The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 19 ~

    << The Slow Climb >>



    Place: City of Arceliaze, Central Illaminian District, Hipisemi Street, House #2


    Region: Central Arceali Valley


    Day: Pieyrshve


    Date: Zshima 55th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    The sun rose on the next day. It was another foggy, cold day with a light snowfall. Siranae kept a nice fire going in the stone fireplace to warm the front parlor. With the rug that covered the whole floor, the three chairs and the lovely square table it was actually a somewhat respectable front room.


    Not much was on my list for today. Siranae had told me that the Municipal Tax ID would be ready today, and the Guild would be ready with the permits tomorrow, which of course would come with monthly patronage fees to the Merchant’s Guild and the House of Chaila.


    And that would require a trip to the village of Ochli in the Southern Arceali valley, where Chaila called home.


    So much to do… and I hadn’t even bought my dresses from Kalae’s associate yet. Never mind how Mistress Julnii would behave after I’d missed a day of work whilst sick. She would need to verbally tear me apart for my ‘incompetence,’ or ‘disrespect,’ or some other matter of me being sick.


    I didn’t care – it was going to be wretched all the same. So all the while, Siranae and I shared in the leftovers of the lunch Julminae had brought, now for breakfast and warmed over the front room fire.


    “My dear,” I said to the Audino, tapping at my snout with a napkin, “I apologize for asking more of you – but I hope that you’ll make your way to Kalae’s abode today. Even if brief, I’m sure her lessons will be an important step for us. And…”


    I took up a cup, sipping lightly at the most bare tea we’d been able to make in our house.


    “We have some garments to collect today, that I believe will be all the more rewarding after Kalae’s advice.”


    That assumed I’d even have the time to purchase those dresses, or have the strength to stand after the day’s work… but, so be it. I would get us there, even if I’d collapse from doing so.


    Siranae nodded, sipping her own tea… and adding yet another sugar cube to it. The Audino was, at this rate, drinking less tea and more sugar water, but such was her preference.


    “Yes, of course I shall, Adelaide,” she affirmed with a soft nod. “She had mentioned as such yesterday, but admitted to being too busy, as it was repayments day – there were quite a few others in her house paying their loans, but she should be ready for me today.”


    She paused, looking down at her cup and swirling it around, her eyes sparkling.


    “Garments… I can only assume they’re for the Art Showcase which Zerazani has invited us to. Gracious… that’s the day after tomorrow, isn’t it?” Siranae gained a little excited bounce as she spoke. “Ah! But I suppose I’ll need to go with you to fetch them and have them fitted.”


    “Indeed, you will – or, at least, I would quite prefer to have you there.” I placed my teacup down, tails swaying lazily against the ornate chair. “You are owed the chance to find your perfect attire, yes?”


    Even with my apprehensions, I had an undeniable eagerness… this would be the first formal event I’d been to in quite some time. Notwithstanding Zerazani’s performance. Even my affairs in my own world had been curtailed by my studies – this would be a fine time to indulge in, perhaps, proper high-class events.


    “If possible, we could find something that matches? Gowns or dresses that show our shared status. But I will leave that much up to you – please ruminate on it, while we tend to the day’s work. And…”


    I leaned across the table, placing a paw on Siranae’s arm and giving her a gentle smile.


    “You do not have to drink the tea, if it isn’t to your tastes. We’ll find something sweeter to buy, tomorrow or soon after.”


    Siranae giggled, her own hand resting on mine as she took another strained sip of the tea.


    “Aha, Adelaide, I hope you’ll permit me this one bit of determination – I doubt a party with nobles will offer much X-Eye and Haven’s Hammer.” The Audino said. “If I am to train in noble mannerisms under Kalae… I’d hate to disappoint her so soon by not even being able to swallow my tea.”


    Indeed, she gave a hard swallow.


    “Just as I must know how to make it. And you’ve been a wonderful teacher in that respect, Friend Adelaide.”


    I ran my paw along her arm, consoling, but not stopping her. I nodded weakly.


    “If you can handle such a choice, then I have no will to force you otherwise. I only hope the Showcase can be a pleasant time, all the same.”


    Siranae finished her cup quickly, trying to make as little fuss as she could, even as I saw her lips twist ever so slightly as she gave a final hard swallow.


    “Hah… I suppose we must face the day, then. I must admit, working at the forge is more and more difficult with my mind astray on our plans, but I will do my utmost to focus.” Siranae nodded. “Ah, and, as promised, I visited The Banquet Upon Paradise yesterday, and told the Lurantis at the front where you had gone…”


    She was quiet a moment… then stood.


    “I do not think she likes me very much, I apologize.” The Audino sighed. “I hope the message was received well.”


    I reclined in my seat, dusting myself off and taking in the girl’s words.


    “Mistress Julnii does not like anyone, my dear.” I assured. “You have nothing to worry about. She, like your forge work, is a temporary condition.”


    I stood as well, my smile unbroken.


    “When the Helping Hands of Coronatus has spread its branches far and wide- our current work will seem like a distant memory. A well-forgotten nightmare, even- for we will be living a freer life.”


    I took up my satchel from a box still lingering near the living room, then came back to Siranae- holding both of her hands firmly. “I ask, selfishly, that you bear your burdens for a little while longer. On my honor, you will soon be a little closer to your dream.”


    My digits kneaded softly on her hardened hands. Each time, it was harder to let them go.


    “That woman… is that way to you as well…?” Siranae frowned deeply, a sterner look crossing her countenance. “I… would have hoped that was not the case, but…”


    She shook her head, grasping my hands tight. Those roughshod fingers of hers traced over the fur of my paws as she stood with me.


    “No, Adelaide. It is I that asks selfishly that you bear that woman only a few days more…” The Audino said, looking strong. “Forge work has been my life for years, but I fear… too much longer under a monster like Julnii will be your death. Diligently will I train to blend with Nobles, dress in their vestments and carry you away from that horrible place.”


    She paused.


    She looked pained for a moment… before closing her eyes, and smiling.


    “…Armed with knowledge and connections in Zerazani’s Art Showcase… we will be ready for Prista’s Banquet. We will gain a sponsor into the Guild. We will get our Audience with Conduit Lippi…” Siranae promised. “…and we will get you home. All the way back to Milan.”


    She opened her eyes, looking towards the door.


    “W-well… shall we be off, Adelaide…?”


    I felt myself falter, with her kind-hearted words.


    In truth, Mistress Julnii had worn away at me, able to do much naught but endure her- each day a lash against my soul. I loathed to be in her service… and my hopes for Team Coronatus, perhaps, were also a hope to escape her.


    I squeezed Siranae’s hands just a mite more, nodding back at her with that resolute speech. Milan was more distant than I had ever known… and yet, her determination made it real, made it possible, in that brief moment.


    “Thank you, Dear Siranae. With a companion such as you… I could do just about anything.”


    I glanced to the door, unable to release Siranae’s hands. I felt weak at the thought of it.


    “Yes, we… we should not dally. Our future awaits us, aha.”


    I let one hand go, walking with Siranae to the front door. The bright light of day was cooled amidst the morning fog, but work awaited us all the same.


    “…I’ll see you soon,” I muttered, digits relaxing on her other hand.


    When my grip weakened, I suddenly felt a warmth wrap around me. The Audino hugged me at once, her soft, sure hold pressing me against her, as the simple girl softly nuzzled into my shoulder. I let out a weak sigh, hugging Siranae in return. The gesture was no longer an embarrassing or worrying thing. I felt lost on what to say- so simple of a moment, and yet it always felt so difficult.


    “We will be there for one another at day’s end – we can work towards that.” Siranae said, squeezing me. Even with the door now open, it felt as warm as a spring afternoon.


    And, all at once, the embrace ended. The Audino pulled back to give me a reassuring stare, before holding my hand firmly to walk along the street. After all, both of our commutes to work followed a similar path out of the Illaminian district- there was no reason to break off so soon. I kept my smile, even as the cold morning breeze settled on my fur, holding the girl’s hand as we walked along the familiar road. Work, and Julnii, and the aching pain in my limbs- it would come later.


    Outside in the crisp air, I saw Julminae at her stand, the Timburr looking deep in thought before she noticed me, giving a friendly wave.


    I flicked my tails lazily, giving a warm wave to the merchant in turn. If only I had some reason to sit at her shop, and delay my return to Julnii’s domain… but I was only stalling an inevitable torment. We had work to do- and I strolled onward.


    The walk was pleasant, moreso with Siranae than it would have been whilst alone, for the air was chilled and wet with the snow having piled up onto the streets once again with workers diligently shoveling at the main roads, even as yet more fluttered down through the fog. I had to be careful not to slip on any patches of ice.


    The snow, ice and chill meant there were far fewer visitors to the district. Shops kept their doors and entryways shut with shutters pulled down – the only indication they were still open was the light through the windows and the shopkeepers standing outside, all draped in woolly cloaks and scarves. There was no music this morning, just a nice, quiet district (much to Siranae’s relief).


    “Cauphouspu, Adelaidini!” A voice called to me from one of the shops, one of the ones I helped or maybe a friend of their friend.


    “Good Morrning, Sirranae, Adelaide!” Another accented voice called as we both crunched in the snow. Siranae kindly waved, even recognizing the Swinub from a few days ago.


    Each call from the civilians that we passed shot confusion through me – but I settled down and returned the kind gestures each time. Even when I had lived closer to the streets of Milan itself, I was unaccustomed to such bold interactions from out of nowhere.


    Though as we continued down the road, towards the east entrance, I began to notice something: many shopkeepers and people outside their houses talking to one another in hush voices and serious faces…and all while craning their necks to look down the road.


    My smile dimmed after a few minutes more, none of those eager voices calling out to me. Had something occurred…?


    I tipped my snout upward, trying to peer ahead of our walk. On second nature, I pulled Siranae and myself to the side of the road, approaching the scene at the eastern gate with caution.


    It felt… unpleasantly familiar.


    Siranae noticed my pull and obeyed at once, moving with me to the side of the road. The road workers and shop keepers stood nearby here and I could hear how they whispered to each other in their native language… in harsh whispers.


    Angered whispers.


    It was hard to see what the source of the commotion was, through the thick fog and fluttering snow. But, as we crept along the sides of the street, I could see a large crowd that stood at an intersection, looking down a road off to our left that ran between two buildings.


    Despite the large crowd, they didn’t shout. They only uttered low murmurs, letting an air of uncertainty hang about them.


    Siranae held my hand tighter.


    Doubtless she also saw the similarities.


    I stood firm, walking with confidence. I felt a fear echo up from within me, and still, I pressed onward at the side of the crowd.


    ‘It can’t be. It’s barely been a week. Arceliaze is bad, but it can’t be this bad.’


