The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 22 ~

    << The Eye of the Needle >>



    Place: Village of Kura M’Zan, approaching the Nors Aloch Hotel


    Region: Lower West Arceali Valley


    Day: Shiroffkove


    Date: Zshima 57th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    As we came into view of other Poke’mon, my bright grin was tempered to a calm smile. I was not to seem overzealous, not without someone giving me a reason to be so.


    My joy, my eagerness was to be earned.


    My dress swayed gently behind me, as I marched on. Poised. Tranquil. Ready to seize the ripe fruits of opportunity from anyone that bore them openly.


    Seeing my expression change, Siranae understood: it was time. Time to focus. And time to blend. At once her posture and gait perfected. Her expression became a confident smile, eyes half-lidded in only mild interest in what she saw.


    The fortress of gaudy nobility could not deter me. With Siranae at my side, I approached the Nors Aloch hotel, eyes peering across the landscape for any early targets in our mission.



    • Verigonus – LEAF GUILD  – FATHER OF JALSA


    My eyes darted to one side.


    There. Two flashy private carriages. One green and bearing a leaf sigil. From it was stepping an enormous-bodied creature, flanked by servants on all sides.


    …odd. Verigonus was said to be a Houndoom – a black-furred canine with horns. The creature coming out of the Leaf Guild carriage was a white-furred goliath with massive arms and a spiked shell…


    That beast… the one from the newspaper. The one that funded “water regulation”…one of the creatures that worked alongside Varsae. Was this Tsuvula of the Water Guild? Or…


    Conveytion Nixa, of the Leaf Guild – if the sigil on the carriage was to be trusted. Likely the wife of Verigonus. It seemed she was here in his stead, as there was no sign of the Houndoom.


    Across from there was a grey-colored carriage bearing a wheel sigil. Being helped off the cart was an elderly looking bear creature with white fur. He seemed to be barking something to the servants that assisted him.



    Here with several servants in private transport. The highest prize to earn the attentions of, both for connections and business.


    Private carriages. There was no chance I could approach those Conveytion targets upon entry, lest I look like a madwoman. I would wait for an opening to connect – I would wait to see with whom they interacted first.


    My eyes darted to the side again.


    There: a collection of Zu’Conveytion. The carriages they rode were city transport. Expensive, but still ‘public’. They came together, spouses and children, each family with their own cart.



    Traveling with family on first class public transport. Here for similar reasons as the Conveytion. May have some connections, but are not the biggest marks for influence nor enterprise.


    The Zu’Conveytion – the vessels to my targets. Perhaps there was business to be extracted off of them, but first and foremost from their connections.


    My eyes darted again.


    There was the cheaper transport and Poke’mon that simply walked. Tradesmon. They traveled in groups of affiliation. Managers, business partners, investors and constituents.



    Entirely here on business. Seems these parties come with a fair bit of competition to gain the attention of nobles.


    The tradesmon… not worth seeking out. They were no better than myself, but I had a reason to be here. Still, likely a safer point of entry than the Zu’Conveytion.




    One final glance to the side. Another group of carriages, parked behind a set of trimmed hedges and out of sight. These carriages I was more familiar with:


    The Banquet Upon Paradise Catering



    My co-workers. Likely to recognize me. Short-staffing at my job means that Mistress Julnii might also be in attendance.


    My eyes widened for a moment.


    Of course such a fine and upstanding business would be catering this event – I felt wretched at the thought of their recognition. Even a whisper of ‘Adelaide Imperator’, conversing with the staff about past affiliation…it would paint my reputation with the blackest brush.


    “I don’t see Miss Zerazani.” I could hear Siranae say next to me as we walked up the hill towards the hotel. “She must already be inside.”


    The crowd thickened as we approached the entrance. Every tradesmon and Zu’Conveytion was mindful to clear the way for Conveytion and their servants, allowing them to enter first.


    And there, at the wide and glimmering entrance of the Hotel, standing at a podium was a familiar face.


    It was Shala, the Charmander that’d mentored me in service of Mistress Julnii.


    The woman stood with a disinterested look befitting an aloof noble, which, of course, made all the wealthy Poke’mon that passed her much more comfortable. The Charmander was taking the names of the guests one by one…


    …and Siranae and I would soon cross paths with her.


    My heart skipped a beat. But I was not doomed just yet. I could salvage this interaction… even if it felt somewhat callous.


    My snout dipped down, bangs hanging across my perfectly decorated face. My collar rose up against my cheeks as I spoke. Another degree of protection for my visage. I stayed firm beside Siranae, as we approached the Charmander.


    I was the first to speak… my voice as high-pitched as I could manage, my eyes lowered demurely, as I wrestled with a foreign tongue.


    Slight chance to be recognized by face. The blue mark in my hair is distinctive.


    My forwardness would come with risk. Stalling at the entrance would not help me. And yet… even if she spoke back in Illaminian, I could rely on Siranae to fill in the gaps. Better yet, if she recognized me but spoke in Arcean tongue, I could retaliate in Illaminian.


    I would have to risk it.


    “Sehebbe uqiseoe,” I spoke, my voice light and clear, unlike the whispers that I had used at work.


    One half-second passed.


    The Charmander’s eyes lifted. Siranae glanced my way, unaware of the situation.


    Likely response: “I do apologize, I don’t speak Illaminian.” [PASS AS ILLAMINIAN]


    My tone was sharp all the same – demanding entry.


    I continued. “Ou tupu me Tohpusope Adelini Imperator di Milan di Kollovan…’


    Otherwise: “No fotqoedi, pup soitdu e deqosi om vau eddipvu.” [LANGUAGE RECOGNIZED – ACCENT QUESTIONED. Does Shala know Illaminian?]


    Though I’d spoken with the Charmander some, I was hardly ever afforded a proper conversation with her when under Mistress Julnii.


    “…i raitve è me noe dunqehpe, me Tohpusope Siranae di Arceliaze.” I finished.


    The Charmander’s looked to me as I spoke.


    ATTENTION: On me.

    • Eyebrows Lowered
    • Frown deepened.
    • Writing pencil twisted in grip.
    • Squared shoulders.


    “O-oh. Welcome to the Nors Aloch.”


    Caught off-guard.


    State: Confused. Fumbling. Trying to recover.


    “I’m sorry, are you here for the Arcean Arts Showcase and Banquet…?”


    Deduction: Does NOT know Illaminian.


    “To,” I spoke again, a sharp syllable in Illaminian, before repeating in Arcean. “Yes. Adelini Imperator di Milan di Kollovan, and my companion, Siranae of Arceliaze.”


    Butchering my name was a risk itself – would the conflict cause her to catch on?


    The Charmander leaned forward a little to see my face clearer…


    • Eyes do not show signs of recognition.
    • Exhaustion on face. Mistress Julnii has been running her ragged.
    • I am a face in the crowd.


    When she leaned forward, I snapped my gaze onto her with a scowl. A look of fiery indignation, one I had not shown in any of my days working alongside Shala. Anything to sever the image of my past self from the girl standing here.


    The Charmander’s reaction was immediate.


    • Eyes widened.
    • Grip on writing pen tightened.


    The girl shrunk back a little.


    Much as she and everyone did with Mistress Julnii. At once I was seen in the same light.


    I loathed showing such curtness in front of Siranae. But it was natural for nobles to be demanding of workers… was it not?


    It was, and yet…


    …it felt quite wrong.


    Siranae, blessed girl, was not paying attention to my expression, instead busying herself with keeping silent.


    Thankfully, the name did not spark recognition in the Charmander. For once, Julnii’s insistence on insults and ‘pet’ names had been good for something. Perhaps I’d have been recognized if I introduced myself as ‘Ugly’ as Mistress Julnii so often called me.


    “Adelini Imperator di Milan di Kollovan and Siranae of Arceliaze.” The Charmander repeated, her eyes cast downward towards the paper on her podium. She found our names and quickly marked our attendance. “I do hope you enjoy the showcase and the Nors Aloch is deeply honored by your presence.”


    “Thank you very much.” Siranae managed to say, her tone much more kindly.


    A couple stepped up behind us next. A pair of Zu’Conveytion.


    At once, it became apparent:


    OPTICS: Siranae and I appear as Zu’Conveytion or Illaminian nobility.


    I stepped forward with Siranae, stare unbroken.


    I felt… unlike myself.


    Why? Why, when nobility was afforded to me, did it grip my chest like an ill-fitting corset…?


    That memory of Mistress Julnii was what had done it, of course. I was nothing like her. I was only readjusting to my lot in life, and the thought of her had caused discomfort.


    I needed to adjust.


    As we carried on, passing by that Charmander, I whispered. Loud enough only for her and my companion to hear.


    “Thank you, Shala…”


    The Charmander perked up. She glanced back my way in confusion, seized up in fear after hearing her name…


    …but her face softened for a moment. Only a moment. But we were gone before more could be said.


    The guard at the front warmly welcomed us through the archway into the building proper. Just beyond the threshold, I could see many of the attendees gathering.


    And among them, standing idly by the guest book and wearing loose, silken red robes…


    …was a familiar Smeargle, looking among the crowd, likely searching for us. My eyes had been shooting between strangers while we entered – but I lowered my offense when I caught sight of my associate.


    “Ah, dear Zerazani,” I called just softly, a light giggle in my voice, “what is an artist doing here, amidst the consumers of art? Why, with your status, I’m surprised that the crowd hasn’t meshed around you.”


    The Smeargle perked up, looking our way as we approached.


    And as we grew closer, we could hear the sounds of the surrounding attendees.


    “-and might I say, Zerazani, the piece you’d done for my wife was immaculate. Why, it was as though I were looking at the woman herself!”


    Zerazani’s eyes darted over toward the speaker and she gave an…oddly subdued smile.


    “Why of course. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything less for a woman of such beauty.” The Smeargle said. I would have questioned Zerazani on her utter calmness, but she’d proven well enough that she could perform civility where needed. It spoke volumes of the tradesmon around her, even if she did not say it.


    “Were you relocating your operations to Arceliaze, then?” Spoke another voice. “I was loathe to have to travel all the way down to Laesi. The humidity, you see…-“


    “Ah, but, here now comes a friend of mine.” Zerazani softly and politely interrupted the voice as she turned her attention back to Siranae and I.


    “A-ah, a friend, you say…?”


    As we stepped closer, I could see the surrounding Poke’mon were dressed much less beautifully than ourselves and Zerazani, sporting clothing more representative of their business.


    For indeed, Zerazani was here at the lobby surrounded by tradesmon. The Smeargle smiled wide as she greeted we two.


    “Good evening Adelaide, Siranae.” The Smeargle said, side-stepping from the crowd. The large group of Poke’mon eyed Siranae and I up and down with an air of curiosity…


    …and respect. The coos and chirps of hangers-on was, if nothing else, reassurance that this world was functioning as normal. And Zerazani was still a sight for sore eyes, in such an intense arena.


    “Good evening, Miss Zerazani.” Siranae said confidently, giving an Arcean half-bow to the Smeargle.


    Zerazani smiled at that, looking to me.


    I looked at the assortment of tradesmon gathered before us. My smile remained, but there was a glistening disinterest in my stare. If they hadn’t already been extracted for connections by Zerazani, they weren’t worth considering.


    “Good evening to you as well, dear Zerazani.” I mimicked Siranae’s half-bow, before clutching my paws together. “I do hope you’ve been well. Has the Showcase given you anything to indulge in, perhaps enjoy?”


    “Oh absolutely. A bit of watered-down Eksai and food meant more to occupy time than be appetizing.” Zerazani said, turning and laughing to the congregation of tradesmon, to which all the Poke’mon gathered laughed with her.


