The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Arian, Elvira and Tamara return back to the house. Once there, Elvira makes her decision whether she will take Arian up on his offer.

    New information comes to Arian as well about a gang known as the Thorned Roses, along with their suspicious activity.

    “…And so that’s what Electric-types are all about! Fast, fleet-footed, quick – just like lightning itself!” Tamara proudly finished, an eager grin on her face.

    “…Okay, I see…So that’s what Electric-types are mostly like. …Remind me: how many types did you say there were again?” Arian asked.

    “About eighteen. …Well, eighteen discovered types at the least. We have a list of them back at home for you to remember,” Elvira told him.

    “I’ll check it out later,” Arian promised.

    The journey out of the Mystery Dungeon had been one of information to the resident amnesiac. As they were leaving the grove, Arian feared having to go through the Mystery Dungeon again, but Elvira informed him that once at the grove, one could simply walk out of the woods as if the dungeon did not exist. However, to get back to the grove, one had to traverse through the Mystery Dungeon again. Luckily, they were all finished with the Dungeon, anyway.

    As they got back to the main road, Arian inquired about types to Elvira. Tamara, who was aware of his amnesia, was all too happy to help explain the classifications of Pokémon to him. After some explanation, the Riolu felt he had a better grasp of the topic.

    As that conversation closed, the three exited the woods, and made their way back to the road. Mostly, Elvira and Tamara talked amongst themselves, leaving Arian to observe his surroundings. The green fields, the plethora of trees, the bright blue sea – all of it, he gazed at with wonderment. The view was enhanced greatly by the sun beginning to set, casting the scenery in an alluring orange glow.

    This is beautiful, he thought to himself. Nice, rustic, unspoilt…Selenia’s a nice country, alright.

    “Whatcha thinking about, Arian?” Tamara asked, snapping the Riolu out of his senses.

    “Oh! Um…just taking in all of this scenery,” Arian answered. “It’s beautiful here…”

    “…You think? Here’s a bit par for the course, really,” the Pachirisu remarked. “I mean, it is beautiful, but…there’s better. This isn’t really anything to write home about in my book. …Maybe it’s because I’ve lived in it all my life. If I was from a desert land like Alba, I’d probably call this bewitching.”

    “If this is stunning to you, Arian,” Elvira said to him. “You’ll probably gawp at most of what Ardalion has to offer. At least from what Dad told me growing up. There’s a lot I haven’t seen, either…”

    “All the more reason for you to become a mercenary duo with Arian, Ellie!” Tamara encouraged. “You’ll see lots of places!”

    “Like I said, Tam: I need time to think it over at home.” Elvira looked down the road. “Not far now.”

    It wasn’t long before the trio found themselves at the small path leading to Elvira’s house. They went up the path, and as they approached the house, they saw Flora and Zenobia outside, sitting on the grass and taking in the sunset. Their expressions brightened upon seeing the three of them.

    “There you are!” Flora exclaimed. “I was really beginning to get worried…What took you so long?”

    “Sorry about that,” apologised Elvira. “We had to scour every floor of the place to look for Tamara, and it turned out she was in the grove at the end. That’s why we took a while. Plus, there were also some ruffians from the Thorned Roses there, and we had a bit of a skirmish with them.”

    “Oh dear! Are you hurt, Elvira? Arian?” Zenobia fretted.

    “A few cuts and bruises,” admitted Arian. “But nothing a few oran berries can’t patch up. We’re fine, really.”

    “I also got more berries for us,” Elvira said, holding up the sack she had been carrying. “I’ll make a berry stew tonight with some of them, and the rest of them we can stockpile.”

    “Good thinking. It is nearing dinnertime,” Zenobia said.

    “I’ll just put this bag inside. It’s, er, quite heavy.” Without waiting for a response, Elvira went inside.

    “And she’s off,” Tamara said. “Always keeping herself busy…Does she rest? Is that why she hasn’t come out to visit us in a while?”

    “Pretty much,” Flora answered. “She’s been looking after her mom since she broke her leg.”