    I let the words bounce against the inside of my skull. Maybe, I thought, they could keep me safe from this dreadful reality.


    I squeezed Siranae’s palm, as we shifted through the waves of the crowd.


    Against my fears, I looked down that road, staring at the source of the quiet commotion. And the closer we got, the clearer the voices became.


    “My apologies, but the Guild fails to see any crime that’s been committed.”


    “It is a THRREAT! Is this not a thrreat against me? My kin?!”


    “It’s just a…! Honorable Team Gold I implore you explain-!”


    “You do not implore things of me. Do your job or see yourself to the unemployment office at once.”


    That voice… I recognized it. It gave me a chill, remembering that dark night finding Varsae’s body… and what had come after.


    As we pushed ourselves to the front of the crowd, I could see the center of the commotion: a small brown rabbit, with two perked ears and a scruff of brown neck fluff, was shouting at an armored guard Poke’mon that looked like a fierce-eyed ball of fuzz with monkey limbs. The other guards surrounding the scene looked unsure, squirming and whispering to one another.


    They stood in front of a small building that was tightly sandwiched between two other buildings.


    And there, a single object that the rabbit gestured at angrily:


    A small deer skull made from paper sitting in the center of the pavement, which had been deliberately shoveled of snow and had red paint splashed upon it which had already dried.


    The threatening implication was clear.


    And yet… much to Siranae’s wide-eyed shock… there stood those familiar Guild Poke’mon, Purina the Meowstic and Mulku the Skitty – Team Gold.


    And just like that night before, they stood with bored indifference, as though their time was being wasted.


    …no, not like before. it was something else. It was that same cruelty on display… but it was not, now, a Poke’mon lying limp in the road. I breathed some small sigh of relief.


    My heart still ached. Yet again, I had fallen onto the path of some injustice… and Team Gold was here to scoff at whoever suffered. I quivered.


    ‘And what if there was a crime,’ I muttered in my thoughts. ‘What would you do differently? Would it simply be another form to write upon, another wrongdoing to sweep away? Why…’


    A question hung in my mind.


    I stepped forward. My grip loosened on Siranae – I did not want to lose her in this crowd, and yet, I could not bring myself to force her with me. I was, after all, preparing myself to do something idiotic.


    I weaseled my way toward the front of the crowd. I waited, breath held, to see if the duo could do any good. If the Arceali Guild had any soul, they could do something other than dismiss.


    “Whuh-?!” Siranae whispered a slight hiss fearfully as I let go of her and began to move forward. “A-Adelaide…?!”


    She gripped my hand tight, letting herself be dragged along, as though she refused to let me do what I was about to do alone.


    All the while, the guards continued to speak.


    “Look, I understand you’re upset but the position of the Arceali Guild is clear – there are no ‘skull mask hooligans’.” The Guard tried to talk down the furious brown rabbit. All the while, Purina pulled out a book to begin reading, as though simply waiting to be dismissed. “Are you sure it’s not just some kids playing a tasteless jest??”


    “Was Varrsae simply a ‘jest’?!” The rabbit haughtily demanded, a wave of grunts rushing over the crowd of Illaminians. “I rread the newspaperr and I have seen how the culprits arre so quickly dismissed! Do you know who I am frriends with in this distrrict?!”


    “I-I can imagine.” The poor guard gulped. “And please know we’re looking into all these attacks around Arcea but I must implore you not believe everything you read in the newspaper – the press has the nasty habit of embellishment.”


    “And what of the fact that the only victims seem to be Illaminian, hm?!” The rabbit spat. “I hearr the whisperrs! I know how you Arrceali feel about me.”


    “Nothing of the sort!!” The guard retorted, addressing both the rabbit and the increasingly agitated crowd of Illaminians. “Please, please, good people, we are all brethren and friends to Conduit Lippi, are we not?


    “What is yourr explaination, then, constable!?”


    “Well… what better scapegoat to unrelated crimes!” The guardsman said. “Tis as the Arceali Guild says – these are unrelated incidents that the news have conflated into a connected conspiracy, which in turn lets anyone with a bone to pick with an Illaminian construct a sloppy paper-craft skull and pin it on this nebulous and fictitious group! Question the local kids at the Djoewi Illamini Emme Wove but don’t assume this is some-“


    The crowd was getting louder.


    “-SHADOW group that-“


    And louder.


    “-has it out for the honorable Illamini!!”


    My head pounded with the wails of an unheard crowd. I could see it in her gormless face… Purina did not care, even in the wake of raging civilians. Her heart moved not a beat faster, to be the apex of a crowd’s suffering.


    I weakly squeezed Siranae’s hand. I felt wretched to include her in my idiocy, but I could not stop her any more than she could stop me.


    Varsae, and now this little rabbit… was the trend truly for these skull-wearing fiends to target the Illaminians? Why, when they rested so close to Arceliaze’s heart?


    But that question remained silent in me. Another was roaring to the surface of my mind, louder than the desperate calls of my neighbors and fellow townsfolk. And it rose from my lips, loud and unbroken, against the tide of the crowd’s voices.


    “Why are you here, Team Gold?!”


    “Gh-!!” Siranae silently yelped as I turned my ire upon yet another guild team, much as I had to Zerro all those days ago.


    Purina’s ear flicked


    …but she did not respond. Neither did Mulku bother to acknowledge anything had been said.


    But the crowd heard. They began making their demands as well.


    “Is the Arceali Guild not supposed to help?!”


    “Why are you all just ignoring this?!”


    “NONE of you do ANYTHING!”


    “Are we to fend for ourselves, then?! What good are all your privileges?!”


    The constable blustered, trying desperately to swing the ire and bile back onto him rather than the guild, especially as the Meowstic glared his way.


    “Please, please, everyone, back to me!” The constable shouted. “I assure you it’s well out of poor Team Gold’s hands! They have their orders too, you know-!”


    “What orders brought them here, that they would only gawk and shake their heads?!”


    My throat was quivering from such horrid yelling. Unladylike in the highest, and yet, there was no other way to have my plea heard.


    “Why are you here, Team Gold? Tell us what purpose you have!”


    Already, my cries were being lost amidst the crowd’s uproar. But I could not let these fiends escape into silence.


    Siranae pulled her ears down, trying to drown out the raucous noise. Even the guard that had tried to calm the crowd was being shouted down. The armored Poke’mon looked back to the Meowstic who still now stared at him with a most icy glare.


    “What a noise the crowd makes.” Purina sighed. Mulku, Purina’s Skitty companion, turned her noise up. “I’ve grown bored of them now. I abhor boredom, Mulku.”


    “Purina, let us away, then, to more fun things.” Mulku said, stroking her headfluff back. “Perhaps a trip to Yahneri Port. I hear Conveytion Rizanii is in the area and I think ocean air will clear all this nasty atmosphere I’ve taken in being here.”


    The crowd ROARED with indignation, with my voice there screeching at the front.


    My failing voice trailed off. I could not think of anything more to say, when I screamed into the abyss of that woman’s soul. Siranae’s pain brought me no joy, either- I felt hollow. It was hard to tell what function the Guild was even performing. The guards seemed to do all the work and the Guild seemed to only cause them more problems.


    Purina, of course, only sighed disinterestedly, still reading her book.


    “Constable, a command.” The Meowstic guild member said.


    “Anything, M’lady.”


    Purina twirled one of her locks, not even looking up.


    “Punch the Buizel in the front. Her face vexes me.”


    …my eyes widened at that comment. What gall she had, to talk about a civilian in that manner! Was she so idiotic, that she thought a guard would-


    I tensed on the spot, looking at the constable.


    He wouldn’t actually… follow through, on such a barbaric order, would he-??


    The constable balked. The man, that ball of sharp fur with appendages like a monkey, certainly looked like he could throw a punch. But his mannerisms stayed his hand.


    “Z-Zu’Conveytion Purina, your grace, I…” The Constable stammered. The Meowstic did not even perk an ear. “Criticism of officials is not a crime-“


    “I did not ask if it was a crime. I gave a command.”


    “I-! Haven’t the authority-” The Constable was interrupted by a furious roar of the crowd, many of the surrounded Illaminians already shoving their way forward past me as though to protect me. “To simply strike random citizens! Neither does the Guild!


    “I did not ask about matters of authority.” Purina sighed, closing her book with a fwip. “Your stalling bores me. I do so abhor boredom. Either perform per my whim or turn in your armor and see yourself to a Roppi mine. Either will suit me.”


    “Zu’Conveytion, I can’t leave this job, my family-“


    “I did not ask about your family.”


    Behind me, Siranae had let go of a single ear, her arm crossing in front of my chest as though to shield me from the Constable and the noble. It was clear the matter of the skull and the shopkeeper had been all but forgotten.


    I huffed. No, of course this simple man wouldn’t give in to a heinous command like that. Not everyone in Arceliaze was rotten to the core.


    But now, I was the focal point of her ‘work’. I was something for her to do, when this cruel scene held no interest.


    She wished to be free of boredom? I would free her.


    I stepped forward, out from the crowd, even with my worries growing. My hand held Siranae’s protective arm.


    “Sir,” I spat to the guard alone. “I’m ready to receive my blow- as requested by Queen Purina.”


    The guard nearly jumped as I stepped forward, trying his best to not recoil. He glanced back, nearly sighing in relief that Purina wasn’t watching. She hardly even cared.


    Siranae furrowed her brow, stepping up with her, still wishing to protect me. The crowd behind me cooed and jeered at the Constable, some of them calling to knock Purina upside the head instead.


    At last, the guard swallowed, stepping closer. Siranae braced herself…


    And the guard leaned forward.


    “Make it look convincing…” The Constable whispered, pleadingly.


    I nodded quietly. I only hoped his feigned punch was not my painful strike, so to speak.


    Another glance to Purina. Of course, nothing I could do would impact her, not without making a horrid scene of myself. All I could do was reach out to the guard, and this sorrowful crowd.


    I clenched my paws into fists, holding Siranae in return. One eye shut, another open and ready for the strike, such that I could be convincing when the blow connected…


    With a defeated sigh, the Constable reared back with another hand lifted near me.


    In a deft motion he SWUNG his fist. I felt naught but the wind rush past my nose as his fist slammed into his open palm, a loud SLAP echoing over the bricks of the buildings! I squealed out from the feigned attack, throwing myself back against Siranae with as much force as I could give…!


    I raised a paw to my cheek, mimicking injury- and covering the obvious lack of one.


    “Haahh…” I hissed out, as if regaining my composure from a stinging punch. Like a true gentleman, he hadn’t even grazed my fur.


    The crowd gasped in anger. The Constable turned back at once, looking to Purina.


    “There. Are you satisfied, Zu’Conveytion?” The Constable said, voice quivering.


