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    Lune the Thief makes his getaway. Although dejected, Xander still manages to secure a roof over his head.

    “Wh-what the… What the hell is wrong with you?”

    The Pokécoin thief was breathing hard, blood now dripping down his cheek. He was snarling, attempting to enforce a threatening facade. However, it was a struggle to keep his composure while his ear stung with such a searing pain.

    The Litten staring across the alleyway at him was still holding the rusted metal spike in his mouth, which was now glazed with crimson. His eyes were blazing, and he looked ready to take another strike.

    When you’re an outlaw, you can’t exactly scream for help. Risks like that had to be extremely calculated, and the Nickit was in no state to consider roping in other Pokémon. He needed to either book it or knock this guy out, and the sliced cartilage above his head was beckoning him towards a getaway.

    Without a second thought, the thief lept to the closest windowsill and scrambled for the roof of the nearest building. 

    “Hey! Get back here!” The Litten below him growled through the iron spike. 

    The Nickit could hear the sound of his claws scratching the bricks, but it seemed like this particular Litten had no idea how to jump. The thief took this opportunity to continue his ascension of the building, and as soon as he was at the top– he ran as fast as he could away towards the Base.

    “What a piece of work…” The Nickit grumbled to himself between tired breaths. He could feel the blood start to cake to his fur, which was more annoying than anything else. The whole situation was mildly annoying, actually. It was peculiar to witness the typical town dweller resorting to such dirty tactics, and what the hell kind of Litten doesn’t use Ember or Scratch for Arceus’s sake? It pissed the thief off how unpredictable that guy was.

    Oh well, he wasn’t going to be a problem for him this evening anymore. That nutcase couldn’t catch up to him even if he somehow sprouted wings.

    By navigating the city from top down, the Nickit was able to slip pretty easily into Obsidian Alley. Hopping down from the shortest roof onto a stack of potato sacks, he could safely make it to the ground. One of the few businesses down this path was The Autumn Leaf, a small tea and coffee shop with a Trevanant logo. Despite the “CLOSED” sign hanging by the window, the Nickit slipped inside.

    “Ey! Can’tcha read! It says– Oh, Lune. It’s just you.” Lune smiled up at the Audino behind the counter. She gave him a glare as she put the dishes she was just cleaning away. “The Guards have been patrolling like crazy lately; you scared the shit out of me.”

    “The door should have been locked, Chamomile. You can’t get mad at me for your own personal negligence.” Lune gave her a smug look as he trotted over to a dislodged bookshelf.

    “I sure as hell can get mad at you f–” The Audino’s eyes widened when she saw Lune’s blood now dripping to the floor. “Honey, your ear! What happened?” The illusion flickered away as the Zoroark hurried over to the injured Nickit. She grabbed his chin carefully and tilted his head so she could look at it better. 

    Lune growled slightly, a small blush peppering his face below his fur. “It really isn’t anything to worry about. It’s just a cut.”

    “Cuts lead to infections.” Camomile released his head and started walking to the back. “Get your ass over here and let me treat it.”

    “I really should just report to Boss though.” Lune turned back towards the bookcase, but was suddenly grabbed by his front paw. He yelped as he was dragged to the shop’s washroom.

    Chamomile released him, making zero conversation once she started to run hot water over a cloth. As soon as it was wet, Chamomile began to scrub softly at the blood already drying to Lune’s fur, working her way up to the wound. Lune winced, failing to hold back a whine as he was being nursed.

    “You better not have gotten in a scuffle with the cops. I swear to Arceus above, if you lead ‘em straight here, I’m gonna kick your ass.” Chamomile grumbled as she rinsed out the cloth and soaked it this time with soapy water. Lune kept still as she placed the rag back along the cut, which was hard to do. Why did it have to sting so much?

    “It wasn’t the cops, you worrywart.” Lune grumbled. “I was just messing with some kid Boss told me to rob, but he had a lot more… spunk… than I thought he would. Everything I expected he would do, he didn’t. It threw me off a bit.” He winced, this time not from the water.

    “Well, maybe this is a sign that you should stop playing with your food, Lune. You ain’t strong enough to get away with it like the others are.” Chamomile opened a cabinet, and smiled when she located the last of the adhesive bandages. “I thought we were out. You guys better not get hurt until I can pick up some more.”

    “It isn’t about being strong . It’s all about being smart . I knew when to quit, didn’t I?” Lune’s tail twitched when Chamomile gave him another irritated look. “Quit treating me like a baby.”

    “I’m not treating you like a baby, I’m treating you like a friend. ” Chamomile growled.

