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    ~ CHAPTER 8 ~

    << My Uncorrupted Faith >>



    Place: City of Arceliaze, North Eastern New District, Avelzhin Baij Temple


    Region: Central Arceali Valley


    Day: Konsova


    Date: Zshima 49th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12



    The inside of the Temple was so quiet.


    The building itself was large. I could tell that among the spires it likely housed many classrooms and offices to accommodate whatever structure this world’s religion had. Gold rings seemed to cover every part of the temple’s architecture, along with a set of 18 coffin-shaped plates, each with a symbol in the middle, from a leaf, a flame, a rock, and so on.


    Of course, none of these symbols meant anything to me, but Siranae clearly held a quiet reverence for the imagery.


    But here on the inside, it was simply a congregation hall with an altar at the far back, with a few chairs for those who might need them.


    Yellow-tinted lanterns were affixed to the walls and ceiling, giving a golden glow to the inside. Under my feet was a soft red carpet leading up to a stain glass window showing only what looked to be a castle upon a floating chunk of earth, and a strange white horse with a trailing mane behind its head and a massive ring of gold around its body.


    Arceus, the one that had brought me here, standing by Paradise, his home, torn from the earth, leaving the crater that would house Arceliaze.


    My every little sound echoed. There was a powerful, silent respectfulness to the inside of this place, flowing through the air, even if this was not my temple nor my god.


    But Siranae had promised that Arceus would not mind me using it to talk to my own god.


    The girl had been silent the whole way here, and though she seemed to want to give me space…by my side she remained, both for my sake…and perhaps her own.


    No matter how foreign and unfamiliar, I had learned thoroughly not to speak out of turn or act indecent, especially in a house of worship. The iconography that shone in this temple did not settle that alien uncertainty that Arceus bore to me, but I had endured far more distressing imagery and scenery in Arceliaze thus far. I would be fine.


    My paw clutched Siranae’s hand tightly as we tread upon the red carpet, eyes still darting here and there- as though another ghastly event would befall us without our knowing. Still, the temple’s quiet dignity stood.


    When I finally spoke, my voice was a hushed whisper, as if the force of this place prevented me from raising my tone.


    “Is there… some custom I should observe here? Any manner of worship that is decent or indecent?” I asked gently. “Are there… confessionals?”


    All of it was spoken with an uneasy reverence. I did not intend to change how I would commune with the Lord, but I wished to be aware if my actions would draw negative attention.


    Siranae glanced down at me, as though my voice released the bonds on her own voice that the events prior had placed.


    “I don’t think so…” Siranae whispered softly. “…though, there’s not much we can do without a Sera-Node, so no confessions or tributes can be taken to the Conduit. But Arceus listens…at least, I hope so. I’d hope he understands things are…hard right now, and that he understands we’re doing out best.”


    She paused a moment.


    “Ah, but, that really only applies to me, does it not…?” Siranae sighed with a weak smile. “I think you’ll be okay doing whatever you need, so long as we don’t destroy anything, of course.”


    The Audino gave a light giggle.


    “But, even still…is there anything I might do to help you with your own rituals? Or do you simply need to be alone? I might take to the altar if so.”


    I let out a meek and quiet laugh with her, almost relieved to see she could still make some merriment… even if that was due in part to Mama’s vicious conformity. Yet, I shook my head to her inquiry.


    “I believe I can manage on my own. I shall… take a seat somewhere, and let you have your time as well. Please come to me when you’ve finish, lest I rudely interrupt your own worship.”


    With some hesitance, my hand fell away from hers- and I scanned across the congregation hall, looking for a chair or pew where I might sequester myself in my thoughts.


    Siranae nodded, letting her hand fall from mine. My hand immediately felt a little colder. I hadn’t even realized I hadn’t let go of her once since…that grisly scene on the street. Even the Audino looked a little hesitant to leave me, but took a step back.


    “Of course. If anyone comes by I will do my best to explain our presence, don’t worry.” Siranae said, nodding. “But we’re free to be here. I’ll but just at the front of the temple.”


    With reluctance, Siranae turned away to walk to the alter under the stain-glass window, all the while looking over her shoulder at me practically every other step.


    Left alone, I could see a few simple wood-carved benches by the painted walls of the temple. The designs on these benches looked…different from that of the normal artistic flair of Arceliaze, wooden and angular, with squarish arms and a pointed back. It was likely an older design from an era long past and it wasn’t out of the question that these benches were very old, along with much of what seemed an ancient building.


    The closest sat by a wood door, marked with a plaque saying ‘Sera’Node Offices’, likely where the religious leader’s administration was for this temple. The window on the door was dark and it was clear there wasn’t anyone in right now. If anyone else was at the temple they’d likely be sleeping in some living quarters or a monastery on the temple grounds.


    All the same, the bench was in a well-lit portion of the golden temple, with a mural adorning the wall behind it that depicted rolling hills of farms and fields, and hundreds of worker Poke’mon surrounding what looked to be a massive egg that spilled knowledge upon the cosmos.


    And all the while cold tile sat under my feet as I looked up at the painting, a depiction of events so alien and unknown to me.


    I hoped that Siranae was right. That God could hear me somewhere so far away.


    I trudged forward to that brightly-tinged bench, the chill beneath my feet all the stronger with my loneliness. Even when Siranae was near, it felt so wrong to be apart in the wake of such tragedy. But I would not be able to focus if I kept myself fixated on her. I would be brief.


    After a moment to marvel at the foreign landscape depicted in the paintings, I lowered myself to sit. The silence that hung over this place deafened my thoughts. Each creak of the wood or echo of the wind outside could rouse me from my contemplation.


