The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 4 ~

    << The First Hurdle >>


    Place: Village of S’Ran, residential sister Village to Gur’Don, Siranae’s Home

    Region: Upper North Arceali Valley

    Day: Konsova

    Date: Zshima 49th

    Year: 5th Turn, 12



    [ PING ]






    [R.TIME……………………………………….21554.113 T-WR]




    My eyes opened.


    No dreams in the night…it was as though I had lied my head down then woken again.


    The room was cold. Frost covered the window, making it impossible to see out of. The weight of the blanket kept me warm and cozy, likely to defy the sun that shone through the window like stained glass.


    Siranae and I had run home, the Audino making me promise to not breathe a word of what was done or said that night to her parents, for they would surely object to any further flights of fancy about guild work.


    Siranae had told me that she would be leaving early for work at the crack of dawn by carriage and be back by early afternoon.


    For now, as I stirred…


    Now was the time to think, by myself.


    Now was, perhaps…


    …the time to plan and see what I could find.


    I arose from the comforting pressure of that blanket…the world flooded back into my mind, stirring me from the bedding and onto my paws. There was something so… unnerving to not drape myself in proper attire after waking, but I marched on through the room.


    I knew today I would be left to my devices this morning, and with that time I had one goal: Divine a way to get Siranae into the Arceali guild by any means necessary.


    I intended to keep my word, in every regard- and, if Siranae was to stand on the other side of such gilded gates, her right to do so would have to come from the ground up. Every inch would have to be fought for. I knew well the world of nobles and the navigation therein, and I knew also how difficult penetrating the world would be for Siranae.


    Which brought me to my first obstacle.


    Siranae made no secret last night of her parents’ opposition to her dabbling in the guild or the world of nobles. From what little I gathered talking to Siranae, though she said nothing explicit, I could pick up a few troubling details of the Audino’s Mama and Papa.


    To the point, they seemed beyond simply disapproving of Siranae’s wishes…but rather reprehensible in their treatment of and manners to her. From the tearing down of her wishes, to mocking her lack of friends all the way to calling the dear girl ‘dull-witted’…


    It would be a lie to say I did not feel a tinge of anger and indignation on behalf of Siranae. All those put-downs and suggestions, without doubt, would hold Siranae back.


    Thus, Siranae’s Papa and Mama would need to gift her freedom- whether through a righter mind, or through softer words to convince them otherwise.


    And such was my specialty.


    As I opened the door, I could hear the clink of glasses below. The soft chatter of voices that I recognized, coming from just downstairs. I peered out from the depths of the bedroom, paw still quivering from the morning chill, as I shambled towards the staircase. Perhaps some chat over breakfast would illuminate things.


    I remembered what Siranae had told me last night:


    ‘MAMA’ aka Ms.Puchanae

    • A Mega Audino of low birth and a second generation Illaminian whose 1st generation parents did not speak a word of Arcean (which is what they seemed to call Lombard here).
    • Has ‘old country’ sensibilities of working together and not being selfish, including Siranae not pursuing her own goals for her own dreams
    • Comes from a family of banquet caterers and thusly serves wine at ‘Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort’, a restaurant in the heart of the New District of Arceliaze.


    ‘PAPA’ aka Mr.Dulchus

    • A breloom, also of low birth. Another 3rd Generation Illaminian whose parents worked to fully naturalize him with Arceans. Does not know a word of Illaminian.
    • Has Arcean ideals of individualism that clash with Ms.Puchanae, but due to his ‘Conduit Orthodox’ upbringing he sees nobility and those close to the conduit as high than anyone of their blood can ever touch.
    • Occupation: Inter-Village parcel delivery after a woodworking accident saw him expelled from ‘Yulkson, Verris, Terodarus Builders Co.’ of the Architecture Guild.


    I expect to be stone-walled from suggesting Siranae join the Arceali Guild. Thus, I most likely cannot attack the issue directly.


    The best option I have…I should play into that divide between them- widen the gap until one of them loses their footing. I’ll lay the foundation early.


    I descended the stairs with… an undeniable warmth on my furred face, muted yet glowing in the chill of the aging house.


    I cooed to the duo, offering a calm ‘good morning’ as though giving them permission to view it as such- and approached with the gait and indifferent joy of those high-breed Poke’mon from the depths of the New District. Waiting to see what they would allow me to partake in, and make use of.


