The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    An unexpected visitor arrives at Elvira’s home, with news of a mysterious character known as the ‘Chief’ wanting to meet them.

    However, the road to meeting the Chief proves to be by no means an easy one.

    The next morning…

    “Hmm…this is harder than I thought it would be…”

    Arian and Elvira were currently in the kitchen brainstorming. They’d just finished having breakfast, but remained at the table with a piece of paper and pencil, with a number of words written and crossed out.

    This was a matter that had come up yesterday afternoon, when they returned from Cyan Cove.

    Yesterday afternoon…

    Great work, you two,” praised Vardan, looking at the pearls laid out on the kitchen table. “I knew I entrusted the task to the right people. As promised, here’s your payment.” He dug 100P out of his satchel, and handed it to them.

    Thanks, Vardan,” Elvira said, before another thought came to her. “Flora said you were having money troubles. Is it really okay to be giving us money like this? We can accept payment in other forms, if that’s what you’d prefer,” she added, recalling the nanab bread they’d received from Rosa.

    No no, it’s fine,” insisted the Lurantis. “Those rents are sky high and unaffordable anyway. I’d far rather give what money we have to you than those nasty brutes.”

    Well, if you say so…” the Treecko replied, taking the money and filing it away in their mercenary’s bag.

    A rather intrepid duo you are. I’ll remember you for the future, Team…” At that point, Vardan paused. “Hm. I never asked. What is your official team name?”

    Team name?” Arian cocked his head in puzzlement.

    Oh, um…we don’t have one,” Elvira confessed.

    Do you not?” The Lurantis was surprised to hear this. “I thought that was one of the first things a merc team came up with, no?”

    Well, we’re not really official,” Arian reasoned. “So we haven’t really been asked for a name.”

    We haven’t even thought of one, actually.” Elvira seemed disappointed at this. “We should’ve done that by now. How did I forget?”

    “How’d you forget?” Flora said. “That’s, like, one of the most important things about forming a mercenary team! You always told us that when we were kids!”

    I don’t know!” Elvira cried. “I don’t know how I forgot!”

    Elvira, it’s alright,” urged Arian. “It’s just a name. It’s nothing to get worked up over.”

    Quite right,” agreed Zenobia. “Doing good work as a mercenary is far more important than a team name.”

    We could come up with something now,” suggested Arian. “Better late than never, right?”

    I suppose,” Elvira mumbled.

    “Don’t worry about it, Elvira,” Vardan said. “You did well today, and that’s what matters. And listen here, you two. There’s something I’d like to say.”

    What is it?” Arian asked.

    I’m no merc, but…I think you two should be your own team. Don’t necessarily be a second Team Marshwood. Become a great team in your own right. That’s what I think.”

    Succeed in our own way…” Elvira repeated.

    That’s a good idea,” Arian agreed. “We should develop our own style to make us unique. Of course, it’s good to follow in the footsteps of your dad, Elvira, but maybe not the whole way. If you know what I’m saying.”

    I do, Arian. And I agree. Dad’s said the same thing to me before, about being my own person and not riding on his coattails.”

    Indeed. That sounds like your father, alright,” Zenobia seconded, before turning to Vardan. “That’s a sound piece of advice, Vardan. Thank you very much for that.”

    It was no problem,” Vardan replied. “Now then. I should probably be getting home.”

    Oh? Will you not stay for dinner?” the Heliolisk offered.

    I’d love to, but I’d like to get home to Diantha,” the Lurantis turned down. “I appreciate the offer. But I don’t want to worry her.”

    I understand. We won’t keep you any longer then.”

    Well, I guess I’ll be off,” Flora said.

    Take care, Flora,” Elvira replied.

    Yeah, you too, Elvira. …Oh, and come up with a team name. Hopefully not an embarrassing one.”

    We’ll think it over, don’t you worry.”

    Good. Well, come on then, Dad,” the Petilil demanded, slightly impatiently. “Are we going or not?”

    We are, we are. Take care, all of you.” And with that, the Grass-type duo left.

    Right,” Elvira said, once they had heard the front door close. “Team names…”

    The rest of that afternoon had been spent brainstorming team names. But it was more difficult than they imagined. Plus, they had to find a name that they both agreed on, as opposed to Arian’s name, where the only agreement he had to have was with himself.

    Not even inspiration using the same method from before helped them decide on a name. Zenobia, like before, had picked out a book of notable mercenary teams in Ardalion’s history to inspire the two to come up with a name. However, in the wish to be unique, Elvira pointed out that their name probably shouldn’t be a shameless copy of a team that had come before them.

    Studying the names of various teams, though, did provide some ideas as to how to decide on a name. Many teams seemed to take into account aspects of each other, and then create a portmanteau based on their own characteristics. This was the case with Team Marshwood, Kallias’s team; ‘Marsh’ signified Melchior, a Swampert, while ‘Wood’ signified his own Grass-type heritage.

    Beyond that, there were teams that named themselves based on things they shared in common, like colour schemes, looks, personalities, or even types. Among team names they saw following this trend were Team Cerulean, an Azumarill and Dragonair duo, Team Hellhound, a trio consisting of a Houndoom, a Boltund, and a Mightyena, and Team Fairy, a group made up of a Clefable, Mawile and Granbull. (“It’s a bit uncreative, naming themselves only after their own type,” Arian had commented regarding the last one.)

    Some went by acronyms of each team member. However, Arian turned down the suggestion of Team A&E by Zenobia, feeling as though the initials ‘A&E’ somehow implied something not nice-sounding to him, at least. Also, he pointed out that acronyms could potentially be warped by more mean-spirited Pokémon into something different. Elvira saw his point, and acquiesced. They debated options for the rest of the day, before eventually tiredness encroached and the mercenary duo decided to retire for the evening.

    The next morning, they went back to deliberating names, once Elvira and Arian had cleared the table. It would pass the time until Tamara arrived to look after Zenobia for the day, they decided.

    At the very least, they had potential contenders for a name that Elvira had written down on a piece of paper. Arian volunteered to write at first, but quickly found out that with his new paws, any kind of writing he did was completely ineligible. That was a skill he told himself to practise when he had time.

    “Hmm…” Elvira hummed, thinking deeply. “How about Team…’Grassaura?'”

    “Mmm…no, not feeling it,” Arian denied.

    “Thought so. Just something to throw out there. Hmmm…” The Treecko lightly chewed the end of the pencil as she brainstormed. “Team…’Soul’?”

    “…Not bad. But it’s a bit basic,” Arian responded. “Plus, I don’t really see how that summarises us. I mean, there is plenty of soul between us, but I feel that’d belong better to a team of Psychic-types, for instance. Might already be taken anyway.”

    “Okay,” Elvira accepted reluctantly. “Something that takes each other’s traits into account. Team…’Auraflora’?”

    “Hmm…that’s actually pretty good. Write that down,” suggested Arian. Elvira quickly scribbled the name down.

    “So that’s a maybe, then,” Elvira said.

    “Yeah.” Arian pondered for another bit about their name. “Maybe our team name could be a representation in what we stand for. Wasn’t there a name in that book called ‘Team Hope?'”

    “There was. They were the people that took steps to revolutionise the work of mercenaries forever in Selenia,” the Treecko elaborated. “If not for them, the Irian Guild would not have become as famous as it was, and we would not have the Guild be such a pivotal part of our country. They wanted a beacon of hope, in a time of suffering for Selenia.”

    “Hope…I think we could be onto something with that concept. We should definitely keep it in mind. …But I think it’s time for a bit of a break. We’ll come back to it later.”

    “…I agree with you.” Elvira then looked out the window. “…Hm. It’s mid-morning already. …Strange. Why hasn’t Tamara arrived yet?”

    “Is she usually late?” wondered her partner.

    “I wouldn’t say she’s the greatest of timekeepers,” Elvira replied. “But Flora arrived at least an hour earlier.”