    I tilted my head forward, eyes shut, and clutched my paws together in prayer.


    It should have been so natural, and yet I felt like an abandoned child in this eerie space.


    What was I even to say…?


    A thought pestered me, strangling my focus and stifling my efforts. I reluctantly gave in.


    Could I still communicate with the deity that brought me here?


    ‘…Arceus? Are you there…?’



    …silence was my answer.


    My eyes cracked open as I lifted my head.


    Across the temple, I could see Siranae as she stood at the golden altar under the massive stain glass depiction of Arceus, its surface glimmering in the light. The Audino knelt down, hands gripping the edges of the altar and her forehead pressed to its side…and she was silent. Perhaps that was their praying motion…?


    The silence felt…isolating. With that came great sadness. Missing Piera, mother…the congregation in worship…being so isolated and alone felt…wrong.


    Where once I had many others this temple only had silence.


    Silence and Siranae.


    It was… too much to bear. No priest to speak power into God’s light, nor men and women to share the hymns with. Not a single tome of the Bible’s beauty in these halls, let alone Arcea in its entirety. Piera was not here to give comfort, nor mother to offer guidance.


    What did I have to say to the Lord? Did I come here seeking forgiveness, or perhaps His light would give divine guidance on entry to the Arceliaze Guild?


    Was I simply… lonely?


    I could not align my thoughts to feel any comfort from the Lord’s ever-present, yet so dreadfully absent grace. Tragedy had fallen before me tonight, and my prayers were to be to God, who lay more than a world away from me. Siranae could seek her deity, and yet… her loneliness rang clear and true.


    It… would not suffice. If nothing else, I could not commune with the Lord in pure silence. But it was so dearly more than that.


    I rose from my seat- and, hesitant still, I walked toward Siranae. Silent as I could manage, not wishing to interrupt her communion, but letting those soft steps echo. I would not hide myself in approaching.


    Several feet back, I stood. Hands clasped before me, I… waited, for Siranae. I could not be alone in this- I did not wish her to be alone, either.


    My approach was not lost on her. I saw the Audino’s ears flick, but she said nothing, merely keeping her forehead pressed into the Altar, hands grasping at it.


    Lights shone behind the stain-glass window, shimmering its colorful image on the floor below, atop both of us.


    Arceus above stared down upon Siranae.


    And so it was for a long moment of silence before the Audino rose with a deep breath, hands upon the altar until she was on her feet. Her grip released, and she turned to me.


    A look of concern crossed her face.


    “…it’s very quiet in here.” She said cryptically, tilting her head. “…did…you get to talk with your God, Adelaide?”


    I shifted uneasily, staring down at the floor, gleaming with the multicolored light. My dreary countenance was hard to hide in such vibrant light.


    “No, I… seem to be in an unfortunate mindset,” I said with a weakened huff. “I only pray silently and in solitary before bed. Being in this… temple of worship, and yet so utterly quiet-“


    I gestured uselessly at the air, before my paws fell to my sides. “…so alone, it does not sit well with me. I feel like a sinner awaiting my judgment, not one of God’s devout.”


    The fur on my neck quivered… why was this so hard for me to put to words?


    “I have a request… but, first, I wish to know if- if your prayer had gone well. How are you feeling, dear Siranae…?”


    Siranae was quiet as well. Her fingers drummed uncomfortably on the surface of the altar.


    “I…don’t feel much of anything.” Siranae admitted. “I suppose, in some way, to feel so neutral is better than what I was feeling a moment prior…I was not gifted with happiness or comfort but simply…”


    She paused.


    “…balance. Equilibrium.” The Audino finished. “…I suppose it is up to me and the world I inhabit to fulfill the rest.”


    Siranae took a step forward, her hands returning to her front as she smiled warmly.


    “I don’t wish for you to feel alone, though…please do speak your request, Adelaide.”


    I nodded with her words, bringing my paws to my chest.


    “I understand,” I said. “I believe… there is only so much that prayer can achieve. And, I am happier to know that you have reached a calmed state, rather than… that distress we shared before.”


    A deep breath, before I spoke again.


    “As for myself, I… I had wished to try my prayer again. I was…”


    I clenched my paws.


    “I was hoping we could sit together, and… having your presence would allow me to focus more. I do not wish to commune alone, nor do I wish to leave you be, on a night such as this.”


    With some apprehension and fear, I held my paw out. “Would you… sit with me a while? I promise, it should not take long.”


    “I have no mind for if it will take long, Adelaide.” Siranae promised. “Take all the time you need. I am happy to help.”


    Without a moment’s hesitation, her hand was in my own, clutching it protectively and walking with me to the bench.


    “What need I do? Simply be here with you?”


    My heart tensed from the pressure of her grasp, but… I moved with her, shuffling my way back to the temple bench to reorient myself.


    What even did I want with this…?


    “Yes, if that is acceptable… I would just, enjoy your company, as I speak with my Lord. I have never sought someone for my prayer before, but…”


    I whined lightly, while taking my seat once more.


    “…I am quite used to my sister’s company, in these quiet moments. It is… distressing to attempt my routine, as though nothing has changed.”


    Siranae nodded quietly. She had a seriousness to her face, as though she solemnly respected my every word.


    “I understand…” She said softly, settling down onto the bench. “Being so far from your family must be…”


    She bit her lip and said no more, instead only squirming slightly but trying to compose herself. She kept my hands held lightly. I could feel her calloused fingers gently stroke my paws as her ears fluttered, listening intently to me.


