The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    There I was, just having a wonderful day on patrol in Houston… when it happened.

    “Oh- and there he goes…” I frustratedly muttered to myself as I broke into a sprint.

    Some guy just jacked a woman’s purse and I happened to be looking in their direction. I can’t believe I even caught the act at first, I stood there stunned when I should’ve been running to stop it. Now he has a head start.

    The suspect practically flew into an alleyway with me rapidly catching up. I shouted after him with frustration creeping into my voice. “POLICE, STOP WHERE YOU ARE.”

    My words did not elicit any kind of reasonable response. He kept running like I never said anything at all, the purse bouncing up and down as he continued to resist his inevitable arrest. At least my higher ups can’t say I didn’t try.

    Something began to pound intensely in my head. I wanted to stop running, but found myself unable to control my body. Every footstep started to echo and blend together into one as the world around me started to slightly blur.

    The suspect abruptly stopped and pulled a knife from out of his pocket as the world seemed to return to normal. I whipped out my taser. “Drop the weapon and put your hands above your head.”

    Blur overtook my vision again, the pounding drowning out anything the suspect said. I felt like I was being watched from everywhere at once, the throbbing pain like something was tearing into my mind with claws.

    For a moment, I saw somewhere else. Thick green trees and blue sky. I heard my fathers yelling and the crack and boom of a glock… but mixed with the yelling of another language I did not recognize. I saw shapes in the corner of my eye that barely resembled humans, with colors that definitely weren’t.

    My body refused to move, locked in a bent down position as something probed my every wanted movement from within. I felt the feeling intensify in my legs before a sickening crack-

    The blur and pounding abruptly stopped. I found myself distant from my own body despite seeing things through its eyes, like I was watching things in a theater. I found myself back in the alleyway, my body moved of its own accord, escorting the now handcuffed suspect into the patrol vehicle while one parked just behind mine.

    Another officer approached. He grimaced slightly. “You have everything under control?”

    “Yes, dad, I have everything under control.”

    “Alright,” he leaned against the door of his car. “Did you do everything to protocol?”

    I nodded wordlessly, unable to see his features as the feeling of being distant seemed to grow.

    “Is… something wrong?” he asked.

    A sigh escaped me as I shook my head. “I’m just a little… out of it today.”

    The blur slowly spread across my vision as my hearing slurred together with it. The world disappeared along with all sensation of it, panic being something I found myself unable to feel. Only the rapid thumping of my heartbeat reminding me that I was even there. Slowly, my senses came back to me in a silent environment.

    I was no longer outside, or dressed in my police uniform. I had some grey sweatpants with a cyan shirt on and nothing else. I glanced out a nearby window, seeing the setting sun. Something within me got me to jump to my feet and look around, I was definitely in my apartment… yet something felt off. 

    The ringing of my phone brought me back, the number being that of my father. It beeped as I answered. “Hey, whats up?”

    “Just checking up on you, I still remember how you looked earlier today. How have things been since then?” he asked wearily. 

    My voice answered not of my own accord, like all this already happened and I was watching it all play out. “Better, though I think I’m going to take the day off tomorrow.”

    “Maybe you and I can do something tomorrow…”

    My voice answered for me again. “What’d you have in mind?”

    Everything blanked out as the pounding returned. Raw unbridled pain barreled through my mind, the feeling of being unable to move followed right behind it. I wanted to scream and yell but found that not a sound could be made. Only the steady rate of my heartbeat could be heard. I clung onto it desperately, trying to take my mind off of the agony I was feeling. 

    I heard my father yelling again, raw and losing its strength. More shapes flowed past me as it seemed to become more distant. I was flat on the ground, eyes barely open. I heard voices in a language I could not recognize, but now could understand.

    A feminine metallic sounding voice boomed in the distance. “Get back here you witless cowards-”

    Something shifted in my mind as I felt myself breathe in…

    My eyes shot open, finding myself in my room in the dead of night. I scanned over everything yet I saw nothing out of the ordinary. My revolver sat on my nightstand with pictures of me and my dad. One was missing.

    One that I really didn’t want to lose. 

    I got up, finding myself completely barren of clothes except for a pair of underwear. It wasn’t like I lived with anyone that could see me like this. With light tread, I braved the dark hallway and made it to the living room. In the center of a table in the room was the picture I was looking for. 