    “She worries a lot, and I fear it may not be healthy for her,” Zenobia replied. “I’m not incapable of doing things with a broken leg. But she insists on doing everything herself. I don’t blame her want to be independent, but…not if it’s detrimental to her.”

    “She could have someone help her around the house, at least,” Arian proposed.

    “Yeah, like you, Arian,” Tamara replied. “Oh, by the way, you two.” Flora and Zenobia turned her way. “Arian and Ellie are gonna – “

    “Wait, Tamara! Let’s not reveal it here!” the Riolu protested. “How about…over dinner, maybe?”

    “Oh! Right, sorry,” the Pachirisu apologised.

    “…You and Elvira are doing something together?” Flora asked. “Hmm…” She sounded sceptical.

    “Flora? What’s wrong?” Tamara asked.

    “A bunch of things, Tam! Like the human part. Explain that.” The Petilil turned that on Arian. “What’s that all about?”

    “”Wait, what? H-How do you know that?” the Riolu said, taken aback.

    “I told her while you were gone,” Zenobia confessed. “She was brimming with curiosity as to just who you were, Arian.”

    “I was. …And…not gonna lie, some of the stuff you said sounds a bit ridiculous,” Flora admitted. “Like, being a human once? Washing up on the shore just here? Losing your memories? I mean, no offence, but it doesn’t exactly sound like the most believable story.”

    “…It’s the truth,” Arian replied, sighing inwardly in acceptance that his tale did sound a tad far-fetched. “I promise I’m not lying to you. Please…it’s the absolute truth,” he pleaded.

    His eyes begged her to believe. But Flora still wore a sceptical look on her face, not entirely sure whether to trust the amnesiac or not.

    “…Come on, Flora. Why not trust him?” Tamara encouraged. “He helped Ellie all the way through the Mystery Dungeon to help save me, and fought alongside her really well against those thugs. Yeah, his story’s a bit patchy. But so what? What if it is real? If it is, then we shouldn’t push Arian away.”

    “Quite right,” Zenobia agreed. “Consider his position. He doesn’t have anywhere else to go, nor does he have any other contacts because of his amnesia. .Someone like that needs help, Flora. Would you really leave someone in need like that by the wayside?”

    “…I…N-No, I wouldn’t,” agreed the Petilil. “And you did save Tamara and help Elvira, Arian. I guess…I can trust you.” She still sounded unsure, though. Arian felt disappointed he couldn’t fully get through to her.

    However, his thoughts on this were interrupted when Elvira opened the front door.

    “Arian,” she requested. “How about you help me make dinner?”

    “Oh, uh, sure,” Arian obliged. “I’d be glad to help.” He got up and followed the Treecko inside.

    “…They are good partners,” Tamara observed. “They’ll definitely make a great tea…” She cut herself off in realisation of what she was about to say.

    “Make a great…what? Team?” Flora guessed.

    “Er, yeah. But that’s not important!” the Pachirisu quickly replied. “You heard Arian. Wait till dinner before they reveal it.”

    “The two of them together?” Zenobia sounded interested. “I’d like to hear it myself. Just what could it be?”

    “…I think I’m noticing a pattern with your tastes in berries, Arian,” Elvira said to Arian, as the two were preparing the berry stew. As they were doing so, the Treecko decided to cut a small portion off each variety of berry for her soon-to-be mercenary partner to sample. Of the six varieties she had chosen, Arian took quite a liking to the cheri, pecha and oran berries, found the chesto and rawst berries alright, and took a dislike to the aspear berries.

    “Do you?” Arian queried.

    “Yes. It might only be a hunch, but I think you tend to like the spicy and sweet berries and dislike the sour and bitter ones,” Elvira surmised. “So you like spicy and sweet flavours…That’s one more thing to write up about you.”

    “…I see. Well, that’s good and all, but…let’s not get distracted from making the stew.” Arian’s attention turned back to the pot, where their stew was bubbling nicely. “It wouldn’t be good if it burned.”

    “No, indeed. In fact…” Elvira looked into the pot. “That’s pretty much ready. I’ll just taste some to be sure.” She took a nearby spoon, and brought the hot mixture to her lips. “…Mmm…it’s nice. And definitely ready to eat. You go call the others, while I serve up here.”