    Zerazani held a glass in her hands, twirling it lightly.


    My eyes watched the crowd of gathered Poke’mon.


    Group of 6 or 7. Their attention on Zerazani, myself and any Poke’mon at the entrance. Searching for easy business.


    “Might you introduce us to your friend, Miss Zerazani?” Said one of the tradesmon. “She looks quiet the distinguished young woman.”


    “My is she ever. Adelaide Imperator Di Milan is one I’d consider both noble and entrepreneur in what I can only describe for now as a new and very interesting market.” Zerazani said, nodding to me. “To which she and Siranae both have jointly overseen. I understand it’s going to have many of the Conveytion here tonight very interested.”


    A roll of agreeing murmurs rolled over the crowd. Siranae beamed proudly, but did not falter her noble posture. Not that there was much to worry about these tradesmon. Wealthy as they were, they were hardly the ‘elite’ of Arcea. If anything, they now saw us more in that light – above them.


    ZERAZANI STATE: Goading, complimenting. Has taken steps to place my name on the tongues of multiple Poke’mon at the lower end of the hierarchy.


    The Smeargle turned to me and noticed my disinterested look. She smirked, taking this as a cue.


    “Ah, but, the night will not last forever! Friends, I ask you stop by my address at your earliest convenience for commissions.” Zerazani said, addressing the crowd once more. “The work I’ll be showcasing tonight is an appetizer of my current style. I believe you’ll find it most striking.”


    “Oh I can only imagine, esteemed Zerazani. Ah, but, might we talk with Miss Adelaide Imperator Di Milan-?”


    “When the time is right, absolutely. Her business is one open to all clients. But for now, she’s being expected by Zu’Conveytion Wera and we mustn’t keep her waiting.” Zerazani said.


    The faces of the tradesmon shifted.


    • Surprise.
    • Amazement.


    ZERAZANI TACTIC: She has placed me firmly at the Zu’Conveytion level in the eyes of multiple tradesmon.


    The Smeargle turned her head to me, smiling warmly.


    “Siranae, Adelaide Imperator Di Milan…shall we? Zu’Conveytion Wera had wanted me to fetch you the moment you arrived.” Zerazani offered, gesturing her glass further along, towards the open doors of the ball room.


    I stifled my confusion from staining my countenance. I had been told so firmly not to lie, where I could help it- but someone like Zerazani, she could lie without an ounce of hesitation. I admired it.


    “Oh, I am terribly sorry to have delayed her.” I said, with a giggle of dismissal – as though it was no serious concern. “I should hope to meet her demand efficiently.”


    My eyes drifted lazily to the tradesmon, my smile gentle and unbothered.


    “Pardon me for leaving so soon – perhaps I shall make your acquaintance another time.” I said with an air of finality to the conversation, leaving the tradesmon to talk among themselves.


    “A-ah, yes of course…”


    “My, what a striking stare…and that name! Adelaide Imperator…something? How very exotic…”


    “Do you think it’s Quayoffi?”


    “What of this business…? How mysterious…”


    Without another word, nor promise of further talk, I escorted Siranae onward, to the unknown realm of the ball room. As I passed by her, my face hidden from our guests, my eyes shot at Zerazani with an anxious curiosity – was there truly a Zu’Conveytion which wished to meet with us?


    Zerazani’s smile widened ever so slightly, but it was still a reserved look compared to her normal manic expressions. Next to me, Siranae kept her confident gait…notably, she didn’t seem distressed by anything Zerazani had said.


    The three of us hurried along toward an open archway situated under a towering staircase. Just beyond, I could see a large ballroom with curved tables encircling the space. Soft music flowed from within.


    The Smeargle swirled her drink, looking my way.


    “You seem most anxious, Adelaide. Surprised? Do you not remember your invitation?” Zerazani queried. “I put a good word in for you to Zu’Conveytion Wera – I’ve done several pieces for her and have come to know her fairly well.”


    “Ah…I apologize for my reaction…in truth, my mind had hazed about that detail,” I said softly. “And, in part, I had thought the invitation was manifested solely by you, and any invoked name was simply a cover for our entry. But I am happy to know we were invited in good conscience.”


    “My my, part of me appreciates your assumption of such guile and cunning on my part.” Zerazani said, smiling with eyes narrowed. “But alas, no, it’s simply a genuine connection with a patron of the arts and regular customer…though I must stress Zu’Conveytion Wera is a woman of many dealings and connections as well.”


    The Smeargle subtly gestured to a group passing us three by, entering through another archway, with beasts of all shapes, sizes and colors.


    “…In fact, those look to be the tradesmon that regularly harass Zu’Conveytion Wera to invest in this or that or buy that company or push for this law here.” Zerazani laughed lightly to herself. “I suppose everyone is aware of the presence of Conveytion at this banquet. At least the Conveytion and Zu’Conveytion are actually here for the art.”


    “That seems…exhausting.” Siranae said worriedly, her arm locked with mine tightening. “Being a Zu’Conveytion sounds hard if everyone only wishes to talk business.”


    My paw stroked gently along Siranae’s arm, to soothe that tightening stress. She needed not fret about the work-lives of the strangers we would meet with tonight.


    “Indeed. Which also means that rambling about your business is going to be trickier, considering. The last thing you want to end up being is another babbling businessmon to tune out.” Zerazani said quickly, tilting her cup at me. “My good word about you and your business is only the start. Truthfully, I believe her opinion may become soured at the mere mention of the business. So don’t validate her negative expectation, hm? For all our sakes.”


    “I had figured we could not make a sales pitch of ourselves.” I said. “But it is all the worse to be cautioned against our business as a topic. I will manage, all the same.”


    My eyes rolled across the various beasts. None of them stood out as Zu’Conveytion, not from afar, but the details were there to be gleaned. The posture, the glimmering garments, the way that the crowds flowed around them – like stones amidst the waves.


    “If we might posit her to ask of the business, be it curiosity or necessity…well, that would be a blessing. But if not, I will appreciate the threads of hers, which might link us to someone more open to business.”


    “There’s a good girl – be interesting first and her curiosity is sure to get the better of her.” Zerazani said, as we finally stepped into the ballroom. I let my gaze wander…


    …and I took in the space of the art showcase:


    Area: Wide Spread. Easy scoping of all in attendance


    Focal points:

    • Seven Square Pillars, each housing several framed artworks on each side.
    • Artists in question mingle nearer to their own displays.
    • Zu’Conveytion peruse artworks in a counterclockwise circle
    • Tradesmon follow.


    The pillars were a blessing. Forcing the people of importance into new situations, and new conversations, was a stream of opportunities. However, they’d also naturally sever a conversation that persists too long without interest.


    Crowd Flow:

    • Refreshments tables situated on the left and the right. Breakpoints in the cycle of art browsing.
    • Conversations are flowing like a river from one to another.
    • Handshakes. Nods. Sudden greetings.
    • Poke’mon slow their pace when they see someone behind themselves or speed up to catch someone they see ahead.



    • Early hours of the party.
    • Alcohol has not taken the guests yet.
    • None have retired to any of the rooms.



    Watered down Eksai. I could be in for a long night before anyone becomes properly inebriated.


    ‘Alcohol may loosen lips and soften hearts, in time. But I will not rely on its presence. The most noble and dignified will not let themselves become slobbering drunks in such a setting.’


    The music flowed gently over the shining tile of the ballroom, as the three of us descended the steps down to the ballroom proper.


    “Ah, there, do you see that Girafarig?” Zerazani whispered to Siranae and I, gesturing down a ways towards the leftmost refreshments table.


    Indeed, looking down there…I saw an odd, long-necked creature, much like those written of by explorers in Africa. The creature stood with silken purple robes draped over her body, touching the floor.


    Another facsimile of a natural animal, made into a person. I had learned well to stifle the discomfort.


    More concerningly:


    TARGET: Zu’Conveytion Wera


    STATUS: Surrounded by several tradesmon. Sycophantic behavior.



    • Bored. Feigning interest.
    • Barely any eye contact.
    • Disinterest obvious to all, beside the desperate tradesmon.


    INFERENCE: May appreciate relief from influence-chasing Pokemon.


    Zerazani looked over to Siranae and I.


    “Well. Shall we make ourselves known?” Zerazani suggested with a grin. “We’ll walk with the crowd and meet up with her. I’m sure I won’t need to tell you that we’ll be under scrutiny the moment we’re seen by her, so you’d best be ready.”


    I nodded silently. I would meet the demand. I would dissuade her hangers-on, as gracefully as I could, without making Siranae feel too far displeased.


    But, in turn, I knew that I could not be desperate to stand out – it had to come naturally. A direct approach was out of the question.


    Siranae swallowed.


    SIRANAE STATE: Nervous. Putting on a brave face.


    “I know I shouldn’t be afraid. She is, in the end, another Poke’mon like us.” The Audino said.


    Zerazani snorted, stifling a laugh.


    “I beg you not let her hear such, sweet Siranae.” The Smeargle chortled, making her way down towards the flow of the crowd.


    My paw slid down, gripping Siranae’s hand for a moment. An effort to dispel those apprehensions.


    “We will make good company for her,” I said.


    My eyes darted forward. What painting was she closest to? Was there any interest to claim there? My eyes rolled over the crowd as we entered the flow with Zerazani.


    We were on the far end of the crowd from Wera. We’d need to make nearly a full loop around the showcase floor in order to reach her naturally.


    We couldn’t go too fast, lest we look as desperate as the tradesmon. We couldn’t go too slow, lest we fail to ever catch her.


    No sooner had the three of us stepped up to the first pillar did a loud clinking sound off at the far end of the ballroom by the pillars.


    “Attention Guests! May I direct your attention to the front?” Came a loud voice from a small grey mouse creature, with flowing, puffy white curls of fur spilling from its body like a scarf. The woman’s voice was attention-grabbing.


    My focus on the subject was briefly ripped away by the cries of this servant or host or whoever. Still, perhaps there was an opportunity in it.


    I turned my head, glancing back at Wera.


    SUBJECT STATUS: Quickly moving whilst tradesmon have been interrupted by the herald.


    LOCATION: Moving from left banquet table to seventh pillar.


    OBSERVATION: Accepting first drink from waiter.


    COUNTENANCE: Quiet frustration.



    My eyes quickly darted across the crowd. If the Zu’Conveytion were the focal point of every grouping, then where would the proper Conveytion be?


    My gaze lifted upwards.


    There – seated privately with their servants high above us, in a secluded balcony overlooking the showcase floor. Separated from the main crowd but the openness of the Ballroom allowed them a nice view of the entire area. They seemed to be shopping for art with direct assistance from workers at the hotel – like ordering food from a menu.


    The Conveytion were as physically secluded as they were socially. I could not hope to encounter them in the flow of conversation…I would need to be brought to them.


    The woman at the front continued.


    “At this time we will now be showcasing item 4407, a piece by esteemed Derilus of Kollovan.”


    “Hah, Derilus. Little more than a hack with a brush I’d say.” Zerazani cheekily muttered to me, though she clapped all the same with the crowd.


    The mouse at the front dropped a curtain, revealing a large landscape piece.


    Rather impressionist…at least, one had to hope that’s what he was going for.


    I mirrored Zerazani’s smugness with only a quaint giggle, although my mind still raced, and my eyes still scoured. My own impressions of his poorly-inspired pieces were hardly important.


    What did the crowd think of Derilus- what did Wera think of him? What did the Conveytion think of these portraits… and could I take advantage of that? Or was Derilus’s craft so far beneath them, that their attention was elsewhere?


    Another beast stood by the painting, anxiously looking out into the crowd.