    It depicted only a single person from the top half of the chest up. An at the time fifteen year old with short light brown hair, grey eyes and careful smile, a black cap, and white skin occasionally plagued by a little bit of acne. My older brother.

    Relief flowed through me as I walked back to my room with it in hand. I set it back on my nightstand with all the other photos I had there, waiting to greet me when I wake back up. 

    “I wonder what you’d say about me now…” I mumbled tiredly as I closed my eyes. 

    Blur returned, and nothing would respond to my wordless cries for help. I stopped trying to resist. Things seemed to briefly speed by, light finally surrounded me, but the horrid blur refused to go away. 

    The air seemed open, like I was outside. It was extremely hot again…

    “What are we going out to do again?” my voice asked. Everything was blurred, my hands refused to raise themselves to my will.

    I heard heavy footsteps on pavement. My ability to see anything was seemingly turned off, I wanted to panic but could only listen to my father’s deep, gruff voice. “After we hand this stuff in, I was thinking we could head out to the range.” I heard him chuckle heartily.

    “Is this because of my new sniper rifle?” my voice said aloud, still against my will.

    I heard a car door open before my dad chuckled again. “Heh, it’s fun to watch you use it. Plus it doesn’t hurt that you let your old man try it out.”

    “It’s almost brand new, I’ve only had it for a few weeks.”

    His amused voice responded. “I’ll just watch you dink targets, if they’ll let me take a case of beer out there.”

    My mouth went to open and say something in retort, but nothing came. The memory shattered away as everything went black, something ripping me away for the last time. 


    Some days, the healing section of the Guild couldn’t be more busy even if it tried. Today was one of those days. It hadn’t been two seconds since I cleared my last patient when I spotted an Emolga clutching its left arm. Still unattended to by anyone else here.

    “Has no one come to help you yet?” I asked worriedly as I approached.

    The Emolga shook its head. “No…”

    Guess my plans for the afternoon would be a little delayed.

    “I’ll help then.” I gestured to the door behind me. “Follow me please.”

    The Emolga nodded wordlessly as it fell in behind me, wincing in pain from its arm. I could tell it was broken. Poor guy probably busted it up trying to glide. Maybe he wouldn’t notice if I stole a look at the memory of what happened… but me being a Gardevoir of respectable reputation stopped that idea before it could take hold.

    We walked past a few other Pokémon before arriving where we needed to be. The room’s wooden walls didn’t do much to muffle the noises from the outside of it, much to my despair. Alas, a doctor such as me cannot be too picky over my environment, so long as it is clean and workable.

    Especially here in Narkin, a frontier town so out on the fringe you’d miss us if it wasn’t for the popularity of our port. Exploration teams frequented here because of it… and that brought its own set of problems. Rowdy Pokémon were the bane of any well kept area. Especially on the nigh ruleless frontier.

    The healing section was in pristine condition and well kept, thanks to me and others who shared my enthusiasm for keeping it that way. The rest… was workable. If at times a little dusty. 

    “Oh, Kira!” I heard from behind us. An Audino rushed up to us, a smile on their face. “Ace wants to see you in his office.”

    I looked between the pained Emolga and the Audino and sighed. “Can you handle this for me then?”

    “Of course!” The Audino bent down to the Emolga’s level. “Let’s get you fixed up.” The Emolga nodded his head and followed behind her.

    Briskly I walked down the hallway while stealing one last look at them. The clean wooden floors squeaked a little as I turned the corner into the main hall for the Guild. I was greeted to the usual sight of the general crowd of Pokémon going about their business.

    Some were at the job board, browsing the selection there. Others were at the front desk, signing up to undertake more dangerous ones. I weaved through them all, as I went down another hallway to where Ace was waiting.

    I opened the door to the sight of an Inteleon sitting on a chair behind a desk while looking out a window. He turned to me as I entered with a small smile on his face.

    There were always a few chairs readily available, I sat in the one closest to him. “Why’d you drag me away from my duties this time?”

    “Lloyd or Ronin never gave me that report of where you went last week still,” he chuckled.

    “Of course he didn’t…”

    He rolled his eyes with amusement. “What’s the short version of what you found?”

    “Nothing, I’m afraid.” A disgruntled sigh escaped me. “Lloyd thought we finally got a lead on potential information on humanity, I know he’s still mad about it. The information turned out to be nothing and was a big waste of time.”

