The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 13 ~

    << The Gilded City >>



    Place: Laesi Regional N/S Highway, Approaching City of Laesi


    Region: Upper Arceali Southwestern Highlands, Laesi Regional Area


    Day: Nahstempnye


    Date: Zshima 51st


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    The old wooden carriage rocked and bumped against a long cobblestone road.


    And for the entire ride Siranae was silent…though her bounce never left her, even during the long ride.


    The ride had been no worse than the first carriage I had taken with Siranae when first arriving at Gur’Don. Though considerably bumpier it was much less crowded and those that sat in the long coach with us looked more finely dressed. Not nobility, by any means, they seemed more like servants dressed to be presentable.


    A window sat across from us, narrowly letting me see the land outside as it rolled by. From the climb up the Arceali valley, to further south, passing by an expanse of rolling fields of wild grass and snow, dotted with bare trees silhouetted against the dark blue sky. I could see the horizon as it slowly gained its orange colors, the sun rising bit by bit.


    The rocking ride was, if nothing else, quaintly familiar- the trees blanketed with shards of snowfall were a calming sight. A carriage’s rattling hinges couldn’t mimic the calm majesty of a steam engine… but my attention was more fixed upon Siranae’s joy, anyways.


    We were so close now.


    Soon, the landscape was overtaken by a small stretch of wood, and the Poke’mon around us began to collect their belongings.


    I glanced at the Poke’mon- I’d spent so long blocking them out of my mind, I’d almost forgotten they existed. I didn’t wish to think about yet more servants dolled up in the manner of their superiors. Still, they were a good enough sign for me to push myself up in my seat, and grip Siranae’s hand lightly.


    “Are you ready to disembark, dear?” I said with a trill and a smile, keeping my voice down from the others. “We’re almost to our first day of guild work, after all…~”


    “Y-yes, absolutely…!” Siranae replied, her voice even more quiet than my own. “Gracious I hope I look presentable enough. We may have to end up talking to a Conveytion, after all.”


    The Audino paused, perking up as we both felt the carriage pull to the right. The rattle of cobblestone roads turned to the clatter to wood wheels upon wood surface. Just outside the window I could see the world vanish as the carriage entered a depot.


    A loud clinking bell sounded at the front, and the doors on the side of the carriage were opened at once, the depot conductors ushering the passengers to disembark.


    Siranae took a deep breath, fanning herself, but wasted no time in taking my hand so that we both could follow the others off the creaking wood carriage.


    “Arrival on-time!” A voice called, echoing in the large depot as we stepped on the wood flooring. “Economy class depot-station 21! City of Laesi due south, on your right as you exit!”


    Siranae looked about the dark, wood depot where several carriages were lined up, with others already departing. Sunlight now flooded the inside of the depot as the massive entryway faced east, connecting with the cobblestone highway just beyond.


    Around us, the other passengers stepped out onto the cobblestone road, bags and effects in hand as they moved as a group southward on the the road outside. Siranae nodded, guiding me along with the crowd to follow them out.


    As we came upon the nipping winds of southern Arcea, we found a land lightly covered in frost, ever so slightly warmer than the land further north. The great wood depot sat at this lonely edge of what seemed to be an enormous lake at the base of a jagged mountain range.


    Yet none of that was nearly as impressive as what lied on the horizon.


    For…towering over a mountain was a monument, its size dizzying even to fathom as it loomed over a city which it considerably dwarfed.


    There was no doubt which way Laesi was.



    In the glow of the break of dawn, the monument seemed to be an enormous iron beast, wings spread and fierce gaze turned upward.


    Even Siranae paused to simply…drink in the visage of the City of Laesi.


    I stared on at the monolith of an effigy, almost too intimidated to approach. I had never seen a structure so imposing in its sheer scope, let alone in its design.


    Was this some dedication to Arceus…? No- not in comparison to the stained glass of the temple.


    And yet, it had to be- for my feeble mind feared that, were it not a mimicry of a deity, it would be a living beast, and one that could descend upon the pitiful city that it inhabited.


    I steeled my nerves- it was a statue, and nothing more.


    “What… being is that, Dear Siranae?” I said, failing to raise my voice above the whisper from the carriage, as I managed to step onward in our trek. “A religious figure? Or, a political icon? I should hope it is someone of importance, to have their visage occupy the skyline.”


    I calmed myself with each word- it was uncouth to cower so readily at an object. I could only wonder what extravagance Laesi itself could contain, when they had felt the need to expand into the air above themselves.


    “Um…” Siranae faltered, stumbling forward after me as I moved towards the city. “In truth, Adelaide…I have no idea. It looks vaguely like a Scyther but the wings are…no, I don’t recognize it at all.”


    She gave a smile, apologetic smile.


    “Forgive me, Adelaide, for I am not a well-traveled woman nor studious…” The Audino said. “I’m afraid I can’t give much account about Laesi; it’s simply been known to me as ‘the very rich Poke’mon’s city’. None live here that are not Conveytion or at the very least closely associated with them…or commissioned by them, as the case may be. The most I know of Laesi is that many, many artists live here alongside their patron Conveytion. It is no surprise to me that we’ve been called upon to guard an art exhibit.”


    The walk along the cobblestone path was long and somewhat arduous. Equally frustrating was having to watch the occasional luxury carriage thunder by into the city proper, glittering with gold trimming and jewels.


    Economy carriages, it seemed, parked far in the outskirts. Out of sight.


    But, soon, me, Siranae and the rest of the servants here for their day of work arrived at the gates of the city.



    – L A E S I –



    << North Elbus District >>


    Immediately, the cobblestone road turned to a spiral patterned stone, absolutely smooth to the touch.


    The city before us sported buildings that were different from Arcealize; much thinner and leaner, painted in deep reddish orange and yellow brick. The roads snaked upward and followed inclines, passing over other roads down below.


    An artificial stream babbled below over smooth false rocks, crystal clear, reflecting the ornate warm green street lanterns that decorated the sides of the city walkway.


    But more than anything…Laesi was so clean.


    It did not have the weathered wear of old, ancient bricks often cleaned, like Arceliaze. Laesi did not boast statues and the wealth of history in the stones as Arceliaze did.


    No…Laesi looked like a city that could have simply appeared yesterday, newly built. Miles and miles worth of pure vanity project, a thrown-together and ornate getaway for the elites of Arcea and none others.



    It was… odd. I had seen wealthy towns and luxury resorts, squirreled away from the prying eyes of the masses… perhaps not lived in the heart of them, but I was familiar with such architecture.


    But Laesi did not feel like a place I could call home. It was not solely the arduous walk into the city limits, cementing my foreign blood to this land.


    No, Laesi was its own beast- constructed from the first brick to the final coat of polish on each metal orifice. Not simply golden and beautiful, but thoroughly “created”. It was as clean and wondrous as it was fake- like a dollhouse for the wealthy and obsessed.


    I shuddered, even as I marveled at the structures and the colorful design. The city of Laesi was too ‘perfect’… and, in my current form, I felt that I did not belong. But my work took precedence over my unease.


