The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 12 ~

    << The Road to Laesi >>



    Place: City of Arceliaze, Central Illaminian District, Hipisemi Street, House #2


    Region: Central Arceali Valley


    Day: Nahstempnye


    Date: Zshima 51st


    Year: 5th Turn, 12




    My eyes opened once more.


    It hardly felt like any time had passed, but my slight grogginess affirmed that, yes, I did, indeed, sleep. The bed was now warm, as was the underside of the blanket, and my face felt a slight chill.


    From here, I could see the window of my bedroom was dark…pitch black, even. It seemed even the Illaminian district fell asleep at some point.


    It was then I heard a shuffle…and noticed a warm glow coming from the doorway. The lantern in the main room seemed to be on, and another glow came from the kitchen area in the back.


    ‘What time is it…?’ Thought I.


    I grimaced, pushing myself up from the safe confines of my blanket. I pushed off the blanket suddenly, as though Mistress Julnii would catch me ‘slacking’ in my own abode.


    Time… my… time resting-


    It was morning, was it not? I didn’t wish to sleep again, and risk overshooting dawn. There was work to be done.


    Like a corpse arisen, I stumbled from the darkness of my resting chamber, and wandered to the glowing warmth coming from the center of the house. I pushed past the doorway to investigate.


    “Siranae…? Are you awake?” I shut my eyes on reflex from the growing light, but stared across the main area and the doorway to the kitchen shortly after.


    The shuffling stopped, and Siranae’s voice came at once from the back of the kitchen area.


    “Oh! Adelaide!” Her voice called. There was a clink and noise within.


    As I stepped into the doorway, I could see that Siranae was standing by an old stone oven that looked to be out of order. The Kitchen was well-lit with a few lanterns and candles. The Audino had taken two logs and set them by a small crate for a makeshift set of stools around a table.


    And there, upon a wood slab was an assortment of berries and apple slices, roasted and spiced. It looked as though she were making much of the same for herself.


    “I was just about to come and get you, as you asked. It’s a bit yet until the break of dawn.” Siranae said, looking at me warmly. “We’re lucky…that general store next to us opened its doors very early so I was able to get us a few things to eat today…I admit, it’s rather exciting. I’ve never taken to the stove before, myself, so I can only try to emulate what I’ve seen at restaurants or what…Mama cooked.”


    She laughed quietly, turning back to the roasting berries in front of her, which she cooked with skewers, as there was no pan in sight.


    “It is…very jarring. My first night in a bedroom unfamiliar to me, having to suddenly cook for myself and…without a safety net to catch me…” Siranae said…her voice containing a small shudder. “I confess myself…intimidated by it all, now that the excitement has worn away. But…if I hunger, I must cook. If I wish for a better bed, I must work…if I wish to make this strange building home then I must stay in it.”


    She took a deep, calming breath, her ears fluttering as she simply…soothed herself.


    “Ah, but, pardon me for all my rambling. How was your sleep?”


    I tilted my head, a gentle smile coming over my face. I came to the girl’s side, ignoring the rumbling in my stomach that would be so easily sated by the food already prepared.


    “It was quite fine… better than a girl would expect from such a mattress. Perhaps that’s more the exhaustion to thank than the bed itself.” I laughed softly, bringing a hand to Siranae’s shoulder. “I would hope your rest was good as well, but… you’ve seemed to push far past it, and before I’d even woken up.”


    My eyes searched over the cooked berries and fruits, then moved back to the Audino.


    “I… apologize, for leaving you alone in the face of new adversities. I’ve got a ways to go in adjusting myself to independent living… although, I can offer what little I know of cooking, and tidying up a house into a home. You shall not be without a safety net, dear Siranae- not where I can help it.” I glanced to my room- my bag was hung gently at the corner of my bed, thankfully not having disrupted my sleep last night. “If need be, I can cover the costs for the food you bought this morning. You’ve already done me a great kindness in preparing breakfast for us.”


    “Oh please, it is no trouble, Adelaide.” Siranae promised, settling the last of the fruits onto another slab of wood that now acted like a plate. “These items were rather cheap…as I’m sure you can guess.”


    She lifted the plate, settling it down onto the crate. No utensils, it seemed, so she and I were left to picking at our food by hand, which Siranae did not hesitate in doing.


    “But you know of cooking?” Siranae asked, perking up. “That’s a rather useful skill I wish I had picked up, myself, before flying from S’Ran as we did…”


    She smiled, looking down at the roasted fruit.


    “Still…it is good to know you’re here to help.” Siranae said, fidgeting with her hands. “I must say…my first true friend has been a true friend indeed.”


    After a moment of pause she looked back up at me curiously.


    “Though, I’m curious, Adelaide. I must ask why you requested to be up so early. I’ve a late shift today and I know your own job isn’t until well into the late morning…” The Audino cocked her head. “Do you have plans this morning?”


    My growing hunger was delayed by the girl’s question, springing back to life my worry and eagerness. I nodded, motioning for Siranae to come with me and take a seat.