    Ace facepalmed as a grimace drifted across his face. “I’ll spare him any more grief at this point then. You’re dismissed.”

    I got up and went to leave. “See you around then, Ace.” I waved tiredly as I went. He wordlessly nodded as he turned back to the window before the door closed.

    “So what’d he need you for this time?”

    I spun around, seeing the form of an amused Gallade rolling his eyes. I shook my head. “Nothing important, just that you and Lloyd didn’t give Ace the report from last week.”

    “My mistake then, allow me to make it up to you-” he pulled out a slip of paper with a job on it. “I got all three of us a quick and easy job to do out in the woods..”

    Ronin handed it to me. The note detailed the account of a Bidoof who wanted their berry bag recovered from the woods after they fled because there was screaming and a series of deafening bangs.

    I couldn’t help but squint. “You’re not at all intrigued at what the-”

    “Well, why do you think Lloyd agreed to take it?”

    “Ah, so I take it you’re not planning on investigating that side of it?” I smiled smugly. Lloyd’s curiosity had once more gotten the better of him.

    Ronin shook his head. “Well nobody takes those kinds of jobs, the mystery surrounding it is its own thing. Something I am quite worried about if I’m being honest, good doctor.”

    “Then lets pack some basics up. Some of the Guild teams that came in today said something about a feral Houndoom leading a pack in the forest. If we come across them, it would be good if we… get rid of them.”


    My eyes caught light seemingly at the end of a tunnel, rapidly expanding across the darkness. Feeling returned to me as I opened my eyes. My body finally bent to what I told it to do, my hands coming to rub my face.

    I isolated what I felt to separate feelings.

    An aching head. Bones that feel like they just got hit by a freight train. A sense of unfamiliarity with my surroundings and the feeling of being watched.

    “For hell’s sake…” I muttered as I slowly raised myself to my feet. I grunted as the pain, my legs were screaming at me with every nerve in them. Exerting to borderline unbearable levels like the bones were shattered with a sledgehammer.

    The cool nature of the place around me took hold as I glanced around the area with all manner of surprise on my face. It appeared to be a heavily wooded forest, the scale of which I knew nothing about.

    How could I have even ended up here? Last I remember I was doing my normal routine of monotonous errands that seemingly had no end. Whether it be at the Police precinct with my dad or home was… fuzzy.

    I checked my pockets and found everything to still be in order in how I left them. My ID was in perfect condition, showing my name with my birthday below it and citizenship. I still had some money in my wallet. My phone was still in my pants pocket as well.

    My hands drifted to my hip, feeling the cold iron and grip of my custom revolver still in its holster. I had a different then normal ammo on me, signalling that I definitely wasn’t doing something according to protocol. The label reading ‘subsonic ammunition’, it left me with more confusion strung about my mind.

    Odd, I should’ve had my glock on me instead if I was supposedly on duty. I even had my other bits of equipment with me… was it somewhere around here? I pulled my phone out and tried to contact anyone, each time resulting in the same ‘no signal’ popup. 

    Nothing made sense at the moment, it’s like I was kidnapped and put out here without any evidence to support that hypothesis. If it was some form of kidnapping I’d be stripped of anything valuable. Much less left with a fully loaded gun. But I should be thankful, I could defend myself at least. 

    Despite the longer barrel my revolver had, it still kicked and it barked pretty damn loud. But at the least, the subsonic ammo for it was much easier on the ears…

    I patted down my sweater hastily, feeling a tube on the inside. I fished it out, lo and behold it was the suppressor for my glock. I hastily put it back, maybe I’d find it out here somewhere. 

    A small pond caught my attention.

    The reflection showed me in detail, from my dark brown hair and cyan colored eyes, to my now wobbling legs-

    I collapsed to the ground, my legs now feeling like someone was stabbing them with a dagger made of fire. Leaving me to stare at my pitiful reflection, seeing I was wearing a light grey button-up sweater on the top of my black shirt, my usual uniform. For some reason, I lacked my usual kevlar vest, that was worrying. I also noticed my sweatpants didn’t have grass stains on them, suggesting that I wasn’t out here very long at all…

    It’s like I appeared here without warning. Dropped into a strange land that I know nothing about. I’m not getting anywhere fast at this rate with my legs, and I desperately need to know where I am.

