The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 15 ~

    << The Blood of Art >>



    Place: ????????


    Region: ????????????????


    Day: ????????


    Date: ???????????


    Year: ?????



    I rose to my feet, dazed and shivering. Siranae lied beside me, rubbing her head as she struggled to pull herself up.


    The gleam of pure light above nearly blinded me- I had barely adjusted from that wretched castle, and now…


    I gripped my arm, angrily combing the…the sand that had accumulated here. In an instant…the castle was gone. Zerazani’s domain was not even a dot of color on the horizon, only…


    …the endless desert we now stood in.


    ‘She… she had not actually-‘ My thoughts were scrambled.


    No. No, it was one of those horrid Poke’mon tricks- just as the fog that fell upon us before the murder of Varsae. A light bending of the physical world, or a distortion of the mind. And now, we…


    We simply had to escape it. We would wander for only a minute, before finding our way back to her domain, and tear down some portraits in her honor.


    It had to be so.


    “Are you… alright, Dear Siranae?” I looked to the Audino, terror laden on my face now that I felt safe to express it. I hurried to her side, even as my steps wobbled and faltered in the sand. “We seem to have… f-fallen a fair way’s off of Zerazani’s room…”


    Siranae staggered to her feet, gripping my hand tight she lifted herself. Her own hand was shaking in terror as she looked around.


    “This…this is impossible, is it not?” The Audino stammered, confused. Bewildered as she held to me tightly. “This is not simply art this is…”


    She swallowed.


    “This is magic-“




    A voice BELLOWED around us both! Siranae flinched and even I had to cover the sides of my head.


    “Hey, I take offense to that!!”


    It was Zerazani’s voice, booming like a deity from above, unseen but clearly heard.


    “I am not some psychic type that just waggles their fingers around to poof whatever I want! I’ll have you know I worked very hard on all of this, by hand, and I’d appreciate a little recognition of that!”


    “Oh…sorry…” Siranae said looking up in the sky and giving a half-bow. “It’s…most impressive.”


    I quivered in confused terror, following Siranae’s lead and giving a curtsy in return.


    “That’s better!”


    I gave a hard swallow, looking up at the sky as well. How was it she saw us?


    “The…” I mouthed silently, trying to find the words. Any words. “…Paint and the materials must have taken some time. We will do our best to…”


    I flinched with confusion.


    “Destroy it?” I ventured carefully.


    I straightened my posture and tried to keep a stable countenance. Now that I knew we were still being watched quite closely, I had to keep myself in line.


    “Right. Dear Siranae…” I said, voice clear and hand wiping the dust from the girl’s side, “We have our mission. There is… an abhorrent affront to the world of artistry, and-“


    A fist pounded against my chest.


    “We have our duty to the guild, to remove it from this world.” I said. “Team Coronatus cannot fail…”


    “Oh but that seems rather rude…” Siranae said glumly. “I’d hate for all this work to simply go to waste and-“


    “Ahem” Zerazani boomed.


    “Oh…! R-Right…!” Siranae corrected herself, unsure. “Um…I, er…feel as though I wish to destroy the art only if it is permitted and…”


    She squirmed, looking upward.


    “Ms.Zerazani may I please abstain from ‘acting’?” The Audino asked politely. “This feels a little too close to lying.”


    “Goodness gracious you are simply precious, I knew I chose right.” Zerazani’s bellowed from above. “Very well, you may leave it to Adelaide.”


    “Oh good…” Siranae sighed in relief. “Thank you, Ms.Zerazani.”


    “And Adelaide!!” The voice snapped. “More gusto in your proclamations! You seek world-changing destruction of a whole spirit inherent to Poke’mon while thinking you’re the greatest in the world. Try to sprinkle in a little bit more bouncy, childish optimism, like a toddler that finds silly fun in decapitating a hapless, screaming prisoner!”


    Siranae’s ears folded back.


    “That…sounds very mean.” The Audino whined softly.


    “Of course it is! But, fear not, Siranae, you may leave the show of evil to Adelaide.”


    “But she isn’t evil, she is my friend…”


    “Hence the acting! ‘Tis a lie, after all, yes?”


    Siranae raked a paw through her hair, looking confused.


    I gritted my teeth, leaving a hand rested upon Siranae’s side. With fear growing in my chest, I looked…up, to the booming voice of Zerazani.


    “I will take your… stage direction to heart, ma’am.” I called. “But, may I have just a moment from my role to speak with my partner?”


    I glanced aside.


    “I would prefer privacy as well, but… just the briefest intermission. I will reconcile her heart with our performance… and then, we shall be off! To strip the forest clean of your brazen injustices, as heroes are wont to do!”


    Only an ounce of her recommended role, to weigh my chances more favorably.


    “Oh by all means, do feel free! But don’t be too long~! I’d hate for the pacing to be killed off so soon…not to mention the fact the council will arrive soon! Ta-ta~!”


    “C-council…?” Siranae stammered, a hand to her chest as Zerazani’s voice faded away. The Audino sighed softly, looking to me with a worried look. “Adelaide, I am sorry if I am lagging behind. This is all a bit much for me…”


    “No– do not apologize, dear. I am…” I huffed, leaning against the girl. “Quite overwhelmed, myself.”


    I softened my tone soft and held my tongue, for fear of Zerazani’s manic intrusion.


    “I had never imagined this would fall into the realm of a guild member’s work…” I said. “But I promise: We will make it out of this…and I will reduce this strain as much as I can.”


    Siranae would likely still worry due to my ‘lying’, would she not?


    Would my performance cause her more pain…?


    I brought both paws onto her shoulders, staring into the Audino’s eyes.


    “If my words or my actions feel too cruel, please know that I only want to give the performance we need, as an actress. It is not a lie I will enjoy, but I will make our toil brief. And… I will still be your normal Adelaide, when we emerge on the other side. Simply follow my lead, heed the commands given… and take care of yourself.”


    I released Siranae’s shoulders, and took a deep breath.


    “I’ll… start my work, now.”


    I was going to loathe myself in a matter of minutes, I could feel it welling up within me.


    “So, Dear Siranae…”


    With a flourish, I placed a paw on my hip, another pointing to the dusty horizon– and, begrudgingly, gave a smile brimming with needless joy.


    We have our mission, handed down from the wisdom of the Golden Hills! To purge the woods of the vile goddess’s creations– tear through the castle built upon her machinations– and strike down that wretched maiden at the heart of her palace! The fate of the civilized world… rests upon our noble shoulders~!!”


    Immediate– the loathing was immediate. I held my smile, waiting for some disgusting approval from the witch in question. But the first response came from Siranae instead.




    Siranae had held her breath as I put on the performance, having listened to my projected actress voice. Her ears twitched, listening curiously at how much my voice changed while acting.


    “Y-yes…of course…!” Siranae tried her best to follow along, even as her voice wobbled a little.


    She lifted her head as a laugh boomed over the golden hills.


    “That’s it! That’s it! Much better, Adelaide Imperator!!” came Zerazani’s voice rumbling over the sands. “It pleases me to see you now putting more effort in. And just in time…here comes the council!!”