    “Well… yes. Plans that I hope you can participate in, if your schedule allows.” I folded one leg over the other, less reposed than it might have looked in my old form. “I spent some time at the Arceali Guild yesterday, and…”


    I swayed in my seat, a meek smile coming over my snout.


    “There is a mission that the guild members do not wish to pursue- several, in fact. And… I had wondered if you would come with me today, and partake in a mission for one of the guild’s clients. A day of guard work- with a reasonable pay, and not a soul knowing of our endeavor.”


    My tails had begun to twirl and shift, displaying my willingness more than I wished.


    Our first mission- if she would have it.


    Siranae’s face all at once fell to one of disbelief, fear…and curiosity.




    She shifted in her seat, looking down at the meager plate of food.


    “G…Goodness gracious…you really did it? You really made it into the Guild…and…” The Audino bit her lip. “…really went through with looking at the board…?”


    Siranae’s body shuddered. She folded her hands together in her lap, her eyes not moving from the plate.


    “To think of how often I’ve dreamed of standing before that board and taking a task of high adventure and heroism…yet you say you have a job now and I feel…hesitation.”


    Her head looked up at once.


    “Not to say I am ungrateful! In fact, I…hearing it, it sounds simple enough. There were times I considered getting into guard work, myself, though I…was always intimidated, somewhat, by guards. I am much too soft to be a guard officially.” Siranae said, her voice rambling as she tried to find the words. “I only mean…”


    She swallowed nervously.


    “…how do you mean to mask our involvement? How do we even do such a thing as…u…undermine the Arceali Guild?”


    “Well… I admit- there is little I can do to hide us from our own clients. But… these clients have had their requests ignored for ages,” I said, soft, but still pushing on. “That they are answered is reason enough to not pry into our nature. And the guild members?”


    I shook my head at the thought.


    “They simply do not care. I have left the mission papers where I found them on the board- and I will remove them at a later point. But… for now, the Arceali Guild has no reason to believe anything is amiss. So long as we keep our clients in contact with us alone, the guild will be none the wiser, nor willing to pursue us.”


    I reclined in the seat, paw pressed to my cheek.


    “And… I understand such apprehension.” I continued. “I had wished to brief you on the affairs last night, but… circumstances intervened, as you saw. If another day is more preferable, I understand, but…”


    A gentle whine.


    “Our clock ticks towards the upcoming banquet- our proving ground. Mistress Julnii barely allots me the time free for this morning… I do not wish to delay, if we can avoid it.”


    Siranae bit her lip again, her eyes wandering away in apprehension. Her expression betrayed the welling uncertainty in the girl.


    “It’s just…” The Audino gave a small whine of her own. “…dishonest…”


    She took a deep breath, hands folded deeper in her lap, ears folded down.


    “But…at the same time…I would be remiss to let this work go unattended…” Siranae said…or mumbled. “It is a shame, such a shame, that the guild would ignore work in such a way. Oh Adelaide, I promise it was not always so, and there is good in the guild…at least I would like to believe so. But…things are the way they are and…”


    She bunched her shoulders, biting into her knuckle as anxiety visibly flared in her expression.


    “But no no no. We are sure to be found. Or…or what if it takes too long and I miss work? Miss work and found by the guild and then I would be hated by Caylii and Zerro and Jalsa and-“


    Siranae sucked in a breath sharply.


    “-b-but someone must do this guard duty. For it to be neglected is simply wrong. Someone needs help, nevermind the banquet, and they need it right away and-“


    She bit into her knuckle harder.


    “-and we may be arrested for vigilante work, won’t we? Does this count? What retribution does the guild invoke for undercutting its business? What would…what if…”


    The Audino screwed her eyes shut. Her ears fluttered as indecision and nervousness wracked her.


    “But we cannot delay…I do not wish to make your sacrifice in vain, Adelaide. I do not wish to upset the guild. I want to help this person. I don’t want to get in trouble. I…I…I…!!!”


    All at once…she froze…


    Her eyes opened once more. Her brow knitted.


    She wiped a hand down her face, soothing herself, her other hand…slowly fluffing her ears back into place…


    …and the Audino gave me a hard, determined expression.




    Siranae had to take one final breath to force out the words.


    “…I want…to help you get into the guild. However I can.” Siranae said at last. “Where shall we be off to this morning, then, friend Adelaide…?”


    My heart ceased its frantic pounding, coming to a rest with Siranae’s newfound determination. I brought my paws forward, holding Siranae’s hand and stroking along the knuckles.


    “I understand that this is an effort and a risk…” I told her, my voice soft. “and I promise not to waste that faith which you have put in me.”


    I squeezed that hardened hand, taking a breath as well to prepare myself.


    “We would be heading to Laesi… to the desk of a ‘Conveytion Shara’, at the behest of Ms. Zerazani. I am lost on where or what any of these might pertain to- but the day is young, and I am sure we’ll find our way with swiftness.”


    I lowered her hand, my snout gesturing to the skewers she’d been preparing.


    “But… some nourishment first, aha. I hope your heart may be at more ease, when your stomach is more full.”