    “Will do,” Arian obliged, and left the kitchen to inform the other three of dinner being ready.

    Once he’d left, Elvira couldn’t help but let her mind wander. Do we make a good team? she thought to herself. Arian’s dependable, and listens well. That’s what you need in a partner. Hmm… She considered this in the debate in her mind about whether to accept the Riolu’s offer, as she laid out five bowls of berry stew on the table..

    “…Oh, this smells great!” Tamara chirped, as she came into the kitchen behind Arian, and in front of Flora and Zenobia.

    “Indeed, it does,” Zenobia agreed. “Elvira’s cooking has been rather delicious over the past few weeks. I doubt this will be any different.” She took her place at the table, along with the other four Pokémon in the room.

    Immediately, Tamara picked up her spoon and took in a mouthful of stew.

    “Mmm mmm mmm,” she murmured. “This is tasty! Nice job, Ellie! And Arian, too,” she added, making sure not to leave out the Riolu.

    “It’s nothing special,” Elvira downplayed. “It’s just a regular berry stew with what I picked in the grove in Verdant Woods.”

    “It’s still delicious,” Zenobia replied, after trying a mouthful herself. “I meant what I said yesterday, Elvira; you have good cooking skills. It’s a good skill to have in life. And you’ve really honed that craft over the past few years. Even if you have worried yourself too much about me, to the point of doing all the housework yourself.”

    “It’s fine, Mom. I can handle it,” defended Elvira.

    “But even so…you could use a helping hand. Like Arian. Or…perhaps one of your friends?” the Heliolisk suggested.

    “I’d be up for it,” Tamara said. “Especially, because…you know.” She gestured to Arian and Elvira. “Come on, you two! Now’s the time to reveal it!”

    “Now this, I’m curious about. What exactly are you two planning?” Zenobia asked curiously.

    “Well…” Elvira paused, considering her words. “…After rescuing Tamara from Verdant Woods, Arian proposed something to me. He wants to form a partnership with me, helping people in need, finding lost items, gathering materials…that sort of thing. Essentially, being mercenaries in all but name.”

    “Mercenaries?” That caught Zenobia’s attention.

    “Yes, Mom. And I’m torn over it. On the one hand, I want to help people, especially now that there’s more people than ever that need help. And I’d be doing what Dad always wanted me to do, only without the Guild part. But on the other hand…there’s a very real possibility we could be found out. As well as that…” She looked over at Arian. “…You’re a good person, Arian. But we haven’t done enough together as a duo to say we necessarily have good chemistry.”

    “…I see what you mean.” The human couldn’t hide the hint of disappointment in his voice. “You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to. It’s perfectly alright if you say no.”

    “I want another opinion.” Elvira turned back to her mother. “What do you think of it, Mom?”

    “Hmmm…” Zenobia considered what she’d been told. “This is most interesting. Mercenaries in all but name? …That could work. I do understand why you’re worried, of course, Elvira. But…I think you should accept Arian’s offer. To become what you want to be, and to have a partner of your own. Sometimes that’s the most difficult part of starting a team. Not every team could be like your father and Melchior.”

    “Melchior?” That was a new name to Arian.

    “Melchior was the partner of Kallias. The two of them worked together on missions, and were among the greatest of companions,” Zenobia explained.

    “They were amazing,” Elvira continued, the shine in her eyes returning. “My dad and Melchior were two of the greatest mercenaries that Ardalion has ever seen. There are probably very few people who don’t know who they are. They’re that famous. They’re also one of the only mercenary teams that have ever reached Grandmaster Rank, which is the greatest achievement a mercenary can ever hope to have. We still have the honours in the cellar, don’t we, Mom?”

    “We do. Your father was a humble man, but there were times he was willing to make an exception for an extravagant occasion,” Zenobia replied. “Achieving Grandmaster Rank was one of those times. Few things rivalled the pride in his eyes when he received it. To think it’s been seven years already…time does fly.”

    “Grandmaster Rank? What’s that?” Arian wondered. “Sounds extra special.”

