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    The Archipelago Continent prides itself on peace with help from the Detectives and Guild. However, an arcane fog begins appearing on islands, bringing natural disasters and chaos, allowing pirates to roam. What secrets lie within the fog? Fogcutters T’nuri and Alejandrien must work with their fellow Detectives Kaliente and Emile to cut through the mysteries before all goes to ruin.

    Originally Posted January 22nd, 2024

    Ported June 1st, 2024

    T’nuri, Alejandrien, and the two new Pokemon they’ve met go around Iaijutsukage Island. But the Cubone’s urge to go home hasn’t been quenched, and it doesn’t seem like things are getting better with her emotions.

    What will be in store for them at the Apothecary and at the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency?

    T’nuri, Alejandrien, Emile, and Kaliente walked across the boardwalk of Iaijutsukage Island’s Phantismo Vista. It was nearly evening, with how low the sun was on the horizon. A rich pink, tinted underneath the blue cloudy sky. Still, enough daylight to run. A sprinkle of rain dripped from the slightly darkened sky.

    “So where’s this Apothecary?” the Cubone asked, her eyes widened.

    Rain, a gentle rain shower, unlike the precursor to Ruinous Fog on Kuanalio Island pitter pattered along the wood of the boardwalk. T’nuri shook her head. Where did the time go? Such a hectic day. Day? No, it’s been like two days. She thought.

    Emile, the one who led the group, rapped her wooden stick on a lamppost with an hourglass statuette on it before she replied. “It’s not too far, only about five or so meters from the boardwalk.” 

    Before them sat an empty stretch of boardwalk, above weakened sand, and at the corner on an intersection a light brown wood and dark grey stone hut. The hut had light yellow metal atop its roof and a wooden signboard. Further along the boardwalk led two paths, one that led toward apartments and small homes, a residential area, and the other with larger more mixed-use buildings, ones that housed small businesses with dwellings on top.

    Kaliente smirked. “Quick stroll eh?”

    “Yeah,” the Grookey ahead replied.

    T’nuri glanced further into Phantismo Vista. “Do you have other specialty shops in this city too?”

    “Does the Fogcutter’s Detective Agency count?” the Fuecoco asked with a wink.

    The Cubone shook her head. “No, that’s not a shop.”

    “We do technically sell a service partner,” Alejandrien added.

    “Service?” the Grookey gasped.

    T’nuri hummed. “Aren’t you three not even legit!?”

    Kaliente and Alejandrien pressed against her sides. “Hey, we’re legit specialty! Well, our agency is!” they said in unison.

    The Cubone stifled a laugh as the two let go. “Not that type of specialty!”

    “Then like what?” the Jangmo-o tilted their head.

    “Stuff like I do. Woodworking. Or crafting, welding, pottery, stuff like that.” T’nuri twiddled her bone-club as she followed the others onto another stretch of boardwalk, higher up on the island. 

    “You into that?” Kaliente shot out a short burst of flame.

    The wind intensified along with the drizzle.

    “Yes, is that a problem detective?” The Cubone glared back at his wild expression. Who does he think he is?

    “It’s just a fascinating question, is all,” the Fuecoco laughed. “Didn’t expect it laddie!”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

    “Don’t get all worked up T’nuri.” Alejandrien stepped in between them. 


    The Cubone looked away. “Sorry, I’m just stressed out.” What’s wrong with me?


    “But you don’t have to take it out on us, we’re grappling with this together.”


    “I’ll try to calm my nerves.”

    Kaliente grinned. “That’s good. Because of your commitment, I shall give you my most eloquent show yet!”


    Why is he speaking fancy all of a sudden? “What?” T’nuri asked.


    “We’re here.” Emile stopped dead in her tracks, and the Pokémon behind shuffled around her. 


    As she mentioned, the grey hut of the Apothecary was before them. Sunlight bounced off the yellow metallic roof.


    The Grookey knocked on the door and opened it.


    The Apothecary’s interior was a modest four-room establishment, made of seashell-packed stone with a glossy wooden finish. Inside, a Seismitoad sat beside a black cauldron and table. 