    “Flora and Tamara are probably two different people when it comes to being on time,” Zenobia pointed out. “I wouldn’t worry too much, Elvira.”

    “Even so…” Arian could sense the worry in Elvira in the familiar wave patterns of emotion he’d become accustomed to feeling. “I don’t like this. Has something happened? Please, Arceus, I hope not…”

    At that moment, they heard a knock on the door.

    “Well, that was fitting timing,” Arian remarked. “That’s probably her now. I’ll go get it.” He rose from his seat and headed down the hallway, preparing to greet the Pachirisu…

    Only to stop in his tracks.

    “Hey! Who are you? You’re not Tamara!”

    And indeed, the peppy electric squirrel was not the one who knocked. It was someone else – a bipedal yellow and white-bellied Pokémon with sharp sets of claws at their hands and feet, and equally sharp quills along its back. In fact, their species looked familiar to the Riolu.

    “You’re a…Sandslash, right?” Arian asked.

    “I am,” the Pokémon replied. The sound of their voice was feminine, and as well as that, it did sound somewhat familiar to Arian. “And I can see that you’re a Riolu. You wouldn’t have a Treecko for a partner, would you?”

    “Er, yes?” came the reply.

    “Who is it, Arian?” Elvira asked, as she came up to the front door. “A Sandslash. Say, you look familiar. Have we met before?”

    “This is our first meeting,” the Sandslash replied.

    “Actually, wait a minute,” Arian brought up. “Are you related to a Sandslash named Caitríona, by any chance?”

    “I am,” answered the Ground-type. “My name is Lillian. I’m Caitríona and Conall’s daughter.”

    “I think they might’ve mentioned you,” Elvira said.

    “Yes. Thanks for getting my Sandy Torc back,” Lillian replied gratefully. “I was afraid I’d lost it for good.”

    “No problem,” Arian returned. “It’s what we do.”

    “But where’s Tamara?” Elvira brought up. “Why hasn’t she come?”

    “I’ve a feeling I know why.” Lillian’s face darkened. “You can’t stay here, you two.”

    “What do you mean?” Elvira demanded. “I live here! You can’t just tell me I can’t stay here!”

    “What if I told you the Thorned Roses are on the hunt for you two, and have started to look beyond the town’s perimeter?” Lillian added.

    “Th-They’re looking for us?” Elvira uttered, a look of panic coming into her eyes.

    “They are. And sooner or later, they’re going to find this house and you two in it,” the Sandslash continued. “Do you see now why you can’t stay?”

    “We do,” Arian replied, feeling fear creep into him, and a shiver going down his spine. “But what do we do instead? Run away like cowards?”

    “No. I have an idea,” Lillian informed them. “And I know how to go about it. But I need you two to come with me.”

    “Come with you?” Elvira wondered. “I don’t mean to be rude, but why exactly should we trust you?”

    “…I know it can be hard to trust a complete stranger like me,” Lillian admitted. “But it’ll all make sense once we’re through with this. I promise you, this isn’t a trap in any way.”

    “…She doesn’t sound like she’s lying,” Arian told Elvira. “I think she’s being honest.”

    “Mmmm…” murmured an unconvinced Elvira. “I’m not sure…”

    “Elvira? Arian? Who’s at the door?” Zenobia’s voice called from within. Turning around, Arian saw the Heliolisk making her way to them on her crutches. “Oh, hello. Whoever might you be?”

    “My name’s Lillian,” reintroduced the Sandslash, before her expression lit up in realisation. “You wouldn’t happen to be Zenobia, Elvira’s mother?”

    “…I am.” The Heliolisk didn’t expect to hear her name called out personally. “Why do you ask?”

    “I have a letter for you,” replied Lillian, surprising all three Pokémon at the door.

    “A letter? Why do you have a letter for Mom?” Elvira interrogated.

    “I can’t say,” Lillian evaded, as she dug out said letter. A detail Arian noticed was that the envelope was blank and devoid of any details. “I’ll only tell you that the writer of the letter wants to remain anonymous. So please keep it secret. You might know who it is from the handwriting, but please don’t reveal their name. They want to keep their identity secret by all means necessary, at least for now.”

    “Hmm…How strange. What business would this writer have with me?” Zenobia pondered. She sat down on a chair just by the front door, and opened the letter. Arian and Elvira watched as she digested the contents of the letter.

    Almost immediately, they noticed the Heliolisk’s eyes widen in shock.

    “By the Creator’s light…” the duo heard her murmur. In her tone, Arian could detect notes of…relief and happiness? That’s good, he thought to himself. At least it’s not bad news.

    “Who is it, Mom?” Elvira asked, after a while.

    “…As much as I’d love to tell you, dear, I’m afraid I cannot tell you,” Zenobia said, holding the letter away from the duo. “Even in the letter, they’re imploring me to keep their name under wraps. And in this letter, their name isn’t mentioned once.”

    “Oh…” The Treecko looked down in slight disappointment.

    “I will say this much, though.” Zenobia’s words made her daughter look up again. “I do know who it is. It’s someone we know well. It’s someone who’s been very dependable for us in the past.” She looked at the letter again. “…Perhaps it’s best if I don’t say more about them. What they would like, though, is to meet the two of you.”

    “The two of us?” Arian said. “But how do they know about – “

    “I told the Chief about you two,” Lillian answered. “My parents told me about the two of you, and then I told the Chief. The Chief sent me here to tell you they want to meet with you two.”

    “But…we’re just an amateur team,” the Riolu replied, still confused. “Why would this person want to meet us in particular?”

    “…” Elvira was silent, before a single thought came into her head.

    This secret person…could it possibly be…?

    “We should go,” she suggested to Arian. “If it is who I think it is, then we should definitely meet up with them.”

    “Are you sure?” questioned the human. “This could be a trap.”

    “It’s the furthest thing from a trap,” Lillian rejected.

    “I can also say it’s no trap,” Zenobia seconded. “The writing on this letter is legitimate. I’m absolutely sure of it.”

    “Well, if you all say so…” Arian concluded, looking at the three other agreeing parties. “…Okay then. I’m in. Let’s go meet this mystery person.”

    “Yes. With haste,” Lillian urged. “The longer we spend yapping here, the more time the Thorned Roses have to find us. We should go while the going’s good.”

    “Alright. See you, Mom!” Elvira said, as she and Arian started out on the road with Lillian.

    “Bye, Elvira. Bye, Arian,” wished Zenobia, and watched as they travelled onto the main road. When they were out of sight, she closed the door behind her.

    “…Goodness. What a morning to have a revelation like that,” she said. The electric lizard took a look down at the letter again. Specifically, to one part of it.

    I’m afraid I can’t reveal who exactly I am yet. But you would know, Zenobia. After all, I gave you that vase to you as a present on your thirty-fifth hatch day.

    “…How could I forget that present?” Zenobia said to herself. She travelled to the sitting room, where atop the mantelpiece, above the fireplace, that vase lay, with some daffodils in them. It was a beautiful work of pottery with an ornate design, and the Heliolisk saw it as one of the best gifts she had ever been given.

    “…It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I imagine Elvira will be quite happy to see you again. But what have you been up to this whole time?”

    “Wait a minute. Why are we heading this way?”

    This was Arian’s question, as Lillian directed them to head right at the crossroads outside Elvira’s house, towards Ozerograd.

    “Because the Chief is on the other side of Ozerograd,” Lillian explained. “To get there, we must go through the town.”

    “But the Thorned Roses are looking for us! You were the one who insisted we couldn’t stay at my house!” Elvira pointed out. “So why are we headed into the very place where the Thorned Roses rule the roost?”

    “Don’t worry about that,” the Sandslash assured. “I have a plan for when we come to that.”

    “A plan? Enlighten us,” Arian demanded.

    “Not right away. Closer to town,” Lillian returned. “I will ask you one question before we get there, though. How good are you two at acting?”