    “Laesi…goodness, that’s quite a place for a first mission.” Siranae hummed softly. “An expensive getaway for nobles. I will surely stick out, I fear.”


    I took up one of the cooked berries- still more rural than I enjoyed eating, but it would sate the hunger. The berries were…not as sweet as I would have expected. No, the taste was more savory, more saltine with meaty spice. It was odd, but I could only describe the taste as though I were eating…charred beef and pork. But, looking in, the berry was indeed nothing but a piece of fruit.


    How odd. Siranae had chosen well, even for a first endeavor. The Audino smiled, reaching down to take a roasted apple, crunching on it as she continued.


    “Thankfully, the rich residents mean that carriages to Laesi run swiftly and often. Even the low-budget carriages to Laesi are well-maintained by the Conveytion, as they carry servants to and from home to their lakeside estates.” Siranae paused, swallowing. “Ah, pardon, there I go again. I admit I know this only because of Caylii; Conveytion Shara is her mother, after all. Zu’Conveytion Caylii is much beloved by the neighbors of Laesi Lakeside.”


    I gulped and continued the conversion, not as eager as the girl to talk with my mouth full.


    “I see.” A sigh escaped my lips. “That brings me to more difficult topics…”


    My digit dug into the half-eaten berry, tense.


    “Does Caylii reside here? Or, perhaps… is she in close contact with her mother?” I asked. “I… had an interaction with said ‘Zu’Conveytion’ the day prior. And… I would loathe being recognized while we are keeping ourselves discreet.”


    Siranae shook her head.


    “Not presently, no. Caylii prefers to only visit Laesi in the month of Viosna. So, first month of next year.” Siranae explained. “So Caylii is here at her Shi’Bay estate in Arceliaze with her father, Conveytion Tiskus. However, Conveytion Shara spends a majority of her time at the family’s Laesi estate.”


    Siranae smiled softly, quickly finishing her plate as soon as she could.


    “Of course, I’m sure it’d have been no trouble. Caylii seems like a very kindly Poke’mon, so I feel if we were recognized we’d be okay. But better to be safe than sorry, I suppose!”


    My chewing slowed. The… beef-adjacent berry was, at least, more acceptable than having seen Siranae take some smaller creature to the fire.


    And, it was more palatable than the girl’s talks of Caylii.


    Yes… better not to risk anything,” I muttered. “Caylii was… somewhat standoffish when I spoke to her. I believe I left a bad impression on her- or she was not fond of the workers in the guild. So… I would advise some caution, in future affairs.”


    “Standoffish? Oh dear, I hope she didn’t have a bad day…” Siranae sighed, looking disappointed. “And alas…another bad experience for you in regards to the Guild. Oh, Adelaide, I do apologize for all this. I don’t mean for it to be such a strain…I’m sad to think your opinion of the guild so low with all these unfortunate, ill-timed encounters…but I will heed your advice, I suppose…”


    She sighed, shaking her head as she refocused, setting her wooden ‘plate’ aside.


    I squirmed a little, seeing the Audino slight disappointment. How could I tell her that sweet, secretive Caylii was such a fiend? And yet, how could I not? Siranae would have to learn someday- there was no hope to join the Arceali Guild and avoid our coworkers.


    But… some dampening of hope was better than a cruel and sudden awakening.


    “Well…” I began, trying to change the subject. “As for Conveytion Shara- would you know where such an art gallery would be, that she would have relation to it? Or shall we search on arrival?”


    “I apologize but no, I know not of any art gallery at Laesi, though as I’m to understand there’s no shortage of them.” Siranae explained. “I read once in a periodical Laesi described as the ‘new heart of Arcean high culture’…so there’s a lot of painters and sculptors and architects…the Architecture guild operates the whole city, and the primary patron is Conveytion Shara herself.”


    The Audino nodded, standing from the table.


    “So…I can only image we would have to search on arrival…you mentioned ‘the desk of Conveytion Shara’, yes? Perhaps we can start there, at her estate’s office, where she conducts guild business under her house.”


    “Yes- that would be quite a nice place to start,” I said, rising a moment after. With some hesitance, I munched away at the last of the cooked berry- meat was a refreshing taste, but… perhaps there was less of a craving for it, now?


    “If all’s said and done… then I will be happy to escort you to Laesi. Or… well, I should be asking you to escort me.” I laughed meekly, already stepping away from the wooden plate. My bag was all I’d need to collect, before facing Arceliaze again. “And… if you do not mind, we can split the earnings from this mission evenly. I have no doubt that you will be invaluable in this work- and your skills deserve repayment for their merit.”


    “Adelaide, I had no mind for splitting the money…if we are truly going to be living here then I suppose it would be our money.” Siranae put a hand to her chest with a smile. “Though what I earn from ironworking is not much I still hope to contribute to the both of us with it.”


    She turned to the exit, walking out the archway and to the front door.


    “But, yes…! I’d be happy to show you where the carriages run! You could even check the general store we sit beside before we go, in case you think we need anything.” The Audino offered, putting a hand on the door and opening it.


