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    The Archipelago Continent prides itself on peace with help from the Detectives and Guild. However, an arcane fog begins appearing on islands, bringing natural disasters and chaos, allowing pirates to roam. What secrets lie within the fog? Fogcutters T’nuri and Alejandrien must work with their fellow Detectives Kaliente and Emile to cut through the mysteries before all goes to ruin.

    Originally Posted November 10th, 2023
    Updated January 26th, 2024

    T’nuri and Alejandrien enter North Beach Mountain’s Mystery Dungeon, what will they discover inside and out of the depths?

    The entrance to North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon sat silently, just as T’nuri and Alejandrien caught their breath. It was calm. Bathed in the warm orange light, away from the threat of the Black Ruinous Fog, away from the fire, and away from the pirates.

    Alas, their journey was not over.

    “I don’t think I’ve ever had to run that fast before,” the Cubone said as she stretched.

    With a shake of their scales, the Jangmo-o rolled over. “Same here, T’nuri.” I’ll be so sore later. They thought. They adjusted the scarlet and violet map case and straps on their black saddlebag, the magnifying glass icon pictured on it reflected the light from the cave.

    “Let’s go inside.” T’nuri pointed her bone-club at the mouth of the cave, her eyes sharpened.

    Alejandrien nodded and followed her inside. As they entered, a wall of sand fell into place where the entrance was, and blocked their way back. There was only one way on: forward.

    Inside was a rocky landscape filled with warm sand, small croppings of palm trees stood stalwart on the hills and valleys of the brown mountainous terrain.

    However, the height of the cliffs above left the Cubone and Jangmo-o pair speechless.

    The cave went so deep, that none saw the bottom through the darkness. Not a single cry or call from a wilderner echoed from the reaches.

    Nary a sound besides the rush of water.

    “We need to be careful.” T’nuri knelt toward the sand and put a clawful of soil in her mouth. “Erm, we should be fine as long as we don’t hurry.”

    Alejandrien nudged her forward and ran ahead to the thin path. “Yeehaw, we need ta speed right on through!”

    “That’s not what I meant,” the Cubone groaned as she spat out the sand.

    She followed them along the narrow stretch of land, into a rather larger room, one with various passages to and fro.

    In the middle sat a Seel wildener, their brow furrowed. “Leave!” They shot out a burst of Water Gun at the Cubone, and the sharp jet tore through her scales.

    She slid on the ground from the spray and nearly tumbled over. T’nuri caught herself before she charged forward in a torrent of sand. Once she reached the Seel the Cubone retaliated with a toss of her Bone Club.

    The strong short distance throw bashed Seel’s side and sent them to the ground with a cry. They got up just as the Jangmo-o approached.

    Let’s roll! Alejandrien followed T’nuri up with a piercing Scale Shot. The sharp scales flew one after another and tagged Seel on the shoulder, belly, head, hip, and flipper, each stronger than the last. Seel fainted on contact with the fifth, their eyes in a swirl as they fell onto the sand.

    T’nuri collected her breath as she pried herself off the ground. “Let’s keep going.”

    The Cubone and the Jangmo-o maneuvered throughout the Mystery Dungeon, the warm sand and the salty breeze juxtaposed the daunting height and majesty of the land.

    Alejandrien bounded over a collection of brittle earth and swiftly turned around. That’s a bit odd. She sniffed at a large rock before she padded forward.”Now that I think ’bout it, why does the Ruinous Fog not spread here?” Some mon’s approachin’.

    “Good question,” T’nuri tilted her head. “I wonder what Drilburr and Sandshrew knew about this Mystery Dungeon.”

    An enemy! “Can it fer now!” the Jangmo-o pushed her to the ground.

    Just above them, a blue Squakwabilly dove their talons against T’nuri’s shoulder with a Wing Attack. “Go away!”

    The Cubone stumbled to the ground, and just as quickly she rolled to the side and opened her mouth. T’nuri jumped into the air and Bit down on the wilderner’s side, black energy laced in her maw.

    With a cry, the Squawkabilly fluttered out of her grasp.

    Ain’t done yet! Alejandrien hopped right in front of them. They swept at the Squawkabilly’s wings with a Low Kick.

    The blow toppled them to the ground before they shot at the Jangmo-o with a Tackle.

    Darnit ! She reeled back from the attack and shook her scales.