    “Acting?” Elvira repeated. “Um…alright, I guess? We did a few plays in school…”

    “I think I’m good at it?” Arian said, unsure of what the answer truly was. Was I fond of acting in my human life? “Why do you ask?”

    “If my plan is going to work, you’re going to need to act in order to fool the Thorned Roses in town,” the Sandslash informed. “Being alright actors will do, hopefully. You’d be surprised how easy the wool can be pulled over the eyes of some Thorned Roses.”

    “Are you sure?” Arian questioned sceptically. He gazed down at his stomach, where he’d been struck and poisoned by Mikhail’s Poison Tail two days prior.

    “Yes,” Lillian responded. “Faced with their prey, most Thorned Roses will be so caught up in the clamour that they won’t know they’re being tricked. I know how they act.”

    “And how do you know that?” the Riolu fired back. “Are you some expert on the Thorned Roses or something?”

    “You could say that,” the Sandslash replied. “After all, I am one.”

    “Wait, what?!” Arian nearly tripped over his own feet in shock, and Elvira similarly froze. “You’re a Thorned Rose?!”

    “In a sense, yes. But let me finish before you burst out again,” Lillian requested. Both parties, about to do just that, held their tongues. “I’m a member of the Thorned Roses in disguise. The Chief sent me to infiltrate them as a spy and report on their activity in Ozerograd. …Safe to say that I’ve had a lot of info to tell the Chief in the last while.”

    “‘The Chief’?” Elvira noted. “I presume that’s the person who wants to speak to us?”

    “Yes,” the Sandslash answered. “My real allegiances lie with him. I have no respect for Hinnerk or the Thorned Roses. All of my talk of loyalty is only empty words.”

    “Interesting,” murmured Elvira. “All this time, I never would’ve assumed there was a spy in the Thorned Roses.”

    “Well, that’s a sign I’m doing my job right then, isn’t it?” Lillian replied, before her face fell slightly. “…Sometimes it hasn’t been easy. Because I have to blend in with the Thorned Roses, that has meant doing things I’d never do under any circumstances. I don’t like terrorising innocents. And I sure don’t like kicking them out of their homes and sending off to gods know where…”

    “The disappearances,” Arian realised. “What do you know about them, Lillian?”

    “Not much, I’m afraid,” the Sandslash revealed disappointedly. “Have Mum and Dad told you already?”

    “They didn’t say much,” Elvira recalled. “Only that Hinnerk and Mikhail were the only ones involved in it.”

    “That’s true. But certain members are dedicated to that, and I’m not in that circle, unfortunately,” Lillian lamented. “However…I did hear one interesting thing from Mikhail once.”

    “And that was…?”

    “When one couple was being taken away, I overheard him saying that they would make a nice sacrifice.”

    “Sacrifice?” That word made both Arian and Elvira shiver. Suddenly, matters had gotten a lot more sinister.

    “Yes. Whatever he means by that. It’s not good, whatever it means. The whole shady nature and rumours of it all is what made the Chief assign us to Ozerograd and infiltrate the Thorned Roses.”

    “Wait, ‘us’?” Arian noted. “There’s more?”

    “Yes, there’s more.” Lillian was about to go into detail on that front, but she stopped. “Oh, we’re here.”

    They were at the top of the hill that was just before the wooded area before entering Ozerograd. The view was as beautiful as ever, accentuated by the sunny day.

    “It’s a nice place,” the Sandslash commented. “A pity the Thorned Roses pretty much ruin it.”

    “We’re getting close to town,” Elvira brought up. “What is this plan of yours, Lillian?”

    “Yes. I think it’s time to put the plan into action,” the Sandslash paused, considering what she was to say next.

    “Put your hands behind your back, both of you,” she requested. The Riolu and Treecko did so. “Alright. I hope you’ll forgive me in advance for what I’m about to do…”

    She went behind both of their backs, and Arian could hear her taking materials from her satchel. Then, without warning, he could feel his paws being tied up.

    “I’m being tied up!” he cried in realisation. “Lillian, what is this?” He turned back to her, an unsure look in his eyes.

    “It’s part of the plan,” the Sandslash answered. “You need to look as though you’ve been captured when we go into town. Then no one will suspect anything, will they?”

    “Oh, I see…” Elvira said, seeing where she was going with this. “Then they’ll think we are.”

    “Exactly,” Lillian replied, as she moved over to the Grass-type and began to tie the rope in her hands. “I’ll lead you into town as if you’ve been found and captured by me. I’ll intend to lead you to Hinnerk, but at some point we’ll create a diversion and throw them off in order to make it safely to the road to Iria. Beyond there’s where the Chief is waiting for us.”

    “Okay…But what’ll be the diversion’?” questioned Arian, still unsure of the plan.

    “I have it covered,” was the vague answer of the Sandslash. “Oh, and another thing. Because I’m a Thorned Rose, I have to blend in with them. …I’m sorry, but I might have to get a bit rough with you two. It may not be pretty, but it has to be convincing if it’s going to work.” As she said this, she pulled out an armband that had become a familiar sight for Arian and Elvira: a red band with a thorned rose on it. She then tied it around her right arm.

    “…I understand,” Elvira accepted. “If it means meeting him, then…I’ll accept.”

    Arian caught the look in her eye, and along with emotions of hope emanating from her, it suddenly occurred to him what she might be thinking. W-Wait a minute…could it be possible that this mystery person is…?

    “So do I,” he seconded, now reinforced with this knowledge.

    “Excellent. Then let’s go,” Lillian said. “Now remember to act like you’ve been captured. You need a look full of despair, like you’d do anything to get out of this situation.”

    “Could being angry work?” suggested Arian. “That’s what I was going to go for. A kind of ‘You bastards! How dare you do this to me!’ act.”

    “That works,” permitted the Sandslash. “Just as long as it’s convincing. That’s why I asked you if you were good actors earlier. Because this plan hinges on how you act.”

    “I’ll give my best,” vowed Elvira. “And so will Arian.”

    “Good. Now hop to it!” ordered Lillian in an authoritative voice, foreshadowing her tone. Spurred by her words, Arian and Elvira began walking, with the Sandslash following behind them.

    They walked through the wooded area. Both Arian and Elvira found their new position with their hands tied uncomfortable, but stuck with it for the sake of the act. They were walking through an area unfamiliar to Arian, due to him taking Tamara’s tunnel into town.

    As they got closer to the perimeter, Arian began to feel nervous. Despite the fact he wasn’t actually captured, he felt as though he was. It was beginning to occur to him just how deadly the consequences could be if this plan of Lillian’s went awry in any way. I’d better get this right, he thought to himself, taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves.

    They approached a stone arch with a portcullis at the top. Right, Arian thought. Time to engage Angry Captive Mode.

    “Halt! Who goes there?” a voice called from within the walls. Two guards stepped forward: a Croagunk and a Luxio, both wearing Thorned Roses armbands.

    “Someone who struck gold,” Lillian replied, a hint of pride in her voice. Of course, Arian and Elvira both knew this was fake. “Look who I found while searching east of town.”

    “A Riolu and a Treecko?” the Luxio said, before realising. “Ah! The two the Boss wants us to look for!”

    “Yes, and I’ve found them,” the Sandslash said, grinning all the while. “The Boss will be pleased. And it was so easy! To think, Mikhail gave us all a warning that they might be stronger than they look. Rubbish! I knocked them flat in no time at all!”

    Oh, I see. She’s playing it up to try and win them over. Still…Arian thought uneasily. This will mean us being punching bags, won’t it?

    “Atta girl,” praised the Croagunk. “Hey, look at the Riolu. He has quite the look on his face,” he chortled, pointing at Arian.

    “Shut up,” the Riolu hissed, getting into his role. “Wipe that stupid smirk off your face!”

