The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 16 ~

    << The Death of the Author >>



    Place: ????????


    Region: ????????????????


    Day: ????????


    Date: ???????????


    Year: ?????


    I stared on, watching the haze of ink and water droplets dance in the air around me- caught still in the rhythm which my body had finally ceased.


    My spikes had vanished- even the warmth of battle was fading fast. Well-practiced routine gave way, and my quivering arms fell to my sides.


    Vertigo echoed in my skull. I was dazed beyond all else I had known prior.


    And still, I stood.


    I turned, and looked to Siranae once more. The strain we had endured was evident on our bodies.


    A lull in the action… one of the perfect moments to present my character to Zerazani, and assure her that her demented play could continue. But I had not the strength.


    I marched to the Audino, sagging and stumbling in my gentle steps- speaking to her in a hushed tone. Not heroic, nor vile… only my persisting concern.


    “Are you okay, dear…?”


    Siranae, though tired and beaten down, still stood firm to grasp my arms and hold me steady as I came to her. She panted. I could feel through her skin how hard her heart thrummed.


    Yet she looked at me with the warmest smile, brushing my hair a bit to get some dried blood out of it.


    “More than okay, Friend Adelaide…” She said equally soft, voice slightly raspy from all the shouting. “You are safe, and thusly I am fine. I am happy I could keep my promise.”


    The Audino offered a hand down to me.


    “I only hope you are okay, Adelaide…? The effects of that Rowap berry looked…rather unpleasant.” She said with a squirm. “In truth, I was only fishing out whatever I could find, so I must apologize if that brought serious discomfort.”


    Of all the things to say…


    I let out a breath… then a laugh. Amidst this inky carnage, I could only smile and laugh at how vibrant Siranae remained. She was…indomitable.


    She lifted me a little to my feet, helping to dust off my fur. I rose with her grasp, body still trembling while I came down from that manic high. I glanced across my fur, now devoid of the spiked protrusions- a relief.


    “You did me no harm- and even if you had, you certainly saved us both. I can only thank you for your diligence and quick wit, Dear Siranae.” I told her.


    …still, I evened out the fur that had been puffed and matted by the effects of that berry.


    “But, hopefully, it will not be needed again, aha…” I admitted.


    “Ah, good…I admit, that was certainly more potent that I could have expected.” Siranae sighed. “Illaminian crop yields are quite…powerful.”


    With my mind at ease, I stepped through the mess to retrieve the dagger that had fallen to the floor. It was a miracle that Zerazani allowed it to remain. Siranae smiled again, her gaze wandering off towards the large stage we stood before in this void.


    The spotlights still shone upon where the dancers had stood, beckoning the both of us climb up to the stage. Its curtain fluttered in a wind I could not feel.


    “…so…Zerazani’s short list of guests…or, I suppose, the hostages, are all beyond that stage…?” The Audino mused quietly.


    I looked onward, to the stage- devoid of its performers, except for us. And our mission’s end lay somewhere beyond it.


    “I can only hope so.” I said. “But nothing is as it seems-“


    I coughed, and forced a brash tone in my voice once more.


    “-in the Realm of the vile Goddess. We must be at the ready- and march forward on our sacred mission, dear partner.”


    Siranae smiled hopefully, seeing my pep return to me, her hands clasped together in wonderment at the display. With the Audino following me, the leader of Team Coronatus, we both clambered up onto the stage, making our way to the side.


    There, partially hidden behind a curtain, there was a doorway, leading deeper into this realm of madness.


    Once more, Zerazani’s voice came and surprised us.


    “With the elite guard of the Empress Queen Princess Goddess of Creativity now laid low…nothing stopped the nefarious Team Coronatus from reaching the ‘guests’ held in what was meant to be their new home.”


    Siranae stepped forward, pulling the curtain aside.


    “And now those ‘guests’ would be freed by Team Coronatus – allowed to roam ignorant and constrained back to the comforts of the Golden Hills.”


    As we advanced past the curtain another CLANG sounded from above, a bright light shining down onto…-


    Siranae gasped.


    There, sitting in the center of the backstage void were thirty Poke’mon, all of different species. Their limbs were bound and their mouths were gagged with rope. Their clothes seemed ragged and unclean.


    The hostages perked up, eying us as we entered. Siranae tilted her head, swiveling her ears to try and listen out for any stray noises…


    “…it seems clear, Adelaide.”


    I stomped onward, unfazed by the nobles and their plight. These were the same lot as those screeching ingrates in the hall of the Conveytion, were they not? Different people, but the same ilk.


    Hardly worth rescuing. But, my mission and my role superseded such frustrations.


    “Fear not, poor wretches of another realm,” I called out, feeling embarrassment flush across my system from performing before an audience. “Your saviors have arrived. You may bow, applaud, and bask in our mercy soon enough.”


    This was how Zerro sounded, wasn’t it? I could vomit at the thought. And so, I kept my mouth shut, marching to the nearest hostage, some manner of gopher creature with piercing red eyes, and slashed off their bindings with the tip of the dagger.


    The gopher hostage tilted his head curiously, not even flinching when I slashed at their ropes.


    The others held out their hands, accepting my freeing blade as I walked among the group, and each working off the gags on their own. Siranae was right behind me, undoing the bindings of another group of nobles.


    Soon, the thirty nobles were all unbound, some dusting off their clothes and some helping others with their gags.


    But noticeably…they were all very silent during this.


    No begging or cry or whining…


    The gopher before me lifted his hands to remove the gag…and yet he didn’t have a look of fear, nor thankfulness, nor terror…


    …no, the noble simply giggled.


    “Oh my, you’re the ones playing the heroes aren’t you?” The noble gopher said, looking to Siranae and I. “Oh what fun, this really is an engaging little performance!”


    Siranae lifted her head, looking at the noble in confusion. But the green bipedal cat noble beside her mirrored the gopher’s expression.


    “My, did you see blob creatures?” The green cat-woman asked, undoing the bindings on another noble beside her. “What an interesting conversation piece that could be in my foyer.”


    The leafy monkey beast she freed giggled politely as well.


    “I must ask Ms.Zerazani if she would let me take home one of those trees for the drawing room.” He laughed, much to Siranae’s…visible confusion. “It’ll certainly be something I can rub in the face of Tulurus, that I have one and he does not!”


    As the nobles each freed one another, they all just…


    …giggled and tittered, talking similarly, completely unfazed even as they sat in an endless void of abstract madness.


    They spoke of the value of the paintings. The aesthetic of the puppets.


    And nothing else.


    I looked across the freed nobles. I saw their hollow minds through the witless gazes they bore. And some part of me wanted to laugh with them.


    I had feared our identity of Team Coronatus would cause inquiry. Strangers wearing the moniker of heroes… but, no. We were not even on their minds.


    My chest ached.


    “You all…” I puffed out, “…should do away with those frivolous thoughts- this realm is a danger to you all. Your- your imprisonment is over! And you must flee from this place, before you are captured once more!”


    I swung the dagger to the door we’d entered from, well-knowing the void lay beyond it- I only wished to see them leave. Some ounce of self-preservation would assure me that our mission had achieved something


    …and that we would be remembered for the act of it.


    “Oh my.” One of the nobles hummed. “Galta, look at this blade the lady wields.”


    “Gracious, I wonder what price that would fetch?”


    Hearing that, I locked eyes with Siranae. My performance faltered just enough that I could mirror her utter confusion.


    “When Zerazani said this would be a thrilling month, she certainly wasn’t lying…!” Another noble idly spoke. “Well, I do admit the month of waiting was somewhat dull but this payoff seems worth it somewhat.”


    Despite the danger to their life and limb, the group simply meandered around as though the Goddess’s realm was simply…a gallery in which to shop for decorations.


    I trembled. This mission had already fallen so far from my expectations… but even the trapped souls of Zerazani’s deranged gallery were little more than willing participants.


    It was like they weren’t even…lucid.


    “See now, Adelaide, your ‘guests’…” Zerazani’s voice came again, her voice venomous…and aggravated. “For some Poke’mon…the worth of creating can only be measured in gold…and nothing but gold.”


    The nobles all seemed to barely acknowledge our presence, not even thanking me, simply having fun with a ‘thrilling’ exhibit.


    As all the guests slowly wandered about, discussing the resale value of the various horrors in Zerazani’s performance of madness, I could feel a slight…rumble.


    “But…Adelaide, I must admit…” Zerazani’s voice came again. “This, my Magnum Opus…at first it was for these 30…but now? Now I see clearly…”


    Siranae stood quickly, returning to my side as the rumbling grew louder.


