The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 10 ~

    << The Final Hurdle >>



    Place: City of Arceliaze, Central New District, Banquet Upon Paradise Arceliaze Root


    Region: Central Arceali Valley


    Day: Pieyrshve


    Date: Zshima 50th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    “And lastly, your shares, Adelaide.”


    Into my hand went two sheets of paper, thick and crinkling.




    <FIC> VIA Rocky Hills Investing Solutions – For You Shipping and Logistics – 30 Shares


    The second sheet was a ‘Foreign Investment Certificate’ from an investor of foreign businesses. Apparently, this was one for an Illaminian Company called ‘For You Shipping And Logistics’…a company whose stocks Mistress Julnii was trying be rid of because, in her words, the company recently underwent ‘an unfortunate and sudden change of leadership’.


    All in all…it amounted to about 80 coins worth of stocks.


    The other girls were already leaving the lobby of ‘The Banquet Upon Paradise Catering’, stock certificates in tow, downtrodden with the knowledge they would be returning tomorrow.


    It was already dark outside.


    “Same time tomorrow, Ms.Adelaide?” Mistress Julnii smiled in a sickly sweet way, gathering her belongings. “No complaints levied against you on your first day, what a rare thing. I’ll expect much of the same tomorrow.”


    I stared over the paltry papers, gripping them firmly in one paw…


    80 coins. The most humiliating experience a girl could have in one day, and it was worth barely above the minimum to repay a loan. And any noise of dissent would assure that meager flow of income was severed.


    The slips were stuffed safely into my tote bag, which I hiked up with what little strength I still held. Despite my turmoil, I returned Mistress Julnii’s gaze with a smile.


    “I am glad to have served our clients well. But… I shall be busy tomorrow, with a prior engagement.” I knelt forward in a quick bow. “I apologize for my absence- but I should be returning the day after, rested and renewed.”


    There was almost a sliver of pride to be telling her that I was not coming when called- even if that simply meant I wouldn’t be paid. Still, it was worth cherishing, albeit silently.


    “Hmph, one day in and you wish to slack already? Half day and no more.” Mistress Julnii demanded. “You can start a little later tomorrow but don’t be so selfish to your other workers.”


    The woman, a Lurantis as I’d come to learn, waved her pincer, shooing me.


    “Now, out, out. I’ve other matters to attend to tonight.”


    My confidence waned from Mistress Julnii’s demand- I could not tell if I was simply performing the sorrow she wished to see, or truly frustrated myself.


    The strain of this job had blurred the lines.


    “Understood.” I whispered the word back to her, stifling many manners of backtalk I could consider, before turning to leave without a second thought. Freedom was worth the silence.


    I felt the chill of Arceliaze descend on me once more, though I’d been numb to the piercing pain for some hours now. The twinkling starlight over the New District was almost a beacon… in its grace and quiet glow, I could shamble through the streets like a woman possessed. I’d still return to Siranae’s home in time for dinner, and…


    My footsteps halted. I groaned under my breath.


    I had an appointment with Kalae still.


    My bag swung at my side as I pivoted, trudging away from my promised rest, and deeper into the city- with its glimmer and noise, I knew I could trace my way to the Illaminian District after some time spent plodding through the darkness.


    The cold, sleepy city had only just entered the nighttime. Many of the Poke’mon around me moved like shadows, seen only briefly in the glow of lanterns they passed. An orange haze rolled over the city streets as deep orange lights scattered through thin mist that tickled and wet my fur.


    Now no longer burdened with a cart I was only another face in the crowd. That was, perhaps, a sight better than being seen as an obstacle as I had all day during my work.


    I took to the smooth stone road, traveling southward, passing exclusive clubs and invite-only bars here in the New District, all of it bathed in that dull light.


    Which was in contrast to what I saw in the distance.


    Just peeking over a building down the street from me was what looked to be a bright white glow that radiated out from behind the line of buildings. From the rumble of noise that grew with every step…I could guess what was there.


    Indeed, as I reached the end of the road and passed under a small stone gate betwixt two buildings, I saw a ray of light shining proudly into the alleyway, as though this one portion of the city still stubbornly held onto daylight.


    I stepped into the light, having to squint as the world went from dim torchlight to powerfully bright multi-color lights that mixed and mingled into white light, cast from all directions by tinted lanterns.


    Even from here I saw multiple Poke’mon walking in and out of a massive gate, some alone, some in groups, framed by a cacophony of brightly painted signs and decor.


    My destination: The Illaminian district.


    While the noises of the crowd were deep and thrumming…the music that hummed over the smooth stones was different to when I first visited this place. Bands from different parlors and from the street played a slow serenade, like…a waltz, the Illaminian populace welcoming all into their home.


    And as I listened…I noticed it was not only Illaminian that was being spoken. Many of the Poke’mon here seemed to be Arcean, here on their off-hours, following street signs to whatever pleased them.



    The beating heart of the Illaminian District reverberated around me at every turn… it invigorated and irritated in equal measure- but I appreciated its presence much more than strolling in the dark once more. Such would be too great a burden to bear…


    With my own exhaustion, it was easier to null out the mesmerizing stimuli, and yet I’d force myself all the more to find where ‘Fast Coin’ was located in these turbulent depths. Was her sign one that glowed and thrummed in the night, or was it one of the quaint wooden ones blurred beneath the light…?


    The multi-colored district was all the harder to parse in the early night…I resorted to instinct and vague memory.


    A left turn past the archway, and… a right, where that odd duo had accosted me…? My wobbling steps kept me barely upright, as I scrounged the chaotic space for signs of my safe haven.


    The voices were numerous…but there was at least a safety in this light and all these voices. Even if it stank a little, and I did not appreciate being shoulder-to-shoulder with so many Poke’mon in spots where the streets narrowed.


    The tall buildings shined like beacons in the grand light. Shouting and cheering from a nearby gambling house. The dancing in the street, oh I remembered that well…


    It certainly did not help that so many of these signs were in a tongue entirely foreign to me.


    So I passed another archway, following a colored brick road. Yes, this was familiar. Buildings of red brick and logs surrounded me as I followed an arrow marked “BIG MONEY / CIO TUMFO”. That, too, was quite familiar.


    Even here, in the place that was supposed to be full of residences the light hardly subsided. Even the front porches of homes sported lanterns of all colors. This bright and loud look was not something exclusive to the Illaminian business, no, this was simply their way.