    Purina didn’t respond, only adjusting the strap of her laced, frilly satchel.


    “Come Mulku, let us away. Arceliaze is a vulgar little hole.” The Meowstic said, turning at once from the crowd with her Skitty lackey in tow behind her.


    “I wish you well on your journey, Queen!” I called out, staggering my voice with my false exhaustion. “If we are lucky, you’ll never have to come and gawk at a scene like this ever again~!”


    My bellowing voice thundered over the brick, all the way to the retreating guild members then echoed back to me. Yet they did not stop nor perk up or even seem to listen.


    No reply.


    No hint they were even offended.


    No, she did not ask the Constable to strike me because I criticized her.


    She asked… because she was simply bored. So she had played with her toys, and then left.


    Siranae crouched behind me, lifting me gently back to my feet and desperately checking for any injury. The Constable swallowed, now having an incensed crowd of Illaminians before him. He motioned for his guards to return to their posts.


    “Now, please-!” The Constable said, even as the voices raised, both in Arcean and Illaminian. “We will add this incident to our case list and look into it, we do promise!”


    “You had certainly better!”


    “Is this what the guard’s good for? Punching random folk then leaving murderers to do as they may!”


    “You ol’ spineless lilly-liver!!”


    I panted calmly, one paw running along Siranae’s arm. As much of a confirmation as I could give, without speaking, that there was no harm done.


    “People… please, don’t bring your rage on the Constable,” I called out. My tone was harsh, gravelly… unlike my usual self. As much as I could, I tried to speak like some laborer of these streets. “He’s not the spineless one. He’s not the arbiter of your misery.”


    I stood strong, paw still rubbing at my cheek defensively. My words were crass, but earned.


    “There was a hero that came here. She looked at you with scorn and distaste. She wanted your cries to be unheard.”


    My tails lashed at the snowy ground.


    “And she wouldn’t feel a bit sad, not even if your pained screams echoed in her ears forever more. The valiant Team Gold came to you today- and you weren’t interesting enough for your pleas to be answered. They’re the ones to turn a blind eye to murder!”


    Siranae went a bit stiff as I put on that voice, backing up as the crowd ROARED in agreement. The fury they carried, both for this and for Varsae’s murder, thrummed over the road. The guards on the sides of the street looked worried, but dared not make a move against the crowd of Illaminians.


    Seemed the guard treated them somewhat with kid gloves.


    “Lippi HAS to hear us!”




    “See if I DONT take my stock back to the Old Country!!”


    The crowd shouted in agreement at the final statement, all babbling to one another in a furious rumble. Siranae worriedly stepped next to me as the Illaminians talked much of ‘crashing Arcea if they would not listen’.


    I looked at Siranae- all at once, my ploy felt… cruel. I had wanted something, anything to change, if I could stand up against Purina.


    But seeing her dismay only hurt.


    My paw held her hand tighter, and my voice fell to a whisper.


    “I am sorry, to bring you to the center of this chaos… but- do you understand, Dear Siranae?”


    She had to understand some of this, didn’t she…? The Guild’s calm indifference to these crimes… she had seen it thrice now. I wanted to call to the fury of the crowd again, but- not without knowing she could accept it.




    …said nothing. She only held her hands up to her chest, her face wrapped in a sad uncertainty. For she did, indeed, see the indifferent cruelty of the guild thrice now.


    The Audino squirmed…and pulled her ears down.


    “I apologize, Adelaide.” She squeaked quietly, barely audible over the crowd. “I do not handle the noise well-“


    She squirmed more.


    For, while it was obvious she’d seen the cruel indifference,


    it was also clear she did not like what she saw.


    “You needn’t mind me.”


    “I… I am sorry,” I muttered. I could think of nothing else.


    I meekly held my paw at my cheek, as I started to pull her away from the chaos I had invoked. My anger was not worth her suffering.


    “Of course I will mind your dismay, Dear- you are my partner. I would be cruel to ignore it.” I puffed out, slowly freeing her from the tumultuous cries of the crowd.


    But though we now ran from the crowds, I still heard it: the powder keg I had lit.


    The whispers and shoutings across the Illaminian district. The talks of shops that would close in protest. Names of Illaminian nobles to write to and to complain to the Conduicy’s offices and even to Lippi herself.


    Now, suddenly, there was a fiery energy in the district that replaced the music and noise. And word spread quickly among them – I had experienced it first-hand. The news of an Arcean Buizel being struck would likely reach my little pocket of the district soon, and my friends would tell their friends, and the chain would continue.


    On and on, with one message above all the rest:


    The guard is weak and the guild is useless. They do naught to help those in need.


    I swallowed, trying to put it all behind us quickly.


    “I have pulled you away from your work, as well-” I said, quickly shuffling along past the crowds. “I feel like a fool.”


    Siranae, as she was dragged behind me, was very politely, distressingly silent. She had a sad look on her face and her gaze was cast to the ground.


    She didn’t wish to upset me further.


    “You’re not a fool, Adelaide… you’re my friend.” Siranae said softly after a long pause, squeezing my hand. “And you’re a good Pokemon I trust… and I know I can trust…”


    “No, no, Dear…” I whimpered to her. My voice felt weak, compared to the echoes and snarls of enraged Poke’mon nearby. My words were hollow, in the wake of the chaos I’d caused to blossom.


    I knew that silence of hers. Timidity, politeness, obedience- all in place of what she truly felt.


    The way she acted around Mama. I felt a string snap within my heart.


    “I’ve… done something wrong, and I apologize. You do not need to console me, when you are the one aching.” I squeaked out those words, pulling her along only so that she may have more freedom from the spiraling noise of our district.


    My distress served to only further spiral Siranae’s distress, the Audino squirming more and more as my voice became sadder and weaker, which in turn made hers sadder and weaker still.


    “No… no no no, please, sweet Adelaide, you’ve no fault, none. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have spoken.” The girl babbled, squeezing my hand again as we both finally put the rumbling, angry noise of the district behind us. “I understand, I-I do! I feel horrible Purina wished you punched and I feel-“




    sniffed softly.


    “-feel most monstrous to have ever professed admiration for a guild that would want my friend hurt-” Her voice tapered off into a squeak, her eyes shutting…and sparkling with the beginnings of tears. “I’m-! Sorry for everything they have done to you and everything this line of work has done to you and I only want you safe-!!!”


    She pulled back and sucked in a breath, standing now in the cold, empty street a ways from the New District.


    Her breath was shuddering.


    “I’m sorry-


    I’m sorry, Adelaide, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I should have defended you. Said anything. I was too dumbstruck, I was too useless I was-! The guild isn’t meant to be like this, it’s-…! Oh Adelaide, things were different when I was young, I promise they were. I swear they were, I…”


    She sniffed.


    “I think they were…”


    I felt the walls of my soul crumbling down, with each sorrowful word the girl uttered. My paw left my unharmed cheek, holding both of her hands as tight as I could.


    I couldn’t speak, amidst her pained cries. By reflex, I brought her body against mine, hugging tight, denying the frigid air around us.


    “You have nothing to apologize for, my Dear…” I whispered softly. “The things you admire, the civility and heroism you adore… you have no fault in adoring it. Whether or not this guild can uphold such pure notions-“


    I rested my cheek against hers, scared to do anything but embrace her.


    “You have been nothing but a savior, in this worrisome place… you are not useless- you were my protector and my partner in the face of true danger. You are like the heroes, of your stories…!”


    I whimpered against her neck. All nuance and opposition had faded in me. I could not… I could not bear to see her like this.


    “Please… do not feel that you cannot speak. Your noble words do not hurt, your purity does not wound… you are a light in the darkness, Dear Siranae. I know that the guild is not meant to be like this…”


    My paw rose, quivering, up to her cheek, cupping it gently.


    “We will make it better- together. We will make the guild like that which you envision. Whether fact or fiction, you will see a guild of heroes- of kindness and nobility that matches your dignified soul.”


    I whined.


    “I promise it, Dear Siranae… you do not deserve to bear any pain over this. Not from the guild, nor from myself.”


    “I feel…” Siranae’s voice hitched as she simply held me tight. “I had hoped, before, that it was only the guild being strong as they needed, but-“


    She trailed off, only squeezing me in a hug, arms wrapped around me again. She held as though she were afraid I would vanish if she ever let go. As though she said too much, as though any more of her words would send me away just as Mama no doubt said it would.


    But her grip relaxed.


    And she chose, instead, to trust me.


    “I have such a hurt in my heart…” Siranae quietly said. “The Periodicals, the adventures of make-believe, the idea of the guild… these were… childish comforts when nights grew quiet while trapped in a locked bedroom.”


    She squeezed me.


    “But it’s not escape. It’s just…”


    A… defeated sigh left her.


    “…more of the same. The same, the same, the same…all the time. From which you’ve been my only bastion.”


    There was a pause. Snow fluttered onto my fur as the cold wind softly blew on us both.


    My arms stayed around her- not so tight that she could not pull away. Only firm enough that she knew I wouldn’t leave.


    “No further apologies, my Dear…” I said quietly. “Your comforts in such a dark place, I could never hold against you. But I appreciate your resolve.”


    A paw stroked along her arm and against her shoulder, squeezing it warmly. My heart felt at ease.


    “I am honored and thankful to be a bastion, for a girl of your kind. Your goodness is something I can only hope to mirror.”


    I pulled back slightly, giving her a smile- tired, and yet so relieved.


    “We will make your guild come true, Dear Siranae. One step at a time.”


    “One step at a time, yes… just as everything seems to need…” Siranae sighed before giving a resolute nod. “But… I will do my best for you.”


    That was the final word. That solemn promise she made, again and again. Every time the road ahead became darker and more fraught with misery, she would make that promise again.


    And every time, her kindly eyes seemed more indomitable and warm.


    But, for now…work called. The bells tolled in the distance and the cold air billowed betwixt us, pulling us both away to our day’s toils.


    There was work to do.


    My body broke from hers- my paws fell away in due time. The morning lurched forward.


    With hope that her pain had been mended, I waved farewell to Siranae, and hurried away into the wintry streets – as fast as my pitiful legs could get me to The Banquet Upon Paradise, without resorting to running on all fours. I knew better than to dirty my paws before the shift…


    …need it be written what occurred in that horrible den once I arrived?


    I spent a majority of my shift being scolded for the ‘folly’ of catching an illness, especially so soon after a half-day.


    Up and down my job was threatened with termination, but a manager with a staffing shortage such as her had hardly any ground to stand on in that regard and the entire session of scolding was on her own dollar anyway. I nodded and muttered away my apologies, like a script on repeat. The routine was familiar.


    Soon enough I was shooed away, back to running carts up to different little noble weddings and family meetings across Arceliaze and the villages.


