The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The Archipelago Continent prides itself on peace with help from the Detectives and Guild. However, an arcane fog begins appearing on islands, bringing natural disasters and chaos, allowing pirates to roam. What secrets lie within the fog? Fogcutters T’nuri and Alejandrien must work with their fellow Detectives Kaliente and Emile to cut through the mysteries before all goes to ruin.

    Originally Posted March 20th, 2024

    Ported June 1st 2024

    Alejandrien, and their companions have a calm night out, and then wake up to finally head out on their assignment proper. What new secrets of the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency and life of Phantismo Vista will they uncover?

    The pallid face of the moon was a beacon of light through the night sky. It showed far across the eastern seas of the Archipelago Continent, and brightened the sands on Iaijutsukage Island. 

    Alejandrien, T’nuri, Kaliente, and Emile headed away from the Fogcutters Detective Agency in the late evening, and went further into Phantismo Vista, toward the commercial district.


    “Let’s hurry up, eat and get back to the agency folks!” The Fuecoco called. “Don’t want Head Hector on our tails ‘bout time management!”

    In an instant, a towering, booming visage of the Kingambit lit up. His yellow eyes flashed through the four Pokemon’s heads. Especially Alejandrien’s, they couldn’t be late again.The Jangmo-o glanced behind her. T’nuri trudged only a few paces back, a scowl firm on her facial scales. Today’s been quite a bit, but we’re almost done. Alejandrien thought. “Heya partner,” their question came as a whisper. “How are ya doing?”

    The Cubone brightened a tad, her maw still a frown as she replied. “I’m a bit miffed at all this stuff you detectives are hiding from me, but I know that you’re just figuring it out.”

    Emile sighed.“We’ll explain our fogcutting later.”


    Kaliente cleared his throat. “To the best of our ability mate, at the agency.”


    Alejandrien nodded. “Again, I’m truly sorry. I don’t know, besides funding-wise, why we can’t go drop ya off at Pa’a Lepo.” 


    T’nuri crossed her arms. “It’s not just that.”


    “Then wha’?” 


    “My emotions aren’t matching with how I really feel.”


    The Grookey and Fuecoco in front of them slowed and turned to face the two. 


    “Mate,” Kaliente laughed. “That sounds really weird.” 


    The Cubone sighed. “Yeah, I’m not sure I understand myself.”


    “Could you elaborate?” Emile asked, her ears low. 


    “I don’t want to be angry,” T’nuri ran a claw over her maw. “But any time something happens I just end up enraged.” 


    “Maybe it’s yer subconscious?” Kaliente offered, as he stopped.

    The sea-shell-lined road before the group had a hump in it, and beside was a plaza full of little buildings and shops.


    In front of the four Pokémon was a small hut, it had no door, and a small collection of stools, in front of the counter and register. All in view of the chefs, and manager. 


    “I don’t know if I wanna talk about it now.”


    “Yeah.” The Fuecoco waved a claw. “Ya probably just wanna grub, I feel ya.”


    Emile glanced down at the floor as she patted T’nuri’s shoulder.“Take it easy.” 


    “Thanks.” The Cubone leaned into the Grookey’s touch only after a moment.


    Glad to see them getting along after earlier, our meeting was a bit painful. Alejandrien brushed their head against T’nuri’s other shoulder for a second. “I’m here for ya too, T’nuri.”

    At the counter stood a Dragonite, a Mr.Rime and Mr.Mime primed at the oven and grill. The scent of roasted orans, eggs, and other breaded foods wafted through the air from the mons stations.

    The Dragonite clapped his claws before he gestured to the chalkboard menu. “What can I get for you?”

    “Well I’ll be havin’ an Oran and Pinap, grilled on a shish!” Kaliente practically yelled.

    Emile cleared her throat. “Grilled Lum and Oran please.”

    “Oran, Sitrus, and Cheri if ya don’t mind.” Alejandrien said, as they swayed in their stool to gaze at T’nuri.

    The Cubone looked up and down from the chalkboard and it’s orange, blue, and green colored menu items.  Beside the chalkboard was a flower pot with hydrangeas, and an array of pink, yellow, white, red hibiscus.With a chuckle, she gave her answer. “I’ll uh let’s see, I’ll try Rawst, Leppa, and Oran.”