    “North Elbus…” I mumbled, keeping pace with Siranae and letting my eyes drop to the road beneath us. “We should find our way to Conveytion Shara’s estate. What path would lead there…?” I shot my gaze up again, searching about the manufactured city.


    Siranae put a hand to her chin in thought, glancing about the street we both stood upon.


    From here we could see what seemed to be a public courtyard…a beautiful (naturally) carriage depot set next to a chapel that seemed to be more on display than in use. The stores, if any, seemed more akin to stores for souvenirs and gifts rather than any restaurants or grocers.


    At last, the Audino spotted something, pointing to a building with an open door with a sign above displaying in curled, ornate writing. I followed her pointing finger to read:


    I N F O R M A T I O N


    “Do you think we might find a map of Laesi or some directions in there, Adelaide?”


    “Yes- I should certainly hope so,” I said. “Although… from the looks of this place, it might solely be information on rental prices and parties, aha.” I waved my hand at the air teasingly, before motioning Siranae to follow.


    I was unnerved to think of what overwhelming amenities might lie inside these already-overdone exteriors… but, the open door was solace enough that this place was fit for us. I peered my head in, tails held up cautiously, as I walked into the Information building with the Audino at my heel.


    The inside of the building was…empty. Nobody stood in to guard the location nor to simply keep an eye on things.


    It seemed Laesi had no need for such things.


    The inside was…ornate, somewhat, but almost plain. It seemed to almost celebrate in its plain, featureless walls. The paint was applied uniformly with almost no texture left behind, just a solid, smooth, fresh surface of light pastel.


    Notably, it smelled of fresh wood and paint, so it was likely recently redone.


    I breathed a sigh of relief and the unmanned center – I did not want to negotiate with some stuffy desk-worker again, as with Julnii. The aroma of wood and paint was grounded enough that I could indulge in the pleasantness of a well-kept building, and not have to imagine what greater whole it was part of.


    In the center of the pattern carpet floor was a set of stands holding flyers, brochures and booklets on living in Laesi. On the far wall was a large map of the City, with a few buildings marked.


    Siranae stepped inside, the carpet plush and soft and stainless. At once she took to the stands in the center, pulling a flyer off the rack to read it to herself, curious. I approached the large wall map of Laesi itself, paws trotting across the carpet past Siranae, giving the girl some of my attention while I studied our whereabouts.


    “Let me know if you find anything on Conveytion Shara, or the art galleries of the town.” I said. “As quaint as this place is… I do wish there was someone to assist with simple information as that.”


    “Hmmm…” Siranae hummed, reading over the flyer. “I’ll be sure to let you know, Friend Adelaide.”


    The Map on the wall was rather lacking in detail, going over the broad strokes of the City and its Districts, with a few select highlights to be seen.



    Surprisingly barren, for a place that seemed to have so much to show of itself. Curious, I peered over the descriptions for each part of Laesi- and the addition of the statue on the far-right end, in the hopes of understanding what madness drove its creation.


    For North Elbus, it was written:

    The beautiful gate from Arceliaze, sporting information and gift shops. For the common Poke’mon seeking a slice of paradise it all begins right here. Browse gifts and see the displays of the finest works crafted by the painting artisans of Laesi, seen nowhere else in Arcea


    For Elbus, it was written:

    The economic center, home to all the offices and meeting grounds for the finest Poke’mon of all Arcea. Find resort accommodations here ranging from the finest lakeside dishes crafted by master artisan chefs to the heated pools frequented by the graceful and esteemed. But more than anything, here you shall find the heart of the artistic culture of Laesi, the workshops of the most famous and renown artists in Arcea, available for commission and contract by all our esteemed residents, as well as sample galleries where anyone may take home fine art from the culture capital of Arcea.


    For Lakeside, 3 places were marked.



    Home/Office of CONVEYTION MOLASON OF PRINTING GUILD. For all inquires on Art Prints


    Landmark home of CONVEYTION PRISTA OF ARCHITECTURE GUILD. A marvel of modern architecture, see what is considered the beating heart of the Architecture Guild.


    Finally, the little note on the monument read:

    Look to the horizon and see THE IRON WINGS OF POKE’MON BECOME GODS, a landmark of the City of Laesi, towering over the Rocky Hills. This great monument was commissioned by CONVEYTION PRISTA as the testament to the new era of the world, where business has transformed Poke’mon such that their power gives them little difference between themselves and a God.


    I felt my nose scrunch.


    The descriptions were… somehow, more self-serving than I had expected. Elbus’s information was written with the desperation of a salesman- what good did it serve those that had already paid the time and money to come here? At least it was informative, to some degree.


    My expression became a soft sneer just at the mention of Prista- I supposed I had developed some animosity, with the banquet she was hosting to serve as my heaviest deadline. I tried to shake the frustration off of me, knowing I’d grow all the more obsessed if I could not work without thinking of that woman at the end of the struggle.


    And yet, more damning were the words attributed to that massive statue… ‘become gods’? Prista and her ilk put themselves on the highest, most wretched pedestal… that horrid notion that they could be comparable to the creator of the world- for their earthly creations, the arts and devices that their creator allowed them?


    That frustration flared within me again… but I had to temper it. They put themselves on par with ‘Arceus’… my Lord was not involved here. But… it was grossly reminiscent of the self-importance, the self-righteousness I had seen from my own world. And these fiends did not even have the excuse of the Papacy.


    I shunned the burning thoughts in my mind. I was given a location, and the confirmation I needed- I pulled myself from the map with a pivot.


    “The eastmost lot in the Lakeside should house the home and office of Conveytion Shara. If nothing else, we should visit there and be given our guidance.” I huffed out the words, hiking up my bag with a readiness to depart.


    Siranae perked up, stepping over to me to look over the map, herself. She nodded, tracing a pointing finger along the city.


    “So…it looks like we might be able to follow the lake’s edge to locate her home.” Siranae pointed out. She looked down at the flyer in her hand. “It seems all the Lakeside vacation homes for Conveytion are situated along there, in the ‘Lakeside District’. Look here, Adelaide…”


    The Audino leaned over, letting me see the flyer in her hand…which seemed to be more like a public bulletin for residents…


    Laesi Newsletter
    (The Week of Z50)

    We here at the Lake Laesi Estates Foundation (Courtesy of Conveytion Shara of the Architecture Guild) are happy to bring our residents the latest local news bulletins, as well as our listing of verified sources for domestic and international news.

    The Lake’s hours are changing as we cross the zenith of the cold season. Boating hours are reduced to now be: HIGH NOON to MID EVENING. Swimming access is still strictly prohibited until VIOSNA 1st. All boaters please be sure to purchase Aspear elixirs before taking any trips out into the lake or up the river to Maesan.

    A new art showcase will take place on Z55, featuring works from esteemed Quayoffi Realist painter, Xilshinu, who will be selling his latest works of the Quayoffi mountain ranges and will also be available for contract negotiations.

    Also, we’d like to remind all residents that the extended rental of ‘THE IRON WINGS OF POKEMON BECOME GODS’ has been extended into next week. We all wish Ms.Zerazani luck on her pet project. For this reason, residents are not permitted within the monument unless on official business with Ms.Zerazani.