    “Ha! Oh, this is too good!” The frog booped his snout, which made Arian bare his teeth and growl at him. Ignoring him, he turned his attention to Elvira. “Oh, and look at the despair on this one’s face!”

    “Please,” the Treecko begged. “Don’t make me face Hinnerk! Please, I’ll do anything! Have mercy, I beg of you!”

    “Aww, how precious,” taunted the Croagunk. “But we don’t do mercy here!”

    “Yeah, that’s right!” the Luxio chimed in. “You made the boss mad, and now you’re gonna get it!”

    “Oh, they will,” Lillian said excitedly. “Now then, I gotta get these two to him. Could you boys be darlings and let me through? Pretty please?” To add to her charm, she gave a wink to the Luxio, which did not go unnoticed by Arian.

    Is that a note of flirtation I detect in her voice? the Riolu thought, trying as hard as he could to suppress his surprise. She might be having a bit too much fun with this…

    “Aw, I can’t say no to a pretty face like yours,” the Luxio replied, getting a little bit red in the face. “Come on through, miss.”

    “Thank you very much,” Lillian said gratefully, before she began to march forward. “Move it, you two! The Boss isn’t a patient man!”

    “Okay, okay, we’re going!” Arian replied, acting in his best annoyed tone.

    “I don’t like your tone, Riolu,” the Sandslash fired back, giving him a meaningful glare. “Act like that again, and you’ll regret it. You’re lucky the Boss wants you alive.”

    “…” Arian said nothing to this, as Lillian marched the two on into town. As they walked through the town, though, the Riolu immediately got the sense that the atmosphere in Ozerograd today was different than normal. It still had that same oppressive aura as yesterday, but this time he could sense something else in the air. An air that for some reason, made the human uneasy.

    Whatever it is, it’s a darker feeling than yesterday. It’s like the fear and hostility from yesterday have become much greater. Something’s happening in town. I know it.

    He looked over at Elvira. She was still keeping up the act of despair. However, he noticed a slight shift in her emotions, and in her, he could sense a similar feeling of anxiety. She feels it too. Just whatever could it be?

    “Hey! Look! It’s the Riolu and Treecko the Boss wants!”

    Voices drew his attention away from his thoughts. In front of him, a number of Thorned Roses had seen them, and were now running towards them.

    “Yep! I got ’em right here!” Lillian beamed. “The Boss will be over the moon when he sees them! Where is he, exactly?”

    “Dunno, actually,” a Nuzleaf replied. “Haven’t seen him around.”

    “Actually, I heard somewhere that he was gonna try and lure these two out,” a Torracat brought up. “I don’t think he’s in town right now.”

    “Really?” Lillian reacted. “I see.” Arian couldn’t help but notice a distinct hopeful emotion emanating from her. “What about Mikhail? Is he around?”

    “Haven’t seen him around either,” the Torracat replied. “Probably with the Boss.”

    “Well, let’s not worry about that for now,” the Sandslash said. “I’ll just leave them in the jail cells. The Boss can decide what to do with them when he gets back.”

    “Oh, can we help?” asked the Nuzleaf.

    “Thanks for the offer. But I’ll be fine, really,” Lillian responded. “Besides, they look like they’ve given up the fight already.” She let out a snicker at this. “Some threat they are. Mikhail was worrying over nothing.”

    You could lay off a little with the insults, Lillian…

    “Yeah, they’re pathetic,” mocked a Skwovet. “I’ve seen kids in town with more fight than them.”

    “Oh, by the way!” a Tranquill eagerly brought up. “Are you gonna take part in the evicting, Miss Lillian?”

    Evicting? Arian’s blood ran cold at the word. Immediately, his thoughts turned to what Flora, Tamara and Vardan all previously said about not being able to pay the exorbitant rents the Thorned Roses imposed on them.

    “Evicting? Are they doing that today?” Lillian asked. Arian could partially sense her fight to keep up the act and not give away her despondence to hearing this.

    “Yup! Time to kick out those suckers who ain’t paying up!” the Nuzleaf said, a grin on his face. “They’ve started it already in town! You should join in!”

    “I’ll consider it,” the Sandslash replied. “But I want to secure these two first. Afterwards, I might do just that.”

    She marched on with the two ‘captives’. Arian had noticed Lillian had gone quiet, presumably from the news the two rogues had given them. The news worried him, too. Please let it not be too excessive, he prayed.

    Unfortunately, he would not see this wish come to fruition. They happened to pass by Tamara’s house, and came across a horrifying scene.

    Desmond and Lorraine were being hauled out of their own home by two Thorned Roses, a Hitmonchan and a Graveler.

    “You monsters!” Desmond was yelling. “First you take my daughter and now my home! What more do you want?!”

    “Rent money! It’s that simple!” the Graveler fired back. “You can’t pay the money, you don’t get the privilege to live here! Basic economics, man!”

    “But there’s no way we could pay those rents!” Lorraine protested. “You’d have to have all the money in the world just to get by!”

    “Well, tough luck, then,” the Hitmonchan countered. “You don’t get to live here. Simple as that.”

    “You bastards…” Desmond seethed. His gaze then turned to the street, and at that point, he spotted Arian and Elvira being led through them by Lillian. “Elvira! Arian! No! They got you two as well!?”

    “Desmond! Lorraine!” Elvira called out.

    “They took Tamara!” Lorraine said, beginning to sob. “They took our sweet little girl from us! And now they’re taking you away as well!”

    “They took Tamara?” the Treecko repeated, horror crossing her face. “Oh no…Arian, we have to – !”

    “Stop talking, Treecko!” ordered Lillian. “Keep moving!”

    “B-But Lillian – “

    “Did I ask you to speak?” interrupted the Sandslash, giving the Grass-type a harsh glare. “Move it! The Boss isn’t a patient man!”

    “…Let it go, Elvira. We’ve lost this fight,” Arian said, in an attempt to keep up the act. He knew she wanted to go rescue her friend, but one thought reigned his decision-making: We can’t blow our cover. He felt bad himself, seeing all of this. But if we try and escape now, it’ll only make everything worse. “Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

    “…If you say so, Arian,” Elvira said reluctantly. She was about to protest, but seeing her partner’s pleading look made the protest die at her lips. As well as that, she understood those last words’ message: Don’t give us away.

    “Good. Now walk on, like the submissive little runts you are!” ordered Lillian.

    Wordlessly, the duo walked on. Behind them, Desmond and Lorraine watched them go, slightly bewildered by the exchange.

    “What was that?” the Raichu observed. “It’s like they walked off without argument. How did Elvira listen to Arian so quickly? Something’s not right here…”

    “Do the Thorned Roses know no pity?” Lorraine clasped her hands. “Oh Creator, please let them find a way out. And please, let my little girl be okay…”

    Meanwhile, the duo marched on, faced with several more heart-wrenching scenes of evictions. It was particularly upsetting for Elvira, who had to look away on a few occasions. Arian found them sickening to watch, as people of all ages, including women and children, were thrown out of their homes. He could also sense Lillian didn’t approve of this either, if her emotions were anything to go by.

    “Elvira! Arian!”

    The two looked over and saw another scene that was a punch to the gut. To their right, being evicted, were Vardan and a Lilligant; the latter being Diantha, Flora’s mother.

    “Vardan!” Arian cried.

    “Diantha!” Elvira looked into the florist’s where strewn flowers lay in the wake of the Thorned Roses’ ransacking of the shop. A sinking feeling developed as she realised there was someone missing. “Where’s Flora?”

    “Gone!” Vardan yelled. “These bastards took her away this morning!”

    “No! No!” Elvira cried with anguish. “Flora and Tamara…both of them…!”

    “Elvira…” Arian felt the sting of her sorrow. By now, he was considering finding out himself the truth behind the two missing girls. But he shook that off. We’ll just be caught anyway. Might end up just like them… He shook off that dark thought. No. They’re somewhere. We just can’t deal with this right now.