    “Adelaide, what…does she mean by ‘the council’?” Siranae whispered. “Is this a noble term I am unfamiliar wi-“


    The ground QUAKED. Siranae yelped as she was tossed into the sand as the whole world violently shook and ROARED.


    Just behind us both…a mound of sand was growing.


    Siranae scrabbled to her feet, holding tight to my paw to pull me away from the mound which was now growing, growing.


    Something was rising from the sand. Something enormous and surrounding us.


    “Adelaide-!!” Siranae whined. “It is…um…!!! The council??? Is that right??”


    Her voice sounded both very scared and hopeful.


    “Correct!” Zerazani’s voice came again. Siranae breathed a sigh of relief that she’d gotten it right. “For our…mh…’heroes’ were now to report the result of their diplomatic visit to the Goddess of creativity…and a most sordid plan was to be concocted…”


    The sand rolled off the enormous object in waves. Dust clouds swirled as the particles fell around our feet, making it harder to keep our balance as the object slowly made itself known.


    Siranae frowned, watching three…things atop the massive towering object…writhe like worms, flopping haphazardly. She gripped me as the sand fell away from three sets of beady eyes staring down at us from the ‘council’.


    “Ah, of course I should mention…” Zerazani spoke again, her voice booming over the loud quaking of the earth ripped asunder. “This is all fiction, and any resemblances to Poke’mon living or dead is purely coincidental…”





    At last the object could be seen fully. Before us was a stand, like those used in court or a congress, towering high above us as three…


    puppets with flappy mouths and flappy arms stared down at us. From what I could tell, it was a Ninetales, an Arcanine and a Florges, each of them bickering incoherently to one another with all uncoordinated, undignified flopping of fabric limbs and mouths.


    At last, as though it ‘noticed’ us, the Florges puppet in the middle addressed Siranae and I.


    Duuuhhhh, welcome back, Aduhlaid and Siruhnayyy!!” the massive felt puppet Florges spoke in a voice more befitting a jester than a council member. “What uhhhhh news the art lady give???”


    I wafted the flecks of spilled sand away from my eyes, worried that I might go blind before the charade even began. Still, I had a role to play… twice over, now. I could not let both of my guild member facades fade so easily.


    I stared up at the looming figures… even with how childish the shapes of puppets were, it was horrifying to watch them flail and flop in the same manner as small toys, now at a massive scale.


    Zerazani had wasted many hours on this abomination, no doubt… and such a tactless parody of these figures, at that. This was the council?


    …whatever grudge she had, it coursed through every part of Arceliaze- all the way to the Conveytions, with Shara not being spared. And the sight of a manufactured Prista only inflamed my thoughts further.


    I tightened my chest, and walked towards the stand.


    A deep breath.


    ‘Hero. Guild hero.’ I repeated to myself in my head. ‘You’re a bright-eyed, dim-witted warrior with a penchant for bloodlust, and you adore being manipulated and mistreated.’


    I tilted my snout to the sky, chest fur puffed to the fullest. A grin stained my face.


    “My wondrous council of the Arceali Guild~! Though your visage soothes my soul, I admit that it has been filled with a frenzied flame by that fiend.” I turned my head down, clutching a fist so hard that my poor little paw could break. “She cast us out of her castle, as if we were the trash that lined the walls of her exhibits! She has neither reason nor soul!”


    I put my hands together in a prayer, pleading to the mindless puppets, being led by a mindless woman.


    “She will not cease the accursed art that she builds- she fixates and fascinates on a fictional world, filled with facsimiles and foppish toys!”


    Not untrue.


    “Is there not something we can do to put her treachery to an end?? I beg of you, bestow upon Coronatus the guidance of the Golden Hills’ wise council!!”


    …I stifled a few gasps. I had not yelled so disgustingly in years, and my lungs were not adjusted.


    The center Florges puppet, which a small plaque on the stand informed me was ‘Councilmember Brista’, opened its mouth wide in a shocked expression, a look then mirrored by the Ninetales and the Arcanine. They each gave exaggerated, flopping shakes of their head.


    Uhhh oooooh, that’s not good, nope nope, that’s not good at all. Can’t have none of that, nope nope.” The Arcanine mumbled loudly, fabric arms slumping over the stand.


    “Bad! Bad bad bad! What if evewy Poke’mon stawts thinkin painty things an stone scultpies awe about…” The Ninetales puppet paused, tilting its head against the stand. “Uhhhh…I fowgot the woid.”


    “I think arty lady uses some big dumb word like ‘expression’.” The Florges puppet flopped in response. “Buh, dat’s too big. Money’s a much smaller word.”


    “Waaaiiit, you guys!” The Arcanine puppet shot up in exclamation, flailing its arms around excitedly, to which the Florges and Ninetails turned towards, sucking in their mouths as though annoyed they’d been interrupted. “Pretty-buizel-girl-whose-name-is-too-long is right! We gots ta do something about this! We gots to stop the uhhh….the fixing and facing of fiction and…fact symbols with floppy toys. Like she said!”


    “She said ‘foppish toy’, stoopid!” The Florges snapped, reaching down to pick up a little (relatively, still massive to Siranae and I) toy hammer to bonk the Arcanine on the head. “And don’t interrupt me!!”


    “Owwww…” The Arcanine puppet whined, slumped on the stand. “Thank you, Brista, my brain was itching.”


    Next to me…I heard a little giggle.


    Siranae…seemed to have a little smile on her face, at least for this brief moment. Though she still held her hands together in worry to her chest, this part at least…somewhat relaxed her.


    The shifting, slapping nature of the make-believe guild council was… not soothing to me- and the vague arm shape all of them had to conform to, only disturbed me further. I could not tell if Zerazani had prepared her performance to be this unnerving, or if she was adapting in real time to my anguish.


    Past my burning grin, I was stifling an urge to vomit.


    …but the lightness with which Siranae reacted, if nothing else, kept me in line. I was glad that the scene hadn’t caused her any distress.


    “Oh well!” The Florges said, dropping the hammer behind her and flopping forward to stare at us both. “I guess there’s only one thing to do when someone is playin’ to the beat of their own drum!”


    The puppet leaned forward, its beady eyes glinting in the fake sun.


    “Gots ta kill the arty lady.” The Florges said in a dismissive voice, like it was an easy and first decision made with no gravitas.


    The sudden shift to violence was eerie, but not unexpected- Zerazani had made it clear enough in advance.


    “To kill…” I muttered, staring down at the glittering sand. “Such a power is ghastly to wield. I have not let blood once spill upon my gentle paws- nor shall Siranae ever bear that burden. It is abhorrent.


    In a single breath, I placed my paws on my hips, and stared at the empty face of the Florges puppet.


    “But not when ordered by the hearts of the Arceali Guild~! If you wish, the head of Zerazani shall roll. I swear on it, as a denizen of the Golden Hills!”