    “Good fellows! Good evening!” The artist called out, though he seemed to look increasingly distraught as the many noble faces turned away and resumed conversation anew with one another. “I’d like to i-introduce my newest creation…”


    That answered that.


    Zerazani snickered quietly to herself, as she pretended to gaze over the paintings nearby. It wasn’t worth listening to the embarrassed artist prattling on.


    Portraits of various beasts and still life scenes. Beasts by fountains…some fruit, oh how original. And each piece happily displayed their frankly overblown prices for the original, with a print copy being much cheaper.


    Zerazani stood next to me, looking up and down the paintings. All the while, the poor artist, Derilus, stammered his way through an explanation of his inspiration for the piece, and a weak justification for the frankly absurd starting bid of 700 coins. The Smeargle stifled a laugh as the room fell dead silent at that, promptly ignoring the piece.


    Amidst the silent murmurs of the crowd, I kept my eyes on the odd beast that was Wera. Even if my goal was loftier than her, I could not pass up the opportunity to approach, or to make my presence stronger:



    Currently at pillar 7, staring at:



    2 sips of Eksai – first glass.


    Response to Auction: None, has not even turned around.


    TARGET POSITION: 5 pillars and 2 tables of space between us and Wera, if following the crowd.


    “Ah, Adelaide…” I heard Siranae next to me pipe up. The Audino was eying a few of the pieces on the pillar we both stood by, particularly one of the night sky. “Isn’t this painting lovely? I’ve always been a fan of nighttime scenes.


    My eyes darted back to Siranae, and the painting. I could not begrudge her for indulging in the Showcase in earnest, even if I could not do the same.


    “I should hope to procure for you a nice scene of nighttime, then,” I said softly, smile unbroken. “But we have quite a few artists to delve into, do we not~?”


    I spoke just loud enough to be part of that rumble of conversation. Making myself known as someone who might purchase one of these portraits, even only as a gift for a companion. My show of interest in the paintings was noticed, a few eyes nearby glancing my way and one excited artist beaming at the prospect of selling his works.


    “Zerazani, do you know this artist?” Siranae asked, turning to her.


    “Who?” The Smeargle asked, stepping up closer as Derilus was shuffled off the stage, painting unsold.


    STATE: Casual conversation has resumed. Flow resuming.


    QUESTION: How long do I get between auctions? The interruption will likely break contact so I’ll have only the time between auctions to make an impression on Wera.


    “Ah, that’s one by Terizan. He was something of a…” Zerazani gestured her hand vaguely. “…someone I knew, certainly?”


    “A friend of yours?” Siranae asked.


    “I’d describe it more as voluntary servitude but however it is you prefer to put it.” Zerazani laughed.


    “Eksai, sir?” I heard a voice speak ahead. “We’ve a South Quayoffi 3rd Turn.”


    Looking forward, whilst Siranae and Zerazani took a moment to look at the paintings on the nearby pillar…


    …I could see another of the girls from my work, holding a tray and serving complimentary drinks to the guests.



    Drink servers at:

    • Pillar 2
    • Drink Table 1
    • Pillar 4
    • Drink Table 2
    • Pillar 7


    I quietly grimaced from the sight of the servers. I had no need of alcohol but to fit the social atmosphere – I would keep a low profile, where I could. At most, perhaps they could weaken the restraints of the other guests.



    • I must maintain my image to Zerazani’s acquaintances. The woman has been talking, getting my name out there to lower-level businessmon.
    • I cannot rush to Wera, lest I damage my image or appear untrustworthy.
    • I cannot be spotted or otherwise recognized by servers.
    • I must match the tone of the crowd to the art on display.
    • I must speed along or slow down such that I naturally bump into Wera while tending my social obligations.
    • When talking to Wera, I must make a positive impression in the given time between auctions.



    • Get an audience with the Conveytion regarding the Helping Hands of Coronatus via Zu’Conveytion Wera.


    It was time to begin.


    Zerazani perked her head up while Siranae continued looking at the paintings. The Smeargle looked back to me, smiling.


    “Ah, Adelaide, I should warn…” She began, stepping closer to me. “I’ve an associate up ahead who’s been wanting to meet you – we wouldn’t want to seem rude and not see him, hm?”


    My steps slowed only slightly, while my gaze focused on Zerazani.


    “Of course, of course – what kind of associate are they, dear?” I asked. Even with my polite tone, I desperately needed to know what else Zerazani would be thrusting me into. Was this a kindly businessmon that could help connect us to Wera, or some hanger-on that we’d need to shake off?


    “Well, they’re actually a tradesmon under the Printing Guild. They’ve handled a few of my affairs in getting copies of my work made.” The Smeargle said, leading me along with a group towards the second pillar. “And coordinated with one of Wera’s shipping companies for distribution.”


    I nodded with Zerazani’s words. A fair peon to take advantage of, but such a distant thread of connection alone could not get me to Wera.


    “Copies, you say?” I spoke warmly, just loud enough to be a part of the thrum of conversation, just quiet enough to be natural. “I see. I was hopeful to find someone with those talents~.”


    “Oh yes indeed, and he’s one of my favorite to work with.” Zerazani said, equally as loud.


    As we approached the second pillar, a voice rang out.


    “Complimentary Eksai, good miss?” The voice of the server came. I recognized that voice, the soft Floragato girl that I’d seen once as she cried on the steps outside the warehouse on her first day.


    My eyes widened at the voice of another server. I wasn’t surprised to see familiar faces so frequently, when staffing was low – it was simply a bother.


    The server continued, with a familiar and rehearsed smile. “We’ve a South Quayoffi 3rd Turn.”


    “No, please.” Zerazani said curtly, dismissing the girl at once. However, Siranae perked up, looking ready to accept a glass.


    By the time I was in view of that poor Floragato, my snout was dipped against my collar once more. Face lowered, tuft of blue fur across my eye.


    No words. I only extended my upturned paw, as if to be given what was owed. Unkind, perhaps, but dignified in its own way. Servants did not need to be told what was obvious.


    Siranae’s ear flicked.



    • Noticing dismissive behavior
    • Stiffening


    The Audino glanced my upturned paw. She decided to take it a step further for my sake.


    “Ah, yes. Thank you.” Siranae said to the server, to which the Floragato gave a small smile at that tiny mote of politeness from the Audino.


    No doubt that was the only politeness the server had encountered all night. But even more crucially it turned her attention upon Siranae fully.


    The Audino took two glasses, handing one to me so that the server need not interact with me directly.


    FAUX PAS: Siranae has served me rather than a servant serving me.

    • Lowering Siranae status, elevating my own


    I silently winced. I hadn’t meant for Siranae to demean herself, solely to bolster my reputation. I would have to rectify it in due time.


    Only a few of the tradesmon around us even noticed as it happened. One of them being the tradesmon Zerazani was now leading Siranae and I towards: a bear-like beast that stood upon two legs, with a black body and pink head.


    “Ah, and here he is now.” Zerazani said, smiling rather warmly as she approached the bear. “Jinjii, how very nice to see you!”


    The bear smiled, seeing Zerazani. In his hand he held a plate of food with a half-eaten sandwich upon it. The surrounding Poke’mon seemed to stop and settle for a moment as we all stood around the second pillar.


    “Ahaha, Zerazani of Laesi, there you are.” This bear, ‘Jinjii’, spoke in a rather uptight voice – utterly forced. “I had heard from my understudy that you’d arrived but were gossiping with some men from…what was it, one of those architecture companies?”


    “Ohhh, my, yes, yes. Plenty of business to be had but I surely couldn’t delay seeing you.” The Smeargle said softly, standing aside. Jinjii shifted his eyes to look to Siranae and I.


    “And might this be Adelaide Imperator Di Milan of Kollovan? And her servant, I presume?” The man said, referring to Siranae with cocked eyebrow and soft smile.


    The Floragato server’s ear twitched.


    I did not look at the Floragato. If I dared even glance her way, it would show that she was within my orbit – that I could notice the reactions of a server. I studied her only from the periphery. The Floragato looked in my direction but, upon seeing me looking away, immediately turned her attention back to her work – Mistress Julnii’s ‘training’ came in useful to me for once in keeping the girls in line.


    A well-trained servant girl, for better or for worse. If only they could all have stayed safely out of my way.


    “I would be her, indeed-” I said, a trilling giggle in my voice. Girlish, but not fragile. I had to stop myself from snapping at him for referring to Siranae as a servant simply for handing me a drink. Instead, my paw gestured to Siranae in her regal gown, as something to marvel at all her own. “And my partner, dear Siranae of Arceliaze.”


     Jinjii laughed lightly.


    “Aha, apologies, Miss Siranae, I had figured…ah, well! No harm done!” The bear man said with a chortle. Zerazani struggled to not laugh at his slip-up.



    • I am still considered primary contact.
    • Jinjii will now avoid Siranae in order to not create further friction.




    It would not be enough to introduce ourselves – I had to make some use of this person.


    “You work under the Printing Guild, yes?” I asked.



    Immediately getting to business likely to grab attention of a tradesmon that is only here to make deals – immediate interest on follow-up.


    One half-second passed. There was a shuffling at the auction stage up front, as a covered painting was brought forward.


    “What work have you done for my friend Zerazani?”


    POSITIVES: Better reputation among the party-goers on the Tradesmon level


    I opened my mouth to make an addendum…


    “And… would it be something you could offer again?”POSSIBLE ISSUE: May be hard to shake Jinjii off when the time comes.


    …but closed it, reconsidering.


    Do not falter on what you have already offered.


    But do not give someone an opening unless you wish him to fill it.


    My snout tilted up now, prideful. Not just observing, but judging Jinjii, even as he stood tall above me. An unspoken statement: ‘You are being asked a simple question. Answer simply.’


    “I had need of a small job in the next two weeks…” I began firmly. “I’d like to know your availability for it.”


    Jinjii took a sharp breath through his nose, a short and curt nod.




    Siranae followed my lead, by diverting her attention to the art – a surprisingly devious move from the Audino.


    SIRANAE STATE: Robbed Jinjii of some attention – we are challenging how interesting the man may be.


    Zerazani side-stepped closer to me, though kept her eyes trained on me as I spoke. Her gaze shifted as it became Jinjii’s turn to speak.


    ZERAZANI STATE: Standing by me, making the conversation two-on-one with Siranae’s attention waned – this puts Jinjii on the spot.


    “Ah, w-well…” The bear began.


    A stutter. Intimidation established.



    • No-nonsense.
    • To the point.
    • Cutthroat.


    “I run a fair few presses here in Arceliaze and two up in Laesi. Zerazani has contacted me once or twice about making printed copies of her art for sale. Her pieces are always popular, and even copies fetch a high price to be put on the mantle of a tradesmon or Zu’Conveytion.” Jinjii rambled. “Of course, only Conveytion and Zu’Conveytion can afford the originals.”


    OBSERVATION: ‘Once or twice.’ Zerazani does NOT regularly use this man for print jobs.

    • Either Zerazani frequently changes printing companies.
    • Or she only uses this one when she has to.


    “Of course, more than that I’ve bought into a few shipping companies. Ones that I can pull strings with to get Zerazani’s prints transported in the country for cheap.” He continued.


    But not internationally.


    The Poke’mon at the stage up front were adjusting the stand to set the next auction up still. The large canvas was tied in silken cloth so as not to reveal it.



    Time to talk dwindling before next auction.


    My eyebrows raised…and I made my simple answer.


    “Ah… I see.”


    A subtle message: ‘You are satisfactory, at best. You have not lost me, entirely.’


    “So, ah, what would this job you need be, Miss Adelaide Imperator Di Milan?” Jinjii asked.