    I heard Mama’s voice first.


    “Oh~! Good morning, om nou qoddumu gousi!” Came the Mega-Audino’s voice as I came down there stairs. There, at the bottom in the entry hall stood both Mama and Papa. A collapsible table was set up in the middle of the room already.


    Three plates and sets of Silverware. No food on them yet. Siranae long gone. They were expecting me for Breakfast specifically.


    Round table. Set with two plates near one another, one plate across from them. It’s clear where they plan for me to sit. Two against one.


    Mama was setting down a few forks as Papa brought out a plate of some breaded jelly-filled treats, still steaming. Glasses of milk were already set out.


    “Good morning, Adelaide! Good to see you!” Papa said cheerfully with a little wave. “Hope you slept well! I know our beds might be rougher than a noble’s bedding but, well, we’ll do whatever we can to accommodate a guest!”


    My smile didn’t falter, even as I studied over the duo. They had quite a presumptuous nature, to assume a noble would remain for breakfast… and, were the circumstances different, I’d have departed before sunrise- but I’d be spending ample time with these two.


    The opener. The opener is most important. Lay the foundation and the bricks shall fall into place.


    They already have, in some capacity, a sense of me being indebted to them, at least Mama likely does, Papa not so much. Papa will be easier to work with- Siranae’s little endeavors with the guild, my own need to approach that class… it will align with his sensibilities more than Mama’s rural outlook.


    I might approach with a laugh… both humored and humoring, as if such pleasantries or comments were beneath me. I’d stroll with the gait and carefree pomp of those beasts in the New District, shining with a noble aura that stayed disconnected from all reality, as I took my seat.


    No…though that pompousness may be seen as natural…it’s likely they’d notice the change and point it out, a possible hole in my offense revealed.


    A switch of tactics, a middle-ground between a cloud-9 noble and a rough-and-tumble commoner. Grateful, but asserting my position.


    I approached with a calmer, simple stride… as though a noble letting her guard down- or, a noble whose life was not so far disconnected from their own. The style more akin to my own, with some influence from the sparse nobles I had witnessed in my first minutes within Arceliaze.


    The poise matches my demeanor from yesterday. Less positional advantage but a more secured position.


    Now a ‘thank-you’ for the generosity, appealing to Mama’s collectivist mentality…


    I responded. Still more calm, and down-to-earth as I had been yesterday, but with some refinement from that rest…


    “Good morning, aha… I must thank you again for this generosity. To offer aid to a stranger…”


    Then segue into praise for Siranae to elicit a father’s pride while touching on Mama’s ‘it takes a village’ mentality.


    “I can see from which roots Siranae draws her kindness.”


    The compliment to his daughter will bring an individualist pride to Papa.


    There. Papa’s smile. The Breloom’s beak was wide and happy and even the Mega-Audino gave a quiet coo at the compliment.


    “Oh bless Siranae but she is a sweet girl.” Papa said, setting down a pitcher of cream. “And very much in need of a friend. She must feel honored that one such as yourself has taken to her so.”


    It was both statement and prodding question, as though to make sure Siranae was honored and did not act rudely. Or, in better terms, checking to make sure Siranae hadn’t already screwed up.


    Next Step:

    • Take their bait, lull them into a sense that they have control on the situation. Lowering my position a tad but dropping their defenses.


    I smiled with renewed warmth, feigning ignorance to their poorly-veiled attempts to appease me.


    The mention of Siranae’s workplace will open Mama to mention she wished Siranae to go into catering instead of ironworking. This might present an issue…or perhaps I can make use of it


    “Speaking of Siranae, she is… at her workplace, is she not?” I queried. “That Windscorch… Ironsmelting Company?”


    Not rude, not disdainful… sympathetic, affirming that Siranae did not belong there. I’d make an asset of Mama’s wishes, and not alienate Papa at the same time- Siranae’s work was not shameful, only something that did not fit.


    “Oh aye that awful smelting company…” The Mega-Audino huffed, pulling out the singled-out chair as though to welcome me to it. “Drreadful worrk. I am only sorrry you had to see Sirranae therre of all places.”