    T’nuri bashed her skull-helmet into the Squawkabilly, and her Headbutt knocked the wilderner out cold.

    Alejandrien grunted and inspected their side, the beak and talons of the Pokémon imprinted into the tough hide of their scales, and a small trickle of blood oozed out.

    T’nuri’s arm trembled as she wiped the blood from her wound.

    The Jangmo-o sighed and stretched. “That was a tough one, partner!”

    “Let’s keep going.” T’nuri rubbed her chest and continued onward.

    The pair headed through a vast stretch of sandy mountains, the Mystery Dungeon air calm and silent through muffled footsteps. The Cubone and Jangmo-o went through a few twists and turns before they came across a path that headed down. A natural decline in North Beach Mountain. One that led to a branching path.

    The massive cliff they were above before was now beside them, just like the water that trailed off.

    “Woah, look at that cliff!” Alejandrien gasped.

    T’nuri looked up and down. “That’s insane.” she pointed at the following current and then at the massive rock. “We’ve come a long way, to end up right beside it.”

    “Definitely! We’re almost free!”

    Palm trees still towered over the two and the rough land before the pair.

    Inside the next area, a Dratini slithered across the sand. They looked back and forth as their facial fins flapped.

    The Cubone watched as Alejandrien shivered. T’nuri poked her head into the room. Without any fanfare she pulled her arm back and tossed her Bonemerang at the Dratini, the attack bashed deep into their hide.

    A roar echoed throughout the area as the Dratini shot forward a light blue ball of energy in their maw. Then the Icy Wind blasted the Cubone, frozen shards pierced through her scales. She dropped to the floor with a cry, her body caked in a thin crust of frost.

    “Don’t fret now!” The Jangmo-o shuffled in front of her and fired off two Scale Shots.

    The Dratini countered with a Dragon Tail that swept away a portion of the sharp draconian blades and collided with Alejandrien.

    They crashed onto the ground with a gasp. I can’t move! The Jangmo-o thoughts spiraled.

    The Dratini’s eyes narrowed even further.

    T’nuri yelled as she pulled off the ground. “I’ve got you!” she clutched her Bone Club tight and swung it right against the Dratini’s upper torso.

    The powerful attack knocked the wilderner down on the floor and they fainted, sprawled out, chilled air of Icy Wind charged in their maw, dissipating away.

    The Cubone glanced at her bone-club, her eyes trembling. “Something … Something is wrong with me.”

    With a sputtered groan Alejandrien climbed off the ground. They coughed and shook. “Ya okay now?”

    T’nuri sat still for a moment. The Cubone heaved in a breath and pressed a claw against her leg. Her mind raced.


    “Same.” Holy quaza, I haven’t fought that hard in such a long time.

    The Jangmo-o sighed and T’nuri stretched.

    The Cubone got up and pointed at the open walkway before them, a thin section of tunnel within the mountainous cavern.

    As the wind intensified the pair made their way down to the end of the Mystery Dungeon.

    T’nuri rubbed her shoulder and slowly walked across the sandy mountain, the path widening in odd juts and angles.”That Sandshrew and Drilbur wilderner pair said something would be here.”

    “Somethin’s supposed to be here besides the exit right?” Alejandrien asked, her eyes narrowed.

    Further along the end of North Beach Mountain, quite a familiar sight could be found along the brightening area: odd stone pillars, with a wall made of brittle stone. Light from outside peaked through the exit as the pair grew near.

    The palm trees swayed in the current. More and more of the towering plant life led to a small stone structure.

    As T’nuri and Alejandrien set foot on the ground the area shook. In the midst of that, a gentle green and purple mist filled the air, the same glow of the two Pokémon when they cut the Black Fog.

    Out of the ground rose a wooden chest. Mold and fauna alike burrowed into its depths.

    “Wander what’s inside?” Alejandrien nudged T’nuri as the latter stood still.

    The Cubone continued forward with a nod and rubbed her scales. “Perhaps related to that odd map?”

    “Listen T’nuri.” the Jangmo-o gestured at their bag. “It ain’t just an odd map, it’s a bonafide relic!”

    “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

    “Ya don’t understand how important detective work is!”

    “Just help me open this.” T’nuri grit her teeth as her arms strained to pry open the lid.