    I couldn’t help but laugh because this whole thing was playing out like it was a dream. Maybe it was… just maybe. However having doubt at this point will only make this situation worse, I’d have to stay cool and collected in order to survive this mess.

    Slowly, the feeling of unfamiliarity was overtaken… by familiarity. Why was I starting to recognize this place? I’ve never been here beforehand, and I would be willing to bet on that. The feeling wasn’t mine, it couldn’t be mine, it made no sense for it to be mine.

    But how could it not be mine? What were the other possibilities?

    The bushes rustled. A deathly silence came over me as I got to a crouched position, my revolver now loaded with the subsonic ammo. I cocked the hammer back with its ever satisfying click, a chill sent down my spine as the silence returned. I found myself hoping that whatever came out of the bushes wasn’t looking for blood.

    Something blue exited the bushes. It was humanoid, and was reminiscent of something I’ve seen before as a kid-

    My mind jumped to it being a Greninja the very second I noticed the weird scarf it makes with its tongue around its neck. It was looking right at me with an intentful stare. Should I be scared of it? It had a weird badge and purple bandanna around its left bicep. Clothing items? Seemed rather oddly specific to hallucinate with a Pokémon of all things.

    Tentatively, I stared at it with my mind wanting to crack in two. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Pokémon by any means, I simply kept up with some aspects of it. But from what I did know, this situation is either going to be the last time I’m seen alive, or I’m high off my mind on drugs or something and nothing is actually there.

    Pain rippled up through the lower half of my body.

    I elected to ignore the ‘Greninja’ and looked back to my legs after pulling back my pants. Nothing looked wrong visually. Whatever was wrong might’ve been internal. That would be worse for my situation. I had no medical knowledge besides how to make sure nothing gets infected and how to prevent myself from bleeding out should I lose a limb. I was out of my league with this type of injury.

    The ‘Greninja’ had seemingly gotten closer while I was turned away from it. The paranoid side of my mind howled at me to do something about it.

    “Are you real? Or just a figment of my imagination?” I angrily half-yelled at it. My patience was starting to wear thin. Whether it be because of my lack of options, or that I was starting to suspect that it was real.

    It crouched down like it was about to leap. My revolver remained trained on the ground in front of it. I spoke again as my stress swelled. “Go away-”

    More rustling caught my attention.

    “Hello?” someone called out as they exited the bushes.

    A Gardevoir and Gallade exited the bushes. My jaw went slack, either I really lost it or I was in really big trouble. They both had a purple bandana wrapped around their left biceps along with one of the weird badges on them.

    They caught sight of me and mimed the expression that the Greninja had. Panic welled up in me, everything inside me clicked that this wasn’t going to end well if I didn’t at least try to get away. I kept glancing around, looking for anything to help me get out of here.

    As quiet as I thought the Greninja would be, I heard something from its direction. In one movement I rolled backwards onto my knees with my revolver now trained directly on it.

    “H- ha -hands ups.” I said in a much more panicked voice then I would have liked.

    Its expression intensified, until it finally spoke in a deep voice that I wasn’t expecting. “Just, uh, calm down…” It trailed off, taking another step.

    The crack of a shot going off echoed throughout the area as the Greninja staggered back in some form of shock. It glanced behind itself, seeing the bullet having punched a hole nearly through an entire tree. The Gallade and Gardevoir froze, both extremely fearful.

    I missed purposely, hopefully that’ll keep them away from me. The hammer clicked again as I nearly stammered. “Stay at a safe distance away and nobody gets hurt… do you understand?”

    It shakily nodded. “W- what happened to you?” the Greninja asked.

    My mind kept trying to come up with potential consequences from telling them my situation. Despite it begging me to do literally anything else, I pushed past it. “Can’t remember, I just ended up here without any memory as to how and why.”

    “What is that thing anyway?” the Gardevoir asked in a tone laced with fear while slowly pointing to my weapon.

    I ignored its question. “I want to know where I am.”

    The Greninja spoke. “In a… uh, forest south of the town that we currently work from.”

    “I’m talking about the region’s name.”

    “The region is Etyth.” He pointed behind himself. “And the town is a seaport known as Narkin.”

    I really did end up in a different world to my own, that was a simultaneously intriguing and terrifying thought. The panicked side of my mind realized that maybe it would do me good to be a little more friendly with them. I carefully put the hammer back into a safer position as I lowered it, still keeping it in my right hand for the time being.