    Siranae gave the tiniest jolt at my violent declaration but gave a small sigh to ground herself, likely doing her best to remember it was an act and not real…and perhaps also forget the fact it was thusly a lie.


    Gracious, I had to hope it wouldn’t be real…


    My paw rose to an overeager salute on my chest.


    “But… how shall we reach the beastly artist again? These hills stretch eternal… and she dismissed us so easily before. How are we to sever her thread, when it strikes back upon us?”


    ‘And…more importantly,’ I thought, ‘how far will Zerazani allow her performance to go…?’


    There was only so much Siranae could endure- and there was only so much Team Coronatus could be liable for.


    To the question of strategy, the puppets, being the dimwitted characters they seemed to be, merely gave a noncommittal shrug each.


    Duuuuh, I dunno! Cheating arty lady’s already blocked the way with a giant crevasse!” The Florges puppet mused, flappy felt mouth flopping a bit too fast for the words it was saying. “We’d have to build a big ol’ bridge to-“


    Nooooooo, dats too much moneyyyyy.” The Ninetales puppet whined pathetically, rolling on her end of the podium as though having a temper tantrum. “Paying is fow poow ‘people’. Can’t we get evewything we want for fwee??”




    The Florges puppet flopped on the Ninetales as though hitting her.


    “Don’t interrupt me, stupid!!” The Florges huffed, before turning back to me. “Well I guess you’re gunna have to plunge into the deep maw of the world to sneak back in and kill the arty lady!”


    “Oooooh, Brista! Brista Brista Brista Brista Brista Brista Bristaaaaaaa!!!” The Arcanine whined.




    “Give them the knife!!”


    “Huh? Oooooh, right, right.” The Florges reached behind her and tossed something over the podium. It fell, hitting the sand in front of us with a paff.


    There before us was a violent-looking, jagged knife with emerald crystals embedded in the steel that glinted in the fake sun.


    “There, that should ward away her bad magic enough to keep her from tossin’ you out again.” The Florges said. “You’ll haveta fight her stupid forces along the way buuuut…I think they’re all made of paint and that just washes off so it’s not like it’s gunna stop you.”


    Siranae stepped forward, eying the dagger in the sand…with a very worried expression, gripping my arm…


    I looked to Siranae… in those brief glances to her, my facade would always falter. The grin grew weak and worried, and my posture slouched into a lean against her.


    I stroked the girl’s arm- a momentary consolation of those fears. I could not speak it, but… I hoped my body, and my heart, would communicate it for her.


    ‘This will be okay. We will be okay.’


    And… reluctantly, I shifted myself forward and swung my presentation back, to that manic hero that Zerazani so desperately demanded. My grin returned twofold.


    “Of course- neither paint nor painter shall stand before the noble guild member…”


    I stepped forth, gripping the knife in one paw- and thrusting it up to the false sky, letting light beam off its gaudy gems.


    “Nobildonna Adelaide Imperator de Milan~!”


    …my arm dropped down as soon as it rose- such weary limbs were not made for wielding weapons, not of this kind.


    “Let me proceed to that crevasse- this blade shall strike down all that separate me from the ill-fated heathen of the distant woods!”


    Siranae gripped my hand tight, nodding silently, if reluctantly, to my proclamation as we turned to face the endless expanse of desert.


    “Good luck, Addy-Laddy! Thanks for dooming all Poke’mon to a never-ending darkness of vapid, commerce-fueled emptiness!” The Florges puppet said behind you.


    “Yayyyy!!” The other two puppets cheers, flailing their arms around haphazardly, the three ‘council members’ watching as Siranae and I began our long trek across the miserable wasteland.


    The Audino couldn’t help but look back as the puppets continued to cheer, looking back at me with worry.


    “Adelaide…must we…h-hurt Ms.Zerazani?” Siranae said, her voice mortified. Her eyes traced down toward the jagged blade in my hand. “I must admit that although I am fearful from all of this…I’d hardly wish ill on her or anyone…”


    Once again, the painter-dog’s voice BOOMED over the sands.


    “Even with the quest that had been given there was still a measure of trepidation!” Zeranzani spoke, making the Audino jump in surprise. “One radiated the confidence in their counsel…while the other seemed to have some second thoughts at committing such an act!!”


    “Ah…! Was that right? That was in the script…?” Siranae asked, worriedly.


    “Improvisation is important in any live performance, dear Siranae.” Zerazani gloated.


    “I see…”


    “Now, our heroes must be on their way. The deep maw of the world lies just ahead, where they can make their sneaky infiltration of The Empress Queen Princess Goddess of Creativity’s REALM OF CREATION.” The voice let out an excited, manic laugh. “But they must be careful, for the way is sure to be guarded by all manner of the Goddess’s tricks, traps and forces!”


    I suppressed a scowl as the Smeargle finished her rant, loud but still yet unseen. I patted Siranae’s arm as we went, not slowing my pace despite her concerns- I had to be away from those shrieking puppets. My endurance for the performance was already waning.


    “We will do as we must, my dear…” I whispered to Siranae, dagger nearly dragging at the ground by my side. “But I meant what I said: no blood will spill on your hands, not if I can help it. And…”


    I renewed my smile, gentler this time- perhaps this performance was easier, or perhaps this piece was truthful.


    “A guild hero would never upset her partner’s delicate heart. You have my word on this.”


    The Golden Hills did not seem to end, whether by a trick of the setting or simply their absurd size. As we trekked on, I looked out to the vague source of the cackling voice. I steadied myself, and brandished the blade toward the sky.


    “Now… where is this ‘maw’ of the world? Shall it be pried open by the harsh end of the blade? Or must the ‘goddess’ fling more paint at us, and risk sullying Dear Siranae’s soft complexion?”


    “‘NO INDEED’, boomed the voice of the powerful and, might I add, beautiful and rather fetching Goddess.” Zerazani replied from above. “‘FOR THE WORLD KNOWS WHO IT IS THAT IS RIGHT IN THIS CONFLICT. IT SHALL OPEN IN MY AID TO SWALLOW YOU WHOLE.'”


    “Oh dear. That sounds dangerous…” Siranae said, clasping her hands together. “Might it instead just open and let us in calmly?”


    Zerazani’s cackling laugh BELLOWED over the hill. The sheer power of it rippled the sand, a swirl of dust kicking up around us both, the wind whipping our fur and roaring in our ears.


    Siranae frowned, looking disappointed.


    “I suppose not, then…”




    As the voice died down again, the swirling dust began to settle, and ahead I could see something peeking over the next dune of golden sand:


    An eerie red glow rose from the horizon, as though something burned far in the distance.


    Siranae’s ears perked as she looked up, seeing what looked to be strange black shapes flying from whatever the glow was behind the hill. The shapes, like jet black blobs, flung into the air and careened down into the sand, each one kicking up a blast of dust on impact.


    The Audino tugged at my arm again, staring at the…


    …black mounds of slime lodged in the sand…


    …mounds of slime that quivered


    Siranae gasped.


    …for the mounds began to rise.




