The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The Archipelago Continent prides itself on peace with help from the Detectives and Guild. However, an arcane fog begins appearing on islands, bringing natural disasters and chaos, allowing pirates to roam. What secrets lie within the fog? Fogcutters T’nuri and Alejandrien must work with their fellow Detectives Kaliente and Emile to cut through the mysteries before all goes to ruin.

    Originally Split and Slightly updated May 2nd 2024

    Ported June 1st, 2024

    Now at a place seeming to be with all the answers, will T’nuri’s burning questions be solved?

    What truths will she uncover? What future awaits?

    In the Head and Lead’s office of the Fogcutter‘s Detective, T’nuri, Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile sat before the Head and Lead Detectives. 


    Lead Esperanza sighed and her blades dimmed. “An Investigation Team always has to have at least three members who can block the fog. Or in this situation two that can cut through the fog and two that can block it. Of course, four or more is preferred.”


    T’nuri raised a claw with her question. “But wait a minute, who else can cut through?”


    “The number of those who can is very small but we know that they exist so we set up the rule.”


    “Can you explain this?” The Cubone rubbed her chin.


    Head Hector held his metallic palm to his chin. “Detectives need to work in suitable coordinated Investigation Teams. Especially when dealing with the Ruinous Fog. We don’t know the tiniest tip of the iceberg here and we need you safe.” 


    “I guess that checks out.” T’nuri acquiesced, her arms crossed.


    “All right, now that you know this, why don’t you listen to a report from some slightly more seasoned detectives?”


    “Those two?”


    “They’re not on an Investigation Team, but still detectives.”


    “Emile, Kaliente, begin when ready.”

    “There is a Category One Ruinous Fog situation on Greene’s Island. Come a fortnight I deduce that Greene’s shall be under a Category Four. However, if left unchecked there is a possibility of a crescendo into Category Five or even Category Six.” The Fuecoco crossed his arms.


    “Oh wow,” Alejandrien said as they sat down and clapped. “Mighty swell job.”

    What does any of that mean? The Cubone rolled her eyes. “Showoff.”


    Kaliente smirked. “Just listen to Emile’s record findings eh, you’ll be blown away!”


    “Calah Island is a Category Two and it is a six out of eight Vile Seeds to a Perfect Apple.” The Grookey folded her arms behind her back.


    “Huh?” T’nuri’s jaw dropped. 


    The Jangmo-o beside her laughed. “That’s certainly something!”


    Lead Esperanza gritted her teeth. “What do you mean, there’s a Category Two on Calah and it’s six out of eight Perfect Apples a Vile Seed!?”


    “In plain terms, I mean they’re screwed.” Emile twindled with her stick.


    The Ceruledge’s sword flashed as her crest erupted in a sea of violet, purple, and lavender. “That’s not good for spark’s sake you pendeja idiot!”


    “I believe my calculations were correct.” The Grookey lowered her tail. “How am I an idiot?” 


    Head Hector slammed his fist on the floor. “You’ve all brought back terrible news and that’s how you want to report it!?”


    “Now now, everyone, please settle down,” a peppy metallic voice called out from the door. “Don’t startle our new Fogcutters.”


    “What?” T’nuri turned her head toward the sound.


    The door slid open and in walked a tall and stocky green, white, and pink-red Pokémon. A mixture of a Gallade and Gardevior. 

    An Iron Valiant. 


    “Don’t stare too hard,” they trilled as T’nuri met their gaze.


    With a gasp, the Cubone took a step away. “Oh wow, I heard an Iron Valiant was first here fifteen years ago, but have never actually seen you, uh-”


    “Ichigo! Buenas tardes, good day!” Lead Esperanza brightened. 


    Head Hector uncrossed his arms. “Hey there Ichigo, what do you have?”


    Aloha Hello to you and these young future detectives.” The Iron Valiant held open the folders in their hands. “I’m the one who coordinates all the other detectives. The Ferrum Element, F.E or rather Coordinating Detective Ichigo. But you can just call me Detective Ichigo.”


    Hola Hello Detective Ichigo.” Emile waved. 


    Kaliente puffed out a tiny ball of fire. “Long time no see Detective Ichigo!”


    “Hello everyone.” Detective Ichigo settled into the room, right in the large chair next to T’nuri. “I have some troubling findings.”

    “What is it?” The Ceruledge narrowed her eyes.

    The Iron Valiant fidgeted with their hands. “Something is going on with Pa’a Lepo Island.”


    What!? T’nuri growled as light brown energy swirled off her bone-club. “You gotta be sparking-”


    Emile blocked and shoved her to the ground. “Silencio silence!”


    The Cubone’s skull-helmet flashed black on the left side as she flew toward the Grookey. “You shut up! None of you get it!”