    Alejandrien grabbed one handle of the chest with her maw, then pressed her claws into the top. She heaved with all her might. The lid crashed open with an echoing thud. This clatter traveled throughout the entire area just as the cloud of dust and decay exploded into the air. The Cubone and Jangmo-o flinched as they were covered head to claw in a faint layer of grit.

    With a shake of her scales, the Jangmo-o peered inside the chest.

    “What is it?” The Cubone behind her panted and wiped the film off her body.

    Inside the wooden box was a yellow, faded scrap of paper. Part of a journal page, judging by the thinly placed lines that ran horizontally along. Written on.

    The ink scribbles were nearly illegible, but there were a few words that stuck out.

    With our findings, we believe we could have a route to our alternate Archipelago Continent, and the whole world as we know it, once we complete that fabled map. It’s — and — so far .’

    “A map ta another world!?” Alejandrien yelped and dropped to the floor.

    T’nuri’s eyes widened. She studied the rest of the paper. It read. “Number VIII 8 Page LXXII 72.”

    “Number 8 Page 72 !?” the Jangmo-o threw their bag to the ground and yanked an empty metal tube out. “That must mean there’s a hundred pages or more… “

    “Why was this scrap of paper in a chest at the end of a Mystery Dungeon in the first place?”

    Alejandrien’s tail lowered as they nudged it into the tube. Then they secured it inside their bag. “We’ll have to get a date on the paper and a chemical composition analysis of the page for this to mean anything.”

    T’nuri looked at her bone-club, then sighed. “Well, I want to get out of here and get back home to my island.”

    “Hold on a second!” the Jangmo-o raised a claw. “We’ve gotta find the crew and go back to the agency first. I’ll explain more later.”

    The Cubone rolled her eyes. “Sure.”

    “I really mean it. I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten about Pa’a Lepo, your folks, and your wood workshop.”

    “Well I’m not trying to leave them behind either. They’re way more important to me, more than anything in the world.”

    “I’ll help ya get on back, but first tha crew and brigantine.”


    North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon had nothing left for the pair, as a salty wind swept around the cavern the two Pokémon exited the shelter.

    The entrance was sealed up with a wall of rock. T’nuri and Alejandrien didn’t look back.

    Kuanalio Island was still the same, a rich black fog floated across the land, pockets of red and orange fire rolled closer and closer to the sand below.

    Flames were further away from the beachline on this side of the island.

    “That Mystery Dungeon was awfully short,” the Jangmo-o sighed. She stared into the murky skyline and glanced back at the Cubone beside her.

    “I hope we don’t run into any pirates and can just find the crew.” T’nuri rubbed her arm.

    The Jangmo-o nodded and stepped in front of her. “We also need to find the ship and collect some more samples before we go. I really want ta measure the amount of sulfur and nitrate in the air, oh and the parts per million, or ppms of carbon dioxide.”

    “Come on.” T’nuri nudged their flank. “Don’t get distracted with all your nerdy talk.”

    “Sorry, sorry!”

    Under the turbulent sky and on the uncertain land, the pair continued past the dormant volcano towards the beach.

    Mangroves and oceanic plants grew out of the ground, untouched and untainted by the Ruinous Fog, and swayed in the wind as the Cubone and Jangmo-o passed.

    Hidden, buried in a portion of sand, a long green scarf sat crumpled out near a palm tree. T’nuri and Alejandrien hurried toward and the Jangmo-o lit up.

    “That’s Frederico’s scarf!”

    “One of the crew?”


    Once the pair got closer to it the black and purple stripes spiraled around the scarf, along with the magnifying glass in the center.

    “He ain’t on an Investigation Team, but he still wears somethin’ to show he’s part of our Agency’s Navigation Crew!”

    “So he should be nearby!” T’nuri grabbed the scarf and tied it across the Jangmo-o’s torso. “Let’s go!”

    As the Black Fog followed she led her through the weedy sand dunes closer to the crashing waves of the sea. Danger surrounded the two. Not that they were alone in their rush.

    Fire was upon them again.

    Through the cover of smoke, ash, and the land itself a large jet of Chilled Water drenched the Cubone and blasted her across the ground. Soaking wet, she rolled and tumbled for a bit and laid in a heap of sand and dried palm leaves.

    Where did that come from? “What in Sky Tower!” Alejandrien skidded to a halt beside her.

    “Third time’s the charm!” the Buizel yelled.