    “It is. Mercenaries operated by rank, starting with Normal Rank and ending with Master Rank. But only a few have ever achieved Grandmaster Rank. You’d have to do something super exceptional to have even half a chance at achieving it,” Elvira answered.

    “I see. …But that ranking system wouldn’t really apply to us, though, would it? Because we’d be unofficial.”

    “…I suppose. But if I accepted, I wouldn’t want fame and glory. If we did that, Mitrofan and his lackeys would be onto us pretty quick. Besides, helping people comes first.”

    “That’s fine. I can live with that. …So, will you do it?” Arian asked.

    “I think you should, Elvira. It would be good for you,” Zenobia encouraged. “You were always ambitious growing up. I’d hate to see those dreams become unrealised. At least this way, you can still go some way towards being a mercenary. It’s the spirit of the job that matters, not the title itself.”

    “It’s not like you’ll have a shortage of people to help,” Flora brought up. “There’s a lot of people in town that could use a helping hand or two.”

    “Plus…it would do wonders for your self-esteem,” the Heliolisk went on. “It would help you be more confident, and you would become stronger from traversing through Mystery Dungeons, mercenary-style. Who knows? Maybe taking this on would finally allow you to evolve. I know you’ve been feeling down about yourself lately. But hearing praise and thanks from others would give you the boost of confidence you need for yourself.”

    “Yeah, come on, Ellie!” Tamara said. “You don’t smile as much these days. And you were always happy as a kid, talking about your dad and how you really wanted to be come this super famous merc. Now’s the time! Arian’s thrown you a bone! Take it!”

    “I…” Elvira still felt unsure about whether to make this leap. There was still a lot that could go wrong if she went down this path. And certainly, even debating this in her mind, those fears spoke to her loud and clear.

    But hearing the encouraging words from her mother and her friends put a new perspective on it, reminding her of her childhood ambitions. She always remembered the confident look of her father, proudly regaling stories of his exploits as a mercenary to her whenever he came home. He was a happy man, Dad. Maybe…I could be happy too, if I accepted Arian’s offer.

    He said he’d look out for me. She looked over at her prospective partner. I’m still unsure. Still afraid of all that’s out there. But partners look out for each other. And maybe that’s what I’ve needed all this time: someone to shoulder my burdens and listen to my troubles, who isn’t just Mom.

    I’ve needed someone else. On my own, I’ve just…remained paralysed by my anxiety and fear of the unknown. …A mercenary’s meant to be fearless and laugh in the face of danger, but…I…I could barely get over these simple fears of mine…

    But no more. A determined look crossed her face. I can’t let this opportunity slip me by. Too many times in the past have I baulked and held myself back over my fears. But I won’t let them anchor me any more. She took a deep breath, and announced her decision.

    “I accept your offer, Arian.”

    “Oh, that’s great!” the Riolu cheered. “I knew you’d say yes in the end. Your mom said that all you needed was just a push in the right direction. I had a feeling this might’ve been it.”

    “Thanks for it. Maybe that was all I needed. And thanks to you all too,” Elvira said to the other three. “I’m glad to hear your feedback.”

    “No thanks necessary. We’re glad to help,” Zenobia replied. “It’s only natural for a mother to want the best for her child.”

    “And the same for friends too!” Tamara chirped. “We want you to be happy as well, Elvira.”

    “And we have problems in town that need solving,” Flora added. “With that brute Hinnerk and the Thorned Roses ruling the roost in Ozerograd, things haven’t been easy for us in town. We could use some help in knocking them down a peg or two.”

    “There’s that name again,” Arian pointed out. “The Thorned Roses…who are they? I remember you said those two rogues we fought were a part of them, Elvira.”

    “I did say that,” Elvira recalled. “…The Thorned Roses are the name of a gang. When Mitrofan rose to power in Selenia, it didn’t take long for him to establish his control across the country. An ally of his, Hinnerk, took over Ozerograd – that’s the town nearest to us, and quite a major town in Selenia – and now rules the area with an iron fist. He created this gang known as the Thorned Roses, who effectively help him to keep his power in check.”

