The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Melrose and Xander arrive in Constella, the Capital of Adstrum, and find their way to R.E.D. Academy.

    The apple cart slowed to a halt once the capital city came into view. “Look ahead, kiddos.” Koa’s booming voice jolted Xander awake. “Constella is hardly a few minutes away.”

    Xander peaked his head over the side of the cart. Despite being described to him as the capital of an entire kingdom, Xander still found himself amazed by the large castles and the massive, sturdy wall surrounding the whole city. Even at a distance, the Constella’s grand aura didn’t falter.

    Koa started to walk again without warning, causing Xander to stumble and fall against one of the crates. Melrose giggled as she helped the Litten back up. “Hey, sleepy-head!”

    “Eugh, hey…” Xander rubbed his face with his paw. “How long was I out? Did I somehow manage to sleep through the whole trip?” 

    “If it gives you any idea, it’s past noon.” Melrose removed an apple from one of the carts. “Are you hungry? I had a snack a lil’ bit ago.”

    “Past noon?” Xander ignored the food offer and gazed up at the sky. Sure enough, the sun was high above the horizon. Xander’s ears flattened against his head, feeling ashamed. All he ever seemed to do since becoming conscious– was sleep.

    Melrose nudged an apple into Xander’s cheek. “They’re farm freshhh.” The Pikachu sang with a giggle. “Crisper than a clean sheet of snow on a grassy field!”

    Xander rolled his eyes playfully. “You don’t have to sell the idea of an apple to me, Melrose.” He pawed the fruit away from his face. “But, no thank you. I’m still full from breakfast.”

    Melrose frowned, “Alright then, Mister, but I better not hear you complain about how hungry you are once we get to the city!”

    Both Pokémon watched the scenery roll by as Koa pulled them closer to their destination. Now that the group was only a few miles out, they could see far more Pokémon on the road than just themselves. The drawbridge to enter the city was down, letting anyone leave and enter, and was guarded by a set of horse Pokémon in shining silver armor. As Koa approached the gate, he gave a stern look back at Melrose and Xander.

    “Now, since we’re bringing this here cart into town, those guards are going to want to inspect it. Be on your best behavior, ya hear.”

    “Yes sir.” Xander nodded his head.

    “Koa, c’mon! We aren’t trouble makers!” Melrose’s cheeks sparked as she pitched the miniature fit.

    “Mhmm, sure. Sure.” Koa trotted forwards. As he predicted, the two Rapidash variants stopped him in his tracks. “Afternoon, gentlemen. Got a fresh stock of apples for y’all.”

    “Of course, of course. We trust you, but it’s standard procedure for us to check. Hope you don’t mind.” The gallant Rapidash with colorful hair spoke with a snobbish tone that put Xander off. His sarcasm was cleverly disguised by his accent, but Xander could see right through it.

    The Rapidash with a flaming mane also approached the cart. He gave a few sniffs of the air, and nudged the produce barrel to shake it a little. “Don’t sense any explosives. Everything checks out to me, Edgeworth.”

    “Hmm… very well then. Welcome to Constella.” The Psychic Rapidash bowed his head, signaling Koa to advance into the city walls.

    Melrose’s eyes shone brightly once she could see the bustling streets. The castle town was made from stone-brick, medieval architecture. The side paths that weaved between alleyways and storefronts were marked with dirt, but the main road carved through Constella was made from beautifully laid out cobblestone.

    Pokémon were populating every corner, each going about their day as usual. It was fantastical to watch the flying Pokémon above navigate the towers and tall businesses, avoiding the traffic below them. Xander watched a Peliper perch atop a roof to hand deliver a parcel.

    “It’s pretty impressive,” Xander admitted out loud. “It almost makes me feel sort of… small.”

    “Well, you are small.” Koa laughed. “I get whatcha mean, though. Even a big guy like me has to crane his neck to look up at the buildings ‘round here. I’ll drop y’all off in front of the academy… Soon as I figure out where it is.”

    “I think…” Melrose started to glance around, climbing onto Koa’s back to get a better view. “If we follow the main road towards the castle, then we should be able to find it. Right?”

    “Worth a shot.” Koa trudged forward, occasionally slowing as to not trample over any Pokémon nearby. The Mudsdale’s impressive size became evermore apparent each time someone tried to pass in front of him. Once Koa made it to the central plaza, it was even harder for him to get around. Koa had to be extremely mindful of his hooves and where they were going, mostly as to not crush someone’s market goods.