    Thank you, and please have a very relaxing stay at your home away from home!

    (For property resale information please contact office of C. Shara – LLE Foundation)


    I brushed a paw over the public bulletin and fixated on its words- that last segment alone, perhaps.


    Shara was responsible for the property, and for the bulletin… but ‘Ms. Zerazani’ was to blame for the statue, was she? Or, her and Prista in conjunction. Either she was working with the statue as part of a project, or she was its creator.


    Although, I had little reason to blame the artist bent at the will of the patron…


    “It seems our client might be within that behemoth of a statue, or within its bounds,” I said, lowering the page Siranae had given me. “We are on official business, after all, so we would be allowed within, but…”


    I looked to the doorway, wincing at the thought of that insect-like creature of steel.


    “Is that what we are meant to guard? I should hope that it is not the art gallery itself…”


    From what I had read, that ‘Iron Wings’ monument was shut down currently. It was likely we would only be permitted entry by Conveytion Shara, as this was Arceali Guild work from her desk.


    But doubts swirled in my mind. Such a structure that eats the horizon… and the task of guarding, placed upon that barely-literate scrawling at the guild.


    Something was wrong.


    I glanced to the map once more. If there were reasons for such a discrepancy, they could be learned where I was called to- the desk of Conveytion Shara.


    “I will hold us no longer. Our mission awaits,” I said, renewing my smile to Siranae. “Shall we be off to the Conveytion’s domain, my dear…?”


    Siranae jumped at that, her hands clutched to her chest. On her face, I could see it: a mixture of acceptance and apprehension.


    “Gracious, Adelaide, now?” She breathed. Unconsciously, she brushed a hand through her fur as though trying to do desperate last-minute grooming. “I should have figured it would come to this, of course, it would be silly if not, I only…”


    She squirmed. Another hand through her hair, picking out every little imperfection.


    “Aha, I simply do not visit nobles at their homes often.” Siranae paused, frowning and letting off a huff. “That is to say…e-ever…”


    Her eyes held fast onto me, staring, silently pleading for guidance.


    I let my smile drift from eagerness, to sympathy. I approached and placed my paws upon her fiddling hands, lowering them to her sides.


    “Dear Siranae, you do not have to worry. We may have to meet with the Conveytion, if the work calls for it… but we are simply to attend her desk. She has business matters handled constantly- we may not even catch a glimpse of her. And if we do, she is expecting a band of bold explorers, not two finely-cleaned noblewoman.”


    I gave a soft pat on her wrist.


    “We must carry ourselves with the air of Team Coronatus. And the rest should come naturally.”


    With a huff, I tipped my head to one side.


    “Now, my dear explorer… shall we see to our first mission?”


    The pat on the Audino’s wrists then turned to holding her wrists graciously as she held mine. The trust in her countenance swiftly overpowered the look of trepidation.


    She believed in me so much. I could only hope I did not let her down.


    Siranae shut her eyes, lifting her head slightly. She took a deep breath, ears folding back, her face turning serene and calm.


    “Team Coronatus…Team…Coronatus…” She whispered, repeating, trying to make it real.


    Slowly, her hands fell away. In a swift motion, she took her place at my side, as though mentally reciting all the make-believe she’d done her life whilst day-dreaming about this: guild work left to her and her partner.


    “Of course, Adelaide…!” She squeaked, smiling. She tried to keep her posture confident. It was clearly no ruse, only that she put every ounce of trust in me. “Would you like to lead on to the Lakeside Estates?”


    She gestured toward the door, back to the gilded streets of Laesi. Out towards the west would be the mansions along the lake, and there…Shara’s estate.


    I kept down a giggle from Siranae’s renewed efforts- such trust and such willingness was admirable. And I would not let it go to waste.


    I puffed out the fur on my chest, hoping to match the Audino’s new boldness.


    “Of course! Team Coronatus has official business there, after all~”


    My paw moved down to her hand, a tight grip to keep us closer- and off we went.


    The glimmering streets and lustrous aura of Laesi were still overpowering on my senses, after so long in squalor… but I would not be fazed. Not when I was a member of a team, manufactured or not. My tails fluttered behind me, pulling Siranae along to walk at my side, as we ventured onward past that glistening lake.


    The streets of this area that I now knew to be ‘North Elbus’ continued from the information building, with streets rather scarce of any pedestrians. Any that we saw moved with purpose and did not dawdle nor loiter.


    All across the sloped roads we walked, as they spiraled up around the lithe, thin buildings, then curved down back towards small, compact squares. The squares, naturally, did not exist to host a great number of people but were simply to connect streets, with exactly 4 office and business entryways facing in the square.


    Everything was so beautifully trimmed, decorated…and crushingly utilitarian. At points I was even struck with deja vu, many streets looking as perfect duplicates of other streets.


    But soon, and certainly to my relief from the madness of the North Elbus district, we came upon another massive stone and iron gateway, reading:


    << Lakeside >>


    ~ The Shining Jewel of the Arcean South ~


    The city just beyond was much different from North Elbus. Indeed, the gate was like a hard barrier at which the aesthetic of the city seemed to flip the moment we crossed the threshold.


    My paws landed upon smooth wood and stone, seeming to be a deliberate choice to make it appear more ‘rustic’ while still not forgoing the meticulous patterns etched into the surface (unsurprisingly).


    I had to squint, for directly to our right was Lake Laesi. Its shimmering waters perfectly reflected the morning sun, casting the entirety of the Lakeside Estates in a shimmering, glimmering reflective brilliance.


    Siranae couldn’t help but look out at the beautiful lake…



    Yet, standing in contrast to the lake, just to our right, was…


    Goodness gracious, like nothing I had ever seen, both for better and for ill.


    For what stood there at the edge of the lake were several estates. Each mansion had tens of meters between them, like a garden of stone and tile surrounded each. Fountains proudly flowed with glistening water, all of it sealed behind wrought-iron gates polished to a mirror sheen.


    And there, by each gate, each individual estate had a guard box, with each guard (of various species) in a full-body uniform of dark blue and black, much like the guards in the city, each with a crest of fire and hammer. I could see similar guards standing at perfect attention within the stone gardens, still as the statues they kept safe.


    There were no trees here. No bushes. The only part of nature that came near these homes was the lake itself.


    None but Siranae and I walked this path, save for the occasional servant, allowed through the gates by the guards.


    Even Arceliaze’s old estates were not so…




    Each estate here was different, much in contrast to North Elbus, and each one was more tacky than the last. Some sported buttresses as though emulating a castle. Others were perfectly square, with cube-like protrusions seemingly growing out of the sides of the buildings.


    Others sported spiral pointed rooftops and massive arches. Others were made of false wood, looking like a piece of the Arcealize Old District had been plucked and placed here, simply for the aesthetic.


    Others looked like temples and churches, but were guarded as any home.


    Each house we passed reflected (presumably) the owner of the house, each one individualist to the last…


    …and each one was, thusly, trying much too hard to stand out to its neighbors. It might have been embarrassing, but these were clearly the homes of those with more money than shame.