    “Come on, you two! Move!” Lillian demanded. Notably, her tone had lost a bit of its bite.

    The duo were moved onwards. All the while, Arian’s mind was ablaze with thoughts.

    Are they gonna be carted off to be ‘sacrificed’? His blood ran cold at the thought. All these people…Why are they doing this? Why must they be so heartless?

    But they couldn’t do anything if this plan was to succeed. It pained Arian to stand by and do nothing, and he knew Elvira felt the same way.

    You said you hate feeling powerless, Elvira. …I feel you. I really do.

    Eventually, the three ended up at the town square, where Arian and Elvira had met Mikhail. There, some Thorned Roses were stationed, though Arian couldn’t help but think that there were less than last time. Must be out evicting people, he cynically thought to himself.

    He had little time to brood on this thought, however, before multiple Thorned Roses spotted them, and a clamour arose amongst them.

    “Hey! It’s the Riolu and Treecko the Boss wants!”

    “Get them! Make sure they don’t get away!”

    “Oh, great! We got them at last! Another set of rebels crushed!”

    “Guys…” Lillian was trying to urge. “Please don’t create a scene. I have to deliver them to the jail cells for the Boss.”

    “Aww, can’t we at least give ’em a few knocks?” a Mienfoo protested. “I’d love to use the Riolu as a punching bag.”

    You’re lucky my hands are tied, otherwise that’s what I’d do to you, Arian bristled. He settled for growling at the Mienfoo.

    “I’d rather not,” Lillian denied. “There’s a chance the Boss wouldn’t want them covered in nicks, and I’m not taking the fall for that.”

    “…Pfft. Really?” a Sableye scoffed. “That’s not the Boss at all. He wouldn’t care a jot if they turned him with him with faces like they were in a boxing match. …Come on. Let’s lay into them!”

    “You idiots. Don’t you realise? This is exactly the kind of argument an ally of theirs would want,” Lillian suddenly said, in a change of topic. Arian wasn’t sure yet, but somehow he felt as if this was meaningful. “It’s just the correct amount of chaos…to create a distraction.”

    After the Sandslash said this, everything happened at once. Out of nowhere, without any warning, smoke bombs suddenly landed in the square, and white smoke billowed everywhere. Everyone was caught off guard, and a sea of coughs erupted from the Thorned Roses, along with voices of outrage.

    “Wh-What is this?!”

    “An ambush?! Who would dare?!”

    “Where’d it come from? Who threw those?!”

    “It’s those rats! That Riolu and Treecko…They’re responsible for this!”

    The last yell was quite wrong: Arian and Elvira were just as startled as their adversaries, and were just as caught up in the confusion as they were. As chaos ensued, they were considerably disoriented…until Arian came to a realisation.

    This is what Lillian meant by diversion …Well, now’s our chance! But where is she?

    At that moment, both the Riolu and Treecko felt something at their backs, where their arms were tied with rope. Suddenly, the rope had been cut in half, and a delightful realisation came to them when they found they could move their arms again.

    We’re free!

    “Arian! Elvira! With me!” Lillian’s voice called out. Then, amidst the smoke, the Sandslash’s figure appeared.

    “Let’s go, Elvira!” Arian called out to his partner. Before she had time to respond, he took her hand in his paw and ran with her after Lillian.

    “H-Hey! They’re getting away!” the voice of a Thorned Rose called out. “After them!”

    “But where did they go? You can’t see a damn thing in this smoke!”

    That was all Arian heard from them, as he and Elvira ran away from the square and followed Lillian up another street. Luckily, they were out of the smoke by this stage, and so could see each other.

    “Down this way!” Lillian commanded, before going into an alleyway. The duo followed her lead and went into the alley with her. From there, their escape route became one of skirting through the alleyways. Arian prayed that the Sandslash knew the way, and they wouldn’t accidentally happen upon a dead end where they could potentially be cornered by pursuers.

    Thankfully, his fears were unfounded: they never went to any cul-de-sacs, and no Thorned Roses were pursuing them. Lillian’s distraction had worked, and now they were but a stone’s throw away from the northern exit, confirmed when the three walked onto a familiar street.

    “Hang on a minute,” Arian observed. “Isn’t this the street Iona lives on?”

    “It is,” Elvira confirmed. “The Thorned Roses don’t tend to patrol this street, which means that it’ll be easy between here and the northern exit. …We’re nearly there. We’re nearly out of Ozerograd and the Thorned Roses’ clutches. But…” Her face then fell. “Tamara…and Flora”

    “Don’t you worry, Elvira. I’ll bring them back safe and sound,” vowed Lillian. “You can be sure of it.”

    “Y-You would?”

    “Of course. After all…we need no reason to help the innocent.”

    “…Wait a minute.” Shocked realisation crossed Elvira’s face. “Those words…My dad used to say those all the time. That used to be the motto of the Irian Guild! Were you a mercenary there, Lillian?” she asked in disbelief.

    “Not ‘was’,” Lillian corrected, with pride. “I still am.” She then dug into her satchel, and brought out an item that made Elvira’s eyes: a badge. “I’m Lillian, a co-member of Team Sandstream, a mercenary team working for the Irian Guild. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

    “That’s…That’s a Guild badge.” The Treecko was stupefied. “Just like what Dad had…”

    “The Irian Guild?” Arian said, slightly confused. “But wasn’t it burned down by Mitrofan?”

    “You can’t kill a mercenary’s spirit,” Lillian answered. “The Chief revived it, but because all mercenaries assigned to the Guild were declared outlaws, it’s a secret organisation at the minute. That’s why you haven’t heard of us. But I assure you: the heart of the Irian Guild is still beating. We’re still around.”

    “The Guild is still around?” The words were like heaven for Elvira to hear. “That’s wonderful. Oh, blessed Arceus above, it’s still here…”

    “Wow.” I did not expect to hear that. But if it’s true, then that really does open up doors for us. “Where do we sign up?” Arian asked.

    “When you meet with the Chief,” Lillian told him. “Come on. Let’s go meet him.”

    The two continued down the alleyway, after Lillian. Eventually, the alley came to an end, and once there, they only had one last step to complete to get out of town: getting through the northern gate and the guards there.

    Elvira froze upon remembering this.

    “There are guards,” she brought up.

    “…Crap,” Arian said, realising the Treecko had a point. “What do we do? We’ve come this far. We can’t give up now.”

    “Oh, relax, you two,” Lillian assured, after peeking out onto the road. “We’ll be fine. Just follow my lead and everything will be alright.”

    “What are you going to do, Lillian?” Elvira wondered.

    “Nothing. I don’t have to do anything. Nothing like back at the square. Just watch.”

    Confidently, the Sandslash strode out into the open. Elvira and Arian were still both apprehensive as they followed her into the open. They were somewhat confused by Lillian’s apparent disposition of ease, wondering why she was so sure of herself this time.

    They walked up the gate. It was the same two from two days before: a Krokorok and a Gligar.

    Why is Lillian so confident about this? pondered Arian. …I guess we’ll find out what her plan is.

    They approached the guards. As they got closer, the Krokorok called out to them.

    “Oi! No one gets through ‘ere without payin’ up!” he growled.

    “That’s right! And especially not the lot the Boss is looking for!” the Gligar added.

    Arian and Elvira tensed. Oh no, we’ve been spotted! The Riolu readied a battle stance, and Elvira, upon seeing him, did the same. Weirdly enough, though…Lillian didn’t do the same. The reasons for this were revealed upon her opening her mouth.

    “Ha ha. Very funny, Ishmael,” the Sandslash said. ” You can drop the act now. There aren’t any Thorned Roses around to see us.”

    “…Yeah, ya got that right,” the Krokorok replied, suddenly sounding a lot less aggressive. “This shit’s gettin’ old. I’ve been gettin’ cream crackered of sayin’ that every time some drongo comes through ‘ere.”