    Koa stuttered to a halt when the back wheel of the cart nicked the corner of a clothing stall. “Damn it… alright kids, change of plans. Dragging this cart along is turning into a big hassle. I need to set up in the market, and you two will have to walk to school.”

    “Aww… okay.” Melrose sighed and crossed her arms. “Darn it. I liked being escorted around.”

    Koa carefully walked over to a large tent, staring down at a Kecleon who was standing just outside its entrance. “Excuse me, sir. I need to rent a stall.”

    The Kecleon looked up from his clipboard and squinted at Koa. “Hmm, righto. One moment, one moment.” He scribbled something down before flipping a few pages down. “Booth 116 is open, just hand over the 30,000 Pokécoins, please.”

    “Thirty–” Koa’s nostrils flared. “Last time it was only 20,000!”

    “Sorry, sorry. The Merchant Guildmaster had to raise the prices. If you want the booth, you’ll have to pay the new price.”

    Koa huffed, “Fine then. 30,000 it is. Mel, can you give this nice Kecleon the absurd amount of money he’s askin’ for?”

    Melrose nodded and reached into Koa’s personal satchel, grabbing three bags that Xander assumed were full of whatever money this world used. She handed the Kecleon the pouches from atop Koa, and the chameleon Pokémon nodded his head. “We’ll give these a quick count, then I’ll be back with your permit. Yes, yes.”

    The Kecleon entered the tent and closed the flap behind him. Koa mumbled something to himself before the Pokémon returned with a yellow-tinted paper. “Here is your permit.” He handed it to Melrose, as she was the closest Pokémon with hands, and adjusted his spectacles. “By the way, you’re the Happy Apple folk, aren’t you?”

    “Yes sir!” Melrose answered eagerly.

    “Ah, then, you will be returning soon with the direct delivery to the merchant’s guild. So, what’s with this?” He gestured a clawed hand towards the cart.

    “Oh, I’m here to attend R.E.D. Academy!” Melrose tilted her head up with pride. “Mr. Gaius figured we could get some Farmer’s Market cash if we were makin’ the trip anyways.”

    Kecleon nodded his head, clearly not caring that much about what Melrose was saying to him. “Very well then. Booth 116 is just over there,” He pointed a claw at an empty booth. “May fortune shine upon you, and whatnot.” He looked back down at the clipboard.

    “Wait, can you maybe tell us which way the academy is?” Melrose gave the Kecleon pleading eyes, but the Pokémon didn’t bother looking up from his papers. He did, however, slowly raise a hand up to point towards one of the paved roads. “Thank you, kindly!” The Pikachu smiled down at him, even if the merchant still wasn’t looking at her.

    “Are you two feeling confident enough to start heading that way?” Koa looked back at Melrose, though he seemed to already know the answer. “You better get a move on. I can handle offloading all by myself.”

    “If you say so, Koa!” The little Pikachu hugged the much larger Mudsdale by the neck before hopping off his back. Xander carefully climbed out of the cart before bowing his head towards Koa, and Koa bowed back. “C’mon Xandy, let’s go!” Melrose sprinted off in the direction Kecleon pointed, without waiting for Xander to follow. 

    Xander sighed, getting ready to take off as well, but Koa clearing his throat behind him made the Litten hesitate. “Make sure Mel knows she can always come home if things don’t work out, alright?” He blinked sadly as he turned himself and the cart around, not waiting for Xander to respond. Xander watched him for a moment before shaking his head and chasing after Melrose.

    Once he was able to catch up to Melrose, the Pikachu had already made it to the front gate of the Academy grounds. She was staring in awe at the castle. “I can hardly believe it… Oh, Arceus, it feels like a dream! Pinch me!” Melrose turned as she commanded her friend.

    “No way! If I pinch your cheek, I’ll get electrocuted!” Xander’s tail lashed. “I’d rather not need an Oran Berry all because my only friend is nuts!”

    “You don’t need to be so rude about it!” Melrose’s nose twitched as she turned back towards the academy. “It’s just… I’m finally, truly on my way to becoming an explorer…”

    Xander eased up, nudging the Pikachu with his paw. “Well, don’t just stand here all star-struck then! Let’s go inside!” Making the first move, Xander started to run down the path. Melrose quickly overtook him, and it didn’t take long before both Pokémon made it inside the castle. The interior was just as, if not even more, impressive than the outside.