    “Don’t get hasty now.” The Iron Valiant placed a hand on T’nuri’s shoulder. “Pa’a Lepo is still able to send by wire, and we’re asking everything we can. Be patient.”


    Emile sighed as she stepped away, her ears low.


    Head Hector blinked before he whispered something to Lead Esperanza. He crossed his arms and stared down T’nuri again. “So you truly can’t control it.”


    Control what? T’nuri sucked air through her fangs.


    Detective Ichigo slackened their grip for a moment. “I don’t even know the details myself. There is something I do know: the Ruinous Fog is a bigger threat to Kuanalio than you realize.


    “How?!” the Cubone snarled.


    “You explained that there was smoke and fire, correct?” the Iron Valiant questioned, gaze unwavering.


    “Yes, it burned us up plenty of times, Detective Ichigo.” Alejandrien flinched as she sat down.

    “More importantly there is a village on the south side of Kuanalio Island,” Detective Ichigo explained. “It’s called a village but there’s hundreds of Pokémon living there, in danger. And we are the only ones who can stop the Ruinous Fog. This Ruinous Fog is spreading to other islands, which means Iaijutsukage and Pa’a Lepo aren’t safe either.”


    “This is why we need you.” Head Hector and Lead Esperanza said in unison.


    T’nuri glanced over at everyone in the room. Her brown eyes then locked onto the floor before she spoke, her voice quiet. “I am grateful for you all, Captain Marisa didn’t have to take me aboard El Nadar Rapido , and Alejandrien didn’t have to give me a tour with everyone else.”


    The Iron Valiant blinked. “And?”


    “I don’t think I’m a good fit for the Fogcutters Detective Agency.”


    “Well, ya saved my life and the Scarviolet Map from those pirates and the flames!” Alejandrien gestured at their bag.


    “I don’t wish to be a Fogcutting Detective. Not a fogcutter, not a detective.”


    “Whether you use your powers again or not, you are still a Fogcutter,” Detective Ichigo said, eyes low.


    “You’re clearly talented, and can adapt quickly, T’nuri.” Lead Esperanza retracted her swords. “I believe you’d make a great detective.”


    T’nuri blushed under her skull-helmet. “While I admit learning about all this was interesting. The Ruinous Fog, the DA, and your Fogcutters-”


    “Don’t act like you aren’t one too.” Head Hector pointed at her.


    “These others who were given fogcutting powers.” The Cubone stifled a scoff as she snarled. “I’m not like you. I need to go back home. Right now.” 

    Detective Ichigo hummed as they tapped their arms. “What did you enjoy seeing in this area?” 


    T’nuri sighed. “Of course, the most valuable part for me was seeing all the wooden structures, and furniture here and around the city. I’d love to talk with the craftsmaster and the architects who designed this. But I’m stuck here.”


    “You don’t have to be stuck on this island ya know,” Kaliente said. “There’s more of the Archipelago Continent.”


    “That more isn’t where I started my life and my career… I don’t even know what other island truly appreciates woodworking.”


    The Fuecoco patted her back. “Have you looked? Done any researchin’, there’s tons of stuff in the Mahao’o library here, up north.”


    T’nuri stared at him through the holes in her skull-helmet and exhaled a long and deep breath. 


    Emile shook her head. “Unnecessary.”


    “Oh.” The Fuecoco grimaced. “I’m sorry laddie.”


    The Cubone sighed once again. “Lunala’s pale wings, I wasn’t looking to move just yet! I’ve already explained this.”

    “Please T’nuri, Alejandrien.” The Kingambit bowed his head to the floor. “I need you to find out what is causing the fire, please. I- no not just me, we all will research every sample of Ruinous Fog and affected material you get.”

    “I’ll do my best, Head Detective Hector,” The Jangmo-o said and gave a salute.

    T’nuri gripped her bone-club tight before she grumbled. “I never asked for any of this.”

    “None of what?” Detective Ichigo narrowed their pixelated eyes.

    “This fog, this power, to end up on Kuanalio, all of this. My shop needs me.”

    “Your shop?” the Fuecoco asked, his tail perked.

    “Lady Sir’fetched, Mister Tinkatuff, Honorable Doublade, and Master Conkeldurr. We worked together at the Hau Beach woodwork, woodcraft shop together, even if it was for an Adventuring Company. It was our work.”


    “I see there was a large number of Pokémon that ya cared for, in regards to not just yur family but also yur job. But ya have to take up a new one ta save them.” Kaliente held a claw on his chest as he spoke.


    T’nuri grumbled to herself before she replied. “But I’m a regular Pokémon, I don’t want all this responsibility.” 

    “None of us did,” Emile added, her ears low. “But we answered the call, to cut through the mysteries.”