    I rested there, feeling the press of her fingers more than any silence or coldness in the empty temple.


    This was… better. It was not home, or a true church, or Piera… but something in my soul was set at ease.


    I shut my eyes, starting to pray… words muttering past my lips, simply on reflex.


    “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name… Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as in heaven… give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses…”


    My words ceased, though the prayer rang on in my head. There was solace in having some piece of scripture that could be recited without thought, no matter how simple it was.


    ‘Dear Lord…’ I thought, muted voice pleading. ‘I yearn to feel your guiding light once more. This land of Arcea is not my home, not an inch of it touched by your divinity… and yet, I feel moved by your grace nonetheless.’


    A weak huff.


    ‘I shall forget not your teachings, in this land of impurity and cruelty… I shall love my neighbor, though they do not love me- I shall forgive my debtor, though I as a debtor may not be forgiven. The meek and the needy will not cower, where I might share your light. No matter how…alone, this crusade shall make me.’


    My hand tightened onto Siranae’s.


    ‘And yet… I am not alone. Dear Siranae has shown mercy, kindness, grace… though she does not know your faith, she has developed such a righteous heart. I… even if she cannot be converted- her goodness has given me faith. Faith, that your light will not flicker out in this foreign land.’


    A weak smile crossed my lips.


    ‘If her… physical nature, is sinful- I pray for her forgiveness. If my comfort in her presence is sinful… I beg that you forgive me. I will return to your holy light, guided as you have guided me always…’


    I winced, smile tinged by a teardrop.


    ‘I promise I… I will return home. No matter how far, no matter how absent… I will be there. I will be there, Piera… mother… Enzo-‘


    I hiccuped, my focus fading. A balled fist wiped that wetness as it streaked down my cheeks.


    ‘I am sorry- I am so, so sorry that I cannot be there… I miss you all, more than you can know…’


    And there…upon my other cheek, was another’s hand.




    I could feel her silently cup my cheek as I prayed, the warmth soothing, the presence…welcome.


    She uttered not a word. I did not see her face or if she was staring, only felt her presence as it held onto me and did its best to rekindle my focus so that I may simply…


    …let it all out.


    I wondered what would comfort me in that moment.


    I had not… I had not sinned, had I? Simply by taking comfort in a non-Catholic woman’s presence? Even if it had been, I’d begged for forgiveness already, there was no priest that could give my penance – there was naught else I could do but persist… and Siranae kept my efforts alive.


    I could only apologize, and… carry on, with her, and hope dearly it was enough.


    Yet beyond all that I simply felt…




    I did not wish to be corrupted, like Purina- like so many nobles and elites that spat upon the world their god had given them.


    I did not wish to be tainted by greed and envy, as Mama had so clearly rotted by her desire for those above her.


    I did not want to bear this without Piera, who could shed light on the shadows that fell upon my soul…


    The strength in my spine gave out, and I collapsed against Siranae’s side. I uttered a few whines of discontent, face half-buried in the woman’s body, grasping at the threads of my own scattered thoughts.


    I could only ponder an errant thought.


    “What are…” I coughed, staring off into the dark temple. “What does it mean to be holy and pious, in this world…?”


    Siranae held me, not responding for a moment so that I might settle in her arms. She rested me onto her chest. Now it was I that listened to her heartbeat. A gentle thump, so slow and calm…


    I felt my head fur brushed, the girl’s fingers tracing over my head.


    The Audino took a deep breath, a long sigh.


    “Simply be good…” She said. “I know of nothing one can do but to be good and kind and fair. What else could there be…?”


    I huffed, head resting against that stroking touch. Her kindness soothed the strain in my heart, even as it persisted.


    That was… a bizarre thought. How could Arceus find those crucial differences between the devout and the ignorant? To simply be kind was not to spread his scripture, nor restrain from that which he found detestable… and what if the kind and fair worshiped another god? How could they be worthy of anything from a higher power, when they had not dedicated themselves to his worship…?


    Some part of me wished to speak against Siranae’s question- to tell her that such a faith seemed… careless. And yet- who was I, to inform her of her own teachings?


    If Arceus… truly, thoroughly did not wish anything else of his creations, then I could not demand otherwise.


    …was this what it meant for a god to be ‘merciful’? Then… what would it say of the Lord?


    …no. No, Adelaide. You had promised to hold your faith, despite what temptation or corruption this world would pose. Even if… even if Arceus’s mercy was broad and aimless, the Lord was not the same. This was no time or place to be complacent.


    I turned my face inward, hiding it from the world in Siranae’s warmth.


    “I am not used to this way of living… but, I suppose-” I held onto the girl tighter. “There is… something of a comfort. To know, here, you are a holy and pious woman, through and through…”


    “Then I should think your God as being good, too.” Siranae sighed with a smile, bringing my hands up and holding them closer to her chest. The cold of the temple was swiftly banished by her presence. Even if she did not worship my god it was, at least, better than praying alone.


    The Audino was quiet another moment, looking up towards the murals of the strange horse-like creature. Depictions of sunny fields and hills on fire and that image of a floating rock. I knew nothing of any of it.


    “Are you feeling better, Friend Adelaide…?” Siranae asked earnestly. “Part of me feels worried…if there’s anything more I can do for you…”


    My head did not move from that spot- even as my eyes wandered desperately to the gleam of those foreign artworks. A world unknown. A world whose right and wrong could never reconcile with my own…


    My hands pressed to the girl’s chest, taking solace in the boundless warmth she provided. She could not bestow upon me the sanctity of body and soul I so desperately needed… but she eased the pains that bore at the back of my mind. The sin and repentance I would find here could be endured all the more when she was at my side.


