The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    ~ CHAPTER 5 ~

    << My Private Venture >>


    Place: Village of S’Ran, Approaching Arceliaze North Farming District


    Region: Upper North Arceali Valley


    Day: Konsova


    Date: Zshima 49th


    Year: 5th Turn, 12


    The frigid air caused my strands of fur to reluctantly quiver, and the glistening light of the snow in conjunction with that cold forced me to flinch. It wasn’t right for a lady to simply stroll into the wintry air while… lacking in attire, but this pelt would have to do.


    ‘Prista’. The ‘House of Prista’, no less.


    And the Ironworks Guild…


    …this Prista, her name if nothing else, assuredly would have some sway in their affairs. Perhaps I could return to that dreadful Foreman creature, and ask further…


    …no, the Foreman would find inconsistency in my return, and in poking and prodding. Some wretched child, as she believed, would not come back to posit questions of her business.


    I let out a deep breath.


    My paws began to trudge on toward Arceliaze. I had time, and at least one lead- that murderous eatery Siranae had brought me to, the night prior. A place where the laymen mingled freely… even without liquid assets to flaunt, I could lend an ear to their noisy chatter, and perhaps coax a thought from one of the beasts. Finding the right spot to throw in the name of Prista, or even where I could converse with the workers of the Agriculture Guild- anything would do. Any entry point to press with the knowledge I’d gained.


    The walk was quiet, at least at first. I could hear the rumble of that bustling city even from the hills of S’Ran. Soon I’d be deep within the bowels of that noisy city, yet this time with no soft hand to guide me. I was on my own.


    Wooden chimes clacked together in the wind. Lines of flags flapped and fluttered. Snow hung upon evergreens and rooftops, icicles already forming upon buildings. Just ahead, Poke’mon of burly sizes worked to shovel snow and lay salt and sand on the cobblestone just ahead of carriages that came slowly down the steep gradient.


    However, as I slowly began to make my way down the hill, something caught my eye.


    Lombard text.




    And there, to the side…




    My eyes darted to a flyer.




    As if all the signs changed overnight, all of it is perfectly legible Lombard.


    My eyes wandered, narrowing, but not betraying my stern countenance. This… could not be a simple deception. I had learned better than that just the day prior. No signs of painting over old signs, and… none of the glyphs where they should have been, on the weathered stone and wood.


    …had those infernal sigils simply…become decipherable? The beasts spoke my tongue…now they wrote in my language.


    Had that… ‘god’ made it so, for me?


    I could not muster the energy to ponder it much longer- the brisk air urged me onward, and I scurried lightly to one side or another to avoid the movement of those taller Pokemon. My steps were slowed without a guide, but…I could trace my way through the roads, and toward the Old District once more. I’d already stood before bloodshed and roaring beasts that night, wandering to the same establishment in daytime felt no worse.


    Even now, left to my own devices, the walk provided much. It was dizzying, the steep gradient tiring to walk down, especially while side-stepping carriages going to and fro, carrying steel and sometimes large objects covered in white fluttering drapes.


    But more than that were carriages like the one I had ridden, carrying masses of laborers into the city, toward the large factories that belched smoke and steam from rows of chimneys.


    I came to what Siranae had told me was the ‘North Gate’, an opulent stone archway welcoming me to the city proper as my descent concluded and the cobblestone road evened out.


    Here I could see construction being carried out. Steel beams being moved and lifted, with still yet more being brought in by carriage, all to make what looked like massive buildings. For what purpose, it was hard to discern, but it’d be no doubt for something large.


    A sign, by an empty lot:





    Y33 5T11


    As I moved out of this area of factories and construction I soon came to return to the opulent ivory stone of the New District. It was hard to tell the snow from the white buildings, and all of it was blindingly bright. Many of the Poke’mon around me wore what looked to be goggles with narrow slits in the eyes, no doubt to counter the snow blindness.


    Here, the Pok’mon did not shovel the snow. My paws now hit wet stone, only occasionally stepping on a small pile of rapidly melting snow. The pavement itself, somehow, felt warm. My deft eyes caught a worker placing some manner of small glowing orb into a pipe off to the side that seemed to lead underground.


    Making my way down the route I remembered, I was passed by yet more carriages. This time these were no worker carriages or carriages carrying building materials. These carriages were cut in flowery patterns, coated in bursting colors.









    Even here I could see the manners and the dress of the Poke’mon were a cut above the workers of Gur’Don and certainly the rabble of the Old District. They walked with purpose, they did not loiter unless they were near a statue or work of art, presenting themselves as though they were a part of the art themselves.


    Upon continuing south toward the Old District, the less ostentatious half of the New District came into view. Even now, yet more shops caught my eye.








    The snow here was shoved to the side, dirtying in gutters as workers tried to move it in a timely fashion.


    “OI, OI, T’ALL!” I could hear a voice shouting from a street corner, what looked to be a small yellow mouse child waving newsletters about to the crowd that ignored him. “FREE PAPER, ALL! HOPE TA SEE YOU RETURN A CUSTOMER! AWARDS GIVEN, NEW ZONING LAWS, AND MYSTERIOUS VANDALISM! HARK THAT YE MAY BE AWARES!”


    More signs here, too.


    Illaminian Dining o’ The West


    Dsitdove Elixers and Medicine


    Ushuhmou Grocer – FLASH SALE! Everything must go!


    And just ahead…the Old District.


    Well… these sights were finally of interest to me. The catering and flower arrangements could wait, and that bookstore would need a visit soon… but firstly, my steps slid over to the mouse.


    I had… absolutely no idea how one should speak to a paperboy in this society, let alone one about the size of an apple- but something would be better than nothing.


    “Excuse me-” I called above his noisy banter, one paw raised. “I’ll take one of those papers, if you’d be willing to part with one…”


    The small yellow mouse’s triangular ears twitched as he whipped to face me, a big cheeky smile on his face, stubby paws bouncing.


    “Ai, ai, Miss, y’ve a good eye for news!” He said, even though it barely made any sense. Still, his tone made it clear he was eager about giving these papers away, earnest to do a good job. “Here y’are then! A copy o’ today’s 1P Arceali Gazette!”


    He shoved the newspaper into my hand with no hesitation. It was certainly clear what class the boy was, if the dusty coal hand prints on the paper did not make that obvious enough.


    …I restrained a grimace from my digits touching the dust marks that his hands had left on the newspaper, but I only muttered a ‘thank you’ in return, shifting away into the crowd while my eyes probed the material. Something felt wretched, about asking frailly for a free newspaper from a child. What would people think of that?


    I’d simply take it, scan what I’d need, and… scamper away to that eatery, quick as this unruly form could manage.