    I was… overwhelmed, if silently. Aggressive uniformity gave way to hostile individuality- a blur of wealth. A torrent of luxury and excess, foreign even to me.


    These Poke’mon had no… limitation, no point where enough could be enough. That message was jolted into me from every odd structure adorning a home, or each paved step that mimicked another one several paces back. More than anywhere in Arceliaze proper, I felt out of my element. Almost…intimidated.


    But each time, my gaze fell upon Siranae- and each time my posture would straighten and my boldness would be refreshed. I was not a lone beast, gawking at the estates of those “above” me… no, I was simply one half of Team Coronatus- and Team Coronatus had every right to be here.


    Siranae, bless the poor girl, did not seem intimidated in the least. Rather, she gawked at the buildings with a look of wonder, like she were a little girl looking upon castles of fantasy, rather than a low-class girl far out of her depth.


    Perhaps it was a simplicity to emulate. If Siranae did not shrink back at this…perhaps neither should I.


    I kept my head held high, tails swishing left and right in a rhythm, while I urged Siranae onward. The sooner we could depart this wretched landscape, the better.


    My eyes were glued to the direction of the lakeside. Which one of these hideous abodes would be demonstrably ‘Shara’…? The map, I recalled, had shown the estate to be far along the pier.


    Thus, did we both continue on, following the pier and passing more of these manors…until at last I spotted a large sign. Though to call it a sign was underselling it, for it was more of a massive plaque on a marble slab:






    The was a gap in the line of houses. As we approached the marble plaque we now came to an enormous Plaza, lined by lamp posts and the first greenery I’d seen in a while, laid out in large decorative flowerbeds.


    Around the plaza were several small buildings, each with wide entrances and guard stands just outside.


    And there, at the far end of the Plaza…the largest building I’d seen, second only to the Castle back at Arceliaze.


    A square behemoth stood, pure bleached white blinding me. A pair of towering Ninetales statues loomed over the tall, wide entry way.


    The detail was…minimalist. The sides of the building were smooth and sported few windows. The building seemed to revel in its unnatural appearance, adored itself for it, every inch of the aesthetic existing only to be a wall between itself and the natural world.


    It was here I could see a few smartly dressed Poke’mon. They did not loiter, instead swiftly moving to the different buildings. The only ones that seemed to walk at a slower pace seemed to be servants in less colorful clothing, likely on some errand for their master or mistress.


    And beside me…Siranae was agape.


    “Gracious…” The Audino whispered. “I’ve never seen the home of a full-fledged Conveytion before…”


    “It is… quite a sight,” I muttered back to her. “I could not imagine the months or the finances spent to construct it…”


    It was time and money thoroughly wasted, as I saw it. The effigies of the fox-like Ninetales- I could only assume it to be Shara herself- were an affront to some deity, if not my own God. An endless display of waste.


    …and, yet, that was likely the intention- if she could direct her workers like pawns, and send money to the wind for such a gaudy home, what did it say about her financial stability? Did the Conveytions truly live as kings…?


    I gritted my teeth. All the more reason to be bothered, while I scrounged for coins under the cruel hand of Mistress Julnii, and while their young frittered about careless in the Arceali Guild.


    But that was not today- today, I was part of Team Coronatus.


    “Shall we make ourselves known…?” I said, giving a calm and ponderous smile to the Audino beside me. “They’ve advertised their office to us- we need only approach, and be directed to our business.”


    Siranae straightened at once, clasping her hands together at her front and lifting her chin to try and appear more confident.


    “Yes, of course, Adelaide.” She said, clearly more relaxed at my side. “I was worried but…if it’s really a public office then getting in shouldn’t be any trouble…”


    It was time to move. Confident strides.


    The both of us walked down the smooth stone pathway, flanked by waving white triangle flags, matching the pure white of the rest of this office.


    As we walked, coming up behind a girl in plain, dark clothes, I could see a guard sitting in a white-painted wood security box that stood next to the massive entry way. The girl in front of us talked hurriedly before being dismissed at once by the Poke’mon clad in blue and black armor.


    The guard turned to me, giving a polite wave and bow.


    “Next and good morrow, dear Lady.” The guard greeted respectfully, much more than he was with the last girl. “Do you come with your servant today?”


    “Servant…?” Siranae’s confident posture deflated somewhat. The guard continued onward.


    “May I mark down your business at the Conveytion House today, Miss…?” The Guard produced a small slab of wood with papyrus on it, taking a pen from an inkwell and looking to me expectantly.


    I kept down a scowl from his rude assessment of Siranae, instead nodding firmly, eyes bright and smile warm as could be.


    “Miss Adelaide. But I must correct- I am here with my partner, Siranae, to inquire about a job posting in the Arceali Guild.”


    A team name would make us sound more official- but I did not wish to offer it before a record-keeper of sorts. We would be easy to document and be found out, if these guards had any knowledge of the Arceali Guild’s teams.


    “About 40 days ago, there was a document shared with the guild… a request for guard work, at the gallery of Miss Zerazani?” I raised an eyebrow, as if awaiting the guard to catch on and allow us passage. “It was stated to be from the desk of Conveytion Shara…”


    The guard’s brow furrowed as he scribbled the details onto the parchment. Siranae huffed a little relieved sigh as the armor-clad Poke’mon nodded.


    “Ar…ce…ah…li…” The guard hummed and, with a smile, tore off a slip and handed it to me. “There you are, Miss Adelaide. Take that inside, they should tend to you at once.”


    Thank goodness, the man seemed to either have no mind for the Arceali Guild or else was barely cognizant of what I had said. Either way, the little slip of thick paper with neat, cursive writing was my ticket of entry into the gargantuan building.


    With that, the guard’s attention turned to another Poke’mon just behind us: our cue to continue on over the threshold where the stone met the polished black obsidian tile.


    Siranae gave a polite nod to the guard but was ignored as the both of us continued inside.


    And as our eyes adjusted…


    The office lay before us.


    Like an opera house, it stood as an enormous single chamber. All along the wall, I could see dozens of desk clerks in offices situated in balconies, each with a matching desk and desk lamp.


    The floor in front of us was wide open. Neither cubicle nor desk sullied the wide expanse of shimmering tile that reflected the sun as though we stood upon blackened water made solid by the whim of Shara’s fortune.


    And indeed, many Poke’mon, in all their colorful splendor, stood here. They were both nobles on business and the exhibits of the estate. They stood from the center of the room, conversing silently and politely for all to see and admire.


    And there, in the center of the floor was the crest of the house: A hammer and fire, no doubt the Sigil of the Noble House of Shara.


    And there, at the far end of the enormous entry hall, a glow with beams of light shining through windows above, was a long reception desk just in front of the enormous stairway leading to the upper floors. Several clerks stood behind it, but presented themselves as something more akin to butlers with how they stood with poise, noses pointed into the air.


    The air was still and cold, contrasting the brilliance of the visage.


    Siranae stepped closer to me. She likely didn’t even realize.


    I could feel the way she shook now with intimidation.


