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    Cover of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Energy Rebuff
    StoryAlternate UniverseDungeonExplorationIsekaiSurvivalDeinoGoomyMudkipQuilavaType: Null

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Energy Rebuff

    by Baro

    A quilava wakes up in a PMD-esque world with few memories and a lack of the ‘fire powers’ one would expect a quilava to have. In that world, society has been built around the so-called ‘Mystery Dungeons’ that have been forming, distorting, and breaking down the continent for the last decade.

    What’s he even supposed to do though? Go about normal guild life? Live in the wild? …Do nothing?

    …Or, he can do something really, really stupid.

    (VEEEEERY Loosely follows the PMD:EOS games)

    1. Chapter 1 – Hypnopompia
      4,139 Words
    2. Chapter 2 – Simple
      3,438 Words
    3. Chapter 3 – Friction
      3,699 Words
    4. Chapter 4 – Fatigue
      4,321 Words
    5. Chapter 5 – Starless
      4,712 Words
    6. Chapter 6 – Split
      5,188 Words
    7. Chapter 7 – Piggyback
      3,952 Words
    8. Chapter 8 – West
      4,561 Words