The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In his search for answers, Arian asks Melchior what exactly happened seven years ago. The Guildmaster tells him of a different time: back when he and Kallias were part of Team Marshwood, back when Mitrofan was Guildmaster of an above ground Irian Guild, and when Selenia was still under the control of Tsar Kliment.

    However…it would be wrong to say it was free of trouble.

    “What do you mean, no missions today?!” protested Axel to Sifis. For some reason, the Galvantula was not in his usual position behind his desk, sorting out mission requests, but instead he stood in front of the path to the entrance.

    “Sorry, but the ladder has to be replaced,” Sifis explained. “It had dry rot, and collapsed in half yesterday evening. So we’ll need a new one to replace it.”

    “I could go out, though. I could easily climb up that!” Axel insisted.

    “That is what I intend for you to do, Axel,” Melchior said, as he came upon the scene from his office, with Terran in tow. “You can climb up there without aid. Likewise, Natalie can fly up there without much issue. Therefore…I would like to assign the two of you to head to the local carpenter’s to make us a replacement ladder.”

    “Me and Natalie?” Axel reacted to the unusual combination. “…Sure, I guess. I have no problem with that.”

    “I guess I could do that,” Natalie replied. “Gonna be weird workin’ without Serafina, though…”

    “Great. The sooner it’s done, the sooner we can get back out to do missions again. It will take some time for the carpenter to construct it, though, so…do note that,” Melchior advised.

    “Sure thing, Chief,” Axel said. “Come on, Natalie. Let’s go.”


    The two left. The other members watched them leave, before turning to each other.

    “…Well, that’s a right bummer, innit?” grumbled Ishmael. “People waitin’ for us to get missions done for ’em, and the best we can give ’em is bugger all.”

    “Let’s not grumble, Ishmael,” Lillian chastised. “We just need to find some way to use up our time until Axel comes back and we can tease him about being alone with a girl for the day.”

    “…S’pose ya got a point.” A grin crossed Ishmael’s muzzle. “What do ya wanna do then?”

    “Read a bit. We haven’t done that in a while.”

    “…Fine, I guess.” The remaining members of Team Sandstream then traipsed off to their room.

    Team Mindfist made the decision to head off to Galen’s dojo. That left Team Elpis to ponder that same question.

    …Until Arian suddenly realised something he’d mentally filed away in Iria to ask Melchior about. Well, what better time than now?

    “Melchior!” he called out to the guildmaster as he was going back to his office. However, he was interrupted by a noise of discontent from Terran.

    Guildmaster Melchior!” he angrily insisted. “How many times do I have to tell you? Show him some respect!”

    “…Oh, sor-ry,” Arian replied, in a tone that implied he was anything but. That had been something of an irritant he’d found about Terran; how the young Larvitar always insisted on treating Melchior with the respect he deserved. This irked Arian. Melchior has no problem with being called without his title, so why should Terran make a hissy fit over it?

    Then again, he always seemed to be grumpy over something or another. Sometimes, it wasn’t worth the trouble to argue, so Arian just went along with what the Larvitar insisted.

    “Guildmaster Melchior!” he called out again.

    The Swampert turned around. “Yes, Arian?” he asked.

    “I want to ask you something,” the Riolu queried.

    “And that would be…?”

    “…What exactly happened seven years ago?”

    Melchior’s expression shifted slightly at the mention of the last three words.

    “…Why do you ask? Do you not know? I think I remember telling you once that we dealt with a plot that Hinnerk was involved in where he smuggled goods.”

    “Yeah, but…I want to know the full details,” Arian said. “I was thinking…what, with all Dalibor went through and why Mitrofan is the way he is and how exactly you and Kallias got Grandmaster Rank…it feels like the answers lie in what exactly happened seven years ago.”

    “…I see your point,” Melchior conceded. “…We have time to talk while the ladder is being fixed. Come to the office, and I’ll tell you.”

    “Elvira, are you coming?” Arian asked his partner.

    “Of course. I’ll tell you bits of what I know,” Elvira offered. “But Melchior was at the thick of what happened seven years ago. He’d know far more than I would. Even so…I’ll tell you what I can.”

    Team Elpis walked to the office, behind Melchior and Terran. Once they reached there, the Swampert sat down at his desk, while Arian and Elvira took seats opposite him. Terran, meanwhile, set about cleaning the room, a background noise to the storytelling the guildmaster was about to tell.

    “Seven years ago…” Melchior said, before taking a moment to compose his thoughts. “…It was a time far different from now. Where the Irian Guild was at its height of prestige, when Mitrofan was its guildmaster, and when I was still a mercenary in Team Marshwood with my good friend and partner Kallias. Selenia was still under the control of Tsar Kliment, and there definitely weren’t any mercenaries being persecuted because of who they were. …It was a better time.

    “But…that didn’t mean it was free of hardship. As I’m about to tell you…darkness did exist back then, and if it had succeeded, the end results would have been devastating.”

    Seven years ago…


    It was a crisp, summer’s day just outside of Iria. The sun shone brightly, but thankfully, it wasn’t blisteringly hot. Rather, there was a pleasant breeze coming off from the sea.

    At this time, there was a sense of excitement and celebration about the capital. It was to be Tsar Kliment’s silver jubilee in two weeks’ time, and preparations were being made for it. Festive bunting was being held up all around Iria, and a holiday was announced for everyone in the city. Just about every Selenian noble would be there, and additional transport in aerial taxis and boats along the Miroslav Canal was being organised so more people could attend the events in the capital.

    Given their prestige, the Irian Guild was asked to help out with the set-up of the festivities. This was a good source of revenue for up-and-coming mercs to do in between missions. But sometimes, even the more well-renowned mercenaries did it.

    Two such mercenaries were none other than Team Marshwood. After spending the morning working on hanging up bunting in the streets, they returned to the Guild itself to tackle a standard-grade mission. After all, they still had a job to do as mercenaries to help out those who requested their aid.

    As they descended into the Guild, they found a familiar face waiting for them.

    “Hello, Mitrofan,” greeted Kallias. “It’s a wonderful day for missions, isn’t it?”

    “Indeed it is,” the Aggron returned. “…I see you two took up the setup of the jubilee celebrations this morning.”

    “We did,” Melchior confirmed. “It’s gearing up to be quite a celebration. I should imagine the streets will be packed when the day comes to celebrate it.”

    “I imagine it will,” Kallias replied. “My family will be there. …I do hope it won’t be too much for Elvira. Even Zenobia, I’d worry about…”

    “Crowd control will be in place, no doubt,” Mitrofan said. “Don’t worry about the knights being stretched thin. There’s plenty in place already, and in the event of an emergency, Marshal Branislav has requested that mercenaries from here help them to fill in the gaps.”

    “Ha! Isn’t that rich!” sneered another voice that came upon the scene. “Even the mercenary hater has to hire mercs when he needs them! I would love to have seen his face writing that letter.”