    I passed by what looked to be open-door home-run casinos and card parlors. I even noticed the ‘Support Our District’ donation boxes set up on the side of the street. And even at this time of night, children merrily mingled by their schools and snack shops fitted right between homes and smoke shops and gambling houses. After all, with all the light, one might not know it even was nighttime.


    But, thankfully, I did not need to wander long.


    There, just ahead, I saw a sign. It seemed to glow, as it seemed to be made of a thin material with what must have been a candle behind to light up the display:


    FAST – COIN: Qoa Tumfo Gedomo!


    I felt the weight on my back lighten, and I rushed out of the boorish crowd to the guiding candlelight, so eagerly that I almost threw myself onto the woman’s doorstep. With my spine still quivering, I reached forward and rapped upon the door.


    “K…” I whined, before putting force into my voice for the first time in ages. “Kalae? Are you still awake…?”


    I leaned back, waiting with bated breath- fur tinged with dirt and dragged down by the frigid air, bags forming beneath my glistening eyes- desperation hiding just beneath the surface of my skin.


    The door was closed but thankfully at second glance I saw the light was on. To my absolute relief I heard a shuffling from inside, and footsteps approaching.


    A quick click sound. The door creaked.


    A curious pair of yellow eyes peeked out, looking at me.


    “Oh, Adelaide…?” I heard Kalae’s voice as the door opened wider, showing the woman in full. A puff of warm air blew over me. “It is a little late…I was wonderring if you werre going to come by.”


    She titled her head, lifting her hands and wrapping her claws around my paws.


    “Oh, poorr thing, look how you shiverr so.” Kalae sighed, tugging me into her home. “Come, come, you need a cup of warrm tea at once.”


    I nodded aimlessly at her words, barely understanding them as they came, but following her lead into the home all the same.


    “Thank you… I apologize for my lateness, of course…” I murmured, steps shambling behind hers. The weight I carried with me was undeniable. “My first… ah, my first day of work, it…”


    My face twisted into a restrained terror, and the strength in my steps gave out. All at once, my body fell into Kalae’s, the words quaking in my throat.


    “I-it was wretched… to prostrate a girl in that manner, to degrade her into nothingness— I can hardly think of returning…”


    Even as I wailed my pitiful ramblings, I struggled to pull myself off of Kalae, even if I lacked the strength to do so. It was uncouth in the highest to show such emotions untempered, but… there was little I could do to stop it.


    My will had been worn through, for this day.


    Kalae sighed with an air of sympathy and exasperation, holding me in her arms and patting my back. Her body felt cool to the touch, skin smooth like leaves of aloe as they gracefully stroked me with a friend’s warmth.


    “Ah, dear Adelaide…I see you’ve discovered the nature of hard work under Arcean nobles…” Kalae sighed, sounding almost as though she were trying to hold back a giggle. “Apologies, it is simply…well…telling, perhaps, to your background that you, a girl of seventeen years, would not already be well familiar…”


    The Maractus sighed again, guiding me to her couch and offering a handkerchief.


    “Come come, I understand the difficulty. I felt much the same when I first left the world of nobles. How I thought it would be a simple matter.” Kalae said sympathetically. “And how I learned of the difference between the life of an Illaminian noble with 40 servants…and the life of being a servant. A world of difference.”


    Her softness, physical and vocal, at least soothed the wounds of the day’s labor, although they failed to heal that pain in whole. Empathy was a bandage upon a severed limb.


    I placed myself on the couch, now barely able to meet the woman’s gaze after my outburst. I took the handkerchief in my paws, and turned my head away from Kalae. If there were tears to shed, she was not to bear witness to them.


    “I did not expect labor to… be a simple affair- no, I knew it was some strain. But this…” I said, gesturing out at the injustices no longer present. “Hours of dragging and lifting and sweating, without so much as a breath or a safe place to retreat, it is cruelty. This mistreatment of a girl is unacceptable… I am not even afforded the next day to myself. And the wretches at the guild do not care- they are tainted with indifference and scorn.”


    My fur still trembled, now that I was free to do so. I stared off at the corner of the living room, afraid that some new pile of boxes might appear if I were to let my guard down.


    “Arcea is… a frightening place, Kalae.” I said to her. “Wherever kindness seems to spring forth, it is only in resilience to tainted and infertile grounds…”


    The Maractus was quiet a moment in response.


    “Yes…” She replied. “It’s absolutely a frightening place. Illaminamo is scarecely better, and though I’ve only visited while on holiday I have little reason to believe Quayoff is any more an enlightened and fair country, much as they’d like to pretend they are.”


    There was a pause in the house. The music outside could still be heard, dulled against the wood walls of the quaint little home.


    “Hours of dragging, lifting and sweating, with naught but scorn and coin as reward…” Kalae mused, politely placing her hands in her lap and looking away so as not to stare. “I should think every laborer in Arcea is well-familiar…sometimes with less pay.”


    The Maractus let out a little thoughtful sigh.


    “I wonder…what was it you said your friend Siranae works in, again?”


    I sniffled, paw curling tighter on the handkerchief. The distant reverberation of music, and the thought of a dear friend, both lessened the sorrow.


    “She… she is an ironworker.” I said softly. “She lets herself be stained in soot, lets her knuckles be worked to the degree of ruggedness, simply to support herself… and to support a family which does not deserve her toiling.”


    I glanced to Kalae’s side of the couch, the exhaustion all the more visible on my fuzz-covered face.


    “It was sickening to see, even if she did not see the same… her gentle grace being damaged and misused, days spent in a cave for her coin. I should not assume my burden to be worse than hers, but… I do not have her resilience to that mistreatment.”


    “I think you just may, however.” Kalae replied. “All Poke’mon have more patience and resilience and strength than they expect from themselves…but even then it’s always less than their masters would prefer.”


    The Maractus shook her head, her head turning so her eyes could meet mine once more. Her expression was hard to read as she stared on at me.


    “Becoming one’s own master will involve enduring one’s fair share of bumps and bruises and even abuse.” Kalae said. “But speak, Adelaide, did your suffering at least bear fruit?”


    My dreary eyes slid away from Kalae. I would have liked to produce that mission brief from my bag, but I had been safe in leaving it on the board… all I offered was the knowledge gained.