    The Deino dashed next to them with a laugh. “Don’t think we’ll let ya two run away again!”

    In the wind, the fabric of the pirates’ pink, yellow, and orange striped bandana waved, the Sharpedo stitching stalwart, almost primed for battle.

    With a groan, T’nuri rolled over and tossed her Bonemerang at the Deino.

    It cracked into their hip and sent the Deino to the ground in a tumble.

    A plume of Black Fog engulfed the Cubone, the spark of ignition ticking away like a bomb.

    Through the fumes and new burst of flame, Buizel launched through the air in a Quick Attack, straight toward the Cubone.

    Before the Jangmo-o could intercept it they rolled to the side to avoid the brunt of a Dragon Breath. The teal energy charred her hide and flicked her face.

    “Fucking mudder!” As T’nuri crawled the fire tore through and across her body, the Buizel was right on her tail.

    Dark blue energy charged in the pirate’s paws.


    I’ve got ya! “Partner!” Alejandrien roared and flung her body in an arc. Her eyes went pitch black and her scale tips purple as she fired out a barrage of Scale Shots.

    A few of those blasts knocked the Buizel off course, and their Chilling Water splashed onto the ground.

    T’nuri grabbed her Bone-Club with both arms as her skull-helmet went pitch black, and purple and green markings trailed down her face. Her eyes pitch black as well. “Yeah!” She swung the Bone-Club, and it knocked one of the Scale Shots through the Black Fog. In a flash, it struck Deino square in the chest.

    A blast of black, purple, and green lit up the area.

    The Deino gasped from the impact and flopped onto the ground, their eyes swirling as their fighting spirit was quenched.

    In that move all of the flames around the four Pokémon vanished, the Ruinous Fog gone with the wind. All of the Black Fog on this side of North Beach Mountain, and the surrounding beach and stretch of land.

    The Cubone slumped back down and clutched her injured side, skull-helmet faded back to normal.

    “I gotta get outta here!” the Buizel gritted their teeth and shot forward at T’nuri with the blinding speed of Quick Attack.

    Alejandrien stepped in front of her with a translucent barrier of energy, a Protect, and the pirate crashed into them. “Good night!” the Jangmo-o bashed into the Buizel’s body with a Headbutt and threw them to the side. Not on my watch pirate! they thought, a smirk slowly plastered their jagged maw.

    As they flew through the air the Buizel passed out. And crumbled to the sand.

    Finished, Alejandrien collapsed onto the ground. The Jangmo-o’s head buried against the sand as her heart raced. Whooee, what a fight. She thought.

    Gales of fresh wind blew around the area as they took in a shaky breath.

    The Cubone beside them groaned. Her right arm was covered in a layer of char, the thick scales and natural grit tender.

    She too took in an unsteady breath and stood up. “The fires are gone from here. Permanently.”

    “Y-yeehaw,” Alejandrien stumbled toward her, as their tail slowly rose. “We destroyed it!”

    T’nuri’s eyes widened as the Jangmo-o’s scales faded back to normal. “Together.”

    “We just did that partner!” They nudged the saddlebag on their side and the scarf across their neck. “We really did!”

    The Cubone wiped the blood and sand off her shoulder. “With our teamwork!” she pointed her bone-club at the sky.


    While the path before them to the beach was bare, it was traveled. Paw, claw, and footsteps of varying sizes were faint but certain imprints in the mountain and especially in the sand.

    “Hopefully there aren’t anymor’ pirates on this here island,” Alejandrien said with a sigh.

    T’nuri nodded. “Yeah, I would hate to run into more of those sparking mon.”

    There was the subtle sound of something or someone in the distance just a bit out of reach.

    “Is ‘spark’ a common profanity on the Archipelago Continent? Along with ‘mudder’ and ‘snuff’?”

    “Yeah.” The Cubone glanced around the path. “What, did the crew drop a couple of them on you too?”

    The sound was clearer now, the waves and voices.

    “Yeah.” The Jangmo-o’s golden eyes lit up even brighter. “Left me mighty confused!”

    They walked out of the outcropping foliage and onto the sand of the beach, with T’nuri right by their side. “Let’s keep going,” the Cubone said, and held out her claw.

    Alejandrien nodded.

    The two Pokemon weren’t done with their new journey just yet, and darkness brewed around the corner.


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