    “This entire performance…only has an audience of two. Two Poke’mon I’ve become enraptured in watching. Oh, Adelaide, the way you went into a blind Frenzy. The focused anger of Siranae in order to protect you-! To invoke these feelings, to see more in someone’s eye than the gormless stare of value and reselling!! Seeing PASSION, my long lost love!!”


    I clutched the dagger tighter, pressing myself to Siranae’s side. The rumbling echoed through my core… I had no idea what the fiend had left for us.


    “W-well…” I said weakly, afraid to speak in truth and afraid to maintain my role. “That is-“


    I strained the fear out of my voice.


    “That is only to be expected.” I proclaimed. “Team Coronatus does not yield to any foe- not a so-called Goddess, nor any other menace. And we will not be severed by the likes of you!”


    This was my chance to veer this ‘performance’ to its end. Even as the ground shook beneath us, I brandished the gleaming dagger to the sky, letting my voice rise into a roar.


    “If you wish to see our passion, you will show yourself to us- you will witness it with your own eyes! You will–“


    I shut my eyes tightly. Performance melded with something deeper, as I slashed at the air.


    “You will pay for what you nearly did to Siranae!! And you will be struck down by the fury of Team Coronatus!!”


    “Yes-! Yes! YES! Atta girl, Adelaide!! More! MORE!”


    The ground buckled under us! The nobles behind us clapped their hands and cooed excitedly, noting how ‘realistic’ it all felt.


    Siranae squared her stance once more, getting ready.


    The shapes that surrounded us seemed to RIP away-!!


    Siranae shielded her eyes. A BLINDING light exploded in front of us, harshly burning over my fur.


    The void, once black as night, now became bright and full of light.


    Clouds swirled around us, fluffy and white, like a veil ahead…


    “Adeleaide…” Siranae huffed, her brow furrowed. “I think…I hear something…”


    She took a step back as a dribbling, waving line of black goo slithered from the light like a snake, lightly touching the ground, looking like a dripping staircase.


    “…I hear…her…” Siranae whispered, getting closer to me, her fists raised.


    A gust of wind blew over us, hot, like hell itself had opened, its flames clawing toward me to sear the flesh from my skin. I hissed in frustration, tightening my body as the burning wind struck my fur. It seared at my endurance… but I had felt worse.


    A long shadow swallowed the both of us, stretched from the light.


    “Here, I see now, I am duly punished for my mercy!”




    “To only send you away was to only delay this inevitability. For you were to always encroach upon my realm.”




    “When you first saw my world, I saw in your eyes: you saw only more land for the golden hills. More to snuff out. More to strip away into golden sands.”




    “And my tolerance, my mercy, is punished. Does the sick man tolerate the cancer that eats at his body? Does the writer tolerate the water on his papyrus? Does the library tolerate the fire to its books? Nay, nay, nay, t’was a mistake.”




    “For they who profit shall always return to kill and take and plunder until they must move to their next site of horrors.”



    A grand silouette appeared at the center of the blinding light, its tail swaying behind it.


    “Return us, then to those golden hills. Take all from us, for that shall be your only want. And I? I shall tolerate no longer. I shall extinguish the flame, sweep away the water and cut the cancer at the source.


    This great work for the creative soul of Pokemon shall be painted in your blood, Team Coronatus!”


    Through the shimmering light of the visage before me, I stared on- peering past her performance, and seeing something more.


    This was no longer the idle banter of standing above a deity- this was not her wretched lounging in a false palace. Here Zerazani stood, basking in the apex of her insanity, as… a ‘god’.


    The shape of a saint. She was not some Arcean monster, clashing hooves with tiled floors, but almost angelic in her nature.


    It sickened me.


    She knew not of the saints and angels she mocked- she knew not of the Lord, whose divine light would have cast her into the depths of Hell. But even in her ignorance, she mocked the very notion of the highest authority… she thought herself fit to rule a world. And I could not stand it.


    “The Golden Hills… matter not.” I breathed, perhaps for the first time since her wretched incarnation had appeared. “That Council of mindless puppets can burn, even by your own hand. We are not here on their behalf.”


    My dagger rose, light shimmering at its edge.


    “We are not the warriors of any realm- not yours, and not the realm of those gold-seeking heathens.


    My eyes bore into the faux deity, as the fire within my chest roared anew.


    “We are Team Coronatus! We have no masters, we fight for naught but the good of the world that surrounds us. And we answer NOT to a false god such as you!!”


    Head tucked low, I bolted forward- dagger hanging at my side, rushing up the stairs of paint, and circled in at the woman’s left side-!


    Zerazani spun to face me, backing up. Ground rose from nothing under the Smeargle’s feet as she stepped. A wide grin spread over her face as she held her hands behind her back.


    “Oh, is it true?” Zerazani’s voice boomed from all around as she spoke. “The death of the Empress Queen Princess Goddess of Creativity is not the will of your rich masters but simply the will of mortals?”


    She laughed, side-stepping another strike, making no retaliatory move.


    “So shall the puppets burn. They will know fire and they will know the ashes that come after and it shall be their kingdom. But this shall be my mercy onto them – and your punishment has only begun.”


    Step left. Step right. Her body leaned away from a stab. A duck! A weave.


    From below, Siranae ran beside the path of ground that materialized under Zerazani, trying to keep up. The Smeargle effortlessly dodged blow after blow, dancing around my slashes, more steps of paint and ground forming under her every step.


    “The flame in your heart shall burn you like the paper doll you are, played with by a puppet. You shall strike in fury until you muscles give, your bones atrophy and nothing is left but your simmering rage whilst I, the pure, immortal Goddess tower over you, triumphant!”


    I growled in defiance, each strike of the blade missing by a hair- and yet, I knew I was no closer to hitting her. Even with Siranae’s aid, we were dancing wildly, getting nowhere.


    “You will fall, as all false idols have before you!” I yelled out, thrusting the dagger and failing to reach my target once more. What good was this trinket, if it couldn’t even graze her?!


    My chest stirred, another torrent rising from me. With all my might, I launched a stream of water, aiming at that horridly smug face that Zerazani still bore…!





    The water shot FLEW away. In a swift motion with her tail, Zerazani parried the blast, the cascade of shimmering water flying off-course.


    The nobles below ooh’d and ahh’d, clapping politely at the pretty display of show-fighting.


    The painter-dog took another step back, smugly wielding her paint-coated tail like a fencing sword.


    “See now how far thy flailings gets you! You flounder like a Magikarp on the beach, young Adelaide of Coronatus!” She taunted, flicking the brush-tail at me with another step back, more ground rising behind her. “You mis-spend your limited mortal breaths~!”


    Siranae grunted from below, trying to find something, anything she could do. The stairs up to where I fought Zerazani had vanished behind us. We now found upon precarious ground several feet in the air, while Siranae could only watch from below.


    I panted, my stance faltering as the woman moved out of my reach. I felt… helpless.


    “I need not slay you in a flurry of blows- I need only strike you once.”  I grunted in frustration. I stepped back, blade held at the ready, should the fiend try anything else. “And you can only stall the inevitable!”


    “Look at the fury with which you strike! When it is you that invade my home and come to kill me!” Zerazani confusingly countered, taking another step to the side. “In your lack of understanding do you now seek to destroy all! How selfish! How horrid of you, Adelaide of Coronatus!”


    “Adelaide!” Siranae shouted below, running underneath. “The legs! The legs!”


    “Huh-?!” Zerazani backed off, looking down as though to shield her legs-


    -upper body exposed!!


    I glared at the foolish ‘deity’, so easily caught up in the words of a ‘mortal’. And I yearned desperately to let my blade connect, but-


    -but it was too soon. Too violent.


    “Haah–!!” With a roar, water spiraled up from within and around me- a Water Gun, spiraling out at full force-!


    The streaks of water blasted up towards Zerazani’s form, STRIKING at her chest, her arms, her horrid expression– every point that my attack could reach, barraging her with SLASHES of pure liquid-!!


    Suddenly, perhaps gratifyingly, Zerazani’s smug expression melted at once to one of shock and horror. The jet of water SLAMMED into her chest, flinging the woman up into the air.




    That scream was certainly out of character.


    The Smeargle flew back, her robes flinging about and she tumbled in the air. Siranae winced as Zerazani struck the ground below, rolling!




    And with a swift motion did Zerazani flip back and regain her footing. The crowd of ‘hostages’ clapped merrily at the display of acrobatics.


    With her tail brush in hand, Zerazani stared up at me as I stood above on the floating steps of dripping paint. And thus did I stare down at her.