    “Now, dear…”


    “No, no, I mean it. She has such a prretty face and would meet so many betterr sorrts of Poke’mon if she would work caterring…” Mama huffed. “I do not know why she claims to prreferr such harrd labor when she could worrk with herr motherr.”


    In summary: My position is only a few rungs above theirs, father has tempered pride in Siranae, Mama’s disdain for Siranae’s occupation is primed to be cracked open.


    Opener Complete.



    • Stable


    Papa sat down with a sigh as Mama came to join him at his side.



    “Do tell, Adelaide,” Mama began. “Have you dined at Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort? I don’t believe I’ve seen you there before!”


    The pair did not linger on Siranae long, seeming to pivot towards their own clout immediately…as well as nudging on the question of my position…as though to see just how much clout they could get from me.


    I turned my attention to Mama. Her question would seem, at first glance, harmless, but the gaze she gave was familiar. She was monitoring my response closely, putting my nobility to the test immediately.


    The pressure was on at once.



    • Papa is filled with a tempered pride in Siranae’s character. Conceding to Mama, doesn’t seem to wish to fight.
    • Mama has unexpectedly torn down Siranae’s choice of occupation more than expected. Disdain for no friends. Disdain for working with ‘incorrect crowd’.



    • To themselves. Siranae has been used as a stepping stone.
    • They wish Siranae to hang out with a more important or dignified crowd.
    • My nobility has been put to question.



    • Danger: My true status coming to light. If I am exposed then they will find no upward mobility in me. I will of no use. Discarded.
    • Mama is currently scrutinizing my every word.


    Of course. Dear Siranae was not here, so these two would only to discuss themselves.


    For commoners, Mama and Papa certainly had the self-absorption of upper nobility.


    I offered a light giggle to the two of them bickering, not inflating it into any issue, only… offering some humor that it is debated at all.


    “Dear Siranae was quite awash with praise… I should say that you’ve taught her elegance and grace, too.”


    Assuage both their fears for Siranae being rude or messing up her relationship with me. Make them feel they have their ‘in’.


    Next, I shall not avoid my ignorance of Mama’s place of employ, only work it to my advantage.


    Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort… that is the fine establishment in the New District, is it not?” I tilted my head, like a young maiden curious of the world- perhaps needing guidance or wisdom from these two.


    Now, to speak the name of some island birthplace, with some air of calm and casual delight…Mama had spoken of matters of the nobles and upper class, and I would treat this as natural. I shall meet her scrutiny head-on.


    “I had passed it only briefly but two days ago…my family is from the Milanese Isles, and I’d arrived early to settle matters of estate with dearest Uncle Enzo.”


    Possible Response:

    • Mama may be curious as to the specific matters of state I refer to. Mama’s proximity to nobles means she may have a keener ear for the talk of the upper class. My answer must abide Papa’s reverence for nobility and satisfy Mama’s scrutiny.
    • There’s a chance they know that ‘Milanese Isles’ is made up…though the pair do not seem well-traveled, they may likely believe my word on it
    • However on both these counts, Papa is likely to brush away any inconsistencies at this stage. Establishing ‘Uncle Enzo’ lays familial foundation, that there’s a ladder above myself and I am the young first step.



    • How will a foreign Noble be treated different to a domestic noble? Best to pivot to being an Arcean noble.

    I’ve left uncertainty in the information I’ve provided and such uncertainty isn’t good to let linger… I’ll gear myself a mite better, just to be safe.


    I adjusted my strategy. I gave a slight pause after speaking the name of my birthplace…as if to see if Mama or Papa had ‘known’ it, or if it was ‘obscure’ enough for me to explain.


    I clarified:


    “My father is Arcean by birth, but he settled down in the Milanese Isles off the coast, some twelve years before I was born. Now he wishes for me occupy Uncle Enzo’s guest house, and satisfy certain property documents before he and Mother arrive in the spring.”


    I secured that understanding- a ‘foreign’ noble in the sense of being unaware of Arceliaze’s ways, one they could ‘teach’ and ‘inform’, while more knowing family was not here to ‘correct’ me.


    The technical explanation shall fly over Papa’s head, starry-eyed and half paying attention as he is now. But the confidence with which it is spoken should hopefully satisfy Mama.


