The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Melrose says farewell to her family before she and Xander begin their journey to Adstrum’s Capital City.

    Melrose could hardly get a wink of sleep. Once the sun started to peak over the horizon, she hopped out of bed and began packing everything she thought necessary both for school and the trip to the capital. Any and all money she had saved up was tucked carefully in a pouch at the bottom of her new Treasure Bag, and there was no way she would be running short on apples for the road.

    Koa was already loading a cart with produce for the trip, and Gaius was helping him move crates and barrels in the back. The Tropius was so occupied that he didn’t notice Melrose run up to them, the squeak of the Pikachu’s voice snapping Gaius back to reality. “What are you both up to?”

    “Ah, Koa thought it would be smart to run a delivery to the market during this trip. Sort of a ‘kill two birds’ kind of deal. He’s plenty strong enough to take the apples and you both.” Gaius looked down and realized it was only the Pikachu. “Oh, is Xander not awake yet?”

    “Haven’t checked,” Melrose admitted. “It’s pretty early though, so I doubt it. I’ve been awake for a while, just stayed in bed until a few minutes ago.”

    “Well, don’t rush packing or anything. Double check that you’ve got everything with you, especially the stuff sent from Red Academy.” Gaius nudged the Pikachu back inside with his head, and she giggled at how easy it was for him to move her. 

    The Pikachu listened well to her father’s advice and double checked everything in her bag. As she was doing this, a very sleepy looking Litten slugged his way down the stairs. “Hey, Mel…” Xander spoke through a yawn, taking the steps one paw at a time. “Do you need any help packing?”

    “Nah, I’m already done. Papa just wanted me to make absolutely, one-hundred percent sure I had everything. One time, I didn’t pack any snacks for the road…” She shuddered. “That was a bad day at Shimmer Pond.”

    Xander blinked slowly before yawning again. “Speaking of… am I allowed to have some breakfast?”

    “Of course, Xandy! Let me make you something–” Melrose set her stuff down and hurried to the pantry, giving Xander zero time to complain about being called “Xandy.” She looked around, mumbling to herself as she started to grab a selection of fruits in the dry storage. “He reads me as the type to like a fruit salad in the morning!” She hastily tossed them on the table before rushing to the ice box to get some more– Xander looked on, having no idea how she could possibly have this much energy in the morning.

    Chile left his room and smiled up at Xander, “Good morning, beloved stranger.” The Lotad giggled as he walked past him. “Ready for Mel’s big day?”

    Xander nodded his head and scratched behind his ear with his back paw. It was an oddly instinctual movement. “Think so, but I might fall back asleep on the way there. Somehow, I still don’t feel fully rested.”

    “Huh, that’s pretty weird.” Chile frowned. “I wonder why that might be.”

    Melrose rushed back out with her selection of berries. “Okay, Xander, pick out your favorites!”

    “Melrose…  I have no idea what my favorite berries would be. I don’t even remember what any of those are,” Xander sighed.

    “Oh… right, yeah.” Melrose laughed away her embarrassment. “I’ll just try to pick out what I think you might like, then.”

    “I’m sure I’ll like whatever you make for me, so try not to stress about it or anything.” Xander laughed quietly as he watched his friend start to cut a few of the berries up. “Make enough for both of us though, okay?”

    “Me too, please!” Chile beamed. 

    “Heard and heard!” Melrose started to hum to herself as she cut more of the fruit. Xander couldn’t help but smile kind of stupidly; it was really cute to watch. Once the Pikachu was done chopping, she placed all the little diced pieces into three bowls. “Enjoy, fellas!”

    “Thanks, Rosie.” Chile hopped up into a chair and started to dig in. Xander was a bit slower with his eating, still afflicted by his drowsiness. “Oh, be careful about the little red bits, Xander. They got a spicy kick to ‘em.”

    “Noted,” Xander took a little nibble. A kick was a mild understatement, but the cinnamon-like spice of the fruit put a pep in Xander’s step real quick. 

    Once the three were done with the salads, Melrose cleaned up the bowls and set them in the sink. “Nate will just have to wash these later.”