    The Gardevoir had a bag hanging from its shoulder, and I wondered why it hadn’t tried to use its psychic powers yet. Maybe it didn’t know the extent of my weapon, or was unfamiliar with what a human was. Either one gives me somewhat of an advantage. I’d hope they knew nothing about me, while I on the other hand know enough about Pokémon to know which ones I should run on sight from.

    Gardevoir and Gallade being two types of Pokémon I’d run away from, but my legs were hurting even worse than before. I couldn’t stand, much less run. I’m stuck with them until further notice. 

    I  chuckled lightly at the absurdity of the situation. “Who are you three anyway?”

    “We could ask the same,” the Gallade said. “What are you?” 

    I tensed slightly. “Human.” 

    All of them went wide-eyed for a moment. Leaving me to wonder if I said something wrong. Their fear looked to have vanished, replaced by the shock of what I said. 

    “You seriously can’t remember anything as to how you got here?” the Gardevior asked. 

    I nodded. “Not a single thing.” 

    Time dragged on, seconds felt like hours with the tense silence strangling all involved. They didn’t seem hostile to me… for now. I loosened up some more, a more calm atmosphere was growing. 

    “Are you okay?” The Gardevoir looked me over. “I can tell that you’re in pain.”

    A weary sigh escaped me. “My legs are messed up, and I… don’t know what to do now.” 

    A howl suddenly pierced the silence from behind the trio of Pokémon. Their expressions and tone shifted immediately, like I wasn’t even there.

    “And there are those ferals you were talking about…” The Gallade’s arm blades shot outwards as he turned around towards the bushes.

    “Well this is just wonderful… Kira, Ronin, how many are there?”

    The Gardevoir’s powers flared up as she took beside the Gallade. “Can’t tell, I’m guessing they’re dark types.”

    The Greninja turned around, and looked me up and down. “Can you, uh, stand?”

    “No,” I said as the hammer clicked into place again. “But I’m most certainly not defenseless.” He slowly nodded as he took position with the others while still keeping somewhat of an eye on me. I don’t blame him, I nearly shot him after all.

    One by one, about seven Houndour led by a Houndoom jumped through the bushes.

    “Keep ‘em busy,” the Greninja said in a tone that seemed to radiate annoyance as he disappeared from sight.

    They had some semblance of a plan clearly, how deep was to be determined. “You three know what you’re doing?” Guess I should ask why these Pokémon are different from them later.

    The Gallade’s blades began to glow. “Yes we do, just stay low and away from their flames, human.”

    “But I can’t fucking move…” I muttered to myself as I took aim. The Houndoom let out another fear inducing howl that rallied them to start their assault. Should be similar to fighting against wolves, just keep a cool head and aim true.

    Just like when I did it while hunting with my brother, just with a revolver this time. And not a high caliber hunting rifle.

    Ronin, who I guessed was the Gallade, charged up a bright blue ball of something and threw it hard at an approaching Houndour. It sailed through the air, blowing up in its face and blasting it into a tree.

    Kira, the Gardevoir if I logically finished the name game. She charged something up above herself. What looked to be a blast of light slammed into two of the Houndour and knocked them down.

    The one that was half inside the tree didn’t even look alive, the other two got to their feet and continued running mindlessly at us. I wanted to start laughing-

    Flame jumped at us and knocked them further out as two more Houndour jumped in front of me from the bushes. I was cut off from the others. Smiles that could best be described as malicious were planted on both their faces. 

    They thought I was defenseless. Shame that I wasn’t.

    I raised my gun as they attempted to slowly approach with what looked to be flames licking around their mouths, Firefang if I was remembering correctly. A grin grew across my face as the shot lined up.

    The hammer fell as the first shot rang out, stilling the battle for a second as the noise ripped through the area. The Houndour collapsed to the ground as the bullet ripped through its skull, the blood decorating its friend in the shower of red fluids.

    If these were wolves, that would’ve been a hell of a lot less effective. Guess I should be counting my blessings. I noticed that my temporal allies looked rather shocked by the gruesome display before returning their attention back to the fight.

    I narrowed my eyes and pulled the hammer back, peering down the iron sights as the second Houndour charged. The Houndour jumped to the side as I pulled the trigger, the shot rang out, the bullet hitting nothing but air.