    Emile, Kaliente, Alejandrien, and T’nuri stepped inside and shut the door.


    “¡Oh buenos tardes good day!” the Seismitoad called before he turned to the side. 


    “Greetings,” Emile said as she lowered to a crouch in front of the shelves of medical books and berry guides.


    “Good day, we’ll require some treatment and some ripe berries if ya don’t mind,” Kaliente spoke as a puff of smoke left his jaws.

    “We’ve got some customers for you to test!” The Seismitoad’s voice boomed toward the next room.

    Another door further in the hut creaked open and a Simisear quickly shuffled out, a large medicine satchel in tow. “Ah.” She held out a hand when T’nuri opened her mouth. “Don’t have ta say a word, I’ve got you chicos kids.”


    “You can just tell?” Alejandrien asked as Simisear pulled out a few items. 


    Rawst Berries, Lum Berries, Oran Berries, gauze, a jar of white cream, and a small mortar and pestle. All set out on the table in front of Seismitoad. 


    He pried each type of berry into pieces and procured a set of bowls. Seismitoad used the pestle to ground the pieces into a fine paste before he scooped in some of the white creams. He then placed a bunch of Oran and Sitrus Berries in a container and slid it toward the four young Pokémon.


    “Freshly made?” Kaliente asked as he placed the container in his bag.


    Simisear nodded as she stared intently at the Jangmo-o and the Cubone. “Yep, for each of you.” 


    “Fascinating how they know the extent of our injuries, right Emile?” the Fuecoco nudged the Grookey out of her daze.


    Emile got off the floor and nodded. “Yeah.”


    “Simisear knows what a burn looks like on all Pokémon, even ones that resist it,” Seismitoad explained before he smirked. “She’s burnt me plenty of times!”


    Simisear’s ears lowered. “Hey, it was only a couple!”


    The Jangmo-o shook their head. “But we dealt with something… Somethin’ unordinary on our trips.”


    “From the looks of it, natural fire?” 

    “Possibly.” T’nuri gritted her teeth as Simisear rubbed the finished ointment on her various burns. Shit, that sparking hurts! The Cubone’s bone-club shook as Simisear applied a bandage to her shoulder, her arm, and her side. 

    Seismitoad beckoned for Emile and Kaliente and sat them on a bench. “She’s extremely talented.” He then rubbed the berry juices onto two pieces of cloth inside one of the mortars and pressed the pestle onto it. Seismitoad placed each on the Fuecoco and the Grookey’s shoulders.

    Simisear chuckled as she palmed in the mixture on the Jangmo-o. “Seismitoad doesn’t talk about himself much but don’t y’all feel it?” 

    Alejandrien’s tail and the entire right side of their upper and lower body had a thin layer of char and sore reddened skin. “Feel what?” they strained.

    “Not you, the two beside him,” Simimsear said before she carefully ran the bandage along each of the Jangmo-o’s burnt areas. “They’re sore too despite not having any burns.”

    “Traveling far across any island’s no easy task innit?” Kaliente clenched his eyes shut.

    The Grookey’s tail curled as she leaned into the cloth.

    “It’s good.” the Fuecoco nodded. 

    “Satisfied speechless eh?” Seismitoad massaged in the remaining juice. “Well don’t think we haven’t noticed those tension lines!”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?” Emile raised an eyebrow.

    Seismitoad flexed his rather toned arms. “You all sure pack a punch and take blows fer sure!”

    “Ya two’ve generally been on quite the rounds of scrappin’.” Kaliente gently ribbed T’nuri.

    “Don’t touch me!” she pointed her bone-club at him.

    “Relax!” Alejandrien grabbed her arm. “He’s hurt too, ya know. We can scuffle and get excited all sorts later. Because believe me, I’ve got loads ta talk about!” 

    “Sorry, sorry.”

    Emile sighed. “Continue.” 

    “Anywho, your most recent injuries-” Simisear blushed at T’nuri, Kaliente, and Emile, “were all single blows done by each other.”

    “Right on the mark with that one.” Alejandrien laughed.