    For above the staircase, indeed, above everything, towering over the main hall, casting its sharp, disdainful gaze over the congregation of nobles…


    …was a portrait of a Ninetales as tall as a building, painted with amazing, immaculate detail down to the strand of hair.



    Siranae and I had swapped our roles. Where I had feared and she had admired, she now shook worriedly, and I stayed steady in my displeasure.


    How could I feel anything else…?


    This opulence made a mockery of whatever business was to be conducted here- what clerk should expect to perform sensible work, under the eye of his superior’s painting, quite literally larger than life?


    But, it was no worse than the sprawling manufactured buildings outside of this place- only another flavor of wealth poorly spent. Even with how imposing the watchful eye of the portrait could be… I held that slip of paper tighter. We had business to attend.


    I stepped forward, slowly but firmly, hoping that Siranae might follow. If I could take up her hand and ease her worries, I would- but I did not wish to draw attention to ourselves so soon.


     “If you need to take a moment and recover… you may. But we should let these fine Poke’mon work, yes?” I glanced back at Siranae, still smiling and with a softer voice, my warmth more genuine. “We’ll rest at the desk proper, without being eyed up by the angry painting, aha.”


    Siranae was silent, simply staring up at portrait and the burning red eye that met her gaze, parried it, crushed it. The Audino perked, trying to refocus back on me. For a moment, she lifted her hand to grab mine…but stopped herself, clearly thinking the same as me.


    “G-gracious…” Siranae huffed, a wobbly smile spreading over her face. “Zu’Conveytion Caylii’s mother is certainly…an intense woman, if the portrait is to be believed…”


    She went quiet, following after me swiftly as I approached the desk.


    “But I must wonder…it certainly seems well-done despite being so large…whoever painted it must have been quite talented.” The Audino mused, likely to distract herself.


    The walk across the expanse of obsidian floor was long and agonizing, seeming to never end, the long desk ahead practically getting further with every step.


    There were more nobles here. Very clearly lesser nobles or even simply tradesmon or company owners either on business or seeking audience with the Conveytion. They stood with their posed stances, talking amongst one another in hushed voices…


    …and any time we got close they would glance at us with a nasty look and immediately turn on their heels with their backs in our direction, making a show of ignoring us, as though we were an invader to their bubble.


    Siranae squirmed, keeping her gaze down as the nobles muttered incoherently to one another.


    More and more, denser and denser groups of these Poke’mon stood before the reception desk that stretched several feet in either direction. And indeed, these Poke’mon, too, all turned away from us, silently talking to one another.


    And as the nobles as shuffled by, giving us a wide berth, the crowd parted to show a Poke’mon at the counter. A blue bipedal jackle, pointed nose up, ears perked, and eyes closed. He silently stood and waited to be addressed.


    I stared ahead- not even a flinch as those so-called nobles turned their backs to me. What did their opinion of us even matter?


    I rose a paw onto Siranae’s back- some modicum of comfort while we persisted through the sea of nobility. When we reached that jackal, my almost smug smile had not diminished. I had a right to be here, fraudulent or not. We both did.


    “Excuse me…” I spoke while approaching the counter, as if my importance preceded me, already holding forth the slip. “Perhaps you can be of assistance- I was told there was a mission sent to the Arceali Guild? From the desk of Conveytion Shara…”


    “A job request from the Arceali Guild?” The Jackle’s voice came. He didn’t even open his eyes as he addressed us. “We have not heard of such recently, but perhaps Honorable Conveytion of the Architects Shara sent correspondence in secret.”


    He opened a ledger, taking a quill, the feather atop fluttering in the wind.


    “Might I ask for the Team Designation and what House wishes to speak to her Honorable Conveytion?” The Jackal said.


    “Hmph, it’d hardly matter.” A noble’s voice muttered behind me. “Doubt we’d have heard of the house, since that Arceali Guild lets in any rabble these days.”


    “Allowing that Jalsa nobody from that troublesome Leaf Guild to join…ugh, how Vulgur. Perhaps the Guild has lost its luster.”


    Siranae’s ears folded back sadly as the voices muttered rudely to one another.


    My voice lowered, as I ushered Siranae along with me which she followed closely, pointedly ignoring the gossiping voices that surrounded us as I answered the Jackal behind the counter.


    “Of course, but first, if you would –” I tilted my head to the side. “Could you explain what exactly one… Miss Zerazani would need with us? The request to the guild was stunningly vague, and I’d prefer to know what it is that will be asked of us.”


    That final word I uttered rang against my skull.


    Something happened all at once.


    When I asked after the request…


    …and spoke that name.


    The jackal’s eyes snapped open.


    The rude whispering from the nobles stopped with a small gasp.


    All at once…


    …a hush fell over the massive chamber.


    A place this large and so full of others should never be so silent so suddenly, yet not a voice cut the silence.


    Upon my words…everything was still.


    I could feel Siranae press into me. A chill went up my spine.


    A shifting sound.




    There was a noble staring at me.




    All around, one by one, eyes began to fall upon Siranae and I. Nobles and tradesmon and business owners turning from their groups to now look directly at us.


    A moment of discomfort. The atmosphere became tense as every eye fell to us.


    And then, after a long, long moment of silence…a voice cut through.






    “Zerazani?! There’s news??”


    “You know Zerazani? THAT Zerazani?!”


    The voices increased in volume. Louder. Excited. Ecstatic.


    The nobles began to move, began to swarm Siranae and I. Where once they turned their backs to us now they were upon us like Locusts to crops.


    “Where is ZerazanI!?”


    “Is she coming back soon? When?? When???”


    “Is that project of hers finally over?!”


    “I’ve been DYING for a commission from her! Speak! Speak! Where is she?!”


    Siranae yelped, pressing into me in a panic.


    I looked around in the growing clamor. I hadn’t had so many eyes on me in months… no, perhaps never. I could handle the staring, even if I hadn’t expected it so soon.


    But it was so much more– the raucous sound descended upon us like an avalanche. My eyes darted around, spotting one shouting beast after another-


    I could barely feel Siranae at my side, but I pulled her close as soon as I realized she was there.


    “I didn’t-“


    My words were drowned under the deluge of their pestering questions. Cacophany. A riotous crowd.


    “We’re here on busine–“


    I recoiled back just an inch, seeing one of those creature lurch too close. My heart started to race- they wanted answers that I could not give.


    Parasites. Gluttonous beasts that could only yearn for more, more to stack to their already monstrous wealth.


    A growl rose up from my throat.


    “Enough!! Cease!!”


    I snarled out the word, before realizing just how loud I had made myself. My stomach dropped from so wretched a feeling.


    Every word I shouted was drowned out over a growing noise, though many nobles at the front balked at my tone, now reprimanding me for speaking in such a manner to a Poke’mon of status.


    “We are… here to find Zerazani. You all-!” I hissed loudly, “You are not privy to Team Coronatus’s business. And you will do well to leave us be!”


    Behind me, as the roar of the crowd grew, the Jackal rang a bell, calling over a servant and whispering hurriedly to them, handing them a slip of paper at once.


    “Here to find her? Don’t be silly, everyone knows where Ms.Zerazani is.”


