The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    (Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any way. I only own my original characters. All rights & such go to Nintendo.)

    “Hey! Hey kiddo! Wake up already!”
    A voice cut through the silence of slumber as a pair of eyes, one a dark brown, & the other a bright cerulean slowly opened. Letting out a yawn, the Eevee that the eyes belonged to, slowly got up onto his feet, stretching every which way as his joints popped & loosened. He would then run a paw through the fluffy part of pale brown fur around his neck that was also streaked with stripes of black going down, getting bits of lint & dust out.
    “Sorry, sorry, did I oversleep again?” The Eevee asks aloud to seemingly no one.

    “Aye, of course you did. Unsurprisingly.” Another voice spoke back in the Eevee’s mind. “Now get a move on! Isn’t today a special day or something?”

    The Eevee jumps a bit at the voice & quickly shakes himself a few times. “Oh! Yeah you’re right! But I can’t help but sleep late when I keep having nightmares every night you know!” He replies before stepping off his bed. As he does, his ears twitch to the sound of the bedroom door opening & another Eevee, slightly taller than him with lighter brown fur & a pink ribbon adorning her left ear, comes trotting in.

    “Oh! There you are Eric, good morning you log!” The other Eevee giggles to herself as Eric rolls his eyes.

    “Good morning Maya, & I’m not a log you know! I haven’t been asleep that long have I?” He retorts as the other Eevee, Maya simply sticks her tongue out at her sibling, before spinning back around.
    “Not too long, mom & dad are finishing with making breakfast so you’re fine!” Maya spoke as she then trots down the stairs.

    Eric smiles at this & quickly follows her, neglecting to close the door himself, though just behind him, a small shadow seemed to shift beyond the door just moments after Eric left, & the door would then shift over & close on its own.

    Going downstairs, the Eevee twins were met with the sight of a Flareon & Sylveon both sitting at the table. The Flareon looked to be sipping a cup of coffee while reading a newspaper while the Sylveon, with her ribbons, was diligently making a delicious spread of various breakfast pastries for the family to enjoy.

    “Ah, morning kids! Eric! You’re up late, unsurprisingly. Nightmares again?” The Flareon asks, noticing Eric first, who looks away for a moment, slightly pensive, before nodding his head. “Ah, I see. If you wanna talk about it, you can.” The Flareon remarks as Eric makes his way to the table.

    “Hey kid, tell your old man Flint to mind his own business.” Marco hisses in Eric’s mind, who just grimaces.

    “No! You butt out this time!” Eric shoots back under his breath as Maya sits down next to her brother. “Hey! What’d I do?” Maya asks, having overheard the whispering.

    “Ah! N-No no, I didn’t mean you I just-” Eric gets cut off by Maya’s paw patting him once on his head. “Hey calm down, I was just joking.” She gives Eric a kind look. Eric returns the look with a small smile of his own as a plate of food was put before him via a ribbon. “I’m okay guys, I promise.” Eric says as his mother Sophia sits down beside Flint.

    “So kids, I believe today is a special day isn’t it?” Sophia looks to Eric & Maya who both nod their heads. “Yeah! It is!” Both Eevees say in unison.

    “I’m gonna start my piano tour soon!” Maya says cheerfully.

    “And I’m gonna start up my own explorer team!” Eric adds, though as he does, he hears Marco stifle a laugh in his mind, much to the Eevee’s chagrin as the table also goes silent. And upon seeing his parent’s concerned expressions, most notably his mother’s, Eric’s ears drop a bit.

    “Eric, that’s…” Sophia trails off a bit, seeming to look for the right words to say. “Are you really sure about this? You haven’t forgotten what happened when you were younger, haven’t you?”

    At those words, Eric’s eyes widened slightly as he seemed to tense up. There was some hesitation in his eyes, but he then takes a breath & nods his head. “Yes mom, I am sure about this.” Eric then replies.