    Pain riddled up my ribs and legs as its head rammed into me and knocked me back. It’s jaws clamped down on my shoulder, the adrenaline in my system clawing at my mind to fight back. I clawed its eyes desperately, it yelped and pushed me to the side.

    I grunt as my breath is knocked from my lungs, a tree breaking my momentum a little too fast. The Houndour growled in anger and slowly approached, but stopped short… An orange glow in its maw, I had an educated guess what that meant…

    I scrambled to the right, flames billowing at my previous location. Heat washed over me in all its intensity as I steadied my breathing. My legs refused to allow me to stand up despite the adrenaline coursing through my body.

    I could hear its rapidly approaching footsteps as I twisted around with my weapon aimed directly at it. The clack and bang of my gun ripped through the battle once more, the Houndour yelped as the bullet ripped through its neck. Blood dripped from it, looking at me as the life faded from its eyes and dropping dead.

    Battered, bruised, and now bleeding out of my right shoulder with my legs crippled for reasons unknown. I could feel everything throbbing with some form of pain. My breaths ragged and short with my vision beginning to blur.

    I staved them off… if only barely. I stared at the battle that was still raging in front of me. Most of the Houndour were taken out, only two remained with the Houndoom. Ronin was fighting them off with the Greninja, Kira was missing…

    “Need some help?” I jumped in surprise from the voice. I saw it was Kira, and she looked the least beaten up out of everyone. She glanced at my two no longer alive combatants, something akin to weary satisfaction flashing across her face.

    I didn’t have time to think about why. “Would be much appr-”

    Fire blasted in our direction, deflected by an unseen force. Kira tensed her arms as the flames cleared away, a glow in her eyes and crystal in her chest. She must have used her psychic powers. I wonder if she saw it coming or was just that quick to react.

    Ronin was knocked back by the blast of fire and into a tree, not getting back up. The Greninja jumped over the Houndoom and landed between it and Ronin, getting into a defensive stance while conjuring some sort of water projectile.

    The Houndoom seemed disinterested, turning to see me and Kira. It barked loudly, the two Houndour charging against the Greninja as it charged us.

    She looked down at me briefly, the glow in her eyes intensifying as she snapped her fingers.

    A bright light took my vision. I took a deep breath and found myself a little further away from the battle. If I was remembering correctly from what little experience I had playing Pokémon with their types and advantages, Kira should be able to win this with relative ease through a fairy-type move…

    The Houndoom grinned maniacally as if it was imagining ripping into us with its fangs. A ominous purple smog started to form around its mouth. My heart dropped, that was a poison-type move. I opened my mouth to yell at her to watch out as she teleported behind it as the purple smog exploded from it in a radius.

    Kira fell back, wavering in her stance as she broke out in a coughing fit. Panic swelled across her face as she tripped and fell over. I started crawling closer, the dirt beneath me not giving me much resistance. I needed a better place to shoot from, the closer the better.

    A blur of movement caught my eye. The Greninja sailed through the air, throwing something sharp at the Houndoom. It yelped and growled, seeing its two Houndour not able to fight. Kira got up slowly, trying to back away. Why wouldn’t she just teleport? 

    Something must’ve been messing with her powers, and I had a feeling it was the poison.

    It howled as fire exploded from itself and struck both Kira and the Greninja to the ground. The Houndoom pounced on the shocked Greninja with its fangs bared. Perfect timing, I was just close enough for a shot or three. I grunted in pain as I lifted my revolver up, it felt heavier than usual.

    “HEY,” I shouted at it to get its head to turn in my direction. The hammer fell as one more crack of a bullet tore through what little noise there was. It yelped in pain as it stumbled back, the bullet having created a sizable hole in its neck.

    It seemed afraid now, something unveiled across its face before it ran in the opposite direction. I breathed a sigh of relief, a small smile on me as I sat up properly. The Greninja shakily got to his feet, wiping off some of the blood from the Houndoom.

    He glanced at me, an odd mix of surprise, dread, and relief spreading across his face.

    Kira appeared to have healed herself with something. The poison seemed to no longer be affecting her, judging by her abilities being able to be used again. She tossed a berry at the Greninja, before going and waking Ronin. He was battered quite badly, after being given a berry though… it’s like all he needed now is rest.