    Sometimes I’d look up, catching a glimpse of a small plume of smoke in the direction of Windscorch Mountain.


    I wondered if Siranae was there, pounding away at an ingot, thinking of me as well.


    The thought provided lovely distraction from the burn in my legs as I trudged up the steep Arceali Valley once more. I toiled, I fought for my freedom. Every second spent in Julnii’s presence, or fighting a slope to drag a box of noble garbage, I felt free.


    My eyes darted to those wisps of ash on the horizon. Siranae and our future felt so close, I could almost smell the harsh aroma of that smoke. And each time, a gust of cold wind or an errant shout would snap me from my trance, quick enough to resume my work.


    A matter of days, now— no, hours. The Showcase was to come soon. So much promise lay beyond it.


    For once, the hours at the soul-crushing tasks felt fast, even if my anticipation could drag the individual minutes in my mind. I could persist.


    The sun began to set. My final run, trudging down the hill back towards Arceliaze at last.


    Yet the day’s miseries were not over. For now came another cruel taunt as I walked the smooth stone streets of the new district:  A crowd of cheering Poke’mon blocking the road, in my way, forcing me to take another route down a dark, dingy alleyway.


    There, as I pulled my cart, its wheels rattling on uneven, filthy stone and my paws crunching in old dirty snow, from afar and betwixt the buildings did I see the object of the crowd’s adoration:


    That little Mienfoo, Zu’Conveytion Zerro, posing and gloating. Kissing women on the hand and making a show of the petty pickpocket he’d managed to catch. A pickpocket that looked small, frail and starving, presented as though a powerful beast Zerro managed to fell.


    And there, from the dark and dirty alleyway I watched him, a few feet apart, and yet miles away.


    The Banquet on Paradise was just ahead, through the next alley. Payment and the end of the work day waited just beyond.


    My legs ached, and the paws below them were stained with the muck of transit. Even with my spirits high, sheer physical distress wore away at my stamina. I persisted.


    I looked up at the little beast of a man. Perhaps his deity told him that he had served justice. The wisdom of my Lord had told me how such frail and needy deserved salvation, not scorn. And yet, I could give him nothing but a pitiful stare.


    Run to that scene, my mind whimpered. Make a fool of Zerro, as you almost did Purina. Release the frenzy of a crowd upon his legacy.


    I shuddered, and looked away. It was one thing for me to be summoned from a crowd- it was another to insert myself, amidst my job, and risk losing employment. I was helpless.


    My steps quickened. I could finish the day’s work, and I hoped to come to aid the scene… somehow. I hoped that I could do merely something, in the wake of these errant tyrants.


    But… I did not find satisfaction, as was typical with Arceliaze when dealing with its elites. For a few minutes had to be spent listening to Mistress Julnii dole out her criticisms of my imperfections before she would relinquish my pay. And because that accursed woman did so enjoy the sound of her own voice, did I find the spot where Zerro had been to be empty and vacated once I returned.


    But, fine. My work brought me closer to the guild, closer to real power that would let me make myself known. Then real justice could be administered to the unjust noble children.


    Two more shares now sat in my pocket, ‘For You Shipping and Logistics’ and ‘From Illamini With Love’. I’d been told that was the last of Mistress’s Julnii’s shares in those increasingly worthless companies – I would likely want to get them cashed in quick before they were worth even less than the meager amount my daily toil was supposed to net me.


    And just like that, I was off, the day to myself. I had to get my Municipal tax ID today, but the Guild permits would not be available until tomorrow.


    Exhaustion already crept through my body. Insult and fury from the indifference of Purina, dismay at the hands of Mistress Julnii, disgust from the mere sight of Zerro. And still, I marched on through the streets of Arceliaze.


    My digits drummed weakly on the edges of the share certificates. I would break them with Julminae if I could, but I had no mind to sit and delay my tasks.


    Onward I marched. The Municipal Office still waited… I would collect my ID, and have the peace of mind to pursue my own endeavors. Siranae’s garment deserved the utmost attention, not bogged down by my worries of business affairs.


    The Municipal Office of Arceliaze, bluntly speaking, deserves no special description – It was an utterly dreary office at the north end of the New District and I could certainly see why it distressed Siranae so. The colors were drab, muted and oppressive and every worker there treated my presence as a stain on their day.


    It wasn’t hard to imagine how much Siranae must have crumpled talking to these sneering pencil-pushers. As hard as it was to even think the words…I thanked God for Zerazani.


    All the same, I did not need such guidance as asserting myself with snobbish desk workers was a simple task, and soon yet another document lie in my possession:



    West Partnership Of: Adelaide Imperator of Kollovan & Siranae of Gur’Don & Zerazani of Laesi

    MUNID: 1000341-ARC







    The harsh monotony of the Municipal Office bore a hole in my mind, but it was far more bearable than Julnii’s precise lashing at my soul. I was resilient. After an eon of muttering my requests and trading paperwork, I stowed the document into my bag- and fled from the Office, as though my life depended on it.


    Almost… almost finished with this sheer tedium. There were permits to collect tomorrow… but all that meaningfully remained was the garments to collect with Siranae. The poor girl had endured so much in these past few days, and a reward was owed.


    I yearned to return to my bed, the sheets of it would rejuvenate my body, but Siranae was not waiting for me in that house. I stumbled and rushed into the Illaminian District, eyes prowling the street for the familiar shape of Fast Coin’s sign.


    Siranae would be there, training her mannerisms for the showcase.


    The fog and snow were still thick today, and my exhausted huffs expelled torrents of steam. The bitter chill seemed to mute the district’s noise somewhat, thankfully, the usual music now more of a low muffled murmur over the densely hazy streets.


    I had to rely on memory and landmarks – taking the right turn into the part of the district with gambling parlors about. The doors of many were closed and snow piled against their shutters as Poke’mon in white jackets… breathed fire in small bursts to help melt the accumulation.


    At last, there was the Fast Coin building with icicles hanging below the sign. The nip of cold at my nose made me yearn for warmth, even if it was in Kalae’s odious company. Siranae’s training would hopefully have made progress. I lazily rapped upon Kalae’s door, ragged but still smiling.


    Even as I knocked I could hear voices on the other side of the door, one loud and instructing and the other soft and gentle. They paused and a shuffling could be heard before the door opened.


    “Oh, brrr, what a chill. Adelaide! So very good to see you~!” Kalae’s voice came at once, even as the Maractus was hard to see at first amid the flurry of snow.


    “Adelaide? She’s here?” I could hear Siranae’s hopeful voice within.


    I rubbed at my shoulders, keeping my warmth and cleansing some of the snow that had built up and looking up at Kalae. Despite my conflicted feelings, the woman was a sight for sore eyes after such a day.


    “Come in, come in, Adelaide. Oh you’re wearing a blanket of snow, have you no scarf?” The Maractus asked, taking one of my paws at once to lead me inside. “I’d heard you caught a dreadful case of Murk just the other day – all this walking around in the cold will do that, you know.”


    “I suppose I am l-lacking in attire, even practical things like scarves, aha…” I stepped in with the woman’s insistence, already feeling warmth flow across me. “I don’t suppose you’d know a store for a fine, bulky scarf of some kind? I dread to think of bearing this any more…”


    I lifted my head and peered past one of the entryways – I had to be sure that Siranae was well, before I continued on my business.


    Kalae ushered me in, draping a wooly blanket over my shoulders at once. Her stove was on, billowing warm air onto me and banishing away the cold outside. Already I could smell the herbal scent of tea put on.


    The furniture had been pushed aside to make a wide area where Kalae had set up a table with many small sandwiches as though emulating a party – even if the food available wasn’t near up to snuff to what one would expect at a real party.


    And there, standing in the center… was Siranae, holding a rather loud and extravagant pose. For a girl whose body language typically conveyed meekness and serenity, it was certainly a change – she seemed more graceful, a bit more fluid in her reserved motions. She held what looked to be a drinking glass in one hand, her other hand at her side and chest fully puffed out.


    Yet her face looked as much Siranae as ever, her eyes sparkling with happiness at seeing me.


    It was clear the Audino was concentrating on her motions and actions – she was a tad stiff, but certainly seemed like she’d be easier to blend into high society. Or, at least, not be distracting if I was there with her.


    “Have you been to the fashionista I directed you towards? They’d happily part with a scarf for you, Adelaide. Fine Wool sold by Wooloo, no less.” Kalae said, looking back to the Audino, as though to admire her handiwork. “Siranae’s been excited for you to see her progress – she learns very quick and does not question instructions. I could not have asked for a better student.”


    Siranae gave a giggle with a hand to her mouth – a practiced motion, and rested a hand to her chest to give a brief half-bow to me before returning to her confident pose.


    “Greetings and good morrow, Friend Adelaide~!” Siranae chirped with a sunny smile. “My, it’s been only a morning but it’s felt an eternity. Would you like a drink or refreshments? I was sampling the treats here, myself!”


    I was at a loss for words. Only a day of preparation, and yet she was performing these habits as though she was trained since infancy. Her natural qualities and mannerisms still were present, alongside her refined dignity, but…


    …it was altogether stunning.


    Siranae smiled… a rare glimmer of confidence in her eye.


    “Though, if I may… no treat is as lovely as seeing your bright countenance.”


    That comment sent a flush of confusion across my face. I had felt, and looked, quite miserable this day, but such words from her… disarmed me. Was that a genuine remark…?


    No, simply… what Kalae had asked her to learn. Of course. I smiled and bowed my head to her, stifling the heat in my cheeks.


    “I’m blessed to see you again, Dear Siranae… and my, what talent you’ve displayed. Your boldness, your sweetness, your utter grace…” I stepped forward, walking around Siranae in a circle, witnessing her from all angles. “It very well matches my own. I’m impressed.”


    I came to a halt before her, keeping my mind off of the food and drinks I so desperately craved. My expression softened.


    “There was no difficulty, was there? I would be happy to assist if there was some matter of the training that distressed you…”


    “Oh no! None at all!” Siranae said, her voice a little strained as though she were forcing every word against her instinct to pause, stutter or hesitate. “Miss Kalae informed me that I have surprising aptitude for noble mannerism which, I suspect, is do in no small part to my hours of self-teachings!”


    I heard the faint sound of the Audino sucking in a sharp, tiny breath.


    Siranae smiled, crossing her legs and confidently reaching out to hold my paw in hers while keeping her posture upright – she certainly exuded an air of power and pomp that felt very familiar to the creatures I’d seen skulking around the New District in fine robes and silks.


    Yet Siranae held my paw with so much tenderness as well – the girl herself was plain to see even if it was displayed in a new way. I held her hand in turn, digit kneading at her palm softly. The strain of her voice was something to work on, perhaps she simply needed to pace herself… but it was already wonderfully done.