    Alejandrien paced in a tight circle. “Come on now T’nuri, I need your help to solve it.”

    “But do you care about what I need, huh?” The Cubone yelled. “Huh? Do you?”

    Kaliente rubbed the back of his head. “Well, ya’ve never exactly told any of us.”

    “Shut up!” T’nuri roared, and her bone-club rattled with stored power, a flash of light brown light. 


    The Fuecoco recoiled away from the Cubone, his maw clamped shut. His eyes trembled as a small plume of mist came from his nostrils.

    Emile pointed a branch at her. “Watch your tone!”


    “Why can’t you understand that helping us will help you?!” Lead Esperanza begged.


    “Just tell me why I can’t go home!” the Cubone stamped her foot onto the ground.


    The Kingambit looked away from her prying eyes. “It’s better you see it for yourself.”


    “What?” T’nuri walked towards the door. “I’m not helping you until you tell me why!”


    “T’nuri.” The Jangmo-o placed a claw on her shoulder. “The first thing ya ever showed me was kindness. Ya didn’t have to help me out, but ya did.”


    The Cubone softened as a heavy blush crawled through her scales. “Well, I was drawn to you by our power and I didn’t want to see you get hurt by those pirates…”


    Alejandrien leaned away, her claw still firm on T’nuri. “See, I don’t know ya very well, but ya don’t have to act so tough. Like ya don’t care about anyone.”




    “You care a whole lot about your parents, and your coworkers at the workshop. And you have Pa’a Lepo pride coursing through your veins. You’re the most patriotic Cubone I’ve ever seen.”


    “See,” T’nuri sighed. “You do realize I have things to go back home to after all.”


    “Please. Please come with us to solve tha Mystery.”


    “Will you give me what I want?”

    “One of our Head Navigators, Bao Clawitzer, and her crew, will take you to see Pa’a Lepo before you go back to Kuanalio.” Detective Ichigo bowed.


    The Ceruledge retracted her blades. “I will pay you whatever you need to replace all your equipment and whatever else you need to get the job done.”


    “My job and yours?” T’nuri asked, her eyes sharpened.




    Head Hector kotowed as his graveling voice shook. His head blade firmly lodged into the floor. “Please look as hard as it takes to figure out what is going on. I just need you to solve this for us out on the field.”


    The Cubone scoffed. “Are you implying I can do both?”


    “Yes.” Lead Esperanza nodded.


    “How can you say that?” 


    “Consider it a compromise…” the Kingambit held out a hand. “You lost all your belongings, correct? This means all your poké and all the woodworking equipment that you carried with you.” 


    “You could not afford a trip back home could you?” the Ceruledge asked, her tone softer than ever before. 


    No. What’s wrong with me? T’nuri’s eyes widened as she stared at everyone. “I… I can’t. Shit. I’m sorry detectives. I’m sorry Kaliente. I’m sorry Emile.”


    She stared at the Jangmo-o, the one who’s always been beside her, from the moment they met. “Alejandrien.”


    “Yes, partner?”


    “I’m so sorry.”


    Alejandrien smiled. “Thank you. I understand that yer dealin’ with quite a bit.”


    “I believe that there is something that you know that we don’t Alejandrien?” Lead Esperanza asked, her eyes widened. 


    The Jangmo-o nodded. “You see detectives, T’nuri had sailed from Pa’a Lepo Island on a ship called La Llovinzna The Drizzle. And well she doesn’t remember what happened on her voyage before she woke on Kuanalio Island.”


    “Oh?” Head Hector gasped, his gaze soft. “Is this true?”


    “Yes, detective.”


    “T’nuri, I apologize for my accusatory tone.” The Kingambit bowed onto the floor, this time his head blade completely parallel with the floorboards.


    “My sincerest apologies T’nuri.” The Ceruledge adjacent to him also bowed.


    Detective Ichigo ran a hand across their hip and widened their pixelated eyes. “I’m also sorry T’nuri. You were, er rather, are in quite the compromising situation.”


    Giratina curse it all. The Cubone dropped to the floor, her tail low between her legs. “I can’t.”


    “You can’t what?” Alejandrien lowered to her side.


    “I said all these things… But I can’t even do anything.”


    “That’s not true, you can cut through that terrible Ruinous Fog, and continue to hone and grow in your woodworking craft.” Head Hector stood up slowly and placed his arms behind his back. “I know it won’t necessarily be on your terms and I don’t know you very well, but your work with Alejandrien was commendable.”


    Lead Esperanza took in a breath. “We’re offering you an opportunity, to work with us, to save the Archipelago, to save Pa’a Lepo.”


    “Fine,” T’nuri said as she got up. She dusted off her legs and stood firm, her bone-club down by her side. “I’ll join your cause.” 


    “That’s great!” Alejandrien cheered.