    “So! Trickery and deception are your weapons, are they?” The Smeargle declared, lifting her tailbrush at me like a weapon. “You’re no better than a FERAL POKEMON, gnashing your teeth for meat and bone like tribes of old! So when the light of enlightened thought comes, so too shall the dusk come, bringing a darkness of violent ignorance! How art thou shadows, fiend?!”


    Siranae frowned, looking up at me.


    “Adelaide, I do not understand this part. What is she saying…?” The Audino called up to me, confused.


    I scoffed at the Smeargle’s display- so easily dragged back down to the realm of we mortals. And, for the first time, I could turn my nose up at the dreadful artist.


    “She cannot say it with words, but she says it with her tone, with every action she can muster.” I grasped my own tails, as if mimicking Zerazani’s natural weapon, before giving a flourish and a spin. The water around me pooled and swirled on those spun tails- cleansing away the paint that clouded mine and Siranae’s steps.


    “The supposed ‘Goddess’ cannot foresee the actions of a mortal Poke’mon, nor her own weakness- she mistakes the pyre of her own demise for a ray of light.” I stepped closer, towering over Zerazani with blade swaying at my side, ready to act at a moment’s notice. “For she has never seen divine light, so deep in her own fetid darkness. And she has never known justice- only vindication of her own selfish ways. When met with proof of her own mortality… she creates us as the wicked.”


    I looked back to the Audino. With a small leap I dropped back down to the ground at Siranae’s level and gave a signal to stay close to me. I didn’t want us to risk separation once more.


    “That is to say, Dear Siranae… she is a child,” I said, my warm smile returning. “And she has stayed us far too long, in playing with her toys. We would do well to send her to bed, lest her tantrum escalate any further.”


    “Tis true, a Goddess of a Civilized world cannot fathom the actions of base, crass, horrid mortals!” Zerazani shot back. Her pose SNAPPED to a new position. “I am a divine being, the constructor! You are an entity of the destructor, with no mind for what it is you do! Tis grand and  fascinating, your naivete, your INNOCENCE, that permits you think that your isolated actions shall do naught but spill a Goddess’s blood! That you can let yourself slumber peacefully and fathom not the CONSEQUENCES of what you wrought with bloodied, mortal hands!”


    Her pose SNAPPED to another position, this one even more exaggerated than the last.


    “If guiding the minds of a better mortal society is selfish then SINFULLY SELFISH AM I!”


    She stood there a moment.


    There was a pause between the three of us. Neither side made a move.


    Siranae looked from me then to Zerazani then back to me, looking more lost than ever.


    “Is…a fight supposed to be happening…?” The Audino asked softly. “We seem to be doing more talking…”


    Zerazani’s face fell at once. She recovered, pulling her hands inward to her chest.


    “Ah-! Ahaha! But if you so wish to strike down the Goddess…be it the WILL of Mortals-!” The Smeargle said hastily, quickly banishing the pause.


    At once did a line of oily black paint rise from the ground under Zerazani’s feet, lifting her back up. She lied down, lounging upon the paint.


    Just under her did more large globs of paint rise, turning into disgusting creatures, holding her, their goddess, aloft. One of the blob monsters lifted its dribbling arms up to give Zerazani a goblet, which the woman swirled before taking a drink.





    Though the woman sat upon her throne of beasts…she sat exposed. Her smile was wide and wicked, as though daring me to strike.


    Siranae gasped, squaring her feet as she prepared herself.


    Still, though, the Goddess did not strike first. She merely swirled her drink, smirking wide.


    “To the challenger goes the first blow!”


    Siranae was correct, indirectly- talk was meaningless. Nothing would draw Zerazani out from the depths of her own madness… naught but vicious combat, and cold steel.


    I took a breath, stepping closer to the Audino.


    “If I fall… I ask that you take up this blade, Dear Siranae,” I muttered. “Not for bloodshed… simply to find some way to safety. You are owed that much.”


    I could not bear to look at Siranae’s horrified expression.


    With a huff, I bent forward into a dash, resisting the urge to dive onto all-fours- racing towards Zerazani on her disgusting throne!


    The sight of the amorphous creatures could not deter me, as the woman’s empty gaze grew closer…!


    I reared back with my blade…


    …but even now, I felt hesitation.


    Zerazani was the idol of the dreaded nobles- and I could not feel the fury to slay her, here and now.


    But I rushed in and swung the blade down, slicing towards her with a clean swing of the dagger-!


    My arm felt the resistance as the shining steel made contact!




    …it was only grazing.


    I fell down to the ground. Zerazani let out a yell, a hand slapping onto her arm. I heard something wet crunch as the Smeargle held her wound.


    I tumbled, the blade clattering on the ground as I curled a ways from where the Goddess lie.


    The oily beasts reared back.




    Zerazani’s voice came, commanded. And the beasts backed off. The woman huffed, falling from her perch to now stand.


    The Smeargle’s arm was gripped firmly in her hand. I could see bright crimson rolling betwixt her fingers, running down the arm and dripping from her fingertips, staining her white robe…


    …as she slowly approached. Footsteps clacking on the ground.


    Zerazani, her brow furrowed, did not attack yet. She only looked down at me…staring.


    She had a look on her face like she was considering me.


    “Mortal…” She spoke, still in her commanding voice yet (somewhat) also…directly to me. “Despite all your conviction and words…when given a clean and clear target…”


    Zerazani paused…and…sneered.


    “You hesitated. Why?”


    I winced with my sudden fall, scrambling to raise myself to some defensive position. Some part of me did not think a strike would ever connect, and I stayed stunned for a moment longer.


    I stared up at the faux Goddess, one paw clutching desperately on the blade. Even in this moment of solace, I did not feel safe…


    …but I stayed my hand. The blood upon her fur was true enough to hold my rage.


    “You are unbelievable…” I mumbled to her, as my first answer… but I spoke again. “Do you truly not understand?”


    I looked down at my blade, and the flecks of redness that had marked its fine surface, dripping from its tip.


    “It is not my place to kill… whether divine or mortal, I am not a murderer. I fought for my own safety…I fought for Siranae’s, too.” I said. “And, even still, I hoped to free that ‘audience’ of yours. But those fights do not merit your death.”


    I felt some pride in my words, and some fear as well. If Zerazani was not swayed… I would be struck down on the spot. But I could only speak my truth.


    “I am not judge, jury, and executioner. My mortal heart is not fit to decide another’s fate that way.” I laughed weakly. “The divine ordains where such righteous fury shall be used. And… there is no divinity that guides me to such an action. Not my own Lord, nor your mortal words.”


    I let the blade lower to my side.


    “So you cannot be slain today.”


    “Goodness gracious…” A voice from the crowd of onlookers cooed.


    “She’s so very noble.” Came another voice from the noble ‘hostages’


    “I do prefer when the good guys in the story are actually good — when it gets all muddied I don’t like it as much.”


    Zerazani frowned as the murmuring continued.


    All at once the energy, the flow, the atmosphere, everything seemed to grind to halt as I stood, refusing to strike Zerazani.


    The Smeargle lifted her head, her eyes…furiously transfixed to the crowd as the nobles muttered.


    Muttered about how much they liked me.


    Muttered about how much they wanted me to defeat ‘the bad guy’.


    I felt… satisfaction well up within me. My principles were held… and Zerazani’s performance was tarnished, just slightly. I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome, short of our actual freedom.


    The Smeargle’s face fell, her gaze trailing to the ground.




    …Zerazani pinched between her eyes.


    “…alright…” The Smeargle muttered to herself with a heaving sigh. “…I can work with this…”


    After a moment, Zerazani backed away, taking the smug expression of the Goddess once more.


    “So here it is we see the conviction of mortals!” The Smeargle shouted, the ground rumbling under our feet. “Only now do your realize the gravity of your transgressions! But the fire of all art’s destruction has already been lit! Do you mean to reverse course now? How will YOU stop society’s decay? Either bring a new era with the thrust of your blade or else become one with my realm FOREVER!”


    Siranae stood behind, politely stepping aside as Zerazani back-walked past her.


    “Well…we could always just be peaceful with you, Zerazani.” Siranae offered, looking up at her. The Smeargle cocked an eyebrow, looking the Audino’s way. “Perhaps…even be friends, if you would like.”


    Wh-? No! that’d make an awful climax.” Zerazani softly shooed the girl away. “Go, go. Return to Adelaide’s side at once – your positioning is all awkward.”


    “O-oh…!” Siranae flinched, waddling back over to me as instructed.


    When the Audino returned to me, she leaned in.


    “What now, Adelaide…?” Siranae asked, hushed.


    I rose once more, placing a paw on Siranae’s shoulder. She had not erred, even if Zerazani wished her to believe so. And she would be duly rewarded in time.