    In only a few short minutes, the various berries were cooked and ready. The four Pokemon received their meals and a mug of water.

    Kaliente chomped down on each piece of his food and left his water till the very end, where he turned it to steam right in his jaws.

    T’nuri took a sip of her water before she picked up the wooden stick of her roasted berries, the brightly colored flesh tinged brown without a hint of black char. She bit into the Leppa and cringed. T’nuri recoiled as she also took a small chunk of Rawst.

    “What’s wrong?” Alejandrien asked, mouth full of Sitrus. Did they burn it or something?

    “I didn’t realize Leppa, and Rawst would taste like this when cooked,” the Cubone gagged. “Ugh… I can’t just have Oran only though.”

    “Maybe we could find you somethin’ else laddie?” The Fuecoco across from them looked offered.


    The Jangmo-o shook their head. “Probably not, partner.” 


    “Shite, well that’s not good innit?”

    A stick almost full of Lum waved in front of the Cubone. “Trade?” Emile pondered, her other hand open.

    “Really?” T’nuri’s brown eyes lit up.

    The Grookey and Cubone swapped meals. 


    T’nuri smiled into her Lum Berry, her tail wagging and eyes closed. “Thank you Emile!” 


    De nada. No problem.”


    Alejandrien, Kaliente, Emile, and T’nuri finished their food and drinks, left the required poké and hurried back through Phantismo Vista. 


    The nearing midnight brought a slightly chilly gust of wind and heavy pitter patter of rain, and the four Pokémon dashed from cover to cover all the way back to the north of the city. Eventually, in the faint light of the electric lamps, and glow of scarlet, violet, and sage triangular banners they made it to the Fogcutters Detective Agency once again. 


    The stone and wooden building, along with its courtyard was bathed in the soft yellow light of the tall lamp posts inside and around the perimeter.


    “Gonna be my last time doin’ it like this mate,” the Fuecoco said with a shiver as he walked over to the front gate. There stood the eye panel filled door, locked behind sensor, sight and word alone. “Kaliente Fuecoco, Clearance Two Detective.” 


    The massive wooden doors opened. With a beaming grin, the Fuecoco marched in first, the Grookey, Jangmo-o, and Cubone right behind him. 


    “So where are we going now?” T’nuri questioned.  


    “The barracks,” Emile said. 


    On the left side of the agency, at the turn before the pathway to the Head and Lead Detectives office the barracks were nestled together.  Along that pathway sat wooden walls and furniture. The barracks hallway went far into the depths of the agency, and had doors for lodgings on both sides.


    Kaliente patted his chest as they crept past a massive set of doors, four fairly large doors, two big doors, and made it to the final section, six average sized doors. “This place is big enough for all the Pokémon working for the agency and then some! And each team gets their own room!” He pointed to one of the open doors. “Check it!” 


    The room had a grey tiled floor and dark wooden walls. Inside the room were eight beds, beds quite a bit bigger than each of the four Pokémon. But the remaining room was still spacious enough to have two large, low-rise desks, a small bookshelf, a small closet, and a water closet. All wooden furniture.


    “And this is the smallest room?” T’nuri’s jaw dropped. She glanced out of the room to the rows of closed doors and back to the room she was in. The Cubone poked at the various furniture and ran her claws along the wood, her stubby tail wagging.


    She loves it. Alejandrien grinned as she swung the door closed. “Yup partner, I felt the same way when I first came here last week.” 


    “Detective Ichigo didn’t mention it but we have to be up by 6:30.” Kaliente pulled off his backpack and hopped into bed. “Goodnight laddie, lassies ‘nd laddu.” 


    Emile walked toward the door and pointed her wooden stick at her bed. “Lights out, alright?” 


    The Jangmo-o nodded. “Yeah, we’ll have to talk tomorrow.” They plopped into the bed next to the Grookey’s.


    “Oh like, right now?” T’nuri blinked before she scrambled to an empty bed beside them. 


    Buenas Noches. Good night.”