    STATE: SUBSERVIENT – Business likely in something of a desperate situation for him to throw himself at my offer so quickly.


    Even if it did not matter to me, whether or not he was capable of mass production, or importing prized images, it mattered to make him know his place.


    My gaze wandered to the covered canvas – I allowed Jinjii to know that my attention was waning. Then, a glance to wherever Siranae had looked. Her fancy was to be more important than his business.


    I could see the man lean slightly, as though trying to insert himself back into my view as my gaze wandered.


    Lips pressed.


    Fingers fidgeting on the glass.




    “I had hoped to secure some copies of dear Zerazani’s work, as well…” I said idly. “And, perhaps, whatever I might purchase this night.”


    Optimistic about purchases. A mimicry of those sycophantic nobles that had hounded Zerazani before.


    A sip of the wine.


    “Our new office space needs suitable decor, of course.” I sighed. “And I trust that Zerazani would not allow anyone to disgrace her work with subpar productions, aha.”


    Zerazani stepped in at my comment.


    “Oh no indeed, I’d accept nothing but exact copies for my friend.” The Smeargle chimed, casually glancing towards Jinjii. “After all, no need to be so frivolous with artwork for decorating a mere office.”


    ZERAZANI QUICK SAVE: Avoided any assumption that I could not afford an original – reinforced my idea that it was for an office.


    I looked to the auction once more. I pondered snatching up whatever unimpressive scrawling they were to present next… but I couldn’t risk such a financial burden errantly. I would not spend unless it was of the utmost value to my goal.


    Still, it allowed me one more chance to stoke the desperation in Jinjii. Could I simply buy what I desired, and cut him out of my affairs?


    I gave Jinjii no eye contact. I displayed an interest in his services…not a need for them.


    I was allowing that clock to tick down. If I could feel the pressure of an opportunity passing, no doubt this simple man could, as well.


    Finally, a glance his way.


    “Would five prints of fine quality be something you are capable of?”


    That question made the bear straight up, just as the auctioneers were setting the last of the clamps on.




    “Ah, indeed and easily.” The bear man said quickly. Too quickly. “Shall I provide you with a catalogue to choose from?”


    “Oh, here of all places?” Zerazani scoffed, shaking her head.


    ZERAZANI QUICK SAVE: Helping keep Jinjii from latching onto me.


    My stress faded with Zerazani’s kindly interventions. I had not wished to appear cheap, but I knew I’d look all the more foolish if I attempted to name any other artists I could supposedly secure for printing.


    A warm laugh, and a glance – reassuring the man, in the wake of the Smeargle’s outright disapproval.


    “Quite eager, aren’t you?” I asked. “I hope it is reflected in your product.”


    My eyes left him, for the last time.


    I studied the crowd… and Wera, my still-distant target.



    • Currently at pillar 7.
    • Looking to auction stage to avoid gaze of tradesmon.
    • Talking casually to an artist: blue-colored round beast with long rabbit ears and jagged tail with sphere at the end. Simple robes and make-up
    • 4 sips of Eksai – 1st glass glass finished, glass held aloft by ‘psychic’ magic to be taken by server.



    • Lightening when talking to artist.
    • Subtle scowls at any approaching tradesmon.


    “I haven’t the time to be hashing out orders in the midst of a showcase, aha. You understand, Jinjii…” I said politely…but firmly. “But I’m sure my dear Zerazani can keep us in contact for the transaction.”


    An acceptance.


    ‘You are just barely good enough to warrant my business. Do not disappoint me.’


    I heard Jinjii give a gentle, pleased cough, though I did not grace him with my glance.


    “A-ah, of course. Ms. Zerazani, shall I-“


    “Send me your catalogue? I’ll see if I can get it to Adelaide, of course.” The artist giggled lightly.


    Implied statement: “But no promises.”


    Jinjii opened his mouth again, staring at me as my attention was focused squarely up the stage.


    But he was cut off. His time ran out.


    “Attention Guests, may I direct your attention to the front.” Came the booming voice of the grey mouse again. “At this time we will now be showcasing item 4408, a very special composition by a local favorite: Tsuana of Arceliaze!”


    A light clapping erupted from the crowd – a much warmer reception that the last artist.



    • Position over tradesmon established.
    • Cutthroat, no-nonsense perception built and solidified.
    • Wealth and business attitude conveyed.
    • This will affect the overall perception of me to others as he talks.




    Poor Jinjii. I only hoped I could find some artworks worth having prints of. After all, having any of his product, sadly, was far less valuable than having my name upon his tongue at this party.


    Oh well. My visage as a businesswoman could not be squandered on him.


    Another sip of my Eksai. My attention was rapt on everything but the auction itself. The waves of trademon and the reactions of the fickle Zu’Conveytion, those were the important items being bid upon.


    I joined the crowd in their gentle applause, tapping my free paw against my wrist in a half-hearted gesture. If Wera only viewed this offering as a distraction, I needed not praise and indulge too heavily.


    The curtain was pulled from the large art piece, revealing now a towering portrait of a beast: tall, lithe, with a fox’s face. Yellow fur and enormous orange tufts spilling from its ears. Though it lacked the sheer level of depth and detail Zerazani’s paintings had it made up for it with impressionist lighting that emphasized an all-encompassing power.


    A quiet, awed sound resonated over the crowd. Looking back, even Wera seemed mildly interested.


    A second mouse joined the speaker on the stage, taller and plump with creamy fur and yellow spots on its cheeks. That must have been the artist, Tsuana.


    “Good evening, everyone!” The artist called from the front, giving a friendly wave. A polite murmur rolled over the audience – talent with the brush afforded one a bit of leeway with the Arcean nobility, if Zerazani hadn’t already made that obvious. “I’m quite excited to be showing my latest work – a portrait of a rather important Conveytion you all likely know! Rizanii of the Agriculture Guild!”


    I stared up at the beastly portrait. Had it not been given a real Poke’mon’s name, I’d have thought it was some fictitious monster on the canvas. Impressive, to be sure, but I’d already seen art attack my fur – perhaps my standards had been set too high.


    Still… Conveytion Rizanii? One of those socialite-elites that I’d heard of here and there. A partner to Prista, more than once. And an egocentric beast, if she was placing her visage on sale to be lauded over. Were the Conveytion so vain, or was the artist desperate?


    Unsurprisingly, the congregation seemed less interested in the painting itself and more interested in the idea of getting one like it done for themselves. That is, of course, except for the tradesmon, who seem enraptured with the portrait. Only a few Zu’Conveytion seemed interested.


    Zerazani nudged me, looking to the disinterested crowd that was now moving along during the auction – towards the refreshments table.


    “Ah, Adelaide, Siranae – have you had the sandwiches at these parties? Perhaps the fruit samplers?” Zerazani suggested.


    “I can’t confess I have.” Siranae laughed lightly. “My palate is often one for more hearty meals.”


    Zerazani gave a polite laugh – the visage of a conversation moving on whilst Jinjii was left behind.


    Business concluded.


    I narrowed my eyes but smiled all the same, waving a paw dismissively.


    “I’ve never attended one of these quaint little affairs.” I confessed. “Perhaps there will be something to pique my tastes, if we’re in luck.”


    “My my, I’ll have to hope this showing satisfies.” Zerazani said, voice raised a little as she smiled at me. “Of course, I know you abhor boredom – if the showing tonight fails to satisfy then there’s plenty we can find more worth our time.”


    “I find the art rather nice, myself.” Siranae chimed in, her attention wandering around. “I think we could take home a piece or two if it catches your eye, Adelaide.”


    It sounded like a suggestion as well – showing interest in the arts at the perfect time could draw wanted attention.


    “Ah, I will let you know if I spot anything of caliber, my Dear.” I giggled warmly to the Audino.


    In truth, something would be better than no artwork at all- but copies would do just fine, for finance and for appeal to the common man.


    Our trio strolled on, toward those refreshments. I had no doubt that the food would be serviceable, if not overly decadent – but if I could take the moment to sound that much more haughty, I supposed there was no harm in it. Enjoyment was a show, amongst nobility.






    • Focused on table, ignoring auction.
    • Quickly moving to next pillar.


    The crowd was no bother. If nothing else, I could glean the atmosphere about a certain artwork or a Zu’Conveytion in the area. Refreshments were a safe ground for more conversation, after all.


    My eyes caught something as we moved closer to the refreshment table: the table itself was long and curved with a white cloth that touched the floor. I recognized the table, having set it up myself a few days ago.


    And standing by the table, fussing over her Banquet Upon Paradise uniform, was a familiar Clefairy girl.


    …my heart stopped, upon seeing her.


    I knew her to be a rather bouncy, bubbly girl that vexed Mistress Julnii to no end, purely by how oblivious she seemed to be to any and all verbal admonishment. Mistress Julnii, of course, was in no position to fire anyone, and either the Clefairy knew that or was simply too thick-headed to understand. And while Mistress Julnii’s annoyance may have brought some measure of amusement, the Clefairy was also very talkative and very friendly.


    And worst of all.


    She was very good at remembering names and faces.


    Curse her brightness and optimism – I could not duck my head away or shun her so easily. By the time I could assert my disdain for her, she would easily recognize me, and blurt out a name that no servant girl should be speaking this night.


    My eyes darted frantically across the scene.


    Think, you fool. What would keep her out of your way, just long enough for the refreshments to pass?


    …a thought came to mind, albeit a particularly unkind one.


    But, better an Arceali businessmon than myself.


    I glanced about once more. I searched the guests – I searched for those holding wine glasses. Among these partygoers, who would I not mind ruining the evening for…?


    One step towards the table.



    BLUISH FIREFLY BIPED – Wearing colors of Conveytion Dulkinus – Servant simply getting a drink for her master


    BLACK-SCALED LIZARD WITH LONG SNOUT – Tradesmon several drinks in. Tipsy. Holding two more glasses and talking to a green plant woman with roses for hands.


    ROUND PINK CREATURE WITH HAIR CURL AND BLUE EYES – Quiet. Isolated. Attention on the auction and part of no specific circle. Clothing is minimal, at Tradesmon level.


    The Auction at the front continued.


    “This piece was directly commissioned but, during the process I had thought it best that the visage of the most successful noble of Arcea should festoon the office of every business. A reminder, perhaps, to the greatness we can all achieve!” The Artist at the front stage continued calling to the crowd. A gentle applause followed…though Zerazani scoffed with a little eyeroll.


    “Gracious, she looks quite beautiful…” Siranae mused, tilting her head as she eyed the portrait at the front up and down, more and more arrested by the work.


    “The artist has worked well to bring out the natural charms of his subject…” I spoke politely to Siranae. I wasn’t keen on a portrait of some elite hanging in our space, nor on being distracted, but I attempted to keep civil conversation.


    Targeting a servant of Dulkinus aids me not. Even if my deception is unnoticed, I do not wish to tarnish his evening, not yet.


    That… round thing could be an easy target, but its isolation does me no favors. I need that Clefairy to be close.




    My target was set.


    “I apologize in advance to you both…” I muttered to Siranae and Zerazani, bringing the glass of Eksai toward my lips. “But I am about to do something very, very crass.”


    Zerazani’s eyebrows raised, watching as I turned and broke from the moving line. In this space by the refreshments, eyes were not trained on me but on the food.


    Siranae cocked her head to the side in confusion.


    Another step forward.


    I did not follow the simplest flow of foot traffic…I had swerved, just slightly. I needed to align myself just right.


    I stared on, watching that blackish lizard. Waiting. Prepared to pounce upon the moment that the Clefairy offered another filling of the wine glasses.


    Another step toward the table. The Clefairy’s beady eyes lifted up, tracing over the group in front of the refreshments table. Then over to the servant and finally to the lizard.