    “Ohoo, do you hear that, dear wife? The Milanese islands!” The Breloom said, eliciting a brief cocked eyebrow from the wife. “I believe I have a few friends that have visited! A fine place!


    My eyes flicked to Mama’s expression. She didn’t seem as impressed as I’d hoped.


    OBFUSCATION: Does Mama’s cocked eyebrow indicate a bluff or is her skepticism of me higher than initially projected? Is there a real Milanese Islands to consider or is Papa lying in order to impress me?


    I waved a hand in the air, as if sparing them of uninteresting social matters.


    “But, I should quite like to patronize the establishment, this Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort, once I can return to Enzo’s abode…although I should feel faint to think I’d see you on the wrong end of the table, so to speak, ma’am. You both, as like Siranae… you deserve to enjoy such fineness yourselves, in a sense.”


    A light tease of potential aid- or at least sympathies that could blossom into such. They could ramble about themselves, but I’d keep for a moment where Siranae could be mentioned once more.



    • Arcean heritage established.
    • Origin point disconnected.
    • Flow toward wanting to visit the establishment.

    However, now the variable of vanity has come back into play:

    • Now that the position of nobility is established, so too are Mama and Papa’s ‘in’ for talking of themselves.
    • It might prove difficult to sway the conversation back towards Siranae and her goals without maneuvering a very carefully constructed break. However, this chance to let them ramble may build rapport.
    • I am likely in for a long conversation of the banality of working service with little room for Siranae to re-enter the topic pool. I’ll have to take this setback for now.


    The two listened to my description of the work I intended to do. Mama seemed to give a small nod, though Papa seemed to take no notice of any of what I said.


    “Grracious, even at such a young age your parents have you working on such things!” Mama cooed softly, leaning over to take a few sweet breads, laying them upon my plate.


    My eyes flicked to her and what she was doing.


    POWER MOVE: Mama is giving me my food, establishing a bit of dominance while making note of my younger age.


    Seems Mama is a bit more Machiavellian than I thought when it comes to gaining her clout. However, such moves can also result in lowered defenses if taken, but I must ensure Mama does not raise herself to an unreachable position.


    “Oh but I should think you would enjoy the Arrkinon Vo Cenurr Vorrt, Adelaide~!” Mama cooed sweetly as she poured some cream and milk for me, hovering over, towering. “Especially if you arre visiting. It is such a beautiful rrestaurant, and all the nobility of Arrcea enjoys its fine food. Oh, to say nothing of the gossip one overhearrs~!”


    “Ohh, my dear wife and her ‘trade secrets’.” Papa sheepishly chuckled to himself. “She tells me much of the mannerisms to have around Nobility.”


    “In and out in a flash, there only when needed, serrving without a worrd and without errrorr.” Mama said, fluttering her eyes as she stood to take a spoonful of oatmeal for me. “To know when a plate is needed to be taken away without being asked, the moment it is finished with. Body language is quite key.”


    POWER MOVE: Mama has remained standing for a slightly extended period.


    “Why, you will neverr guess who it is I saw there just last night.” Mama added.


    “Who, honey?”


    “Kuunus of the Agrricultural Guild~!” The Mega Audino explained. “I hearr he has taken more sharres frrom Drrakko Farms. How interresting is that, Adelaide?”



    • My noble qualities are under attack as Mama takes a higher and higher position over me while openly gossiping about noble business deals as though I should be well familiar.
    • Topic has diverted into gossip and talking of catering service techniques. Siranae is nearly ejected from the conversation.



    • Does this lessen my position or am I able to play the helpless maiden? WIll this benefit or hinder?


    Oh. Mama is not only a leech, but a vulture, now is she? Picking the scraps and claiming them as her own hunt. I will not attempt to fib my way through such delicate matters… only maneuver past them.


    The clear power moves, the repeated attacks and tests on my position…all coupled with the knowledge of her treatment of dear Siranae…


    I was tempted to be more aggressive. To tear down Mama. Meet the brazen superiority with a cooing smile… somewhere between genuine intrigue and polite tolerance. Able to be mystified, but looking like she might possibly… ‘lose me’, if she kept going down this route of grandeur.


    I was tempted to say something akin to ‘For as quaint as you are I had not expected you to be so worldly on the matters of the New District…’


    A knife. “As quaint as you are”.