    The light bulbs above the four Pokémon flickered off and the room was bathed in a blanket of darkness. 

    In the Cubone’s mind, the rocking of the waves and salty spray of the ocean filled her senses. The warped past awaited her. What? T’nuri thought and turned her head side to side. A soft cream wooden fence sat beside her, and was one of the only things that held her from the sea below. 


    La Llovinzna The Drizzle ? The Cubone took a step backwards, toward the main cabin of the cruise. Unlike the bed or sands where she first awoke, the dark planks of wood were firm under her claws. The white, yellow, and light teal wooden, plastic, and metal built cabin darkened as the clouds above rolled closer and closer. There was a typhoon on the horizon.


    T’nuri gasped as the ship rocked side to side, and the wind picked up. The waves splattered above the deck more and more. Frigid briny water shook the Cubone through her scales. Other passengers, their bodies almost clear, ran back and forth toward the lifeboats and rafts, toward powerful water-type, flying-type Pokémon and each other. 


    Just before a ginormous blue-teal, black, red, and yellow blur of a Pokémon burst from above the clouds with a mighty roar, and flew right toward La Llovinzna. Their crescent of draconian energy fierce as the typhoon grew and grew, almost like a legendary Pokémon of the past. 


    The ground underneath the Cubone splintered and cracked, piece by piece of lumber rendered asunder and useless as part of the vessel. As she fell, T’nuri’s memories ebbed under the paradoxical tide, with no flow in sight. What were they after?!  She wracked her head. Who were they after? Why?


    A mirror appeared in front of T’nuri, even in the howling winds and raging sea. 


    And on it was a visage of flames and purple smoke. One of a Pokémon. Not just any Pokémon. An intuition. 


    Another Cubone stared back, tainted by the fire and ghostly energy. In the shadow of a fluttering behemoth.

    “T’nuri, wake up!” Alejandrien nudged the Cubone through her covers. 


    The gentle light of the sun glimmered through the blinds of the windows above them. 


    With that gentle movement the sheets over T’nuris maw and eyes fell below her chin, which revealed her.


    A droplet, a single tear stain ran down her scales in the night, now a fresh reminder in the day. Why ? The Jangmo-o took a step back, tail low. “I’ma sorry.” 


    “You’re sorry?” The Cubone sat upright, and stifled a yawn. “How come?”


    I can’t tell ‘er… Alejandrien faced toward Emile and Kaliente as they got their bags ready. She fixed her own bed sheets as T’nuri blinked. 


    The Cubone ran a claw over the edge of her scales near her eye and her skull-helmet. “I cried in my sleep?” 


    “Looks like it,” Kaliente said, as he walked over to her. “Oh and good morning laddie.”


    “Good morning,” T’nuri brushed off her scales.


    Emile nodded, her ruby eyes bright. “Morning. Get ready.”




    “We only have a few minutes before we see the Detectives.”


    The Cubone placed her other claw to her other eye and sighed. “I’ll go solve my issues.” She trudged over to the toilet and shut the door.


    “And how’s that supposed to solve ‘er issues?” Kaliente asked, a puff of smoke in his jaws. “Crying’s a Cubone thing innit?”


    “What’s that supposed to mean? It didn’t happen when I was home,” T’nuri grumbled, now outside of the water closet with no tear stains along her face.


    Fast! Alejandrien stumbled to the side. “Easy now partner.”


    “Challenge number one.” Emile tapped her stick on the wall. 




    The Grookey opened the door and quickly exited the room. 


    Kaliente dashed after her. “Wait fer me!” The wood floor rumbled before there was a thud. 


    Míralo ! Watch it!”




    “Didn’t realize ya were just around tha corner Emile.”


    “Come on,” Alejandrien nudged T’nuri, her golden eyes bright. 


    The four made it to the Head and Lead Detectives office and there the three Pokémon in charge of the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency sat. The Iron Valiant, Ceruledge, and Kingambit all at their desks, a huge load of paperwork, open journals, and clipboards around them as they waited.


    “Good morning, new detectives.” Lead Esperanza stood up from her seat.


    Detective Ichigo followed her, with four sheets of paper in their hands. “It’s been quite the workload but we’ve finished compiling all your valuable information and experiences.”