    Lune growled back. “Oh yeah? Then stop doing that. I don’t need you to fret over me.”

    Chamomile gave the ugliest look yet as she stood up straight, towering over Lune. “Fine then.” She dropped the bandages and left the washroom. “Lune doesn’t need anyone, so he can apply his own damn bandages.”

    Lune huffed as she left, making an ugly face and gesture that she didn’t even see, before looking down at the bandages. There was literally no way he was going to get those on with his stubby paws, but he didn’t care. He didn’t even want to put bandages on in the first place. The Nickit slipped out of the bathroom, refusing to look at whatever Chamomile was doing as he pulled one of the books in such a way to trigger the switch. The bookshelf swung inwards, revealing the passageway down into Team Outlier’s base. Lune walked down the steps, and soon the secret door closed behind him.

    “Hey! Get back here!” Xander snarled up at the fleeing thief, his make-shift weapon muffling the sound of his voice. He charged at the wall and attempted to leap up after him, but it was no use. Xander’s limbs failed to carry him all the way up, and his claws slid uncomfortably against the brick. He spit the metal spike out from his mouth before yelling, “Coward!” But by then, the Nickit was already long gone. 

    Once the fury had left, all Xander was left with was disappointment. His own mental shortcomings led to him losing the money, and now it was his physical shortcomings that let the thief get away. Xander stood still, wallowing in the silence before finally resigning himself to admitting his failings to Headmaster Zephyr.

    Xander’s tail dropped as he slugged his way out of the alley. With his snout pointed at the ground, he didn’t even notice the Hypno in front of him until bumping into her. “Ack– Excuse me–” He looked up at her and tilted his head, “Wait a second, what are you doing here?”

    The Musharna and Hypno both had sympathetic smiles on their faces. “We were trying to find you… but young people are so fast! We’re lucky that lovely Furret knew which way you went.” The Hypno cackled to herself, “we’ve got your room all ready, so how ‘bout you come with us back to the inn?”

    “Oh… no ma’am… I can’t. I’m so sorry, but I couldn’t stop the thief who had my money.” His ears fell down and against his head. “Maybe if the Guildmaster grants me some more funds, I can, but I wouldn’t count on it. I better just figure something else out.”

    “Don’t be silly,” the Musharna beckoned Xander forward with a hand. “We have a special deal going on! There’s no way you won’t be able to afford a stay with us.”

    “You don’t understand. I don’t have any money at all–”

    “Hush now, kiddo! Come back with us, won’t ya?” Hypno looked at her husband and nodded her head. Before Xander could object again, he was lifted into the air.

    “Wha–” Xander couldn’t move, and was being held in the air by Musharna’s Psychic.

    “If you really, really don’t like it, we can let you do whatever it is you’re rattling on about. But, can’t you at least see the room for yourself before you decide?” Hypno tilted her head sweetly, and started to walk slowly back towards the Drowsy Munna.

    Xander let out an irritated sigh, feeling that there was no hope of getting through to these old folks. If they really wanted him to go see the hotel room, then it looked like that’s what he would have to do before inevitably breaking their hearts with reality. He looked down at the ground below him as Musharna hovered him along. At first, Xander wanted to complain, and request he at least be put down, but after such a long day…

    It took longer than usual to make it down the street and around the corner, but the three of them made it back to the hotel through the darkness of twilight. Musharna set Xander down and bowed thankfully at his wife, who was holding open the door. Xander followed him inside, and turned his head to watch the other host enter the warm building.

    “First one on the right!” Musharna levitated a key over to Xander, who took it with his mouth. The elderly couple watched him expectantly as he walked over to the door, which was mildly unnerving. The uneasiness faded into embarrassment as he fumbled with the key for a hot minute, but as soon as he opened the door–

    It… was a staff room. Xander walked inside, giving curious glances at everything around him. It was more or less a regular hotel room, but with cleaning supplies and tools stocked up for easy access. Xander placed the key on the ground in front of him before turning around.

    “Hey… Can you guys please explain to me what’s going on?” Xander gave the couple an exasperated look, but they still seemed thoroughly jubilant.

    “Of course we can, sweetheart. It would be silly to rent out a room for free, but it’s even sillier to not give a kind young Pokémon like yourself a place to stay.” The Hypno picked the key to the room up and placed it on the nightstand. “So, we’re having a special deal! Any young Litten who needs someplace to rest can book this room any day he needs to.”

    “I couldn’t possibly take advantage of your kindness like that.” Xander frowned. “I haven’t done a single thing to deserve this.”