    “Your realm… even you must realize how pitifully small it is, ‘Goddess’.” I scoffed, taking up the dagger once more. “The true world beyond it lays untouched by your creation. Your fear of mortal hatred has sealed that creation away, in this last corner of sanctuary.”


    I narrowed my gaze, starting to run once again.


    “You have made yourself a Goddess of Nothing, for you would rather have that than bear the consequences of mortality. You are trapped here, Zerazani!”


    My paw tensed on the blade, as I drew it back once more. More assured than before.


    “And when you submit in combat- you and your creation will return to mortality, to bear the judgment of nobility once again-!!”


    “HAH! Trapped, am I?!” The Goddess, Zerazani said…rather defensively. “I have spent CENTURIES being adored and thanked, but it has become a hollow thanks! For-“


    Zerazani was cut off. I lunged towards the woman, arm pulled back as my maw suddenly spread open – a burst of streaming water fired out, point-blank on the foolish woman!!


    Zerazani’s eyes widened as she tried to back off from my sudden advance before she was BLINDED by water.


    The jet stream of Aqua tossed the woman back again, throwing her to the ground across from us. She splashed into a puddle of my making, her robes becoming soggy and weighing on her as her hair flopped over her face.


    Siranae gasped, running up to my side. The crowd cheered and clapped for ‘heroic Adelaide’ delivering such a cool blow to the wicked Goddess.


    Zerazani rolled and tumbled until finally coming to a halt, nothing more than a crumpled, curled lump on the ground. Siranae, the poor girl that could not help herself, gasped in worry.


    “Ms.Zerazani…?” Siranae called out before looking back to me. “Oh dear…were you too hard on her, Adelaide…?”


    But her ear flicked as the words exited her mouth.


    There, ahead, the pathetic sight of the defeated goddess…twitched…and shuddered.


    Zerazani shifted…ever so slightly shifted.


    “Hah…aha…” I could hear the Smeargle.


    The woman sucked in a breath.


    “This…this is what I’ve needed…” Zerazamo spluttered, her words blubbering against the puddle of water she lied in. “For I’ve borne no judgement.”


    She slowly began to lift herself.


    “Nobody tells Zerazani anything about her art because it’s perfect. I don’t just welcome the judgement, Adelaide…” She coughed. “I crave it. I crave it for I am trapped in a world of mindless idiots. Look at them…”


    The thirty nobles behind us lightly chattered to one another, not even paying attention.


    “Listen to how they ghost through life, knowing of neither worry or conflict. So alien is the concept of hardship that they don’t even recognize it when it is brought before them and they are immersed in it. I do not fear judgement…I only tire of shouting to a land of the deaf.”


    Siranae tilted her head curiously. Then…a wracking laugh came from Zerazani…I could not even see the woman’s face as she faced away from us.


    “But you…Adelaide, you and Siranae…you’ve felt fear. You’ve felt anger. As I live and breathe you’ve…paid attention…but more than anything–“


    Zerazani’s wobbling arms barely held her.


    “…you’ve made me feel something. It’s…it’s so alien to me b-but…gracious, this world of nobles has poisoned me so much. And yet…”


    The Smeargle lifted herself to her knees, her back facing us.



    Siranae smiled softly.


    “Do you feel better, Ms.Zerazani?” The Audino asked, hopefully.


    A silence hung in the air. A long, uncomfortable silence.


    I panted, feeling the strain of our ‘adventure’ settle upon me. I too had spent years practicing an art- the art of seeming unfazed. But never had it been so tested, if only physically.


    The soaked mess of Zerazani did not spark a sense of victory… nor the cheers of dull-witted nobles. Even now, they likely awaited artwork, status, meaningless reward from Zerazani.


    Did she deserve an apology? No- she had harmed Siranae too much to receive that now. But pity was inevitable. And… perhaps, that judgment she so craved.


    “If it is any consolation… it was difficult not to pay attention to your work, in the throes of chaos.” I sighed, relenting. “Every detail became more vivid…”


    I shot a glare to the sloshing streaks of paint upon the ground.


    “…and the flaws, as well. Really- those creatures of yours, they were a mess. I could not tell if they represented the nobles, or the guild members, or simply part of yourself…”


    I rolled my paw, sorting through my thoughts.


    “And, if you wish to critique the Conveytions, perhaps something more meaningful could suffice than a parody. Shara’s heartless stare is not properly reflected in a puppet.”


    I sighed.


    “But these things were certainly more interesting than the endless halls of vistas and portraits.” I said at last. “That there was something to consider at all is… a breath of fresh air.”


    My paw quivered on the blade. In my heart, I still feared another attack. But I spoke nonetheless.


    “I cannot give you the full judgment you deserve. Nor can we remain here, in fear and strife, for your art. But you need not remain trapped- whether in this gallery, or from your audience.”


    I looked to Siranae- tired and battered as we were, we still stood. That much set my heart at ease.


    “And… if nothing else- you certainly inspire reactions within the nobility.” I said, finally. “Why, they could have torn Shara’s office apart at their indignation of being ignored. A riotous scene from a classical painting, over a classical painting- there is a humorous irony to it.”


    “Ah…finally, to hear such from a noble from the Arceali Guild…so much to say…so many little details noticed and critiqued. Oh that’s beautiful…” Zerazani’s voice laughed. “Adelaide, you must know I care nothing for those blundering, screaming ninnies in Shara’s court. Clamoring, gluttonous clowns, the lot of them. This work…my Magnum Opus…this is my letter of contempt to them.


    She shuddered.


    “Yes…yes…the story of the Goddess of Creativity, assassinated by the guild to return art to a commodity. To make a world where a massive portrait lies before an onlooker yet their eyes are drawn only to the tiny price tag at the bottom…The Guild, Adelaide, the Guild always came to set things right, to make things as they were.”


    She took a deep breath.


    “I can’t help but feel almost happy – one pair of nobles in the world that just pays attention. But…it’s not done yet…my Magnum Opus…it’s so close, we’re right at the end…it’s so…close.


    Another silence followed. Zerazani only sat there. Siranae held her paws to her chest, looking worried.


    “Ms.Zerazani…while I cannot profess to understand much of any of this…I do, in some part, understand being trapped…” She said, softly. “Being in a place where you are told rather than heard. My time at the Windscorch Ironworking Compnay…under the foreman I would labor…and I must be silent. I do not get to be myself at all.”


    Zerazani’s heavy breathing paused, as though it caught in her throat. The dog’s ears seemed to…perk a little.


    “Thus…would I have to work, for another’s benefit. Smelting, refining, and all of it carried away elsewhere. None of what I’ve worked on is mine…” Siranae smiled softly, looking at me. “But…when I could steal myself away to the Old District of Arceliaze, to fight…in those moments, those fights would be my own. It would be who I am…someone beyond the forge I’d spend the day in front of…perhaps it’s okay to simply…allow your true self to be in those pieces of art you’re truly proud of? That you put yourself into…?”


    Siranae’s voice trailed off as Zerazani…laughed again.


    But the Smeargle said nothing.


    Another laugh.


    A cackle.


    Zerazani’s body wracked and shuddered with laughter.


    “That…that can’t be…” The Smeargle babbed to herself. “No no no, that’s impossible-! I though…I thought I finally…-!!”


    The cackling worried me. I stepped closer to Siranae defensively, fearing the worst as Zerazani’s feverish laughing reached a roaring crescendo that echoed around the voice.


    …Windscorch Ironworking Co…? Metal Working…?!” Zerazani’s voice was slowly…slowly turning more venomous. “Why-! Why-!! This was my story and yet…I’ve now been delivered a twist…have I?!”


    Her head slowly turned. Siranae, worried, took a step back, closer to me as well.


    “What nobles at the Arceali Guild work at a forge?!” Zerazani’s words mixed with her laughter.


    My eyes widened. Poor Siranae- her heart overflowed with compassion, and yet she had tipped her hand too far.


    I stepped forward, hoping to shield the girl with myself once more- blade still at the ready.


    “What does it matter?” I spat out. “Were we not enough? Was your art not seen, known, critiqued?”


    I felt my body lock up on itself. I couldn’t retract what Siranae had admitted, only manage what would come of it.


    “Your performance is over. A team to serve as your hapless heroes- the mission is duly fulfilled, and then some. You would do well to learn from this experience, and set us free.” I demanded.


    A fist POUNDED into the water.


    “No, no no no, I was most clear: A GUILD team was to come KILL The Goddess of Creativity!” Zerazani’s voice THUNDERED. “And not only have you absolutely BUNGLED my LIFE’S WORK right at the last possible moment but then you mean to tell me that, all this time, the role of the Guild was being played by…by….two off-the-street YAHOOS!?!”