    “Alright, sooo… I wonder who I’m supposed to show this letter of approval to? There doesn’t seem to be any directions for the new students anywhere–”

    “Rosie! What a pleasant surprise!” A dragon Pokémon flew from an upper balcony down to the floor Melrose and Xander were on, knocking up some dust as he did so. Xander sneezed so strongly that it sent him up in the air an inch or two. “Well, I suppose it’s not entirely a surprise. Do you remember me? It’s me! Uncle Zephyr!”

    Melrose was already rather stunned from such a large Pokémon flying at her from several floors above, that it took a very awkward moment before she could muster up an answer. “I’m sorry sir, I don’t really remember you… If I met you, I would have been really little.”

    “Aww… Well, that’s alright. How’s Gaius? The ol’ lout!” Zephyr smiled brightly, mirroring Melrose’s usual pep.

    “Oh! He’s goo– Wait! Zephyr? You’re Guildmaster Zephyr?!” Melrose’s eyes grew wide like full moons, and her cheeks flushed a harsh shade of pink. “Oh my goodness, and here I was talkin’ to you all casual like– ah! I’m still doing it. Oh my gosh–”

    Zephyr laughed loudly. “Hey! Calm down! I don’t mind at all, even if you weren’t my pal’s daughter.” His wings stopped fluttering as he finally set himself onto the ground. “You’re impressively early for living so far away! School registration isn’t really supposed to start for another couple days. Damn, the mail service must’ve been fast!”

    “A little too fast, if you ask me.” Another Pokémon approached the group, this one was a slightly aged Clefairy spotting a cute pair of glasses. “Zephyr, you gave me the list of accepted essays yesterday morning. I got everything done just before the eclipse, so I could watch it, and then I sent the letters to the post and the list to the Prime Minister.” She adjusted her spectacles before giving Zephyr a sly look. “I shouldn’t expect you of foul play, should I Uncle Zephyr ?”

    “Wha– nonsense! I would never meddle with guild affairs!” Zephyr scoffed, holding a hand against his chest. “Anyways, it doesn’t matter that much, does it?” Zephyr frowned. “You do have all your stuff, right Melrose?”

    Melrose nodded, digging through her bag to take out the badge. The Clefairy sighed, “Well, that certainly proves it’s official.” She gave a sweet smile, “My name is Adeline, I’m the secretary here at R.E.D. academy. I mostly handle record keeping, but if you need something and can’t find the Guildmaster or another instructor– feel free to come see me!” Her voice ended the sentence in song before she waddled back the direction she came from.

    Zephyr flew back up into the air and hovered in place, knocking around more dust. Xander sneezed again- “I’ll show you to the student quarters! Since you got here so early, you’ll get to acquaint yourself with life here at Red Academy before almost anyone else does!”

    “Almost anyone else?” Melrose slanted her head.

    “Oh, yeah, you weren’t the first student to arrive. Close though!” He started to fly back up to the balcony, and Melrose followed by charging up the stairs.

    Xander felt… awkward. Here he was just standing around and saying nothing while Melrose’s life was unfolding in front of him. Though it’s not like he was being told to buzz off or anything. It took another few seconds of hesitation before he followed after them.

    Although the others were much faster than him, Xander didn’t fall too far behind. Zephyr glanced back on occasion to make sure Melrose was still there, and stopped moving only once he reached the center hall of the third floor. “The West Wing is where the student rooms are, and they’re all connected to your common room.” He flew down the hall, only a little slower this time. “You’ll all be given a proper tour once the semester actually starts, but feel free to explore if you’re feeling a little cooped up!” Zephyr grinned as he pushed the door to the common room open. “I’ll fetch you and the other student for dinner in a few hours, so hang tight until then. Okay?”

    “Yes, Zephyr sir!” Melrose gave a little salute before running into the room. “See ya later, Xander!” She waved as her Guildmaster shut the door, and her friend waved sheepishly back.

    Melrose could hardly contain her excitement, jumping up into the air and letting her whole body burst with a little electricity! And yet it still wasn’t enough to tire her energy, so she spun– doing a slight dance in the process. It was only after the impromptu dance routine was finished that Melrose realized she wasn’t the only Pokémon in the room. A Tyrunt was staring her down, expressing some varied level of disgust.

    “Oh, hello! My name is Melrose!” She looked up at him, peering at her distorted reflection in the Dragon Pokémon’s crown. “I’m gonna be your fellow student here at R.E.D. Academy! It’s great to meetcha!” The Pikachu stuck out one of her paws for a handshake, but the Tyrunt didn’t return the friendly gesture. Instead, he snarled down at her, and the Pikachu’s ears fell back against her head.

    “What the hell is a Pokémon like you doing here ?”


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