    “There were a handful of missions still hanging on the guild’s board… intentionally untouched. I singled one out to pursue…although wonderful Mistress Julnii has not allotted me the time tomorrow to do so.”


    Kalae’s polite smile did not move an inch at that.


    “Mm…and I gather this ‘Mistress Julnii’ is the beastly woman you are employed by? I can assume her type, as few kind and gentle souls demand to be called ‘Mistress’, though I confess I do no know her.” Kalae folded her hands over her knees thoughtfully. “Did you ask for time off tomorrow? Rather presumptuous on your first day…how did she react?”


    “I…did not know such time was ‘a day off’-” I admitted, folding my arms uncomfortably. “I had thought my lack of payment was fair enough trade for not wishing to come tomorrow. She offered me a half day at best, or ‘coming in late’ at worst… but if I am held to that strict of a schedule- there is no possibility that I’ll manage any meaningful work before the banquet comes.”


    My shoulders slouched, and I pressed my back into the sofa, staring forward.


    “So…work tomorrow…then the guard work another day… several more jobs after that, and it hopefully resolves before the accursed banquet, lest I remain a beggar and an outcast for years to come.”


    I gripped my paws, the frustration evident on my face. Not at Kalae- simply at how crushing my circumstances had become.


    “Oh you silly girl, do not act so dour. It is unbecomming.” Kalae huffed with a tilt of her head. “If you’ve been given time off then you must capitalize on it. Simply go to this Guild job at the earliest possible hour, perhaps even before dawn has broken, do the job post-haste and then return in time for your catering work.”


    She hummed, her smile growing.


    “And with more catering work, comes another chance to look upon the board, yes?” The Maractus mused. “And another assignment is yours.”


    She scooted closer.


    “What do you think of that?”


    I gave a weak scoff- at least in amusement, not in dismissal.


    “I would think that I’ll perish, from taking the guild’s work in the morning and Julnii’s torment in the afternoon.” With a deep breath, I sat myself upright again. “But… if you believe it to be possible, then I shall do my best. A lady does not falter, even under crushing pressure… and I should think my new working life fits that bill suitably.”


    “Excellent.” Kalae said with a smile. “In that case, I would like to hear of this job you found at the Arceali Guild.”


    I kneaded my digits into each other, trying to recount the details of the job I had memorized.


    “Of course…this is what I learned:” I began, recalling the description. “There is guard work needed in ‘Laesi’, from the desk of ‘Conveytion Shara’, to be inquired from a ‘Ms. Zerazani’. An art exhibit has been stalled for almost 40 days, and, supposedly, they could not request aid from other guards. The payment was 6,500 P… and little else was listed. The horrid spelling and grammar had deterred the guild members from even considering it… I do not blame them, perhaps.”


    A tired smile came over my snout. Sarcastic.


    “If there was any doubt, I shall dispel it-” I sighed. “Neither Laesi nor Conveytion Shara hold any meaning to me. Directions should not be hard to come by, but… is there anything I should know before accepting such a job?”


    Kalae listened to the nature of the job I collected, humming in thought.


    “Adealaide, dear, I’m afraid you find me at a loss, as I have no knowledge of any procedure of the guild, nor do I much know Conveytions by name. My want for leaving behind the world of nobles has left me somewhat ignorant to this country’s noble world.” She paused, tapping her chin. “Of course, if you need information on this ‘Shara’ then I could only think to look up whatever you can at the Public Records hall…if there’s even anything there to begin with.”


    She looked away, lifting her head.


    “As for Laesi, the town…I believe it is something of a noble getaway location, situated by a beautiful lake. It’s southwest of Arcea, about half a quarter’s day of travel. I hear it’s renown for a rather large statue and other artistic endeavours. Likely this ‘Shara’ has a Lakeside home there.” Kalae mused. “Your guild-savvy friend Siranae may know more, but I should assume you would be able to simply walk in and promise to do her work…and collect your generous payment.”


    The Maractus gave me a sideways glance with a cheeky smile.


    “…and, perhaps, put some of that money towards your repayment, yes~?”


    …my smile dimmed with the last comment.


    Of course, I was a debtor speaking to her lender… I’d grown too complacent in acting otherwise.


    Work before dawn… if nothing else, I’d not endure the morning meal with Mama’s drivel. Otherwise, it sent shivers down my spine- but there was no other choice.


    The clock ticked onward to Prista’s banquet.


    “So it shall be.” I said at last, with an air of finality. “Hopefully, the catering tomorrow will allow me another work opportunity… and, hopefully, Siranae will not mind her plans being disturbed so suddenly. I cannot imagine being a noble’s guard on my own, when such a strong girl is willing to share the burden.”


    My tails twirled lightly on the sofa cushions.


    “And… I apologize for my poor mindset. It has been… one of the worst days of my life. Although Arcea enjoys setting that benchmark on a daily basis… I suppose I’ll have to adjust to it.”


    “Indeed.” Kalae said, her smile still fixed. “I should think it no surprise that piercing social barriers would take immense, often unreasonable toil and still with no guarantee for success. You came to me penniless and rambling about a human world, thus you’ve a long, steep, arduous climb ahead of you that few would or even could achieve.”


    Her eyelids lowered, almost challenging, looking deep into my resolve.


    “I must wish you the best of luck, Adelaide Imperator of Milan.”


    I glanced to the woman once more, meeting her challenging gaze…and giving only a smile.


    “With that now discussed, I would hope we can still discuss housing tonight, as planned…” I said at once. “And I would hope repayment does not prevent me from finding a suitable abode.”


    The concept of owning a house was, of course, something rather strange to me. But if such would be offered and was expected of a woman then I would partake. I had well-learned Arcea was strange in many ways, and this was simply another oddity to acclimate to.


    With a soft laugh to herself, the Maractus readjusted her position on the sofa.


    “Yes of course, and I believe you’ll like what I have to say.” Kalae mused. “It just so happens I’ve come under ownership of three houses in the Illaminian district, this one we sit in included. One I am renting out to a business owner who arrived in Arcea only a few weeks ago…and the other currently sits vacant. It’s in a rather quiet part of the district, and thus is valued rather low, for Illaminians prefer noise in their nighttime, something Arceans tend to find very confusing I’ve heard.”


    She trilled again, softly to herself.