    Team Marshwood turned to see two new faces arrive from behind them; a Haxorus and a Cubone. The former had a smug grin on her face.

    “Ah, Rufina.” Kallias gave a bow of acknowledgment. “Yes, that is quite ironic, isn’t it?” He adopted his own satisfied smile. “The old marshal must have been seething with anger.”

    “And I bet he was absolutely furious when this news came in!” the Haxorus chortled. “…Give it to Mitt, Niki.”

    “Um…S-Sure,” the Cubone stuttered nervously, walking over to the Aggron. “H-Here you go, Guildmaster.”

    “Thank you, Nikita.” Mitrofan took the paper from him. He read it over, and found himself pleasantly surprised by what he read. “…Well, well…this is certainly something.”

    “What is it?” wondered Melchior.

    “…It’s a demand from Tsar Kliment,” the Aggron announced. “He wishes for representatives from the Irian Guild to be in the parade on the day of the jubilee. And specifically…he wishes for Team Marshwood and Team Silver Axe to represent the Guild.”

    “That’s great news!” the Swampert replied. “I’m…rather honoured to have been selected for such a historic event.”

    “…It’s to be expected, I guess.” Rufina’s reaction was a bit less acclamatory. “I mean, we’ve done so much for people around Ardalion, and especially in Selenia. There’d be outcry if he didn’t include us in the parade! It’d be another example of nobles taking all the glory while us common lot suffer in silence!”

    “But you are glad to be in the parade, aren’t you, Rufina?” Kallias asked.

    “Oh yeah, of course!” the Haxorus replied. “Being recognised for their glory is every mercenary’s dream! Plus, it’d be great to show those mercenary-hating nobles that we’re a part of Kliment’s success. It’s always great when we have the upper hand against them. Particularly Branislav. I tell you; any more wins for us, and he’s going to burst a blood vessel!” She chortled at this.

    “Now, now, Rufina,” reminded Mitrofan. “Branislav is just as respected as us in the Guild, if not more so. It wouldn’t be good if bad-mouthing of his name reached him. It might well result in the revocation of this honour Tsar Kliment has given us. Just over the jubilee week, could you tone that down slightly?”

    “…If you say so.” Evidently, though, Rufina wasn’t happy about that. “If you’re the one telling me, Mitt, I’ll do it. Anyone else, and I’d tell them to put a sock in it. …Good job you’re still as charming as ever.” She went over to her husband and kissed him.

    “…This is what I have to deal with,” the guildmaster said to Team Marshwood, with mirth in his expression.

    “Oh, shut up, Mitt,” Rufina fired back, with a similar joking look on her face that only a married person could have. “I’m not wrong, am I? Good thing I claimed you early before other girls could be swooned by a hunk like you.”

    “Oh, Rufina’s back! Yeah, I should’ve known once I heard the open flirting,” another voice came from deeper inside the Guild. From one of the hallways leading to the dormitories, a Hawlucha and a Grimmsnarl emerged.

    “Says the unmarried one,” shot back Rufina at the Hawlucha who had spoken. “Besides, even you would agree that Mitt’s a looker, wouldn’t you, Spiridon?”

    “…You know, I would, but…I don’t swing that way.” Spiridon gave a glance to Mitrofan. “…No offence, Mitt.”

    “None taken,” Mitrofan immediately responded. “…But as fun as it is, let’s not get sidetracked with endless banter. There are still many more duties that need to be carried out for the jubilee, and we must not forget our own jobs as mercenaries.”

    “Then I suppose we’ll take a request that takes us out of town,” Melchior said. “We’ve already done jubilee preparations for today, so we’ll take a run-of-the-mill request.” They went over to the request board, where a Galvantula was pinning requests to the notice boards. However, just as they arrived, they noticed him gazing at a request with puzzlement written on his face.

    “Hey, Krim,” Kallias greeted. “Something up?”

    “Yeah,” Krim answered. “This mission…it’s a tad peculiar. It’s different from what we’ve been getting.”

    “Give us a look here,” the Sceptile requested. The Galvantula handed him the request, and he read it. “Hmm…you’re right; this is strange.”

    “What is it, Kallias?” Melchior asked. Kallias showed him the request.

    I’ve noticed some strange activity going on around Limestone Cavern, where various Pokémon seem to be entering and leaving the place at nighttime. It seems suspicious to me. Then again, it might be nothing. Could some of you fine Irian Guild folks check it out just to make sure there isn’t a misunderstanding?

    – Karina (Murkrow)

    – Reward: 250P

    “Interesting,” Melchior murmured. “Normally, it’s ‘Hunt down this outlaw,’ or ‘Find my lost friend or item.’ Scouting out somewhere for suspicious activity…this is a bit unusual, alright.”

    “Not that it matters,” Kallias replied. “We take on all kinds of missions at the Irian Guild, no matter how small they are. And who knows? It could be just kids playing in Mystery Dungeons. But…if it’s the work of criminals, then we can’t ignore it. After all, it’s worked for us in the past to pursue leads like this. Remember, Melchior, how an inkling request like this one led to us discovering the looted treasures stolen from House Melnyk a few years back?”

    “You’re quite right.” That was among the many missions that had earned Team Marshwood a golden reputation. House Melnyk, the lords of the Morskoya oblast to the west of Iria, were indebted to them, and had become frequent requesters of the Guild’s aid. “We’ll take this one, then.”

    “Sure. Hope you can get to the bottom of it,” Krim said. “Good luck, you two.”

    “Thank you, Krim.” Kallias turned to those they had been talking to. “We’ll see you all before long.”

    “…Back on the road with barely a moment’s rest,” Mitrofan murmured. “…You are an asset to our guild, Team Marshwood. Never let that determination falter.”

    “Thanks, Mitrofan,” Melchior returned. “Come on, Kallias. Let’s go and get organised for this.”

    And so the duo headed up the stairs and out of the Guild, strolling along the road to Iria.

    “…It’s a beautiful day,” Kallias remarked, looking out at the sea. “…Knowing Elvira, she’s probably frolicking on the beach just outside her house. And it’s not too warm, either. So hopefully Zenobia should be able to enjoy this too. …I suddenly want to go see them.”

    “You’ll see them at the jubilee,” assured Melchior. “I presume they’re coming to Iria?”

    “Oh, of course. I wouldn’t want them to miss this for the world,” the Sceptile answered. “It’ll be a day to remember. At the very least, it’ll be a great day out for them. …I probably don’t need to ask, but Paulina’s coming out as well, is she?”

    “Yes, she is,” confirmed Melchior. “I haven’t seen her in a while, either. She’s doing okay, though. I got a letter from her yesterday.”

    “Good to hear. It truly feels like everything’s falling into place. Like nothing can go wrong next week.”

    Kallias began to hum a happy tune to himself, evidently in a good mood. However, as they got close to Iria, the good mood vanished upon seeing a certain figure. They got closer to the figure in question, and the Sceptile’s gaze hardened at the sight.