    Kalae walked up beside me, patting my shoulder.


    “She may not come across as a powerful businessmon, but she’s cordial and kindly… certainly won’t frighten anyone with the thought of being a commoner.” The Maractus nodded. “I’d recommend some gloves, of course, to cover the cuts and callouses on her palms.”


    Siranae instinctively dropped my paw at that, subtly clenching her fists as though to hide those palms.


    I looked to Kalae, nodding softly, even if my paw weakly grasped for the hand that had been there moments prior.


    “I… suppose you are right.” I conceded. “As gentle as her touch is, people may ask questions about the marks. I wouldn’t want to put her into undue strain of lying and misdirecting.”


    I smiled anxiously to my partner, reaching down to take up both of her hands in mine.


    “Would you be okay with gloves, for the Showcase?” I asked as tenderly as I could. “I would not wish you to wear them otherwise, or at another time.”


    Siranae’s ears fluttered. Her smile was unbroken, only warming as she felt my touch once more.


    “Gloves would be lovely, if it pleases her grace.”


    “Ah, Siranae.” Kalae stepped up. “‘Her Grace’ is a title more reserved for Royalty, like an Illaminian Queen or the like.”


    “Then… I used it correctly-!” Siranae forced out, though I could see her face twist a little as she tried to not recoil from the criticism.


    My face grew hotter. Her gentle touch, her flattering words… it was more than I expected to experience. The Maractus rolled her eyes, patting me on the shoulder.


    “In that case, Adelaide, I leave her to you.” Kalae said warmly with a smile. “If there’s time tomorrow, I’d love to have one last session with her – she’s an excellent learner and this has been more fun than I was expecting. It’s nice imparting knowledge of noble behaviors to someone who is actually noble of heart.”


    Siranae blushed a little at that. The Maractus smirked, releasing my shoulder.


    “And if you should worry I was to charge for this, no – this is all free of charge.” Kalae finished. “But, now – you both act the part but you must look it as well. Away, away! To your dresses!”


    I stifled the flush of confusion, giving Kalae a polite nod. Truthfully, I would have grown furious had she tried to spring a charge on us after the training was finished – but it was a relief to see she had the decency not to.


    “I thank you dearly for your efforts. You have truly brought out the nobility within Siranae’s gentle soul.” I brought the Audino’s hand into my paw, holding it firmly. “And I will try to have her here again before the Showcase – but, with how busy our affairs have been, I can only promise to try.”


    Already, I started to pull the Audino with me to the doorway.


    “I will repay your kindness some other way, on some day soon- and when you see us next, I hope we may look as resplendent as you have made us feel~”


    “Oh goodness, worry not about repayment, dear Adelaide – you’ve debt enough under me and I think that repayment will perfectly suffice.” Kalae said with a cheeky glint in her eye as she moved with Siranae and I. The Maractus graciously stepped up, opening the door for us.


    I braced myself against the bitter chill outside – but my steps did not slow. My heart felt too light to be weighed down by the elements again.


    Siranae walked with me, her hands moving from my paw to lock her arm with mine – something else Kalae taught her no doubt.


    Though locking arms was more reserved for…


    My arm tensed up, almost afraid… but it settled against Siranae’s, keeping our bodies close. Better to simply endure the odd gesture, than to upset her about her behavior. She still demonstrated such grace, and I could… correct the gesture some other time.


    “Now Siranae, you should try practicing your new mannerisms outside without my instructions.” Kalae suggested. The Audino gave her a firm nod. “See how it is you compare with other nobles out in the New District. Believe me, even if they do not directly look they are always comparing themselves to others.”


    “Of course, Kalae. And rest assured-” Siranae paused briefly to smile. It looked as though she wanted to look confident but instead only radiated a warm softness. “- I shall not let neither you nor Adelaide down.”


    “There’s a good woman.” Kalae said.


    With the open door ahead, the cold, still air hit Siranae and I at once. The Audino’s close proximity, thankfully, banished the nip of the snowy weather as we stepped outside, giving our final goodbyes to Kalae. I shivered, almost recoiling from the frigid wind- my body pressed into Siranae’s by mistake, at least benefiting off of her warmth in that moment.


    I felt so foolish-


    Out to the New District, just a short ways out of the Illaminian District. I turned up my nose, defiant against the cold, and strode onward.


    Despite my eagerness to reach the tailor… I could not keep my gaze away from Siranae. The Audino did her best to keep an upright posture with confident strides that seemed to show herself off. All the while, her face was serene and happy…


    …she looked so much more… healthy in spirit. As if a little of Mama’s influence had finally been scrubbed away. She did not flinch or falter, nor did she strain herself to walk confidently. Even her smile had an air of rest to it.


    I was… happy, quite happy, to see her freed from some of the pain Mama had inflicted.


    “How are you feeling, my dear?” I said softly. “Will you need to rest, after these lessons and the tailor’s visit?”


    “On the contrary, Friend Adelaide, I feel invigorated!” Siranae said with a softer voice now that she was in public. She swept her hand across the street, punctuating each word with a confident gesture – loud in motions and poses whilst soft in voice. “I believe I could I could go for some sign board work and food after our trip to the tailors!”


    She paused a moment. She looked back down to me with a smile and let her noble mannerisms relax.


    “…if that would be acceptable to you, of course.”


    I giggled gently with her overstated gestures. Perhaps a little too well-trained on the mannerisms of the boisterous and self-centered- but there was an honest joy to it that made it pleasant. I nodded my head gently, matching the girl’s smile, as we strode arm-in-arm through the Illaminian District.


    “It is quite acceptable, my dear. I may not be capable of the sign board work tonight, but… some food would do us both good.”


    We carried on- our goal was the northern part of the New District, for that ‘fashionista’. I looked into my bag with my free arm, studying the note Kalae had bestowed to allow our discount.


    Kalae had failed to provide a name… was the woman so notable that it wouldn’t be an issue? I only hoped. My steps quickened, pulling Siranae along in our… silly, incorrect gesture.


    Onward did we walk, and a rather merry walk it was. Siranae seemed, if nothing else, happy to be able to match my energy in some capacity, and that was even before she’d come in possession of a beautiful dress. Of course, that was still more than my bare body.


    The fog began to clear as we reached the New District, though grey clouds were thick in the sky above. Our paws finally hit solid stone here, the workers diligently clearing the paths so that the nobles that walked did not sully their fine silk dresses.


    As we approached the Northern End of the New District, we followed what seemed to be a breadcrumb trail of different clothing shops, sporting samples on mannequins displayed in the windows.


    But even in the short walk along the street it was hard to determine which would be owned by Kalae’s friend. Was it Velasor Fine Garmets? Was it maybe Thine Wardrobe? All of them sported a wonderfully intricate and open-air quality, allowing foot traffic within to see all their hats and dresses. They were even complete with fitting rooms and tailors standing at the ready, to adjust a garment for all the differently shaped bodies of the Poke’mon.


    But, these all seemed more… low class. Finely trimmed and expensive, perhaps, but very much public shopping for clothes. Kalae had made it sound like she knew a true, singular professional.


    My eyes darted left and right- I did not wish to seem a gawking outsider, who was lost and confused amidst the grandeur of this district. I studied the rows of businesses carefully, as if not questioning them at all… getting no solid answer, in turn.


    But whilst Siranae was staring starry-eyed at the different shops and vendors that dazzled and amazed… my eye finally locked on to something more familiar to me:


    A small, out-of-the-way and understated building nestled between a shopping center and a small apartment. Its door was behind an iron gate and up a small set of steps. Lights were hung above the door in multiple colors, showing the front to be very clean, well-kept and beautifully painted.


    A small gold placard rest on the iron gate:


    Yurushae of Ushuhmeini – Nufe i Illamini


    My steps slowed, locked arm holding Siranae back. That building, nestled so far into its nook that it could be missed entirely… it wasn’t some spot where vagrants could wander in to gawk at generic wear. No, it was exclusive.


    My eyes fell to the placard. Illamini.


    “Siranae… how do you suppose we would inquire with this ‘Yurushae’?” I glanced at the girl, one paw gesturing to the placard, as I approached the gated entryway.


    Siranae was broken from her awe-struck trace to look back at me and then up at the modest building I now approached. The iron fence was painted black and the gate silently open as I pulled the handle.


    A look of understanding crossed the Audino’s face as she looked the tiny establishment up and down.


    “Well…” Siranae mused, bouncing her head from side to side… then her polite and confident smile returned. “Kalae says that Arceans start with who they are… and Illaminians start with who they know. So why don’t you open with your association with Kalae, rather than your name?”


    I nodded gently at the girl’s insight- she was already more knowledgeable about customs than I. Why, she could break the ice for us at the Art Showcase – but that was for another time.


    “A wise idea. I suppose my name holds little merit before my reason to be there, yes?” A soft giggle, as I turned my head back to the building we approached.


    The colorful lights above the door were a distraction, but far less gaudy than the rows of gold and marble I had endured before. I was more concerned about the nature of my inquiry… rarely did I meet friends-of-friends simply by knocking on their doors. There was meant to be a direct introduction for matters such as these.


    How boorish…


    Stifling my social awareness, I rapped upon the wooden door, as loud as I could without sounding unpleasant. The door was solid and well-build and did not shudder to my knocking. For a moment I wondered if anyone inside even heard it.


    That is, until there was a small click from the door. At once, it swung open in a graceful motion, revealing… something of an odd creature. They were a short, yellow biped, wide-eyed with a red stem coming out its crown. Its most prominent feature was what looked to be ill-fitting pants around its waist which trailed behind like a tail. It wore nothing but cufflinks and a small black choker around its neck.


    The creature said nothing at first, its eyes simply scanning over the two of us for a moment before it offered a hand to me.


    “Fresh acquaintances.” He spoke. “Who so graces the doorstep of my Cimmottonu qsuqsoivesou?”


    His voice…he didn’t have an Illamini accent like I’d heard from Julminae. Of course, neither did Kalae, much. She was just good at hiding it.


    I frowned just slightly. Was not the fashionista a woman, per Kalae’s words? Perhaps this creature was some servant or assistant to her work. He certainly didn’t have the makings of a designer, no.


    “We are friends of Miss Kalae,” I said softly, my eyes peering past the stranger to look into the building- before darting back to my new acquaintance. “A dress-maker from ‘Ushuhmou’?”


    I dug my paw into my bag, producing the note that Kalae had passed onto me.


    “We came to discuss the matter of some garments, for an upcoming Art Showcase…”


    The small servant man looked at the note I’d placed in his hand with a cocked eyebrow then glanced up at me as though I’d done something wrong. With a resigned sigh, he leaned back, lowering his hand and taking the paper I’d given him. Siranae fidgeted a little but said nothing as well.