    I stepped to the side, trying to slink into some hidden, shaded corner where I would not, I hoped, be seen by prying eyes, and read:





    Hark that ye may all be awares – Prista on Z15,5T12 Prista of the Architecture Guild announced to the press that she plans on pursuing new Zoning Laws. This comes as the latest of a slew of new policy proposed from the Conveytion after her partnership with The House of Rizanii of the Agricultural Guild.

    The details o
    f these new laws have yet to be revealed, but Prista is set to give the full scope of her proposal at the upcoming Arceali Guild



    Stocks for ironworks companies abroad fallen in light of extremely high demand not being met. Stock drops include Herisorn Steel and Xalyan Forge which have gone down a staggering 12%.


    Quayoffi steel has found itself in high demand as remodeling in the New District of Arceliaze continues. Several historical buildings are being reinforced and given extensions to base buildings nearly four centuries old. However, these Quayoffi companies have found trouble reconciling the needs of Arcean buyers and Quayoffi buyers.

    However, shares went up in value for ‘Pylorshi Steel’, a company owned by Mr.Zanellox of Nahdmyorshi as they are reporting a high output to meet the demand. Herison Steel and Xalyan Forge have begun reselling shares at a reduced price in the Arcean Stock Market in hopes to attain a buyer.



    Yesterday in the early hours of the day, Xaranae of Souljraan was shocked to find her food stand completely destroyed in what has become the latest in a series of destructive crimes sweeping Arcea.

    Ms.Xaranae was quoted at the time as saying “I have only just come to Arcea. I have made no enemies, I have barely talked to anyone but my fellow Illaminian. Now my produce is ruined and my investment up in smoke!”

    An investigation of the scene by Arceali Guild members Purina (MEOWSTIC), Mulku (SKITTY) and Qiki (PURRLOIN) revealed no evidence that could trace the crime back to any individual. However, they were able to determine that it was carried out by no less than three separate Poke’mon.

    “These crimes are quite befuddling.” Purina, the team leader, was quoted in saying. “But every crime only gives us further and further information, which means it shall only be a matter of time before we’re given the weakness we require to bring these criminals to justice.”

    If you have any information that might assist the investigation, please write either the BUREAU OF ARCEAN LAW or the GUILD OF ARCELIAZE.



    At this year’s medical summit in Jejziorro, Dr.Xulmanonii of Krahtyr presented his findings on the medicinal benefits of ‘Fivotaova Tyzhina’, which is the potent poison found in Quayoffi Poison Vines.

    Dr.Xulmanonii found that the ‘Fivotaova Tyzhina’ can be used as a cure for Poke’rus in small doses, and a mild medical paralytic in higher doses. Mixed with other chemicals, the patented formula made public, the poison can also be used as a tasteless, colorless sleep aid that relieves morning-after sickness from Totter Juice consumption.

    Dr.Xulmanonii’s book ‘The 3 Noble Uses’ has garnered the attention of the international medical world and shipments of the rare Quayoffi Posion Vines are fetching an exceptionally high price. At the moment, no other medical institute has yet to test and fully verify the findings.




    Sure enough, it was legible to me…as legible as these words could be.


    Every name and proper noun rang more of Eastern origin than anything I was familiar with, but I stomached the vagueness and continued my skimming.


    Yet, what gave me more pause was what I parsed from the headlines alone. Prista of the Architecture Guild? For all of Mama’s drivel, she could not even keep track of who was and was not part of her precious Merchant Guild guests. Perhaps she should spend less time huffing the spirits off a noble’s breath, and more time reading.


    I continued down the frigid streets, eyes darting as well as they could between the paper and the passerby Poke’mon, lest I tumble forward into the matted fur or sweat-stained scales of a stranger.


    The Pokemon of Arceliaze, they were thankfully not too dense…trade deals, medical breakthroughs. Even a childish attempt at comedy on political affairs.


    Still, they seemed incapable of apprehending minor criminals and vandals…pity.


    At least they could provide another name- Rizanii, of the Agriculture Guild. Prista and Rizanii would divulge more of their congregation in… 5 weeks, from what those dates could imply-


    No, that would not do. I’d be outed and on the streets in a matter of days, with how vicious Mama acted. Indeed, likely the only guarantor of my bed currently was Siranae herself…depending on how much I’d be willing to rely on her. Too little, too late.


    My steps halted, and my head swiveled back the way I’d come, toward the shops I had passed. Before going to the Old District I decided I’d do some browsing at that bookstore, first, if I could find any suitable literature on Arceliaze’s zoning. I wanted to be aware of such, considering Prista was seeking to change the laws surrounding them. Then, once I had the lay of the land, or if I could not attain it…I could manage a passable story for the drunken beasts at the eatery.


    Turning back the way I came, I gracefully exited one flow of foot traffic and merged into another. Now I surrounded myself with laborers exiting the Old District. Many wore warming garments, bundled up in scarves and thick wool hats.


    …garments. I’d have much preferred some garments, when I had assets- or shares- to my name, but that was for another day. I simply took shelter in the walls of laborers surrounding me, until I could slip into the bookstore and stow away from the cold properly.


    Soon I saw it. There it was again: BOOKS AND MAPS.


    It was a quiet-looking shop, with the door wide open for all to enter. The inside look pleasantly warmed by a hearth within, the smell of paper enticing, perhaps even nostalgic.


    I slipped into that glowing warmth from the storefront, breathing deeply the aroma of a more cultured atmosphere. My eyes glanced about with a starry glaze… both a genuine interest, and a calm front for any that might be keeping an eye on me. Prowling around stoically would do me no good.


    The inside of the bookstore was fairly well kept. A polished wood floor met my paws as I stepped inside. A single, spiral painted pillar sat in the middle of the store, and around it were little glass displays.


    And there, within each display was a book. Paper bound, sometimes thin, sometimes thick pressed paper, though no leather binding it seemed. From here, I could also see two archways decorated with curtains leading deeper into the shop and only two other patrons near shelves on the rightmost wall.


    I turned my head to look at the clerk. The woman at the counter was an odd sort. For one thing, she stood upon four legs with the poise of a cat. I had certainly seen a few of these sorts of beasts walking about the city…but seeing one heading a front counter was another thing altogether.


    The creature’s fur was a lavender color, with large ears, deep purple eyes, what looked to be a red jewel on its forehead and a rather queer tail that split at the end. It nearly looked like an animal of my world…yet was so clearly not.


    Even with my prior experience, one would have to forgive me for the pause I took- at witnessing the almost feline creature running the establishment. Just the simple fact what looked like an animal was running a shop seemed almost comically absurd. Still, I steadied my mind and pressed on with a nod.