    The other Pokémon was a black-and-white striped quadruped with red eyes, and they looked about as pleased to see Kallias as he did to them.

    “Well, if it isn’t the Best Behaved Brothers,” mocked the Linoone. “Out to be suck-ups to every single person to ever exist again?”

    “…If it isn’t Mr Doom-and-Gloom himself,” Kallias scowled. “I wouldn’t expect the likes of you to understand the way we do things, Hinnerk.”

    “Come now, you two. Let’s be civil about this,” Melchior said, trying to play the mediator.

    “Butt out, Mel,” growled Hinnerk. “You’re as bad as each other, earning praise from some stupid client? ‘Oh, Team Marshwood’s brilliant! Team Marshwood’s invincible! Melchior’s so handsome! Kallias should be tsar!’ It makes me sick!” he snarled. “Use that damn clout instead of sitting on it until you die!”

    “…You never will understand,” Kallias shot back. “If you worked half as hard as you insulted, you would already be at Diamond Rank. …No wonder Mitrofan’s kept you low on the Guild’s rankings. The fact you even managed to get Bronze Rank is a wonder to us all.”

    “Shut up!” the Linoone hissed. “Goody-goody-two-shoes like you two…I hate your guts. Especially you, Kallias!”

    “The feeling’s mutual,” Kallias curtly returned. “I can make better use of my time by not listening to your rubbish. And that’s just what I’ll do.” With that, the Sceptile walked towards the capital in a huff, followed by Melchior and leaving Hinnerk behind.

    “…You need to learn to ignore him,” the Swampert said, once the Linoone was far out of sight.

    “Somehow, I feel like ignoring him isn’t the answer,” Kallias replied. “He’s bad news, that man. Look the other way, and he’s probably out vandalising walls or pickpocketing passersby. I’d bet a lot that man’s a petty criminal. The only reason’s he’s even in our Guild is because he has nowhere else to go. …I can appreciate Mitt’s hatred for homelessness and wanting to get rid of it, but…”

    “…Let’s not worry about him,” Melchior decided. “Let’s focus on preparing this mission.”

    “Agreed. The less I think about him, the better.” As he said this, Kallias peered into their bag. “Yes, we should definitely get some items. Off to the Merchant’s Quarter we go…”



    Lukomoria was a small town in southeastern Selenia. It wasn’t a major town when compared to other Selenian settlements (especially to Iria, which dwarfed it in size). However, in the context of the rural Vitor oblast in which it was located, it was the largest town there. It became a settlement due to travelling merchants from nearby Miletos resting there after trekking over the daunting Empyrean Mountains, or Selenian merchants resting before climbing over them to Miletos. Over time, a community sprouted to cater for these merchants, with inns and supplies being set up there. Before long, a small town had emerged, and in the establishment of the various oblasts of Selenia, due to its recognition as the largest settlement in the surrounding area, it was designated to be the place of the lord’s residence in the oblast that would become known as Vitor.

    That was where Kallias and Melchior had travelled to, via a Corviknight Taxi, a transportation system that they and many other mercenaries often utilised when travelling long distances. Thanks to it, they reached Lukomoria by early evening, much earlier than they would’ve done on foot. And now they were in the local tavern, talking to the client, Karina, in question.

    “So you claim there are mysterious figures entering Limestone Cavern?” Kallias asked.

    “Yes.” The Murkrow seemed to be in her fifties. “Now I know it might be nothing. Could just be teenagers with nothing better to do. I hope I’m not getting paranoid in my old age.”

    “Could be,” ruminated the Sceptile. “But…then again, maybe not. It could be something deeper. Whether or not it’s something huge, I’m glad you got in touch with us, Miss Karina.”

    “And I’m glad to have met Team Marshwood at last,” Karina replied. “All those rumours are true. You really are as humble as they say! …I would feel bad, though, if I did end up wasting your time…”

    “Don’t be,” assured Melchior. “Even if it is nothing, we won’t be mad. Sometimes missions turn out to be false alarms. If they are hooligans, we’ll negotiate with them. If they aren’t…well, that waits to be seen.”

    “…I think maybe we ought to get going,” Kallias remarked, looking out the nearby window. “The sun’s beginning to set. Maybe we’ll see them then.”

    “We should get going,” Melchior said, rising from his seat. “Thanks for informing us of this, Karina. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

    “I wish you luck,” returned the Murkrow. “Hopefully, it’s not a waste of time. I hope you two get something from this.”

    The duo left the tavern, and began heading out of town down the road in the direction of Limestone Cavern. The sun was beginning to set deeper into the horizon. Luckily, they still had plenty of time to get there before night fell.

    They eventually reached the Mystery Dungeon’s entrance, marked by two torchlights and a sign outside the cavern.

    “Hmm…” Kallias looked at the ground. “The ground looks well-travelled. There are indeed people going in and out of this place. …We should hide and watch for any more that enter.”

    “That would be best,” Melchior agreed.

    And so the two hid behind some nearby bushes, watching out for anyone that came up to the Dungeon. For a good while, nothing happened, and Team Marshwood quickly found themselves bored. But being the experienced mercenaries they were, they stuck to it, and kept a watchful eye.

    Eventually, just as night had finally arrived, Kallias heard footsteps. He gestured a shushing motion to his partner, and Melchior quietly understood.

    The two watched as two Pokémon, a Fletchinder and a Thievul, arrived at the entrance. They kept quiet, listening to what these newcomers were saying.

    “…What do this lot want this stuff for, anyway?” the Fletchinder asked.

    “Who cares? We’re being paid good money for it,” the Thievul replied. “Let’s get this over with and earn some sweet moolah!”

    They’re earning money for this? Kallias’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. …Dirty money, no doubt. So this isn’t just hooliganism, then. He looked to their persons, where they each had satchels with them, presumably full of materials of some sort.

    “Well, you know the drill. Get through this Dungeon to the end, where they’ll be waiting for us. And then we’ll have another pile of cash!” The Thievul’s eyes shone with glee. “I was thinking about maybe hiring a girl for the night…”

    “Whatever. I’m not interested in hearing about what you’ll do with your spendings,” shut down the Fletchinder. “Let’s just get this over with.”

    The two shady Pokémon headed into the Dungeon. They hadn’t noticed the gecko and mudfish hiding in the bushes that had seen everything.

    “…Let’s give chase,” Melchior suggested.

    “Agreed. Let’s figure out what’s really going on here.” Kallias moved out of their hiding spot, followed by his partner, and the two went into the Dungeon.

    Limestone Cavern


    Kallias and Melchior found themselves in a cave which, as the name implied, was filled with grey limestone walls.

    “As you’d expect for this part of the country,” murmured Kallias. “…I don’t need a lecture on how all of the processes of limestone work again. I won’t lie – that guided tour at the information centre in Kamengrad was one of the most boring things I’ve had to endure.”

