemental keys and locks of mana that caused the Disruption.”

    “And we three are Sentinels,” Nevada, the Charmander, said. “We aren’t able to sense presences, but we also don’t have one. We aren’t able to use those specific mana artifacts but still feel their consequences. There are other artifacts we can use though, but we have to search for them.” 

    The Totodile placed her hands on the Mienfoo’s and the Slowbro’s shoulders. “Okay, let me recap. The Disruption happened because the mana of the Hemisphere had been tampered with.”

    “But mana is what we use,” Mienfoo crossed their arms. “How did Pokémon manage to alter it?”

    “This tampering was caused by the misuse of the elemental key and lock mana artifacts. The keys and lock allowed a Keeper to unlock or lock a Pokémon that had the same type as the key they possess.”

    “Misuse of those artifacts is when too many Pokémon are unlocked and never locked back up again.”

    “Got it?” 

    “But-” the Mienfoo started, as they noticed the Totodile’s claws release.

    “I think it’s time for us to take over huh?” Rio’s bark came just when I needed it, and River followed right beside her.

    The two Herdier put themselves in between the five Pokémon.

    “Huh?” the Slowbro asked. 

    I watched as River smiled at them before he picked up the lesson plan from Linus. “Rio and I will help you with your League Placement Exam for now, alright,” the Herdier explained.

    “You will?”

    “Yeah.” Rio tilted her head at the pair of Pokémon. 

    The Slowbro frowned. “But you two aren’t even on a Rescue Team.” 

    “Yeah, what do you two know?” Mienfoo questioned.

    My eyes widened and I turned. Shoot. I didn’t think they’d aim so low! 

    “Have ya got no manners!?” Linus yelled. Before I could blink he used Quick Attack to jump in between the prospects, and smacked both of them on the head. 

    River sighed, as he lowered his ears. “We were on a Rescue Team, we unfortunately had to disband it after the Disruption and for the League’s safety we cannot form another Rescue Team here.”

    “Oh, okay.” Slowbro mareepishly rubbed his head. “Sounds complicated.”

    “It is,” Rio growled.

    “Sorry about that. Thanks again kids,” I ruffled the Herdiers’ heads before I stepped away. 

    “See ya later Dad!” the twins called back.

    “We’re ready guys!” Aquarius called out. “Team Sharp Claw, you’re coming with us!” 

    Libra raced ahead of him. “Hope you’re ready to show us what you’re made of!” 

    I always believed that this Froakie and Riolu pair had impeccable timing. The three mentioned Pokémon followed my gaze and flinched in surprise. 

    “We’re going somewhere with you guys?” Team Sharp Claw asked.

    “Coordinator Cooper is coming along too,” Libra clarified.

    “Team Sharp Claw, it is time for your annual evaluation, and I’m having Team Blue Heroes do the examination for me,” I explained. 

    “Alright, we’ve got all our equipment with us, where to?” Nevada asked, and lifted up the exploration bag off their shoulders.

    I rolled my shoulders in response. “We’re going out of town.”

    “Awesome, no more Bristberg Mountain crawling!” Glade cheered.

    We walked towards the side gates of the backfield. As a chilly gust of mountain wind rolled by, the six of us made it to the courtyard of the League Building.

    “Um, Libra, A, which area are we going to?” Nevada questioned as the towering front gates opened. “Er, rather what’s the general direction?”

    “Just a little ways south,” the Froakie grinned. 

    “Yeah, but how far south?” Linus pestered, and reached up to tug on Libra’s paw. “We just want to know what’s ahead and all.”

    “You’ll see when we get there okay.” the Riolu shrugged him off. 

    We made our way across the bridge and through the southside of town, passing all sorts of cozy cobblestone, brick houses and buildings. Then the six of us finally entered the wildlands, where strays and travelers roamed alike. After a short trip in the stony land we stood below us was a breathtaking sight. 

    Dark aquamarine and blue stone reached deep into the depths of the land, peaks of lighter stone surfacing in random spots of the abyss. Where there are mountains, there are valleys just as well. The center was dotted with pallid specks of light from the settlement nestled inside, a multitude of pathways leading back to the heights of alpine beauties in the sky.

    “We are going down into the Navy Valley everyone.” I explained carefully, leading us down the mountainside.

    Linus flinched and made sure he was as far away from the edge as possible as we got closer, and the others tread lightly. “Guys we’ve gotta be careful, but we can’t let everyone take all the good requests first!” the Treecko shouted, as he pointed down at the congregation of Pokémon figures below.

    “Woooh hoo!” Glade cheered once we walked past the gates and started heading down an elaborate set of large black granite stairs. “Evaluation let’s freaking go!”

    Down by the center of town, there were numerous building complexes, some stacked directly on top of each other while others sat in carefully placed rows in a narrow space that was flat. I had not been here in a while but every time I visited there seemed to be some odd-looking building under construction. Despite the frigid gusts of wind, there was a large number of Pokémon out and about, of all different types and species. 

    Without a word Team Sharp Claw scouted the square for the Request Board and got to work. They’ve been to this town before but they followed McBone, and our Herdier twins around the whole time so I’m glad they took the initiative. 

    “Okay, so the biggest Mystery Dungeon around here is called Navy Stone Valley,” Nevada explained, shifting through a section of pinned requests.

    Glade carefully plucked a claw full and showed them to her Team. “Okay so here’s an outlaw request, for 500 poke, and a lost X-spec for 450 poke.”

    “I found another lost item request,” Linus pointed. “It’s a Twist Scarf and a Totter Orb for 950 poke.”

    The Charmander carded through the papers before stepping away from the board, and their eyes narrowed. 

    I perked my ears up and then noticed something peculiar going on throughout the crowd. There was a Fidough who ran fervently after something, er someone. 

    “Help!” he cried, “those Pokémon took my sister!”

    Quickly, Team Sharp Claw shoved the various papers into their bag and watched as he approached. Nevada darted to the side and stared in front of Fidough. “There!” the Charmander yelled, “It’s Wicked Blow!”

    Immediately the crowd of Pokémon scattered from the board and formed a path.

    Libra and Aquarius stepped in front of Linus and Glade and I readied my paws as I scanned the area. There was a trio of small Pokémon wearing Wicked Blow scarves, black and white stripes! A Charcadet, a Finizen, and a Capaskid.

    “I got you!” Nevada yelped, and ran forward faster than I could blink.

    Agreen blur darted behind them, “Glade let’s go!” Linus yelled. “It’s time for our signature technique!” 

    “What on Earth is that?” I asked, and stumbled backwards. “Guess I’ll have to see.”



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