    “She hasn’t come out of that statue for a month! I wanted to take my children to see the Iron Wings monument but it’s all locked down!”


    Amid the clamor, a well-dressed noble woman stepped up, jabbing her finger at me.


    “Out with it, rabble girl. Has Ms.Zerazani come off all her foolishness? Enough with her silly pet project, I have real work for her!”


    “That-!” I was cut off.


    “As though you need another bloody portrait of your hideous countenance! Much less should Ms.Zerazani waste her time with it!!”


    The woman whipped around, furious.


    “Who said that?!” She roared, all her noble stature evaporating at once. “Who the fuck just said that?!”


    “Ms.Zerazani would surely paint my portrait before any other!”


    “Hardly! Arcea’s greatest painter would paint MINE first!! For sure!!”


    “OOoohhh IT ISN’T FAIR! Why wasn’t I invited to the Iron Wings Monument for her exhibit?! Why’d Ms.Zerazani invite so few guests!? And she invited Fuargus and not ME!!”


    The voices surrounding us now shouted incoherently, the poise and mannerisms of the nobles melting all at once, replaced with nothing but squabbling and insults hurled at one another as thought they were a gaggle of commoners.


    And all the while they clamored and screamed the name.






    Who she would paint. Whose commission they would take. They screamed and wailed for the woman, for a painter, as though she were a god they vied for the attention of.


    Immediately, the other desk workers were running among the crowd, ringing bells, trying to bring the crowd in order.


    I felt my throat boil with the disgusting onslaught of comments, of prodding intrusions into my and Siranae’s business via their boorish demands for Zerazani. She was an idol to them- she gave purpose to their otherwise meaningless lives-


    I sucked in a breath, steadying my nerves. I could not succumb- I could not lash out at these heathens, as they so desperately deserved. Not even with how they distressed Siranae.


    I held the Audino close, backing up to the desk for some ounce of leverage. Anything, to reduce how many horrid eyes and voices surrounded us.


    Zerazani. Zerazani. The gaping maws of the nobles needed a Zerazani to pour slop into their gullets, and satiate their raging needs. I could only keep my fury down, and look with anger and anguish to the desk workers for some sort of relief from their torment.


    The bodies continued to crowd. Siranae backed up, pressed against the wood desk, ears pinned back as the desk workers tried to (calmly and politely as they knew their place) talk down the nobles that bickered and argued and even threw weak punches to one another now.


    Siranae’s breathing was quickening, a hand tight against her chest as the bodies moved in more and more.


    Zerazani. Zerazani. They shouted! Was she coming back from the monument yet?! Would she take their work yet?! Zerazani! ZERAZANI!!


    A blast of HEAT bellowed from above! Siranae yelped and covered her head! Embers and cinders ERUPTED!


    Every noble screamed, scrabbling back, ducking down with their faces SLAMMING into the obsidian floor!


    It was like a second sun BURNED in the air above, bathing the world in a bright red heat that made me sweat, stole my breath, threatened to burn the flesh from my charred bones.


    Then, a RUSH of air-!


    And all at once…


    …silence once more.


    Everything had paused. Nobody moved.


    Siranae let out a deep breath she’d been holding.


    The nobles on the floor, shakily, lifted their heads up.


    There, standing at the top of the stairs, just under the gargantuan portrait…


    …stood the woman, the Ninetales upon whom the portrait was based.




    Though far away I could still feel her piercing red eye burrowing hatefully into me…and everyone, a perfect match for the portrait. Her massive tails swished in an invisible wind and she stood with a commanding poise.


    At her side was a strange, small creatue of cream and light blue, with a narrow snout and eyes squinted enough to be closed. Spikes of fire adorned its back as it stood by the Conveytion.


    I wanted to yell amidst the silence, as if I’d finally been given my chance to dethrone these pitiful nobles… but I knew better. I was not being awarded respect- I was basking in the mercy that Shara’s respect had wrought over the massive hall.


    I looked up to the Ninetales, meeting that red eye with only an unbroken stare. If I was more confident, this stare would carry so much more… a demand for accountability, for creating an entourage of clients that would bring such chaos to Siranae and myself. She owed us better than this, ‘Conveytion’ or otherwise.


    I did not dare put that much weight and ferocity into my calm expression.


    Would she blame us for uttering the name in her abode? With how her daughter had acted, I could only expect such inhuman indifference.


    I stood silently, clutching Siranae against my side for her protection… perhaps, too, for my own.


    The silence persisted for a moment.


    Two moments.


    Not a single noble dared even whisper.


    The Ninetales’s gaze remained on the congregation that cowered in her home…then fell down to the small Poke’mon beside her.


    The small Poke’mon stepped up to speak.


    “A message here delivered thusly to the disruptors that have made claims pertaining to a request for work from the desk of the office of Honorable Conveytion of Architects Shara, Mistress of the Lake and Patron of the Iron Wings to: the Guild of Arceliaze under Guildmaster Tyarnikus, Re: The Issue Pertaining to Zerazani:”


    There was a pause. All looked expectantly up at Shara and her messenger. The smaller creature cleared his throat and continued.


    “We dispute the false claims that a work request to the Arceliaze Guild was sent from the Conveytion’s Desk, as this honorable office has sought no such work nor legally put up funds for said work. Therefore, this most honorable office must refuse all payment and compensation, for time, labor and travel, to any guild member present for the said job.”


    Siranae frowned, looking both confused…


    …and most disappointed.


    I felt a stab in my heart.


    There was another pause…and the messenger continued.


    “However…the honorable office does hereby verify the apparent need for guard for Zerazani’s private art exhibit at the Iron Wings of Poke’mon Become Gods monument.” The small creature produced a small handkerchief with which he wiped his brow. “The monument, per request of the honorable artisan Miss Zerazani and thus by order of the Lake Laesi Estates Foundation and the honorable office of the House of Shara, is, as of one month ago, completely barred from any and all entry.


    “Only Ms.Zerazani and her provided short list of guests of various lower nobles have been permitted entry until further notice.”


    “A short list…?” Siranae whispered to herself, confused. “…for a whole month…?”


    I grimaced from those comments- my doubts were confirmed.


    That haphazard note was not from the desk of Shara at all- of course it wasn’t. Some part of me had suspected but…I’d been so eager to take on official work, or… perhaps, to show Siranae official work.


    And, now…




    Perhaps it wasn’t unofficial- the ‘need for a guard’ was proven true, by the mouth of this lackey. If Shara had no hand in that request… had Miss Zerazani put it up herself?


    Then, why the forgery…?


    I gripped Siranae’s hand, already starting to pull her away- some part of me feared that we’d be ousted as troublemakers, for even posing the idea that Miss Zerazani might make her presence known here. But there were more pertinent matters.


    A clearing of the throat caught my attention again, the messenger finishing.


    “This Honorable office thusly amends the restriction of entry to The Iron Wings of Poke’mon Become Gods monument to: Miss Zerazani, a Guest List at Miss Zerazani’s discretion…and whichever two Poke’mon are claiming Guild Work.”


    Siranae perked her ears.