    “If you were willing to part with, oh, say, something to the effect of 3,500 coins…why, you could walk in tonight to rest your head. We’d take care of the legal part…mmm, some other time.” Kalae said with a smile. “It’s a rather cheap price for a home, getting residence within the city usually runs upwards of 21 thousand coins, and within the Illaminian district itself? Possibly beyond that. I simply just cannot sell this house to anyone else…so I must offer it at only a meager thousand-coin profit from what I bought it for…”


    She perked up, looking away.


    “Of course you would be paying me as a land owner, not as part of the loan repayment, so, I would still expect that 3,500 of your loan repaid at another time, you understand~.”


    I let my eyes drift aside, my own smile staying rigid, as if Kalae’s oddly insidious habits weren’t shown so plainly.


    She was… greedy, in a word. Not even a day would be spent in comfort and safety, without the hanging dagger of repaying that debt. But I knew better than to make ill will off an otherwise generous offer- at least there was honesty in her hunger.


    “Well… I would be happy to part with that meager amount, naturally,” I cooed, already putting a paw into my bag, and producing my bank note booklet. “Three thousand and five hundred, you said?”


    My pen took up my other paw, and I started to scribble away the needed digits- glancing back up to her for only a moment.


    Perhaps I felt some power in being able to spend freely, and indulge in a needed venture, even if I was paying the Maractus in her own lent funds. It mattered not- this would be covered by tomorrow, if her words held true. And a night of quiet repose would be a blessing, when the alternative was one more day spent under the squealing tunes of Mama’s voice.


    “Shall I make this out to a full name, or simply ‘Kalae’…?”


    “Kalae of Arceliaze, sign to account 40190-C, One Truth Bank. Date it for tomorrow, Z51, 5T12, that’s when I shall submit it.” The Maractus said, setting a tea set aside that I may write freely on the table. “If you worry for the house being an abhorrent place to live let me allay your fears in saying that I had recently spruced up the house in hopes of attracting a buyer. It may be dusty after a year and a half but it is, at the least, sturdy and harbors no damage, as I inspected a month ago.”


    She watched me write the bank note with a smile on her face, hands in her lap.


    “And, of course, Siranae is welcome to stay on your property.” The Maractus added, her sunhat bouncing atop her head. “I should think her welcome to the Illaminian district. In fact, having an Illaminian, even a 3rd generation, would alleviate some of the grief district leaders may feel towards an Arcean owning property in the district.”


    I nodded quietly with the housing details, finishing up the writing, interspersed only with sips from the offered tea… although I stared down at the slip of paper, with that last comment.


    I… hadn’t considered if there would be tensions with me residing here- I was not ‘Arcean’, as far as I considered. Were not the Illaminians peaceful with the Arceans…?


    Still, the note was written- my intent was clear- and I did not intend to be a social part of the community, if it meant anything. My home was mine alone, and I’d not feel guilt over a peaceful occupation.


    “I will be happy to have her on the premises. She does not indulge much in Illaminian culture… but, I am sure there is something for us both to enjoy here.” I purred the words gently, and tore the slip from its binding book to present. “I thank you deeply for the offer, and your words of reassurance. Your loan will be repaid in equal swiftness and graciousness.”


    “Oh I’ve no fear of it, Adelaide.” Kalae said, graciously taking the slip and standing to place it behind the counter in her living room.


    She looked back to me after fetching an odd wooden slab like a key, and began walking to the front door.


    “Come, come, Adelaide, follow me. We mustn’t delay, as an early morning calls for an early night, yes?” The Maractus smiled, pushing her door open. “We must be on our way to the Caup Docu section of the District. How lucky for you that you’ll be but a few houses from the finest eateries in Arceliaze…or, perhaps, such is my opinion~!”


    With a giggle, she opened the door, the blaring music of the district filling the house once again.


    I followed in Kalae’s footsteps, slowed only by the roar of music from outside. The eateries, the music, even the fineness of the living accommodations… all of them paled in comparison to the freedom and the promise of something greater.


    I smiled in turn, nulling out all but the woman that would guide me. There was a spring in my step, despite the exhaustion that had seeped into my every bone. Even with my apprehension, I could not keep myself from following along- even the sight of a bed to call my own would relieve some of the day’s aches and woes.


    “I had hoped to see Siranae tonight, before that early rest…” I said. “Is there still time? I should not wish to pounce upon her before sunrise, and drag her into work to which she is fully unawares…”


    “Oh, dear, the night is so very young.” Kalae said with a smirk, twirling the wood key in her claws. “You could fetch your friend and more. And besides…this District hardly ever sleeps, hmhm~?”


    The Maractus weaved through the streets, cutting between buildings, following gravel paths that snaked around and connected brick roads. Each one was lit with at least a single colored lantern, bringing me through corridors of green, then blue then red.


    Soon, Kalae and I came to a road of green bricks. A hearty, spice scent filled my nose, and smoke rolled over the street. Restaurants, ice cream shops, snack stores, cart vendors, stood wall-to-wall here.




    “Caupetise, Tourini! Tqisu dji o cencopo tvoepu cipi!” Kalae called out into the crowd with a wave, glancing back at me and pointing out a large bear-like Poke’mon. “Nevermind, it was just Tourino, see, there? I’d recommend if you’re going to live here you learn the names of your neighbors and not be afraid to say hello, even on the street. It’s simple manners in Illaminamo, you see.”


    The sound of another creature roaring out from nowhere had set me on edge- the proximity of my new abode to the veritable festival in the streets had tempered my hopes all the more. And all of it was encapsulated by the knowledge of the… neighbors, that I’d accrued in this transaction.


    The Maractus smiled, continuing on, swimming through the sea of bodies, Poke’mon chatting in different languages, eating food, drinking juice and alcohol, trails of lights above swinging in the winter’s breeze that, with all the bodies that surrounded, felt more like a spring or summer breeze.


    Soon, Kalae rounded a corner, to a dimmer end of the street. A tall building was here on the right side of the road, immediately blocking out much of the noise. The road ended just two houses in, with a general store sitting at the end and a dark house sitting on the left just beside. Another set of tall buildings were situated behind the houses, causing this pocket of buildings to be muffled.



    Noticeably…it was quieter and darker…but not by much.


    All my worrisome thoughts faded away, upon seeing the building itself. The Maractus glanced my way with a smile.