    The blobs lifted more and more. Protrusions from their gelatin bodies stuck out, dribbling black paint oozed into the sand, corrupting the gold color to a tarnished green one.


    As the blobs rose, they looked so otherworldly, as though a moving painting whose features did not distort with their slime bodies.


    Two eyes, terrifying and wrong and asymmetrical stared at us with an unreadable, feral hunger as the world around seemed to fall to a horror.


    Siranae swallowed nervously, gripping her hands to her chest.


    And all the while…


    …Zerazani’s deafening cackle rocked the land.



    I watched the beasts undulate and morph before my eyes, and felt my stomach turn at their every movement.


    Was this something Zerazani could… truly do? And was she proud of the monstrosities that her brush willed into the world?


    The laughter rang across my body, wracking my brain with more loathing for this accursed realm. It would be fuel for my wretched persona.


    “Halt!!” I cried out, to those creations devoid of all humanity- perhaps all mind. “I am Nobildonna Adelaide! If you seek to stop me in my holy quest…”


    I sliced across the air before me, that boisterous grin now falling to a hostile glare.


    “You will be scattered to the winds, and your essence lost to the annals of history!! Allow us to pass!!”


    The…monsters before us burbled and gurgled, their bodies shaking and dripping their black sludge as they neared, closer and closer.


    Siranae took a step back, shuddering at the sight of the creatures.


    Then, at last…one of them spoke.


    “Neverrrr, Adelaide Imperator De Milaaaannnn…” The leftmost creature’s voice dripped with venom…and sounded much like Zerazani doing a voice.


    “Your crusade against the Empress Queen Princess Goddess of Creativity Zerazani endssss heeeeere…”


    Just before I could note how cheesy the performance of these creatures was, they straightened up at once against the flair of my threatening pose.


    Siranae’s eyes widened! She swung around-


    Just in time for one of the creatures to lift their arms and FIRE it towards me! The limb extended out, heading straight for my gut!




    I squealed, losing my composure in an instant-! The dagger was flung down haphazardly, barely able to block, as the disgusting arm SQUELCHED against the blade! The slime split at the dagger, the halves SLAMMING into the sand beside me before being quickly recalled to the beast.


    “A-augh!” I writhed and pushed back, desperate to gain distance from the goo-soaked abomination! “Keep that pulsating mess off of my hair, you-!!”


    I growled at myself, forcing some semblance of my character to remain.


    “D-do not stain the fine fur of a noblewoman!” I shouted. “She will cleanse the world of your filth, posthaste…!”


    Cleanse- yes, cleanse! I took a gasping breath, water starting to CHURN and RISE in my chest, as I aimed myself towards the nearer of the creatures…!!


    But all at once the beast prepared another assault.


    “Adeliade…?” I heard Siranae’s voice, soft and flat, for a brief moment.


    The second beast reared both its arms back to overwhelm me before I could get my water jet out and-




    The second monster BLEW apart into splattering chunks. Flecks scattered onto the sand and into my fur.


    And there, fist glowing as white hot as the sun and front splotched in black slime…


    …was Siranae. Expression flat.


    I panted, the water swirling down as I saw the glowing image of Siranae before me. Her strength was undeniable before, but this


    I could have stared there, and yet-


    ‘Do not relent.’


    The first beast reared back, panicking and flinging its arms towards Siranae before the Audino could recover-!


    My eyes darted to the first creature, and I felt myself lunge forward- my snout opened, a torrent of bright blue water GUSHING out in a rage!


    The swirling stream SLASHED into the arms of the beast, more vicious than even when facing off against Puchanae- anything to keep sweet Siranae safe!


    The beast recoiled as the water TORE through its arms. The sand around turned to mud under the onslaught of my water jet. Siranae ducked as the beast tried to back off from my water stream, a new appendage growing to attack me-!


    -But the Audino rushed into the beast, her hands powerfully GRIPPING as she held it in place, FORCING it into the stream of my water! It gurgled and FLAILED, oozing paint washing away under the torrent!


    “Well I’LL BE!!” Zerazani’s voice bellowed as the monster was reduced to nothing but wet slop in the sand. “That was brutal! Somehow, someway, even better than I was expecting from you both!”


    Siranae backed off, her arms coated in water and black slime. Both of our movements were labored in the sand.


    The Audino’s ear flicked. Her brow furrowed as she lifted her head in worry.


    “Adelaide…there’s more…! Surrounding us!” She shouted to me!


    There, behind us: The bubbling noise sloshed and gurgled to my left and right and even from behind as more of the beasts began to rise.


    “Good to know how you fight, some part of me wondered if this next part would be too difficult even for the Arceali Guild.” Zerazani’s voice boomed as more of the monsters emerged, shambling towards Siranae and I. The Audino backed up, pressing her back into mine at once. “After all, I know just how pampered your lot is!”


    I huffed and whipped myself around, backing up into Siranae in turn. We were safer as one unit, even if I loathed taking her out of my sight.


    I wished to retort, as Zerazani bubbled more guff amidst the fight. A deflection on our uncharacteristic competence, or another line of performative gibberish to sate the maniac at the helm of this nightmare.


    All I could offer was a cold stillness.


    I took a harsh breath, forcing the water to RISE within me again- harder, faster than before.


    I tilted my snout right, SPEWED a beam of pressurized water, swinging my snout to the left, WHIPPING the water across the horde of fiendish creations!


    “Adelaide, I apologize-!”


    Siranae HOOKED her arms around mine, pressing her back into mine.


    “But keep spewing!!!”


    With a strong HEAVE the Audino lifted me onto her back and spun.




    She whirled me around and my spray arced in a ring around us! I winced from the PULL of Siranae’s arm, almost unable to focus on my attack-


    No, she had told me what to do- she had commanded it!


    My water jet turned to a cascade. Rivulets of water flowed into mud down towards the beasts as they made a mad dash, scrabbling over the water, parts of their slime bodies falling away bit by bit as they made their grim march towards us!!


    With every fraction of my strength, that stream BOOMED into an airborne river! The water BLASTED across beasts that blurred into my spinning vision, aiming down to WIPE away their hobbling legs in an instant!!


    “Holy moly, lookit that!! Haha!!”


    I was dizzy, dazed, barely able to breathe- but so long as Siranae sent me flying, I forced my all into beams of pure water…!!


    Siranae sank slightly into the wet sand under her feet. The wind screamed in my ears! A rainbow surrounded us both, SLICING through the abominations and reducing them to useless lumps of paint, until-


    Siranae’s grip on my arms slipped


    We spun out, tumbled into the wet sand, the water trickling around us down the hill.




    Siranae’s voice was weak as she hobbled, her head seeming to spin…


    “Adelaide…I’m afraid I’ve become…” She paused, her eyes becoming bleary. “…most dizzy…”


    The Audino shook her head, looking behind to see yet more beasts forming at the bottom of the hill. The red glow loomed at the top. I let out a grunt, seeing them approach.