    My chilled pawsteps carried me to the front counter, having to… lean up just an inch to utilize it comfortably.


    “Ah, hello…? I was-” A false clearing of my throat, grabbing the cat-beast’s attention. Her ears swiveled toward me, tail flicking. “Would you, perchance, have any literature on the zoning infrastructure of Arcea…?”


    The cat…or fox, perhaps, cleared her throat in response.


    “Zoning Infrrastrructurre…do you mean Tax Zones? Interest rate zones are affected by tax zones, so those would be one in the same.” The lavender cat spoke in a voice not unlike Mama’s and the Foreman’s, though hers was much lighter and kindlier. “Tax zone notifications arre frree to all Arrceans to keep them awarre. Shall I give you the latest prroposal?”


    “Ah- yes, if it is no trouble-” I studied the woman up and down, all the more perplexed by this ever-present accent. “Thank you dearly for your offer. I’d be more interested, I had simply… not expected an open offering, aha.”


    With how greedy and brash these ‘people’ of Arceliaze were, I’d expected a toll simply by gracing this storefront with my presence… maybe a few shares for the crime of glancing over a book in improper fashion. This was a blessed change of pace.


    “Well of courrse! Let me grab the forr you, my dearr!”


    Her tone carried a little condescending edge, or perhaps that was just her accent. Her face seemed genuine enough…though her eyes took a strange and unsettling hue.


    The blood shot cold in my arms.


    I saw why her eyes…glowed.


    As though by magic, a small paperback pamphlet floated from behind the counter, flowing over to me as though it were being handed to me by the air itself.


    But no, the lavender aura that surrounded the pamphlet matched the eerie glow of the ‘cat’s’ eyes. But she seemed to make no special deal of it…and the other two patrons in the shop did not bat an eye at the witchcraft blatantly performed.


    The document simply floated in front of me, beckoning me take it.


    She had… not even a lift of a paw, and she’d willed the document to my side, eyes aglow with dark magic.


    I found myself frozen, looking side to side for a shred of understanding or shared terror- I found naught but empty faces.


    These were not simply creatures, they were… they were something much, much more.


    Five seconds.


    Veering on ten, before I jolted forward to take the papers, lest they manifest a spirit of their own and begin to attack me.


    “Th-” A rasped breath from me. “Thank you, ma’am… I-I will take good care of this, I promise.”


    “You arre verry welcome, dearr!” The beast said in its sickly sweet voice, merrily waving a paw as though it did not just cast an affront to my lord. “I hope to see you again!”


    Was that a threat? Or my stress building upon itself?


    With a hurried pivot, I rushed towards the store’s exit, zoning document clutched to my chest as if it could steady the frantic beating of my heart.


    There was bile, stewing in the pit of my stomach. My airways were jammed with foul air and choking fear. I couldn’t feel the steps I took, nor witness my path, beyond knowing I was scurrying away from that wretched den. And with every second, the walls of that frightening District closed in on me.


    I had been so… foolish as to believe they were just beasts. Just creatures.


    This ‘Arceus’ had made its spawn with some sliver of black magic that it itself possessed…


    Demons, as I had thought. As I had known, before lulling myself into false security. The creatures breathing pure ash from the smoky mine, the horse that pulled the carriage as if a machine… even Siranae


    I took in a sharp breath. Stopped my thoughts.


    Cold wind struck my lungs, but such pain was a blessing. I could ground myself in that sensation- I was still alive.


    I could not… collapse, here, now.


    There was no Siranae to hold me steady… no Piera, either, to whisper reassurances of the Lord’s design in this world.


    I had still work to do.


    The blurring at the edges of my eyes began to steady. I’d wandered no more than two blocks from that storefront- any farther, and I’d certainly have let myself drift into a back alley or a ravine, for a demon to come upon me.


    I gripped the edges of those papers tighter.


    I was not damned. There was Lippi to find, there was a promise to keep. And I was not some… demon- not some purveyor of godless magicks.


    Salvation was only a guild away.



    The area I stood was quiet. A small, out of the way square where few of the beasts came through, with a tree decorating the center (even if it entirely without leaves). I stood in the cool shade of a large building, flags bearing the country’s sigil flapping just overhead.


    I slumped against a pillar of a building’s awning, as I started to peruse the document…



    Effective Date: YESHINYE 77, 5T12

    Notice of re-zoning to all Arcean citizens. Please check this file as your tax zone may have updated. This may affect your interest rates.

    This proposal comes from the desk of Tiskus of the Architecture Guild, for reasons of ‘ensuring sustainable taxation per income of areas, based upon research of area demographics and the 5T11 census’. This zoning map has been approved by the Lippi Conduicy.


    TZ01 (‘New District’):

    • Income Deductible – 10%
    • Value-Added – 2%
    • Capital Gains – 15%
    • Property – 20%
    • Sales – 5%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 10%
    • EOY Consumption – 10%
    • General Tariff – 20%
    • General Marked – 5%


    TZ02 (‘Old District’):

    • Income Deductible – 15%
    • Value-Added – 7%
    • Capital Gains – 20%
    • Property – 25%
    • Sales – 10%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 15%
    • EOY Consumption – 15%
    • General Tariff – 25%
    • General Marked – 10%


    TZ03 (‘S. Farming District’):

    • Income Deductible – 5%
    • Value-Added – 10%
    • Capital Gains – 25%
    • Property – 15%
    • Sales – 30%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 20%
    • EOY Consumption – 5%
    • General Tariff – 5%
    • General Marked – 5%


    TZ04 (‘N. Farming District’):

    • Income Deductible – 10%
    • Value-Added – 5%
    • Capital Gains – 8%
    • Property – 8%
    • Sales – 25%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 10%
    • EOY Consumption – 15%
    • General Tariff – 2%
    • General Marked – 2%


    TZ05 (‘Illaminian District’):

    • Income Deductible – 8%
    • Value-Added – 10%
    • Capital Gains – 4%
    • Property – 4%
    • Sales – 10%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 20%
    • EOY Consumption – 25%
    • General Tariff – 22%
    • General Marked – 10%



    TZ06 (‘Me Saqi Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 15%
    • Value-Added – 7%
    • Capital Gains – 20%
    • Property – 25%
    • Sales – 10%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 15%
    • EOY Consumption – 15%
    • General Tariff – 25%
    • General Marked – 10%


    TZ07 (‘Maesan Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 10%
    • Value-Added – 2%
    • Capital Gains – 15%
    • Property – 20%
    • Sales – 5%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 10%
    • EOY Consumption – 10%
    • General Tariff – 20%
    • General Marked – 5%