    “Mm,” nodded Melchior, recalling his partner moaning about this at some point in the past. “…Didn’t you say Elvira enjoyed it?”

    “She did.” It had been a family occasion a few years back, when Kallias had brought Zenobia and Elvira to Kamengrad one summer. “I’m glad she can glean something from it, at least. She’s like a sponge with information, that girl. I hope she can put that to good use when she becomes a mercenary.”

    “Not long to go now,” the Swampert pointed out. “She did turn eleven recently.”

    “Yes, and as the day comes closer to her joining the Guild, I get more and more excited,” Kallias replied. “Honestly, it makes me giddy like a little child sometimes. I have high hopes for her when she enters.”

    “…We’ll show her the way when that day comes,” Melchior said. “…But before then, let’s focus on doing our own jobs first.”

    “Agreed. Let’s look for the stairs.”

    For a team that had been doing this for the best part of fifteen years, this had become fairly mundane for them. Hunt down the steps to the next floor, and defeat any wild Pokémon that got in their way. They had been doing it since founding Team Marshwood. And they didn’t see their way of doing things this way changing any time soon.

    Their experience in this field could be seen in combat. Having honed their skills over the years, the ferals were a cinch, easily being felled by Kallias’s Leaf Blade or Melchior’s Mud Bomb – the signature moves which had earned them their mercenary names. Time spent in Alba on missions had earned them those names, as the warrior clans of the north were wont to do to mercenaries, typically the famous ones.

    “It’s only a name,” Kallias had remarked about this to fellow Guild colleagues some time back. “I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. As long as I can keep doing my job as a merc, people can come up with whatever namethey wish for us. Fernblade Kallias isn’t half bad a name. I’ll take it.”

    Melchior’s sentiments were similar to his partner’s. They knew, really, that the nicknames were compliments more than anything. And if they were being praised in that way, it must mean they were doing something right.

    Especially so, for a team that had reached the second highest rank possible within the Guild system: Master Rank. It was a rank of high esteem that only dedicated, veteran mercenaries had managed to climb to. It was for those committed to the art of carrying out mercenary missions with the utmost dedication to their clients. This was a cut apart from those that only became a mercenary for the money; Pokémon of that disposition often never reached this high on the totem pole. But if a mercenary stuck to their creed of putting the clients first and foremost, then and only then could they even hope of rising to the height of Master Rank.

    However…there was one rank even higher than this one. It was an esteemed honour known as Grandmaster Rank. This was for the truly exceptional of the truly exceptional; it was an honour bestowed on teams jointly by their guildmaster and the ruler of their country. There weren’t any strict rules on awarding Grandmaster Rank, but it was generally viewed that the nominees had to do something considerably exceptional for their country, given that the country’s ruler had a say in the matter.

    Team Hope were one of the lucky few to be awarded Grandmaster Rank, for their instrumental work in the ousting of the Eastern Alliance from Selenia while the tsardom was stewing in ruinous famine two hundred years ago. For mercenaries of the Irian Guild, this was the height to reach for. This was what Grandmaster Rank truly meant, the level of exception that was required for this honour. Plainly, no height had ever been reached since, and as a result, the Irian Guild hadn’t bestowed Grandmaster Rank on anyone since Team Hope. The majority of those with Grandmaster Rank were Alban, and none came from Dresilia or Miletos due to their disdain for mercenaries and guilds. (“Officially sanctioned Western brigandry!” the most anti-West purists would cry.)

    Kallias and Melchior had no desire to attain Grandmaster Rank. It was like with the nicknames; they would take it as long as it didn’t impede their ability to carry out their mercenary work. But certainly, they had no desire to make a big fuss over the occasion. When pressed over what they would do if they were bestowed Grandmaster Rank, they usually responded with having a day of ceremony if they had to, and then returning right back to work the day after.

    They were committed to their jobs; that was what made them among the most respected people in the general society, not just in the mercenary business. And it was that commitment that kept them experienced and strong.

    Strong enough to bulldoze through the next few floors with no trouble at all.

    Limestone Cavern


    “So how deep is this Dungeon?” Kallias asked.

    “…Seven floors, I believe,” Melchior replied. “We’re on the sixth floor, so…we’re near the end.”

    “There’s still no sign of those two from earlier,” noted the Sceptile. “Let’s still keep our wits about us.”

    They began their search for the stairs. A wild Grumpig came upon them, but two Night Slashes from Kallias saw to the end of that distraction. It was a similar case with a Graveler, who suffered a Muddy Water to the face and was defeated. This became the routine, until eventually, they walked into a room…

    …and came face to face with two familiar figures. Specifically…the Thievul and the Fletchinder.

    “Ah, there you are!” Kallias exclaimed.

    Wah!”The Thievul jumped. “Who the hell are you?! You’re not a feral!”

    “That’s right. And I’ve got more than a few questions to ask you. I trust you won’t have a problem with that?”

    “…Wait a minute…” The Fletchinder sized up both the Sceptile and Swampert before him, and reeled back in horror. “Oh shit! That’s…That’s Team Marshwood right there!”

    “What?! You mean…the Team Marshwood?” The Thievul was aghast. “…Damn…if they know what’s going on here, then – !”

    “So my theory was correct. There is something nefarious going on here,” Kallias said. “What’s going on in this Dungeon, you two?”

    “You’ll have to catch us first!” the Thievul taunted, before turning tail and running away.

    …Alas for him, he came into contact with a wild Omastar.

    “Oh come on! Get out of my way!” he raged, before engaging in battle with it. However, he also found Kallias coming up on his rear. Flanked on both sides by the Omastar and Sceptile, he suffered a defeat at their hands, slumping to his side in unconsciousness.

    “…Thanks for that,” Kallias said to the feral. “A pity I have to take you out like this. But…that’s just the way it is.” A flash of a Leaf Blade, and that was that for the Omastar.

    Turning back to the room, the Sceptile saw that his partner hadn’t slacked on his end, and pinned down the Fletchinder.

    “Tell us. What kind of dealings are you doing down here?” Melchior interrogated.

    “D-Don’t ask me!” squawked the Fletchinder. “I just do this for the money! I’m not a part of whatever they do!”

    “‘They?’ …Who exactly are ‘they?'” the Swampert pressed.

    “…I don’t know. They just came to us, asking for certain materials and offering good money for them. We thought, ‘Why not?’ and went in. We don’t know what they do with these materials,” the fire bird elaborated. “Look! Please! I’m just the messenger! That’s all I know! I don’t know any more than that! You gotta believe me!”

    “…We’ll see what’s really going on here,” Kallias decided. “But if this is illicit business going on here, then you are complicit in it. We’ll see what the knights have to say about this when we contact them. Until then, you’re coming with us to the end.”

    “…I don’t have a choice, do I?” muttered the Fletchinder. “…Fine. I’ll come.”