    “But, you’ve read the headlines lately haven’t you?” Sophia then grabs the newspaper from Flint’s paws, who pouts slightly. Showing one of the headlines as follows: “Dangerous Outlaw Activities on the Rise!

    “Please Eric, you understand how dangerous it is, not just here in the Flamberge Kingdom’s domain, but in several of the other kingdoms too! Are you really sure you want to go through all of that!?” Sophia asks. Each sentence made Eric shrink down bit by bit in his seat, though Flint seemed to give Eric a more encouraging look. After a moment however, Maya straightens up more. “Hey! Listen, Eric’s been making up his mind for weeks on this! Don’t start to whittle down what little confidence he has!” Maya spoke firmly. Much to Sophia & Flint’s surprise, & Eric’s slight chagrin at the little confidence bit, though he doesn’t say anything.

    Though after a moment, Maya gasps in surprise. “I-I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have yelled….” Maya trails off a bit before Flint shakes his head.

    “Hey, don’t worry about it. We weren’t trying to dissuade your brother.” Flint pads over & gives Eric a small pat on the back. “Look Eric, I think you can do it. Your mom just wants you to be safe, that’s all.” Eric looks at Flint with a little smile. He then turns to his mother, who gives a small nod.

    “That’s right, I wasn’t trying to put you down dear, I just wanted you to be aware.” Sophia says as one of her ribbons gently pats Eric’s head.
    “Th-Thank you,” Eric looks to his family as he straightens up as well. “I can do this, I’m sure of it. I want to know what it’s like. I want to do something great & help other pokemon out there.” Eric spoke as he then hops off the chair.
    Eric’s parents look to each other briefly, then they both nod. Sophia would then make her way to the nearby closet & start to rummage through it. “Alright Eric, if you think you can do it, then we believe you can as well.” Flint says as Sophia comes back with a small leather bag.

    “And if you’re going to do your best, a proper team needs to hold their supplies.” Sophia goes & gives Eric the bag, who is simply beaming now. “Wait, isn’t this dad’s bag?” Eric asks & Flint nods his head.

    “Aye, it is. I used to be in a team of my own, you know, until I met your lovely mother, who insisted I settle down after our team disbanded. But I don’t regret it or anything. And I don’t want that bag going to waste, so you go ahead & use it my boy.” Flint says as Eric looks into the bag for a moment. He’d then pull out a small photo, one of a group of pokemon that consisted of his father Flint, along with a Camerupt, a Talonflame, & a Charmeleon. A little line of text under the photo reads ‘Team Flameburst’. Additionally, there appeared to be a map of the surrounding towns & villages within the Flamberge Kingdom’s domain, but only a few.

    Before Flint could say much more, there was a knock at the door. Both Maya & Sophia approach it & open the door, revealing a Noctowl wearing what looked to be a green & gray vest. “Oh! Mr. Nigel I presume? So nice to finally meet you!” Sophia extends a ribbon that the Noctowl shakes with a wing.

    “Yes, hello. This is the residence of Maya Eevee from Trinity Village I presume? I am indeed Nigel Noctowl of the Celestine Music Agency. So pleased to meet you.” Nigel gives a small bow before stepping inside. Maya looks simply giddy as she approaches the Noctowl.

    “Hi! Hello! I uh, I’m Maya! So nice to meet you!” Maya quickly spoke, bouncing up & down a bit.

    “Of course, of course. The pleasure is all mine.” Nigel responds.

    “So, you’re here to pick up Maya & get her on the fast track to a musical tour, right? She did remarkably well during that talent show.” Sophia asks as Maya looks proud of herself.

    “Indeed. I merely need some paperwork sorted out, then we can get her on the way right away. I truly was blessed to have come to that talent show in Allenwood Town. So much budding potential. I’d have scouted that Riolu first, but when Ms. Maya here won first place with her clever use of the move swift to play the piano, I was utterly spellbound. Such a talented young lady.” Nigel spoke, making Maya blush a bit to herself. He would then procure a few papers & a pen & lay them out on the table & start to discuss all manner of legal processes.