    The lizard himself handed a glass to his companion, who took it and gave a polite sip but no more. He then finished off the other glass – clearly he was here more for the complimentary drink than the art or even business.


    Without hesitation, the moment he saw the bottom of his cup, he walked to the refreshment table ahead of me with swaying steps. The Clefairy server’s eyes were draw to him immediately, a lift of her bottle of Eksai to offer a refill. The girl was smiling in that oblivious way of hers, not at all perturbed by the increasingly intoxicated man.


    I only had moments to enact my plan before the Clefairy looked my way and would no doubt recognize me.


    The man lifted his cup expectantly…


    Siranae and Zerazani could only watch with interest.


    Another few steps. Tracing a circle toward the Clefairy’s back, just enough to be out of immediate sight. I brought my glass of Eksai to my lips, sipping in deeper than before.


    I watched the lizard man, fixated, as his cup clinked softly against the bottle for a refill. I prayed to whatever God still reached this realm, that I would not make an ass of myself.


    If nothing else…I would thank Zerazani, for the experience I gained with using my Water Gun.


    In that moment, with eyes averted…I spewed a bullet of Eksai from my lips, whizzing through the air in a matter of seconds.


    I turned away, as quickly as my restrictive gown would allow me.


    A sudden splash of wine, far more than enough to ruin a gentleman’s outfit…at the moment the Clefairy had offered him more to take. Mistress Julnii would have something to say about it.


    “Another part of this piece I think all of you will-“


    The lizard SHRIEKED! The Clefairy jumped, recoiling her bottle! The sudden jerk caused a splashback onto her and the white table cloth, splattering on the food! The lizard’s companion gasped, backing off quick, but it was too late – Eksai droplets were on her dress as well.


    HEY! Where do you get off splashing me?!” The lizard, voice slurred, bellowed, drowning out the artist speaker.


    I recoiled back with the roar of the drunken beast. All the better, to feign my lack of involvement… but it was no less unpleasant.


    Further down, Wera perked, glancing towards the refreshments table.



    • Attention arrested.
    • Watching commotion from afar.



    • Stalled
    • All eyes on the commotion


    “Ah! I’m sorry! Gosh, it must be all fizzy~!” The Clefairy cooed in that vapid way of hers.




    “Gosh, I dunno! How much?” The Clefairy asked innocently.


    Already the whispers erupted. But nothing compared to what happened next.


    Siranae gasped in horror! Zerazani belted a quick laugh she had to swallow.


    All at once, the drunken man POUNCED, flying over the table, GRABBING the Clefairy’s head and SLAMMING it down onto the table!


    The Clefairy screamed and wailed for help as sandwiches and plates SHATTERED and exploded into a flurry of cold cuts and sauce, splattering further onto the ground and towards a fearfully screaming crowd that now backed off and CRUSHED against one another to escape the scene.




    My body shivered at the sight of the Clefairy’s impact.


    “WATCH IT!”


    I had intended a scene, perhaps some distasteful behavior –




    – I had not expected such violence, even with my own experience as a caterer. At least, not another such violent scene after Caylii.


    The lizard’s companion moved to try and stop him but was SHOVED away onto the ground. I could already hear the clanking of metal, as guards moved to save the Clefairy.


    “Adelaide-?!” Siranae gasped as the crowd SHOVED back, passerby now hurriedly trying to move on away from the table.


    I looked at Siranae, muted by the scene of chaos before us, holding her arm to reel her back from the storm I had invoked. My eyes pleaded silently for forgiveness.


    Were I safe to do so, I would’ve made amends with that simple worker girl.


    Were it ladylike to do so, I could at least make a show of denouncing or detaining the man, and establish myself as an upright woman.


    As it stood…


    …I had my role to play –


    – and I cowered, letting my disgust for the very sight of this take hold. It was not my place to do anything otherwise.


    Yet this caused a shift.


    For when I looked to Siranae for forgiveness, as I moved to slink away and cower and move on to the next area beyond the table.


    As the Clefairy’s sobs and desperate screams rang out, begging and pleading to be let go, her forehead bleeding as the violent drunk slammed her on the table over and over.


    I saw something flash across Siranae’s face as she returned my gaze.


    Brief. So brief.






    And all at once, it was Siranae that threw herself forward.


    WOAH, atta girl!” Zerazani called.


    “WHA-?! HEY-“


    Siranae GRIPPED the black lizard, TEARING him from the table, HOISTING him over her head and SLAMMING him down into the tile. The onlookers scrabbled back by instinct but a few of the others jumped in to hold the lizard down.


    I stared on. No longer flinching, feigned or otherwise. Even at the echoing thud of the man’s body colliding with solid tile… I stayed motionless.


    “How DARE you strike someone like that?!” Siranae…bellowed. I’d never heard her sweet and soft voice so full of fury and passion as she towered over the man. Siranae’s voice was the first thing to make me shudder. I felt her rage rumble through my skin, whether or not it was directed at myself.


    “My arm!!! She broke my ar-“


    “Shut your mouth and wait for the guard, you lush! another onlooker commanded as the clank of armored footsteps grew closer.


    Many of the onlookers nodded to one another, now focused on the pile-up forming around the struggling man.


    Siranae backed off, breathing heavily…


    …before her blue eyes returned to me.


    Burrowed into me.


    But she said nothing. Only staring for a time…


    …then turning her gaze back to the pinned man, as the guard came to collect him. The Clefairy, meanwhile, was led away hobbling, tears running down her face and weak sobs wracking her body.


    “Well! We do apologize for the excitement. Anyone who has had dresses damaged, please see the proprietor – we’ll be sure to reimburse for damages.”


    My paw squeezed fretfully on the handle of my wine glass, tails lashing at the air for some idle relief. If my wits were about me, I would have feared our joint reputation sinking into the abyss.


    But my thoughts were not on our status, not now.


    As I watched Siranae return, vibrant eyes darkened with her prior rage…


    I only felt guilt.


    A deep, distressing pit of remorse for what I had invoked, regardless of my intent. If it could inspire such coldness from Siranae…I had done something wrong.


    My heart trembled in displeasure.


    I looked away. I did not feel fit to gaze at the Audino, not now.


    “Well well, what a show.” Zerazani’s voice came. The Smeargle’s hand held my shoulder, as the scene of the commotion began to clear, and workers from The Banquet Upon Paradise came to clean the mess on the table.


    The Smeargle led me along with the crowd as the auction began to resume, though the artist’s presentation was greatly thrown off, and any interest in the painting was overshadowed by gossip about what had just happened. A few bids were already coming out from those handful that still cared.


    Wera, herself, was rooted in place, still talking with the artist she had paired with.


    And all the while, Siranae walked ahead of Zerazani and I. The Smeargle chuckled.


    “Mind we don’t stir up too many shenanighans. But a very wise choice to pick out a drunk for a move like that – what a way to create an ice-breaker!” Zerazani smiled. “But what exactly was the aim…? That was rather bold of you, I must say – and I do so like it.”


    I watched Siranae from the corner of my eye. Even if I could not meet her stare, I didn’t wish to lose sight of her in the crowd. My tails hung low against my dress, while I walked in step with the overly jubilant Zerazani.


    “…I was trying not to be recognized by the girl serving those drinks. I had figured a scene would remove her from our path.”


    “Ah, yes yes, your coworkers, of course. Can’t have the help being chatty with us, can we? But gracious me, all that to remove one wage worker from your path?” Zerazani gave a wide grin…almost…taunting? “You’ll certainly make a fine Arcean noble yet~!”


    …it was hard to tell if she approved of the action or not. But, either way, the obstacle was removed. I puffed quietly.


    Zerazani’s… encouragement, if it could be considered that, was not improving my mood.



    • Focused on the incident.
    • All talk about my person has stymied briefly.


    Indeed, in every direction, the conversation had pivoted to the assault on that poor girl. And, considering the violence that drunk had inflicted, swinging matters back to business could take some work.


    Glancing Wera’s way, I made a note of her status.



    • Attention drawn away from art until next auction.
    • Still only 1 glass of Eksai in, no servers available.


    My eyes traced across the hall curiously. Perhaps just for the momentary distraction.



    • Banquet servers have retreated to help the Clefairy and regroup.
    • Re-assigning tables now that Clefairy must go to the clinic.
    • Temporary hold on Eksai serving.




    That uncouth scene had done me more harm than good. Low conversation in my favor, Wera halted in her intoxication, and still far too soon to approach her…all I was afforded was a lesser degree of intervention from the server girls.




    Zerazani walked ahead, leading me toward pillars 3 and 4. There, a number of paintings and a few statues of various Poke’mon were on display, all of it being ignored for the time being. The painting at the front stage was sold, taken off the stand to be wrapped and boxed to its new owner – a Zu’Conveytion of the Leaf Guild, much to the frustration of another Agriculture Zu’Conveytion. While nothing was particularly remarkable about the Zu’Conveytion themselves…a glance up towards the isolated section of the banquet hall showed something interesting.


    One of the Conveytion that was in attendance: the large, white-colored creature, with massive arms and a spiked shell…was laughing, almost haughtily, as she watched the Leaf Guild Zu’Conveytion walk away with the painting.


    Conveytion Nixa. And… if these sordid political bonds proved true, perhaps a relative of Jalsa, as well. What was there to be haughty about, with one of her Zu’Conveytion purchasing a portrait? Delight, or demeaning, toward Rizanii…?


    …Siranae did not wish me to meddle in the affairs of Jalsa.


    My eyes rolled over the guests and staff, as I stood up straight once more. I tried not to let my dour thoughts cloud my judgment.


    All I could do was trudge forward, sipping from my Eksai, appearance corrected to a ladylike indifference with the prior events.


    What would I even say, should Siranae’s actions come up in conversation…?


    The three of us went straight for the 4th pillar. It’d be a bit before the next auction, and the servers still had yet to come back out onto the banquet floor, what with a table to clean and set back up. If Mistress Julnii was here, she’d waste their precious time for them to listen to the sound of her own squawking.


    Next to me, Zerazani pulled out a slip of paper, a schedule of some sort.


    “Ah, Adelaide, seems I’ll be up after this next auction. Saving the best for last, as usual~!” The Smeargle grinned, finishing off her glass. “Will there be anything you like to do before then? I am, of course, happy to help spread your name further…though, you may need to make yourself more interesting than the results of your little stunt~”


    My eyes rolled back to Zerazani. I had corrected my expression to that lazing, half-interested smile that nobility often wore when satisfied.


    It had never felt more false.


    “Some influence would be much appreciated…” I admitted. “…and yet, I am drawing a blank on how to make myself more notable. I cannot speak to affairs of business, without seeming desperate and insincere. And there is little more interesting than a battle amidst a showcase…”


    “Too true, all too true…” Zerazani said, depositing her cup on the stand of some statue she hardly paid any mind to. “And why, just look at Jinjii~!”


    The Smeargle glanced back where the bear-man stood. As the commotion and excitement died down, and tradesmon slowly returned to trying to speak to Zu’Conveytion, you could see Jinjii looking pleased with himself, talking to a pair of tradesmon.


    …they would occasionally glance my way. Zerazani stepped over to block their view of me.


    “Good, good, just as I expected.” Zerazani laughed. “Jinjii is a very loose-lipped man with absolutely no talent for lying – likely he’s boasting about being the first Printing Guild merchant to secure business from ‘Adelaide Imperator Di Milan of Kollovan.”


    I kept my gaze off of Jinjii. The poor fool was playing his part well, if nothing else. Better that he was spreading the word of my greatness than any other drivel he’d spout. My eyes wandered, checking the rest of the showcase floor.