    “Are you okay?” I heard Kira ask me.

    She seemed worried about me, though I was more worried about if killing these things was the bad call. Didn’t want people crying bloody murder when I only just arrived after all. “One of them messed up my shoulder and burned me a little.”

    My head began to throb, a headache starting to fester. I didn’t think berries could fix that.

    Instead of tossing me one, she put a hand on my shoulder as it began to glow brightly for a second. The wounds on my shoulder dissipated a little. Providing some much needed relief from all the throbbing.

    Kira examined my legs, her expression changed to one of shock briefly before she regained her composure. “Your legs are… broken, to the point where only a psychic with healing abilities can fix it with intensive treatment. I know we’ve asked this before, but what happened to you?” she asked in a surprised tone.

    “My head… for lack of a better term, is majorly fucked up right now.” A single question came from the recesses of my mind. “And why haven’t you just looked into my head? Can’t you do that?”

    “Who said I haven’t been trying?” she said in a neutral tone. “I’m only trying to see memories that are related to how you got here, but there’s nothing there.”

    I sighed wearily. I wasn’t going anywhere fast because of my legs, and I had nowhere to go either way. I was stuck here alone. The scale of my situation was starting to kick in, dread once more clawed at me from the depths of my mind. What did they want with me? What could they want from me?

    My revolver’s cylinder whirled and clicked as I took out each of the four spent bullet casing. Tossing them to the forest floor before I carefully inserted four live rounds in their place. I spun the cylinder around, its metallic clicking all too familiar to me. I clicked it back into place, deciding to still hold my gun in hand just in case.

    “Did you have somewhere to go?” Kira asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

    “Look, I’m going to be really blunt here…” I stared into the ground, wondering if what I was about to say was the right call. “Why do you want to help me?”

    The wounded Gallade gestured to their purple bands and the badges on them. “We’re a Guild Team, it is our job to care. And for you specifically… well…” he trailed off as a darker look came over him. The dread in my mind festered, I could feel it spreading into my demeanor.

    “He means that you’re a more out of the ordinary case for us, not that it changes much.” Kira assured.

    “I just want to go home,” I said bluntly. “What did you see anyway? You said that you were checking my recent memories or something.”

    Kira sighed. “Truth be told, I could ask you questions all day about the things I can see in your memories. But we need to get back to Narkin to fix your legs and recuperate first.”

    “It’s not like I’m in any position to say no.”

    “Hey, looky here,” the Greninja said in a gruff voice, approaching with what looked like makeshift crutches made of the branches of the nearby trees. “We don’t know what happened, and you can’t even remember that yourself anyway. Your only option right now is us, unless you want to be in this forest after dark with broken legs.”

    I raised my hands in defeat before putting my revolver back in its holster. “My name is Mason.” I said to the Greninja as he helped me to my feet with the crutches.

    He shook my hand briefly as I started getting balanced. “Mine is Lloyd, and thank you for saving me.”

    I kept silent, only nodding at his thanks.

    Lloyd left me alone to my thoughts. I saw Kira was helping Ronin with his more serious wounds, he got messed up pretty badly by the fire it would seem. However I was somewhat worried for Kira herself, she was poisoned and I don’t know the truest extent that it can go to. But maybe she already cured herself since she seems to be the resident healer of the group.

    The Greninja seemed to be talking with them, probably about what to do with me. I just hope that this world doesn’t have a thirst for human blood. Because if it does, I don’t think I have the bullets to take all them on.

    I was working my job as an assistant to my dad in various police and detective stuff not even a few hours ago. And now I’ve somehow ended up here and already killed three Pokémon in the span of around twenty minutes. This whole situation was insane, unpredictable, and quite frankly dangerous.

    Yet I felt like those things had to be ignored if I wanted to survive.

    I noticed that Ronin had approached me as Kira and Lloyd seemed to intensify their conversation. He seemed disinterested in what they were talking about.

    Ronin looked me up and down, he seemed slightly in awe of me. “Do you really not know anything?”

    “Not a thing. What should I expect?”

    His voice lowered to a whisper. “Most will be wary or curious of you, but there are reasons to keep your head low. Some Pokémon really don’t like you’re kind, and there isn’t much talking to be had with them.”

    “Why would anyone be interested in me?”