    “Finally!” Kaliente jumped with a burst of flame. “We finally got our final team member Emile! This is so bloody amazing!” 


    Emile grinned a full teeth grin before she laughed. “We’ve been waiting for this moment for a while!”


    “You guys were banking on me?!” T’nuri dropped onto the floor with a thud.


    The Grookey sighed. “Yes.”


    “We were told that we could possibly find a Pokémon that has a pull force like ours, on our initial investigation of the strange weather and conditions of Calah, and Greene’s Island,” Kaliente explained.


    The Iron Valiant rubbed the back of their head with a soft metallic rumble. “That’s on me. I had no idea it was related to the Ruinous Fog, it was merely a hypothesis based on our teachers’ notes and-”


    “It’s not certain Ichigo,” Lead Esperanza cut them off. “We’re still waiting on that report.” 


    “Ah yes, from the meteorologists.”


    T’nuri cleared her throat. These detectives sure can go on and on whenever they get going.


    Head Hector and Lead Esperanza coughed. “We told them not to mention your pull, if and when they found you. And told them not to mention that they needed you to join them so they could have a team.”


    “Are you kidding me!? I was on the brink of leaving and you took that chance?” The Cubone laughed.


    “Well, that’s how we filter out our potential candidates, however, we weren’t expecting a case like yours.”


    “You detectives sure are sparking crazy!”


    The Grookey and Fuecoco stifled their laughter and nodded. “With you, our fourth Fogcutter, one with not the power to block, but to cut through the fog we can finally have our Investigation Team.”


    “Please explain all that stuff.” T’nuri grabbed their shoulders. “What does block off mean? You guys can’t do what we did?”


    “I’ll explain everything,” Emile leaned away. “Just tomorrow.”




    “And after yew agree.” Kaliente pried T’nuri’s claw off him.


    The Cubone smirked and narrowed her eyes with a wave of her bone-club. “Really twisting my arm here, detectives.”


    “Sorry laddie.”


    Tnuri grabbed the Fuecoco’s and Grookey’s shoulders again. “You better answer everything you can. Before I join you guys I just have one request.”


    “Yes?” Kaliente asked.


    “Can I choose the Investigation Team name?”


    Emile twindled her stick. “Within reason.”


    Alejandrien gave a thumbs-up as they smiled. “Ooh, T’nuri’s gonna pick us an Investigation Team name!” 


    “Lay it on us!” the Fuecoco cheered.


    The Cubone smirked. “Okay, how about Team-”


    “Now now, that’ll have to wait for tomorrow.” Detective Ichigo clapped their hands.


    The four younger Pokémon broke away from each other and stared up at the Iron Valiant.


    “Aw, come on,” Kaliente and T’nuri groaned.


    “It’s getting late and we need to finalize all our pressing findings.”


    “And don’t get ahead of yourselves.” Lead Esperanza narrowed her eyes. “Your first and most important job as an Investigation Team is to work together to protect the villagers on Kuanalio.” 


    Head Hector scowled at the four as he crossed his arms. “To do that, you’ll have to find the source of the Black Fog and destroy it. All traces of Ruinous Fog better be gone or you get no bonus! You have access to Clearance Four now, so you better act like it!”


    “Hector,” the Iron Valiant said in a low tone, and a pink sparkle of energy flared off their metallic body.


    “I’m joking, I’m joking!” the Kingambit backed away.


    “Yeah, that’s right.” Detective Ichigo nodded before they turned around. “As for you four, you are dismissed for the night, and be back in the barracks by 22:00. Aloha a me Mahalo‘oukou, Goodnight, and thank you.”


    Aloha Goodnight.”


    Buenas Noches Goodnight.”


    “See y’all later!”




    Emile opened the wooden sliding door and T’nuri, Alejandrien, and Kaliente went through it. With a curt nod, she slid it closed.

    The Cubone sighed as she followed the others back toward the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency front gate. “I’m so beat.”


    “I could go for some Pinap and Oran shish right now,” Kaliente groaned, as his crest drooped down to the side. “So snuffing hungry!”


    “Where are we grubbin’?” the Jangmo-o lit up.


    “Downtown Phantismo,” Emile ran a hand across her stomach, and a light pink blush crept across the yellow mask on her face.


    The Fuecoco beside her pumped his fist.“There’s a little stand that sells them and other things to eat, it’s usually not crowded so let’s hurry!” He took off in a shockingly fast gait, his heavy clawsteps creaked through the halls of the agency with every step.


    Alejandrien and Emile followed and left the Cubone behind them in the dust.


    “Slow down!” T’nuri stumbled as the Fuecoco and Grookey rushed through the building. “What have I gotten myself into? You’re all crazy ass detectives, for spark’s sake!”


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