    “Steady yourself- we only…” I quivered, forcing myself up from the dirtied sand as soon as I’d fallen upon it. Even as nausea spiraled in my every organ, I gripped Siranae’s arm, yanking the girl to stand and run with me. If she hadn’t demonstrated her utter strength mere moments ago, I would feel bad about forcing her so. “We only need to escape these heathens- not kill ourselves in fighting them.”


    “Of course, dear Adelaide, I only-” Siranae stumbled from my tug, still very dizzy, but shaking it off and following me quickly along.


    Another harsh breath, and another gush of twisting water- one last spray behind us to discourage the forces crawling up the hill. My throat was growing hoarse from these repeated attacks-


    I urged Siranae up that hill as fast as our dazed bodies could manage. My paw wouldn’t release her from its grasp- not until we had ascended past that glow, past this ‘maw’, past whatever hells Zerazani would concoct to distress the poor girl further-


    My paws crunched in the sand. The ROAR of the beasts below thrummed as they chased not too far behind, clawing up the wet hillside.


    My lungs burned. My muscles ached. The sand made the uphill climb all the more exhausting. Siranae panted and wheezed as we began to crest the top. Zerazani’s voice chimed in, taunting us as we made our mad escape.


    “Soon, our intrepid and persistent heroes came upon the barrier split by the Goddess: The Maw of the world, cracked open to prevent any from reaching her castle directly.”


    Siranae clambered up the sandy hill, the harsh red glow coming upon us, almost blinding…


    As we looked down.







    For the earth was split. In a grand, miles-long jagged ravine. Sand fell like waterfalls deep into the cloying, red glowing abyss. Cold wind billowed up from the ravine, whose jagged rocky shape looked like teeth ready to clamp upon us.


    Siranae gasped, the both of us standing at the edge. The Audino held onto me tightly as we looked into the bottomless pit.


    And behind, the monsters could be heard. Shuffling in the sand, increasing in speed, barreling towards us.


    “It was only by plunging into the realm of the Goddess that the two would have any hope of finding her to enact their sordid duty.


    Siranae gripped my arm, her head twisting from the abyss to the beasts behind.


    “WELL??” Zerazani’s voice demanded.


    I refused to look back at the wretched beings of this world- only looking deeper into the endless ravine. The world beyond that endless drop was indiscernible… had I not known better, I would think there was no world beyond this horrid point.


    Nowhere to escape to. The end of the line.


    My heart sank, deeper than any ravine could reach. I feared what Zerazani could do- what lay below us, beyond a sudden and painful demise. I feared what she would do if we did not heed the command.


    My fur quivered, but I squeezed the Audino’s arm in return. I searched across the jags and bends of the cliff face beneath my feet- there had to be a way to descend without that… plunge-


    And yet… there was not. Only the uneven, desolate rocks of an abyss, or destruction at the claws of those beasts.


    My hand was forced.


    I shut my eyes. I could not bear to look at Siranae for what I was about to do, no matter how far it was out of my control.


    I turned and gripped the girl tight, pulling her into an embrace, fur pressing into fur with desperation…


    Like a cold night in Arceliaze. Overwhelming fear overtaking. A single hug to comfort.


    And Siranae returned it at once without a word. Though she was scared, though she quaked and quivered, she strongly and tightly held me at once the moment I latched onto her. A silent, physical promise to be together.


    …she’d follow me with all trust in her heart…


    …and my body swung back.


    Falling- down into the maw, with my partner as close and protected as my sorry soul could offer- I was ready to take the brunt of the damage, for wherever we would land. My stomach dropped. The world upended itself as we fell. Tumbling in the wind as we plunged into the red glow of the grand void, our embracing forms spinning in the whipping wind.


    Siranae did not scream or cry out. She only closed her eyes, her face saying all: she could only hope all would turn out okay.


    And as the red light completely swallowed us and the expanse of sand was left far, far behind…


    …I felt a jolt


    …and something soft under us, as though something had caught us and stopped our descent.


    The world darkened. A dull white glow seemed to come from nowhere.


    Siranae held tight, even with us both now stopped.


    I felt her shift slightly, letting out a deeper…shuddering gasp.


    The Audino was quiet a moment, staring at the surroundings as she remained latched to me.


    “…Adelaide…” Siranae whispered. Though the strangest noises now surrounded us, her question focused upon me first. “…are you okay…?”


    The Audino’s eyes slowly surveyed the surrounding area, this place at the bottom of the maw.


    But they were not surroundings that could be described. Much like the art Zerazani was most proud of…the world…this Goddess’s Realm…



    …it was beyond description.


    My quivering eyes looked across the distorted landscape… shapes and lines bent with no rhyme or reason, not blurring into the horizon.


    Unnatural. Unholy…


    I flinched, and looked at Siranae. The girl was unharmed, even after my rash decision… it set my mind at ease, despite how horrid our new surroundings were.


    “Yes… I apologize for forcing that onto you so suddenly. Had I another way to keep us safe, I would have gladly taken that…”


    I rose to my feet slowly, my paws still clutching Siranae while I regained my balance. I stared down at the… nothingness upon which we stood, worried that it might give way from even a fraction of pressure.


    The floor was cold, if it could even be called a floor. For it was as though I stood atop nothing, and the nothing was smooth under my paws. Chilled, still air hung around the void, as simple shapes and lines simply floated around in slow motions.


    Just like her art…squares and circles and lines…in a meaningless, dark void.


    “This… would be the ‘Goddess’s Realm’, would it not…?” I spoke in a hushed whisper. “Her treasured paintings, manifested into a smattering of nonsense…”


    My paw rested on the back of Siranae’s hand.


    “…can you hear anything, in this place?” I asked.


    Siranae steadied me as I held onto her, the Audino softly patting me. Once again, she alone banished the cold that surrounded.


    She frowned, letting her ears perk as she listened to the void.


    “A few strange sounds but…” She paused, her eyes scanning the ‘landscape’…even tracing upwards from whence we fell.


    Nothing above. Not even the hole we’d fallen from.


    “…it’s very silent in here.” She said at last. “Like a museum…but I can promise we are alone for the moment Adelaide.”


    The Audino, despite herself, heaved a deep sigh of relief. None of the beasts seemed to follow us down the pit. Zerazani’s voice didn’t cut the silence for now…it was a short intermission.


    Siranae turned her head, observing the curved lines that floated in the void, their movements in the inky blankness.


    “Please do not apologize for what you did, Adelaide.” Siranae said, almost out of nowhere as she turned her gaze back to me. “You did what you wished would keep us safe…and though it was frightening, I’d trust you again all the same.”


    A thoughtful look crossed her face. Her ears flicked again as she listened close. Still nothing. All was still.


    “If I may confess, Adelaide…” Siranae hummed quietly, looking around. “…would it be wrong to say this place is somewhat…pretty?”


    She perked.


    “Ah, not to make light, of course. We are very much trapped but…” She smiled a warm, comforting smile. “If I must be trapped somewhere perhaps I do not mind it to be a place as interesting as with…and all with my dear friend as well.”


    It was hard to tell if she meant what she said or if she was trying to make me feel better.