    • Politely spoken but it’s a direct parry to Mama’s power moves. She would notice, and whatever her next course of action…the game would be on against Mama and she would know it.
    • This would be the moment to challenge Mama’s knowledge. To put her in her place.
    • If Mama falters, her entire powerplay falls apart.
    • But if Mama shows herself knowledgable then it could be checkmate before I’ve even had my first bite of oatmeal.


    …no, too soon, too brash. I couldn’t risk such an early blow to my standing, lest I look like a foolish child for the rest of the time they’d know me. I’ll give her more leeway, and wait for an opportune moment.


    Instead, I took that brazen superiority with a cooing smile… intrigue and tolerance. Mystified, at the risk of being lost. Ready to learn, or to scrutinize, myself.


    “I am surprised to hear you are so current on the matters of the New District… Uncle Enzo had only gotten to telling me of the guild affairs the night prior. It’s quite worldly of you~” Playing to the kindness, still undercutting- not letting on for even a moment that it was a ruse, only letting her take from it what she could.


    First sign: Mama’s ears fluttered hearing ‘I am surprised’.


    A trap is set.


    I gave a giggle, dispelling my apparent ‘put off’ attitude from moments prior.


    “What Enzo and my father own in the guilds is tied in a mix of shares between the Agriculture Guild and the Merchant Guild- although Father plans to spread some of those earnings to myself and Enzo’s niece, so I shall find myself more properly trained in shareholding by the spring.”


    As I finished speaking, I took up that bread and dined on it- partaking in her hospitality, if briefly. Once the bite of food had been dealt with, I resumed.


    “Such a silly thing. I still have yet to set foot in that Merchant Guild…” I said, my eyes affixing to Mama. I gave a short, powerful pause. “What advice could you offer before I attend personally? If, of course, your knowledge from Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort should transfer to such a realm.”


    A request and a muted challenge- my eyes fixed upon her as though she was important. Or, perhaps, as though I was waiting to see if she truly had something of substance to offer.


    All my dialogue, from the praise of having knowledge beyond her class, while also looking like she might lose me soon. Combine with that phrasing: ‘I am surprised’, directly calling out Mama’s position in so few words.


    Now I have given Mama an opening to deal her knowledge in a bid to not just overpower but to impress.


    A want to impress leads to exaggeration.


    Papa looked at me with a beaming smile, taking a spoon to his porridge. Calm, relaxed.


    The challenge adds pressure.


    “Oh, advice? Why of course, dear.” Mama said. She moved the pitcher of cream closer to her body, a hand on her chest.




    Confidence and desperation mix into a concoction primed for a mistake.


    “I’d be happy to.”


    Her face will have to be watched carefully.


    Even if I know nothing of this world, Mama’s face and body language…it will tell me what is truth, what is uncertain and what is outright lies.


    Papa will back up his wife blindly, knowing nothing of any of these matters, but perhaps I can redirect that support base to further knock her down.


    Mama’s arms separated, eyes looking straight at me.


    “Afterr all, the Arrkinon Vo Cenurr Vorrt gets many of the Merrchant Guild members. Like Vultus…”


    The Mega-Audino flicked her hand.




    Another flick, head tilt.




    Another flick. Eyes off to the side.






    “Many of them. And as I stand idly by I hearr of useful gossip.”


    Mama leaned forward. Hand upon the table.




    “Such as the fact Vultus has commanding sharres in Grrand Lake Shipping.”


    Grip on the pitcher handle tightens. Hand on the table folds into fist.


    “I believe that’s an Arrcean-based company.”


    Another pause. Hand holding the pitcher shifts. Mama sets it down.


    “As for Orrla, I hearrd she went to college with the ownerr a majorr investing company.”


    A smirk. Head tilt. Eyes affixed to me.


    “An investment company ownerr! Imagine that…”


    Smirk firm. Lifts hand up to chest-level, averts body to the side.




    “Have you hearrd of ‘Souljrraan’s Best Investing’? That should be the name of the company.”


    Eyes roll up. Confident look but her fingers rub together. Half-second hesitation. Shoulders shift.


    “I could go on. Errgonus has his own stock in Sherrzon Farrms, I am sure. And it has been doing grreat. Oh, not that you will need me to say so. You can ask him yourrself, no doubt.”