    “And now for our new designations, you four qualify as an Investigation Team.”


    Head Hector got out of his seat as well. “Clearance Four Detectives: Emile, Kaliente, and Alejandrien. T’nuri, you shall be granted the rank of Clearance Three Detective.”


    “What!?” the Cubone yelled. She tucked her bone-club under her arms and scowled. “Lunala’s gale, you gotta be snuffing kidding me!”


    I had a feeling this would happen. “Just let ‘em explain why!” Alejandrien urged, tail raised.


    The Kingambit sighed as he ran his hands along the desk and lifted up a paper. “It’s quite simple T’nuri, while you’ve conducted research and assisted our staff you haven’t formulated a report for us.” 


    T’nuri moved her bone-club to her left claw. “That’s still a flicker off-”


    “And T’nuri remember-” Alejandrien cut her off. “Ya said ya didn’t want to fogcutting detective. Don’t get so frustrated.” 


    “But it’s insulting, to be the only one different.” 


    “But ya are different.”


    “Even if I am a woodworker at heart, it feels weird, mind you.”


    “Please understand that Clearance Three isn’t a terrible position. We will pay you handsomely with every successful assignment you complete,” Detective Ichigo explained.


    Lead Esperanza nodded. “If, and once you are ready you can make the decision to leave.”


    “Just a way I’ll be able to reach my goals and go back home to Pa’a Lepo I guess.” The Cubone sighed. “I understand, can I name our team now?”


    “Ah yes.” Head Hector held a pen to a paper. “The name for your Investigation Team, name and inspiration please?”


    T’nuri held her bone-club up and pointed at the lighthouse painting behind the three larger Pokémon. “Kirigiri, the name of a detective in this story I read one time. They helped others trapped with them out of a dangerous situation.” 


    A story? Alejandrien tilted their head before they spoke.“I’ve never heard of it.” 


    “Me neither.” Emile added.


    Kaliente narrowed his eyes. “I’ve read lots of these other books from my University in the west and I’ve never heard of it like that.” 


    “Didn’t expect me to read lots huh?” The Cubone puffed out her chest with a smirk.


    “Well ya haven’t told me all about yur hobbies.” Jangmo-o grinned back. “It’s an interesting name, I like it partner.” 


    The Kingambit gazed at the bookshelf and smirked. “I also like it, that story is such an old one, one at the basis of our ‘fog cut’ name. I’m glad you out of everyone have read it.”


    “What?” T’nuri questioned.


    “But back to the main picture, we accept the name for this Investigation Team, Team Kirigiri,” the Ceruledge said, her crest bathing the room in a gentle warmth.


    “Here are your scarves,” the Iron Valiant explained and held out four black pieces of cloth. Each had a small set of green and violet stripes on them, and a magnifying glass symbol near the center. Detective Ichigo pointed to the center of a scarf. “Your badge pin comms match the magnifying glass symbol, we’ll use it to talk when you’re out and about.”


    “Thank you.” The four Pokémon took their gear.


    T’nuri adjusted her scarf onto her neck as gazed at the three older Pokémon.“You keep mentioning ‘Investigation’, what are there other teams again?”


    “Investigation, Navigation, and Scrutinization are the three categories of teams we have at the Fogcutters Detective Agency,” Head Hector explained.


    “Scrutinization?” the Jangmo-o glanced over at the Kingambit. He never mentioned that to me before.  


    “I only recognize Investigation and Navigation.” T’nuri twiddled her claws. 


    “Speaking of Navigation, Team Kirigiri, your first mission is to search for Captain Bao, one of the  Head Navigators. Look for a Clawitzer and her crew around the northern docks of Phantismo Vista.”


    “Bao can’t pick us up?” T’nuri asked.


    “No,” the Ceruledge said. “Captain Bao or her crew can’t come all the way to the DA to get you.”


    “Why not?” 


    Lead Esperanza shook her head. “The crew is busy unloading and loading their vessel, they can’t just drop everything and go wherever you need them to.”