    As soon as the door opened, the warmth of the home was pushed away by a strong gust of winter air billowing in. Outside it was still dark, though I could just barely see a dark indigo tinge to the sky above. Dawn was a ways off but still approaching.


    As we stepped onto our street, I saw the outside in the dim light of the street lantern and the glow of the nearby general store;



    The area was very, very well-shaded, surrounded as it was by tall buildings.


    Across from our house was a bulletin board. And just to our left, sharing a corner with our house, was a building with a built-in stand, a door on its left and its right, each a different color. The stand was marked “Pihubou”.


    From here I could see pamphlets and copies of today’s 1P Arceali Gazette situated outside. Standing on the other side of the counter was a strange…grey otter with what looked like very…pronounced veins, and a bulbous black nose. Several square blocks of timber sat behind her.


    To our right, we could see the Illaminian district still slept for the most part. Few Poke’mon yet walked the streets, though many shops had their lights on already.


    If nothing else, this strip of the district in the early morning was a pleasant sight. This was the only true respite this area saw, no doubt- the wee hours of the morning, where the rowdy parties were faded and work had yet to become a noisy affair. I breathed a sigh of relief from the simple comfort of it.


    As for the actual company… the veiny otter was almost deterrent enough to keep me from the stand altogether- her bulging additions looked as though they might burst. Still, I would be remiss not to stay alert on the affairs of Arceliaze…


    “Just a moment, dear,” I said to the Audino, inching toward the counter and the beast that seemed to guard it. “Ah… excuse me- a copy of the daily Gazette?” My paw slid into the bag, hoping to fish out whatever coin I might be charged


    The strange otter perked up at your approach, sniffing, an…excited look in her eye.



    “Ey…? Arceali…?” The otter, a woman, mused quietly, shifting forward on the counter and looking at me with gleeful curiously. “Do not talk to much Arceali…not many come~!”


    In my bag was my bank note booklet and collection of stock certificates. Out I fished the Gate & Gate Logistics certificate I had found in the gutter so long ago. A grim reminder of where I’d been not a few days ago.


    Best to be rid of it as soon as possible.


    The weasle-thing looked at the certificate as I slid it over, nodding and lifting up what looked to be a massive binder of loose papers with a paper insert labeled BANKING GUILD – COMPANY STOCK DIRECTORY FOR ZSHIMA FOR BUSINESSES.


    The shopkeeper cracked open the book, flipping a few of the pages…then glancing at the ‘Gate & Gate’ stock…then back at the book…then to the stock again. She knitted her brow, looking up at me.


    “No…no, cannot take this one it is errr…too…big.” The otter said, trying to find the words. “Big…stock. Ehh…Gate…and Gate. In tier ‘C’…no, cannot break 250 coins. Smaller stock, please?”


    “Ah, my… apologies.” I winced, reaching a paw down to retrieve the share certificate. If there was some pride to have in my wealth, it was not found in seeming so… out-of-place on my first transaction here.


    “Oh please, please, do not worry! No worry! This stock-money confuses me. Very difficult.” The Weasle sighed sheepishly.


    I placed the dirtied paper in my bag, then produced a second- one cleaner, if not more useful. The 10 shares in ‘Western Outflow’, which I timidly slid to the odd otter in place of the first.


    The Shopkeeper flipped the pages in her binder again and nodded with a smile, being sure to give change. The weasel then gestured towards the wood board in front of the stand holding the newspapers.


    “Feel free to one…!” She said merrily. “Oh, and may I ask your name? I already had pleasure of meet Siranae!”


    Behind me, the Audino politely waved to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper giggled lightly, looking to me.


    I took up the coins and the newspaper, stowing the former and glancing across the latter- but kept myself focused on the girl for a moment longer.


    “Ah, it… it is Adelaide. Adelaide Imperator,” I said softly.


    “Adelaide…Adelaide Imperator…Oooo, it is pretty name~! Is Arcean?” The weasel asked with a little bounce.


    “I… no, I do not think the names are Arcean. But thank you…” I held a paw to my cheek, the smile not fading- a rarity, in this world. “You are the first person in Arceliaze to compliment me on such a thing. And I must say…it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss…?”


    “I…Julminae!” The shopkeeper replied, her sunny smile…rather infectious. “Move away from parents in Illamini month before aaaand…came here!”


    “Well…Julminae is quite a jubilant name as well.” I said returning her kindliness.


    The shopkeeper, Julminae, seemed to blush for a moment. With the lapse in conversation I looked down to the newspaper in my hand, my eyes scraping the useful bits I could immediately glean from the print.


    Julminae glanced over to Siranae, the Audino stepping up.


    “Strange things in paper today, though much of it boring and I do not read Arcean well…” I heard Julminae said, the woman leaning in across the counter.