    Zerazani SPUN around-!!





    Siranae yelped, jumping back as Zerazani’s voice bellowed over the void. The mindless nobles simply clapped merrily at the ‘spirited performance’.


    “I can’t believe I was almost being swayed by your cowardly, mealy-mouthed ‘lets all just get along’ fUCKING DRIVEL!”


    Siranae shuddered, frowning.


    “I didn’t think it was drivel…I thought I-“




    A gust BILLOWED out, whipping through our fur, nearly knocking us over.


    The Smeargle woman stood, an aura of hate radiating from her as she heaved with fury.


    “Alright…how’s about a little improv, since this ending has turned to such UTTER TRITE, HM?!” Zerazani roared, cracking her knuckles. “NOW…ZERAZANI the Empress Queen Princess GODDESS of Creativty sees the Guild members and CAVES THEIR SKULLS IN, PAINTING HER NEW MAGNUM OPUS IN THEIR BLOOD!”


    “I…” Siranae huffed. “I don’t think I like that ending, either.”




    “Siranae, you-” I gasped, struggling to hold my footing against the violent gale winds. “I appreciate your honest tenderness, but we’re going to need to be less sociable here- or simply fight, if you don’t mind-!”


    “But I feel-” Siranae was cut off as I swung out my arms against the Smeargle’s sheer force.


    “And as for you, you utter wretch-” I shouted, pointing the knife towards Zerazani. “If we don’t have to pretend anymore, then I’ll be curt-“


    I bolted forward, water already trailing from my lips, and pooling from the ground around me.


    “Your story-writing is more dreadful than your infantile voice-acting– I was writing better self-serving garbage than this magnum opus when I was six years old!!”


    I tucked the blade against me, veering to Zerazani’s right- tackling past her, as my tails WHIPPED out to slice at her fur-!!


    The Smeargle made no show of haughtiness now. There was no posing, no cockiness. Zerazani held her tail in hand…


    …and it glowed with a metallic sheen.




    Sparks flew!


    My tails jerked to the side as Zerazani parried my strike and-


    Something SLAMMED into my chest! Siranae yelped!


    A jet of water blew through me – powerfully sending me flying back. Water rolled over my body! I yelped at the harsh THUD of her parry, stumbling away from my target- battered and barraged with water, like I was emerging from that river for the first time again.


    And there, Zerazani held a glowing orb in hand, a wicked look on her face.


    “You perform well enough when stage-fighting, Adelaide, but your form is sloppy. Much too sloppy for guild, yes. I should have suspected from the start!” Zerazani spat. “In my haste, in my excitement to finally pull this off I’ve allowed my great work to be sullied by the likes of a Poke’mon who’s all ‘Oh wehhh I don’t wanna kill anyone, killing is oh so wrooooong’!”



    “Here, Adelaide, let me show you how a watergun is REALLY performed…”


    With that venomous declaration…another, dangerously powerful jet of water SHOT from her orb!!


    I braced myself at the sight of that jet- squealing as its FORCE shot into me-!!


    “H-hhaahh–!” I fell backwards, knocking myself down just to get out of the line of fire from that mirrored attack.


    I gasped for another breath.


    “O-Of course, you have no technique of your own…” I said. “Merely copying what others have done better. No wonder your artwork has been so derivative-“


    I forced myself up, soaked and stunned, but still seething within.


    “And do not mistake mercy for pacifism- if you give me a reason to bring your death, I will respond in kind. Be thankful that your blubbering artistry isn’t worth the headache!”


    I held out the blade, standing my ground- shooting a look to the Audino that stood on the other side of that woman.


    “Siranae! I beg you, we have to fight! Something other than mere words…!”


    Zerazani laughed cruelly, her hands forming another orb to fire upon me with!


    “Hah! What reason have I to listen to a girl who’s presence here is all based on a lie?! Have you not enough reason?” The Smeargle taunted. “You’ll see soon enough that my stage fighting is nothing compared to my-“




    Zerazani squeaked as she was thrown to the ground! Siranae barreled over her like a boulder. Without another word, the Audino lunged with her hands glowing.


    Zerazani rolled back. Her eyes went wide and she dove to the side. Siranae’s fists struck the ground, a massive glassy crack spreading across the floor, shards going into the air.


    Siranae lifted her gaze, stern and fierce.


    “I ask you do not hurt Adelaide, please.” Siranae said, almost commandingly.


    I couldn’t hold back a weak gasp at the sight of Siranae’s attack- her sheer strength came out whenever I did not expect it. But even now, Zerazani’s mortality was on full display.


    “Hah, the dull witted one finally throws a punch!” Zerazani spat a gob of blood, bouncing onto her feet. “Finally maybe this project can be salvaged! Have at you both!!”


    “Oh I am amused by a good fight at the end of a play~!” One of the nobles behind us cooed.


    “I do hope this ends soon. I’m already 20 days late for an appointment…”


    “Yay Ms. Addy-whatever her name was. That name of hers was much too long.”


    “Will there be a bathroom break?”


    Zerazani grit her teeth, turning her attention back to the both of us as Siranae backpedaled to me to regroup.


    The Smeargle hopped back, two orbs in hand, aimed at us and releasing a TORRENT in our direction. Siranae gasped, putting her arms up to block-!


    My wits had returned to me- I kicked off the ground like a jet of water, throwing myself into Siranae! Even if it was desperate, I did as I needed to keep her out of harm’s way.


    Siranae tumbled with me to the side as the twin jets of water THUNDERED onto the ground, the tremors rumbling under us. That could have been fatal.


    Siranae gripped me, helping me back up at once.


    “Th… thank you for acting when needed,” I said, coughing out the words amidst my exhaustion. “It would be somewhat brutal to ask you to break her arms, but…”


    I sucked in a breath.


    “If we can’t stop her from using those attacks, then I ask that you help me knock her unconscious…!” I told her.


    “Oh, legs first, Adelaide…” Siranae said politely. “Incapacitation was always the quickest way to end a fight at Teral-“


    She gasped, yanking me to the side as another jet SLAMMED into the ground.


    “C’MON!” Zerazani yelled! Another jet of water shot from an orb! Then another! Another! Siranae ducked and weaved and hopped over the multiple shots of water. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone yellow-belly already! I’m not here to make a statement that violence isn’t the answer!! This isn’t a children’s story, violence is absolutely the answer here!”


    Siranae pulled and threw me to the side, a stream of water screaming between us. A haze of mist floated in the air, tickling my fur.


    “Fine, legs first…!” I panted out, trying to scramble back up from Siranae’s throw. “But no matter what- even if she seems to be relenting, we must stop her-“


    I shielded myself for a moment against the swirling mist that now surrounded us – this would be quite useful.


    I pointed to Siranae, and shot an arm out- a signal for her to head left, as I stayed right.


    Before I could be a target for another attack, I dashed onto my feet- no, onto all-fours, as much as I loathed it-!


    “I’ve seen more violence in fairy tales, you hack!” I growled, water drizzling from my lips once more… it swirled around my body as I ran- and my steps grew faster!


    Just like before- when I was pinned by those wretched guards. My whole body flowed with the water around me, as I kicked my foot into the ground-


    And SHOT forward at Zerazani, whizzing like a bullet through the air, SLAMMING into the Smeargle with an aqua-charged shoulder tackle-!!


    Zerazani yelped! The force of the Aqua Jet blew through her defenses. Water scattered into the air. A sickening crunch sounded from the hit, another cascade of blood dribbling from the woman’s lips.


    Zerazani’s eyes flared. She shoved at me and brought a glow to her fists like Siranae. With a powerful STRIKE she flung her fists into my side! A CRACK sounded as my body TWISTED from the impact. I stifled a wail as her shining fists SLAMMED into me-! I’d never heard my body make such a sound as that, and I felt my vision blur from the terror of it-


    Siranae leapt up, hands glowing to slam into Zerazani. The Smeargle gasped, her own hands glowing and lifted to block. The shuddering strike sent Zerazani flying from me. She skidded across the ground, barely holding to her footing.


    “Cute parlor tricks, you little hand maiden! I’ll be sure to send your remains back to the circus!” Zerazani bellowed, stepping off and flying to Siranae.


    Her fist flew down, slamming into the Audino. Siranae blocked one, missed the other, Zerazani’s fist breaking into the Audino’s cheek. Siranae swiped her hand, slapping the next fist away. Another fist, a gutshot into Zerazani.


    Blood splattered onto the two women. I rolled backwards amidst the chaos, forced to watch- staring as Siranae and Zerazani traded blows. Each drop of blood and horrid sound caused my stomach to turn, even as I rose to my knees once more…!