    “Good.” Kallias picked up the unconscious Thievul. “Let’s get to the bottom of this – both the Dungeon and this whole business.”

    They didn’t have to search for long – the stairs were only two rooms away. They traversed into the depths below, wondering what secrets awaited them.

    Limestone Cavern


    The first thing that Kallias and Melchior were aware of was the glow of torchlight in the depths of the Dungeon. This was peculiar; normally, Dungeons didn’t have this. Therefore…it indicated this place was being used by someone or a group of people.

    “…I’m not meant to come past here,” the Fletchinder said nervously. “I’m just meant to leave the stuff here, and then leave. That’s it. No questions asked. That’s how they want it, if I’m going to be paid.”

    “Well, now you’re coming with us across that line,” Kallias said. “Let’s see just who you’ve been dealing with.”

    “…If you insist.” The Fletchinder sighed in acceptance, and carried on.

    They walked to where the cave seemed to open up. Notably, the sound of rushing water could be heard, meaning they were near a subterranean river, as was common in eastern Selenia. But…the sound of footsteps and people moving around could also be heard. And as well as that…

    “…What’s that smell?” Kallias asked, sniffing the air. An indescribable odour drifted through the air. It wasn’t noxious, but…somehow, it didn’t smell nice either.

    “It smells…” Melchior took in the air. “…It smells like something’s cooking. …But it smells a bit sterile. What is it? It doesn’t feel natural, somehow.”

    “Let’s go and have a look,” Kallias said, venturing deeper. And soon, they found an unusual sight.

    A number of Pokémon were gathered around a brewing cauldron. Whatever was brewing in the cauldron was causing the unusual smell. The Pokémon, approximately four of them, looked up when they heard the footsteps and wing flaps of the entrants.

    “Hey!” one of them, an Ambipom, called out angrily, recognising the Fletchinder. “You’re not allowed to come here! You’re meant to leave your stuff and scram!”

    “Look, it’s not me! It’s them!” The fire bird gestured to the two men to the left of him. “They forced me to come here!”

    “Tch! And who arrre zese two?” spat a female Toxicroak with an unusual accent that rolled the r’s a lot. “Get out of herrre, beforrre ve make you!”

    “Sorry, but I won’t leave until you explain what exactly is going on here,” Kallias defiantly replied.

    “Oh yeah? Says who?” snarked an Ariados.

    “Says Kallias and Melchior of Team Marshwood.”

    That was all that needed to be said. The very mention of the famous team name caused three of the four Pokémon around the cauldron to stiffen in shock.

    “Team Marshwood?!” shrieked a Shiinotic.

    “Oh shit! We’ve been found out!” cried the Ariados.

    “Crap, crap, crap!” shouted the Ambipom in fear. “There’s no way we can beat them in battle!”

    “…Zat rrremains to be seen,” the Toxicroak said, seemingly unfazed. “Ve vill not let zese merrrcenarrries boss us arrround! I don’t carrre if zey arrre famous! Ve vill vin!” She stepped out from behind the cauldron. “Do yourrr vorrrst, merrrcenarrries!”

    “…You want us at our worst, eh?” Kallias replied. “…Alright, then, if that’s what you want. No holds barred action – watch us as we cut you all down within two minutes!”

    “Ve vill hold you to zat!” The Toxicroak got into a battle stance. With a hint of reluctance and wariness, her companions did the same. “Ve vill make you rrregrrret everrr stepping foot in herrre!”

    “…Two minutes. That’s all it will take.” Kallias got ready. “Ready, Melchior?”

    “Ready, Kallias.”

    “Then let’s do it.”

    The Sceptile wasted no time in forming Leaf Blades in his hand. He equally wasted no time in getting into the thick of things, dashing toward the Ambipom and doing battle with him.

    “Crap! Double Hit!” The purple monkey swung his attack, but he could not stop the onslaught of slashes coming his way. However, what horrified him was after the Leaf Blade attack, where Kallias followed up with another strike. This time, the energy coming off his Leaf Blades was a light green colour, as he performed a cross slash in the shape of an X.

    Many Pokémon could learn X-Scissor, Sceptile being among them. Many used their claws to execute the move. However, Kallias used X-Scissor in a different way; he often combined it with his Leaf Blades. Through this, he cultivated a new method of attack: a move that, deriving from the nom de mercenaire he had been given, he named Ferned Cross Slash.

    And it was this attack that resulted in the defeat of the Ambipom. The battle was over as soon as it had begun.

    “Dammit…Knew we couldn’t win…” were his only words before succumbing to unconsciousness.

    Kallias wasn’t the only one getting in on the action, though. Melchior was making headway on his own opponents. The Ariados and Toxicroak worked to try and double team the Swampert. This didn’t work, though; the Swampert merely used Muddy Water and hit both of them.

    However, the Toxicroak took no damage. “Hah!” she taunted. “Yourrr Vaterrr moves vill only be a balm to my Drrry Skin! Take this!” She hurled a Mud Bomb at the mudfish, who weathered the blow.

    “Is that so?” Melchior murmured, mud dripping off his frame. “Oh well. A slight snag. Nothing that can’t be rectified. …Not a bad Mud Bomb you pulled off there. But…let’s just say there’s a good reason why I’ve earned the nickname ‘Mud Bomber Melchior.'” In his right hand, he formed a large ball of mud. “Have some of this!” He threw it at the Toxicroak, and it hit her square on.

    “Agh!” the poison frog cried out. “You vill pay forrr that!” She turned to her teammates. “Come to me! I need backup!”

    “Kinda busy here!” the Ariados cried back. Kallias had engaged combat with him, and very quickly, the arachnid was finding out that facing up against the tree gecko was no joke. The Sceptile was giving him no leeway and the lightning-fast slashes proved to be as painful as they were quick. Particularly when Kallias was using another of his techniques with his Leaf Blades.

    “Blackthorn Cross Slash!” This was a combination of Night Slash and Leaf Blade, and the many cuts being dealt to the Ariados were starting to take their toll. By comparison, the spider’s own cutting attacks, Slash and Cross Poison, fell far short in dealing enough damage. The combat experience between them both was all too evident, for despite the glaring type disadvantage, Kallias had no trouble one-upping his opponent and knocking him out for the count.

    Things were quickly turning against them. The Shiinotic turned to Melchior, and tried to make use of the type advantage. He launched a Sleep Powder intent on putting the Swampert to sleep. However, Melchior merely used Dig to get out of harm’s way on that front.

    And this was a mistake on the Shiinotic’s part, because that left him wide open to Kallias. This was unfortunate, for he was particularly vulnerable to another attack in the Sceptile’s arsenal.

    “Belladonna Cross Slash!” This was a combination of Leaf Blade and Cross Poison. A few slashes with this attack, and the mushroom fairy, especially weak to the attack, slumped to the floor.

    That left only the Toxicroak. She looked at her fallen comrades, then back to Kallias, fury crossing her face.