    “Here we are, Adelaide. A cozy little two-bedroom hamlet for you. Though I should stress, at present there’s likely to only be the two beds I’d left behind.” Kalae said. “But I’m sure that should suffice for such a price.”


    We came to stand in front of the house. It shared a corner with the general store and, while similar to houses I’d seen in Arcea, was in ways very different. I could see the architectural design was much more angular for one, sporting spikes atop the roof, all of it built from wood, even the shingles.


    Just as with the rest of the district the wood house had been painted in gaudy bright colors, leaving me with a light blue house with bright orange rooftop.


    At the least, my… clownishly-painted abode would be visible even in pitch-black nights, if those ever fell upon the Illaminian District. And, still, it was a safe place for a girl to retreat from the beasts of this world.


    Despite the location and all manners of creatures that might arrive at my doorstep… it was my doorstep. And, albeit in a roundabout way, I’d paid for it myself. Such a thing seemed so…bizarre and yet it was true, entirely.


    A space upon which no Julnii nor Mama nor Lippi herself could intrude upon, without first receiving my blessing. The thought of such a place had vanished from my mind, in the scant few days I’d been in Arcea – even at home it was scarcely a thought. But now…looking upon a home that was my own was not alien but indescribably relieving.


    “It will suffice…” I muttered, walking past Kalae and to the dimly-lit front porch. “It will suffice quite well. I am well-adjusted to a two-bedroom space, so long as I can properly decorate… along with a space for bookshelves- perhaps a dresser for gowns-“


    I looked back to the Maractus, brightness renewed on my weary face. Some aspect of my civility and nobility would survive here- undamaged by any of pain Arcea could inflict.


    “I… I quite hope Siranae will like it- goodness, I should bring her here before the hour grows later, or the night grows louder.” I laughed, almost dismissive of the once-bothersome symphonies and cacophonies just beyond my front door. “This is… a truly lovely night, Kalae- I thank you for allowing it to happen.”


    Kalae turned to me as we stood on the darkened and quiet (relative to the rest of the district) street.


    “Well, in such case…” The Maractus smiled, lifting my paw in hand and settling the wood key in my palm. “…I suppose you should fetch her right away. I suspect you’ll be quite busy tomorrow.”


    Kalae giggled lightly, patting my shoulder as she stepped back.


    “I trust you’ll find your own way to S’Ran from here?” Kalae asked. “And…of course, I’ll be sure to update your loan information for your new place of residence: Hipisemi Street, House #2. Don’t forget it.”


    I took up the wooden key, paw curling onto it protectively, and nodded to Kalae.


    “Hipisemi Street, House #2…” I repeated. “Down the way from the kind doorstep of Fast Coin. I shall be sure to remember it.”


    The key was slid quickly into my bag, as another soft breeze sent a shiver across my fur- but my smile did not falter. Already, I turned with a flourish, twin tails swaying about eagerly.


    “I thank you for all that you’ve offered me, dear Kalae- and I should hope to see you soon, to repay your kindness more literally. For now… I shall be happy to snatch up Siranae in S’Ran, and to prepare for tomorrow’s ordeals.”


    I started on with a trot, almost pulled into the rhythm of raucous music just barely separated from my new housing.


    “Not even regarding those blaring street lamps… tomorrow’s Arcea seems quite a bit brighter~.”


    Kalae took her own leave to return to her home, leaving the legal portion of my ownership for another time as I made haste for the edge of the district.


    In a way, it was similar to standing in that warehouse. Walking this street, this was my new reality, my new life. Days spent walking these colorful and bright streets, hearing the roar of music and the words of many different Poke’mon. This route was a winding, twisting confusing labyrinth but…I felt it in my heart that one day, maybe even soon, this road would be second-nature to me.


    And soon I crossed the gate, among the wild and tall buildings bursting with life, passing over lights embedded in the concrete that shone from below.


    Why…when I finally reached the new district…it was a world of difference.


    When the music became distant. The rumble of noise so far away.


    The lights were plentiful but all a single color.


    Monotonous, unimaginative gold plastered everywhere, as if there was nothing else that came to mind to signify wealth and power.


    Marble statues made to be displayed and appeal to a massive crowd of gawking onlookers as they passed by.


    And it really was much, much more silent.


    After that long while of walking the familiar path to the north gate, it was soon before I and beyond it, S’Ran, the cobblestone road leading all the way up, a climb that seemed routine. Up to the glittering window lights of the worker houses.


    To where Siranae would be.


    My steps trudged along the stones, even as they rose to the sky- I could make any trek now, so long as there wasn’t a cart strapped to my body like a pitiful beast. Even more so, when there was something worth reaching at the end of it.


    From the thunder of living music, to distant chimes and drumbeats… and finally, the relative silence of S’Ran, only the whistling wind breaking the spell around me. I did not wish to have my ears assailed by foreign lyrics and instruments, and yet… after the day’s work, silence was not something I wished to bear.


    My thoughts hurried me along the ascent, counting the rows of houses and where they would be split by intersecting paths. The general stores fell past me, taking the fork away from the chapel… until I reached that familiar spot.


    Fourth on the left.


    I stroked the frayed twirls out of my fur, getting myself at my utmost presentable- but there was little to do. My job did not disrupt my appearance much, and the hopes of tomorrow had cleansed the exhaustion from my face, if only temporarily.


    With a cold breath feeding the warmth inside me, I rapped upon Siranae’s family’s door.


    There was a pause. The inside was silent but the window glowed with light inside.


    A gust of wind billowed over the hill, whipping my fur and chilling me down to the bone. The wind was extremely strong tonight and I had to continually brush frost from my right arm.


    At last, I heard something of a shuffle from behind the door. With a click, the door opened, light spilling out onto the cold street as snow gathered around my ankles.


    There, standing in the doorway, body darkened by the light behind her…


    …was Mama.


    …oh~!” Mama cooed. “Adelaide. I was worrried you werre not going to come in today.”


    The Mega-Audino smiled warmly.


    “Sirranae has missed you so.”


    Your tardiness incurred punishment on Siranae.


    “But, come come, you have been so busy, how was yourr worrk outside? Did all go well?”


    Where’s my treats, lest I punish Siranae again.


    My smile dimmed.