    Detective Ichigo held a hand to their chest. “Regardless, these Pokémon will take you to Pa’a Lepo and Kuanalio Island. The former, you shall conduct a brief research on its condition and the latter, where you shall continue your investigation, protect the villagers and remove the Ruinous Fog.”

    Alejandrien raised a claw. “How are we going to protect the villagers?”

    “You’ll have to locate where the village is, discuss matters of your presence with the authorities there.” Head Hector crossed his arms.

    “So basically just find ‘em, and tell the boss why we’re here.” Kaliente added.

    “Yes,” Lead Esperanza replied.

    The Fuecoco had another question.“But what about our investigation?”

    “Depending on the status of Ruinous Fog, you may have to conduct it before, during, and after your encounter with the villagers. You need to formulate some contingencies based on the situation you find yourselves in, so stay flexible and alert.”

    T’nuri hummed to herself as she patted her shoulder. “Maybe the fog is related to something in the village?”

    “Maybe,” Emile murmured, her tail curling down.

    Don’t say maybe now Emile. The Jangmo-o chuckled a bit before she gave her piece. “We’ll have to go see for ourselves.”


    “The weather, fire, smoke from the black fog conditions are Category Five, so please be careful young Fogcutters,” the Kingambit sat back down.


    “But what about Marisa?” The Cubone asked. “She, Adi, and Frederico left us in a hurry yesterday.”


    “Captain Marisa needs to repair El Nadar Rapido some more, and give it some upgrades. Her and her Navigation Team also have some other paperwork to do,” the Iron Valiant said, their digital eyes scanning back and forth.


    Vamos . Let’s go.” Emile tightened her neckerchief and opened the sliding wooden door. 


    Kaliente followed her out of the office and grinned. “Come on.” 


    Time to head on out again. We get to go and see Bao! Alejandrien placed a foreleg on the Cubone beside her and pulled.“Yeah, it’s ‘bout time we got a move on, partner!”


    “Wait!” T’nuri nearly tumbled over. 




    The Cubone stood her ground and glanced down at her scarf. “Before we go… no, before I go. Who named the Fogcutters?”


    “Hector and I were first told about it by our teacher, Director Annileape. We told Ichigo when we met them a few years later.” Lead Esperanza’s blades shimmered as she folded them behind her back.


    “Our Detective Agency was named after the metaphorical fog of mystery being cut. I thought it would be simple for you to understand T’nuri.” Head Hector folded his arms.


    T’nuri blinked. “What?”


    The Kingambit held out a metallic palm. “Since you’ve read that book. Don’t worry, I know you craftsmon aren’t all full of lumber in those brains of yours.”


    The Cubone scowled as she stood upright with her question.“What’s that supposed to mean?” 


    Head Hector grinned.“Would you like to guess?”


    “Hector.” Detective Ichigo once again shimmered pink.


    The Kingambit waved a hand and turned away. “What I mean to say is I’d like to see what you can really do regarding your old job sometime soon T’nuri, I believe in you.”


    T’nuri harrumped and patted her chest. “Oh I’ll show you some woodwork, as soon as possible.” 


    Lead Esperanza nudged Head Hector with the dull side of one of her flaming blades. “Try not to mind that pendajo idiot T’nuri.”


    “Back to the DA. Fogcutting extends its name to the physical realm as well.” The Iron Valiant gestured to the door. “I believe it’s time you all went out, please feel free to contact us via your badges, and never be afraid to trade questions with one another or with Captain Bao’s Navigation Team.”


    “Woohoo, see y’all later!” Alejandrien cheered and pulled T’nuri by her scarf.


    The Cubone slipped and fell on her tail as she was dragged out of the room. “What? Alejandrien, what’s gotten into you?”


    “I’m excited!” The Jangmo-o grinned, teeth full of fabric.


    “Please put T’nuri down.” Emile tapped their shoulder with her wooden stick as the sliding door to the office shut. “Gracias . Thanks.”


    As the sun’s rays beamed throughout the clear sky, the four Pokémon went back through the commercial and mixed use district of Phantismo Vista. In the early morning, there were only a few other Pokémon out and about, usually all inside various businesses and shops around the city, or still inside their homes.