    Hark that ye may all be awares – in the mid-night of Z50, 5T12, a violent and dangerous incident occurred at the village of S’Ran. A woman, Puchanae of S’Ran (44) began wildly firing HYPERBEAM ATTACKS at the doorstep of her home towards two fleeing Poke’mon, one of which was confirmed to be her own daughter. Several houses were leveled and burned by the onslaught, and onlookers reported seeing no less than 30 to 40 beams of dangerous energy fired off, tearing through homes, before the Night Guard was able to subdue the Mega-Audino. The Husband, a Breloom named Dulchus, was questioned and taken into custody but released upon approval of Arceali Guildmember Zerro’s Field Sentencing.

    Now, with no less than 20 S’Ran residents, including children, displaced and forced to live in public bedding centers, the question has fallen to the Machine Guild for negligence for allowing a Hyperbeam TM come into possession of an unqualified civilian. Conveytion Scolius has assured the public that, in light of this event, talks are being brought to members of the Merchant Guild (Conveytion Orla and Conveytion Vultus) to limit distribution of TMs to specific regulated resellers, as well as renegotiating interest rates with members of the Banking and Finance Guild for Machine Guild companies to offset costs of new regulations.


    It was no surprise that Mama- no, wretched Puchanae had made her way into the news. Perhaps this notoriety could be the fame that that scum so desperately sought.



    On the day of Z42, 5T12, a scandal was uncovered regarding the President and Owner of Quayoffi-Based Grand Lake Shipping. According to allegations brought by Conveytion Garsoni, an investor in the company, and corroborated with evidence presented by Major Holder Conveytion Vultus, Chulzan was found to be illegally employing Arcean immigrant children to work packaging in order to cut costs on packaging. Arcean children were found to be forced into squalid conditions and on-site work related injuries had begun to ramp up due to increased shipping demands from Arceliaze.

    At the time, Chulzan has stepped down as President of Grand Lake Shipping and is in custody of The Quayoffi Authority. The company now seeks to find a suitable replacement and seems to be leaning towards a Poke’mon on the BOD named Telzenni, a decision that Conveytion Garsoni has personally endorsed.


    Questions continue to stir in the minds of Poke’mon regarding the Murder of Pucomi Dunnisdou I Tqifoboupo #44 Varsae. The lack of follow-up statement from the castle has caused no shortage of distress from the Illaminian populace, especially whist the culprit is still at large. Extra-legal investigations have been commissioned by Illaminian district leaders to investigate the circumstances leading to her untimely demise.

    The loss of Varsae has also brought with it many sudden changes to the businesses under house #44’s ownership. Due to her lack of heir at the time of her death, the three international shipping companies (“Over The Hills We Go”, “From Illamini With Love” and “For You Shipping and Logistics”) under her ownership are voting for total restructuring to run independently from the now empty estate.

    Additionally, it’s come to light that Varsae was a major financial backer of a joint push for regulation on water irrigation as pertains to harm natural plantlife by Conveytion Tsuvula of the Water Guild and Conveytion Nixa of the Leaf Guild.


    My eyebrows raised at the continued news on the late Varsae…


    She was not simply an errant noble- she had her finances behind political actions, and ones entangled with the guilds? Quite a daring life to lead…


    But, no. I could not assume this was the certain cause of her demise- only more fuel to the fires of thought.


    HOT FOREIGN STOCKS: Uxuvon-Twangil co.

    Hark to all ye noble stock traders o’ Arcea – Prices on Foreign companies have risen. Quayoffi-based “Uxuvon-Twangil Co.” and “Gyzwandi Surplus” have begun competing for a weapons supply contract, but our experts are saying ‘UTC’ is likely to win the bid! Extra shares for ‘UTC’ are to be available for purchase on Z62 in preparation of the new work.


    “Siranae say: you move into house last night, yes?” Julminae’s voice broke my attention on the newspaper. The shopkeeper leaned on her elbows, looking at me with rapt interest. “Interesting, interesting! Arceali not usually living in Illamini…eyyyy…what is word for ‘raesvoisi’…?”


    “Ah…district?” Siranae chimed in helpfully.


    “Thank you…! Illamini District…!”


    I gave a gentle laugh at the girl – at Julminae’s confusion – and closed the newspaper. No malice bared- I had simply faced similar troubles in learning Latin. Still, her questions need to be answered… and, partly deflected.


    Another glance at the newspaper, before I started to press it down into my bag.


    “Yes, just last night.” I affirmed. “I was told I might be out-of-place in the Illaminian District- or, possibly disdained.”


    “Ehh…dis…stain…?” Julminae mouthed the word.


    “Not liked…um…Ufoevu.” Siranae spoke up again. The shopkeeper looked horrified.


    “No no no, not hated, no dis-stain. It is just…not usual. Arceali like the, eh…native districts more, usually.” Julminae explained best she could. “Do not know what district…llleaders think. Bunch of nobles. More…is ‘uppity’ correct?”


    Siranae nodded. I did my best to conceal the smile brewing.


    “In either case, Julminae…” I said. “Your kind air is a comfort… and, truly befitting a kind shopkeeper. How has this business fared?