    Zerazani weakly spun, her iron tail throwing Siranae aside! Her footing twisted, and in another set she RUSHED to me, water flowing around her in a copy of my Aqua Jet!


    “Worthless, annoying meddlesome so-and-so! Where has all your spirited do-gooder proclamations gone?! What a fool you were to not just stab me when you had the chance!” Zerazani bellow, tightening the vortex. “But this? THIS is a good final act! Ohhh YES I’m FEELING IT NOW! This is the ending my great work DESERVES.”


    Her hands CLENCHED together as she shot towards me!


    “So, perhaps, Guild or not, I must thank you, Adelaide!!” Zerazani laughed. “For off-the-street talent you’ve done remarkably well at playing the role of a stooge I so needed! Perhaps even better than any Guild could have! But now we’ll soon DRAW THE CURTAIN on your debut and final performance!!”


    My eyes widened, as Zerazani closed in for another blow! ‘Think, you stupid girl, think!! What would stop this attack??’


    I gasped, in those few moments I had for realization- all she could do was mimic. Even if she could be stronger, she could never be anything but what we were-


    I stamped my foot down, water spiraling around me once more- as I fired an Aqua Jet, launching up into the air! Zerazani was closing in on where I’d been seated- and I could meet her there on my own terms-!


    “My little performance has just started, Zerazani! And no Goddess, no Guild, no Conduit will stand before me-!” My body spun in the air, almost another pirouette, before I started to crash down towards her! “Savor your role, as the triumphant end of a first act-!!”


    I twirled and swung myself, falling farther and faster than I had ever done in my life- rearing back my iron blade as I descended, and swinging the weapon in a shallow streak across the painter’s side-!!




    The swinging blade CONNECTED! Zerazani’s Aqua Jet veered, the woman yelping in surprise, losing control, careening off! Her Aqua Jet broke! Her body was sent tumbling into a bleeding spiral, thumping on the glass floor in a roll as water flew all over.


    I barely caught myself enough to not collapse upon landing- my exhaustion was wearing me thin. Even winning a battle could kill me at such a state.


    The splashing droplets and misting water scattered in all directions.


    “Guh! All this water. So much humidity is bad for my constitution!” One of the spectators huffed, fanning himself.


    “I must say I’m impressed with all this fake blood. I might find use for it.”


    “I wish there were more jokes. I’ve grown weary of all the seriousness – you’d never be able to sell tickets of this to a bigger audience in my theater house. I’d rather just purchase a few paintings and be on my way by now.”


    As Zerazani crumpled onto the floor she caught herself. On her knees, the woman RAKED her hands through her head fur, a wild and frustrated look in her manic eyes!


    I could see it now. Her arm bled. Blood dribbled over her lips. Her back had been lashed by my strike, bruised and bleeding. She looked awful. And she looked enraged.


    “rrrAAUGH!” Zerazani bellowed, wobbling as she got to her feet. “Bloody NOBLES. What is it going to TAKE?! Have you been sleepwalking this entire performance?!”


    She coughed. A splatter of blood fell to the stage and onto an onlooker who simply watched, totally unfazed. Zerazani’s enraged look grew.


    “Never once have I cared what the onlookers thought, no. But the sheer lack of…anything! It’s too much to bear!” Zerazani whipped her head towards me. “Bleeding and broken and it’s all still only measured in coin!! Tonight I could give them three corpses bled out in front of them and they’d wonder if our carcasses would fetch a good price!!”


    Zerazani pointed her iron-clad tail at me.


    “Between us both, Adelaide…this is someone’s first act…and someone’s final. By some means or another I will disrupt the world of these contemptuous nobles! By some means shall I break down their walls and wake them up!”


    I couldn’t deny it- a shared loathing of the mindless banter of those nobles. How was I to concentrate on this lunatic when the nobles’ voices invaded, even now?


    “Do it, Zerazani. By all means, awaken them- rid them of this waking dream they pretend is a life! But I will NOT-“ I shouted, brandishing the blade once more, letting red droplets fly from it, “-allow you to make us your casualties for it!”


    I felt my arm quiver. Zerazani’s blasted magic was going to win out, if I had to force myself any longer. And somehow… for all of the strife she had caused- hearing her say those words, I despised that we were fighting each other.


    I had felt that anguish, too.


    “You think I haven’t seen this wretched behavior?” I spat at her, some blood staining onto my lip. “How they gawk, and mutter, and pass over tragedy with the only thought being their earnings? It sickens me!!”


    My body shook. This frustration was draining me.


    “I have seen Arcean nobility turn up their noses at a fresh corpse– I have seen them turn a blind eye to violence in the streets! I have seen their blackened hearts- and this performance has no power over them.”


    Each breath was hissed through my teeth.


    “But you think you’re better than them? You spend your days painting their fancies- you weep over canvases misused and art unseen- and you would slay a wayward team of Poke’mon, just to satisfy your urge to be special!!”


    I roared out the words, eyes clouding with rage and sorrow.


    “You delight in the act of it- for there can be no greater injustice in this world than Zerazani’s artistry being left unappreciated!!”


    I winced from the strain of it, giving a weary look to Siranae. I was losing my strength.


    Siranae met my gaze. She was bruised and battered, panting heavily from the exertion. Zerazani had beaten us both down to the last, but we both had in turn done the same to her.


    “You are them, Zerazani.” I said, spitting out blood, my hateful gaze returning to the Smeargle. “Mortal suffering, mortal meaning, all of it… is worthless, when there is something ‘more important’ to fixate on. You, the canvas- them, the wallet.


    “You are them.”


    Zerazani frowned, blood dripping to the floor as the shapes of the abstract swirled around us three.


    The spectators watched with neutral amusement.


    The woman snarled, two more orbs flashing in her hands.


    “Make me the sole casualty, then! Beat me, take your beating, however it must be done, but you — you are the star now, whether we like it or not, Adelaide!” Zerazani shouted. “We three have gone too far into this. Whether the plans have gone awry, it’s too late!”


    The orbs PULSED but she did not attack yet.


    “You…the more we talk, the more I feel an alien kinship. Both you and Siranae.” The woman shouted, taking a hobbling step forward. “You met my prized works with open mind, you showed fear and anger where I’ve seen only indifference, you took to the performance and played your role of guild flawlessly even when not being guild at all.”


    She furrowed her brow.


    “You carry yourself as a noble but…you’re awash in death, Adelaide.” Zerazani said. “You’ve a familiarity with strife and conflict I’ve not seen in any Poke’mon in all of Laesi…and yet you’re street Poke’mon? How can it be?!”


    Zerazani SLAMMED her hands together, the two orbs forming a singular, massive orb of water-emulating power!


    “Curse it all, who are YOU in all of this, Adelaide Imperator?!” Zerazani demanded. “To come here as guild! To be as an alien noble! You…you!!”


    She grit her teeth. An audience member yawned.


    “You confound me most egregiously!” Zerazani bellowed.


    I had barely the strength to stumble back as she approached- anything more drastic, and I would collapse in the effort of it.


    My expression grew more worried, more panicked as her attack formed- but I did not falter. Even now, my eyes pierced back into her glare.


    “I am no one!!” I yelled back, voice becoming hoarse. My paws gripped tightly.


    I shut my eyes- hoping not to feel the sting of the audience’s constant stares.


    “In Arcea… I am no one,” I said, weaker. “If I told you I was once nobility, I would have not even a token of wealth to prove it. If I told you I have been a beggar all my life, my mannerisms would betray it. If I told you that I was a normal Poke’mon, I would hate myself for accepting such a role.”


    I opened my eyes, sorrow clearing- leaving only fury, and focus.


    “And if I told you that I was something truly foreign-“


    A breath.


    “If I told you I was something unlike a Poke’mon… I would not expect you to understand. All it merits is disbelief. I have no answer that could set myself right…”


    I gripped the blade, holding it up in my defense, one last time.


    “And so… in this world, I am no one. Only in Siranae’s eyes have I been someone- only with each other, have we both had the chance to become something that can join the guild. Something in reach of the Conduit. And even that hope is dashed at the doorstep of our first mission.”


    A flash of surprise crossed the Smeargle’s face. I looked to Siranae again, feeling some security in the Audino’s presence- even in the face of the danger that this cretin brought.


    “I don’t want to kill you, Zerazani. No matter how much you think your art deserves it- you will not reach these Arcean nobles with such desperation. I have seen mortals ignore worse than this.”


    I readied myself. If I had to burn myself through with another Aqua Jet… so be it.