    “Let’s stop ta get a quick bite to eat!” Kaliente pointed at a food cart manned by a Watchog. 


    “Sure,” the Grookey ahead of him nodded. 


    Each of the detectives got a little meal, T’nuri got a breakfast eggroll, Emile and Kaliente got burritos, and Alejandrien got a cup of fried eggs, all served with a few Oran and Sitrus Berry chunks. 


    The wind picked up as they neared the harbor, more chilling but saline pockets of air rolled off the oceans waves and the beach sands. Still the cityscape kept them from their goal.


    Alejandrien dashed ahead of the Fuecoco down the boardwalk near the Agency, their tail wagging. “Come on! Y’all need ta pick up the pace!”


    “Like I said earlier: what’s gotten into you? What’s with the need for speed?” T’nuri huffed. 


    “I’m rearing off ta go like a Zebstrika, partner!” 


    “So you’re just excited?”


    “Yeah! Yeehaw!”


    Tnuri shook her head.“Actually I have a better question, Emile, Kaliente.”




    “Yes laddie?” 


    “You two detectives told me you were going to explain fogcutting.” T’nuri pointed her bone-club at each of them. “Start talking.” 


    “An interrogation?” Kaliente asked.


    “If you wanna call it that.” The Cubone shrugged.


    The Fuecoco grinned before he leaned in close to the Cubone. “At this hour?”


    “Yes?” She pulled away. “What the snuff is going on?”


    “Wow laddie, ya’ve passed challenge number one!” Kaliente shot out a small burst of flame. “Well sorry ta say, but not much’s known about fogcutters.”


    “You and Alejandrien cut-through it, we contain it,” the Grookey replied.


    T’nuri tilted her head. “Contain it?” 


    “We can supposedly cut-off or rather block sections of Ruinous Fog, and with enough effort we can cause it to dissipate.”


    “Hmm,” the Cubone tapped her bone-club on her thigh. “Tell me something else.”


    Emile’s ears flickered. “Fogcutters are drawn together.” 


    “Even those who haven’t formed the power yet feel a slight pullin’ sensation with others and one another. It’s how the DA scouts for potential detectives!” Kaliente yelled.


    T’nuri gestured to the Jangmo-o beside her. “But what about me and Alejandrien? We are what you called the cut-through.”


    The Fuecoco’s head crest brightened as he grinned. “There are only a few of you who can cut-through Ruinous Fog and you need to be in a pair for it to work.” 


    I’ll help too! “We’re pretty rare partner, not even the Head and Lead Detectives know how many of us, cut-through Fogcutters are on the Archipelago!” Alejandrien explained with a clatter of her scales. “Much less if tha others have even awakened their powers. But that’s not ta discredit the cut-off er rather block Fogcutters, who supposedly can actually destroy fog if enough of them work together!”


    “Thank you Alejandrien,” the Fuecoco grinned, before he tapped T’nuri on the shoulder. “Hear that laddie? We’re not deadweight!”


    “I got it.” The Cubone gently pushed him away. “About this fog, Hector-”


    Head Hector.” The three Pokémon corrected. 


    “…Right. Head Hector mentioned that they had first person accounts of the previous sighting. When was that?” 


    “Sixty years ago.” The Grookey answered, her red eyes narrowed. 


    Kaliente puffed out a cloud of smoke as he pointed at his scarf. “Oi! Leave the history ta me! Once the Ruinous Fog showed up, a Detective Agency sprung up to solve the mystery in no time flat. However it was absorbed by the Island Guild. Only fifteen years ago did the Island Guild and that DA, the Fogcutters Detective Agency to be precise, become separate.”


    “And when were the Pokémon with the fogcutting powers first detected?” 


    Emile drummed her stick on a nearby fence. “When Ruinous Fog was on the Archipelago.” 


    “So it’s only happened twice in recent history, that’s quite interesting.” 


    The four Pokémon continued onward toward the harbor and the docks of Iaijutsukage Island’s eastern shores, just past Phantismo Vista, toward the town of Alma Blanca. Soft heat from the sun spread out further and further as the early morning clouds parted, evenso the slightly brisk breeze continued. 