    Seismitoad chuckled with a flail of his hands. “Play nice or I’ll tell the Island Guild eh!”

    “Anything but that!” the Grookey panicked, her eyes wide.

    T’nuri blinked. That got her scared? 

    “Just kidding!” Seismitoad sat back. 

    “Ah gracias thanks,” Emile sighed. “I couldn’t bear the thought of dealing with those sparkers again.”

    “As the best Apothecaries on this side of Iaijutsukage, we’d never do that to such loyal clients!”

    Kaliente smirked. “It’s all good and dandy! The other Apothecary on the north side charges too much, trying to nick us blind. And one of the east pries too much into our work!”

    “Who recommended these Apothecaries anyway?” T’nuri asked and let her shoulders droop.

    The Grookey shook her head. “I’ve never been.”

    “I haven’t either,” Alejandrien added. “Maybe it was the Head Detective?”

    “Ah yes, you carry their emblem.” Simisear gestured to the purple and green magnifying glass icons on Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile’s bags.

    T’nuri scoffed. “I don’t.”

    Seismitoad got up from his seat and stretched before he faced the group again but with a scowl on his face. “Regardless, tell Hector I’m going to grind him into dust if he doesn’t pay me again.”


    Kaliente jolted away. “You’re joking, right?”


    “Of course, of course!” 


    “Right…” The Fuecoco grimaced. “How much do we owe you guys?” 


    Simisear glanced up from a clipboard spreadsheet. “ MCC poké.”


    “Uh so it’s, uh XIV Grimy Food out of LVI Cleanse Orbs worth of poké,” Emile rattled as she reached into her bag.

    “What?” T’nuri tilted her head. “What type of calculation was that? One that uses Grimy Food?”


    Kaliente pulled out a parcel of coins and sifted through them. “Don’t listen to Emile in regards to money, she’s much better with the unseen numbers.” 


    “I thought I did a good enough job.” The Grookey’s tail and ears drooped. “ Ai pero no sé , ah but I don’t know.” 


    No lo sabe, you don’t know. You didn’t mate.” The Fuecoco ruffled her shoulder. He placed the requested amount of coins on the counter.

    Simisear swiftly counted the bunches and smiled. “Now, please don’t get into any scuffles.” She placed the poké in a small rudimentary register off to the side and locked it.

    “Try to stay safe out there.” Seismitoad moved the benches and chairs under the tables.“The weather’s been a little wacky recently. Expect rough sailing conditions.” 

    Alejandrien got off her seat and then went toward the door. “Understood, uh-”

    “Ah, we’re just Apothecary Seismitoad and Apothecary Simisear. We don’t need you knowing much else, eheh.” The Seismitoad patted Emile and Kaliente on the shoulder and ushered them toward the opened door.

    The two stumbled from the force and nearly crashed into the ground. “Bye, I guess?”

    Alejandrien and T’nuri followed them but stepped outside. “Thank you!” the two said.


    Simisear nodded as she gathered the equipment. “Farewell!” 

    The door to the Apothecary hut slammed shut and left T’nuri, Alejandrien, Kaliente, and Emile outside.

    Suspicious . “Well, I’m glad we went,” the Cubone said with a stretch.”I feel much better.”

    “Can’t just take a load off yet, laddie.” The Fuecoco smirked as he nudged her.


    Kaliente patted his chest as he stepped onto the boardwalk. “Ya’ve got to prove your skills ta me mate.”

    “In what?” T’nuri blinked.

    “A new challenge partner,” the Jangmo-o said with a laugh. “You’ll be fine.”

    “Ignore him for now.” The Grookey waved her stick.

    T’nuri glanced up and down at her. “For now?”

    “Yeah uh, Emile’s into it too.” Alejandrien’s tail drooped.

    Emile sighed as the three caught up. “Vamos . Let’s go.”

    Iaijutsukage Island had plenty of sights for travelers to see. The Grookey led the Cubone, the Jangmo-o, and the Fuecoco off the boardwalk, into the seashell-lined streets of the mixed-use district. Bright-colored buildings, with pure white roofs, juxtaposed the dark hourglass structures that marked each intersection below and sat atop the street lamps.