    “And if I should fall here… it would not satisfy your goals. It would only prove that I was never meant to persist in this world.”




    Siranae stepped up at once, a hand to my chest. The Audino’s brow was creased tightly.


    “You will not fall here, Adelaide.” Siranae spoke with a determination unlike anything I’d heard from the girl before.


    She looked back at me, her once soft blue eyes now alight with a passionate fire.


    “We are going to be okay.”


    Siranae said it with such certainty, grasping my hand as Zerazani charged her attack.


    The Smeargle looked to the both of us with confusion…then her face lit up with amusement and wonder.


    “Even after all of this you still stick to your pacifism? Fighting with feral ferocity but tempered with mercy?!” Zerazani shouted, PULSING the water orb again. “No…no no no, how dare you say all of that, Adelaide!”


    The orb PULSED again. Siranae braced herself as Zerazani spoke.


    “I am most offended that you would ever say that! To say such a thing of the centerpiece of my magnum opus! To say such a thing of you, someone who saw and lived and breathed all that I showed.”


    Zerazani’s smile widened more and more, manic.


    “No, Adelaide. You ARE someone. To ME!”


    The orb FLASHED.


    And from it, a pillar of water, like a concentrated ocean’s worth FIRED UNCONTROLLABLY OUT. A tidal wave rocketed towards Siranae and I, threatening to flood out the whole world!!


    And Siranae stood, readying to take it head on.


    I stood with the girl- even as my heart quivered, watching the downpour that Zerazani wrought. No answer would be enough- I had known it, and still I tried to act otherwise.


    My paw squeezed Siranae’s hand in turn. Water swirled around my feet- I could still fight, with her beside me.


    “Hold on, dear!” I shouted, as that aquatic energy pooled around Siranae, already starting to lift us, “-and mind the current!”


    With all of my energy, I SHOT us forward in an Aqua Jet, charging head-on at the massive wave! Before it could crash down upon us and destroy us, we would pass it…!


    I shut my mouth, as we burst into the base of the wave- surrounded by saltwater on all ends, but still surviving! The wave could only pull us upward from here- but still, I launched us forward-!


    My body swirled amidst the chaotic current, as I swam and flung forward, trying to bring us to face Zerazani once more…!!


    There! In the waving, warbling rush of water, I saw her. Standing with her feet planted, hands upon that orb of energy as water gushed from it. Her eyes were wide and manic, watching us excitedly as we charged through.


    Siranae gripped me tight, her breath held. Her legs flailed as the rush of water battered against the both of us.


    The Audino’s hands glowed once more. She looked like she was straining, but from her palms…my body felt warm and energized. In a pulse, like a heartbeat washing over me, I could feel my fatigue lessening, like a small jolt of willpower.


    The water SURGED against us once more. Then another SURGE. Zerazani did everything to hold us back yet watched our progress with wild interest…


    …as though she wished upon wishes for us to break through…


    …and give the final blow!!


    Even now, we would just be serving her interest… so be it. A guild team is nothing, if not capable of resolving the missions it is forced to take-!


    I held Siranae tight, pulling in the water around us with the force of my attack- before we BURST forth from the back end of the tidal wave…!


    I flew dead-on toward Zerazani, every part of my body THROWN into the Smeargle!




    The tidal wave was broken at once! A lake’s worth of water sloshed and crashed upon the walls as Siranae and I ripped through Zerazani’s defenses, the dagger stabbing forth in a hail of blood!


    The glass that surrounded us cracked and shattered. It could not hold against the crashing waves of water. In a tremendous crashing that surrounded us, the world of the Goddess began to break down.


    All at once I saw it:


    In a hail of shimmering glass shards, the mirrors and windows all broke apart like a beautiful rain of diamonds.


    The world of the Goddess was now naught by plywood.




    Sculpted shapes on glass stands.


    Orbs of rubber with thick slime upon them held by strings like marionettes.


    Magnification lenses cracked and shattered on a tile floor.


    Steel wire snapped with a warbling screech.


    Blindingly bright and focused lights fell to the ground.


    All around Zerazani her world became shards and rubble as she flew back by our powerful tackle.


    And all the while she looked so very…





    One day I shall see fields of green again and know beauty.


    One day I shall see the mountains and think them such a marvel of life.


    One day I shall look on the shimmering waters of the sea and think the world sublime.


    I want to be her again, that young and bright eyed girl


    who only saw beauty and a perfect world.


    Take from me the poison of the growing old


    Take from me the poison of mundane


    Take from me the poison that has eroded who am I


    I must dream again


    else why should I even live?





    Zerazani dropped onto a tile floor, lying in a diluted pool of her own blood that swirled with the water of her attack. The hilt of the knife was in her hand…and its blade broken off and lying beside the Smeargle.


    The world…no…


    …the statue was dark now. All that made the Goddess’s realm was in ruins. All that remained…was an art gallery and broken plywood.


    The Iron Wings of Pokemon Become Gods creaked silently, an indifferent, hollow and droning sound echoing through the halls.


    I felt… weight, vanishing from me.


    The realm of a deranged woman… all at once, its pressure had vanished- its reality was shattered.


    And we… we were free.


    My legs and arms burned from combat- something inside me still bled. And I dreaded to look at Siranae, but still did so, having to make sure she was not too badly harmed.


    Siranae’s fur was dripping. She clung to my arm tightly but looked…ready to go to sleep at once. She stumbled, exhausted, eventually simply electing to drop down and sit in the pool of water that coated the floor.


    “Huff…Adelaide…is it finished?” Siranae asked hopefully. “I admit I don’t think I could go through another act…I would much prefer this play to be over with.”


    I wasn’t sure how to respond.


    Was I supposed to laugh? Weep?


    What did Zerazani want from my ‘victory’?


    Did it matter?


    I tried to look for the nobles, to be sure they were not harmed in the chaos. Indeed, with the glass all washed away, I could look over and see where the nobles sat.


    They were all dusting themselves off, shaking the water from their clothes and complaining.


    “Ugh, this was far too much. I don’t think the near month of waiting was worth it at all.”


    “Come come, I had my eye on one of the landscape paintings we were shown. I think I could sell it to my Cousin for a good price.”


    “Indeed. Leave the shapes and nonsense paintings here, no need for that trash to clutter up my mantle, dear.”


    Siranae sighed as the finely dressed nobles all dismissively collected themselves, already getting up and beginning to discuss what they would take home for all their time.


    But my eyes were drawn again and again to… Zerazani.


    I couldn’t bring myself to voice the question in my head. My stomach ached just at the thought.


    I approached the fallen Smeargle, slowly, tiredly… checking her wounds. Checking her… pulse, as much as I detested to feel her fur once again.


    She… couldn’t have.


    Even as demented as her soul was, she wouldn’t have-


    As I stood over Zerazani, the woman face down in her own blood…


    …I heard a bubbling…sigh.


    The Smeargle shuddered, fur sopping wet. She shifted, clearly not dead yet. Siranae let out a breath she’d been holding, seeing Zerazani move.


    The Smeargle sat up, a fresh cut on her forehead from the knife dribbling blood down her face. Her countenance was one of resigned aggravation.


    She looked up at me briefly…then over to the nobles who were beginning to leave.


    “Yes, yes…” Zerazani said to the group, her voice…rather expressionless. “The exit is just down the hall. Follow the signs…”


    “What of the art on display?” One of the nobles asked at once as the others were already exiting.


    Zerazani’s frown deepened. Her voice was hoarse from all the yelling.


    For the first time since I’d met her…the Smeargle simply looked…




    “…just take whatever you want and leave.” She said at last.


    The nobles hardly needed any more permission, promptly walking as a group by the three of us. Not a one of them batted an eye in our direction, not even to thank Siranae and I for saving them from being killed.


    They didn’t even seem to grasp that they had been in danger at all.


    I gripped a paw in… tired frustration. A day spent in utter turmoil… and it seemed nothing good had come from it. Even the villain sat in lamentable defeat- even the audience had barely understood the chaos before them.


    I felt weak.


    Still, with that fear assuaged, I looked to the Audino once more.


    “It seems to be over, Dear Siranae. I’ll allow us to be off in just a moment.”


    I watched the nobles depart, holding in as many contemptible statements as I could imagine- I certainly felt owed something for how much I struggled on their behalf. And still, I kept myself silent.


    With their annoying presences dealt with… I let my gaze fall upon the disgraced artist once more.


    I wanted quite badly to add the finishing touch- to demand my payment, and leave her in the silent wreckage of her magnum opus. In fact, with such damage taken, I could shake her down for the money, if she resisted.


    But, in such a state… I did not need to do anything more. I could feel the contempt brewing in the air.