    “It is the hope that this amendment will bring swift and decisive end to Miss Zerazani’s project that the noble houses may once again patronize her.”


    “Gracious, I hope so…” Whispered a voice behind me.


    “I’ve grown so weary of waiting, I’m near to taking my commission elsewhere…!” Came another.


    The voices were silenced at once as the messenger finished.


    “From the desk of Honorable Conveytion of Architects and House of Shara, Z51, 5T12, and so let it be done.”


    The Ninetales, who had not said a word this entire exchange, was silent a moment more…then flicked her head as though to dismiss all. She stood, turning at once to return up the stairs to further within the mansion, her exit heralded by total silence until she vanished, leaving only the building-sized portrait as reminder of her presence.


    I watched that beastly fox depart- asserting some faux-superiority over the other creatures in her domain. Only the specter of her wealth remained, a bloated carcass that composed the walls, and the floor tiles, and the ghastly painting in her visage.


    And here, the vultures, who had come to feed upon it. Even I could only be allowed to rest in her hateful nesting grounds.


    I felt lucky, somewhat, that Shara seemed indifferent as to whether we really were guild or not. It seemed that all that mattered was for someone, anyone, to go to Zerazani and fill her request at last.


    “We should be taking our leave…” I whispered to Siranae. “We may not have the official business we sought, but we have something much better- confirmation that we are wanted, and no documents necessary to prove it. Our first mission still awaits us, my dear.”


    Even if I could not be sure of it, I felt safer wording the information to her this way. Her spirits did not need to be dampened by this… faux pas of mine.


    Siranae nodded solemnly, leaning over to me.


    “What a puzzle…” The Audino hummed, fidgeting with her free hand as the tense atmosphere slowly vanished. “…why in the world would there be a forged job request…?”


    All around us the nobles, one by one, began to rise back to their feet, the gentle rumble returning to the building.


    But now…the nobles glanced at us both, the strange Buizel and Audino that spoke of bringing this mysterious ‘Zerazani’ back from her seclusion in the monument.


    Zerazani, and her mysterious list of guests.


    And the nobles stared at us both expectantly. Their glances and frowns commanded us away to our urgent task…that they might finally get their portraits and commissions done by the esteemed painter.




    the Greatest Painter in all of Arcea.


    Slowly, my gaze fell upon the crowd of nobles, returning theirs. Their voracious hearts had not been sated- only silenced. If the Painter’s name alone could send them into a frenzy, what would they feel about me dangling it before them? Would we be reviled, if this task was failed…?


    I squeezed Siranae’s hand in turn. My eyelids lowered in disapproval. The thoughts and feelings of these urchins were nothing to us- we were to capture the hearts and minds of the Conveytions. The upper elites. Those whose power in the guilds would guide our way forward.


    These people were the dirt beneath our feet- whether or not they knew it yet. And Zerazani was our means of escaping them, wretched shut-in that she was.


    With a whip of my tails, I turned- and started to march back the way we came. I pulled Siranae along with me, firm enough to show that we must leave, soft enough to not lose our grace.


    “Let us go, Dear Siranae,” I spoke in a proud whisper. “We shan’t keep Miss Zerazani waiting.”


    “A-ah…” Siranae hummed with uncertainty but said nothing.


    And we strode on- leaving the horrid scene of Shara’s walls, unbroken, assured of purpose. Off to solve this duplicitous woman’s request- and be rid of all that she brought with her.


    It was an almost furious stride. Putting that estate behind us. Putting the lakeside estates behind us. I felt such a mix of aggravation and purpose in my heart as we left that disgusting den of greed and excess, ignoring the voices of the nobles around us, all the way back to North Elbus.


    I was almost relieved to be back among the thin, gaudy buildings of Laesi.


    As the sun rose higher into the sky, the citizens of Laesi began to make themselves both known and seen. Servants could be seen silently sweeping at the brick roads and tending to the lanterns, dutifully ignored by the true residents: Those well-dressed Poke’mon draped in extravagant robes, just the same as those I’d seen in Shara’s mansion, their noses upturned as they walked along with hands frozen in distinct poses as they spoke.


    The visage was all-too familiar to the Arceliaze nobility, only these Poke’mon flaunted their wealth even more. They cared about less, worried about less, if their behavior in Shara’s abode was anything to go by.


    And the reason was simple.


    There were no street performers. There were no children. There were no urchins or beggars or pickpockets. Guards stood as decoration, as beautiful as the nobles.


    The busy noise of the Illaminian District was almost comforting, in contrast to the sheer absence of commoner life that this place boasted. Certainly, I did not wish to see drunks defiling themselves in the streets… but even home had the signs of the poor and the restless in its corners. The pristine nature of Laesi kept me on edge.


    As we crossed an archway to enter Elbus district proper I could see the tall, thin buildings become even more numerous, now sporting many shops with windows displaying works of art, sculptures, plates and other crafts.


    The Studio of Om Dequ Halso


    Zur Mashikant Turonimus – Portait Painter Supreme


    Gallery of Ivory – Olishonae


    Many of the signs outside these various artists’ galleries boasted low prices and spoke to the associated artist’s pedigree. Some talked of various Conveytions that had patronized them, or famous works they were responsible for, or architectural projects in this city or that city. Many signs promised that any Conveytion that commissioned or contracted the artist in question would be the envy of their peers for generations.


    The works on display were, thusly, merely advertisements for the artist, up for sale to any of the less-wealthy but still no less well-off Poke’mon that wished for a piece from a famous artist…clearly meant to attract the attention of the much more wealthy Conveytion for special work.


    I tuned out the displays of gorgeous art – It was tempting, but the recent events had sullied my appetite somewhat. In any case my wallet would certainly not withstand a blow from such a purchase, and even if it could, I’d be roundly struck down by Kalae for it. Perhaps some day- perhaps from a buyer closer to my house.


    But as we walked down the bleached and cleaned road, passing gallery after gallery, one building caught my eye.


    A simple building, with less eye-catching decor or posters or advertisements. Indeed, it would have been easy to not notice anything at all being here, much less an artist’s workshop.


    The singular window was empty and the inside was dark.


    The sign above the doorway only read:


    Z E R A Z A N I


    The establishment looked completely devoid of life.


    My brow creased, looking at the sign. It was oddly…humble, perhaps, for what belonged to an artist that made nobles act like savages.


    Just as the posters and screeching nobles had suggested, the shop looked not only bare but untouched for quite some time, judging by the dust gathering on the inside of the window. Looking at it now, the grody shop certainly stuck out when contrasted against the obsessively upkept buildings that surrounded it.


    Siranae paused her walked to look with me as I scanned the front. Right then, my eyes caught a piece of parchment pinned to the wooden door. I stepped forward to read.


    To all -customers- and -patrons-


    Zerazani is NOT IN as she completes her MAGNUM OPUS until FURTHER NOTICE.


    THE IRON WINGS OF POKEMON BECOME GODS is fully rented out and may only be accessed by a pre-approved shortlist of guests and ONE (1) Arceali Guild team. ALL OTHERS NEED NOT DISTURB AND WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMESIS IMMEDIATELY.