    Pokémon of all types, and sizes roamed the walkways of Phantismo Vista. A Trapinch and a Crabrawler scuttled out of a shop, a satchel tied to the latter’s body, filled with papers. On a balcony of an apartment, a Jumpluff, and a Cottenee basked in the rays of the sun and drizzles of the rain. A fiery-Tarous and a fairy-Rapidash trotted through the streets, pulling a small carriage with a load of crates.

    Above it all, purple and green flagged streamers blew in the wind, their triangular edges scattered light all the while.
    Further in the city, off to a corner in the northside, sat an area quite unlike the rest. Its perimeter consisted of a red and clay brick wall, with two wooden posts and lentil-type arches, one purple, and the other green.

    Past those walls, the building was a run-down light grey stone, akin to a seaside fortress. Battlements, and ramparts barely visible before it blended into the next section of the structure above it. One that stopped T’nuri in her tracks. 

    A wooden building, one of two stories, the lower story was made of dark brown wood, while the upper story was made out of a lighter brown wood, with a large gently curved roof. 

    The entirety of this edifice sat right atop the seaside fortress. 

    On the ground, beside a large assortment of shrubs, bushes, and small, sapling palm trees sat flowerbeds. Flowerbeds with light purple lobelioids, pink, yellow, white, red hibiscus, and reddish pink plumerias. 

    An enormous sealed gate stood high above the Cubone, Jangmo-o, Grookey, and Fuecoco, its massive frame darkened the entire area.

    “Here it is.” Alejandrien wagged their tail.

    The Fogcutter’s Detective Agency!” Kaliente and Emile said in unison.

    On the large stone and wooden gates, there were a multitude of eye slots, there were six in total, one along a different distance that led up to one hundred eighty centimeters. A sensor plate was wedged into the ground. Emile stepped onto it and all of the eye slots opened up. Then a bell chimed. A woodblock slowly beat as there was a mechanical whirring noise.

    “Emile Grookey, Clearance Two Detective,” Emile stated in a slow and clear voice.

    The bell chimed twice this time, and then the gates slowly opened.

    Woah, fancy! “I guess we’re going in too?” T’nuri asked, her brown eyes wide.

    The Fuecoco and Grookey stepped inside afterward and beckoned for her and Alejandrien to follow.

    Before the four Pokémon was a wooden palace. A multitude of wooden hallways, rooms, and flooring. The stalwart walls brought the Cubone closer. In various sections, paper windows sat beside sliding doors. She placed a claw into the lowest handle right at her level and pulled. Locks and even solid heavier wood barred entry.

    T’nuri gasped. “This place is huge!”


    “We’ll head straight to the Lead and Head Detectives office. It’s toward the center of the agency, it’s elevated enough to have its window.” Emile held her stick and right arm behind her back and marched forward, her ruby eyes trained ahead. 


    “These hallways, and corridors seem to have been expanded a few years ago. The Cubone ran a claw under her chin. “Seems like five to eight years ago.”


    “Yeah about so.” Kaliente blew a puff of mist. “You’ll be able to see why soon.”


    Really now? T’nuri winced as the floor creaked and groaned with a roaring thud. This flooring is so shoddy.


    The four turned down one last walkway, and there sat a towering door frame, an elaborately decorated sliding wooden set of doors.


    T’nuri stumbled toward the massive doors and grabbed onto the Jangmo-o beside her.

    Another pull.

    “Alejandrien, do you feel it too?” she whispered.


    The Jangmo-o nodded before she also whispered. “Yeah, but don’t say anything, I’m not sure about this yet.”


    “Try not to get too frightened by the Head and Lead Detectives, okay?” the Grookey asked.


    “Okay,” The Cubone and Jangmo-o replied together, their eyes low.


    “These two are in charge of everything, so we’ll join you,” Kaliente explained, as Emile opened the wooden sliding door. 


    Three large hollow wooden desks sat at the front of the room, in the rear an elegant window, beside it a wide oil painting of the teal ocean and a silver lighthouse. Along the walls were the multitude of dull-colored books, from a sizable library collection. In the center of the room, two large Pokémon sat, a Ceruledge and a Kingambit.