    “Well, it’s the thought that counts, innit?” Musharna chuckled as he floated into the room. “We sorta knew you’d feel like this, though. Don’t worry, the room ain’t free.” Xander gave him an increasingly puzzled look during his coughing fit. Only afterwards could he continue, “every night stay here, all we request is a little bit of help in return. We can’t afford a staff… which means we can’t really afford upkeep, and Gloria and I are only getting older and older.” The Musharna sighed. “I can’t do work like I used to, you know.”

    “You don’t have to accept our terms, dear…” The Hypno gave Xander a sad look, “but, I thought we would at least make the offer. We got real worried ‘boutcha after you ran out the door…”

    Xander glanced around at the room once more, feeling mildly overwhelmed by the whole thing. “I don’t… I don’t know if I…” He felt his throat tighten.

    Tears suddenly formed in his eyes, and his emotional willpower faltered. He didn’t understand why these Pokémon were being so nice to him. Everyone he’d met these past couple days were complete strangers, who seemingly– on a whim– extended severe gratitude towards him that he didn’t even deserve. 

    Remmy and Gloria drew back slightly, worried they had done something wrong as the Litten started to choke back tears. Gloria’s voice quivered as she tried to get closer again. “We didn’t mean to make you feel bad, sweetheart. Please don’t cry…”

    Xander didn’t hear her; he was pulled too deep into his own head. Everyone was treating him as if he was special somehow, giving his mere existence negative and positive reactions and for why? Did it have something to do with this “human” thing, or whatever?

    No, it wasn’t “whatever.” Xander’s vision started to go dark. He didn’t want to be special, and he didn’t want to be treated like he was special. Darkness started to cloud his vision. There was something wrong with him, and everyone around him insisted it was a good thing. Xander tried to grip the floor below him, but there was nothing to hold him still.

    Xander suddenly grew cold as violent imagination took hold of him. He could no longer escape his own head as everything from the past couple of days started to hit him all at once.

    Tears hit the floorboards as the Litten began shaking and shivering. Gloria mumbled something, which Xander still couldn’t hear, before her eyes started to glow a beautiful shade of violet. She placed her hand on his head gently, and her mouth gaped open slightly as vague, glowing forms seemed to be sapped from Xander’s mind. His head started to clear along with his overwhelming doubts, and the Hypno’s eyes returned to normal as she pulled away.

    “Yuck! Nightmares always taste the worst.” Gloria stuck her tongue out, and her husband laughed fondly.

    “N…nightmare? How– Wh…”

    “Don’t worry, Dearie, I just used Dream Eater! Us Hypno have the power to consume dreams, don’cha know!”

    “Okay, but I was wide awake!” Xander frowned up at her, and the Hypno gave him a knowing look.

    “Well, it’s not super common… But, some Pokémon can daydream so hard that it pulls them straight out of reality. Either way… I was able to consume it. Sorry if that’s pushing your boundaries, I just couldn’t keep watching you shake and cry like that…” Gloria stood up. “Maybe, we’ve been really pushing it…”

    “No, no. I’m sorry. I don’t really know why I…” Xander clammed up before he could continue, shaking his head and making a quick attempt for everyone to look past the subject. “I’m exhausted beyond belief. I think I might just have to take you up on this special offer.” Xander smiled as the old Pokémon lit up. “However, I have just one more condition.”

    “Sure, what is it?” Remmy tilted his head, which made his whole body sort of tip.

    “I can only do this for ten days, just like I wanted to pay for before. If I’m not out of here by then, charge me!” Xander smiled confidently, wiping his remaining tears away with his paw.

    “Hmm… Deal!” Gloria giggled. “Don’t worry about taking care of anything else for the night, though. Like you said, it’s been a long one. Us old timers really need some Z’s.” Gloria and Remmy left the room together, and Gloria gave a final glance back. “Feel free to get us if you need anything, okay dear?” She waited for the Litten to nod before closing the door.

    Xander was frozen in the middle of the room, any feeling of relief being stunted by everything else. He knew he needed to get some sleep, but the Litten could no longer tolerate the dirt packed into his fur– which was suddenly making him very physically sensitive. Xander pushed himself to enter the washroom, running the faucet and waiting for the water to get warm. He knew that a Fire Type like him couldn’t take a full bath, but a little bit of still water couldn’t hurt.

    He waited for the wash basin to fill with an inch or two of water before shutting it off and carefully climbing inside. The hot water felt great against his worn out paw pads, and he started to carefully scrub at his fur. Xander was making great strides to relax, but it felt as though something was looming over him, like a foreboding storm beyond the horizon. As he cleaned the dirt from his fur, speckles of Lune’s blood were unknowingly being washed away.


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