    “Oh! Business is ok!” She responded. “I mean, you are first customer in ehhhh few weeks but…this just for fun! I wanted shop. I make shop! Simple! Eating place, too, for nighttime!”


    She giggled heartily to herself, gesturing to the red door to the left of the stand.


    “Gooood sandwiches~! Hehe!” Julminae trilled, seeming to just be…excited to have a customer.


    “Oh, that sounds nice…” Siranae said with a polite smile. “That could make for a nice place to relax after our trip.”


    “Eh?? Trip? You go trip?” Julminae asked, curious. “…doooo you need any supplies? I got orans! I got rev…rev…revvers?”


    “Reviver Seeds?”


    To! To! No wait…ehhh…yes!”


    I furrowed my brow with a soft smile-


    Julminae seemed to mirror Siranae’s lighthearted nature, albeit matching her aimless attitude as well. But such was a blessing, in a city stuffed full of Julniis and Cayliis and the rare Kalaes. After my first Puchanae, this was a sight for sore eyes.


    “A restaurant… we do need a quiet place to enjoy our meals. And so close to home- I think we’ll find ourselves here as soon as we have the chance.” I purred the words, tails swishing with renewed eagerness. “I’m not familiar with ‘Reviver Seeds’, but… supplies will be needed in the future, yes. We’re actually off to act as guards for the day- but we might be exploring off into the realms beyond the city, in due time.”


    I looked at the checkbook in my bag, and the added coins.


    “If today’s work goes well,” I mused, “we’ll have some funds to spare- and I think we’d be happy to patronize your business for our future endeavors. What do your recommend, in terms of supplies for guard duties…?”


    “Guard duty, guard duuutyyy…mmmm” Julminae looked up, drumming her fingers on her cheek. “You want…oran berry for healing. You want…reviver seed if you knocked out…Oh!! I have friend, he is farmer, yes? He sell me Ganlon Berry cheap from Illamini! Helps you take BIG HITS! Maranga Berry, too! Wards away uhh…uhh…magic I think?”


    “Special moves…?” Siranae asked. Julminae shrugged.


    “Let us see what else I have eehhm…perfume berries…no, no good for guarding…Maybe Rowap Berry. Those come from a special, from other friend. Makes you all spikey, attacker attack…BAM…attacker hurt, too!!”


    Julminae hummed to herself.


    “What we say about uhhh…ten…for each? Is good?”


    “Even the reviver seeds?” Siranae asked, surprised. “Those are a luxury for guild members. Periodicals say they go for…800 coins at shops at the least.”


    “Eh?? That is weird. No, no, is 10.” Julminae shook her head. “Reviver seeds easy to get, who selling for 800? Stupid. Ripoff.”


    “Well, goodness…” I slid my paw back to my bag. “I appreciate a kind offer, but… I don’t wish to take advantage of you in such a way, if your goods are truly valuable.”


    I shook my head, but still produced something from my tote bag- my checkbook. I didn’t wish to worry her with the breaking of certificates again, so I’d make it simpler for her.


    “I admit, I don’t know the usefulness of these items- but Siranae’s interest sparks my own. For us… two oran, two reviver seeds, one Ganlon and one Maranga… and one Rowap. Would you be able to provide that?” I gave Siranae a glance, allowing her to interject if there was something she wanted as well.


    Siranae nodded…looking more and more excited as I spoke the order. Her hands were at her chest, eyes sparkling as though she were reading an old favorite childhood story.


    No…living it.


    She voiced no objections. Julminae chimed in merrily.


    “No, no take advantage. Poke’mon help Poke’mon, is natural.” The woman said earnestly, plucking sees from a hanging sack of them and fishing the berries out of respective jars.


    She also included what looked to be three apples…for free.


    “Here, here! Your order…and lunch for new friends!” The woman said excitedly. “Is…70 coin, is okay? If you wish write bank note you can just write uhh…”


    She eyed a little slip of paper she had to the side.


    “Account…601126-I…that is UIB Bank Account, they handle getting me money.” Julminae said, looking back to me with a smile, handing me a little wrapped paper bag with our items within.


    I nodded, eyes drifting down to the bank note, as I started to fill in the details. Siranae’s look of wonderment was reason enough to have come here, and to indulge.


    “Here we are…”


    I took the bag with one hand, then tore the slip and presented it with the other- Account 601126-I, 140 coins.


    “I believe everything should be in order. 70 coins, and a small surcharge for an up-and-coming merchant to invest in herself.” I smirked, and gave Julminae a wink. “Apologies to undercut your kindness, but you were asking for it, what with those apples sneaked into the mix. Poke’mon help Poke’mon, after all.”


    Julminae’s eyes widened.


    She took the bank note in hand, slowly, carefully, like it were a precious treasure.




    Siranae tilted her head as the woman just…looked at banknote. Subtly…I could see the woman’s body begin to…tremble.


    “…Miss Julminae? Are you well…?” Siranae asked, concerned.


    The shopkeeper was silent. Her eyes sparkled…shimmered…and soon…


    …tears were flowing.