    I tilted my head against the Audino, letting my eyes shut. The frigid air of the temple did not choke my thoughts at their roots any longer.


    “All that you can do, is to stay yourself,” I whispered. “Pious, and kind-hearted… that alone has done my heart well. And… I thank you fully for the comfort it has provided, Dear Siranae. You have made this… this world, that much less difficult.”


    Siranae brightened at the, scooting closer to snuggle in with me as I leaned in. Her breathing was calm and her mood seemed much improved already. She let her eyes wander about the temple lazily, letting the quiet air soothe us both.


    “Then I only ask the same of you, dearest Adelaide…” She sighed.



    Place: Village of S’Ran, Siranae’s Home


    Region: Upper North Arceali Valley


    Day: Pieyrshve


    Date: Zshima 50th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    It was early in the morning when the knock came.


    At the time I was having tea with Mama, Papa and Siranae at the table. The sun had not yet peeked over the hills of the valley and Siranae would soon be off to work, along with Mama and Papa. The old dark wooden house creaked and the pans and dishes rattled as carriages thundered up the cobblestones outside.


    I had already, of course, participated in another conversational sparring match with Mama, though this time I tempered my biting tongue to not incur more wrath upon Siranae. Mama was instead now quite pleased with herself and the many compliments I falsified, which I felt were harder lies to tell than that of my false backstory.


    A rapping on the door came once, then twice, grabbing Mama’s attention before anyone else’s.


    “Why, whoeverr could that be…?” The Mega Audino wondered, setting her cup down. I watched as she stood with a screech of the chair, stepping to the window to pull back the curtain just enough to see who was outside.


    A confused look came over her face, one that Siranae matched, though the girl said nothing.


    Mama looked back to everyone seated at the table.


    “Dulchus, werre you expecting a Marractus woman this morning…?” The Mega Audino huffed. The Breloom father shook his head.


    There was a brief flash of panic in my eyes, though my paw did not even ripple the tea in my grasp. I should’ve anticipated such ill timing, although I had not imagined occurring so soon.


    I placed the cup down and rose from the dining table, warmth radiating from my gentle smile.


    “It could be one of Father’s or Uncle Enzo’s associates…?” I settled my paws at my front, taking a graceful poise at once to try and control the situation. “I had recently disclosed my residence to some bankers in our family’s line of business. At least, it is more likely than anything else…”


    With a calm gait, I approached the front door, hoping to keep Mama from doing the same.


    “I shall inquire about this woman’s business…” I offered. “If she has nothing of substance to offer, I’ll gladly send her on her way. I should not like to see my hosts disturbed on such a fine morning~.”


    Mama eyed me suspiciously as I took such initiative so quickly. All the same, she hung back and merely observed. I could see the Mega-Audino’s ears flutter as she so obviously eavesdropped, hardly making any attempt to mask it.


    Siranae squirmed, looking down at her tea as I approached the door. Another rapping sounded off, and Mama said nothing but gave a nod to let me go ahead.


    I supposed that was my fault- yet, would it have truly been better to let Mama answer, and risk her recognizing the grassy banker? Regardless, she did not need to be privy to the conversation that would follow. I’d manage the situation.


    …there was, of course, the option to placate Mama with a few gold coins, if anything went awry.


    My smile unbroken, I slowly opened the door to peer out at the supposed guest. As the winter’s chill billowed into the house, I saw a familiar visage. Green skin, pointed featured and a spike mouth.


    There, upon the doormat, was Kalae.


    The Maractus’s sun hat was tilted quite fashionably. A thick woolly coat was draped around her shoulders, complimenting her ornate necklace and eyeshadow.


    In fact, looking upon her…I realized she was quite done up for the visit. She absolutely looked the part of nobility.


    “Hello…?” I greeted Kalae curiously, fully opening the door.


    At first the Maractus said nothing, her face flat and expressionless. I saw her eyes dart around. She looked to Mama, Siranae, Papa, myself, the house, the trim.


    I recognized the look in her eye, a hundred thoughts going off in Kalae’s mind at once.


    At last, she gave a warm and polite smile, her gaze returning to me.


    “Good morning, Adelaide Imperator.” Kalae said quite loudly. Mama’s ears twitched. “Is this the quaint little abode you told me of? Your Uncle would be quite aghast seeing these quarters, I should think.”


    The Maractus gave a wry smile. A spark in her eye as she spoke. Kalae leaned over, nodding her head but moving her hands little.


    “Would this be esteemed ‘Puchanae’ and ‘Dulchus’? And dear Siranae as well?” Kalae made herself known, Mama giving a quick half-bow at once, clearly not recognizing the woman but recognizing her poise and displayed status.


    There was only a fraction of hesitation as I marveled at Kalae’s wondrous display… I did not think it was beyond her to be so beautifully adorned, but the sight of it was nonetheless delightful.


    Still, I responded with a warmth of familiarity in my voice.


    “It would, yes.” I stepped back and rose my arm to the trio within the home. “Perhaps the living arrangement is not the most luxurious… but the company well and truly makes up for it.”


    That ounce of truth was directed towards the Audino still seated at the table- but I turned myself to Kalae once more, not letting my smile falter.


    “I shall be seeing to proper housing quite soon- but, enough of me.” I tilted my head, tuft of hair bobbing with me. “Did you wish to come in? We had been seated for tea… or, shall we stroll while discussing our matters? I can only promise, the morning glow of S’Ran does not disappoint.”