    “What an excellent parting gift,” Xander teased. Melrose giggled, so Xander continued. “It’ll be something to remember you by. When you come back to visit, they’ll still be there… rotting in the sink.”

    “Ew! I sure hope not!” Melrose stuck her tongue out. “Chile, please, for the Love of Arceus, make sure Nate does the dishes. You boys better take care of yourselves while I’m gone…”

    “We’re not barbarians, Mel.” Chile scoffed, pretending to be offended. He cracked a small smile afterwards. “You two better finish getting ready now, hmm?”

    “I don’t have anything to pack, so I’m just waiting on Melrose.” Xander looked over at the Pikachu, “Do you have everything you need?”

    “Yep! And, I even double checked. We’re all set!” She bounded out the front door excitedly, and Xander purred to himself as he followed suit. Koa and Gaius had completed their own preparations, and were now joined by a slightly disgruntled looking Nate. “I’m ready to go, Papa!”

    “Good to hear. Hop up in the cart and say your goodbyes.” Gaius stretched his wings out towards the now fully risen sun. He closed his eyes and took in the warmth of its rays, and Xander couldn’t help imagining how nice this weather felt to a Grass Type Pokémon like him.

    Melrose easily climbed into the apple cart, but Xander had to hype himself up for the cat-like leap upwards. His tail twitched a few times before he sprung up, but a slight miscalculation led to the Litten grabbing the back of the cart and pulling it down. Xander tumbled to the ground, along with a few stray apples, and tucked his blushing face away as his little audience laughed. He hopped up into the now open cart before Melrose and Nate redid the latch.

    “Farewell, Rosie.” Chile sighed sweetly. “Stay safe, ya hear?”

    “I will, I promise.” Melrose smiled down at the Lotad.

    “Write to us whenever you can.” Gaius nuzzled the top of her head softly. “Eat well, and behave yourself.”

    Melrose giggled, trying to prevent her now forming tears from falling. “I will, Papa. I love you…”

    “I love you too, sugar.” He pulled away slowly and looked down at Nate, whose arms were crossed tightly. He nudged Nate with his foot, and the little Aipom squeaked as he gave the Tropius an upset glance. They had a silent exchange before the monkey Pokémon softened up.

    “Mel… I hope you have a good time. Xander,” He tried to give the Litten an aggressive look, but he cracked after only a few seconds. “Keep her safe, or you’ll be sorry.”

    Xander nodded, “I will, don’t worry.”

    Both Pokémon shared an understanding look before Nate scoffed again. He turned his head away. “Good, ‘cause Mel can be a real dummy.”


    The group shared another honest laugh before Xander and Melrose settled comfortably in the cart with the produce. Melrose didn’t stop waving goodbye until her farmhouse family was out of sight. She wiped her teary eyes and smiled to herself. Xander put a paw on her arm, tilting his head worriedly. “You gonna be alright?”

    She nodded, lifting her head up towards the morning sky. “It’s not like it’s goodbye forever…”

    The two of them enjoyed the natural silence around them as Koa pulled their apple filled caravan of adventure onwards. Xander appreciated the moment of peace after such a rowdy twenty-four hours. The chirping of the surrounding bug and bird Pokémon created such a lovely ambiance that Xander almost fell right back asleep.

    However, Xander was only able to get in a few moments of dosing before being shaken by Melrose. The Pikachu was so excited that her fingertips zapped Xander with a mild static. He couldn’t help hissing.

    “Sorry, sorry! Look, look quickly!” The Pikachu pointed out past the horizon. Xander sluggishly pulled his head up, but was glad that he did. A large flock of Butterfree were fluttering along in the distant sky. “Where do you think they’re all going?”

    “Hmph, it’s migration. A lot of Pokémon do that to avoid the cold.” Koa spoke without looking back at the two Pokémon. “Looks pretty organized, so they must be nomads.”

    “Whoa…” Melrose watched them for another few seconds, surprising Koa and Xander with her silence. It was actually Xander who broke the quiet moment.