    “You!” She angrily pointed at the Sceptile. “How darrre you! But I vill beat you! A filzy merrrcenarrry like you vill not vin against me!”

    “Yes, I will,” Kallias said. Then he quickly reached into his bag, and threw a stun seed at her.

    “Gah! I can’t move! How darrre you!” she raged.

    “Now, Melchior!” the Sceptile signalled. With this, the Swampert emerged from under the Toxicroak and struck. But it didn’t stop there; with his leap into the air, Melchior conjured a Mud Bomb and threw it downwards at her. Kallias dodged out of the way to avoid being splattered with mud.

    “Grrr…” The Toxicroak tried to get onto her feet to make a comeback. But it never happened.

    “…Well, I think what I said stands,” Kallias said. “That did take about two minutes.”

    “Yeah…Pity it’s not a bet this time,” Melchior lightly lamented, in what seemed to be remembrance of a past event. “Remember the look of humiliation on that Exploud’s face when we actually succeeded in bringing our enemy down in two minutes? At least he was a man of his word and coughed up in the end.”

    “Ah, yes. That was brilliant, wasn’t it?” Kallias smiled in mirth, remembering that time of the past. “…But as much as I’d love to reminisce, we’re not here to do that. We’re here to figure out what exactly is going on here. Just why are these people gathered here? And what in the world are they brewing in that big cauldron over there?” He pointed to the item in question, before turning to the mud-covered Toxicroak. “Perhaps you can fill us in, madam?”

    “Neverrrr!” snapped the poison frog. “I vill neverrr tell ze likes of you!”

    “…There’s another thing I’m curious about,” Melchior said. “Your comrades seemed to know who we were. But yet you didn’t. That’s quite a mystery, alright.”

    “You zink I have time to learrrn orrr rrrememberrr ze names of merrrcenarrries?” the Toxicroak spat.

    “It feels like it’s basic knowledge for most people. Most outlaws recognise us almost instantly these days. Especially in Selenia. …You must live under quite a rock, madam, to not have heard of us,” Kallias observed.

    “Where do you come from, for that matter?” questioned Melchior. “You don’t sound like you’re from around here. I haven’t heard anyone in Selenia with your accent. Even those who live in the rural reaches of Karelia and Morskoya don’t possess an accent like yours.”

    “I vill not tell you!” she shouted once again.

    “…Hmm…I’ll take that as a confirmation that you’re not Selenian,” Kallias replied. “But that doesn’t answer our questions. Who are you? Where do you come from? And what are you doing brewing this suspicious liquid? What is it, and why are you making it here?”

    “You ask so many qvestions,” the Toxicroak said in irritation. “…But you vill know vat zat is in time. It will be ze beginning…ze beginning of ourrr rrrise from ze ashes! You vill eventually pay forrr zis! Ven ve rrrise again, you vill – “

    “Okay, I think we’ve heard enough out of you,” interrupted Kallias. “Let’s see if you’re still singing the same tune when the knights arrive. …Melchior, shut her up, please.”

    “Sure thing,” the Swampert obliged, and delivered a blow to the Toxicroak’s neck. That sent her into unconsciousness.

    “She was saying some weird things,” murmured Kallias. “A rise from the ashes? Just what was she talking about?”

    “I don’t know,” Melchior replied. “But I don’t like the sound of it at all. She said ‘we’…that implies more people. …Could she be talking about an underground movement? If so…then this might be quite worrying.”

    “Yes,” agreed Kallias. “The knights should definitely get wind of this. Granted, she might just be muttering nonsense. But…if it runs deeper, then it wouldn’t hurt to let them know of this.”

    “That would be wise,” agreed Melchior.

    “…But that’s not what’s bothering me right now.” Kallias turned back to the cauldron. “It’s that.” He walked over to it. “Just what is this?”

    Within the cauldron wasn’t a bubbling liquid, rather one that had cooled and was now calm. But what struck the Sceptile was the clarity of it. It was as if he was looking at the clearest of waters, and could see directly to the bottom of the cauldron.

    It looked so still, and so much like water.

    Too much like water, Kallias thought. Somehow, something doesn’t seem right here.

    Looking around, he saw other odd items too.

    “Bark?” commented the Sceptile. “That’s bark off some kind of tree…” Indeed, some clumps of a mossy bark were gathered in a pot. Other clumps of bark were present on a makeshift table. On this table was also a kind of white powder which looked like salt.

    “This all looks very strange,” Melchior commented. “I don’t understand this at all. Just what are they doing down here?”

    “…I don’t know either. And I get the feeling the Fletchinder dealer doesn’t know either.” Kallias turned back to the fire bird in question. “Hey. What did you bring down here for these people to use?”

    “…I don’t know what they wanted it for,” the Fletchinder sighed, before tossing a bag the Sceptile’s way. “Just take it. The jig’s up, anyway. At least if I cooperate, I might get a reduced sentence.”

    “Thank you.” Kallias opened the bag, and found himself surprised by what he found.


    They were indeed some flowers. Specifically, a flower with white petals and golden anthers. They looked rather pretty, as if a plot of them wouldn’t look out of place in a nobleman’s garden. Kallias couldn’t help but think that Zenobia would like them. A bouquet of them would no doubt be a great gift for her, he thought in that moment.

    “Hmm. What flower is that?” Melchior wondered.

    “I don’t know. I’m no botanist,” the Sceptile said.

    “Well…Helena is,” the Swampert pointed out, thinking of the head nurse at the Irian Guild. “We could go to her and get her opinion on the matter.”

    “Indeed. Or…Zenobia,” Kallias proposed. “She knows a fair bit about flowers. And if she doesn’t know…then we could always take it to Helena.”

    “…Is that just an excuse to visit her and Elvira?” Melchior presumed.

    “…Yes,” the Sceptile admitted. “I know I’ll see her and Elvira at the jubilee, of course, but…I kinda want to move that forward a little.”

    “I’d be okay with that,” Melchior agreed. “I’m not against the idea of seeing them. A detour to Ozerograd tomorrow wouldn’t delay too much time. We would still make it to Iria by late afternoon.”

    “And then can still inform Helena of all of this,” Kallias went on. “…In fact, you know what? She’s the one most knowledgeable of this kind of thing among nearly everyone in the Guild. If we gather some of the ingredients, and some of whatever this liquid is, then she might be able to piece together what this is. Maybe it’s a long shot, but…we might be able to figure this out with her help.”

    He dug out one of the canteens of water from the bag, and downed the rest of it. Then he went to collect some of the mysterious liquid. Just in case, he took care not to get any of it on his hand, in case it happened to be a corrosive liquid. Soon, he had a sample that he could show Helena when they returned to the Guild.

    Melchior gathered up the other items, and they put them all together in the bag that the Fletchinder had thrown to them.

    “What now?” he asked Kallias.