    “Same here,” seconded the Gligar. “I want out. How much longer do we have to keep doing this?”

    “Not too much longer, hopefully,” Lillian assured. “The Chief said to me just before I came to collect these two that it wouldn’t be long at all.”

    “You know each other?” a puzzled Elvira asked.

    “Nah, never met this lassie ‘fore in my life,” Ishmael dismissed, before a smirk appeared on his muzzle. “Ha! Only messin’. Course I do. Chinas, us lot. We’ve known each other since we were lil’ ‘uns.”

    “Um, guys?” the Gligar piped up. “I hate to break up this conversation, but…y’know, we do need to cover for you, and…we can’t exactly do that if you’re still here.”

    “Oh, of course,” Lillian acknowledged. “I’ll come back once these two meet up with the Chief. He’ll look after them.”

    “Yeah, the Chief’s good at looking after others,” the Gligar replied, his words directed at Arian and Elvira. “You won’t be in any danger when he’s around.”

    “Yup. Yer right there, Ax. …Dunno why ‘e was so interested in ya lot, though,” Ishmael said. “‘Specially ya, Treecko.”

    “Me?” Elvira said.

    “Yeah, the Chief was very curious about you, and asked a lot of questions,” Lillian informed. “Of course, I couldn’t answer them, ’cause I only met you today. But he seemed quite eager to meet you.”

    “It must be him,” Elvira murmured, after hearing this. “It has to be…”

    “Looks like ya might know ‘im,” Ishmael remarked, before giving her a smile. “Go on, lassie. ‘E’s waitin’ for ya, down in the old town.”

    “Yeah, go,” encouraged Axel, the Gligar. “Before the Thorned Roses come up here. We’ll cover you, don’t worry.”

    “Thank you,” Elvira said to both guards gratefully. “Let’s go, Arian. Let’s go meet him.”

    The two walked out of the gate, followed by Lillian. Once they were beyond the gate and into the forested area, the Sandslash took off her Thorned Rose armband with pleasure.

    “Ahh,” she sighed happily. “Finally. I hate wearing that band. At least it’s not much longer now, being in this stupid gang.” She filed her armband away in her satchel.

    “I did not see that coming,” Arian murmured. “Those two guards are your friends?”

    “Yes. Ishmael, the Krokorok, and Axel, the Gligar, are my closest friends. We’ve known them since we were hatchlings,” Lillian answered. “They’re also my partners in Team Sandstream.”

    “”Team Sandstream…” Arian noted. “Is that because you’re all Ground-types?” He didn’t know their types off by heart, but he did detect a sandy, earthy scent off them.

    “Yeah. None of us actually have Sand Stream, though,” Lillian said, with a light chuckle. “We just picked the name because it sounded cool.”

    “A cool name…” Elvira’s thoughts drifted back to that morning’s debate over their name.

    “Were they the ones that set off the smoke bombs?” Arian wondered.

    “Yep. Axel carries some just in case. You never know when you might need a bit of misdirection,” the Sandslash reasoned.

    “Fair enough.” Arian shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with that logic.

    “Ah. Here we are. The old crossroads.”

    It was the same crossroads that Arian and Elvira had been to two days prior. Only, on this occasion, they would go down the left path.

    The three started down the path to the old town. But they had barely left the crossroads when…

    “Oh? Well, well, well…What do we have here?”

    Arian and Elvira stiffened in terror. They knew that slimy, slithery voice, and all the hope they had built up vanished in an instant.

    “So it’s come to this, has it?” Mikhail said, as he crept from the bushes by the path and behind the trio. All three turned around to face him. “Collaborating with the duo the Boss demanded you apprehend, for one. Then you not only renounce your loyalty to the Boss, but prove yourself to be a traitorous urchin sent by your ‘Chief’ to spy on us.”

    His words were laced with rather more anger than in their last meeting. But they were aimed at Lillian, rather than Arian and Elvira.

    “And if I did?” Though intimidated, the Sandslash stood her ground. “Surely the great and clever Mikhail must have suspected something? You are, after all, the grand tactician of the Thorned Roses. And yet you never saw the possibility of a traitor in your midst?”

    “Some nerve you have,” hissed Mikhail, displeased with Lillian’s teasing. “Filthy Alban cur! You never should’ve crept into our gang in the first place.”

    “Well, as it so happens, I did,” Lillian taunted, wearing a smirk of superiority. It felt satisfying to have an edge over the slippery viper for once. “Now you have to live with the consequences. And one of those will be the fall of Hinnerk’s rule over Ozerograd. Mark my words.”

    The Seviper didn’t say anything to this at first. It seemed as though Lillian’s words had hit their mark. The Sandslash prepared to turn around and resume their journey down to the quay, but stopped when she heard a snicker from Mikhail.


    “What’s so funny?” Lillian demanded.

    “Keh hah hah hah hah!” cackled the Seviper. “I bet you haven’t realised the trap you’re walking into, have you?”

    “A trap?” echoed Arian. “What trap?”

    “Wouldn’t you like to know, Riolu?” Mikhail deviously replied. “But I wouldn’t try and escape if I were you. After all, the lives of your partner’s dear friends hangs in the balance. You wouldn’t dare forsake her feelings, would you?”

    “My friends?” Then it occurred to Elvira. “You kidnapped Flora and Tamara! It was you who took them!”

    “Indeed it was,” the Seviper replied, grinning maliciously. “And unless you come to the old town, then we will have absolutely no problem disposing of them.”

    “You wouldn’t!” cried Elvira. “If you do that, I swear I’ll…!” She clenched her hand in rage.

    “Ha! As if you could do anything,” scoffed Mikhail. “But by all means. We’ll give you a chance. Come to the old town if you want to save your friend. And that goes for you too, Little Miss Turncoat.” He directed this at Lillian. “One wrong move from you and their lives are forfeit.”

    “Fine,” Lillian seethed. “I’ll come.”

    The three walked down the road to the old town. They couldn’t turn back, as Mikhail was edging them forward, and would block any escape attempts. The thought came to Elvira to potentially attack him three-on-one, but she dismissed it; that would only worsen her friends’ jeopardy. The only thing she could do right now was walk into this trap that had been set up for them.

    They passed a sign reading ‘Welcome to Ozerograd Quay‘. It was the official name for the old town of Ozerograd, but colloquially, most people referred to it as ‘the old town’, or sometimes, ‘the quay’.

    The first part of the town was surprisingly enough, rows of berry fields which some Pokémon were working on. However, the sight of Mikhail made a number of them tense up, and work at a faster rate.

    So the Thorned Roses have control here, too, Arian bitterly thought to himself. …Honestly, when will this all stop? When will these people finally know the meaning of a normal life again?

    Soon, the fields gave way to lines of houses reminiscent of a terraced street. Along with that, the street was wide, rather like a main street of a town. It was still very much reminiscent of a town, although Arian couldn’t help but believe it didn’t have half the grandeur of the new town of Ozerograd.

    A feeling of dread was shared by him and Elvira. They were walking into a trap that they looked to have no way out of. As well as that, they were to face Hinnerk, an infamous figure of menace. Arian shivered at this. If Mikhail was devilish, his superior was likely to be far worse.

    Before long, the street narrowed into a small quayside area. A number of small boats and their oars lay anchored at the water’s edge. The road they were walking on also had an end that led to a wide pier. And on that pier lay three figures.

    One was the imposing figure of an Obstagoon. The others were the much smaller figures of a Petilil and a Pachirisu. As they got closer, it was noted, much to Elvira’s horror, that they were tied, and gags had been put over their mouths to prevent them from talking.

    “They’ve come, Boss,” Mikhail announced, slithering in front of the trio and making his way to his boss. “Like a Mothim to flame, they’ve come right to us.”