    TZ08 (‘Kollovan Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 10%
    • Value-Added – 2%
    • Capital Gains – 15%
    • Property – 20%
    • Sales – 5%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 10%
    • EOY Consumption – 10%
    • General Tariff – 20%
    • General Marked – 5%


    TZ09 (‘Laesi Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 5%
    • Value-Added – 10%
    • Capital Gains – 25%
    • Property – 15%
    • Sales – 30%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 20%
    • EOY Consumption – 5%
    • General Tariff – 5%
    • General Marked – 5%


    TZ10 (‘Mal Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 10%
    • Value-Added – 5%
    • Capital Gains – 8%
    • Property – 8%
    • Sales – 25%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 10%
    • EOY Consumption – 15%
    • General Tariff – 2%
    • General Marked – 2%


    TZ11 (‘Yahneri Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 15%
    • Value-Added – 7%
    • Capital Gains – 20%
    • Property – 25%
    • Sales – 10%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 15%
    • EOY Consumption – 15%
    • General Tariff – 25%
    • General Marked – 10%

    TZ12 (‘Souljreini Regional’):

    • Income Deductible – 8%
    • Value-Added – 10%
    • Capital Gains – 4%
    • Property – 4%
    • Sales – 10%
    • Guild-Regulated Business – 20%
    • EOY Consumption – 25%
    • General Tariff – 22%
    • General Marked – 10%

    END OF PROPOSAL 2344-TZP-Y77-5T12 via House of Tiskus Rep. Architecture Guild


    I grunted to myself, flipping through the document.


    The Old District was… well, in no uncertain terms, drowning under a slew of high taxation… what purpose did this serve, when it lingered so unmade and underdeveloped in comparison to the dazzling New District?


    Though I also remembered the massive estates in the Old District, clearly belonging to old money nobles. A pity that the poorer of Arceliaze got grouped in with nobles of that caliber…but it was also very clear that the shiny new district hardly paid its fair share regardless.


    Yet more similarities to the world I knew. It was… for once, a familiarity unwelcome. I had certainly hoped these beasts could at least manage their finances a little more cleanly than this. But I stomached the distinction, and carried on…


    …though my eyes caught sight of something interesting on the document.


    What was the-


    The ‘Illaminian’ District’..?


    Siranae had not mentioned such a place, but… that was her ethnicity, was it not? Then why…?


    My eyes poured over the rest of the directory. The Document also provided what looked to be a map of the entire country, and a new name from this ‘Architecture Guild’. ‘Tiskus’ of the Architecture Guild…so that was two now, including Prista.


    Just what did this Architecture guild do…?


    The more I delved into these strangers, the more it seemed their reach expanded beyond simple ‘architecture’. They managed taxation on the whole? They answered to none but the Conduit. It was one thing to be a glorified clubroom, and another entirely to be a downplayed office of government. Hardly befitting the name of ‘guild’.


    Yet again, my eyes fell upon the ‘Illaminian’ District- one so crucial that it was nested betwixt the Old and New- but I averted my gaze.


    If… if they were truly an immigrant group, as such second tongues would imply, it was perhaps natural to tax their business so highly. Yet, why also the consumption and ‘guild regulation’ taxes?


    Still- more fuel to the fire. Grievances over high taxation for low-income farmers, migrants bemoaning their status- or perhaps lowlife socialites down on their luck, prepared to spill their guts to any who can show a semblance of knowing.


    All loose tongues that I could find at that bar in the Old District.


    I pushed from the awning’s pillar, my steps slowly trudged forward once more, trying to parse the walls of the District for where it might bleed over to that bloodbath bar.


    At last, coming to the edge of the New District, the dirtied brick of the Old District came into view, the stone wall between the two districts just ahead with the wide arch I recognized, welcoming me onto the…


    …dirt roads, still partially covered in muddy slush and snow, only melted and beat down by foot traffic and carriage wheels but certainly not because anyone was shoveling it. The only places that were properly shoveled were the streets just outside the old mansions. But outside the buildings for bars and apartments for commoners? Filthy.


    The energy here was intense. Poke’mon criss-crossed the dirt streets, with multiple carriages crossing their paths as well. Workers flowed in and out of sweatshops and factories and warehouses, nearly shoulder to shoulder. And not one of them batted an eye at me, not even briefly.


    The moment I entered their realm I was just another member of the crowd.


    Just as with the New District, I could see a number of signs here:


    VOKO TUSSLE N TOTTER, a bar, open-air like the one I’d visited with Siranae. The only thing separating the inside bar and fight ring were a few wood pillars. Only a few patrons sat in, a far cry from the crowd I’d seen the night before, likely because it was still work hours.


    AA&A PRINTING, though this building look barely inhabited. The windows were dark, yet the sign proclaimed it was open.


    SUNRISE SNACKSHOP, sitting at the end of a street, facing a 3 way intersection. This place was the most lively at this time of day. Children played outside here and it was easy to see why: candy and toys sat in barrels outside the wide open entrance, just under an open window. It looked like the inside was stuffed from floor to ceiling in cheap food and snacks.



    But most of all…was the noise. Intense yelling and rumbling voices, crunching footsteps, billowing steam from a hundred breaths.


    …perhaps Siranae’s comfort had made this place more aglow, and less ablaze with obnoxious noise. I could feel my face turning to a frown, an involuntary reaction to the chaotic excess. This was…not something I could endure for long, but I’d manage myself to the extent feasible.


    I steeled myself, keeping to the far edge of the dirtied road as I marveled at the utter… destitution of this District. Waves of distressing stimuli, all amidst lives that were blurring together, yet no less pronounced…


    I supposed it was admirable to persist in such desolate surroundings. The abundant treats and liquor certainly played a role in that persistence…


    Still, I steered myself away from the faint clinking of stained glasses and the gnashing of childish teeth, ears still unable to seal myself away safely, as I tried to prowl the scene of where I might’ve allowed myself to eat one night.


    The way the wind whistled between these buildings, multiple wind tunnels billowing frost and harsh cold onto me. It just added to how…unbearable this Old District was compared to the ritzy and well-to-do New District. The only thing keeping me from freezing to death was being so utterly surrounded by other warm bodies, even as they coughed and sneezed and wiped their coal-dusted hands on their fur.


    My memory served me well. Even with the streets dimly lit by the sun (though universally covered by the shadows of the old buildings that surrounded) I could remember every turn and tunnel of the trek to that place Siranae had showed me.


    And soon enough I found it. Just as last night, I saw the bar on the corner of a wide intersection, its large sign swinging in the winter wind:


    Teralin’s Place


    It seemed these open-air establishments were common out here in the Old District, like a public display. Many of the Poke’mon walking the street would cut through the open bar floor to the next street, so much did the crowd flow through the area as though it were part of the street.