    “Kalae, yes… I believe my Cimmottonu qsuqsoivesou will be most pleased to meet gracious members of the circle of Kalini fim gousi i fimme nime.” He looked down at the note, nodding. “And how shall I introduce you?”


    He raised his hand once more, this time to Siranae. The Audino perked up and, in a rehearsed motion, took his hand and pulled herself close to kiss his cheek.


    “Siranae.” She said, keeping her own voice soft and unimposing, a stark contrast to how she was just acting. Perhaps that was another difference between Arceans and Illaminian nobility? The Audino looked to me encouragingly as the servant… or at least it could only be assumed they were a servant…looked to me as well.


    I paused. Were we meant to be showy and boisterous, with a greeting kiss? Or muted, with only a single name given? I supposed kissing his other cheek would have been polite, and yet I detested it- but I was nothing if not courteous.


    “Adelaide,” I said softly, taking up the servant’s hand. My gesture mimicked Siranae’s- a pull towards him, and a kiss on the same cheek. “May we have your name, as well?”


    Nobles in this world were, if nothing else, awash with contradictions. Perhaps it’s no wonder Siranae found it all so confusing. Still the creature looked satisfied, a smile now crossing his face as he returned the gesture.


    “I am Qefsupe Yurushae’s eponemi funitvodu…ah, apologies, I suppose there’s no Arcean equivalent?” The small creature sighed. It was hard to tell if he was truly Illaminian, or had simply learned a few phrases for his supposed employer. “But, my name is simply ‘Vo’. It is what Qefsupe Yurushae calls me. Come in, please, and have some tea. Qefsupe Yurushae is preparing a showcase of her own.”


    The small creature ushered us in, and a blessing of warmth radiated from inside. The interior was just as pristine as the exterior – the walls were clean and painted in bright, solid colors and the floor itself was a multicolor pattern of tile. It was certainly a different look to the white marble and gold of Arcean architecture… and perhaps reminded me more of a circus that noble abode.


    The servant took a moment to rub both Siranae and I down with a fine towel, brushing the snow from our fur – it was rather forward but I had again to assume this was proper for Illaminians… even if it felt a bit odd. I fidgeted with Vo’s cleaning of us with the towel, but made no fuss at the matter. Better to allow it, and not catch another dreadful illness.


    “Thank you so much, Vo.” Siranae said, her voice soft. “It’s very nice to meet you.”


    “I should think it nicer to meet Qefsupe Yurushae.” Vo said at once, leading us both up another flight of carpeted stairs to the second floor. “She should have time to see to you both today I believe.”


    As we climbed and the second floor came into view, it was revealed to be a larger, more open area. A few pillars were scattered about the open space and light poured in from large ornate windows with fluttering red curtains.


    It was in this open space I could see many velvet parlor chairs, each with a side table. They were arranged in a wide circle around the room with a white carpet that ran from the back room to the center of the circle. It was clear this room would have been where models would show dresses available to patrons that visited during a showcase.


    The steps up to the open space filled me with a cautious wonder. For how obscure this little nook was, it also bore great effort to keep it presentable and usable for a business. Chairs and furnishings that suited the work of a ‘fashionista’, much better than the littered floors of Kalae’s banking workspace.


    For now, though, the establishment was empty and silent.


    Silent, that is, until a soft and ghostly voice cut through the building.




    The small servant perked up, a smile spreading over his face. Though I couldn’t see anyone yet.


    “Qefsupe!” He spoke, clasping his hands at his front.


    “Who was at the door?”


    “Associates from Gracious Kalini!”




    There was a silence in the room for a while. Siranae nervously traced her eyes about, trying to see who it was that was speaking… but she couldn’t find anyone, either.


    I could feel the fur on the back of my neck slowly raise.


    An alien warmth flared behind me.


    “Such nerve. I still have not forgiven Kalae for speaking ill of my associate at Zuvonolini’s Party last month. Did she think I would not hear?”


    Someone was behind me.


    My body tensed, when those vitriolic words came. Kalae’s curt behavior had earned her some ire – and now, I was the one meant to bear the burden of it.




    I whipped around, tails lashing at the air behind me, to see the eerie presence that had formed.


    Behind me… loomed a strange and lithe creature, like a tower of curvaceous white, pink and blue. It had a growth on its head like a wide-brim hat and a braid coming out the back of its head. Two jet-black eyes stared down at me, a completely neutral expression upon her countenance.




    The woman stared silently. I could feel a chill in the air.


    I saw her mouth move… but could hear nothing from it. It was only a second later that her voice, icy and ghostly, seem to radiate from the air itself.


    “You were very quick to let this girl in, Vo.” The enormous woman spoke. “This very pretty girl. Have you come to fancy her instead of me? Do you like prettier girls?”


    The small… servant? Gasped at once, shaking.


    “No! Never!” He whined pathetically. “You are my only thought to all hours, Qefsupe Yurushini.


    “Correct.” She whispered. Her hair braid, now moving like a limb with three finger-like appendages, beckoned him forth. “Come to me, qoddumu eponemi funitvodu.”


    Vo bounced, waddling up to the enormous Poke’mon at once and nuzzling up into her side. She bent down, lifting the tiny servant’s chin to kiss him forcefully on the lips, practically making a show of ignoring Siranae and I.


    Siranae blushed, looking away as if that would be somehow more respectful.


    My hopes were dashed – Kalae’s friend was not a good Samaritan of some repute, but another demented noble that thrived upon exerting chaotic whims. Even her shape was like a specter, thin as paper, light as wind.


    At last, the bizarre fashionista pushed Vo from her.


    “Away. Ruminate on your betrayal.”


    “Of course, Qefsupe Yurushini! I love you.”




    She did not even watch the small… whatever it was he was meant to be, servant or otherwise, as he waddled out of the room and vanished at once. Instead, Yurushae turned her cold gaze to Siranae and I.


    “You are still here. I should hope you more polite than Kalae. Do you know what it is she said of my associate?”


    I stayed close to Siranae. I did not feel entirely safe in the domain of this phantom.


    “No, she had not mentioned your associate…” I held my paws together politely, kneading them to alleviate stress. “I hope it was not too unkind.”


    The ghostly woman’s dark eyes narrowed.


    “She said to my friend: ‘you are a beautiful and wise master of business and a very esteemed person I’m honored to know’. Very esteemed! Not ‘most esteemed’? Kalae believes herself able to hide her implications from anyone but certainly cannot get it past me. And the Hatchday present she gave back in 5T08 to my Uncle’s wife – ownership of Tungon Armor when she wished for Selvanni Surplus weapons shares? She was always purchasing on the cheap for me and mine.”


    Siranae squirmed, looking utterly lost on how to respond.


    “What of you? What is your association with that creature?”


    Worse than demented. Obsessive. Perhaps Kalae was not so bad – or perhaps worse, for bringing me into contact with this towering beast.


    Slowly, I brought my paws to my front, staring intently at the woman.



    Everything about this woman is unknown, besides these points:

    • She is an Illaminian native
    • She seems to be a noble of some kind
    • She is feuding with Kalae over a supposed slight regarding very specific wording.


    “I am a client of hers… a friend, I would hope. She provided a foundation for our business,” I said softly, gesturing a paw to Siranae. “But… I am dreadfully sorry that she does not offer due respect and kindness to you. I had no idea.”



    • Illaminian culture: Community focused. Yurushae is more offended on her friend’s behalf than her own.
    • Connections are more important than individual merit.


    The tall creature, this Yurushae, narrowed her eyes. At once, I was under complete scrutiny by her, observed and watched like a hawk for any fault.



    • Is Kalae actually aware of this feud? Did she really throw me into the wolf’s den like this?


    No. There is no feud- just a woman who was easily slighted. Her nobility has made her conceited. If there is any avenue to soothe her harshness, it is through appeasing the slight. I cannot mend a relationship.


    I wished to present the note, be given the garments, and be done with this place. But the affairs with nobles were never so easy.


    All this for a dress…


    Yurushae’s lips began to move again, and her voice whispered all around me.


    “Strange company you keep. A friend, hm? I should wonder how she speaks of you, indeed.”


    I stared up at her as the last of her voice faded. I took a deep breath, mulling over my words.


    But I realized something else…



    • Siranae… how will her behavior factor into this? Can I rely on her any?


    Siranae will take poorly to lies, but she will not hinder an effort to be civil – she has demonstrated that.


    One half-second passed as my mind flashed with consideration. More than anyone, I had to ration my thoughts with this woman. Any second spent dawdling was a black stain on my name.


    I lowered my eyelids, sympathetic. Inoffensive.


    1) Initiate with purpose – soften with thought towards well-being.

    • ‘She Sent Us Here’: Put onus on Kalae. Easy redirect of ire if things go awry.


    “Kalae had sent us here, that we might purchase garments from you.”


    • Will this come across as callous to someone from Illaminian society? Is this too forward while I’m ‘associated’ with Kalae?


    “But I hope…”


    2) Relinquish some power


    “…that our presence doesn’t offend -“


    3) Appeal to Illaminian sensibilities – it’s more about Yurushae’s friend than herself


    “Your associate deserves better than such callousness.”


    • Possible instantaneous dismissal-


    “Hmph, she certainly does.” Came Yurushae’s voice. “It pleases me to see you have better manners than she.”


    Siranae let out a small breath, but it was one she sucked in at once as Yurushae twisted and coiled, lowering herself to glower at me.


    “But then I must ask why is it Kalae sent you to me, hm? Some prank or jest of hers?”


    Her black eyes shot to the Audino, making her freeze up.


    “Does she see me as a fool? That I can’t see through her games?”


    Every piece of progress gained was dashed whenever the terrifying woman spoke.


    “W-well-” Siranae stammered.


    “Well what? I find it hard to trust you so long as you’re a part of her little circle. My circle has no fondness for her nor her ilk.”



    • Circles… Illaminians form circles. Is the whole circle feuding? Kalae has her own circle…


    “B-but…” Siranae babbled helplessly.


    My mind raced with possibilities…



    • Why would Kalae send me to an ‘opposing’ circle? To make amends? A test?
    • Why would Kalae EVER tell me that I could get a discount from this woman? Is this truly another bizarre slight I’ve been thrust in the middle of?!


    “-we simply wish to purchase dresses…” Siranae said softly. “…because Miss Kalae recommended-“


    The Audino was cut off.


    “Pah! I spit on her name!” Yurushae bellowed, making Siranae flinch.


    As my mind raced, something else rushed out before I could collect them.


    “I ask that you do not speak harshly to Dear Siranae.” I stepped to her side, as if protecting the girl. “Your rage, no matter how justified, is not to be directed upon her-“


    “Excuse me-?”