    I let out a little huff, glancing towards the south, seeing that Monument again. The towering behemoth of steel dominated the sky above the buildings, its wings glistening. This notice was certainly confirmation that the mysterious Artist had vanished into that structure…but it hardly gave me a feeling of encouragement.


    I shuddered somewhat at the idea of having to enter such a monolithic structure…but such was the nature of the job.


    Without a word, I turned to continue down the road, Siranae quickly following after me. The Audino looked over her shoulder, a puzzled and thoughtful look on her face. Sensing her slight distress I turned my head towards her.


    “Is something the matter, dear?” I asked softly. The Audino jumped, looking surprised for a moment before fiddling with her hands.


    “Ah, it’s just…Adelaide…I’m thinking of all those Poke’mon back at Shara’s house.” Siranae began as she followed after me. I had to stifle a laugh at her use of the word ‘house’. “They seem very…hopeful that we will complete the mission. They’re leaning on the hope we’re Arceali guild members that will bring Zerazani back.”


    The girl sighed, brushing her hair back.


    “I worry, I suppose, having these expectations on us and all predicated upon…w-well…us saying we are guild.”


    I frowned sympathetically as I understood wht she was saying.


    “I know you are discomforted by lying- I’ve attempted to keep it at a minimum, for both of our sakes.” I assured her. “But… there are some people who cannot hear the truth. It will only inflame them, or sever ties that must remain strong.”


    I sighed, already feeling remorse for how ruthless the words must have sounded to her.


    “You and I are stronger, more wise that that-” I told her. “But we are inevitably facing those that are not so strong. We ultimately have no sway over Ms. Zerazani, regardless- there is no chance that we could alter those nobles’ situation, nor that they could alter it through their rage and clamor. At least this way, they will sooner get what they demand.”


    Siranae did, for a moment, look almost pierced by the explanation but, after a moment, collected herself and merely fidgeted with her hands, looking to the ground.


    “Well…if that must be the way, I suppose…” She said, though her voice did not carry any conviction in the words. “I hope you will not mind if I leave the…ohh, I hate to even say it, for I don’t wish to speak so ill of a friend as to suggest they’re…speaking a…distruth.”


    She bit her lip, trying to relax herself.


    “Perhaps…” Siranae said quietly, almost muttering. “So long as it makes no difference whether we keep our word…no one will know.”


    She paused…shrinking ever so slightly, eyes dropping back to the ground.


    “…except Arceus, of course, naturally…”


    She didn’t say anything else, recomposing herself as we continued down the cobblestone path that led into a forested park lined with gold chain fences and rose bushes on either side. I tried not to burden my mind with her distress- I would stay honest for the rest of the day, and repair that spirit after our work. She deserved at least that much.


    Just ahead, a shining, sparkling metal sign proudly proclaimed:




    Similarly constructed arrow signs pointed us down pathways and forks in the path, guiding us along the trim and maintained wooded area, past benches and scenic public gardens. Artists stood in squares off to the side, and I could see them painting upon canvases to capture the surrounding area.


    And, from what I could see of their canvases, they did everything they could to capture as many details as possible. They all painted pure realism, and their talent was evident, which they wore on their body in robes no doubt purchased from hefty sums from nobles that had commissioned them for that talent.


    Yet, according to those nobles in Shara’s mansion…it was Zerazani that was the greatest artist in all of Arcea.


    The artists around me were inspiring in some measure, and intimidating in another.


    I stared at the artists around our approach. They cluttered the roads and vistas, swinging with gentle fury upon their canvases… not for the pursuit of art, if they simply vied for the finest shot of the same land–


    No, this was to please the eyes of some noble, with a pouch too heavy for their own good, and another disgusting want of status. The finest image for the finest hall, in the finest manor of the finest vulture. Patrons had their place in art, this I could not deny… but what art was created here, from making vessels of the artists?


    I paid it no mind. The visage of the towering iron monument festered in my thought as I approached- and I quickened my pace. The sooner I could solve Zerazani’s request, the sooner we would be free from this land of hollow art and noble mongrels. Heaven forbid my form end up on the canvas of one of these manic workers.


    As we walked the path, the enormous metal-winged monument towered like a mountain over the canopy, slowly getting closer with every step.


    At last, as we left the many painters behind, the path began to wind and turn. The trees thinned, showing only the rock and stone covered grass foothills of the mountains that loomed ahead.


    But those mountains were nothing compared to the iron monument.


    The sheen upon it was blinding as the sun hit it dead-on. A faint bluish haze settled over it, displaying the sheer enormity of the structure. There was nothing in Arceliaze like it, perhaps nothing on Earth like it. It was dizzying to look up at, such that doing so almost made me lose my balance, vertigo taking over the mind at once.


    Even Siranae fell backwards once trying to look up at it.


    All the while its vacant iron-cast eyes stared directly at the sunrise, wings flared. The visage of the looming gargantuan monument was now our sky.


    Yet despite how much closer we got, how much more it towered over us, the base seemed endlessly far away. It was already looming overhead and yet we still walked…


    …and walked…


    Soon, the cobblestone path was given a new addition; a set of wooden arches with trellises overhead, decorated with flowers that ran along the side. The green burst with a life of spring…


    …in the dead of winter.



    It seemed supernatural, seeing all this jubilant life surrounding when a chill still nipped at my nose and fur.


    Yet at last, the wood tunnel of flowers came to its terminus, the base of the monument spread like a wide, featureless building spanning hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of feet in either direction…and a single door at the end of the cobblestone path.


    The presence of those soothing flowers could only alleviate so much of the strain that this monument created. Was it meant to assuage such worries? Was it simply part of the art? Or just another request by a noble, which Zerazani had sated in turn?


    It mattered not. With a glance back to Siranae, I strode onward. Chin up, back straightened, for the moment I’d be seen by my client- I had to live and breathe the dignified, almost self-absorbed air that the Arceali Guild members possessed.


    And… with a deep breath of that haughty air, I pushed open the door at the distant end of the pathway.


    The doors silently opened, the new hinges giving no resistance to my push.


    Siranae kept close as we stepped within, crossing the threshold. My paws hit cold tile, spotlessly clean. Ivory white walls surrounded us, blinding me.


    The walls were sculpted and detailed with spiral trimmings, tracing along a long hallway. A burst of warmth wrapped around, tempting us further inside.


    The hallway before us continued on and on. A red carpet spread in front. The building gave a metallic creak that quietly thrummed under our paws.


    And there, at the far end of the hall, lit by floodlanterns pointed directly at the end, was a figure. Hands clasped together, still as a statue.




    Siranae’s ears flicked as a voice echoed down the hall. It was light. Graceful. Almost cooing.


    The figure’s hands unclasped, slowly raising to either side of her.


    “A pair of Poke’mon? Young in age? Confident in poise?”



    “Radiating an aura of heroism and fulfillment of classical stories? Hopefullness in your shimmering eyes as you step into a place of destiny?”



    “Could it be~? The Arceali Team I requested come to save the day at last~?”


    – DUNGEON 01 –



    [B E G I N]


    ~ CHAPTER 13 ~

    << F I N I S >>



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