    But the actual patrons in the bar were few. They were of all shapes and sizes, some larger than myself, others a similar height, and some still I’d tower over.


    What looked to be a large red and white falcon stood perched at one of the tables, a fierce look in its eye as it drank from a special shaped bottle seemingly designed for beaks…


    …really. Even the birds were as sapient as the rest in this world of madness?


    Across from there, slouched over the bar, were two other patrons: A massive lavender…slug dragon was the only way to describe it, and the slime oozing from its body certainly matched that. Next to them was a strange brown creature about my size with a pointed head and stout blue body.


    And there, on the other side of the bar, leaning against a pillar was a gruff looking…white rabbit wearing black vestments over its body, a glass in hand…and several more, emptied and at its feet. Noticeably…it was shorter than I.


    I stared across the menagerie of miscreants and drunks- who else were to populate a bar in the daylight, let alone allow themselves to be seen doing it? Birds, rabbits, even veritable monsters flaunting their mangled forms for all to witness.


    And yet… all of them could call an ounce of wealth to their name- more than I could do.


    Yet, I could still attest to having my wits about me- I had not offered myself upon a platter for wiser minds to pick at. No matter how much it felt as though I had, foolishly wandering into the open-aired space of the bar. I would gather all there was to glean from these cretins, before making any certain move.


    I strolled up to one of the tables- keeping a view of the four patrons I had spotted, while turned just slightly so as to not reveal my intentions. My paws crunched on the dirt floor, the smokey haze of the torches rolling over the ground. The bar was so much more quiet than last night, especially with the vacant fighting ring.


    I did not take a seat yet… I stood adjacent to a seat, paw held toward my chin. Putting up a mimicry of apprehension, confusion, and longing… a girl that could not decide if she should seat herself.


    If lowlifes were consistent between any realm, one would find it favorable to share a drink with a girl, and I could prey on that first move… all the while, I kept glancing about in my false worry, while studying those strangers- plucking up whatever fragments of conversation or low-lying traits I could, with my façade maintained.


    It was distasteful in the highest to play ignorant once more, and twice over for a bar in the slums. But somewhere was better than nowhere- at least there didn’t seem to be any bloodshed at this hour.


    Nobody seemed to acknowledge my approach yet, only sipping their drinks. Only now that I stood by them did one of the patrons glance over at me, the dragon slug. The smaller blue-bodied beast did not take their eyes from their drink.


    Then, the dragon slug’s eyes…simply wandered away from me, back to their companion. Not even a word at my direction.


    “M’just worried is all…” The smaller creature huffed. “…any time houses at the top make partnerships it just means more an’ more work.”


    “I hear that.” The dragon slug spoke…revealing herself to be a woman. She lifted a large tankard, taking an impolite chug of alcohol. “My, uh…mate, Wushus, y’know ‘im? I introduced you last spring dinnyai?”


    “Yeah I know ‘im.”


    “He says the Foreman at his company’s this Illaminian guy, yeah? And he’s been running the workers ragged with all the new orders coming up from a bunch of these Architecture Guild companies.”




    “He’s been grinding out steel beams for some ‘Upper Tulaan Construction Co.’…they got some big project what going up in the North Farmer District.”


    “Yeah, wh…hang on…”


    The smaller, blue bodied creature leaned over, glancing at me at last. The slug dragon followed suit, cocking an eyebrow.


    “Any reason you’re hovering like that?” The small one said gruffly.


    Not even a seat offered…much less a drink to a pretty lady.


    Perhaps…not everything was the same as home.


    …well. Better that they knew to keep their distance from a woman of higher culture, than to have approached so carelessly. But I found myself forced to act in their stead.


    I blinked and fixed my gaze on the smaller creature, faking a jolt of surprise from being addressed so curtly.


    “Ah, my apologies…! I haven’t been to such an establishment before, and was unsure of my place here.” Letting my own finer tongue bleed through, perhaps a bit higher-pitched than usual, to portray such an image of a wandering and curious noble girl. I inched closer to the both of them, eying an open seat at the bar one spot separate from theirs. “If I may…?”


    I would have liked to choose my speech and mannerisms more carefully, but such was unreasonable without first speaking to the duo, let alone having some knowledge of them. At the least, they had kindly demonstrated information for me to pluck at- I needed only to pry the rest out from them.


    The pair eyed me thoughtfully. To them, it seemed, I was…a curiosity, but little else. Still, they didn’t seem put off by me. The large, towering slug dragon scooted away a little to give me space.


    “Yeah, y’don’t need to ask me permission…” She huffed. Looking at her closer, I noticed a few scars over her arms, coated in a thick layer of slug-like slime…much of which she dribbled on the counter, which clearly annoyed the barkeeper from the silent looks of aggravation he gave the small pool of slime forming on the wood.


    “S’your first time to Teralin’s Place?” The smaller one asked, breaking the ice immediately while the slug dragon only continued to eye me.


    “Oh, well… it would be my first time, yes.” I giggled lightly, before taking my place on the barstool that wasn’t drenched in a stranger’s viscous fluids. My gag reflex was tempered once more. “Simply curious, doing some opportunity research. You have heard of- well, I would assume you have heard of the Merchant and Architecture Guilds- foolish of me to question otherwise.”


    “Aye…we know of ’em.” The smaller Poke’mon gruffly said, pushing his empty tankard away. “I just moved from Ironworking Guild work over to Merchant Guild work. M’actually supposed to head up a goods wagon this evening out to Souljraan.”


    “I’m a construction worker in a Architecture Guild company.” The Slug Dragon spoke next, chugging the last of her drink. “Just got off, actually, decided to hit up me ol’ friend Tulo here.”


    “Hello hello.” The smaller Poke’mon, Tulo, spoke.


    “Ah… hah. It is good to meet the both of you.” I replied politely, keeping a light smile.


    Tulo took another sip, then dove into another question.


    “So! Opportunity research? What’s that?” He asked, eyebrow cocked. “Folk only come to Teralin’s Place in the early morning if they’re night workers or recently unemployed. Which is you?”


    “Ah, well…” A posh laugh, as I glanced around, feigning interest in the bartender for a drink I mostly certainly would not be ordering. “Neither, or…unemployed, but not of recent cause.”


    A moment to scan the bar, pretending yet more to be marveling at such a wretched place.


    “Truth be told,” I continued. “I haven’t worked a day in this life yet. Only preparing for it- and, I had figured, some exposure to the lay of the land would be beneficial. The Old District is quite a marvel~”


    It was perilous to play as I did, but… it had worked with Mama before. A starry-eyed noble was just the sort of ruse to have such simpler minds spew forth whatever they believed they knew. This rendition would be a mite more targeted, however.