    • Idiot. Why did you say that?


    A snag was hit.


    Alas… it wasn’t Siranae I was to worry about during this…


    …but myself.


    My sharp tongue on Siranae’s behalf caused immediate friction.


    The air grew heavy. Yurushae’s eyes narrowed at me. That half-second I took to try and think was pounced upon.


    “And who are you to tell me of where I might place my ire? It is you that comes into my place of business spouting Kalae’s name.”


    Siranae jumped in to attempt a correction.


    “Ah! I do apologize for that.” The Audino said with a low bow. “My dearest friend Adelaide does watch out for me so.”


    I could hear her put on her ‘noble’ voice a she lifted herself again.


    “Adelaide is a very honorable woman in that way – always protective of those she cares about.”


    “Well I ask she minds her tone.”


    “Yes, Miss Yurushae.” Siranae gave another bow.


    My throat caught. I felt cold.



    • Saved… but barely.


    “I apologize, Miss Yurushae.” I bowed lightly… and stepped back.


    • Large scrutiny now placed on me… but Siranae now seems to be afforded a little leeway.


    How was I meant to solve… any of this?


    • An apology was given on my behalf… my position is all but compromised…


    Was I to whisper my thoughts into Siranae’s ear, like some conniving cretin? Was the Audino better off addressing the matter alone?


    “I only meant…” I began, gingerly. “”Siranae is not bound to Kalae’s circle…”


    I felt Siranae softly pat my shoulder with a small encouraging smile. The towering woman, however, only gave a small ‘hmph’.


    The direct approach wouldn’t work anymore – I’d seen to that, frustratingly. There was only one thing I could do now…


    • Compromising my position further to prop up Siranae.


    Siranae’s kindness was a warmth, in the field of oppressive cold that this beast manifested. I had to hope she saw what I was going to do.


    “I am the one that should bear that ire.” I continued.



    • Apology brushed off and not accepted
    • May now have permanent grudge against me
    • Possible increased interest in Siranae, putting her on the spot.


    If an apology meant nothing, I would be better off standing my ground. No more aggressive assertions, but not keeling over and surrendering what little authority I had.


    “My debt to Kalae does not extend to Siranae, and we are not here to perpetuate some ‘game’.”



    • My position will be that of an undesirable now chaperoned by Siranae.



    • Speak less. I’ll need to use fewer words, lest I incur more ire.
    • Prop Siranae up more. She will be who Yurushae likes and wishes to talk to.


    If I was some undesirable, I could have no sway over Yurushae.


    “She and I only hope to do business.”


    “I might have noticed. Your manners bear Kalae’s unique stench.” Yurushae said bitterly.


    The ghostly woman glided across the wood floor, encircling the both of us.




    “Is this true?” Yurushae’s voice coldly rumbled. Her eyes looked towards… Siranae as she posited the question. Siranae’s eyes flicked up.



    • Surprised.
    • Unsure.
    • Doubting herself.
    • Presented with opportunity to tell the truth.


    “Ah, yes, Miss Yurushae. Every word.” The Audino confirmed. “Adelaide was told that the note Kalae gave us would let us have a discount on dresses.”


    STATE CHANGE: High chance to have been revealing too quick. Siranae’s statement may require softening.


    I nodded – and bowed my head. I produced the note once more, holding it gently before myself – an offer for Yurushae to inspect it, but not so far extended that she was forced to do so.


    “Miss Kalae had mentioned to me a fashionista with whom she was associated, and spoke as if this note would proffer a discount…”


    Siranae looked as though she wanted to step closer to me…


    SIRANAE STATE: Wishing for vocal / physical confirmation


    I looked to Siranae, smiling weakly. Apologetic, for involving her in matters she was not part of.


    DANGER: Putting myself closer to Siranae can hurt her position.


    “I relayed the offer to Dear Siranae.” I put a little distance from her position with my words.


    My eyes darted back to Yurushae.


    Make an attempt to divert focus elsewhere.


    “I am new to Kalae’s ‘circle’-” I continued. “Had I known the friction that existed between you both, I would have acted with more care. With Siranae’s attendance at the upcoming Art Showcase… perhaps it was an opportunity for your apparel to be shared yet more.”


    Yurushae… ignored the note from Kalae in my hands, turning her nose up as though the object were offensive to her. Siranae’s ears flattened… then, in a moment of quick thinking, the Audino softly took the note from my hand and offered it to Yurushae herself.


    The looming woman nodded, taking the note from Siranae instead of me. Was this level of pettiness common with Illaminian nobility…?


    “Siranae, yes?” The woman began.


    “…y-yes, Miss Yurushae…?”


    “How close of friends are you with Adelaide?”


    Siranae’s body language changed.


    • Ears flattened.
    • Eyes averted.
    • Hands to chest.

    SIRANAE STATE: Put in a position where the truth may hurt our position.


    The truth is dangerous. A lie will implicate more issues. Nothing is easy in Arceliaze.


    There wasn’t time to ponder more. Siranae needed some aid in this wretched situation.


    I mirrored Siranae’s display. A downcast expression, my paws clasped together at my hips. As if preparing to admit something sorrowful.


    ACTION: Cut in with my own words to divert focus.


    A lie by omission. I would state no falsehoods, only frame the truth in a way that a fool can find more palatable.


    “I have known Dear Siranae for barely two weeks,” I muttered. “She has saved me from poverty and pain, more than once. I wished to repay those kind gestures.”



    • Speak to a personal debt to Siranae over relationship to Kalae
    • Speak to mutual benefit in favor of Siranae


    It felt worse, time after time, to put Siranae into the role of an actress. And yet, I trusted her to endure this mote of deception. My tails swished weakly, as I brought my gaze to Yurushae once more.


    “I had hoped to purchase for her the finest dress I could find. To obtain it at a discount was even more of a blessing- but I am not here to make a demand of it.”


    At my pathetic display, Yurushae did seem to take great pleasure in towering above me, as though she had ‘won’ over Kalae herself. What would ruin me with an Arcean noble seemed to be more palatable for an Illaminian one.





    • 80% reluctant acceptance ONLY IF Siranae follows up
    • 50% chance to question the nature of the discount


    The Audino’s ears perked. A warm smile crossed her face as she looked my way… and held my hand.


    Yurushae cocked an eyebrow at the gesture. Did Siranae make a mistake-?


    “As I have worked myself as hard as I can for a dress for Adelaide to wear.” Siranae said with me. “Adelaide has given me friendship where I once had none… she’s led me to a loving home…”


    My cheeks grew flushed with Siranae’s insistence. She was not as keen as I had hoped, but I couldn’t begrudge her earnest affection.


    The looming woman… sighed, standing up straight just to glower at us both. Siranae… didn’t let herself back down, even if I felt a tremble in her hand.


    “That’s all very sweet.” Yurushae said in an icy voice that seemed to chill the air. “Though I feel loathe to help my enemy’s customers even then… but no doubt that snake Kalae swindled you when you were at your lowest and most pathetic.”


    The words stung my pride.


    Just don’t break. Know your position.


    I held my tongue at Yurushae’s bitter words. She was right- and I loathed her for it.


    “Still, hah! Where does Kalae get off thinking I’d give a discount on her behalf! Look at this note!”


    The woman turned it as if to show it off:


    Raitve i Adelaini, enode noe. Qis gewusi, fevimi ap qoddumu tdupvu e puni nou — Kalini


    “‘This is Adelaide, my friend. Please give her a small discount on my behalf’, it says! On HER behalf! How forward and arrogant!”


    She squinted.


    “And you realize if I HONOR this request… it means her word holds weight over me. My prices are no longer dictated by myself but by what that wretch whims it to be. I’d be insulting MY friends were I to do such a thing-!”


    I stared at the note, almost disbelieving the woman’s continued fury. The note could not have been more gentle if it had included an offer of Kalae’s firstborn son.


    Siranae’s eyes sparkled. She gripped my hand tight-


    -and pounced!


    “Um… well, I only know Kalae from talking to her and through Adelaide…” Siranae began.


    She squirmed uncomfortably.



    • Omitting details about taking lessons
    • Hiding expression
    • Speaking in noble voice


    “I wouldn’t want to assume it of anyone but… if what you’re saying is all true… maybe Kalae did send this note thinking you wouldn’t be generous…”



    • Mimicking thought and pondering
    • Eyes trailing upwards as though recalling something


    She paused, her fingers rubbing together as she tried to find the words… then she perked.


    “Like an insult…?”


    My eyes widened as the words left Siranae.


    It was a sudden idea that had merit, even if Siranae felt discomfort from the gentle lie. My paw squeezed into her hand, offering comfort, as I plotted how best to support her.


    But… no… surely that wouldn’t work…




    Throw fuel into the ‘feud’… an unwinnable scenario can be presented.

    • Give the discount or don’t give – does Kalae win either way? Or will Yurushae see the discount as winning over Kalae?


    So it was. Siranae’s ploy could carry us through this woman’s inanity.


    1) Appeal to Illaminian Culture of communal care


    “Kalae did speak well of your generosity… there was naught a moment of fear that you would decline,” I chimed in. My paw rose to my chin, contemplative.


    2) Appeal to charitability


    My eyes drifted to Yurushae again, as if seeking her response.


    “Perhaps a quiet ruse, expecting your fury- expecting that you would not offer a discount, even for a single purchase…”


    3) An insult to Kalae


    I shook my head gently.


    “How crude of a thought.”


    I let my eyes dart to Siranae, stroking her hand with a digit. A silent plea – would it not be crude, for Yurushae to fail Kalae’s expectation?



    • My words may be ignored, but… if Siranae supports them, then my words could guide her to lead Yurushae to the conclusion we want.


    Yurushae hardly spared me a look as I spoke – I was already the object of a grudge. Her eyes were locked onto Siranae.



    • Incredulous
    • Insulted
    • Confused


    Siranae’s ears flicked, a worried look crossing her face.


    “You think so, Friend Adelaide…?” The Audino said quietly. “…I had thought Miss Kalae was so nice…”



    • Calming herself
    • Using me for Support


    The looming woman’s eyebrows raised. She leaned in as she listened to Siranae.




    The Audino lifted a hand to her chest, looking back to Yurushae.



    • Showing sympathy
    • Connecting


    “Miss Yurushae, I’m so sorry Kalae would assume something so horrible of you…” Siranae sighed sadly, deflating. “…it’s no wonder you think so ill of her. I’d never want to assume the worst of others like Kalae is doing…”


    She sighed, Yurushae straightened.


    CURRENT STATE: Considering


    Then Siranae, true to her nature, spoke genuinely from the heart.