    Extra clarification. Voice increased tempo. Ear cocked towards me, listening for any reaction.


    Body turned to face me, eyes return to me. Open palms. Hands off table.


    “That’s to say nothing of Vultus’s shares in Rocky Hills Investing”


    “Too right!” Papa chimed in. “I saw the news he’d bought that big share in that day’s Gazette!”


    “Days after I had heard it, perhaps.” Mama laughed.


    Laugh extended a little, giving extra time to gather thoughts.


    “As for Prrista, well…for a merchant guild member she’s focused greatly on zoning laws.”


    The hesitation in her voice. Her eyes flicked to the side before they came back to me, arms folded. Defensive but firm.


    Mama’s body language spoke volumes. As I suspected, I can tell that many of her tidbits were either wrong or outrights lies in order to impress me.


    Thus, on any of those points she’s unsure or knowingly lying about I can counter with lies of my own to knock her down.


    My body shifted only slightly, leaning toward her to listen in, a slight tilt of the head when Mama proffered a question she sought no answer too. I had well enough practice feigning interest, and even knowledge, in such talks, but by the end…


    If I hadn’t steeled myself, my eyes might’ve widened from that deluge of information… not from being ‘impressed’, no. Simply dumbfounded by how she thought such babbling gossip was worth sharing so proudly. What good was it all to a noble’s daughter- was I to arrive with naught but a list of names and shareholding accounts, as if a newly-hired transactional worker?


    Nevertheless, I mulled these tools over.



    • Lower defense with weak praise. Arms lower.


    I nodded along with a smile at the end of her talk, and spoke with that weakening enthusiasm.


    “Ah, I see… that is, well, quite an amount of tidbits! I should ask Uncle Enzo to tell me more of his matters in Grand Lake.”



    • Clarify question, open misunderstanding.


    A pause, then again- saddened.


    “My apologies, I had meant… information about their active tradings, you understand. I can tell you have a great deal of information on their public standings, the soon-to-be-current events, I simply…”



    • Knowledge base presented. Cards laid upon the table. Mama is now ensnared. Watch the face. Eyes widen, scowl upon her face. Papa’s resolve cracks, my position raises.


    I reclined slightly in my seat, eyelids lowering… losing ground.


    “I had heard no small amount on Ergonus’s common stock in Sherzon, although Enzo’s preferred stock still gives him ample sway in the company… you understand, yes?”


    “Oh…! Well-” Mama stammered.


    The Mega-Audino’s arms came down. A small laugh.


    “Oh, is that what you mean to say? I-“



    • Look to the two, now both are cut down.


    I looked between them- casting doubt, a failure of Mama’s knowledge.



    • Strike the weak lie on Ergonus. I know not the details but I know Mama told me a lie or uncertain information. Adding knowledge shakes the foundation. Make little of the information, the knowledge Mama holds is nothing.


    “Ergonus can have as much common stock as he’d like-” I continued, in a flow. “I simply doubt he’ll find such stock convertible into anything that garners a profit. Goodness, I should think he’d barely elect a board member with his current holdings.”


    No recovery time. Mama’s arms re-folded. Papa tilted his head while Mama tried to maintain her smile. Her lips thinned as I spoke.


    The Mega-Audino’s eyes flicked to the left.



    • Another correction further dismantles credibility, unrecoverable.


    I gave a weak laugh, almost… amused.


    “I am surprised you’d already been aware of Souljraan’s Best Investment Firm-” The small correction, lingered on just long enough to show her ‘error’. “But, I was more curious in the realm of what acquisitions it was making, with respect to Sherzon’s upward mobility.”


    A pause. A gap in Mama’s responses. I let my eyes wander away from her, as though my interest was waning fast.


    “Ah, I should well enough ask when I arrive at the Merchant Guild, you are right-” I said, bringing my hands together. “…and I apologize for my assumption of the situation.”



    • She knows nothing. Even as a child, I now tower over her.


    The final jab. That I should just ask the Merchant Guild and not a commoner.


    Papa nodded, impressed.




    • Both parents barreled over, knowledge base discredited, nobility established, power in the conversation established.


    Advantage state:

    • Assured. And free to capitalize upon.