    • Slowly returning to the tables with fresh Eksai bottles.
    • Table 1 is shut down and being carried off for repairs.



    • Finally exchanging glasses.
    • Has a showcase guard blocking some tradesmon in the wake of the violence – likely just an excuse to get away from the sycophants.


    And, as my gaze moved across the hall…


    …I saw Siranae stood a few steps from me, looking up at the paintings on the pillar we were all by.


    Only staring, not looking at them in wonder as she had before. No, she was much deeper in thought.


    On reflex, I took up the last sip of my wine. It stung bitterly at my tongue.


    All the while, the stage was being set up one more time. Zerazani looked to the stage, sighed, then back to me.


    “Now then, my little raincloud…you may have something else to tend to.” Zerazani said, looking toward the Audino. “You’ve become most distracted, and you absolutely do not want to mess this up at the last second – not after everything we’ve done so far and been through.”


    Her last line was hissed, like a sharp command.


    I kept my eyes on Zerazani, even if I so desperately wanted to dart my eyes back to the Audino. I could keep up an appearance, but not a performance – not in this state. I was useless to approach Wera like this, and far worse to address a Conveytion.


    “If… you insist,” I said softly.


    In truth, I had wanted do focus on that task more than anything this poor showcase offered. I could only silently thank Zerazani, for the encouragement to do so.


    The clinking and clacking of the next auction being set up could be heard. The world still moved around us, even in light of our trouble.


    With a deep breath, and my heart still thrumming…I trotted on, approaching Siranae as though fearing that I’d be fired upon for my transgression. Zerazani, seeing me approach the Audino, quietly slipped away to prepare for her presentation.


    I came to a halt by the pillar. I could feel a small trembling in my center.


    Now left alone, I stood beside Siranae. I felt so silly, so unsure how to begin.


    My voice crackled as I spoke. I cursed myself for such weakness.


    “Do these paintings pique your interest, Dear…?”


    Siranae only watched those paintings, though her ear flicked at my voice.


    Her voice was quick and soft.


    “No…” She answered. No lies, all honestly. “I was just looking for something to stare at.”


    A silence permeated the air between us both.


    The crowd halted for a moment, conversations swirling around us…yet all muted compared to the strained voice of the Audino. Despite this place, shifting and noisy and chaotic, my eyes were affixed to Siranae, even when she did not look at me.


    Siranae was motionless for a moment…before turning her head to look at me.


    Her gaze shook my heart.


    “…that was a horrible thing you did.”


    It was not even tempered with an apology first. There was no lie to her gentle voice, nor venom. She said it as though she were recounting a fact in a text book.


    For she knew that I knew it as well.


    “Will this be how Team Coronatus conducts business?” She asked, plainly. Curiously.


    …her words tore at me. I could hardly think, let alone respond.


    “I apologize,” I said wearily, speaking sorrow in her stead.


    Why did her accusation halt my mind so deeply – why could I not speak against her…?


    “I… did not wish to it become that. I did not wish to sow harm for an innocent girl.”


    I wrung at my emptied wine glass. My words caught in my throat.


    “I made a grievous error, trying to remove a girl that might recognize me… and I’m… I’m sorry, Dear.”


    “The error is okay…I make mistakes all the time.” Siranae sighed, her gaze breaking from me. “I understand you have to oftentimes…do less kind things. Our conversations regarding Jalsa made that clear…”


    She was quiet, shifting in place.


    “…nobody could have predicted what the terrible man did, how fast the action spiraled and the error became apparent…but…” Siranae’s ears folded down. “…why, when things spiraled so much, did you simply try to walk away…to let her be hurt…?”


    Her blue eyes returned to me. Burrowed into the depths of my heart, searching it. I could hardly endure them.. and so I looked to the ground instead, repentant.


    “Is that the sort of heroes we shall be? To inflict pain, then let it continue simply because we don’t wish to interfere?” She asked. “Is…this…how Team Coronatus will conduct business?”


    Her words bit at my resolve. She was not venting mindless rage… she spewed at me the truth of my errors.


    “It wasn’t my intention, I… I simply-“


    I stared at my paws, lost on what to say. I simply wanted to keep my reputation safe. Was that meant to be a good excuse, at this point?


    My arms fell to my sides.


    “I simply… tried to preserve my own image, in the eyes of conceited nobility. And it was a mistake to act that way.”


    I gritted my fangs. Those vultures would skewer a woman on the stake, for striking a fellow noble in defense of a commoner. There was no mistake in me fearing that retribution.


    But such an answer was not fit for Siranae. And I dug deeper into myself.


    “I valued my image above the well-being of a girl. A girl that I knew. And…”


    I sighed weakly.


    “It would be cruel, for Team Coronatus to engage in such sordid business.” I conceded at last. “We cannot allow harm for others, solely because intervention would disservice us…”



    As Siranae stared at me, gaze burrowing deeper and deeper into my soul, half-second after half-second passed. The world buzzed around us both.



    • Setting up new painting.
    • 40 seconds to new auction.
    • Artist: Squirrel beast with white and blue fur.
    • Canvas size: Enormous.
    • Audience attention: Alert. Attentive.





    • Soon to move.
    • Halfway through second drink due to tradesmon resuming badgering.
    • Looking for topic to grab her attention away from tradesmon.
    • Eyes darting back and forth – searching for companion.





    • Restaffed, Reshuffled
    • Clefairy Replaced with Mudkip girl




    Crowd movement halting.


    Jinjii discussing – pointing to me – to new arrivals that pass him by.


    Social standing rising.


    Eyes on Siranae.



    • Beastly
    • Strong
    • Heroic
    • Uncouth
    • Astounding
    • Partnered with Adelaide-






    The thoughts were shut out all at once.


    Everything silenced.


    Every variable fell away and melted into a haze, in the wake of a single thought:


    siranae’s state:

    • upset


    For that was all that mattered.


    I felt fire, coursing along every thread of my mind.


    Every piece of stimuli I absorbed, it was burned away in the flames of distress that I now bore.


    And now, after the Audino had endured my rambling and grasping at straws, my desperation to explain away the reality of the situation… she spoke again.


    “I only ask you do not do such things again.” Siranae said. “If there is a problem I ask you turn to your friends for help instead of…”


    Her voice caught.


    “…being like the guild as I know it now.” She finished. “Please?”


    Siranae’s state:

    • Unconvinced…
    • …but accepting for now.


    I had… failed.


    Perhaps not in my goal.


    But… I had failed Siranae.


    The phantom of my failure lingered. In every word she spoke, and every unforgiving glance she gave.


    I nodded.


    “I will ask for help, should another situation arise,” I said softly. My eyes drifted down to the last drops of liquor in my cup.


    Nothing left for me to waste.


    I stood in place for a moment longer. As if a child, waiting to be dismissed by a stern teacher. But Siranae did not need to degrade herself with such a gesture.


    I marched onward. Away from my companion… back into the noisy waves of visitors and nobles. Wera was in a state more vulnerable to conversation, and my name was flourishing.


    There was work to be done. As always.


    As I walked forward, my mind rising back from that haze…I could hear the footsteps of Siranae accompanying me. Things were, at the very least, back on track.


    Somewhat. For now.


    Siranae’s presence was, at once, a reassurance and a reminder of my failure. But I would rather have her with me than lingering elsewhere, and worrying what sorrowful things she might say of me.


    Only now did I realize that the next auction had begun. The artist was speaking much too quickly, making it hard to focus on them.


    “-dedicated to the hard work ethic of the noble businessmon who, both from birth and work, did rise to the echelons of notoriety. Aaaand…-“



    20% ratio speech to stutter and climbing. Reaching end of ramble and losing things to say.


    My eyes darted from the auction as quickly as they went to it. Nothing of merit – so easy was it to claim any ascent in status as a “rise to notoriety.” And yet…


    I glanced at my target.



    • Rapt interest on painting and speaking.
    • Eyes tracing the crowd as speaker concludes.



    • Bored with artist’s rambling.
    • Attention held as they wait for starting bid.


    Wera had a personal investment in this piece, and the perception others held of it. Was she a sponsor of the artist, or attempting a bid…?


    …perhaps a safe entry into speaking with the woman herself. Albeit, another risk.


    I now passed by the second refreshment table, which was being headed now by a Dolliv girl, whom I recognized. She was the quiet sort, unnervingly so – seen more and heard less. Were she to recognize me, it would likely be no issue, as she’d hardly vocalize as such.





    • Too fast.
    • Crowd has paused for auction, making me stick out a little.
    • May give desperate impression if seen making a beeline for Wera.


    I slowed my steps, meshing with the crowd once more. There was time to make use of, the imminent threat had been quelled…



    • Nowhere to be seen.
    • Had promised to reveal an ‘ice breaker’ – should I stay and wait or go now?


    …and Zerazani had yet to deliver on her promise.


    Although it irked me, I came to rest. My digits drummed along the empty wine glass, as I looked just about anywhere but at the seedlike server girl… and my companion. It was just as well I stalled at the table, perhaps – there was a large number of Poke’mon ahead that would have been difficult to navigate through anyway.


    The Dolliv stared blankly at me, lifting up a platter silently to take away my empty cup. Siranae nodded, placing her own cup on the platter.


    I blinked, slowly, as I deposited my cup. Even with the watered-down drink…my mind was weakening. How quickly had I gone through that wine? I wasn’t tipsy by any stretch, but I had to be mindful of the impact.


    My eyes wandered to the stage, then to Wera, and the crowd once again. Processing all I could to prepare for my next move. How could I make use of this art…?


    Upon the stage, the presenter continued.


    “…to the point, it was all thanks tooo…Poke’mon like you~! So, yeah! I really do appreciate all the help aaand…well, everyone at theeee Arceliaze Artists’…”



    • 50% ratio speech to stutter. Stretching for things to stay, struggling to find good note to end on.
    • Price imminent.


    The painting on display was…a still life portait of a scale and some coins. Impressively rendered, to be sure, even capturing the shimmer and reflections of the metal – but it seemed more fitting for office decor than any kind of high art.


    Such vapid art, of course, caught the crowd’s attention. It was hardly any wonder how this sort of crowd drove Zerazani to madness.


    My head turned, as I tried to keep my eyes on my target.



    • Attentive.
    • Ears perked and forward.
    • Waiting for the price with rapt interest.
    • Glass empty, exchanging glass with ser-


    “Ah! You must be Miss Adelaide Imperator Di Milan!”


    All my thoughts shattered as a voice addressed me, and Siranae and I glanced over. My frustration was masked with a polite smile, tinged with surprise.


    Some manner of bushy dog – the fur on his face looked for all the world an extravagant mustache – had broken from the crowd to address me. Behind him were a large, slender yellow-and-black bird, and a dark-furred portly creature with fluffy horns… almost a dour, somberly-colored version of Siranae.


    “And we’ll begin the bidding at 1,500 coins!”


    The bidding had started. Zerazani was up next. The Dolliv girl silently tilted her head at the sound of my name.


    Wera 2 stops away. And now, 3 tradesmon were accosting me for conversation.


    ‘A dog-beast. Is that facial hair a sign of status, or an ungodly natural feature? Are those servants…?


    No, another set of worthless tradesmon. Why now, when the moment of truth was so near?’


    “Ah, hello…” I spoke with a gentle giggle.


    Amusement at their presence.


    “I don’t believe I know you lot.”


    ‘Lot’, rather than simply addressing them with titles or importance.


    Pressure to be worth my time, or risk a social faux pas at my behest.


    I did not glance at the Dolliv, but I was mindful of her presence. I would… deal with her, politely, and in due time. Siranae was owed that much.