    “Good work, Mikhail,” praised Hinnerk. He then turned his attention to the three behind him, and on Elvira in particular. “Well well well. If it isn’t Kallias’s little pride and joy. To think you were right under my nose all this time…”

    “…Hinnerk,” Elvira said, trying but failing to sound brave. The Obstagoon had that kind of presence. “Why have you done this? Why have you kidnapped my friendsTamara?”

    “Isn’t it obvious?” replied the Thorned Roses’ leader. “Mercenaries have a bleeding heart for every little thing. Kallias was like that to a T. If you’re anything like him, then you would come running if you’d found out I’d taken people hostage. Especially if it was one of your friends,” he elaborated, an evil smirk on his face.

    “You’re sick!” Elvira condemned. “How can people like you live knowing all the horrible things you’ve done? That’s not even going into all those evictions, and the people are going to rob people of a roof over their heads!”

    “And you spiriting away people mysteriously too!” Arian butted in. “What are you doing to them, Hinnerk?! Where are you taking them?”

    “Wouldn’t you like to know?” taunted Hinnerk. “I bet you wanna save them all, don’t you?”

    “You bet we will!”

    “Hah! Look at you, so full of confidence!” The Obstagoon snickered. “Of course, you live in an airy-fairy world where justice prevails and evil’s always brought to its knees. I bet your dear old daddy taught you that, and you wanna be a hero just like him, don’t you?” he said to Elvira, his voice sickeningly sweet.

    “That’s…” Elvira, taken aback, struggled to muster a reply, realising that the Obstagoon had hit the nail on the head.

    “Okay, I’ve noticed something already,” Arian interjected. “It’s not even been a minute and yet you won’t stop going on about Kallias. Is there some history between you two or what?”

    “…Fernblade Kallias was the bane of my existence,” Hinnerk answered, his look souring at the mention of the Sceptile. “Him and Mud Bomber Melchior…It’s because of the snooping of Team Marshwood seven years ago that the life I led came crashing down in an instant. If he hadn’t snooped his nose into my business like he always did, then I’d be living the good life. Tenacious bastard!” he raged.

    “That was because you dealt in smuggling and involved yourself in a nefarious plot!” Elvira replied, her fury growing. “You were a hardened criminal! My dad’s job was to hunt down people like you and bring them to justice! And he did just that with you!”

    “Hold on a minute!” Arian cut in. “You mean…your dad actually caught this guy? And he was a smuggler?”

    “He did,” Elvira told him. “Dad and Melchior investigated what he was involved in and were able to expose a huge plot that involved an attempted mass murder and assassination of the royal family. It was that very mission that earned them Grandmaster Rank. It’s reserved only for the truly exceptional – and they rightfully earned it through that.”

    “Grandmaster,” spat Hinnerk. “An honour wasted on men like them! Why accept that, but deny everything else? They were offered knighthoods, estates, lordships – the kind of things people would kill for! What a waste, saying no to all that glitz and glory! Honours are wasted on people like them! People like me, who would actually use such power to its fullest – they belong to us! Not them!”

    “The people of Ozerograd would look at that a little differently,” Lillian snarked. “Tell that to them and see how far you get.”

    “You – ” Hinnerk stopped, realising he recognised the Sandslash. “You’re one of my grunts.” Realisation struck him then. “You double-crossing bitch! How dare you betray me!”

    “It would seem she was planning this all along,” Mikhail elaborated. “And it’s not just her. She has two accomplices with her who infiltrated the Thorned Roses. And they’re all beholden to someone they refer to as ‘the Chief’. …Someone who wishes to bring down the Thorned Roses, no doubt.”

    “You’re damn right,” Lillian proclaimed. “The Chief knows about all you’ve done here. But he knows about your activities in that plot seven years ago. All the more reason that the likes of you should be locked away forever.”

    “The Chief, huh?” Hinnerk growled. “A secret identity, I bet. Doesn’t matter! I know exactly who your ‘Chief’ is!”

    “Y-You do?” Arian said, panicked. Does he know? They wanted it to be a secret…Oh no, no, no…

    “Of course I do,” the Obstagoon replied, teeth bared in fury. “It’s that bastard Kallias! That’s who!”

    Both Arian and Elvira stiffened in an instant. Crap! He knows! the former thought.

    “Hah! It seems I’m right,” said Hinnerk, noticing the duo tense up. “Who else could it be? It all makes sense now. That’s why his little girl and her partner trekked all the way out here, escorted by a lackey of his. After five years of disappearing off the face of Ardalion, this is how that rat’s going to return and be the hero once again, by laying waste to my gang.” He curled his lips in a snarl. “That’s exactly the kind of scenario he’d enact. It’s too perfect. The bastard’s going to do just that.”

    “…” Elvira said nothing, so as not to risk giving anything away. But the Thorned Roses’ leader’s rant gave her food for thought. Is that really his plan? That does sound like something Dad would do…

    “But I know the perfect way to get revenge on him.” Hinnerk’s devilish grin returned once again. “Kallias is a prick who prides himself on being selfless. As long as the ones he loves are safe, that’s all that matters. …So what if his loving daughter were sent straight to hell’s gates?” He grinned evilly as he shot a leer at Elvira.

    “You’re going to kill Elvira?” Arian assessed, gritting his teeth in anger.

    “Of course! That would destroy Kallias more than anything, if his daughter were to die at my hands!” Hinnerk chortled. “It’s the perfect revenge! Not defeating him, but killing his little pride and joy! What better way to crush him than by snuffing your life out?”

    “That’s not going to happen,” Arian boldly declared, holding out his arm defensively in front of Elvira. “Not while I’m here. I won’t let you kill Elvira!”

    “So you’re her chosen partner, are you?” Hinnerk’s lips curled in disgust. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll kill you just the same. And you too, you traitorous wench!” he shouted at Lillian.

    “You monster,” Elvira said, shaking her fist. “Only a monster could talk about killing someone in as light a manner as you have. You’re the very reason mercenaries live and breathe.”

    “You’ve escaped justice for too long, Hinnerk!” Lillian said to him. “But you can’t run any longer!”

    Hinnerk looked down at the three, all with fiery and determined looks on their faces. He wasn’t impressed or even threatened by what he saw. The three before him were young, two of them barely even young adults. It was a typical example of the daredevil attitude of people their age, always rushing in without any sort of contingency plan for if things went wrong.

    The sight of it was pitiable, in his eyes. And so, knowing what he knew, he did the only thing he could find it in him to do.


    “Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” he guffawed. “Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” He had to hold his chest from how hard he was laughing.

    “And just what exactly is so funny?” demanded Arian, feeling his anger grow at the Obstagoon’s laughter.

    Lillian, however, looked from Hinnerk laughing his sides off to Mikhail, who was still smiling devilishly, and to Flora and Tamara, whose eyes were full of fear. All three of these made her realise something.

    They know something we don’t.

    “…You don’t even realise it, do you?” Hinnerk said, once he’d composed himself enough. “Are you forgetting who I am?”

    Where’s this confidence coming from? Elvira wondered. Soon enough, she also found herself thinking the same thought as Lillian: They know something.

    “You’re forgetting that I’m the leader of the Thorned Roses. And whenever I want to, I can summon men on a whim to serve my every need. Like right now.”

    Hinnerk then clicked his claws.

    “Come out, boys! It’s time to play!”

    And then, from the rooftops of the pierside houses behind Arian, Elvira and Lillian, a number of Thorned Roses appeared, and jumped down, landing on the pier’s approach. Their appearance prevented any path of escape for the three of them. And every one of them looked geared up and ready for a fight.

    All three’s previously determined faces faltered once they saw what situation they were in.

    “Heh.” Hinnerk smirked. “And just like that, your hope withers to nothing.”

    “Crap. This isn’t good,” Arian remarked, looking around him. “We’re in a bad situation here…”

    “Outnumbered and with no escape route,” Lillian agreed. “A right pickle, this is.”