    Then again, this was Siranae. Likely it was both.


    My expression had grown more tired, perhaps more weary from what we had already endured… I did not spring back from distress as readily as Siranae. Yet… her efforts would still put me in good spirits, it seemed.


    “It is, to be sure, less threatening than the looming hills, or the inky monsters that lied within them. The silence is quite agreeable, as well…” I said, letting my eyes wander from the girl to study the void-like scene. “And… if I am trapped, it is certainly in good company.”


    I looked towards the ‘sky’, met with more of those swirling and formless lines… was I to be corrected by the supposed goddess, or was I truly spared of her torment for this brief moment?


    I waited…and did not bother to stifle my sigh of relief when silence replied.


    I glanced down with a start- one of my paws moved from Siranae, to reclaim the dagger that had spilled from my body sometime before our landing.


    “But, we should remain vigilant. Pretty or not, we are still in the midst of the mission…” I cooed, giving Siranae a weak smile for a moment. “And I have quite the dear friend to be protecting in that mission.”


    Siranae smiled back, her confidence evident, and posture strong.


    “Of course, Adelaide, just as I shall protect you.” The Audino promised, readying herself. “I must assume that fighting these strange blob monsters is part of the ‘act’…”


    She paused…then, of all things, lightly laughed.


    “I think that is one performance I can confidently do! Please lead on…Team Captain Adelaide…!”


    Despite all the horrors and the odd sights and sounds that surrounded us…the Audino did everything she could to stay strong. Perhaps even with the hope that her confidence was infectious.


    With the knife in hand, the both of us continued onward through the world of the Goddess.


    Past floating abstract shapes…through squares that became whole rooms, where wavering circles became stepping stones, the whole world shifted and twisted, all to unnerve and intimidate.


    Yet Siranae, at my side, refused to buckle this time. Thus did I follow her example as she did mine.


    We were both so in over our heads…yet we were already here, with no way to go back. No way but forward, dauntlessly.


    Through those distorted, inhuman landscapes… I had Siranae at my side. Even as I forced my posture into a chest-puffed stance, in fear of Zerazani’s return, I could feel safe enough to lower some of my guard around my partner.


    Team Coronatus could rise to the challenge.


    And soon, after a moment of walking…I saw Siranae’s ears twitch. I knew what that meant. My grip tensed on the knife, and I held one step back, coming in line with Siranae rather than simply leading her along.


    No words. I would let Siranae tell me of the danger, or hold her silence- as her sign that something may be listening.


    A glance around.


    Was she… here?


    The Audino’s ears were flicking, swiveling, clearly catching noises, though I did not hear them myself.


    We had stepped into a darkened part of the Goddess’s world. The light was dim, and we could barely make out one another. Still, Siranae held my hand firmly, intently staring forward.


    I followed her gaze and saw…something, out in the dark. A vague shape, like a square with multiple notches in its center…it was impossible to describe.


    But I wouldn’t be unsure for long.


    At that moment a loud CLANG roared!


    A blinding light just ahead! The square revealed itself in spotlight:


    A massive stage…where 13 figures stood upon, bent forward and face away from us. Siranae took a step back, her brow furrowed.


    There, the figure in the center of the group slowly lifted itself up to a full standing position. It was a strange, totally black creature, bipedal, with long fox-like ears. It lifted its arms up, lifted a leg and spun upon one foot to face Siranae and I.


    The creature had no mouth and glistened as though made of paint, just as the monsters from before. Yet this one moved like a dancer.


    “AHA!!” A voice, presumably the figure, bellowed. “Intruders! Intruders! Intruders in this holy place!!”


    The other 12 figures SHOT up!


    “Intruders? Intruders? Interuders giving chase!?” They sang in unison.


    They all spun, facing us, threatening glowing red eyes PIERCING Siranae and I, as skirt-like protrusions from their pitch black bodies erupted like tutus on inky ballerinas.


    “The fight is on!”


    “They’ll be set upon!”


    “We cast them out, far and gone!”


    “We’ll protect our guests, 9 and twenty-one!”


    Siranae let out a shaky breath as the strange monsters sang, their spin becoming a war dance. And as they continued, on and on…


    …I recognized their voices.


    …they also sounded like Zerazani, doing a voice.


    I grimaced- if not from the threat of an attack, then from the woman’s deranged play carrying on.


    …was this play more literal? Her little ‘actors’ were set upon the stage, dressed for the role. But I expected nothing but cruelty, this deep into the woman’s ‘realm’. We had our enemies, kindly presented to us.


    I squeezed Siranae’s hand, before releasing it- if our fight was to begin again, she needed both hands for her own usage. Siranae…nodded, releasing my hand as I readied myself to speak. The Audino lifted her fists, trying to get ready to play her ‘part’.


    Of course, it was hardly acting for the Audino. Her promise to protect me was all truth.


    My eyes darted left and right- hoping to find some escape around the stage, before those fiends could pounce upon us. I’d swing my dagger if the cretins even drew near to us.


    “Halt!!” I called in my new, bolder tone. “By order of the council of the Golden Hills, I demand you lower your arms, and submit! We are on our way to deliver justice to the Goddess of this accursed Realm!!”


    The center dancer seemed to balk, its burning red eyes narrowing.


    “Such cheek!” It cried, taking a pose as though it’d faint. The creature, or rather Zerazani voicing the creature, matched my theatrical tone. “How dare you desecrate this land with your filthy footsteps to attack the goddess?! By the right of that accursed Council of the Golden Hills?”


    The other twelve dancers twirled aggressively, their pitter-pattering footsteps quickly carrying them off the sides of the stage.


    “Away! Away! Steal thyself away from this place, thieves and intruders! You who take and take and give nothing! Does your conquest ever cease? Does the greed ever end?!”


    The speaker took another dramatic pose, hands on its chest as it swung back, leaning towards us!


    “Casting you out from the castle was a mercy undeserved! You shall not have the thirty guests!”


    Siranae titled her head.


    “The thirty…oh!!” The Audino turned to me. “Adelaide, the ‘short list’ of nobles held hostage!! Could it be…these creatures are guarding them?”


    A bellowing laugh roared over the area which became a battlefield as the dancers all took offensive positions around us. The one in the center raised its arms, red eyes staring us down maliciously as the group spoke:


    “These guests from the Golden Hills will all make a FINE collection of statues for the Goddess, revered and adored!” The dancers all chanted in unison.


    Siranae gasped!


    “St-statues?! That’s horrible!” The Audino cried, clearly not acting at all. “You can’t just do that! That’s mean!!”


    “It’s NOT mean!!!” The dancer in the center yelled, though it sounded like Zerazani was breaking character a little, herself. “It’s art!”


    I hunched forward, anger searing off of my performed expression… and myself, in truth. These things, these extensions of Zerazani’s will- they had no hope to guard the hostages. They were false knights of the prisoners, whether or not Siranae understood.


    “You shall have none taken as ‘statues’, naught but yourselves– as a sorry display to your Goddess!!” I brandished the dagger at the center dancer, giving a forced yet heroic scowl. “And your thirty guests?”