    Siranae took to my side as I was addressed, swirling a glass thoughtfully as the bushy dog-man continued.


    “Ah, then it seems we’ve the advantage in that respect!” The dog man exclaimed. “First from Zerazani, then again from Jinjii – the man was quite excitable when I spoke with him. Yes, quite excited at the chance for some fresh business.”


    There was a round of murmuring agreements amongst his cohorts.


    “Aye, Esteemed Zu’Conveytion Wera, place your bid?” Came the voice of the auctioneer behind me.


    “1,600 coins, please.”


    Eyes to the side.


    There was Wera, using her ‘psychic’ powers to hold up a handkerchief for the auctioneer to see.


    “We’ve 16-hundred to Esteemed Zu’Conveytion Wera and one from Esteemed Zu’Conveytion Eriton?”


    “2,000 coins!”


    All at once, my focus was sent back to the dull trio before me. They demanded my attention and, indeed, arrested it – not in any interest to their tediousness, but only to the extent of how much precious time they wasted with every word.


    “Ah, but, forgive me.” The dog man continued laboriously as bids flew back and forth. “I had simply heard you were starting a new enterprise, though Zerazani did not mention what sort. My name would be Heronus Vo’Moluch of the Vo’Moluch fortune – my enterprise is in the realm of business outreach. To reach clients, as it were. In my line of work, one must always keep their ear to the ground, as it were, so that your would-be clients might better know the existence and nature of your business.”


    The man, certainly, had a way of torturously drawing out a description of his advertisement firm. I could barely hide my disdain – and still, I hid it. This man and his banal practice were not worth considering. Any connection to clients was one that I’d seek myself – not handed out by a crony on the floor of the showcase.


    Siranae perked, a smile spreading across her face.


    “Vo’Moluch…” The Audino began, her noble voice in full force. “Why, if I remember correctly, I do believe I’d see advertisement blocks in the daily newspaper attributed to your firm, is that correct?”


    The dog man’s eyes fell away from me, moving to Siranae.


    “Ah, and you would be Siranae of Arceliaze?”


    “Indeed I would, first associated to Adelaide Imperator Di Milan and co-founder of The Helping Hands of Coronatus Western Partnership.” Siranae replied.


    “Well! A W.P. – doing business like the Illaminians, are you?”


    “It seems in our best business interest – and I project business to be good.” Siranae said confidently, lifting her head a little.



    • Projecting confidence and faith.
    • Pulling focus from me.


    I looked to Siranae…was I even surprised, at how refined she could perform? Her memory with these finer details might have even outshone mine, in these moments. It was a blessing, all the same.


    I stayed silent. The bustle of their conversation was difficult to intervene in, and my focus was elsewhere.


    Another voice roared from behind me.


    “2,700 coins!”


    “That’s 27-hundreds, final call countdown!”



    • Ending soon.
    • Crowd soon to begin move again.



    • Backed off from bidding.
    • Tradesmon have given her brief respite.


    “Excuse me, for one moment,” I said softly. I stepped away from my group of near strangers, and rose a paw to the auction stage.


    The opportunity Siranae had afforded was capitalized upon – the Audino had eraptured the egos of the tradesmon with recognition of their services, such that my break from the conversation was noticed all too late.


    My voice rose above the roar of the crowd, loud and clear.


    “3,200 coins, please.”


    And the move was made.


    A quiet ‘oooh’ could be heard. Faint and restrained.


    “32-hundreds to esteemed Adelaide Imperator Di Milan!”


    Eyes to the stage.



    • Giddy and excited.


    Eyes across the room.



    • Babbling to constituents, pointing in my direction.


    I turned my head, glanced back.



    • Glancing my way.
    • Eyebrows raised.
    • Brief glance – back to stage.
    • Contemplative expression.
    • Tradesmon approaching her briefly paused.


    Wera’s notice was appreciated, even if I could not act on it.


    Behind me, the tradesmon accosting me could be heard humming lightly.


    “My, I didn’t take you both as patrons for the arts.”


    Siranae let out a small laugh.


    “In truth, Adelaide has the better eye for artistry between the both of us.” She said. “I fancy it as a way to fill out space in an office, and have even grown curious as to the perception of paintings as investments.”



    • Balancing culture with practicality.


    Siranae spoke with such grace…and such tact. So she could lie by omission. Duly noted.



    • Perception of Siranae: Business-focused woman and strong brute.
    • Perception of Myself: No-nonsense and sharp businesswoman with high-class taste.


    General Knowledge:

    • I’m an entrepreneur with a promising business.
    • Name well known and behavior spreading among the tradesmon.
    • Trickling up to the higher echelons.


    I stared ahead at the stage. I felt a hundred eyes fall upon me, and I did not afford them even a glance.


    And, following my bid…




    concerning silence.


    I stood silent and alone, as the final bidder.


    A bead of sweat fell upon my brow.


    Were… none of these slack-jawed nobles going to attempt another bid? Was my gesture too grand-?



    “Final countdown for Adelaide Imperator!”


    ‘I beg of you.’


    There was a murmur amid the crowd. I could see a few tradesmon, even now, counting their coins and rechecking their bank notes booklets, like paupers scrounging coins for food.




    ‘Someone, throw your wallet to the wind and save me.’


    A glance back at Wera. She was bobbing her head back and forth, eyes staring intently on the painting, handkerchief swaying side to side. Torn on whether to bid or not.




    “And how well to do…” Came the voice of the dog man behind me. “Flinging funds like so – she must come from quite the successful family.”


    ‘Some foolish socialite, please-‘


    “SOLD! To Adelaide Imperator Di Milan! Please collect after the showing – congratulations!”



    A light clapping sounded over the crowd, only slightly drowning out the resigned and disappointed sighs. Behind me, Wera tilted her head curiously…her eyes glancing at me a second time.


    I offered a gentle laugh, as the final call rang out for my bid. My smile masked a deep, grating anger.


    Of course. Of course, in my one moment of venture and risk, the status-obsessed fiends of this noble world do not lunge at a chance to establish themselves.


    Of course, fate would deign such a thing.


    At the least…Wera’s gaze had been secured once again. Some benefit and consolation for this… gaudy, thoughtless piece of art.


    “Well, that’ll certainly look good in the drawing room, I feel~!” Came Siranae’s warm voice.


    I had to hope she was right. I clasped my paws together, looking to Siranae with such warmth and kindness as to dispel any doubt of my mood.


    “I can only imagine what enrichment it shall bring, aha.” I cooed.


    My eyes darted away for a moment- but I could not bring myself to look at that…costly excuse for a painting once again.



    • Crowd moving.
    • Painting being covered and tied.
    • Zerazani up next – 15 minutes to next showing.



    • Focused on conversation with Siranae about me.


    The Audino perked up, looking my way.


    “Ah, Adelaide, perhaps I’ll catch up with you? I might like to converse with these fine fellows.” Siranae said, giving me an out.


    “Of course, my Dear – and I hope that I shall convene with you shortly~.” I sighed with a smile.


    With a bow of my head, I walked along in a quick departure…safe from any unkind looks that may come from Dear Siranae. Surely it was some manner of scowl or eyeroll, or look of further disapproval at yet another blunder tonight.


    There was work to be done.


    At my leave, the conversation carried on –


    “Quite the handsome woman, I say. And sharp, too.” The dog man’s voice came. “And you, yourself, Siranae, would seem to me as wise as you are fearsomely strong – that brute what attacked the help didn’t know what hit him.”


    “Hm.” Sirnae’s hum betrayed how unconvinced she was – seems she was just as sensative to empty praise as she was lies. “Drunken brutality of that nature does not belong in a place of good breeding and fine culture – if a man wishes to act as an unbecoming feral, then should he thusly be tossed as one back into the gutter where he belongs.”


    A gutteral laugh.


    “Hah! Well-said!”



    • Distracting.
    • Repairing image in association with me.


    Refocusing, I now approached the pillar just before where Wera stood. Though the giraffe woman’s attention had now returned to the art and the drink in her telekinetic grip, she seemed somewhat…



    • 3/4ths into third totter glass.
    • Intoxication rising.




    • Eyes tracing crowd more.
    • Searching for more entertainment.




    Moreso by the antics of the party-goers than the art itself, it seemed.


    • Gaze approaching me.


    Warning: Do NOT lock eyes on approach


    I stared off to my side, as Wera’s eyes fell upon me. I fixated upon a portrait, a calm and distant expression worn, to mask the pressure of being seen by her.


    As the crowd continued to flow, and tradesmon next to me seemed to set their sights on Zu’Conveytion Wera, I now had a critical choice.


    My attention was drawn back to the auction, briefly.



    • Workers quickly setting up…a very large portrait, almost four times my height.


    Zerazani would be next.



    • Taking water.
    • Talking to someone quickly off stage…excitedly.


    Looking at the work the stage hands were performing…


    • Hurried.
    • More workers than usual.


    …the establishment was eager to get to Zerazani’s piece, which would no doubt be the crown jewel of the evening.



    • Several Poke’mon: Different corporate interests. All eyes locked on Wera.



    • Interest in crowd high – tradesmon pouncing to steal her attention.
    • Wera appears to be a talkative drunk.



    • Florogato woman again, after the shuffle due to the Clefairy incident.


    Of course, whatever my accomplice was preparing, it was massive enough as to gather everyone’s attention at least once. I only hoped there was something of substance beneath the veil.


    But that would be then. For now, I had to progress.


    The end was coming. I was now on the approach to the Zu’Conveytion. I walked amid a crowd of tradesmon looking to do the same.


    The entirety of my impending interaction with Wera now would depend on the moves I made in the next few moments.


    On gambles, on words, on aggressiveness, on capitalizing on all I’d done tonight.


    On my solitude on approach.


    On my competition.


    On a possible strategic hold back.


    5 seconds to spare.


    5 seconds to think.


    This was the final move.



    My first option-


    A slow approach to Wera, almost walking with the momentum of the crowd, still not looking her way.


    A lazy swirl of my empty glass.


    No words spoken.


    What would an intoxicated Wera do, upon seeing me?




    One half-second passed.


    Wera’s eyes were on me briefly as I moved through the crowd.


    Slow approach:

    • Unseen.
    • Unnoticed.


    I thought to how she’d been acting all night:


    Disdainful of all the tradesmon whom I now mingle amongst.

    • Ignored.
    • Talked over.
    • Bleeding into the crowd.
    • The chatty Wera now more aggressively rebuffing the advances of tradesmon trying to accost her for business.


    Attention pulled away, split, divided-


    -and who am I but some face in the crowd whilst she is assaulted?


    A horrible route. I could not let my opportunity be squandered with such a gesture.


    Stand out… without being one of the hangers-on.


    How could I achieve this?


    My second option-


    A casual saunter. As if the whole showcase is my own world to explore.


    My gaze falls upon her, and the group as a whole.


    An attempt to cut into their prying and pressing.


    ‘Excuse me,’ I would call to the most vocal of those pesky tradesmon,


    Which of these tradesmon was the most pesky?


    ‘but what is this business of yours?’


    They all looked ravenous.


    Give a warm smile.


    Vultures. Maggots. Worms, the lot of them.


    Almost… demeaning.


    Contemptible in their opportunistic obsessions, especially in the eyes of any noble simply wishing to enjoy the art.


    An offer to pull heat off of Wera.




    One half-second passed.


    My eyes flicked. Wera’s gaze had left me, now trying to ignore the approaching rabble of tradesmon.


    It’s a swarm of gnats.


    To swat a single gnat, no matter how bothersome, whilst Wera is left flailing – intoxicated and increasingly furious – would have hardly any effect.