    “Somebody believe in me…”


    Julminae sniffed, brought the bank note closer to her chest…and gave a small hiccup as she fell apart like a small toothpick sculpture in a gentle breeze.


    “What is Arcean e-expression…?” Julminae forced out. “Uhm…um…I…love you.”


    Siranae sighed softly but made no correction.


    I pressed a paw to the back of my neck, my smile staying sheepish, if not more anxious.


    “O-oh dear,” I huffed, trying to not laugh. “I… well, I am glad the gesture was, appreciated…”


    I reached down to Julminae with the other paw.


    “I’m not familiar with that expression for acquaintances, but… I understand. I would say ‘a good day starts in the morning’, yes?” I patted upon the odd otter’s hand, helping her rise from that collapsed state. “That is my hope, is all. May the rest of your day feel as nice as this. With luck, Siranae and I can visit you again in the evening.”


    “Yes…yes! I would happy to see you tonight…!” Julminae sniffed loudly, wobbling back up at my touch, cuddling the bank slip close to her chest. “I am sorry you must go soon after move in and cannot meet everyone first. I will let neighbors know: pretty Buizel with pretty name Adelaide Imperator has moved in and she is very nice and everyone should be nice to Adelaide and-“


    She stopped her ramble with a deep breath. She had been going red in the face as she ran out of air.


    “I am very happy to have a new neighbor…!! And!!! Hope your trip goes well! Hope to hear of it tonight!!”


    “Of course, Miss Julminae!” Siranae said with a smile, one I couldn’t help but mirror.


    “We’ll be happy to share some time, some food, and some coin here, once our endeavors are done. And I’m thankful to have such a kind-hearted neighbor.” I replied.


    With one more delicate pat, sure to not knock her back to the ground, I let go of the frail but spirited Julminae.


    “Take care of yourself, yes? I’m looking forward to hearing of more customers in due time.”


    “Of course, yes…!” Julminae waved good-bye as you both took your leave. “Happy to see you tonight!”


    With the blessed little interaction at its end, we turned to leave with a short wave. I offered my paw to Siranae once more.


    “As for us…” I smiled to my friend as we approached the main road. “We have a mission to attend, do we not? The morning is young, dear~.”


    Siranae’s breath hitched at my voice, the Audino bouncing on her feet and clapping her hands together quietly before taking my paw.


    “Oh Adelaide, this is like a childhood dream. Look at us…a team off to lands beyond Arceliaze to do guild work…!” Siranae spoke the words with such reverence.


    At once, the girl took the lead, a quickened pace to her footsteps as she flew across the district with me in tow.


    I kept down a chuckle, keeping pace with Siranae’s giddy sauntering.


    The streets of the Illaminian District were quite bare compared to what I had become accustomed to. Many of the buildings were dark and not yet filled with the life that would come over the course of the day. The brick road snaked through the sleepy residential homes as the sky slowly brightened, the dark shade of blue turning more and more light with each moment as dawn approached.


    The rising sun was both a comfort and a worry- the latter for fear of my work with the caterers approaching on the horizon.


    The Audino led northward toward the New District, her blue eyes scanning the buildings as we began to leave the cradle of the Illaminian District.


    And all the while, as Siranae led on, she spoke.


    “I confess, Friend Adelaide, my carriage-usage has been limited to commutes to and from my word at Windscorch Mountain…” The Audino told me. “Thus I may not be as familiar with carriage rides out of Arceliaze to other cities…but I feel we should come upon a cheap Depot hereabouts…I’ve heard it’s the best way to travel without…spending over 100 coins, ahah…”


    “You have nothing to worry on, Dear Siranae,” I said at least, moving to walk at her side, while the gleam of the adored New District rose around us. “I cannot attest to any familiarity with them, either… but all we need do is be wise and be prepared to spend, if need be. Where there is something to indulge in, there is also good transit to reach it.”


    One paw took up my elbow, while the other rested under my cheek, as I searched over the area for Siranae’s supposed Depot.


    “Hah, but, Goodness, my heart still flutters with anticipation.” Siranae continued, her worries immediately falling away to her excitement once more. “Should we think of a team name, like the guild does…? What do we say when we get there? Do we say we are guild or that we’re…something else?”


    “Aha, the business matters…” I mused thoughtfully. “I admit, I do not know the standard procedure for a ‘team name’. But, for our client?”


    I gave a soft smirk, letting my arms fall again.


    “We are new workers, and we are responding to their request from the Arceali Guild. Not even a lie– merely a lack of details. If they should pry deeper, we can proffer a team name and hurry onto the matters at hand- I should not expect them to bear down on us with a line of questioning.”


    I’d gotten more than enough of that from Mama and Julnii- it was merely a hope that I did not have to endure it again so soon.


    “No lies…yes, I like that, Adelaide.” Siranae sighed, seemingly with deep relief.


    The Audino took a moment to think, her eyes trailed to the ground as we both crossed the street into another alleyway. The streets were still rather bare this early in the morning but a few Poke’mon still walked along, illuminated by the street light.