    “We get the knights to investigate this place and pick this lot up,” Kallias replied, seeing the unconscious four around him, and the two they had brought into this area in the first place. “They should probably know about this, just in case it’s something deeper. And if I know how these things usually are…then it probably is. But if it is…I think we need to do some investigating of our own. Best not to mention this – ” He gestured to Melchior’s bag. ” – to them.”

    “Right. So…back to the town?”

    “Yup. And tomorrow…” A smile crossed Kallias’ face.

    “I get to see my family again.”





    The next day…


    “Just watch, Ellie! I’ll beat you yet!”

    Three eleven-year-olds were gathered out the front of a humble house just outside of Ozerograd. A Treecko and Pachirisu were in the middle of a spar with one another, while a Petilil sat off to the side and observed with interest.

    “Will you now?” Elvira replied. “Well then, come at me, Tamara!”

    “Gladly!” With that, Tamara ran forward, and jumped to launch an attack on her opponent. However, she was too open with the attack. Elvira saw this, and sidestepped it, before using Absorb on Tamara.

    “Urgh…Nope, I give up,” submitted the Pachirisu. “You’ve gotten a lot better, Ellie. What’s your secret?”

    “I got in touch with Dad and asked him to give me some pointers after I lost the last match with you,” Elvira replied. “He did that, and I’ve worked hard to put them to use the past few months.”

    “Wow,” Tamara said. “…Your dad’s great.”

    “Yeah…He is,” Elvira smiled. She was about to say more, but she was abruptly cut off by another voice.

    “Hearing compliments from my daughter never fails to put a smile on my face. Good to see you’re putting my advice to good use, Elvira.”

    “That voice!” Elvira turned, and her eyes shone at who she saw: Kallias and Melchior.

    Dad!” she yelled in delight, as she sprinted towards her father, as he got on his knee and prepared for the inevitable tight embrace.

    “How’s my girl?” Kallias asked, as the two hugged. “Goodness, you’ve gotten bigger again since I last saw you. It’s only been a few months, hasn’t it?”

    “Yeah. But it’s felt like forever,” the Treecko replied. “I had no idea you were coming, Dad! But thanks so much! It’s like an early birthday present!”

    “Your birthday was earlier this year, remember?” reminded her father. “I got you a book on Miletan myths that you were really happy with. Knowing you, you’ve probably read it front to back five times over already.”

    “Well…I can’t help it. It’s really interesting…” Elvira tried to reason, only to hear slight snickering from Flora and Tamara.

    “And that’s okay. You should always pursue whatever you find interesting, Elvira,” Kallias encouraged. “You could make a hobby out of those kinds of things off to the side when you become a mercenary later on. For now though…revel in the frolics of childhood like hanging out with your friends.” He gave an acknowledging nod to Flora and Tamara. “Thank you both for keeping my daughter company.”

    Tamara couldn’t help but give a slight squee at this praise.

    “Oh my gosh! Fernblade Kallias praised me!” she whispered in delight to Flora.

    “…Seriously? Aren’t you used to the fact that our best friend’s dad is one of the most famous mercenaries in Ardalion?” Flora deadpanned.

    “He’s not around most of the time, though,” Tamara pointed out. “But he’s here now and he just praised me! Eeeeee!”

    Flora could only roll her eyes at her friend’s reactions. Melchior, who was near to them, noticed this.

    “We get a lot of that,” he said to the Petilil. “Your friend’s not an unusual case.”

    “…Good to know, Mud Bomber Melchior,” Flora returned.

    “…Now then.” Kallias pulled himself off another tight embrace from his daughter. “Is your mother around?”

    “Oh, Mom’s – “

    “Right here, Kallias,” a new voice called out. Looking at the door, the Sceptile saw a Heliolisk at the front door. A bright smile crossed his face as he looked upon the woman he loved with all of his heart.

    “Hello, Zenobia,” Kallias greeted. “How are you on this fine summer’s day?”

    “Very well. And even better now that you and Melchior have arrived. It’s good to see you both.” The Heliolisk smiled warmly. “Will you come in for some tea, the both of you?”

    “Of course. There’s also something else, too, that I’d like to talk to you about,” Kallias added. “I’ll tell you all about it inside.”





    “So…it’s a mystery, this mission you did?”

    Zenobia had prepared tea for Team Marshwood once they had gotten inside. Elvira, Flora and Tamara also went inside and went to Elvira’s room for a game of cards, the Treecko had said. Her father, meanwhile, had gotten the low-down on what had happened recently in Ozerograd since his last visit. Not much, the Heliolisk had replied, other than the decoration of the town, along with repainting colourful areas and seeing to maintenance of structures across town, all in preparation for the jubilee. Much excitement was being drummed up by Lord Kirill as well as Lady Esfir, and their son and heir Dimitri, over the jubilee, which was natural, given House Ozerov’s ardent support for the monarchy.

    Then the topic swung to what Kallias and Melchior had been doing, and so they filled Zenobia in on last night’s mission.

    “Yes…That’s right. The client gave us the payment for the mission, and we stayed the night in Lukomoria,” Kallias detailed. “The knights have secured the place, and they’re investigating the matter as we speak. But…I feel like this isn’t the end of it.”

    “What do you mean?” Zenobia asked.

    “There’s the matter of those mysterious people in the Dungeon’s depths. We had no idea who they were or where they were from. Maybe the knights will get that answer out of them. …But…I think we need to keep our own investigation into this up,” Kallias explained. “I’m definitely telling Mitrofan when we get back to the Guild all about this. And I’m going to give the materials to Helena to see what she can make of them. Before that, though…there’s something I’d like to get your opinion on.”

    He reached into the satchel of materials and pulled out one of the white flowers.

    “Zen…what do you make of this?”

    “…A flower?” Zenobia looked over the item. “Ooh, it’s pretty…Where did you find this?”

    “In the Dungeon, while fighting those mysterious enemies,” the Sceptile answered. “I was wondering if you might know. You’re fairly knowledgeable on flowers, so…I was hoping you might have an answer for me.”

    “…Hmm…” The Heliolisk examined the item. “Can’t say I know it off the top of my head…Hang on. I’ll get the encyclopaedia.” She got up and went to the sitting room, and came back with a thick book in her hands. “Let’s see now…” She flicked through the pages, trying to find an entry on the flower in front of her on the table.

    However, after a good sifting through the book for some time, she could only close it in disappointment.

    “Sorry, Kallias,” Zenobia asked. “I couldn’t find anything on it.”

    “…That’s fine,” Kallias said. “But, hmmm…that encyclopaedia’s normally quite reliable. Why isn’t it telling us anything about this particular plant?”

    “Could it be that the encyclopaedia there doesn’t cover every plant in Ardalion?” suggested Melchior. “Maybe there might be something in Iria’s libraries. And Helena’s a full-fledged botanist. She might know a good deal more than Zenobia about what this flower might be. …No offence,” he added, directed to the Heliolisk.