    The Ceruledge’s heat brushed the corner of the room she was in in a lilac hue, and the flowing crest on the back of her head slowly flickered higher and higher. Her massive swords gleamed in shades of cerulean and blue-purple as warmth radiated off of them.


    Above that the massive head blade and body of the Kingambit towered above the desks. A clear reason for the raised ceiling and widened doorways, even though he managed to shrink his blades with concentrated effort.

    Each Pokémon had a scroll in front of them, and a notebook beside them. The sources of another pull, one strong enough that T’nuri shivered to the spines of her back scales.


    T’nuri bowed slightly at the Kingambit and Ceruledge. “Uh, good evening.” 


    “Evening detectives!” Alejandrien waltzed up beside her. “Could you introduce yourselves to this Cubone here, she’s something like a new partner to me.”


    “My name’s Esperanza, the Exploradora Scout, Lead Detective of the Fogcutters Detective Agency.” The Ceruledge placed her arms behind her back.


    The Kingambit glanced down at T’nuri with a scowl. “And I am Hector, the Cuchillo Knife, Head Detective of the Fogcutters Detective Agency. State your business!”


    The Cubone gulped. “Well, I am T’nuri Cubone of Pa’a Lepo, a woodworker.”


    “And why are you before us this gracious evening?” The Ceruledge questioned before she let out a puff of purple steam. 


    T’nuri trembled before she replied. “I’d like to go home to Pa’a Lepo. I was forced- er called here to discuss the mystery of what’s going on with me.”


    “What’s going on with you?”


    “Yes, when I woke up on that island.”


    The Kingambit ran a claw over his stache blade. “Pa’a Lepo huh? You and Alejandrien were both on Kuanalio Island?”

    “Yes.” Alejandrien nodded.


    “Why were you there again?” T’nuri tilted her head.


    Lead Esperanza hummed. “We sent Alejandrien to investigate it, among other tasks. Please explain your findings.”


    The Jangmo-o nodded. “There was a fog, we also found this ancient relic.”


    Head Hector sat upright before he spoke. “Can you report on the severity of the Ruinous Fog on Kuanalio?”


    “I trust you also have the requested materials?” the Ceruledge asked and gestured to the cart beside her on the floor. 


    That’s quite the demand. T’nuri glanced at the Jangmo-o beside her. ‘It’s Detective work partner.’ they’d say.


    Alejandrien removed her saddlebag once she sat down on the floor. She opened the main hatch and pulled out the violet, scarlet, and black tube. And also the scraps of the journal. “Can we not open the lil piece? I’d like it dated.”


    “I’ll take this for dating as requested. Now to the map! Something Ichigo asked for!” Lead Esperanza carefully placed the tiny piece of paper in a clear container and inspected the map tube’s circumference. “They called it the Scarviolet Map, an ancient relic from eons ago lost to the sands of time.”


    Emile smiled. “Good job.”


    “Ooh, you managed to find it!” Kaliente lit up for a few seconds, his yellow crest aflame.


    “Thanks y’all.” The Jangmo-o opened the side pouches and retrieved the collection of tiny jars, packed with samples in each. 


    Head Hector picked up each and brought them close to his face, his piercing yellow eyes laser-focused on the contents. “So we have sand, rocks, seawater, grasses, mist, and, Ruinous Fog? Excellent!” He placed the jars on the bottom shelf of the cart.


    The Kingambit stood up on two legs before he carefully wheeled the cart behind one of the desks and gently arranged the jars on it. He returned to his seat on the ground with a mighty thud, the wooden floorboards creaked loudly in protest.

    Lead Esperanza cleared her throat. “So T’nuri, where did you start woodworking?” 

    Why focus on me? T’nuri gulped before she answered. “Back home.” 

    “Yes but where?” 

    “From my parents’ Mystery Dungeon supply shop at home.”


    Head Hector leaned forward before he spoke. “And now?” 


    “I worked at Hau Beach in eastern Pa’a Lepo, at an Adventuring Company.”