    A swing of the blade in the air- seeing how hard I could thrust that weapon, if the horrid dancers came closer. “They shall run free into the Golden Hills! And there, they shall watch your Realm expire!!”


    I lashed my tails at the air behind me, before stepping forward in opposition to the mindless dancers.


    “To battle, Siranae! Those noble guests await our victory~!”


    “Y-yes!!” Siranae replied, squaring her stance.


    The dancers spun, twirling dangerously, their blouses raising in the spinning like blades ready to cut us into pieces.


    The leader dancer jumped from the stage, approaching.


    The ground rumbled as that familiar voice came to narrate.


    “Here now! Deep in the Realm of the goddess, at the doorstep of all creativity, the BUTCHERS of the Golden Hills did find themselves outnumbered, thirteen to two! However would they get themselves out of this one?”


    Zerazani, that infernal woman, her trilling laugher bellowed over the world as the dancers slowly closed in.


    “Mhmhm…yes, I do wonder how…”


    “Adelaide…!” Siranae hissed as she backed up into me, the bladed tutus spinning closer and closer. “If I may — In a group fight…we must do what we can to keep them all on one side…!”


    As Zerazani’s laughter pounded my skull, the dancers spinning closer…


    I knew…


    …I had to find an opening.


    – Thirteen Dancers…


    Somewhere…there had to be an opening.


    – 6 in front of me, 6 in front of Siranae.


    I just had to find it.


    – Single approaching at front. Circle tightening.


    My eyes darted from left to right, up and down, drinking in every half-second.


    – 2 rotations in a second, with a brief slow down every half-second.

    – Front-facing one second. Back-facing one second.


    One more turn to the front! And once more-!


    “Siranae!!” I called, locking her arm into mine. “Follow my lead…!!”


    In that lull between their vicious steps, I lunged to my side- there, where the circle had not fully closed! Still, those adversaries pressed in at both sides-


    I pulled Siranae’s body against mine, as if two dancers upon the stage-




    – and spun our bodies, my tails splayed out in a vicious lash-!! Siranae was TUGGED along with me! She SLAMMED into my body as I twirled with her! My tails swung, SLICING through a dancer!


    The group jumped back!


    Pitter patter, pitter patter


    The dancers moved, changing formation. Siranae held me firm as we both spun in a rhythmic waltz.


    The Audino furrowed her brow. Hours of pretending to dance at the Arceali Guild balls erupted forth in quick steps, swift movements. She held me firm, swinging me around and letting my tails SLAM into another dancer! It fell! Spun! A dancer had to LEAP over it!


    My paws nested their digits into Siranae’s hands, as my movements were now caught within her rhythm- those stumbling steps of her now refined poses of a woman upon the stage. But I didn’t let our momentum falter-!


    Siranae LEANED back from me, her hand outstretched behind her as I spun her in the dance! Her hand glowed, leaving a white trail that swirled around us!




    Another dancer was knocked aside!


    “Vulgar! How horrible! How dare!!” I heard a dancer cry. Two just beside grouped up, one jumping into the hands of another TOSSED upward! A graceful flip! And a streaking kick toward us-!


    I held Siranae tight, another spin with our bodies intertwined- turning Siranae’s back to the crowd of villains, as I stared up at the descending opponent!


    With a rush through my chest, a stream of water BLASTED from my lips, gushing up and BLOWING into the dancer in the air! I repelled my foe with that torrent of raging liquid, and released- letting the stream trickle down into glistening raindrops!


    The dancer blew back, split apart by the water! Two halves crashed into two other dancers.


    Siranae spun once more! Her hands lowered under my arms HOISTING me upwards. I laid on my stomach on her hands above her head!


    Pitter patter


    Another regroup! Two sets of dancers now bounded towards us in graceful leaps, arms outstretched, clawed hands at the ready!


    Siranae gasped and took a bound backwards, spinning me over her head with one hand, her other STREAKING back to STRIKE into another dancer from behind!


    Siranae was so graceful, her motions melding with mine, and her strength was shown a hundred-fold! Our battle waltz increased in tempo! Faster! Faster!


    My heart ROARED! Sweat upon my forehead! Siranae held me firm and steady even as she gasped and panted!


    I could feel vertigo spiral across my body, but the battle raged on! Each time I was spun overhead, I’d catch a glimpse of those approaching dancers…!


    One pump of water after another- Siranae’s spinning turned each stream into a blade of liquid! Each time I was turned towards our foes, I shot forth another whip of water, blowing down those dancers, two by two! Even as the dagger flew free from my grasp, I was armed and ready…!


    A slip of my body, as I twirled out of Siranae’s grasp, gripping onto her hand…! With the final spin, my legs touched down into a kick, SMACKING the last set of two dancers in their heads before their claws could even graze the Audino’s form~!


    The dancers’ heads exploded! Ink and paint splattered across the battlefield. The headless creatures stumbled back, their movements more and more sloppy as I thumped back down! I fell forward, Siranae holding fast to my hand, stopping my fall with a jerk, pulling me back into an embrace-




    It was short-lived, though. Siranae perked, and-




    She was torn from my grasp! A billowing, elongated arm of black sludge POUNDED the Audino, carrying her off, THROWING her into a wall with a sickening thud!


    Before I could even cry out oily arms wrapped around my waste, a dancer from across the battlefield coiling me with stretched arms, pulling back! Dragging me towards it into a dance as the last few dancers closed in-!


    “See here your punishment, pest!!” Zerazani’s voice cackled from the dancers. “She that besmirches this place shall be made a statue for the goddess’s mantle!”


    My eyes widened- Zerazani’s madness was spilling unrestrained from these vessels. My body thrashed against the dancing of this sickly creature, as I watched Siranae-


    I watched, as she was held down amidst the gunk of these monsters… as their melted forms built upon her, to complete Zerazani’s morbid threat…!


    Another arm SHOT overhead, SLAMMING into the pinned Audino, further holding her to the wall.


    “N-no-!!” I yelped out. Two more dancers fired their arms to whip me – I squealed with the cruel strike of those arms, unable to defend myself as the pair snake-like arms ensnaring me coiled tighter and tighter.


    We were helpless. The dancers, now more formless and hulking, did hold us both. I was dragged further and further from Siranae, even as I dug my heels against the smooth ground. It was no use – and the group was free to strike and whip at our helpless forms!


    Siranae grunted, struggling, legs kicking even as they were slowly overtaken by sludge-! My vision hazed, and sludge dripped across my eyes as another arms WHIPPED my cheek…! Even now, I could see that Audino, starting to vanish under the slimy monstrosities- my body twirled and thrashed in the grasp of the monster that held me, watching my partner fade…


    And something gnashed within me. Though liquid poured from my lips, an unending fire lay within, surging through my chest and blasting across my mind…! My body spun, twirled, FOUGHT against my captor, as the water spewed forth from me…!