    “So, why is it that you all act civilized… but some Pokémon don’t? Like that Tangel- err… Tangrowth that attacked us?”

    “Huh? Oh! I guess I never thought about why that might be weird to someone who didn’t grow up here.” Melrose smiled at Xander. “You see, the Elite at the capital say this pheno… phenom… pheee…”

    “Phenomenon.” Koa huffed.

    “Yes! Phenomenon. They say this phenomenon is caused by all the Mystery Dungeons.” Xander gave Melrose a confused look, and the Pikachu rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “I don’t really know if I can explain it all that well.”

    “Let me give it a go,” The Mudsdale cleared his throat before continuing. “It’s pretty well documented that Mystery Dungeons ain’t no normal places. They’re bigger on the inside than on the outside, and they change every time you go into one. Pokémon that are born in ‘em, or stay in one for too long… they lose their sense of sapience, so they act all wild like you saw.”

    “Okay… and this occurs why? Because Mystery Dungeons aren’t normal places?” Xander cocked his head to one side, even though the Mudsdale wasn’t looking at him.

    “That’s one way to put it, yeah. The big shots say it’s because Mystery Dungeons are distortions in space and time, which can do some wacky things to a Pokémon’s brain. Even weirder is that they’re all inclined to attack anyone they see, which is probably why most people call ‘em ‘Wild Pokémon’.”

    “Wait, ‘distortions in space and time’? That sounds really dangerous! You all go into those dungeons willingly?” Xander recoiled.

    “Well, yeah!” Melrose smiled, her eyes shining brightly. “They’re so exciting! Explorers have been trying to unlock all their secrets for centuries!” Her cheeks sparked as she pumped her fists. “I’d do anything to find an undiscovered Mystery Dungeon!”

    “Anything, huh?” Koa chuckled. “Think you could be quiet the whole rest of the way there?”

    “Nope!” Melrose giggled, not even hesitating. Koa rolled his eyes playfully, which Xander barely caught.

    “Anyhow, I’ve heard a few rumors about wild Pokémon that can snap out of it… but, that’s all the claim is. A rumor.” Koa carefully navigated over some overgrown tree roots. The cart bumped slightly, and the two Pokémon inside it were tossed around. “And, to lose your mind like that, you would have to stay in a dungeon for a real long time.”

    “I-I s-see,” Xander’s voice shook as the cart did. “G-good to know I-I g-guess.”

    “My turn for questions!” Melrose poked at Xander’s chest. “Got any clue what this gold ring around your neck is about? It looks fancy!”

    “Hmm?” Xander looked down at the solid necklace. “Weird, it feels so natural that I didn’t find its presence that odd or significant.”

    “Well, there were much more mysterious things about you beforehand! I was kinda hoping bringing it up might spark some memories in that noggin of yours.” Melrose giggled mischievously. “Did it work?”

    “No.” Xander put it bluntly. “It doesn’t make me feel any sort of way, aside from maybe… confused?”

    “Confused? How?” Melrose looked away from the golden glitz and back at her friend’s face.

    “Look at the size of the necklace, then at the rest of my body. Notice anything off about it?” Xander watched Melrose squint at the ring before shaking her head no. “Melrose, I can’t take it off. My head is too big, and there’s no way it could slide down past my shoulders.”

    “Gasp!” Melrose exclaimed, actually saying the word ‘gasp’. “You’re right! It’s as if it was welded right on your body! That’s… yeah, that’s really weird.”

    Xander nudged at it a few times with his paw. “At least that means no one will be stealing it.” He gave a sheepish laugh before curling back up in the cart. “I need another cat nap…”

    “Aww… Alright, sleepyhead.” Melrose sighed. “I’ll try not to wake you up next time I see somethin’ exciting.”

    “Heh… Thanks, Rosie.” Xander’s eyelids fell as he tucked his nose closer to his belly. He could hear a hushed whisper come from Melrose.

    “That just means I get to bother you all morning, Koa! Hehehee…”

    “Arceus, have mercy on my soul.”


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