    “…” Elvira felt similarly to her compatriots. Right now, it all seemed hopeless. Hinnerk had them cornered, and there was little chance of escape or victory through battling. She and Arian were only novices, and they faced a hardened criminal, his crafty tactician, and a horde of no less than six of his lackeys. Even with Lillian’s help, it would be an arduous challenge, to say the least. Was victory even possible?

    I hate being powerless.”

    Her own words came back to her, the same ones she’d spoken to Arian the day before in Cyan Cove. It reflected her very frustrations with her own hesitance; as Selenia descended into authoritarianism and Hinnerk took over Ozerograd, she could do nothing. And she had done nothing. She had simply watched, paralysed by her indecisiveness.

    Why do I have to be this way? she thought to herself. Why must I be the weak one? I vowed to become a mercenary, and even now…I’ve been frightened of the Thorned Roses and Hinnerk. I shouldn’t be doing this. A mercenary’s meant to be fearless. Images of her father flashed through her mind, his stories of returning from seemingly unwinnable matchups victorious coming back to her. He was the ultimate epitome of what a mercenary should be, in her eyes.

    A mercenary’s meant to bring justice to those who don’t know its meaning. People like him. Her gaze fell upon Hinnerk, the very person who’d caused all of the strife in her town for the last five years.

    When will this cycle end?”

    When someone stands up to him. Someone has to.”

    Her conversation with Arian when they were in Blossoming Meadow was also relayed back to her. Back then, she’d had that similar hesitance, for she had cited Hinnerk’s strength and the speed of his gang in putting down potential rebellions.

    But now, standing in front of him, different thoughts came to her mind.

    He’s my enemy. Him and all of his henchmen. They’ve terrorised the people of Ozerograd, evicted its people from their homes, made people disappear and now he’s kidnapped my best friends. And this drought of justice…it’s gone on for too long. It’s high time for him to be brought to his knees.

    “So what’s it to be?” Hinnerk said. “There’s only two choices, really. Either you fight me and I kill you. Or…you could get on your knees and beg. …Who knows? I might just take pity on you and let you live. Maybe even let you three be my personal servants. I could always use more servants for more…specialised purposes.” He looked over at Elvira and Lillian specifically, and gave his lips a salacious lick.

    “You’re sick!” Lillian shouted, understanding all the connotations and reacting accordingly.

    “Ignore him, Lillian,” Elvira said. Suddenly, her voice sounded more resolute and confident. An idea had made itself known in her head, and she sought to try it out. It’s risky, incredibly risky…but if it works, the odds may tilt a little more in our favour. “We don’t have to listen to the words of a weakling like him.”

    “Weakling?” And as desired, Hinnerk took the bait. “You’re calling me a weakling, you stupid girl?”

    “Yes, I am,” the Treecko replied, remaining calm and collected. “Look at your gang, for one thing. You have to hire all of these men to keep your power in check. Are you sure it’s not just a way of compensating for your weakness?”

    “You’re calling me weak?” the Obstagoon growled. “Do you have any idea who you face? I’m the boss of the Thorned Roses! You should be cowering in fear before me!”

    “But I’m not,” Elvira pointed out. “Because I know your secret. You’re not really that powerful, are you? You’re just a pushover who hides behind his henchmen and creates a climate of fear to disguise the fact that you have no strength at all.”

    “Hey! Don’t talk shit about the Boss, you bitch!” called out one Thorned Rose, an Electabuzz.

    “Yeah! He overthrew the lord of this place!” piped up another, a Primeape. “Someone weak couldn’t possibly do that!”

    “Oh yes, they could,” argued Lillian, who saw what Elvira’s plan was and decided to join in. “Selenian lords aren’t a strong lot. If they’re crafty enough, even a weak idiot like Hinnerk would be able to sneak in and assassinate the lord. And I know for a fact that Mikhail was by his side at the time. Surely you’re not denying that, are you?” she asked, aiming the question at the Seviper.

    “You’re bluffing,” Mikhail replied, dodging the question. “Is this what you’ve stooped to? Realising victory is impossible, you take to hurling false insults at the Boss?” He gave an angry hiss. “Why must traitors and rebels be such a troublesome lot?”

    “Oh, really? You think we’re bluffing?” By this stage, Arian had understood Elvira’s plan as well. “Then prove it! If you’re so strong, then you should easily be able to wipe the floor with us, without any help from your men! Go on! I dare you! I double dare you, Hinnerk!”

    “…Grrr…you…” the Obstagoon snarled, his teeth bared in anger. Who does this Riolu think he is? That wench sure found an irritating partner to side with. …I could just send the men against them, but…no. All three of them…I want to make them suffer. Each and every one of them. A traitor, an irritant, and Kallias’s spawn. They don’t know for one minute who they’re dealing with.

    And if all else fails and I am somehow beaten…I do have two back-up plans in mind. Hinnerk grinned evilly. That’d make the boldness fade from their eyes and let despair take its place.

    “…So you believe I’m weak, do you?” Hinnerk said, a challenging glare in his eyes. “How about I show you just how wrong you are? I’ll play along with your little game. And you three will all know what a mistake you’ve made in challenging me.” He looked across to the Thorned Roses behind the trio. “Stand by, men. I’ll handle these runts.”

    “Yes, Boss!” yelled one of them, a Fraxure.

    “Beat them! Show ’em why you’re the Boss around here!” another one, an Umbreon, seconded.

    “You can do it, Boss!” encouraged another, a Golbat. “They’re nothing compared to you!”

    While they were doing, and Hinnerk was soaking in the acclamation of his men, Elvira leaned over to Arian.

    “Listen, Arian. I know this may not be the best time, but…” Her voice dropped to a whisper as she said something to him.

    “That’s a good idea, Elvira,” the Riolu whispered back, his eyes lighting up at her suggestion. “We’ll try that when we beat him. But do you think we can win?”

    “I’m really not sure,” the Treecko admitted. “In fact, I don’t know if we can win. …But we have to try. As you said, someone has to stand up to him. And are you willing to lay down and surrender to someone like him?”

    “No way in hell,” denied Arian. “I’ll fight till the end.”

    “And so will I,” Lillian added. “We won’t stand for this anymore. It’s about time he was brought to his knees. And I want a slice of that pie.”

    “Thanks, Lillian. Glad you have our backs,” Elvira responded gratefully.

    “Hey! You gonna fight me or what?” Hinnerk’s voice broke through their conversation. “You’ve had enough time for a pep talk!”

    “Oh, don’t worry. We were ready all this time,” assured Lillian.

    “Bring it on, Hinnerk!” Arian yelled. “We’re going to bring you down, right here and right now!”

    “This is for Ozerograd!” Elvira called. “This is for all the people who’ve had to live under your cruel reign.

    “Tch. Look at them.” Hinnerk then turned to Mikhail, who was watching the bound Tamara off to the side. “Look after the girls, Mikhail. Make sure they don’t escape while we’re not looking.”

    “With pleasure,” the Seviper obliged.

    “Good.” The Obstagoon then turned back to the trio, and looked down on them with a sneer. “Arrogant brats. You’ll know your place soon enough. You’ll know the terror that is Hinnerk, leader of the Thorned Roses.”

    Another chapter that I planned to have more content in it. However, I’ve decided to leave what was to be the ending for this chapter for next time, where we shall see how the fight with Hinnerk turns out, along with the resolution of some other mysteries.

    The team name wasn’t something I forgot to mention; I intended it to be something unmentioned until now. At some point in the future, it’ll be revealed. When? And what’s the team name? Well…wait and see.

    With Team A&E, I was intending to get across that ‘A&E’ means ‘Accident and Emergency’, and I was trying to get across a faint remembrance by Arian that he associated these two letters with that, given that he’s a human.

    Looking back, I find it a tad ironic that Elvira calls Hinnerk a monster and yet she’s the one in the Monster egg group. Isn’t it great when we write irony without realising it at first? I’m rather proud of that.

    That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.


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