    “Oh I should love to stay and talk but I’ve unfortunately other business to attend to.” Kalae sighed in faux disappointment. From the way she let slip a glance at Mama’s direction, she made the true reason clear only to you. “I’m afraid I must deliver your capital then be off. After all, the streets seem quiet dangerous now…”


    The Maractus’s small smile turned to a frown, her head lowering. Only a single yellow eye peered at me from under the hat in concern.


    “Word travels fast so I’ve no doubt you heard of the grisly affair last night…are you and Siranae well?”


    Mama cocked her head to the side. Siranae pretended not to hear.


    I worried- would Mama being aware of that situation improve or worsen her treatment of Siranae? I did not see her as the sympathetic type… it was simpler to let things lie, I had thought. But, so be it.


    I clasped my hands at my waist, head tilted down while meeting the gaze of that yellow eye.


    “We have been well, yes…” I replied. “I should say, it is quite a fright to hear of such atrocities, so soon in coming to Arceliaze proper. I am only thankful that we are safe- or, perhaps, that this little abode provides such safety.”


    I did not look her way, but the gentle turn of my head… it was Siranae that could make this place safe. Not Mama or Papa, nor their dingy home. But I did not wish to involve her any further.


    “I thank you for your kindness and concern- and I only hope that you may find the same comfort, in times as harrowing as these.” I concluded.


    Kalae’s eyes twinkled, absorbing my every word and drinking in every implication. The Maractus lifted her hands to mine, cooing softly as she held me tight.


    “Oh dear, but I am glad to hear of your safety.” The Maractus said. “A pity for dear Varsae…my constituents are in something of an uproar over the affair. You might have your audience with the Conduit yet if she’s forced from the castle.”


    I glanced back to Siranae once more. But as I did I saw Mama’s face go pale, hearing that I sought an audience with the Conduit. It seemed, more and more, this simple conversation between ‘nobles’ was erasing all doubt and cutting off the legs of Mama’s power over me.


    And from Kalae’s smile, the Maractus knew it well. And thusly, went in for the kill.


    “Well, here you are, dear Adelaide.” Kalae said, deftly passing to me an envelope. “A note for the bankers, per the amount we discussed. If you’d like to discuss housing, my door is always open to you…”


    Kalae’s eyes wandered, the Maractus lifting herself to look over my shoulder.


    “You as well, sweet Siranae~!” She called, making the Audino meekly look up. “I’d hope to chat with you. I hear from Adelaide you’re a rather exceptional woman.”


    I could see Mama’s face take a tinge of red, either from embarrassment or anger, I could not tell, for her face was neutral.


    Kalae saw this as well.


    “I’d love to hear of things here in S’Ran…” Kalae’s voice took an edge to it. “…unabridged~.”


    Mama…shrunk back.


    I had only caught sight of that pale, weakened mother for a moment- but I had to stifle the grin that attempted to creep across my face. There was only the same stoic, simple smile as I had always presented, holding the envelope firm in one paw while the other kneaded a digit upon Kalae’s.


    Satisfied, Kalae patted me on the shoulder as Siranae lifted herself from the chair, passing Mama, to join us at the front door.


    “Well,” I chirped, looking over Siranae with a joyful stare, “I would be delighted to converse with the both of you- I should say, it is long overdue for such a meeting of kind souls.”


    My tails swayed lightly from side to side. “If you both wouldn’t mind a walk, or an outing together… this is a wonderful time for it.”


    …I looked back to Mama, as though only just now realizing her supposed importance, smile unbroken.


    “I do apologize for excusing myself early…” I said to the Mega-Audino, masking all venom from my voice. “Dear Siranae and I will not be away long. I thank you for this delightful little morning~”


    “Well of-“


    “Yes, yes, dearest Adelaide, let us not delay.” Kalae interrupted Mama with a soft trill to her voice. Papa didn’t even speak up, meekly shuffling to the side as it became two on one very quickly. “We’ve a busy day, I suspect. Do have a good day, Puchanae!”


    “Y-yes…” Mama said. “Have a goo-“




    With that, a door separated us three and Mama.


    Siranae sighed, fidgeting with her hands and looking to Kalae and I with a worried expression.


    “I fear she may not take that well…” The Audino squeaked. Kalae didn’t respond right away, her gaze simply tracing over the Audino before a warm smile decorated the Maractus’s face.


    “Nevermind, dear Siranae. Soon you’ll have better, more important things to concern yourself with.” Kalae said, shifting her gaze to me and the envelope in my hand. “If all goes well, of course. I got word you purchased the bottle of Eksai. Everything seems to be just as you told me, so I’ve no doubt in my mind the money will be put to good use.”


    The Maractus nodded, sunhat bouncing upon her head, and motioned for me to follow. Siranae kept behind me as Kalae was kindly moving towards the carriage depot in Gur’Don.


    I kept pace with the duo, paw anxiously tracing the edges of the envelope. Yet more of my future rested in these folds… some part of me feared it would be yanked from my grasp once more.


    “I trust the beastly one enjoyed her treat?” Kalae continued with a soft laugh and cheeky grin, her true nature showing more now that she wasn’t playing a character for Mama. “Tell me, Adelaide, has there been progress on finding a place of employ to pay off that loan?”


    Siranae cocked an eyebrow, looking over to me.


    “Adelaide…who is this…? If it is not rude to ask, of course…” Siranae quickly turned to Kalae, giving a half-bow. “A-Apologies if it is, Miss.”


    “Oh not at all.” The Maractus dismissed the thought with a polite wave. “Adelaide, would you like to introduce me? I learned so much of Siranae from you that I forget we’ve never met~!”