    “They’re a bunch of bullies, that’s what!” Tamara voiced angrily. “They charge us sky-high rents in the town, far greater than the previous lord used to charge. But worse than that, there are regular cases of intimidation from them to us as we go about our daily business. You know what I mean, right, Flora?”

    “…One of them checked me out one day,” Flora said, her lip curled in revulsion. “Disgusting. You couldn’t pay me to go out with one of them.”

    “I’ve heard more sinister things as well,” Zenobia brought up. “Some people have mysteriously vanished from the public eye after confronting the Thorned Roses. In town, and in the surrounding countryside as well.”

    “That’s right.” Tamara’s face grew serious. “Dad even knew a few of them. Some of them couldn’t pay their rent. Other ones crossed Hinnerk personally. They just disappear, like they were never there to begin with.”

    “Wait, what? I was thinking they were just some gang,” Arian replied, not expecting this part from Tamara. “You mean they abduct people? Do you think they…murder them?”

    “…They might well do,” murmured Elvira. She looked discouraged.

    “Oh dear…I didn’t realise,” the Riolu mumbled glumly. “But…that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help the townsfolk. Like Tamara said, they would appreciate any kind of help right now.”

    “Agreed. They come first. I hate to say it, but kicking the Thorned Roses out of town is a distant dream at the moment,” Elvira admitted, downcast. “I want them gone too, but we must know our limits in what we can accomplish. We’re only beginners in this, after all.”

    “Right.” Arian looked down in disappointment.

    “…Hey, come on, you two,” Tamara encouraged, seeing their downcast expressions. “Don’t get down in the dumps. Us townsfolk are stronger than you think. We’ve tolerated them for a good five years now. We can resist those brutes for a good while longer. Someday, their end will come. Don’t allow them to stomp on your dreams.”

    “You’re right, Tam,” Elvira replied. “We can’t let fear keep us down. That’s what they’d want.”

    “Maybe we can get to the bottom of that mystery,” Arian suggested, mind still on the mysterious vanishing of people. “If we work together, we might be able to see just what’s happening underneath the surface.”

    “Agreed. That can’t go on. We need to put a stop to them.” Elvira turned to Arian, and held out her hand. “Together?”


    They shook. The handshake was a strong, confident one; and for Elvira, it brought on a great sense of relief and satisfaction. After years of hesitancy, she was ready to move on and make the first step her dad always wanted her to make.

    “…Are we all finished?” Elvira suddenly asked, changing the subject back to dinner. Looking around at the table, everyone’s bowl had been just about licked clean, and the pot was similarly running on empty. “Okay. I’ll clean up here.”

    “Let me help,” Arian volunteered. “You said we mightn’t have enough teamwork chemistry. Let’s get around to fixing that.”

    “…You have a point. Thanks, Arian.” With that, Elvira went to the washing basin, followed by her new partner.

    As they were washing the plates, Arian looked out the window.

    “It’s getting pretty dark out there,” he noted, and indeed it was; the evening sun had mostly set, and it was now twilight. Night was soon to follow.

    “Oh, it is,” Elvira noted, looking out herself. “…Travelling at night’s perilous. You two shouldn’t go back to town tonight. Especially given what we just talked about. Stay with us instead.”

    “Sure!” Tamara accepted. “It’s been ages since we last had a sleepover. Let’s talk about girl things in your room when we’re done, Ellie!”

    “…I’d be up for that.” A small smile crossed the Treecko’s face.

    “There’s extra bedrolls in the guest room,” Zenobia mentioned. “Arian, could you get them when you’re done?”

    “Sure thing,” Arian said, as he finished cleaning a bowl. “I’ll do it now, actually. We’re pretty much done.” With that, he marched off to the guest room.

    “We’ll wait for you, Ellie,” Tamara said, before she and Flora went down to Elvira’s room, leaving the Treecko and her mother alone.

    “”…Hey, Mom?” Elvira said.

    “Yes, dear?”