    “Was it worth it, Miss Zerazani? This massive scene?” I muttered the question. “If not for them… did it matter for us, to have seen and known your art? Or was that, too, rendered a falsehood by our identities?”


    The question hung in the air.


    Zerazani sat there for a while.


    A long while.


    The wordy artist, so very full of herself and with much boasting, was now rendered very strangely silent. Her face, once expressive, flaring between smug and excited and furious, now sat completely neutral and contemplative.


    She sat awkwardly, hands rested in her lap, one eye blinded by the blood that ran down it, the other eye scanning the wreckage of her project, her supposed ‘magnum opus’.


    The silence hung on and one. Siranae stood by me, waiting for the reply, if it would ever come.


    Zerazani breathed in…and let out a long sigh.


    And at last, that reply came.


    “Yes.” The Smeargle said. “Looking over all of this, all that I did. Even with only a captive audience of two…it was still a captive audience, for the first time in I cannot fathom how long.”


    Slowly…a smile crept up her face again.


    “I would say…yes, it was absolutely worth it.” Zerazani said. “I…enjoyed myself. How often can one even say that anymore in this wretched world?”


    The Smeargle sighed once more, slowly bringing herself to a stand. To see her now like this, brought so low…she seemed even more a mortal than when I had first met her as nothing more than a famous painter. Yet her joy had been an act back then, a trap to ensare.


    The content smile on her face now…was a lot more genuine.


    Slowly, the Smeargle dusted herself off.


    “But, ultimately, though I appreciate your attentiveness and the treat of thoughtful critique, even this great work of mine, and the part you played, was measured in coin was it not?” Zerazani sighed sadly. “Come then, Adelaide, Siranae; Guild or not I owe you a debt for playing your parts and playing them well. In truth I believe it’s some small blessing it was you two rather than the guild.”


    She laughed lightly.


    “Were it a true Guild Team to visit me it’d be just the same as those nobles. Then I’d have an audience of none.” Zerazani mused, reaching for a small satchel under her tattered robes which she now slipped off her body, discarding. Out from the satchel she retrieved a small pouch, holding it out for me. “6,500 coins, as promised.”


    Somehow, despite the sickening exhaustion- despite the rage I felt at her deceptions-


    I… smiled.


    I still stood, the supposed hero, against this self-made villain- but her insanity could be put aside for just one moment. So much of it had been driven by those nobles, and now, they were gone. I waited to take the pouch from her.


    “I cannot abide much of anything that’s happened today… and, had those nobles parsed an ounce of what you’d done, we would be having this conversation through prison bars,” I said, stifling a laugh. “But… I suppose, I should apologize for my wrongness.”


    I let my eyes wander, to the already-emptied exit of this massive nightmare.


    “You were not the same as them. I saw that yearning for more- for such frivolities as status, or purpose… but you were not the same. To be satisfied by a work, and by the people it affected… even two ‘street yahoos’, as you so charitably worded it…”


    I huffed, almost defeated in my own right.


    “Something was ‘enough’ for you. You found a point where you could be happy with what you were given, and not for the value it earned you. And that is something I had not seen out of any of Arcea’s nobility, until you.”


    I rose my tired arm, cupping the bottom of the coin pouch to receive our reward which Zerazani deposited at once.


    “Had we not been injured,” I laughed. “I would almost think to not ask for this… but, I had to take precious time off of my miserable job to be here. I appreciate the compensation, Miss Zerazani.”


    My limbs were almost too sore to even hold those earnings- I passed them to Siranae after a moment. And… though it disgusted me to consider it, I found myself uttering words that I felt I might regret soon.


    “Lastly… we went through quite a bit more than the mission description, to complete this work. And I would ask one more thing of you.”


    I sighed, letting my eyes wandering to the husk above us, my smile not waning.


    “If it is possible… you shall let us know the next time you unveil one of those ‘abstract’ works of yours. If nothing else, seeing the fury upon the faces of richer Poke’mon would be a nice evening.”


    Zerazani…smiled at that.


    “I should like that very much, Adelaide Imperator Di Milan.”


    The Smeargle paused, looking towards the exit herself. The shining light of the sun was the only light now in the silent Iron Wings of Pokemon Become Gods.


    “Though, I confess…this entire affair we’ve shared has left be with an appetite for larger projects…”


    Zerazani side-eyed me, a widening smirk on her face.


    “Pardon my asking, as I may have misheard you during our scuffle but…” She paused for dramatic effect. “…did I hear mention of you two street-rabble trying to join the guild? Nay, even meet the Conduit?”


    Siranae perked up, an excited look flashing across her face.


    “Oh, y-yes…! It’s the reason we came here, in truth!” Siranae said. “It’s been my dream to join the Arceali Guild…even if it’s somewhat out of reach for someone of my status. But we hoped that perhaps performing a mission like this might…earn a little recognition.”


    Zerazani’s eyebrows raised, her gaze returning to me.


    “Is that so, Adelaide?” The Smeargle asked.


    The admissions of my loose lips were already returning to smite me… but, so it was. I felt no strength in my body to continue another ruse.


    “Indeed… as I’m told, it’s quite impossible for someone to be admitted into the Arceali Guild, without myriad factors and points of status supporting them. But, we must do as we can.”


    I looked to the Audino, timidly placing my paw in her hand.


    “When I arrived here, dazed and lost… Siranae was the kind soul who cared for my distress, heard my plights, and offered me company. She is strong, willing, and pure-hearted. I see a spark of greatness in her… and I wish to help her reach her full potential, as a member of the guild.”


    I huffed, trying not to fixate on my part in this.


    “And… I must meet with Conduit Lippi, for help to return home to Milan. So I am told.” My digit pressed into Siranae’s pale paw. “To reach the Arceali Guild and the Conduit, we must be of higher status.


    “To be of higher status, we must avail ourselves to the wealthy and connected…


    “and, to do that, we must show ourselves as competent workers in our own right, and serve their needs. Such it is, that led us to you.”


    “Oh my poor, sweet, naive girl.” Zerazani’s smirk widened. “You’re both correct and incorrect all in one masterful stroke of innocence. You’re correct that competent work and trustworthiness absolutely should get you connected and get you friends…”


    The Smeargle turned to face me. She rubbed her chin, almost…drinking in my features bit by bit.


    “But I think you and I both know what really gains the attention of the elite: Wealth. Items. Things. Power to bargain.” The Smeargle explained. “To offer yourself to a noble is a literal thing, not just your work. You have to offer what a noble can gain out of you, be that money…or connections.”


    Her smiled widened more…and more…and more.


    “And, as it so happens, Siranae, Adelaide…you’re now friends with the most famous artist of all of Arcea, whom many nobles clamor and wail and scream for.” Zerazani mused. “Ohh yes…this would make an excellent project…like…social art.”


    Her hands came together, her fingertips drumming.


    “Think of that – blowing open the exclusive club of the elite, exposing its shallow worthlessness by having commoners so easily mingle with them…This would certainly be one over on the Arcean nobility I cannot afford to pass up. “


    Siranae gasped.


    “Y-you mean…?”


    “Oh I do. I absolutely do~! Imagine: all those tiresome works that I churn out regularly now finally MEANING something in a grander scope. A larger project for it all to serve…! And new inspirations besides still life and, ugh…landscapes.


    My eyes shot open- perhaps more so than when I’d been punched by a deranged artist.


    For one, I hadn’t quite figured this experience had made us friends, but-


    “Are… are you asking to join Team Coronatus?” I felt some disbelief that anyone could ‘join Team Coronatus’- it had not truly existed until this morning. And it almost ceased existing at Zerazani’s hand.


    …and yet- there was either accepting this woman, and all the threads of connection we might gain with her, or rejecting her, and gaining nothing.


    She certainly wasn’t incompetent in combat…


    “I find myself at a loss for words, to be certain…” I sputtered out an undignified laugh, then corrected myself a moment after. “But… if you are willing to shoulder the burden of whatever other depraved noble tasks await us- I would be foolish to deny you the opportunity.”


    I offered up my paw- a single, bloodied, exhausted handshake for the woman.


    “We would be delighted to have you join us on our unpermitted rise to nobility, Zerazani.”


    “And would I ever love to see it happen, and see it thusly rubbed in their faces, Adelaide Imperator.”


    The Smeargle smiled, her blood-soaked hand connecting with mine at once. A firm shake of the paw solidified it:


    Zerazani had joined the team.


    And Team Coronatus’s first mission, at last, had drawn to a close.


    It was time to go home.


    – DUNGEON 01 –




    [C O M P L E T E]


    ~ CHAPTER 16 ~

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