    “Ah-” I snapped to attention, looking over Siranae and the Maractus, before letting my smile return. There was still some intimidation to how easily that woman commanded the world around her, but, at least, it was to our mutual benefit thus far. I started by raising a hand to the Audino beside me.


    “Well… at the risk of repetition, this is Siranae-” I rose my head, smiling shining an ounce brighter. “The kindest girl in Arceliaze. Not to mention, one of the wisest, and strongest… and, as soon as reasonable, she will be the newest member of the Arceali Guild. But, I have gotten ahead of myself…”


    The Audino blushed at what I said, looking away and tugging at her ear quietly.


    I moved to the Maractus’s side, giving a soft waving gesture as if showing her off to Siranae for the first time. “This would be Miss Kalae… she is my banker, from the Illaminian District. She runs the Fast Coin loan service I had stumbled upon… and, for some time, I shall be repaying a debt for her kindness, both monetary and otherwise.”


    “Ah…!!” Siranae lifted a hand to her mouth whilst Kalae only batted her eyes to the Audino. “Your banker and loan servicer…?”


    “Presently just loan servicer.” Kalae laughed as she led the both of us down the cobblestone street. “I haven’t done banking work since my time in Dsitdove, back in Illaminamo. Adelaide will pull from my account and we settle the repayment privately. And, Adelaide, I trust you to open an account once you’ve arrived at the bank marked on the envelope. Better to have the funds in a vault than in a bag bouncing from your thigh, all plump and ripe for picking.”


    The Maractus laughed at the joke but her words carried a clear weight to them. Indeed, the envelope was marked for ‘One Truth Bank – Central Branch’.


    “G-goodness…you really must be true nobility!” Siranae stammered, bringing her hands together. “It’s an honor, of course…!! Adelaide, she…”


    The Audino paused, blushing once more, much to the delight of Kalae.


    “…she flatters me so.” Siranae huffed meekly with an appreciative smile.


    I could only smile at the girl, though I then coughed into a fist, looking aside with eyelids lowered.


    “Although, the subject of that loan repayment… will be a complicated matter.” I admitted. “As I’ve said, I wish to pursue catering- I still plan to, and dear Siranae has recommended ‘The Banquet Upon Paradise Catering’ to guide me. But it will be part of a larger string of work.”


    I brought myself to look to Kalae once more. The Maractus, for her part, looked at me with interest.


    “After some discussion last night, ” I began, bringing my paws together. “And… a rather harrowing proximity to the events of last night- Siranae and I have decided to pursue ‘explorer work’ and the likes- to become valuable assets to the guilds of Arceliaze. It is the only way to bring her closer to guild membership… and, the only way to bring myself closer to Lippi. I apologize if this would halt any of the repayment… but I do not plan to stall on that for even a moment.”


    “Oh, yes…!” Siranae chimed in, clasping her own hands together politely. “The Arceali guild! We’ve been…trying and, perhaps, struggling to come up with a way to gain membership. Oh, not that I’d wish to bother a noble woman too much with my fanciful dreams…”


    “I’m well aware of your goal, and I’m happy to support.” Kalae countered with a laugh, her poise strong and towering. Many Poke’mon in the worker’s village turned their head to look at the noble Maractus. Kalae leaned slightly toward the Audino, talking in a quieter voice. “But you misunderstand. I live in a small shack in the Illaminian district, dear Siranae~”


    Siranae’s eyes widened, her shock clear.


    “Y-you…? But..yet you’re so…”


    “Poise, tone and conversation are attributes learned, not bought nor bestowed at birth, sweet Siranae.” Kalae interrupted with a smile. “Adelaide knows this well. And as I do with her I see noble qualities in your character. Learning ways to walk and speak will be a trivial matter.”


    Siranae straightened, a wide smile spreading across her cheek. For a brief moment, the sheer confidence she exuded let her look to all the world as a noble with Kalae and I.


    Kalae’s eyes twinkled as she turned back to face the road.


    “As for your occupation, dear Adelaide, I think your course is wise, as we discussed. If you wish for proximity to the guild I suggest you do some investigating to see what company would be best.” Kalae said with a nod. “Better to be certain than to have a hunch. If you actually manage to get in and do guild work…well, I imagine your loan repayments will be of little issue to you.”


    The Maractus paused for a moment, turning her head to gaze back seriously.


    “Unless…you mean something else by ‘doing explorer work’…?” Kalae asked, exploring the topic.


    I pressed a paw to my neck, feeling the weight of her stare as strongly as ever. Had I already erred…?


    “I supposed… it would be a matter of pursuing the ‘dangerous’ work that guild members already tend to. Becoming a member, here and now, seems nigh impossible- we had hoped to find the root of those ‘jobs’, so to speak, and begin work with those jobs.”


    I let out a quiet laugh, eyes drifting to the road beneath my feet.


    “There is… no other way- not that we can see.” I said, doing my best to keep the confidence in my voice. “The guild will only take the reputable… but those with a reputation are those that find themselves already in the guild’s proximity. Becoming something of a successful figure, becoming an asset is all that an outsider may latch onto, in the pursuit of nobility.”


    My breaths rolled weakly in the frigid morning air, while I looked to Siranae once more.


    “I will not forsake my new career, nor the responsibilities I owe. But… Siranae’s potential is undeniable. She deserves to…”


    The fur quivered on my paw, while it clenched into a fist.


    “We deserve to make Arceliaze just a fraction safer- when the guild that bears its name refuses to do so.”