    Alejandrien, T’nuri, Kaliente, and Emile ventured through the north of the city, where there were older buildings with tall pointed roofs, and wide curved paneling off them, the majority a slightly dark color and made of wood. In this part of Phantismo Vista, near Alma Blanca, none of the white roofed buildings and brightly colored trimming buildings were present, like in the south, toward the lesser port.. There were more small shrines and pagodas in small intersections of the area, berry offerings on their steps. 


    There were marble and wooden hourglass statues compared to the stone and marble ones built in the south. These were much smaller than the statues that littered the part of the city near the Fogcutters Detective Agency.


    Along some of the rounded and flat rooftops of the business and bureaucratic aligned light-grey buildings waved violet, green, and scarlet triangular ribbons, the thin cables linked each collection of structures together.


    T’nuri peered down at the aged wood of one of the statues and glanced back at the detectives beside her. “I’ve been meaning to ask, but what’s with these hourglasses?”


    Kaliente gasped.“You don’t know? Yer from the Archipelago and can’t recognize that they’re for Holy Koraidon and Holy Miraidon?” 


    “Ah, the dragon-type legendaries that represent the past and the future?” the Cubone asked. “Ones who leave no trace and bring no warning?”


    “Glad you’re aware of that.”


    “I suppose the scarlet and violet banners represent them…. Oh and the green probably represents Cylizar.”


    “Who?” The Jangmo-o beside her tilted their head. Is that last one even a Legendary?


    “Alejandrien over here didn’t know ‘em at all.” The Fuecoco shook his head.


    “Hey!” the Jangmo-o nudged the Fuecoco. “I’m from the Sand Continent, Sahra Town. We don’t get all the information about the Archipelago there. I just knew about the fabled Fogcutters Detective Agency, that’s all.”


    Kaliente laughed. “Knew about the DA but not the Holy past and Holy future sands of time, Holy Koraidon and Holy Miraidon? What is the telegraph even sending for sand’s sake?”


    “Not enough.” Emile shook her head with a groan. “Now T’nuri, Pa’a Lepo doesn’t have hourglasses?’


    “We do, I think, but we represent Koraidon and Miraidon with a clock. The hour and minute hands stopped at exactly 12:30.” 


    Kaliente ran a claw under his jaw. “Interesting, but what about Giratina and Lunala?”


    The Cubone’s eyes widened. “I’ll tell you later. It’s not specific to Pa’a Lepo though.”


    Alejandrien flicked her tail and sniffled. Why’d she Clamperl up all of a sudden? Maybe ta others on the Archipelago talk about them’s a sensitive discussion. “Fair enough.” 




    T’nuri sighed as they went down a boardwalk, closer to the lighthouse, to see each individual silver brick. “This reminds me, Kaliente, Emile, you never told me where in the Archipelago you two are from.” 


    Emile folded her arms as her tail twitched. “Toujours Island, far down south.”


    “What?” The Cubone glanced over at the Grookey. “I’ve never heard of Toujours, it must be small.”


    “I’m here to fix that.”


    “And Kaliente?”


    The Fuecoco turned away. “I’m from tha farthest island, west of the Archipelago, Costa Niebla.”


    “You can’t be sparking serious!” T’nuri shouted, her eyes wide. “The Capital, where all the rich-uppity mon are!?” 


    Kaliente sighed as a flush lit up his cheeks.“Yeah, yeah, listen up laddie. I know we blokes of tha biggest island have a bad rap. Like Emile, I’m here ta fix it.”


    These two’re here to fix things eh? “I guess we’ll see what you two can really do on Kuanalio Island,” the Jangmo-o added with a stretch of her legs.


    “We’re going to Pa’a Lepo first though,” T’nuri said, as she pointed her bone-club toward her skull-helmet.


    “Before that we have to steel ourselves,” The Grookey reminded.


    Alejandrien ran in a circle around the three Pokémon.“Yeah, the voyage with Captain Bao and everything on the islands will test us! Which sounds good ta me because we’re almost here.”


    Right on the harbor, the ocean’s grey waves splashed along Iaijutsukage. And above them a small spark of ruin brewed, glittering in the wind of thoughts lost to an unknown age.


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