    “Ah, ain’t been employed? Me mate’s like that.” Tulo sighed, taking a swig of his tankard. “You go ’round with the local peddlers? My mate Gornus has been panhandlin’ and swears by it, says ‘e makes more begging than he ever did woodworking. I think he’s out of his mind, considering between the two of us I’m the one wit’ a roof over me head and he’s squatting in a beggar’s camp.”


    The slug dragon snorted at that, bumping her tankard against the smaller Poke’mon’s tankard.


    “Aye, though you could pass fer a noble with that way of speaking. You fall on hard times, like?” The Slug Dragon asked, turning to me. “I heard a story once ’bout this one noble or…well, probably more like a tradesman, not really full on noble. They went from operatin’ 2 different real estate companies, right? Registered under Architecture Guild and everything. Then she got edged out by this one place under the House of Prista’s umbrella, now she’s out in Quayoff running a hole-in-the-wall bar n’ One-Night Club.”


    Well…that was unfortunate. The two thought me a beggar, not a noble, even with my manner of speech…


    …of course.


    The lower class was oft incapable of recognizing nobility in these parts, as I’ve come to gather. I had hoped the knowledge I displayed would offer me some lenience, but…so be it. I’d rather play to their understanding than attempt to shift it, lest I face another round of mockery as with the carriage trip…


    “Ah- no, no, not hard times per se, simply… times, yes?” I gave a softer laugh, reclining in my seat. “My mother’s worked as a caterer at Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort since I was knee-high. I have offered my aid there from time to time, but soon? Soon, my work will tend to a family and more. Some ample share-trading in Sherzon Farms has shifted things for my future, along with… personal negotiations, if you understand.”


    I kept my gaze away from the bartender, in concern that he’d attempt to get a purchase out of me.


    “Ooo, I hear that fancy-shmancy eatery’s real hard on the servers, like proper demanding, and payin’ peanuts to boot!” The Slug dragon laughed, a laugh her friend emulated. “Yer mom’s a respectable woman, as’re you, then!”


    “I hear ya on the share-trading, though.” Tulo spoke, reaching in his pack to wave a few certificates around. “I been selling off me Tier Fs to the bank and broker places for coin. M’wanting to snap me up a Tier D from an Architecture Guild company. Julvana here says Rocky Hills Builders Co. is shooting up fast.”


    “Aye, they been snapping up projects outside Arceliaze.” The Slug Dragon, now known as Julvana, spoke with another laugh. “S’driving me superiors looney, all the work they’re missing out on at Kollovan and Me Saqi up north. They were stomping up n’ down the offices, throwing stuff, what a sight!”


    Tiers- well, quite good I hadn’t stumbled into the concept unknowingly.


    “Well!” I began with a clap of my paws, trying to still exude a warm confidence. “I dare say, in a few short weeks, I may find myself sharing ale with Prista herself, even~ Not that the guild elite would wet their tongues with such, but that’d be their loss, hah~.”


    A flick of my tails, hoping to show some elation. If I could not be a noble in the eyes of these peons, perhaps I could be a fool playing at a noble.


    …such irony was not lost on me, in my current predicament.


    “Hah! Ol’ Prista.” Julvana said. “Shifty ol’ bird, though I don’t think my construction job’s under her house. Seems she’d only knock back drinks with Conveytion Rizanii these days!”


    “Sorry y’gotta settle for us!” Tulo laughed, flicking a coin the bartender’s way, prompting him to slide me a small glass of Totter.


    The glass sloshed and splashed a small bit of foaming drink onto the counter as it sat in front of me. I did my best to not scrunch my nose at the sour smell.


    ‘Houses’ still required clarity, I was unsure what that meant… I offered a giggle while my paw clutched at the handle of the glass.


    “You lot will do, until that day-” I said, offering a smile for the ‘kind donation’ Tulo had given me. “Certainly much friendlier than Prista, from what I’ve seen of her~. And my name is Adelaide, if I had not said so before.”


    My eyes returned to the glass of cheap drink before me.


    …goodness, I’d be drinking with these vagrants if I was to continue my ruse. I’d almost prefer another meal with Mama


    …no, that was mere overstatement. Nothing could will me back into her presence lest forced, and the thought of it urged me to tip the glass against my mouth, taking a few sips that I played more heartily with louder gulps.


    “Pahhh~” I forced an exhale and thumped my glass back to the counter. Even such small portions were more than I’d wish to intake in broad daylight. “Ohh, you had mentioned Rocky Hills… Vultus of the Merchant Guild is a glutton for such ventures. I suppose one Poke’mon’s profit is another’s tantrum, yes? If your superiors are to be taken as an example, hah.”


    I wasn’t entirely sure if they spoke of the same company Mama had mentioned Vultus owning shares in. Still, if, by some miracle, they were informed enough to correct me I could simply play it off.


    My eyes wandered aside, digits drumming with contemplation on the slick glass of the handle.


    “Truth be told, I feel out of my element…” I confessed, making my voice meek and somewhat vulnerable. “Share-trading is a strenuous game of numbers and approximations. Add that with Conveytion Prista’s zoning ordinances, and it feels all the Tier Cs in the world could not keep one afloat in the torrent of businesses and ventures shifting hands.”


    I shrugged, an invitation for my bar companions to assist me.


    “I need… experience, or insight.” I concluded. “I cannot hope to make ‘wise investments’ if the zoning shifts to come will rend a company asunder within weeks time.”


    I gave a defeated sigh, slumping towards the bar to rest upon it- silencing the screaming thoughts of what plagues and biles had touched its surface before me.


    “Oh you an’ me both!” Julvana huffed, the large slug dragon thumping a fist on the counter. “I ain’t even much for all this trading nonsense but I’m still having to rush around keeping track o’ stock prices and who-owns-what like a Banking & Financial Guild bottom-feeder just so’s I can keep a fecking job.”


    “Arceus, aye, did y’see the Gazette? More zoning changes!” Tulo huffed, stuffing the stock certificates back in his satchel. “If it hits any of the companies I have here then this money all goes up in smoke!”


    “S’why I keep saying: there’s only two wise investments for folks like us with no mind for this gobblty gook:” Julvana took a long drink before continuing. “Buying Roppi stones or thumping heads for cash at the Guild. ‘Cept one is absurdly expensive and the other wouldn’t let none of us in!”