    In my haste, I’d forgotten what steel trap I was attempting to pluck Siranae from. Mama still expected placation and adoration, didn’t she? Even when I had no need to reside with her anymore…


    “Ah… work would be an overstatement– simply settling matters of estate,” I said with a gentle giggle, stepping in and past the woman.


    …wretched thoughts came to my mind.


    I was not dependent on her mercy any longer.


    There was no need to show her any kindness, or even keep the veneer of my supposed nobility.


    I could tear into her sickly faux-sweetness, berate her cruelty as she berated Siranae’s goodness- even tell her how dry and bland her attempts at cooking were-


    …and still, it was not safe to do so. Siranae lived with this wretch- any misstep I took would fall onto the girl tenfold. It only made my fury writhe harder- but I would behave.


    I turned to Mama once more, warmth overflowing from my calm expression.


    “Most wonderful, though, is that my living space is finished with the necessary renovations.” I said. “I shall not burden you with hosting a guest any longer- but I thank you dearly for the time you have offered it to me. It is a kindness yet to be repaid~”


    My smiling snout turned away, glancing to the staircase. I would not wait for Mama to summon her.


    “Dear Siranae?” I called. “Are you available, perchance-“


    “Sirranae-“ Mama spoke up from behind, interrupting me. “-is quite tirred frrom today and would rratherr rrest.”


    I will not relinquish her to you. This is your punishment.


    “I fearr somewhat the silly girrl thought you werre not coming back, though I trried to assurre herr of the contrrarry.”


    I do not wish for you to leave my debt.


    “But if you insist that we need no longerr house you, I am sure Sirranae shall take it well.”


    Siranae will take it, take it all, by herself. Alone.


    “Now then, I do not wish to keep you too long, dearr Adelaide. Do you wish to stay for tea before you go? It is drreadfully chilly.”


    This is your final chance to rethink this, you noble whore.


    My calm, vacant smile broke.


    “Is that so?” I said, quiet. “About Siranae. It is funny… you speak as though she is still a pup.”


    As my voice died down on that final word, my ears caught something.




    Just beyond the stairs. Beyond the ceiling of wood.


    The tiniest…







    Mama’s saccharine lies fell upon deaf ears. Her threats, her taunts- they were muted under the echo of Siranae’s lone sound.


    I felt my heartbeat stop in its place.


    I pivoted again, back turned to the woman.


    “I shall ask her myself, for once.” I said.


    There was nothing more to say. As if in a haze, I started to lurch up the wooden staircase, still hearing that horrid little plea in my skull.


    She had seen enough. She had endured enough. Last night was already a cruel fate to rest on her shoulders- Siranae did not deserve another second of Mama’s torment atop that.


    I carried on. Faster. Through the hall with the scratched walls, toward the girl’s bedroom- faster again.


    I gripped the door and pulled it open in an instant. I could not wait any longer.




    A hand hit the door and FORCED It closed. A gasp choked from the other side.


    There, in front of me, the Mega-Audino’s hand pressed into the wood. Made it creak.



    There was a long pause.


    The house stood silent.


    “…I have…thought long about this morning. Embarrrassed and irrked as I was.” Came the woman’s voice. No more of her sickly sweetness came, no more honeyed word. Her voice sounded gravelly and low…


    …and natural.


    “…at all my time at the Arrkinon Vo Cenurr Vorrt, do you know how many Maractuses I have serrivced?”


    She leaned in, her bottom lip curling, her expression turning to one of even more fiery anger.




    Her finger lifted, her voice quieting to a harsh whisper.


    “I am willing to be charritable to a point, Adelaide. Kind, even, to you.” She spoke. “But I do not pass opporrtunity like my Illaminian brretherren. Arrceliaze has taught me betterr.”


    She leaned closer, breath huffing on you.


    “And the morre I think of the holes in yourr storry…well, I simply feel you should be much less rrude to me.”


    You’re a girl with a fat wallet and nobody that would miss you.


    “So I ask again.”


    She snarled. Her sharp teeth glistened with every word.


    “Will. You stay. For tea?”


    Will you do this the easy way? Or the hard way?


    My heartbeat started again. The sound had been dulled by my own panic- and now, it soared.


    With every word, the facade faded away- hers, and mine. She had trapped us in that facsimile of nobility, of a kindly mother and a generous stranger… and now, the paint peeled around us.


    I was a wretch from the streets. Adelaide Imperator was nothing but a thief, slithering into the abodes of the gullible to pilfer what she saw as her own. But I had wealth strapped to me- even if it was paltry, compared to the gilded towers that loomed in this cursed place.


    Ready to be a victim of my own greed.


    And her. No, she had not fallen from kindly warmth to greed- she was far, far lower. A street rat wearing the skin of a mother, a mother that had never been present for dear Siranae. Claws and fangs barely obscured by her fatty jowls and groping hands, all the ready to revert to a beast in an instant.


    Stay for tea, I thought, words echoing in my psyche.


    Stay. Let her see through my ruse more and more, stay trapped in the lies until the bear trap clamps into me. Until Mama sucks my spilled blood off the fine cutlery, like the leech she is.


    She was absurd. There was… no going back, from where I had placed myself.


    Something gnashed in my chest. A torrent swirled.


    “You see… quite a wretched woman, hmm?” I said, almost whispering. “But… in my life, I haven’t much cared for what the refuse of society sees. Not since I was a child… not since coming to Arcea. And not once, under a single pathetic word you have uttered at me.”


    My hand snapped off of the door handle, and onto Mama’s wrist. The Mega-Audino snarled as my tails sliced at the air behind me and my tone rose.


    “I could tell you what I see in you- but you would never know the depths of what I mean. If I told you that I saw a blackness in your heart, you would not know how gaping, how endlessly consuming that dark abyss truly is. Your poor mind could not fathom it- it would revert back to your delusions of nobility and grandeur. That false self you were never owed.”


    My fur stood on end. I could hardly speak, for how some dampness spiraled at the top of my throat. And yet, I carried on, voice hissing, roaring.


    “And I could forgive all of it- every last bit- were it not for the girl you inflict it upon. She is too pure to be ruined in this place… and I can stand it no longer it.”


    My vision hazed. My paw squeezed into the woman’s wrist.


    “You will let the door open. You will stay silent. And we will be free of each other’s lives.”


    Water pooled at my lower lip.