    Mama’s face silently brightened. The foundation crumbled as she looked back at me with a strained, polite smile. Her hands clasped together.


    One half second.


    Two half seconds.


    Three half seconds.




    “Well, certainly!” Mama said, voice laced with faux cheeriness. “It’s very nice to get to talk to someone so close to the action, as opposed to a simple wallflower such as myself.”




    Position established.




    Now was my chance to make my inquiry about Siranae. Unopposed, with full authority to my statements and claims.


    Feeling that proper place settle above Mama…


    …well. After yesterday’s affairs, it was no doubt satisfying to feel a wash of respect, earned or not. But I couldn’t allow hubris to weaken or cloud my mind- I only offered a small smile. What could I gain from these two, for that dear girl Siranae…?


    But now, the danger:

    • All of that effort to dethrone the beast, and yet Mama might simply redirect it into justifying dear Siranae’s predicament. Better to introduce the thought of Siranae joining the Arceali Guild, and pursue other matters.


    I gave a stronger laugh, one of mirth and good nature- like a mother doting upon a child that had just offered her ‘thoughts’ on adult matters. Altogether kind-hearted, if not also asserting my authority all the more.


    “It’s funny, I suppose… dear Siranae, she does not seem like the sort for business, let alone ownership. But her passion, perhaps…insight? For the affairs of the guilds, it is almost…” I waved a hand in the air, showing some facet of her I could not pin down. “Her tenacity is reminiscent of Father. If only an ounce directionless.


    Here we see the effect of my previous moves and the culmination of Mama’s breakdown.

    • Mama’s resolve will be shattered by the laugh.
    • Papa’s allegiance is now split, undercutting Mama’s support. He will go with whatever she says.
    • Support base is scattered.


    Papa only eyed Mama with an expression of both confusion and worry while Mama only took to slowly buttering the bread, her eyes glue to the table for her task. It was clear she meant to look casual but was really averting my gaze as she tried to collect herself.


    No recovery time given.


    I gave a soft and wistful sigh, as though deep in my own thoughts.


    “I apologize- my mind wanders to those of the guilds, and those outside of its grace.” I gave a smaller laugh this time, reorienting my thoughts. “I admit, I am curious… with your insight, as it seems to be-“


    I saw it immediately: Mama’s ears fluttered upon the words ‘your insight’. Her ego and self-importance mixed with a desire to impress those above her mixed into a cocktail that would now ignite.


    For now, the matter of Siranae’s involvement in the guild is left more as a seed of praise. Siranae clearly has mentioned joining the Arceali guild to Mama and Papa.


    Thus, due to their infractions:

    • This has left Siranae being Mama and Papa’s final method to get into my good graces. This may open them for suggestion later.


    But now, the matter at hand: Prista. 


    Mama’s knowledge of ‘Prista’ seems to be lacking- but to point it out, coupled with her building desperation for my approval, may pressure Mama to spew forth with all thoughts she has on the matter. Anyone more well-known, and Mama would see through my bluffing.


    A weak, simple woman. Befitting her lot in life. But she will be useful yet.


    A tilt of my head, showing interest- giving Mama another chance to ‘prove’ that she knows something, anything of the guild’s affairs.


    “This Prista… she is new to the Merchant Guild, I take it? Uncle Enzo’s spoken little of her… what might you know of her, beyond the simple matters of her fascination with zoning laws? And, pardoning my blind spot… what all is there to tend to, with fair Arcea’s zoning? I should not wish to show up and speak hollow pleasantries to her- some insight is most appreciated.”


    “Prrista?” Mama asked casually, giving a pause, clearly trying to all at once recall any knowledge (or perhaps even make up fibs) while still so shaken. “Well of courrse, it was only this month. You said you arrrived…two days ago, yes, ahead of yourr ‘Uncle Ezno’, was it? Conveytion Prrista had told the press about her plans to pursue new zoning laws back…oh, it must have been a few weeks by now…”


    Her eyes flicked up at me. Too quick, Mama, too quick. Though she tries to put on the face of regaining control it is clear it is all but lost.


    Beautiful. All of her pomp, and she’d been diminished before breakfast had even concluded.