    With a shout, streaks of water GUSHED out from me, trapped around me in a spiral! My struggling body fired up as if a jet of pure water! The streaks lashed and BEAT against my foes!


    But at once the coils TIGHTENED on me! My gushing sprays splattered and sliced through surrounding dancers! A stream splashed into the sludge holding Siranae. With a grunt and cry her arm was released, the limb flailing as the Audino tried to escape.


    The coils around me squeezed more, more, dragging me back. One of the arms split and sagged at my onslaught, only to be replaced by another arm, CRUSHING me!! The water cut off at once, my breath now a desperate wheeze.


    Siranae gasped, another arm SLAMMING into her. Zerazani’s cackling laugh was deafening.


    “Uh oh!! It seems our heroes’ SPLUTTERINGS are bearing little fruit! Is this the end for these driveling, sorry, artless heathens that hearken only to the sound of jingling coin-purses~?”


    The creatures laughed warbling, ugly laughs as the water was crushed out of me.


    “Perhaps…this tragedy will have a happy ending after all…” The Smeargle’s sinister voice, gravelly and malicious cooed all around us, no doubt as she watched the both of us slowly pulled into our doom.


    I hissed out from the CRUSHING pressure, barely able to breathe amidst it all…! What wasn’t bruised and beaten would soon be shattered under the painful grasp of Zerazani’s beasts…!


    All the while, the woman’s cackling voice rang out in my eardrums, threatening to pull me into madness from the sheer rage she evoked…But I could do nothing, only… only writhe, and suffer, and wait…


    Siranae gasped, her single free arm fumbling with something at her side…her satchel…!!


    The Audino screamed, YANKING something out…! A blue berry, with three spiked protrusions…the Rowap berry-!! From Julminae’s shop!!


    “ADELAIDE!!” Siranae shouted, voice bellowing and going hoarse. “OPEN! OPEN!!”


    Another arm SLAMMED into her head, covering Siranae’s mouth. With a muffled yell, the Audino SLUNG her arm, tossing the berry directly toward me just as a final arm PINNED the free hand.


    My eyes snapped up to Siranae once more, seeing the fragments of her that still remained free- and the berry she had thrown! I had no idea what the pitiful thing could offer, but Siranae had given her all to deliver it to me… I wouldn’t let her down!


    With my neck still barely free, I jerked my head forward, snout GNASHING and BITING into the berry like a starved beast! Even as the spiked prongs jabbed my maw, I tore through the berry with my teeth, gulping away until nothing else remained…!


    The berry shot down my throat – and all at once my esophagus hurt. My stomach burned.


    My body tingled. My skin felt like it was crawling over the bone, bumps forming all around like I had caught the plague. The bumps twisted into knots, tightening, hardening.


    I wailed out as the bumps SHOT from my form, ruining what little grace I still possessed. I could see it, all over my body – spikes rose from my fur, hard and piercingly sharp.


    And as the arms that held me CRUSHED me once more – !!


    A ROAR bellowed! The arms RECOILED from me, gushing spurts of oil cascading from multiple puncture wounds! My feet THUMPED onto the ground as the dancer reared back!


    I was no longer a fighter, nor a dancer. I was a blade upon this battlefield. I rushed forward – tore through the dancer that once held me! The monster exploded into a shower of paint, limbs blown apart, splattering on the ground.


    I turned and sprang forth, flecks of oil dripping from my hardened fur, racing toward Siranae-! More of those creatures stood between us, and my sight ran red-!!


    One paw touched down, and the other swung around me in another spin! My body twisted in a pirouette, the spikes PIERCING through the creatures that stood in my path!! Even my tails lashed forth anew, SHREDDING into the beasts like a mace upon the flesh!!


    The dancers I hit collapsed like clay dolls! Oil gushed and splattered on my fur, flecking onto my face! The dancers wailed!


    I didn’t cease for a second- even as the forms of those cretins broke apart before me, I leapt through the scattered oil as it fell, desperate to reach Siranae once more…!! Arms RUSHED me! Over me! Under me as I hopped over another! An arm grazed my side, my spikes SPLITTING it into pieces!


    “Whaaaa?! What’s THIS now?!” Zerazani’s voice SCREAMED. “Some kind of CHEAT BERRY? NOBODY LIKES A DEUS EX MACHINA, YOU SWINE!!”


    My tails ripped apart the offending arms ahead of me! The dancers were losing form, dribbling oil that my paws splashed in. Another SLASH scattered the arms holding Siranae!


    With a gasp, the Audino fell, dropping to the ground, coated from head to toe in black oil. Coughing, spluttering. Her body was bruised. Blood trickled through my fur.


    A deafening roar sounded behind us, the dancers, all devolved to mere blobs, slithered toward us threateningly, their arms raised for a final strike!


    Siranae lifted her head. She fumbled for her bag, two oran removed. Our only two. She threw one to me, ramming the other into her own mouth. I didn’t question her- she knew these little morsels better than I did. I scarfed down the other oran, pale blue juices dripping from my snout, hoping to recover something of my stamina…!


    “A-Adelaide…!” The Audino gasped, staggering. “We…are nearly there…”


    “Yes, yes, nearly there I SUPPOSE. Zerazani’s voice indignantly huffed around us. “If my critic reviews show poorly for this I’m holding you both RESPONSIBLE!!”


    Zerazani’s maddening cries were nothing- just the bitter howl of the wind, as those blobs approached once more. I took hold of Siranae’s hands, hoping only that my sharpened points wouldn’t bring her any harm-!


    Weary, weak, and stained by battle, I pulled the Audino onward, into the storm of opponents! Another twirl into the blackened creatures, my spikes starting to CLEAVE and TEAR at them! Where I could, a jet of water would BURST from my lips, turning the nearer foes into a mist of black and crystal!!


    All the while, I swung Siranae in a rhythm- interlocked with her steps like a violent pas de deux– kicking one of my legs up at a foe as our hands met again! My harsh spikes grazed her fur, as we pressed closer and spread apart! In that beautiful, complicated dance, Siranae held my hand, whirling with me, kicking her legs as well each time I landed. A perfect sync between us both.


    A cascade of water and piercing strikes erupted around us in a sparkling magnificence. A rainbow danced upon our shoulders, the spotlight shining upon us as now we became the spinning blade of iron and aqua that sliced through the inky black foes!


    The dancers howled in their gurgling way! Attacking arms were swept away in a flurry of dancing motions! Here! Our crescendo!


    A final swing!


    A twirl!


    Siranae spun and let me go, letting me pirouette more and more upon my dancing paws!


    The sludge monsters were scattered against my tails, the water cleansing Siranae and I of all impurity that coated us until we both shimmered like diamonds, standing tall over the remains of the monsters!


    And in one final spin–!


    Siranae held her chest! Her eyes widened in awe!


    I stopped, spiked arms outstretched!


    A final cascade of sparkling droplets flew from my fur in an explosion of glimmering wonder!


    And with that final pose-!



    The spikes retracted. The spotlight dimmed.


    And the dance was over.


    ~ CHAPTER 15 ~

    << F I N I S >>




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