    “You specialize in?”


    “Furniture, and doors.”


    The Kingambit adjusted his crossed legs with a sigh. “Thank you, now back to Kuanalio. How did you two get off the island?” 


    “We had to get through the fog, a Mystery Dungeon, and fix the ship,” the Cubone responded.


    “Can we get more details on the whole situation? You made it sound easy.” Lead Esperanza chuckled.


    T’nuri ran a claw along her bandages. “It wasn’t. I just want to go home, please don’t make this too difficult.”


    The Jangmo-o beside her sighed. “We cut through the fog, and had a run-in with two pirates.”


    “Was there Ruinous Fog when you first arrived on Kuanalio?” Head Hector tapped on his metallic shoulders.


    “No,” the Cubone answered. “There was an oddly sharp rain, it came off a dark grey mist.” 


    Alejandrien raised a claw. “The rain was still there when the fog was present on the island.”


    “So earlier you said ‘we cut it’,” the Ceruledge spoke up. “Does that mean both of you did that?”


    “Yes.” T’nuri gestured with her claws. “When we both worked together we were able to cut through it and it was completely eliminated from a small area.”


    “So when you did it by yourself, nothing happened?”


    The Jangmo-o looked down. “Well, when T’nuri saved me from the pirates she actually managed to cut through a little bit but nothing huge.”


    “Oh that’s interesting,” Head Hector spoke up. “So the fog appeared but then you were able to get rid of it just like that.”


    T’nuri shook her head. “Not initially.”


    Head Hector crossed his arms. “You didn’t know what caused it, maybe you caused it?” the Kingambit hummed.


    “What? No, we didn’t do it!” Alejandrien cried. 


    T’nuri held her chest as the Head and Lead Detectives zeroed in on her. “I didn’t do it!”


    “Are you sure?” The Ceruledge’s crest slowly heated up further, and a slick flame warmed the room. “There’s no proof that you couldn’t have subconsciously created it?” 


    “If I created it, why would it have hurt me?” 


    Head Hector chuckled a bit before he pointed a sharpened hand at T’nuri, his eyes daggers. “Maybe you couldn’t control it?” 


    I don’t know anything. Why are they asking so many questions? “I didn’t.” the Cubone took in a shaky breath.

    “Well, don’t be too alarmed, T’nuri,” Lead Esperanza cleared her throat. “You and Alejandrien are like many others here at the Detective Agency.”


    “What does that mean?” T’nuri asked.


    “Everyone on an Investigation Team has powers that interact with the Ruinous Fog,” The Ceruledge explained.

    “Wait what?” 

    “While we don’t know much information on the current pockets of the fog in the Archipelago, we do have some first-person testimonies on the past encounters,” the Kingambit explained.


    “And how is this relevant?” the Cubone spread her arms out.


    “Well, when you first met each other did you feel a pull?”


    “And when you met Emile and Kaliente?”


    “Yeah, we did, it wasn’t like how Alejandrien and mine were. Oh, and yours.” the Cubone said, her eyes vacant.


    Alejandrien jabbed her with a claw. “T’nuri, ya can’t just yap!”


    With a wince T’nuri glanced at the other, all had curious expressions. “Oops.”


    “Ours?” the Ceruledge sharpened her swords. “Well, I suppose we are in charge so we should have one.”


    “What?” T’nuri tilted her head. “So you aren’t just going to leave Iaijutsukage to go stop the fog?”


    Head Hector placed his hands on his thighs.“Wouldn’t that make the most sense? We can’t leave when we don’t understand how it works, and not with all the other Investigation Teams out.”


    The Cubone narrowed her eyes. Suspicious. “Sure.”


    “Regardless, Emile, Kaliente, and many others in our Detective Agency can block the path of ruinous fog however you two can completely remove it.” Lead Esperanza said, her crest brightened.


    “This means you are instrumental and completely removing all of it from the Archipelago,” The Kingambit said.


    “And now that you’re here you can join those two and an Investigation Team,” The Ceruledge said.


    “What?” T’nuri gasped.

    Join them?


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