    “…I never thought about it until now, but…I’m very lucky.” She scooched closer to her mother. “I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many helpful people. Flora, Tamara, Arian, you…you’ve all helped me so much today. I really don’t deserve all this…”

    “Hush, Elvira.” Zenobia pulled her only child into a hug. “Don’t think thoughts like that. Just promise me one thing. Promise me that when you become a mercenary, you never forget the kindness that can be mustered by people out of reciprocity. If you are kind to others, they will return that kindness. Your father knew this all too well.”

    “…Okay, Mom. I’ll remember that,” Elvira promised. She remained in her mother’s embrace until Flora and Tamara had finished cleaning and turned to see the mother and daughter hugging one another.

    “D’aww,” Arian remarked. “That’s cute. You two are really close, aren’t you?”

    “We are. And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Zenobia replied. “What mother wouldn’t love her daughter? Any that would treat their children cruelly have no heart.”

    Arian couldn’t help but notice her tone to be a tad peculiar, as if she spoke from experience. He wanted to inquire, but thought better of it.

    “I love you, Mom,” Elvira hugged her mother tighter.

    “And I love you too, Elvira.” Zenobia leaned down to give her daughter a kiss. “Now then. I wouldn’t keep your girls’ night with Flora and Tamara waiting. I would also like to speak with Arian.”

    “Okay. Night, Mom!” The Treecko left the kitchen.

    “Night, Elvira,” Arian said to her as she left. He then turned to Zenobia. “…So, uh. What did you want to speak to me about?”

    “You are to be Elvira’s partner from tomorrow,” the Heliolisk began. “As her mother, I want you to look after her for me. I want to be a good partner for her, to listen to her woes, to be by her side, and never to abandon her. I know my daughter well – she is of a sound mind and knows the difference between right and wrong. But she can be overly stoic, and keep silent about issues that eat away at her. …I still remember when her father disappeared. She barely spoke a word to me in the weeks that followed, and even once her initial sadness faded, she still mostly kept her problems to herself.

    “The biggest problem for her was what she’s been telling you; she was conflicted about following in her father’s footsteps. But she kept those issues to herself for the first few years, and it took her some time before she spoke to me in length about her inner turmoil. …That attitude of bottling things up inside…It isn’t healthy, and I fear it may carry on into her life as a mercenary.”

    “I see. Well, don’t worry. I’ll try and get her to open up more,” Arian promised. “Communication’s a good thing for a team to have, right? I’ll work on that.”

    “And the same with you too, Arian,” Zenobia went on. “Don’t hide your own emotions from Elvira. Confide in her as you want her to confide in you. With time, hopefully Elvira will become more open and willing to share secrets with you.”

    “You don’t have to worry, Zenobia,” the Riolu said. “I’ll look after Elvira for you.”

    “”Thank you, Arian.” Zenobia bent down slightly, and as best she could, pulled the amnesiac into a hug. “…I always wanted Elvira to have another companion. A sibling, to be specific. It’s a shame Kallias and I could never manage another beyond her. And with him gone, Elvira’s the only proper family I have left. If something happened to her, I…I don’t know what I would do…”

    “Don’t worry. I’ll keep Elvira safe. I promise,” he pledged, a determined look on his face.

    “…You are too kind. Elvira was truly lucky to find someone like you on that beach.” Zenobia, after saying this, released her grip on the embrace with Arian. “Well, Arian, what will you do now this evening?”

    “…I might go to bed,” Arian replied. “Today was a long day, and I learned a lot of new things.” A yawn escaped him after saying this. “Yeah…definitely a long day…”

    “That’s fine. I’ll be reading in the sitting room if you need me,” Zenobia informed. “Call if you need anything.” She then headed out of the room with her crutches aiding her all the way.

    Arian headed to the guest room, where he had woken up that morning. He got into the bed, and pulled the covers over him. He was tired and ready to go to sleep, but at the same time, his mind was on tomorrow.

    There’s a lot of bad stuff out there, by the sounds of it. These Thorned Roses and their disappearing acts, and beyond that, Mitrofan and his knights. Probably more beyond that. But…whatever struggles come to Elvira and I…we’ll confront them together.

    Together…as a team.

    Soon, the amnesiac human was fast asleep.

    Little was he aware…of the events that were to precipitate in his life in this world, beginning from tomorrow.