    “For what it is worth, Miss Yurushae, I do not think of you in that way. And I know my friend Adelaide does not, either.”


    The woman scoffed, looking away.


    POSTURE: Relaxed

    • Agreed with
    • Community Appealed To
    • Rapport Via Siranae established.




    “Is that so?” The looming woman began. “You’ve a way with flattery and honeyed words, I shall admit.”


    • Increasingly positive.


    Siranae’s posture changed again.



    • Ears lifted
    • Eye contact
    • Hand lowered from chest
    • Hopeful


    A weight vanished from my soul. Despite the odds, Siranae had succeeded where I blundered… whether or not she fully understood that.


    “I would not call her words flattery,” I said softly, stepping closer to Siranae- even if my words were lost on the beastly Yurushae. “Merely speaking her truth. It is one of her virtues.”


    I brought my gaze up to the towering woman.


    “Oh, but… did you wish for us to leave, Miss Yurushae?” I gave a wide-eyed stare, as if curious. “I will let Miss Kalae know of the situation, if need be-“


    Siranae deflated a little as I spoke, apparently not understanding the ruse.


    “I do apologize, Miss Yurushae…” Siranae said. “We’ll be off if that is what you prefer-“




    “Hold. I haven’t yet dismissed you both.”


    • Compliant


    The towering woman stared at the both of us for a long moment… before lifting her head.


    “Eponemi funitvodu! Come!”


    At once, a scurrying came from the next room. The small baggy-panted creature from before came scurrying up as though his life depended on it.


    “Yes, Me noe cimme qefsupe?” Her ‘servant’ said with a giddy expression as he came closer, his hands clasped together. “What is it you desire?”


    “Fetch my tailoring equipment. I’ve dresses to ready,” Yurushae said at last. Siranae’s face lit up, a glowing smile spreading over it as the words left Yurushae’s mouth.


    The Audino’s eyes sparkled magnificently.


    I let my sorrowful expression sink away into joy, taking up both of the Audino’s hands.


    “I apologize for the delay, Dear Siranae…” I told her. “But, I believe you will look quite resplendent, quite soon.”


    The delight in her eyes was infectious – I felt my spirits rise from the depths that Yurushae had sunk them to. All at once, the Art Showcase was in our future again.


    I took a step aside, giving Siranae the space her tailor would need. Despite my apprehensions, I was… elated.


    “Adelaide, if I will look resplendent, then I should think you will be radiant as the sun itself…” Siranae said warmly whilst Yurushae retrieved her tools.


    The woman approached Siranae first, of course. It seemed I would only get my own dress by way of Siranae’s good graces, for the girl had managed to win the fickle, petty woman’s appreciation. It was fortunate, at least, that Yurushae was not snobbish when it came to the classes of those that entered her establishment…


    …not that it helped much.


    The process that took place went as such: Yurushae’s servant would bring out a set of dresses on mannequins – the ‘biped 4 pace curvaceous series’. They each had their own set of stylings and frills.


    The Arcean style – Generally flowing and solid in color, like loose robes draped upon the shoulders. Their frills were modest with more of a focus on embroidered patterns of spirals and flowers upon the cuffs. Of note was the collars, which covered the neck and ended in lacey patterns.


    The Illaminian style – The dresses were comprised of no less than three colors and multilayered. They would begin with a puffy top, come to a belt or sash in the middle, then bloom outwards like a ball gown – sometimes only a little and sometimes to absurd sizes. Instead of embroidery, Illaminian gowns were decorated with small fluttery tassels. Their collars were sharp and V-shaped, like bat wings coming up the side of the wearer’s head.


    The Quayoffi style – These dresses were the strangest of all. They were short and did not cover the feet of the wearer. The cut of the dresses was angular and double-layered. Jagged, triangular patterns were cut and sewn onto the cuffs and across the chest. They often came with gems attached to the chest or neck that seemed to literally glow with shimmering light. Though odd looking, Yurushae assured that Quayoffi style was still as respected as Illaminian and Arcean garb.


    The question was… what sort of dress to choose? And how would Siranae and I match? The Audino herself was excited, but loved all the dresses so much she found it hard to choose so, naturally, she turned to me for my opinion.


    I looked across the rows and waves of garb- the potential dozen of options. The styles were so opposed, they could have come out of different worlds entirely. And, while I wished to judge them on their merits… less pleasant thoughts clouded that judgment.


    ‘An Illaminian dress? Where does your bloodline hail from Illaminamo?’ Or… ‘I did not take you and Siranae for Quayoffi, Adelaide, were you born in the country?’


    Whatever choice was made, we risked more inquisition from our choice of fashion. Arcean was the simplest option, there was much less reason to question Arcean fashion within Arcea, and yet I dreaded feeling one of those collars smothering my neck float. I supposed there was no good choice, beyond preference.


    ‘…which of these would I prefer to see Siranae wearing?’ I thought.


    The thought stalled me, but I spat out an answer.


    “Perhaps the Quayoffi style for you, Dear Siranae…?” I looked at her, almost timid. “The gems would… I believe, accentuate your rarity and splendor- a diamond in the rough.”


    Siranae brightened at the suggestion, turning to the lovely Quayoffi dresses. Yurushae, looking over the Audino’s pink fur patterns, settled upon a dress of marble white with light yellow and eye-catching red gems at the end of the sleeves.


    At Siranae’s request, this came with matching white gloves and simple slip-on shoes. Of course, it was all uneven, too tight in some areas and too sagging in others – it had to be fitted to the proportions of Siranae’s species and her own individual body.


    But, even before the fitting… she looked rather like one of the marble statues of Arceliaze, whilst the low cut and angular patterns gave her a unique look as the jagged patterns wrapped around her strong and stout body… not to mention the colors matched the bows she already wore.



    “There… how lovely… Quayoffi style is always seen as a most refined and sleek look for a modern Poke’mon.” Yurushae commented whilst taking Siranae’s measurments against the dress.


    “Oh I adore it…!!” Siranae trilled happily, seeing the yet-to-be-fitted dress on her in the mirror. She turned to me at once, her face sparkling. “Adelaide! These colors suit me so, don’t you think?”


    My lips yearned to speak, and yet no thoughts came to them.


    She was most different from the Siranae I knew before, in manner, in attire… and yet, she was all the more herself. Free to speak, and flourish.


    “Resplendent,” I spoke in a hushed whisper. A moment after, I caught myself, and continued. “It- it looks wonderful on you, Dear Siranae… you look like an angel, caught in the light of dawn. I’m…”


    Jealous? Envious?


    What is this feeling that flares at my insides?


    “I’m hoping that we can match well – that I might mirror your elegance.” I smiled, a weak and embarrassed smile, as I clutched my paws together.


    I felt so… silly.


    It was Siranae’s turn to blush. A warm and wide smile spread over her cheeks at the sound of my voice, and she gave a little twirl of the dress as if by instinct.


    “If you say it, Adelaide… then it must be true.” She said softly. Yurushae huffed, a smile breaking over her own face (the first I’d seen) before her odd hair braid-arm finished taking measurements.


    The dressmaker stood to her full height with a nod and her servant took several notes.


    “Fear not, Siranae. I will be sure your friend does not clash with your beautiful ensemble.” Yurushae promised.


    “I should think Adelaide never would, regardless of attire… she feels, for all intents and purposes, my other half, as I am hers.” The Audino sighed softly.


    ‘Her other half.’


    That embarrassing heat flashed over me again, but I nodded my head all the same. It didn’t feel right to oppose the thought- she was the most important thing I had found in Arceliaze, after all.


    Yurushae shook her head, turning to me.


    “Now then. Your dress.” Yurushae began, addressing me. “I believe something in light blue should match Siranae’s warmer colors while also complimenting your natural fur color.”


    I looked up to Yurushae- the first time we had properly met eyes, without some degree of contempt clouding it.


    “I trust your judgment. I only hope that I might be presentable, and complement Dear Siranae’s splendor.”


    I stepped forward, taking Siranae’s place in preparation to be fitted. I wasn’t eager to have that inhuman braid-arm inspect me, but I was well past the point where I could voice any discomfort with that.


    “If it would be no trouble… one of the Illaminian dresses- with a smaller ball gown, and a lower collar,” I said softly.


    The Illaminian dress was certainly a garb much more familiar to me, even if some of the finer details were from an alien culture.


    The dress ultimately decided upon was a sky blue top and lavender bottom. A salmon sash went around my waist, and all of it was highlighted with a cream underskirt. The collar rose up just as high as my jaw and seemed rather fierce, as did the patterns hewn into the dress seem jagged in a violent way. But Yurushae assured the Illaminian look was very popular these days, especially among business Poke’mon.


    Though my colors were a little more varied and loud, as was befitting Illaminian stylings, they complimented Siranae fairly well. The Audino seemed to think the dress fit me like a glove.


    After enough time of being reassured by Yurushae, I brought myself before the mirror to inspect.


    And… there I was.



    Still a Buizel… still something other than myself. Dressed up in fine garb, like a bizarre creature out of some fairy tale. And not a proper Milanese gown, either.


    But… it was something. Some fraction of myself, closer to myself than when I was a wretch in the river. It was a comfort, and one to be treasured, as I pulled gently on the curves of the gown to curtsy.


    I looked up to the towering tailor, clasping my paws together politely.


    “It’s perfect… thank you, Miss Yurushae.”


    “Of course it’s perfect.” Was Yurushae’s only response. “Business is rather slow – I’ll have the fitted dresses by tomorrow morning.”


    The woman rolled up her measuring rope at once, smiling at once.


    “And now, as I’ve been generous to you, I do so hope you’ll be generous to me – enough to be willing to pay the 2,000 p for each dress upfront. Materials and labor included, naturally.”


    I laughed just lightly – I was not offended by her insistence of ‘generosity,’ no matter how unkind she had been. Siranae’s joy had put me into a good mood.


    “Of course – I do not wish to deny you what you are owed,” I said, nodding softly. My hands fished into my bag, resting near our little fashion performance, before producing 4,000 p out of the coins still stowed on my person.


    “May it fund yet more of your fine craft to come.” I purred my words, holding up the purse of coins for her… unfamiliar hair-like hand to claim.


    “And…” Yurushae began as her that appendage dropped down to pinch the purse away. “…may you find better company than that wicked Kalae and soon.”


    Siranae still looked rather disappointed about Kalae. But alas, the dresses were paid for and to be finished tomorrow, just as our guild permits. And just in time for the Art Showcase as well.


    The pinkish glow of evening shone through the window. The day had been long and tiring indeed, as this entire week had been…


    …and soon it’d be over.


    I took up Siranae’s hand, hoping to distract her from the woes of Yurushae’s cruel words. She needed no longer to be burdened here.


    ~ CHAPTER 19 ~

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