    “Or you will be moved. You will be silenced. And I will be free of your life.”


    My words were final.


    But Mama’s eyes flared.


    “How DARRE you!!” The Mega-Audino shouted indignantly as I gripped her wrist. “I did not pull myself from a bunch of disgusting, rrotting hutches in Souljraan, drrowning out the noise and the clamorr and the begging of blighterrs, clawing my way to a morre prrofitable life in Arcea, to be questioned on my ways, method and tools by a pompous, penniless street rat that has slithered her way up shortcuts!!”


    Her hand PULLED at my grasp! She raised her hand to backhand me!


    “I will not stand another offensive word!!”


    I winced at the sight, her vicious nature becoming real in that instant- and something shifted in me.


    Rather than reeling back, my body hunched forward-


    – and a jet of swirling water gushed past my mouth-!




    Mama’s body FLUNG back! Water CASCADED down the hall! Splattered on the ceiling! Droplets fell all around the hallway.


    Mama SLAMMED a foot down. Skidded. Fist hitting the back wall!


    My eyes snapped shut, but I felt the weight of the water blast out from within me, battering against Mama’s body in several seconds of vicious spewing.


    When the stream ended, my feet stumbled back, and I breathed anew. I was… I was-


    I tried to speak to the wretch- but all that came from my throat now was a growl.


    A shout from downstairs!!! A yelp from behind the door!!!


    Mama’s head flung back up, a look of HATE burning her eyes as she stared at me.


    All at once Mama dashed forward. Arm aglow, fist lifting, raising overhead, teeth barred, fire in her eyes as she STREAKED her fist down upon me in an instant!!


    Even with my blood pumping, I couldn’t react to that sudden blow. A powerful strike slammed atop my head. My orange body CRUMPLED from the impact, crashing against the floor and squealing in pain!


    All four paws dug into the wood beneath me, fur searing from the strike. Another guttural cry hissed from my throat-


    My muscles burned. My head stung. But it was naught to Mistress Julnii’s tortures. The old woman’s blows were weak.


    I rushed into the woman, steps dazed but rapid, like a beast on the hunt! By second nature, my body spun, and my twin tails SLASHED into Mama’s side!


    One tail STRUCK. Mama whipped to the side.


    The other tail swung back and SLICED across Mama’s face! The Mega Audino staggered and SLAMMED into the wall. A spurt of blood sprayed on the wall. A table fell! Vase shattered!


    thump thUMP THUMP THUMP


    Mama pushed herself from the wall, fists balled. She made a wobbling lunge for me, ROARING in anger!


    A thunderous CRASH! Woodchips EXPLODED as the door burst open! Doorhandle to pieces! The hinge broke off in splinters! Mama stumbled, tripping and hitting the wall to the side!





    I looked up. The pink Audino stood over me. Her face grave. Her head whipped from Mama then back to me before she held out her hand.


    “Adelaide!! Are you okay!? Are you hurt?? Grab!! Grab!!!”




    I wheezed while taking another breath, barely able to parse the terrified voice before me- but I did not hesitate. My paw latched onto Siranae’s hand-!


    I rose with a start, still struggling to speak beyond my angered growls. Siranae said nothing, only PULLING my paw so hard my shoulder only barely stayed in its socket!!


    Water spewed again from my mouth, smothering Mama in a short barrage of fluid! Mama spluttered, blasted and sent skidding down the hall as Siranae flew towards the staircase!! I quickly followed, stumbling, dizzy steps trailing behind the girl.


    “Don’t stop, Adelaide! You’ll be okay!! Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop-!!!” Siranae panted, thrumming down the steps.


    “What in Arceus’s name-?!”


    Siranae shoved Papa aside, running for the door, BASHING her shoulder into it.


    A RUSH of cold air beat on us both as we spilled into the dark!!


    I gasped for breath again, barely keeping myself from colliding with Siranae in my haste. I stared at her with widened eyes, thoughts racing.


    Siranae stumbled, holding firm. She had no look of relief. She looked terrified, confused. She whipped her head towards me, panting.




    My paws grabbed onto Siranae’s hand- and I started to run, pulling her with me into the vast darkness of S’Ran.


    I struggled down the slanted cobblestone, fighting between my own balance and keeping Siranae pulled along with me. The wind whipped at my fur, and I couldn’t even shiver.


    My weakened arms tensed, yanking the poor girl along behind me without so much as looking back.The glow of Arceliaze wasn’t far now. There would be light, and noise, and sanctuary- and we rushed on, not letting go of Siranae, no matter what ache or fear overtook me.


    We passed by one house. Two houses! Siranae panted and gasped for air, pumping her legs as fast as they’d carry her.


    “Don’t stop. Don’t stop…!!!” The Audino panted, looking over her shoulder. “Whenever I escaped…Mama would stop me. She…!!”


    She panted, keeping pace.


    “She knows…hyperbeam…!!” The girl gasped, feet POUNDING on the cobblestone as it descended down into freedom.


    There was a FLASH at the top of the hill.


    The dark street LIT like it were sunrise! A beam FLASHED by my head! Struck the ground ahead! An EXPLOSION! Debris and rubble flew into the air!! Dirt and dust kicked up!! I YELPED in utter terror!


    “DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP!!! DON’T STOP!!” Siranae cried.


    “ADELAIDE!!” Mama’s voice ROARED from above like a god slighted. “DO YOU THINK I GOT WHERRE I AM WITH TWEE WORRDS AND GOOD MANNERRS?!”


    Another beam SHOT past us both! Another MASSIVE explosion! Screams erupted from the street, in the homes! I wailed in confusion and terror- she wasn’t simply a beast, Mama was a monster!!


    I ducked down, practically grazing the pavement beneath us, gripping into Siranae’s arm for my own safety-!!




    “DON’T STOP!!” Siranae SHRIEKED as another beam SAILED overhead!! “DON’T STOP!”



    I yanked us both around a corner, stumbling in every step and yet stalling not a moment, heart beating out of my chest. I couldn’t feel the night’s cold, only the sizzling heat from a beam of pure fiery energy!!


    A house BLEW TO PIECES!!! Screams roared from inside! Debris and wood splinters rained on us. Siranae ducked, covering her face as we stumbled forward.






    I ran onward, whining to Siranae with what breath I could manage!