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    1. Mar 10, '24 at 9:35 am

      Hello there! Came to drop a review for chapters 3 and 4. I enjoyed these two chapters a lot more than I did with the first two, I gotta say. Having Arian and Elvira go to the first dungeon was pretty entertaining, and you actually wrote the dungeon crawling part in a way that’s not tedious to read. Since, you know, many fics have this issue of making dungeon crawling a long and boring filler that has random enemy encounters and no interesting plot going on, but you went straight to the point, showing a couple of battles but being brief about them and with the sole purpose of showing Arian discovering his moves and the world he ended up in. So yeah, that part was really good.

      Those Thorned Roses guys seem like they’re going to be the evil team in this story, or at least for now… That’s a good way to introduce them, reminds me of how you fight two members of Team Skull in the first dungeon in explorers. So far, it feels like our protagonists know what they’re doing, but at the same time they’re going against something that’s too big for just a couple of beginners. It makes you feel hopeless, but I know they’ll manage. Eventually. Elvira’s friends were interesting. I like Tamara, she’s nice and supportive even with Arian, who she just met, and I’d like to see her being there for this story, even if she’s not part of the team. I don’t like Flora that much because she doubted my precious riolu >:( but still, nice cast of characters you got here.

      There’s only one thing that bothers me, and that’s the fact that so far Arian seems too focused on helping and supported Elvira and seems like he’s just there for her and he’s not his own character yet. I wouldn’t say he feels like a “perfect” character, but I haven’t seen him thinking about himself yet. It’s like he’s the partner in the story, and maybe that’s the point for now. Maybe you’re even doing it on purpose to show how he doesn’t think much of himself for now, and he only knows how to please others. He was put so much pressure when Zenobia talked to him at the end, and he was like “don’t worry, I’ll take care of her, don’t worry, I’ll do this, don’t worry blablabla” but Is he really alright with everything? He’s not worried about the danger? Or not knowing about himself? Why is he just so sure he’s going to be okay? He’s not scared about the Thorned Roses? I just don’t get Arian right now, but maybe I’m getting ahead of myself since there was a similar issue with Ari in Powered Investigations where people thought he was too perfect at first but it was a matter of time that you ended up seeing the cracks in that facade. It’s probably the same here.

      Well, it’s a really nice story so far, and seems like it’s only going to get better from now on, now that they’re becoming “mercenaries”! I’m excited to see where this goes. ^^

    2. Feb 16, '24 at 11:46 pm

      Dual Wills Chapter 4

      A very laid-back chapter. After the events of chapter 3, most of this chapter is just dialogue. And it’s a lot of dialogue. It’s also a pretty important moment in the story because this is when Arian and Ellie’s journey starts.

      For some reason I thought this chapter was a lot longer, though that might’ve been me confusing it with the last one. With that in mind, I think the chapter would have benefitted from a lot more introspection, and maybe even a bit of internal conflict. Considering all of the dangers mentioned in this chapter alone, I was really wondering if Ellie’s mom was worried at all.

      Like, of course she is, but there’s next to no pushback to her daughter leaving home. I guess because that’s what she wanted – my issue has more to do with the fact that it seemed like her mother already made up her mind.

      Ellie puts some thought into it, I will say. She was also very much encouraged to go through with it by everyone in the room. Maybe not to the extent that she was pushed into it, but I was expecting a bit more self-doubt on her part.

      All that being said, this was a sweet chapter. There’s definitely a bit of a romantic undertone to waiting to reveal their plans, putting emphasis on their chemistry, and having the other characters egg them on. Funnily enough Adrian seems kinda clueless about that though lol. He just really wants to get this team started, I can understand.

      In general the one thing I was hoping for with this chapter was a bit more introspection, but for what it is I think you did a good job. There were a few lore tidbits here and there as well, a bit more sparse compared to the first chapter, at least. I recall someone mentioning that Dual Wills has fire emblem vibes and yeah, I’m starting to see it. The characters have a journey to start, so better not to dwell on it for too long. They need to start recruiting other lords, after all.

      Hopefully with the next chapter things will start to pick up and we can start to see more of the world. See you when I get back around to that.