    “Of course…” I began with a smile, breaking Siranae from her thoughts. “If you have any suggestions for a ‘team name’ for us…I would be happy to hear.”


    “Oh…!” Siranae’s ears fluttered with excitement. “Well…a team name could be anything…some way to designate ourselves from others. Guild teams sometimes get work mailed directly to their postbox. The team name becomes synonymous with our work and quality thereof…”


    The Audino perked up. “Oh! Like a brand name!”


    She giggled lightly, pausing in the dark alleyway.


    “I confess that as a girl I’d often dream up many team names with various partners alongside me, all of it make-believe, of course. But it’s different now that it’s more than just myself.” Siranae explained. “Presently, there’s only two ‘teams’, that being Team Gold, Purina and Mulku, and team Snowfluff, Caylii, Qavul and Siffia. Jalsa and Zerro are both solo, as I’ve come to learn after mistakenly thinking they were on a team together…”


    She thought again, her face turning serious as she looked me up and down.


    “Let us see…you are water type…I am…well, pink. Erm…you are a noble and I am an ironworker…I enjoy ribbons and you seem to enjoy finance and dresses…” Siranae bit her lip, her hands up to her chest. “You are trying to get home…I am trying to live a childhood dream…Water…Dream…? No, no, that will never do. Um…Pink…Money…no, no, also silly.”


    Her ears flicked and she shook her head at last.


    “I confess, I’ve found myself at a loss, Adelaide. Do you have any ideas?”


    I could only smile at Siranae’s process, troubled as it might have been. She wore her whimsy and wonder on her sleeve- even in the face of the day’s work, it was utterly uplifting.


    “Well, I wonder… perhaps it does not have to fit both of us so perfectly. Purina did not seem to be made of gold, nor was Qavul quite a ‘snowfluff’ himself…” I smirked- those haughty teams no doubt had names decided by their leaders. I felt some pride at trying to learn one with Siranae. “So… we might find better options in something we simply enjoy.”


    I placed a digit on my chin, turning my head to the morning sky. “We are certainly more free than we were days prior… and finding more freedom in each step we take. Team Freedom, perhaps…? Although, we might sound like revolutionaries, aha.”


    I glanced down at Siranae once more, a teasing smile on my face.


    “Perhaps we establish our soon-to-be importance with something like Team Diamond– and put Team Gold down a rung in brilliance. But, of course, I jest at such animosity,” I said with a nod.


    Siranae hummed, looking to the ground. After another moment of thought, I lifted a hand to my chest.


    “Although…” I said slowly. “Perhaps most notably, we fall outside the standing of the guild’s normal crew. A former noble of another world, a born commoner rising in her greatness- finding our own way. The outsiders that now belong. Team Externus, the outside… or Team Ignotus— the unknown. Latin words suit the strength of our journey all the more.”


    With a sigh and a smile, I placed my paws upon Siranae’s hand.


    “What do you see for us, though? When you see us, as the newest members of the Arceali Guild… what does the crowd call to us? One of those names, or something else…?”


    “Latin words…? Is that a human language?” Siranae wondered aloud.


    The Audino looked down at herself, at her ruffled fur and dirty neck warmer. She looked down at her worked hands and strong arms…then looked to me, dirt in my fur, exhaustion in my eyes and my gait…


    And she smiled. Smiled for the both of us.


    “Look at us…a pair of nobles to be.” Siranae said wistfully, hands clasped over her chest tightly. “Whatever doubts I may have had…I shan’t afford myself to have them now, after all you have done.”


    She took a breath, closing her eyes.


    “What, then…is a human word for us? Nobles to be?”


    I chuckled at her renewed glee- my own disrepair was not lost on me, but I felt more refreshed than ever.


    The best was yet to come, for us.


    “Well, yes, Latin is a language humans use… not my first, but I’m well-versed in it,” I said. “Those who are soon to be noble… perhaps, those who are soon to be royal- for one does not often rise into nobility, but even royals by bloodline must be crowned.”


    My snout tipped upward, and joy washed over me- that word struck the right chord.


    “Two girls… crowned. Rising into the greatness of the Arceali Guild, soon to walk amongst gilded towers… that would be…”


    I tilted my head, digits drumming onto Siranae’s hand with anticipation.


    “Team Coronatus.”


    A pause.




    Siranae mouthed the words, seeming as though she were feeling them on her tongue. She held her cheeks lightly, a warm smile spreading over her face, her breath billowing in the cold air.


    “Team Coronatus…!!!”


    The Audino’s ears flicked, picking up something. Behind her, just outside the alley, a passenger carriage thundered over the stones, pulling into a an ornate building with a large carriage depot.




    Siranae’s eyes lit up excitedly.


    Like a little girl bursting with joy she barely squeaked out a quiet squeal, hands flapping, body shaking, as everything seem to hit her at once.


    “Then…let us away, Friend Adelaide!!!” Siranae cried in joy, her voice bellowing over the stones, surprising me, yet filling me with equal excitement. “For the first great adventure of TEAM CORONATUS!!”


    ~ CHAPTER 12 ~

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