    “It’s alright, Melchior. You in the Guild are far more diligent than I am,” Zenobia replied. “I’ll do what I can, but I accept that I have limits in what I know and can accomplish. I’m sorry that I can’t help you more, but…I hope you can get to the bottom of this mystery. And knowing you, Kallias…you will get to the bottom of this. This’ll be a cinch for you.”

    “…With that encouragement, I’ll make it one,” Kallias said, a grin crossing his face. “I’ll make it another great story to tell Elvira. How about that? Even if she’s growing out of that phase, I still want her to have tales to tell of me, as inspiration for her when she becomes a mercenary.

    “Of course, we have to actually solve this mystery. And that means heading back to the Guild.” Kallias got up from his chair, as did Melchior. “Sorry I can’t stay for longer, Zen.”

    “That’s okay, Kallias. I’ll see you at the jubilee anyway,” Zenobia reminded.

    “Yeah…See you then,” Kallias said, as he headed for the door.

    “Bye, Zenobia,” Melchior added.

    “Goodbye, Melchior,” Zenobia returned. “See you in two weeks’ time.”

    “See you.”

    “Bye, Elvira!” Kallias called, knocking on the Treecko’s door. “I’ll be heading off now.”

    His daughter opened the door, and looked dismayed. “Already?” she moaned.

    “Yes. But don’t worry; I’ll see you soon, at the jubilee,” Kallias assured. “Be good for your mother for me, will you? And keep that fire of ambition burning bright.”

    “Don’t worry, Dad. I will!” Elvira promised peppily.

    “That’s my girl.” Kallias knelt down for a parting hug. “…See you in two weeks, Elvira.”

    “See you then, Dad!”

    And with that, Team Marshwood left the house.

    “…Good to see they’re in good health,” Melchior remarked, once they’d stepped outside. “…I hope Paulina’s well. I haven’t seen her in a while…”

    “We’ll see her at the jubilee,” Kallias assured. “I’m sure she’s fine. The people of her village look after her well. And the two of you write constantly, even more than I do with Zenobia and Elvira.”

    “I know, but it’s no replacement for seeing her in person. …I suppose it does make it all the more worth it when I do see her. Those moments feel really special to me.” A genuine smile of happiness crossed Melchior’s face. “The jubilee really will be a special event in more ways than one.”

    “It will be, won’t it? …But before that, let’s get back to the task at hand: returning to the Guild,” Kallias reminded. “If we take a taxi from Ozerograd, we should hopefully get back to Iria in time for tea…”





    Later that day…


    “Hmm…This is quite interesting, Kallias. But I thought you were married already?”

    An Audino was the one to make this claim. Team Marshwood had returned to the Guild, and they presented her with the flowers that they had shown Zenobia previously. Once Kallias had given them, she had made this remark in response to the flowers, and the Sceptile immediately picked up on the teasing lilt in her voice.

    “No, Helena. This isn’t a proposal of marriage.” His tone had gone somewhat curt at this. “I want to know what this flower is, what these objects are, and what makes up this particular liquid.”

    “Okay, I was just teasing. No need to be a grumpy-pants about it,” Helena replied, a smile still on her face. “…But I did mean what I said when I said it was strange. I’ll need to take a greater look at these. Flowers, bark, a powder…and especially whatever this is.” She pointed to the mysterious liquid. “…But don’t worry! I never back down from a challenge!”

    “You never do, Mom,” sounded another voice. In came another Audino into the nurse’s office.

    “Hello, Raya,” greeted Helena. “How’s my daughter getting on?”

    “Fine. I just patched up Nikita,” the younger Audino elaborated. “He was training with the Guildmaster.”

    “Aww, is he? …The Guildmaster better not have gone too hard on him…”

    “No, he didn’t. It was just a few scrapes and bruises. Nothing major. Typical of a training session.”

    “…Nikita’s come a long way, hasn’t he? Since coming here,” Melchior acknowledged.

    “Yeah…It’s great that he was taken in by Mitrofan. He’s such a good kid…It’d be a pity if he’d perished on the streets. Especially given how bitter that winter was,” Kallias added.

    “And it’s amazing how healthy he is now!” Helena enthusiastically added. “When he came here first, he was stick-thin and about ready to collapse. But now he’s got some weight on him, and he’s got a great teacher in the Guildmaster in building up his resilience for combat. Honestly, it’s almost like a father and son relationship, given how much they adore one another. I’d almost say they practically are, if not for the Guildmaster’s own family with Rufina.”

    “…I guess his kindness paid off in that regard,” Kallias said, before his expression darkened angrily. “If only others could reciprocate like Nikita could…”

    “Stop thinking about Hinnerk, Kallias.” Melchior immediately knew what his partner’s sour expression was about. “You’ll only get yourself into a foul mood again. Get him out of your head.”

    “…Right, of course.” The Sceptile took deep breaths to correct his mood. “I guess we’ll go grab some dinner. I did smell Aldebrand cooking when we came in. It smelled quite nice…it might be pasta tamato bake, I think.”

    “Ooh…a certain little Cubone’s gonna love that news,” Helena remarked. “…I’ll come out soon. But I’d like to get stuck into finding out what you two have brought me.”

    “Okay. Let us know once you’ve found something out,” Melchior requested.

    “Of course. Anything for the best team in the whole Guild!” Helena returned. “You do us proud, you two. Keep up the good work.”

    “Thank you very much,” Kallias returned. “Now then…let’s get some grub. And while we’re at it, let’s tell Mitrofan all of what transpired. He needs to know all of this…and all of what could be. That stuff you said about that Toxicroak belonging to an underground organisation? That might well hold some water…”

    The conversation drifted into the background as Team Marshwood left the nurse’s office. Meanwhile, the two Audino looked down at the items presented to them.

    “Goodness…they gathered quite a few strange items, didn’t they, Mom?” Raya remarked.

    “…I can’t say I know exactly what each of them are,” confessed Helena. “But…I have my own dogged determination. Just as the mercs in the Guild never give up on their missions, I won’t back down from a challenge like this. Time to break open all the encyclopaedias, examine every bit of these flowers and materials, and figure out just what’s behind all of this.” She gazed down at each item, from the white-petalled flowers to the clear liquid now inside a test tube.

    “Hmm…What secrets are you all hiding away? Time to figure it all out.”

    And now introducing Special Episodes! Just like in the main games, these act as side stories to the main adventure, or a flashback to a time before the main adventure. In this episode’s case, it’s the latter. (When typing in the title of this story, I nearly called it a paralogue, before sticking to series norms and calling it a special episode. From that, you can probably guess which video game series I frequent.)

    Corviknight Taxis are something else I decided to bring in, deriving from Sword and Shield’s variant of them.

    Lukomoria is a corruption of Lukomorye, a location in Russian folklore.

    Morskoya is a new oblast mentioned, located in the west of Selenia. It comes from a Russian word for ‘maritime’.


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