    Likely outcome:

    • Chance lost.
    • Wera shutting down.
    • Escaping.
    • Likely to call the guard on the hassling tradesmon in her current impassioned state of intoxication.



    Simple, casual notice may be out of the question…


    Engaging with the tradesmon while on the cusp of an incident may prove fruitless.


    I was wasting my time, considering an individual pest. The shifting mass of fiends had to be taken down, altogether.


    But was there something in that idea?


    A perfect storm. A thread into the eye of the needle – words spoken just so, actions taken at the surgically precise time…


    I stepped closer, safe from the weight of her gaze.


    My third option-


    A confident approach.


    Not a stroll, but a march.


    My steps would let me pierce into the group of fools, take focus at the center of them.


    ‘I am sorry,’ I’d start, a scowl born on my face, ‘but I noticed something of your group, and it caught my interest.’


    A direct defense.


    I’d look across the pests, disdain visible on every part of my countenance.


    The white knight in a ball gown.


    ‘I was curious- to what end do you feel the need to bother this dear Zu’Conveytion, with your slack-jawed business proposals?’


    Cutting them off before reaching Wera.




    One half-second passed.


    I could feel the body heat of the beasts around me. Swirling. Sweltering.


    Step 1: Increase pace.


    Step 2: Address the tradesmon.


    Are these tradesmon all together? Can they be addressed as a group, or would some assume I’m only talking to a few and barrel past?


    On every side, I was surrounded by perhaps competing businessmon.


    I looked across the group with a jolt of my eyes. These are not owners of a shared business, simply urchins that have piled together in this spot.


    Gestures required:

    • Sweeping.
    • Loud-voiced.
    • To show such passion as an opener, while incurring gratitude from Wera no doubt…may be a poor opener.


    To try and snare all the tradesmon in such a wide net in order to rebuff them would take too great an effort, too grand a gesture. And much too unnatural.


    But to strike them at the moment they converge on her… instead of myself incurring a social faux pas in the name of defense…


    …I could catch them in a faux pas as they made it.


    The tradesmon stared hungrily at Wera. The giraffe woman’s agitation was evident. She knew it was coming and she wished for any distraction.


    I recalled the invitation she’d sent to me.


    This would have to be quick.


    Pursuing the third option-


    Confident approach. Marching forward, taking center stage.


    ‘Excuse me…’ I’d say, sweetness dripping off of my words.


    Louder, more clear, more brave than the mongrels who surrounded Wera.


    A dangerous move. But one unlike any tradesmon in the building-


    ‘You are… Zu’Conveytion Wera, are you not?’ I’d chirp. ‘I had meant to speak to you, as your invitee…’


    Establishing myself. I am not an outsider looking in – I have a personal connection to this woman of status.


    ‘…but you seemed to be preoccupied, with this… gathering. Do you all need something of the fine Zu’Conveytion?’


    Vitriol. Cutting down another, explicitly.


    I’d glare. Little, if any, time given to respond.


    ‘The auction will be starting soon. You’d all best find some other spot to nest in.’


    I had the image and the notoriety to attempt it, now.




    A half-second passed. The roar of footsteps around me was deafening.


    The clank of clamps and pulleys at the stage as the auction was prepared.


    It would be many steps for what would be only a few moments.



    • I quicken my pace, cut through tradesmon.
    • Hesitate. Wait out remaining time.
    • Wera looks away.
    • Tradesmon converge.
    • Greet. Normal voice – tradesmon can hear as they close in.
    • WERA RESPONSE: Amicable but confused – I must not forget my name as opener. Wera is an Arcean and this needs an Arcean style greeting.
      • 1) Wera grants me attention.
      • 2) Tradesmon believe they still have a chance to muscle in.
    • FIRST PROBLEM: >> Does Wera want to be assumed to be preocupied with tradesmon? <<


    Thread the needle…


    • SECOND PROBLEM: >> Stealing her attention aggressively from the tradesmon may incur ire and offense <<
    • CRITICAL FAILURE: >> Possessiveness of attention and dismissing tradesmon in Wera’s stead would be disasterous <<


    I winced. My mind ached with the Eksai. To curry Wera’s favor, and to dispel the crowd of leeches… two strong gestures in one move.


    I stepped forward.




    I would look to the crowd around us both. Still smiling, yet eyelids drooped.


    Establishing the others as a presence, but not one that I mind interrupting, even halting.




    But the actual mark of dismissing them- that must be done by Wera. I can only offer the exit from their nonsense.


    Another step. Ringing in my ear. The crowd swirling, swimming. Impossible to focus. Yet focus I did, all the same, for that singular goal.


    To Wera.


    To the Conveytion.


    To the guild.


    To Piera.


    A half-second passed.



    • Quicken pace, cut through tradesmon.
    • Hesitate. Wait out remaining time.
    • Wera looks away.
    • Tradesmon converge.
    • Grab attention. Greet. Normal Voice. Query, give name and association.


    A Poke’mon beside me gave a gutteral laugh.


    • Position established to tradesmon.


    A glass swirled. Eksai downed.



    • Warm greeting.



    • Notices my aggressive snipe on a piece she was interested in.
    • Chatter from tradesmon: she’ll regard me as no-nonsense and business savvy.
    • Tonight’s ‘event’: she’ll remember Siranae as my partner – the one to defend the server girl.


    The Floragato server by the pillar looked toward the approaching crowd of tradesmon with me in it.


    • Offer easy out of conversation, masking ultimatum.


    A finger pointed to Wera. A whisper. Like drunks pointing out an open bar. They intended to feast.


    • I present myself as a lifeline. A singular escape from the tradesmon surrounding her.


    The gap was closing slowly.


    • Tradesmon interrupt, having not heard me.
    • Wera anger on my mutual behalf spikes. Defends me. Dismisses tradesmon. Latches to me to hold her attention.
    • All before Zerazani’s ‘icebreaker’.




    The crowd seemed to roar.


    • Positive. Incredibly so.


    A delicate dance was in front of me. All that was left was to perform it.


    I marched forward, my empty glass held calm and steady in my hand.


    Venom concealed, for when it was most needed.


    The dance began.


    I swung and weaved between the wide-bodied tradesmon. A quickened pace. Wera’s attention was turned elsewhere as she tried to ignore the approaching crowd, so none saw my hastened approach but the parasites themselves.


    Pause. The tradesmon were behind me now.






    “Excuse me,” I said softly. My voice was refined and delicate, even as it cut through the noise surrounding me.


    The giraffe woman’s ear flicked. My tone and distance were something unexpected.


    “You are Zu’Conveytion Wera…”




    “…are you not?” I stood close, yet still at a distance. The crowd of harrassing tradesmon was a wedge between us, and I made sure to demonstrate it.


    Wera’s head turned. Eyes took a fraction of a second longer to focus – the Eksai had impacted her. Her expression betrayed no emotion, but she locked her gaze with mine, affording me a precious moment.


    “I am Adelaide Imperator Di Milan of Kollovan…”




    “I am your invitee, if dear Zerazani’s letter is to be trusted.”


    Introduction given.


    Half-second to recognize the name.




    A giggle. As if I would be deceived in such a fashion – a light yet firm way of presenting my status. My belonging in this place.


    “I had hoped to speak with you earlier…”


    “Ah, Adelaide, yes…”



    “Zerazani had mentioned you to me a week ago.” Wera replied. “Then you’d already know who I am.”




    “There’d been some buzz about a sharp, headstrong Buizel among the attendees – I wasn’t sure if you were one in the same.” The woman commented, her eyebrows raised.


    Eye contact sustained.




    She used her ‘psychic’ power to move her glass of Eksai closer. I recognized the gesture – making clear of her waning attention.


    But, unlike the sycophants and vultures among the tradesmon,




    I would not need to fight for her attention.


    She would beg for mine.


    I started to turn my head. My eyelids drooped.


    “…ah, but, are you preoccupied at the moment?” I said aloud.


    And the baton was passed to the others. Whether to Wera, to continue what I had started – or to a tradesmon, to dare opposing me.


    My smile did not falter.


    I was ready.


    “Ah, preoccupied…?” Wera questioned. Her glass of Eksai was lowered. Attention regrabbed.


    Her eyes moved from me.


    I could feel the body heat of the tradesmon burning my back. Framing me, surrounding me. Me, Wera’s light in the darkness.


    I looked at Wera with calm kindness. Respectful of her time here, as something other than a chance to connect businesses.




    The thread passed through the eye of the needle.


    “Aha! Zu’Conveytion Wera!” A voice behind me spoke. The giraffe woman seized. Her calm expression now flashed with aggravation. “I had been hoping to catch you for a moment – did you receive my correspondence regarding investment in Gerisoni Co.?”


    “Ah, excuse me, actually – pardon me, miss.” Another voice came up beside me, dismissed me rudely. Wera’s eyes flared. “I had a previous recommendation put in a word. I’m happy I could finally catch up with you, honorable Zu’Conveytion, to discuss the opportunity we have before us.”


    The voices drowned me out. Barreled over me.


    When I was shoved – when the heathens shrieked their voices over me – I did not lash out. I gave a wince, perhaps a frown, but I was not shaken. Only quiet, justified disdain for such boorish actions.




    And I stood a shining beacon.


    “Hold a moment – one word with me, first?”


    The giraffe woman’s eyes shot back and forth. Side to side.


    Then locked to me.






    At once, Wera looked to the side, taking from the server’s platter another cup of Eksai and silently bidding them refill my own cup.


    “Adelaide, yes?” Wera began, practically shouting over the clamouring, begging tradesmon as the sever’s bottle clinked against my glass.


    Her head swayed to the side. Swung slightly. She seemed so much less guarded than she did at the beginning of the night.


    “As a patron of the arts, what say you of Pokemon that come to a place of high class only to peddle goods, wares and worthless investments, all whilst parroting the language of good breeding like mimics?” Wera asked me, loudly…a smirk crossing her face, cheeks flushed with the effects of Eksai.


    The final blow. My in at last.


    When she spoke to me, cutting away all of the guff of strangers surrounding us,


    I could only grin in turn.


    “As a patron…” I mused thoughtfully, “I would think of it as – what would be the word?”


    I rose a paw to my chin.


    “Arrogant- selfish, to be sure-“


    My tails swayed behind me. My confidence soared.


    “And, thoroughly, tasteless.” I concluded. “An affront to the art, to which the showcase itself is dedicated. Why, I shudder to think how I would be seen for such unseemly behavior.”


    I stared at Wera, smile unbroken – even as my spiteful words rained on the peons surrounding us.


    “Wh-whuh-! Wait now-“


    “Hold, Zu’Conveytion, I meant no offense-“


    “But…I’d been promised-“


    Wera turned up her nose, stepping back at my side as we stonewalled all the other clamoring tradesmon. Together.


    “Come, Adelaide Imperator Di Milan. Why don’t we abscond someplace more suitable.” The Gwoman said with a smirk and a swirl of her glass, clinking it against my own. “I’ve spent all of tonight, which was supposed to be a time of appreciation and relaxation, fielding foolish poke’mon, business deals and other vexations, and I find myself unable to stand it any longer. If I’m stopped by even one more president or manager or representative, I will surely fly into a passion most unbecoming.”


    She stepped with me, leading me from the pillar, out of the flow of the crowd, all of the babbling and blustering tradesmon left behind.


    I’d bested them all.


    ~ CHAPTER 22 ~

    << F I N I S >>



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    1. Anonymous Guest
      Jun 10, '24 at 8:27 am


    2. Apr 26, '24 at 8:23 am

      A Pachirisu is very happy with that chapter.

    3. Apr 25, '24 at 8:36 pm

      Oh God this is amazing-everything I hoped for and more!