    I gave her a moment- in some sense. I calmly took up a spoonful of oatmeal, while she rambled on the topics of Enzo and the timeframe, and ate a small fill of food before returning my focus to her when she begins to speak on her ‘confession’.


    “I must confess…” Mama began, that strained smile widening. “…that is all I know of the laws themselves, though it’d hardly be the first brrought to Conduit Lippi’s desk by the Conveytion. Therre was a…a parrtnerrship between the House of Prrista and House of…an agricultural guild noble of some name or anotherr. Ever since then it’s been one change afterr anotherr when it comes to land pricing, ehh…tax calculation…so farr mostly just minorr numerical adjustments, I believe. And a few allowances for the Irronworrks Guild, most rrecently…?”


    I nodded softly as Mama came to the drawling conclusion of her paltry information, humoring it to the last. I feigned some sorrow or worry, eyebrows lowering as though I had reached a dead end.


    “And… if I may take it, your insight does not extend to the affairs of the Agriculture Guild…?” I raised a paw to show some sympathy. “I could not ask for it to, of course- this has already been such an enlightening little chat. I can see from where Siranae takes her sharp wit, aha.”


    I moved back in my seat slightly… either prepared to finish my meal, or to leave with my current fill. A small sign that Mama had lived out her usefulness, without breaking any code of good manners I could discern.


    “Truly, I will be glad to meet Prista on more even ground. I can only imagine what more she will have to offer on these thrilling minutiae of zoning ordinances, yes?” I gave a small laugh- some consolation to Mama, that it is ‘okay’ for her to not be too knowledgeable on such a topic. “And Uncle Enzo will fill in what gaps remain, in due time. Thank you so much~.”


    The dressing down of Mama’s knowledge was clearly not lost on the Mega Audino, her warm smile faltering ever so slightly at the patronizing tone. Still…she remained silent.


    She knew her place.


    Meanwhile, Papa’s eyes seemed to glimmer with pride at my compliment toward Siranae and completely missing all the rest, the Breloom excitedly looking over to his wife.


    “D’ya hear that? Little Siranae’s clever, so says a clever noble!” Papa said, his little arms fluttering. “Some part of me always knew she was smarter than she seemed!”


    “Hm…verry cleverr, aye.” Mama huffed silently, that warm smile returning with…a hint of malice. “Rratherr too cleverr sometimes, that girrl.”


    A hush fell over the breakfast table.


    This checkmate, it seems…might have rendered results both good and ill.


    After that pause, the older Mega Audino sighed softly, pouring herself (and only herself) another cup of milk.


    “Well, I shouldn’t want to keep you from your duties to all hours.” Mama offered, face unchanging. “It sounds as though you’ve a very busy day ahead, Miss Adelaide.”


    I gave only the softest smile in return, as though blind to the deflated mannerisms she’d taken on.


    “Indeed. But I am ever grateful for your hospitality, Mama, Papa.”


    I rose up from my seat. Another small curtsy, and a small flourish as I turned towards the front door.


    “If I am not back this evening- give Siranae my warmest regards. I eagerly await another chat of this flavor- and I thank you for such a lovely meal~.”


    And, with the woman’s coarse nature on my mind and her flavorless breakfast on my tongue, I strolled out, heading onto the streets of Gur’Don once more.


    Horrible woman. She probably didn’t even realize how see-through her smile was, how much she wore contempt and vindictiveness on her shoulder.


    …One might worry how Siranae fared against a woman like that.


    Perhaps now would not be the time for that. No, now it was the time to focus, ignore Mama’s voice from within the home as she talked in a hushed voice to Papa.


    I had a promise to keep.


    The cold air of Gur’Don hit me immediately. I was currently in a residental sister village to Gur’Don proper, called S’Ran. Indeed, rows of similar houses lined the steep street down the path to the city that swallowed the horizon.


    A layer of frost covered the land after last night’s snowfall. The snow all along the road and across the valley hills reflected the morning light blindingly. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but a light wind did chill me. It’d have been worse without my…fur.


    With the blanket of snow spread before me, the city in the distance, Poke’mon passing to and fro, and different shops off in Gur’Don…it was now time to decide.


    How was I going to do this?


    How was I going to get Siranae and myself into the Guild and meet Lippi?


    What to do first…?


    ~ CHAPTER 4 ~

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