    That gaze Kalae burrowed into me only changed with the single cocking of an eyebrow.


    Then, at last, a smile spread over the lips of the Maractus.


    “You are a noble at heart, dear Adelaide.” Kala said, a noticeable sway to her gait as we all finally reached the worker’s carriage depot. Siranae, for her part, was surprised, looking as though she wished to talk instead of work.


    “Adelaide…are you suggesting we…steal work from the Arceali Guild?” The Audino was aghast as she said that. “To just take jobs from the job board?!”


    “Quite the calculated risk your friend proposes.” Kalae addressed Siranae. “I suppose you would not be aware of the consequences for such an action, would you, Adelaide?”


    “The guild hates having its work undercut. And it tends to be less friendly towards those that employ ‘rogue teams’…” Siranae answered for her, but Kalae stopped the thought with a finger.


    “That is indeed the case, as it were a century ago. But times have changed…and I imagine there to be a rumble of discontent with the guild’s current lackadaisical operations.” Kalae said with a smirk. “You would not need to be a rogue team. You’d simply be…a pair of helpful Poke’mon assisting others in a time a need where the guild has neglected their duties. Or perhaps independent contractors…or a hiring agency of two. Is is the modern age, Adelaide, all manner of workarounds and loopholes dot the society we participate in.”


    “But if the guild is upset with us…wouldn’t that mean we never get in?” Siranae asked.


    “If the guild gets upset with you…well, it’d be the opinion of a few nobles who weren’t going to help anyway and a guild master with no official Conveytion title…versus the opinion of all the nobles you’d be sure to help. And, of course, if your actions bear fruit and a noble or even the Arceali Guild sees significant profit potential in your membership, well…that tends to make up for any transgression, I can assure you.”


    Kalae straightened, a kindly look on her face as she peered over to me.


    “If you’re looking for catering work, you’ll be sure to come in close proximity to the job board within the guild. With all the hustle and bustle, surely nobody would notice a paper or two vanishing from the board.” Kalae said cheekily. “And if your prices are right and your deeds are helpful…then it’s no doubt many important Poke’mon would come to know your name. You’ll well establish yourself worthy of entering the circle…and, of course, the money doesn’t hurt, either. If anything is sure to win an Official sponsorship, it’d be that money. Like a…”


    She giggled, seeming to get more excited at the idea.


    “…innovative Exploration Team Enterprise.” Kalae finished. “You could be your own Arceali guild-based business, the first of its kind perhaps!”


    Siranae’s eyes sparkled.


    A wave of relief rushed through me, clearing the tension that had built in every nerve of my body. Kalae was not averse to the idea- no, she was welcoming. She gave form and weight to the idea which had simply floundered in my mind.


    I stood taller, no longer having to cower under the fear of her disagreement.


    “Yes… yes, that would be lovely.” I said. “Officers arising from the shadows, soothing the pains of Arceliaze where the Arceali Guild may not. If they are unable to proffer themselves to those they are sworn to serve… then they will not grieve the loss of the work and wealth attached to it.”


    One of my tails moved forward, almost of its own volition, before I swirled a digit around that fuzzy tip.


    “A Rescue Team Enterprise… the name has quite a ring to it, does it not, dear Siranae?” I looked to the Audino with my newly beaming smile. “Dayworkers at one moment, heroes at the next. It’s like an old tale of Romanticism…”


    With the thrill still racing in my mind, I attempted to temper my own eagerness, and looked to Kalae with a sheepish smile.


    “As for that work, however…” I began. “When a girl would find herself before that board of guild jobs- where would she begin? I admit, I am… ill-versed in the supposed capabilities of Poke’mon. All that Siranae has told me is that I am…”


    My face reddened, still disbelieving what I had learned. “Apparently, I am able to s… spew water. And I’ve not done anything of the sort, I can promise you that.”


    “Well, before you can get yourself before a board of guild jobs first you must find yourself in the guild itself.” Kalae smirked, coyly looking up towards the sky. “A woman like myself deals in finances and bank work. I’ve never given thought on how to fight. I’d hate to chip a claw.”


    Siranae perked up, looking over to me as the worker carriage approached.


    “Oh! Adelaide, there’s a few ways to train. Such as night classes on self-defense or even a Dojo…!” She shrank back a little. “…all of which cost money we sorely lack.”


    “Well, not so for Adelaide.” Kalae mused, eying the envelope. “Of course, what you do with your loan is your business at this point.  But there mayhaps be cheaper avenues to learning to fight…”


    “…oh!” Siranae’s ears flicked. “Teralin’s Place! I could try and teach you and you could make extra money going in the ring, Adelaide!”


    Kalae laughed at the suggestion but hardly refuted it. Any idea was up for consideration. However the wince on my face was undeniable-


    That barbaric establishment, where strangers would watch a lady gamble herself in an arena…? Certainly, the meals were of good quality… and Siranae had managed well without some lasting injury, but-


    Well, it was something. And, with Siranae’s rapidly approaching departure, I didn’t exactly have the moment to argue with her on it.


    “Well, perhaps if you are lucky…” The Maractus began as the worker’s carriage finally pulled up. “…you might find an unattended job that’s not so combat-heavy to start. But that all depends if you can get in the guild. It would seem you’ve some investigating to do today, Adelaide.”


    As workers passed us three, Siranae had to follow, giving one last look back at me as she approached the carriage.


    “I’ll help pay your loan if you need, Adelaide! I’ll see you this evening!” She called, shuffling onboard.


    I rose a paw, calling out to her as she joined with her fellow workers. “You won’t have to worry about it, dear! I’ll see you soon…!”