    “It was a long time ago…” He took a deep breath. “A war between a sect of Pokémon who claimed to be on the side of Arceus himself and humans took place hundreds of years ago. Eventually the first Guild Federation was created to combat the cult.” Ronin narrowed his eyes. “Though it was in vain, humans were gone. Up and vanished. Only rumors to speculate where they all went, until… well, you showed up.”

    I shook my head. “I don’t exactly have any answers to your questions regarding where humans went… I’m not from around here.”

    “Then what is it like where you’re from?”

    He seemed very defensive about this, like he knew much more than he was letting on. Although I didn’t really see a reason for anything he said to be a direct lie.

    “Pretty good,” I pulled my phone from out of my pocket. “This thing looks like a useless piece of junk… until I tell you that under normal circumstances I can talk to someone across the entire world so long as they have one of these and a stable connection.”

    “Connection to what?”

    I sighed, realizing the can of worms I just opened. Though an analogy came to mind that might simplify it. “Imagine being able to connect psychically with anyone, no matter where they were so long as a few conditions were met. This thing allows you to do so. That is the butchered explanation, I cannot explain the more complicated parts even if my life depended on it. Afraid such things aren’t what I’m good at.”

    Ronin slowly nodded. Maybe the idea wasn’t as big a deal as I had first thought. The less I have to explain, the better… I guess.

    “Going to guess and say that you don’t have any natural affinity with the elements,” he pointed to my revolver. “Weapons aren’t particularly popular amongst Pokémon.”

    I unholstered it, the revolver’s cold metal briefly pinching my skin. “Eh, this thing is in a class of its own. But if I’m being honest, hands down I’d trade in guns and ammo for the ability to mess with other people’s heads.”

    Ronin narrowed his eyes again. “Tactics like that will only earn you dishonor, holders of the power over minds must keep their integrity even against our enemies. Lest we be like them.”

    “Honor bound huh? So you can’t read my mind without proper reason?” I asked.

    “Not exactly, though there are exceptions and even then… it’s just hard to explain. Especially to an outsider who doesn’t have such abilities.” He seemed a little annoyed at my comment. “Though I must ask, what other weapons do you use?”

    I remembered that I still had my typical equipment with me. From my nightstick and taser, to my stun-gun and pepper-spray. Electricity was strong against water, right? I wonder if it would be able to bring down anything here. Though I couldn’t exactly get new cartridges for my taser out here…

    My stun-gun was something I could show relatively easily. Ronin seemed curious about it, whether because of the word ‘police’ along it’s center or how it looked was to be seen. I flicked on the switch and briefly pressed the button. The cackling of electricity surprised him, taking a step back as Kira and Lloyd briefly turned to see what the noise was.

    I chuckled a little. “This thing won’t kill anyone, though it’ll hurt. Meant to subdue people when using a pistol isn’t justifiable.”

    “So you’re a peacekeeper?” Ronin asked as I put the stun-gun back.

    “We call people who keep law and order the ‘police’ but that technically is the job description. I’m not exactly the most… disciplined at it.” Still fresh, working with my dad helps quite a lot.

    I didn’t exactly know why I was telling him this. Pokémon don’t exist in the ‘real’ world outside of entertainment through various media. Dear gosh I wasn’t having that conversation with them right now. And according to Kira, she read my mind and already knows…

    Ronin opened his mouth to respond, stopping short as Lloyd and Kira joined us. Lloyd spoke in an even voice. “So uh, Mason… since you’re a little new around here and everything… me, Kira, and Ronin have come to a unanimous decision to help you should you accept.”

    “What’s the catch?”

    “There isn’t one.”

    I squinted a little. “What about after all that?”

    “Well…” Lloyd looked at everyone else, who nodded silently. “You could go on your way, do your own thing. Or you could possibly make or join a Guild team if you’re looking for work.”

    I sheepishly shook my head. “I don’t know a single thing about how your cities and stuff work. Let alone laws, jobs, and stuff like that-”

    Kira sighed. “With your current circumstances being as dire as they are, and due to you fighting alongside us… Lloyd also wanted to extend an invitation to join our team.”

    A small look of shock briefly invaded my calm demeanor as I contemplated the proposition. This is the best case scenario, no doubt about it in any way. Other than my legs being busted up this whole thing might not be that bad.

    In the back of my mind, the headache that was settling in seemed to get much worse. “I’d like to join your team then, if I’m welcome to.”


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