    As that was going on, Flint looked at Eric with a smile. “Man, your sister’s gonna be some musical star! Ain’t that exciting?” He asks & Eric nods his head.

    “Yeah, I’m really proud of her.” Eric replies.

    “We all are. And we’re proud of you too Eric. I hope you know that. Especially after what you’ve gone through before, I know you’ll do great things.” Flint spoke, giving Eric a reassuring pat on the back. “Oh! I just remembered, has the Trinity Blossoms in that incense helped at all?”

    “Yeah they have. I haven’t needed to use them for a couple years now.” Eric gives a nod at that.

    “Good, good. Though my advice, pick some of them before you set off, okay? Just in case.” Flint gives Eric a little wink as Nigel & the ladies seem to have finished discussing things.

    “Alright then, if that’s all settled,” Nigel spoke as he slips the papers into a folder & tucks it under his wing. “I suppose you need some time to get packed & say your good-”
    Nigel gets cut off mid-sentence as Maya had dashed up the stairs to her bedroom & not even a minute passes before she comes scampering back down the stairs with a small bag of her own. “…-byes…” Nigel trails off as Maya gave each of her family members a loving nuzzle on the cheek.

    “Wish me luck everyone! I’m gonna be a star!” Maya says cheerfully, though before she stepped too far, she felt a pair of ribbons wrap around her & pull her back to her family, who all collectively embrace her. “Be careful out there Maya.” Flint says in a shaky tone.
    “Be sure to write to us, okay?” Sophia spoke, still giving Maya a full ribbon hug.
    “I’m gonna miss you, okay sis?” Eric says, now trying not to cry.

    “Guys! Guys! I’m gonna be fine! Thank you!” Maya laughs a bit, before she starts to sniffle a bit herself. “I-I promise I’ll be fine…” She sniffs a bit more as the family pulls away. After wiping her eyes she looks at Nigel. “Okay! I’m ready!”

    Nigel nods his head & makes his way to the door. “Alright then, we shall get going posthaste. I’ll take you to the Flamberge Kingdom’s capital city first. I hope great things come our ways.” He says as Maya eagerly follows him. The young Eevee then hops onto Nigel’s back & the two would then start to take flight, with Eric, Sophia & Flint all waving goodbye.

    Once they were out of view, Flint & Sophia look to Eric. “Well, looks like it’s your turn kiddo.” Flint says with a little shaky smile.

    “Yeah, if Maya can do it, so can I! I’m gonna go to Allenwood Town first, & try to find someone to join my team!” Eric says with a nod of resolution.

    “Ohh, that’s a good idea. Allenwood’s close by, so it shouldn’t take too long for you to get there.” Flint says with a nod of his head. “You got this son. We believe in you. And if you ever need anything from us, you know you can always come right back here, right?” He says & Eric nods.

    “Yeah, thank you guys.” Eric pauses for a moment, before quickly jumping into his parents with a hug. The three embrace for a while longer before slowly parting once more. Eric then turns, takes a deep breath in, a deep breath out, then he starts to walk with a gentle breeze blowing on the warm summer air, words of encouragement from his parents sounding out behind him as Eric was ready to take on the world!

    ….That is until he tripped over a rock & went tumbling down the hill the house rested upon. After said tumbling, Eric was now face down in the dirt as Marco started to laugh out loud in his mind.

    “Baa-hahahaha! Ohh come on kid! Really!? This is how you start!?” Marco says amidst his laughter.

    “Hey shush you! You’re not the one walking here!” Eric fires back, shaking himself off of the dirt & leaves that clung to his fur, his face bright red with embarrassment. “Sure I tripped, but that happens to everyone!” The Eevee pouts before he starts making his way through Trinity Village & to the mainroad beyond, ignoring a few stares that went his way.

    Despite the initial trip up, Eric was still feeling confident now. This journey that he was about to undertake, he knew it would be one that would hold great significance, but just how much significance it would truly hold would not begin to sink in, at least not until he left his hometown.


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