    “Bah! All that reward money going to waste. Here we are, rough-n-tumble Poke’mon squat knee-deep in the piss n’ shite of the coldests corners o’ the Old District, real meat-n-potatoes Poke’mon that could fight bandits and the like…and we’re stuck here at the bar while prissy noble children avoid any physical jobs and leave all that money on the table!”


    “Money they wouldn’t even need, aye?”


    “Aye, cheers to that!”


    I was bounced from that fist-thump, having to keep down a yelp at my surprise. With a weak start in my voice, I joined their cheer, lifting up the glass in my paw.


    “Aye…!” I squeaked.


    Another sip of the liquor, carefully paced- if I was reckless with my ruse, I’d wind up too inebriated to accomplish much else.


    “Zoning changes, hah…” I sighed. “Another tax hike on any district that isn’t their own. And the gall to plan its announcement for a banquet, as though it’s to be celebrated– as though any given man or woman could be there to speak out on the matter.”


    A slow shake of my fur-coated head.




    “I’ll drink the whole fecking tankard to that!” Julvana burped rudely, knocking back her drink until there was none left. She let it drop back to the counter, shaking her head. “I don’ ask much, just me fair day’s share fer a fair day’s work!”


    A mite of… actual frustration grazed my mind, and I allowed myself another sip. That taste rang less bitter on my tongue, when vitriol had already graced it.


    “Mama has worked herself to the bone-” I continued on, constructing more of my narrative to appeal to the pair. “Says she has prospects of serving at that banquet. I’d thought myself fit to come serve with her, perhaps take in a whiff of the guild elite… now, I’m not certain I wish to huff that rank odor off the socialites and upstarts that would fill the banquet hall.”


    Another glance aside, sighing with partially-feigned anguish.


    “Perhaps my age betrays me…” I huffed. “I cannot recall a time when someone of good intention and proper place occupied the Arceali Guild, perhaps any guild. Prista herself be damned. Is there ever again to be a day where one could be sponsored into good, honest work there? Any that see the value in it? Or would all that could sponsor it simply shirk the opportunity?”


    “Well…unless you’re found to be a long-lost bastard of a noble there’s not much chance, ey?” Tulo shrugged. “Frankly, I can’t even see much value in nobles putting their kids in the guild, considering they don’t make squat doing those sugar-jobs like investigations or…box moving or base patrols or whatever. Waste o’ time and money, what they’re doing, I say. Seems the only thing the guild’s good fer anymore is that Arceali Guild ballroom, yeah?”


    Tulo laughed, taking another drink before leaning over.


    “Say, Adelaide, right?” He began. “Yer Mom trying for any o’ the Market District catering companies? I hear that’s real good work. A sight better than waiterin’.”


    “Mmh…? Whysat?” Julvana slurred, the mistake of draining her tankard becoming more obvious.


    “One of my cousins said that while he worked at one of the catering companies, Managers were so inattentive and they always bought such excessive surplus to any party that you could easily sneak off with a bottle of Eksai! I’m talking the real expensive stuff what those nobles drink!”


    “Pfff…ifsh they’re so innattenty…” The large slug dragon paused, shaking her head. “…why even worksh for’em? Just pull one off’der wagonsh…”


    “Oh, Arceus-…Barkeep!” The smaller Poke’mon waved a hand. “Need a plate of breaksticks ‘ere! Julvi, what’re you doing suckin’ down Totter like that, you great big simpleton?”


    “Feck off.”


    As the barkeeper quickly produced a plate of breadsticks for the large slug dragon, Tulo turned back to me, taking a small and polite sip of his tankard so as not to emulate his friend.


    “Aye… aye.” I nodded with Tulo’s words, my eyes continually drawn back to the great beast of a drunkard, in fear that her slobbish slime-coated form would slump toward my personal space. “Mama’s work rarely ventures far from the Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort-  it is a comfort to know one workplace so well, I suppose, but a Market District catering job would be something new altogether. What… what companies are there, for a woman such as her?”


    I rose the mug to my lips again- weak and slow sips, but drinking nonetheless. I supposed it softened these otherwise dour talks. My hand sloshed the liquor back and forth-


    …good Lord, there was only half of the muck left. I’d need to cease my indulgence of their ways, ruse or otherwise.


    But this… this was a curious line to tread, this talk of catering companies…though tread it I would.


    “Not to mention…I hardly imagine it’s… that easy,” I continued, muttering in a laugh. “To waltz away into the evening, pilfered wine in tow? I cannot imagine such a spot in Arceliaze, it sounds more of a wonder, aha.”


    A company name, a location, I’d even take the name of a lowlife that stumbled off with that wine- a place where a girl could acquire some wealthy goods would be quite a thing.


    “Oh Mew a’ Arceus there’s hundreds of Catering companies. Yer Mom’d be spoiled fer choice. There’s ‘The Banquet Upon Paradise’ , and ‘Sula & Torlynni’…I see carts for ‘Chulzo Fine Catering’ here and there. Just…loads. Loads.” Tulo replied, grunting as he helpfully held Julvana’s arm to keep her from slumping my way. “And I meant what I’s said. Well, I mean what me cousin said. These companies usually have managers that’re, eh…high-strung sons and daughters of tradesmen, probably lookin’ to get back into their parents good-graces.”


    “Ffffrettin over them schtoopid soirees, they’ve ain’t got no blood presschure t’ spare…on worryin’ ’bout anyone else…” Julvana huffed, taking four breadsticks in her fist and shoving them in her mouth. “Ushully blockinzha road wit theys fru-fru carts parked infronta party parlors…”


    “Hah, that’s a real pisser.” Tulo sighed, patting the slug dragon on the shoulder. “Maybe I should try it. Can’t hurt t’ swipe an’ sell a bottle. Maybe’s help pay off some’ve these mini-loans I got, ey?”


    I laughed… some actual relief from my dazed lips, even as I leaned myself away from Julvana’s hulking form. My muzzle curled up into a small grin.


    “Cheers, then- and do tell me if you attempt such an escapade, aye?” Against my better judgment, the glass found its way to my lips for one more sip. “I’ll be sure to pay your bail, when some socialite gets you locked up for a few drops of bourbon~”


    A small chug, eyes closing and mind adrift…


    …yes, that would be quite a caper, wouldn’t it? Plucking the excess off of a cart… one so ostentatious in its gluttonous size that it could clog a street- a few bottles that would not be missed. A valuable ‘purchase’ to lower class Poke’mon… like Mama.


    …goodness, what had come over me? A nobildonna would not- she could not pilfer! Not even for a good cause, not even to no harmful end… was that not so?


    …but I was not a nobildonna to these creatures.


    Not to any but Mama and Papa, and Siranae in some respect- all others expected a ruffian, a girl that ran and hide beside a bench when officers came to shackle her.