    “Hh-“ I gasped, “Hipisemi Street, i-in the Illaminian District, th-the house on the left-“


    I shook some dampness out of my eyes, running faster now.


    “We have to get there, don’t let go and don’t look back!!”


    Even if she could have not listened, I was pulling her too much to change our destination- I only spoke it in fear that I’d be blown apart before getting her to safety! And still I struggled forward, as the darkness settled on us again-!


    Siranae skidded, nearly tripping. A beam TORE through a building! A fire erupted! Ash swirled and heat BLAZED. Shingles and planks clattered to the ground!




    A carriage ahead halted, faltered! The horse at the front reared as a beam FLEW over! The wheels broke, Poke’mon and boxes TUMBLED out, rolling down the steep slope! Rocks and smouldering wood spun and rolled and tumbled after us, like the whole world was running from Mama.


    The cobblestone EXPLODED! A stone STRUCK my face! Drew blood! Siranae SCREECHED to a halt, pulling me to the side as another beam BLEW A HOLE into another building!


    I held Siranae tighter than ever before, letting those drops of blood scatter onto the stones beneath us as I ran! I would drop dead if I kept this frantic flight, and yet still I knew Mama would bring a death more swift and painful!!


    Poke’mon ran alongside us! Screams roared! Poke’mon in armor thundered up the mountain past us!!


    I could taste copper. My legs burned. I bled. My lungs were on FIRE. The North gate was just ahead!! My head THROBBED and ROARED with blood! A swarm of Poke’mon escaped down the hill, pouring into the market district in nightgowns and sleepcaps while guards and soldiers rushed past.


    Siranae wheezed.


    I kept the Audino clutched against me while I threw myself forward in every step- even as we crested past the North Gate, I couldn’t stop myself…! I ran past more armored beasts, the sight of them making my eyes dart from side to side, and still I ran…!


    The glow of Arceliaze was both freeing and terrifying- in every gilded surface I could see another one of those murderous beams reflected, whether real or simply a memory scarred into my eyes.


    The Poke’mon around Siranae and I slowed, yelling indignantly at one another as they turned to watch S’Ran in the far distance, at the beams of light that, even now, could be seen like beacons as they fired.


    Siranae gasped and spluttered and hacked, slowing down, pulling at my hand as our feet met the smooth stone of the Market District.


    The Audino looked back, watching as armored soldiers thundered past, only a few staying behind to look after the escapees.




    “How did someone get ahold of a Hyperbeam?!”


    “That’s insane, those TMs are military property, how did-?!”


    Siranae panted, stumbling forward and falling onto the ground with a thud. White spittle burst from her mouth as she just huffed and wheezed.


    It wasn’t the exhaustion or the run…no…


    I could see it…


    …it was the fear. The fear leaving her body all at once as the glow of the market district took hold.


    I fell forward with her, landing on my knees, taking a shuddering breath. Even now, my paws clutched her arm, afraid that she would fade away if I released her. Words dribbled from my quivering lips.


    “I… I’m sorry…” I panted, leaning down to the collapsed girl’s level. My body pressed against hers, in as weak yet firm of a hug as I could give. “I wanted… you to be safe, and… I feel as though I put you in such danger now…”


    My paws stroked along the girl’s side- I could not tell if she was shaking, or if it was simply me. I couldn’t feel any blood or seared wounds from Mama’s onslaught, and I sighed in relief.


    “Are you… able to walk, still? I can…”


    I pressed down lower, pushing my shoulder under Siranae’s- an offer to lift and carry her on, for the rest of the journey.


    “I can’t let anything happen to you, out here…” I whispered.


    Siranae took a deep breath, planting her hands onto the stone and lifting herself up on wobbling arms. A gash was on her forehead and arm, dribbling lightly with blood, nothing serious.


    She raised to her knees, gasping and panting for air as she slowly looked towards me.


    “…I was thinking the same.” Siranae said. “…when I heard you in distress outside my door…the rest simply came naturally…”


    The Audino heaved a sigh, looking up towards S’Ran.


    The hyperbeams had ceased. Now only a few plumes of smoke could be seen, the Mega-Audino no doubt being jumped by every guard in Arceliaze.


    Siranae clutched her heaving chest. Her ears twitched, right eye closed as blood trickled down her face.


    “I…am happy…” She huffed and gasped. “…that we made it…”


    She paused. Slowly, she turned to face me. She had a look that was apprehensive, scared, uncertain, confused…


    …and yet brimming with excitement.


    She sat there a long while, only staring at me. Staring at me in awe and adoration. A smile slowly crept upon her face as she stared. Terror mixed with joy mixed with sadness mix with hope.


    To have run from her parents…from home…I could see how much it had taken a toll on her. How much it even hurt the sweet girl.


    And yet, as frost began to flutter upon us both, a cold breeze banishing the heat from the chase…Siranae spoke…


    She spoke in a soft voice…a voice only I could hear:


    “…I am…so…so very glad you’ve come to me…om nou pucomi op esnevase tqmipfipvi…


    I stared back, still… dazed. Still lost, and still feeling the fear drain from my body. Never had I veered so close to death’s door.


    And yet… Siranae was here. The girl had survived all cruelty and lethality her Mama could muster.


    Some joy sprung in my heart from it- I had done something right, in whatever foolish way I could.


    The blistering cold and panicked heat balanced into a faint warmth. Once again, Siranae had spoken those words… the only part of Arcea that I could not still understand. But the gentle relief in each syllable… it made my heart flutter. If they were words of Illaminian origin, I hoped I could ask Kalae for their meaning soon- for now, I only basked in the sound of Siranae’s tender voice.


    Fearful, but still smiling, I reached closer. My paw gently wiped the blood from her face, cleansing her right eye and staining my fur in turn.


    We were bruised and mistreated once again… but we could tend to those wounds. Safely, together.


    My other paw moved down, gripping Siranae’s hand. She was still here.


    I would be here, no matter what awaited us.


    “Shall we… retire, for the night?” I spoke through a now-rasping voice. “My house is not much… and the noise may bother… but its door is always open to you, dear Siranae.”


    “Yes…” Siranae sighed, a warm smile on her face. She lifted a hand of her own to stroke my paw as I held her cheek.


    The Audino took a breath, let the freeing air fill her lungs.


    “I should very much like…to come home.”


    ~ CHAPTER 10 ~

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