    And, soon enough, the carriage closed its doors and was rolling and clacking away, taking that simple girl with it. I let out a sigh, gripping the envelope firmer and looking to Kalae again.


    “Finding that catering work, placing myself in the guild’s midst…” I huffed, my hand brushing the tuft of fur on my head. “…and, regrettably, seeing how safely Teralin’s Place might allow a girl to train herself. Quite a lot to tackle in a day…”


    “A lot, perhaps, but nothing that a resourceful girl cannot handle.” Kalae countered.


    The Maractus laughed, waving off the carriage as it pulled out of the station, another group of worker Poke’mon already lining up by the platform. My digits stroked at the folds and edges of the bank note, though my gaze didn’t break from the Maractus.


    “Speaking of necessary tasks…” I slowly began. “You had mentioned some aid with finding proper housing- I would be glad to pursue that line of thought. Mama is most unbearable, and she seems to be prying at my persona harsher by the day.”


    Kalae hummed in response.


    “Ah, well, I admit, Adelaide, even if you were to dedicate every penny of your loan to housing you would not exactly be taking a high-rise space in the Market District.” The Maractus looked back at me with something of a faux stern look, in jest. “If you were used to luxury back in your ‘human world’ then I’m afraid you’ll need to lower your standards.


    “Thus, at your budget, I’d sooner recommend either renting lower-income apartments at the Lower Market District, or else purchasing yourself a low-income shack in the Illaminian district. Normally, the district leaders would balk at what appears to be an Arcean moving in rather than a fellow countryman from Illaminamo but, well…”


    The Maractus smiled, her eyes twinkling.


    “…vouching for you would be no issue and they would accept my word in a heartbeat, don’t you worry.”


    “That…” I uttered with a huff, “…is quite good to hear. I don’t doubt there will be some degree of adjusting to do, with different accommodations- but small sacrifices make the greater whole, I suppose. And… with your grace, I will be happy to occupy any district that would have me.”


    “And on my honor they’d be happy to have you in return.” The Maractus adjusted her hat. “You…and her, of course.”


    Kalae was quiet a moment. Her stride paused as she turned her head toward the road behind. Her eyes stared at the worker’s carriage Siranae had boarded as it slowly trudged away uphill, vanishing into the lines of trees toward Windscorch Mountain.


    The Maractus let out a small sigh before turning to continue.


    “What a sweet girl, the Siranae of yours…I almost feel bad embroiling her in a world of nobility. Such a world has a risk to spoil such sweetness…” Kalae mused, shaking her head. “I do hope you can protect sweet Siranae from being jaded and hurt. Were it she could evermore think nobility is simply a matter of tea and dances…and, I suppose, the occasional fistfight with hooligans when it comes to the Arceali Guild~”


    The Maractus laughed again at her own joke, clearly showing her confidence in us as she made her way back down the hill.


    My smile was labored with a twinge of worry, as I stared off to the base of the hill, following in Kalae’s steps.


    “I only hope my resourcefulness will endure through claws and bloodshed…” I said, voice uncertain. “Firstly in Teralin’s Place, and then in Arcea at large. I don’t know what I’m capable of… let alone what I’m comfortable with. But…”


    I let my eyes wander, puffing out a chilly breath.


    “Anything to safeguard Siranae’s simple goodness, as we approach the echelons of nobility.” I said, barely able to mask my own worry. “I would sooner have the Poke’mon of Arceliaze take me as a brutish imbecile, than to force her under their searing glares.”


    I gripped my paws together, as if in prayer. “Even if her innocence is temporary… it would do my heart wonders to know that she could embrace her dream, for some brief and beautiful day.”


    A world of heroes and righteous deeds, a future that a girl could simply fight for… a deity whose grace could not be lost. Siranae could live so many wonders, even if not all were meant to last.


    “I will do my best to protect all that she is- it is worth everything that I can give.” I huffed, coming to focus once more. “Beyond my own journey home… it is all that I have to strive for, in Arcea.”


    “Well, as I said, see to it that you make your first job something more simple.” Kalae suggested again with a sigh. “There’s surely to be neglected menial work for the picking. Though it is only a guess. I’ve never much paid attention to the famous Arceali Guild. In Illaminamo, tales of the guild are something more for, say…children. And even then such reading of Arcean affairs is often discouraged by parents.”


    She giggled, dismissing the line of thought with a wave of the hand.


    “Well, you’ve certainly a full day ahead of you, dear Adelaide, and the morning is young yet.” The Maractus pulled ahead, already veering towards another road. “I’ve another client to attend to. If later this afternoon you’d like to discuss housing only come by my home. I’m sure we can find you arrangements. Perhaps even by evening!”


    “I’ll happily discuss further in this evening, Kalae- and visiting you would be quite more relieving than shuffling back to Mama’s abode after the day’s work.” I laughed softly, staring out to the golden heart of Arceliaze, distant as it still was. “But, for now, here’s to a bright future of… catering, menial labor, and perhaps crime-fighting. Oh goodness…”


    I pressed a paw to my forehead, even as my steps carried onward to the base of the hill, and even as my companion quickly departed.


    Despite the strain evident on my face, I was… ready. There was work to be done, and a true nobildonna could place her blood and bone on the line to see it done- no matter how inappropriate it was to make her struggle for a living.


    And, with as deep a breath as my new little lungs could manage, I trudged on, to make good of Kalae’s investment in my future, and then to find the first of many new jobs:


    Catering and fine dining.


    ~ CHAPTER 8 ~

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