    That girl had no standard to hold herself to, not until she could regain her rightful status. However…that ruffian girl would look quite the more noble with such expensive liquor in tow…


    Pah! Pay my bail?” Tulo laughed back, almost bitterly, regaining my attention. “You’d need to take out a loan for that! Mark me, it’d cost less to bail me out for murderin’ another Poke’mon here in the Old District than it would for plucking one bottle of the noble’s special hoity-toity sparkle drink.”


    “Even ifsh they wouldn’t…miss it.” Julvanan slurred, finishing off the plate of breadsticks with her second handful shoved in her mouth.


    I considered that dark statement of Tulo’s. Surely such a claim of cost was an exaggeration, yes…? Yet they chattered away as though it were truth. I would at least… keep in mind, how disparate these conditions were.


    “Aye…” I propped myself against the counter, eyes wandering and mind adrift. “Wouldn’t know where to pull such a loan- Papa has kept a tight grip on much of the family finance, so to speak. But… agh.”


    I rose the mug, forcing a grin for those slimy compatriots.


    “For you two, I’d pay the toll, if a worthwhile bank one could find.” I proclaimed in faux-merriment. “Better to let you all enjoy some borrowed spirits, than throw more gold to the wind in those investments.”


    Not that I expected vagrants to know of a reputable financial institution, but there would be more names to float by Mama- perhaps to investigate on my own terms. I could not imagine burning through my own finances to excuse these near-strangers of theft, but in the same breath, I had no finances to burn. And better on them than someone of Mama’s caliber…


    Tulo was quick to jump in.


    “Well, I got my two loans from, uh…think it’s called ‘FastiCoin’, down in the Illaminian district!” Tulo said with a smile. Julvana rolled her eyes, the breadsticks slowly sobering her up. “It’s run by this old Illamini couple, right? Loans fer poor folk like me, they don’t ask fer no financial history or job history or nothin’, they’s just ask for yer name, birthday and where you stay at.”


    “So’s theys can find you if you skimp on payment.” Julvana huffed. “I only ever got one loan from ’em. Rotten swindlers. Interest rates from Illaminian District loan places’r outrageous. They only take payments in-person and they don’t even send warning a’fore sicking collectors on you.”


    “Bah! I make me payments just fine, I find no trouble.” The smaller Poke’mon shrugged, shoving a hand into his satchel and pulling out some more stock certificates. “Especially if I keep dumpin’ that money in these! It’d pay fer itself!”


    ‘Fast-ee-Coin’. I could not have conceived a more shameless and untrustworthy name for an institution, let alone a financial one. And I’d learned from Uncle Enzo beyond all doubt the dangers of careless borrowing…


    But those were lessons bestowed upon a nobildonna. A girl who could afford days or weeks without frivolous spending, when all she needed could be requested from Mother or from Uncle Enzo, or even Piera when she was to go out on the town.


    I’d need to venture some risk monetarily, lest I wanted to be fleeing from guards in broad daylight this time.


    Such low requirements for a loan were, regrettably, suitable to my needs.


    “Hah… fair enough, Tulo.” I stared down at my glass with a smile, digit circling the rim. “But I pray for the day you need not rely on so generous an institution- a man’s coin should rest with him at all hours of the day.”


    That smile became a small smirk- perhaps such findings had simply stirred comfort in my mind, but I would not allow it to become another glug of the devilish liquor that had been seeping into my mind.


    With my wits still about me, I pushed the glass away from my seat.


    “Goodness… do either of you have the time?” I asked. “I’d meant to simply pass through, but it seems I was captured by the warm atmosphere… well, it would be that and the ale, aha.”


    “Ai, who knows, probably getting around noon, ey?” Tulo said, pushing his own tankard away and setting down a 10 share certificate tip for the barkeeper. “Guess I gots to start gettin’ things ready for the evening.”


    “Mmmph…breaksh’s probably over…” Julvana stepped back from the counter, also laying down a tip. “…hope I’m sober a’fore I have to use a hammer.”


    “You big clod, have another breadstick.” Tulo scolded as he and Julvana began to depart. “T’was a pleasure, Adelaide. Hope t’ see you ’round these parts once more.”


    “G’luck with all that caterin’…!” Julvana slurred, slapping her cheeks. She quickly followed after Tulo out of the bar, the pair melding into the crowd on the street.


    I gave a wave and a smile to the disturbing duo, yet my expression withered away as soon as I was allotted a moment of privacy. My free paw reached over and pulled the papers I’d claimed to my front, taking that time to refresh my alcohol-laden mind.


    Once again…I was left to my own devices.


    It was now noon…and slowly but surely…


    …I’d amassed much intelligence. About nobles, their jobs, their holdings. I learned of various businesses…many tools.


    It was clear: The city of Arceliaze was a lively city filled to the brim with all kinds of methods of entry and tools at my disposal to achieve my goals.


    From now…it was a matter of deciding my next move. Where to go next, what to do…


    It was now the beginning of a plan might start to form. But only just so. The beginnings were only that: beginnings.


    Data would be what formed the final strategy.


    Illamini bankers… at the least, none of the tax rates I’d studied would have weight on such a loan, but I’d be sure to make my purchases elsewhere.


    Finances and fabrication were that starting point. The end of it… well, it would be nothing if it did not secure freedom of life and purpose for one Siranae- and furthering my proximity to dear Lippi. I could discern the specifics once I had a day of work and a night of rest to my name.


    …perhaps when the sting of liquor had left my mind, too, I’d see it more clearly.


    Sponsorship– the only way those of the lower class could ever hope to partake in the guild’s affairs.


    Siranae would need to be presentable to those elites- before her, I would need to be presentable.


    As for an entry point, that banquet was still too distant to be of any use at present. Still, these would-be socialites seemed to fancy their parties on a regular basis- there would be some place and some way to perhaps weasel into the festivities of the Merchant Guild, and make ample use of my knowledge.


    I rose with a start, shaking off the stupor of alcohol and clutching my papers tight in a fist. A presentable girl- a line of access to the guild. I could not skate by on Mama’s ignorance and Siranae’s goodwill for long, nor find riches off of a loan… I would need a reasonable way to support myself. And that would start with suitable attire.


    My fuzzy form swiveled off the chair and thrust forward, strolling out of the dank, hollow establishment. First, an ounce of people-watching in the New District… I needed to know what the nobles would wear, should they wear anything at all in their daily affairs, and what their servants might don as well.


    For some people, the first words one speaks and the manner by which they speak them are the opening move in conversation, laying the groundwork in the chess game of communication.


    For other people, the first move comes long before a single word is spoken.


    ~ CHAPTER 5 ~

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