The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    After their duel against Chief Uther and the Annwynites, Team Elpis and Prince Leonid find themselves confronted with the whims of a traitor.

    Chapter 31

    Dálriada Dust-up

    There was silence, before a rough, Dálriadan burr spoke.

    Enough o’ yer shite, prionnsa! Yvvie’ll be bringin’ did back ‘fore I talk tae an Annie like him!”

    That voice!” Arian looked back at the cave entrance, now realising they were not alone. There stood a number of clansmon, most of whom looked familiar. Horribly familiar.

    A black Tauros, who gave a snort and rapped his hoofs against the ground in preparation for combat.

    A Bombirdier, with a sickening smirk spread across her beak…and Elvira’s bag in her apron.

    And standing out amongst them…

    was an Excadrill, draped in chieftain’s garb.

    Leonid, upon seeing this, only shook his head at the sight.

    How did I know you would betray us, Chief Eilidh?”

    “Heh. Yer a sharp ‘un.” Eilidh smirked.

    “Chief Eilidh! Wh-What are you doing here?” Elvira said.

    “And why did you do all this?!” Arian gestured around them at the fallen stalactites. “You could’ve killed us!”

    “That was the plan, wean,” Eilidh said. “Get ye an’ th’ Annies outta the picture.”

    “Why us?! We’re literally helping you!”

    “Och aye. An’ then off wi’ ye. Ye never had a choice tae begin with!” A wicked smile crossed the Excadrill’s face. “Then I can give yer corpses tae Ol’ Mitt, and I’ll be able tae git him on me side!”

    “Mitt?” Elvira froze upon hearing that name.

    “Aye! Alba’s fallin’ tae shit ’cause of that dunderheid in Breffy!” Eilidh shouted, her smile turning to a snarl, raising her drill-fist in anger. “I’d do better as banríon! I’d git Mitt an’ the Sèilìnich tae actually help us instead of sittin’ on me arse!”

    The Excadrill’s expression then turned wicked again.

    “An’ what better way tae hook up with that metaller than givin’ yer heads tae ‘im? I even brought an old friend for ye!”

    The Excadrill stood aside to let a new face take the stage. A Nidoqueen stepped forward – one that was all too familiar to the Selenians.

    “M-Marshal Ludmila?” Arian gasped in shock.

    “Wh-What’s she doing-” Elvira said, before being cut off by a cry of outrage from Leonid.

    You!” The Bisharp pointed a blade at the Nidoqueen marshal. “You vile traitor! How dare you show your face here!”

    “How immature,” came Ludmila’s reply. “Is this what the heir of House Ruslan has been reduced to? I’d shudder to think what Selenia would think if they saw you right now.”

    “I’ll kill you!” Leonid seethed. “I’ll bury you with my own two hands!” Before anyone else could react, he ran forward, his blades coated in dark energy. Ludmila saw the attack coming and held out her arm, blocking the incoming attack before pushing Leonid away.

    “Let me seize the prince,” Ludmila demanded. “If he’s dead, then he won’t be a problem anymore!”

    “‘Course, aye,” Eilidh permitted. “An’ us lot’ll git the bairns an’ the wee tommies.” She pointed to Arian, Elvira, and Carwyn. “Everyone else, handle th’ Annies!” she yelled to her clansmon that trailed her from behind.

    “Aye, Chief!” they shouted in unison, before breaking off to tackle any Annwynites that remained.

    “Careful with those three,” Ludmila warned. “They’re bound to have some tricks up their sleeve.”

    “Aye, aye, ya dinna need to bang oan aboot it,” Eilidh said, almost annoyed. “I’m no’ some sleekit div who snagged chief outta nothin’! I got it fair ‘n square! I did th’ tournament and I won! There wisnae any corrupt shite on my part! I’m no’ one of those chiefs! A true Alban – that’s me!”

    “Does a ‘true Alban’ betray those who they immediately ally with?” Leonid shook his head in disgust. “No matter their country, traitors remain the scum that they are.”

    “Fancy words coming from the traitor himself,” Ludmila sneered. “Enough talk. Time to crush you into oblivion!”

    “Not likely!” Leonid retaliated, before charging towards the Nidoqueen. His blades shone with a metallic light, and he slashed at his opponent.

    “Predictable.” Ludmila blocked the attack and retaliated with a punch, knocking the Bisharp back. She then stamped her foot, and Leonid suddenly felt the ground heat up beneath. He leapt back just as the Earth Power erupted through the ground.

    “Protect His Highness!” C’s voice pierced through the din, and the Falinks quickly moved to surround Leonid.

    “I can handle this myself!” Leonid said. “Protect Yuliya from these wretches!” He paused to block an incoming strike from Ludmila.

    “…As you wish.” C sounded reluctant, but nodded, and he and his troops marched over to Yuliya’s unconscious body.

    Meanwhile, Arian and Elvira saw the other three Dálriadans encroaching upon them, and got into battle stances.

    “Come on, Elvira! It’s time to fight!” Arian said.

    “Wait!” Elvira pleaded. “We need the bag!”

    “The bag can wait! We’re being attacked!” Arian said. “I’m not gonna sit around waiting to be killed!” He slammed his fists together, the aura surrounding them flaring up.

    “A-Arian!” Elvira cried.

    The Riolu dashed for Eilidh, his paws aflame with blue aura. The Excadrill’s expression remained smug as he drew closer, as her drills suddenly began to whirr.

    Right as Arian leapt into the air to strike her, she suddenly burrowed into the ground, leaving his fists to strike the earth instead. This left the Riolu wide open, and suddenly he found the wind being taken out of him by a charging Tauros, who slammed him with enough force to launch him into a fallen stalactite.


    But before he could even react to that, a pair of sharp talons suddenly took the air out of him. To his horror, he found the ground getting further away from him.


    “Don’t look down, dearie,” a sickeningly sweet voice crooned. Arian didn’t need to turn his head to see who it was; he could picture a gleeful sneer on Labhra’s beak in his mind.

    “H-Hey! Let go of me!” he yelled.

    “As you wish.”

    The Riolu suddenly realised what he’d said.

    “W-Wait, no-!”

    Labhra’s talons threw him downwards, and he landed on his front on the hard ground, a pained cry erupting from him.

    But before he could even process that, Eilidh suddenly burst out of the ground and ran her drill arms into him. Arian screamed in pain before the Excadrill thrusted her arm forward and threw him back into the water.

    He spied a faint splotch of red on the rocks by the water’s edge. B-Blood? Urgh…

    “Arian!” Elvira cried. In retaliation, she thrust a ball of green energy at Eilidh, which only lightly grazed the chief.

    “Dinnae harm Maw!” thundered Fionnlagh, before stamping his hoof and preparing another charge. He lunged for Elvira, but the Treecko managed to dodge out of the way in time.

    Right after that, Labhra swooped in with her wingspan full, intent on hitting Elvira with them. Her left wing slammed into the Treecko, knocking her back into a fallen rock. Seeing what had happened to Arian, she got up quickly before any of the three Dálriadans could take advantage of her position.

    She leapt over to where Arian had gotten up and out of the water. Her partner was looking worse for wear, sporting some bleeding wounds.

    “I’ll be fine,” he said, his breath laboured. He held up one of his fists, aglow in blue energy. “At least this fire’s burning brighter.”

    “We need to get the bag back,” Elvira said with a note of urgency. Labhra had taken to the air again, the Treecko’s bag still wrapped up in her apron.

    “I know, but look out!” Arian pointed to Fionnlagh, who was charging at them again.

    The Tauros’s stamping was easily predictable, and Team Elpis jumped out of the way in time. As he leapt, Arian fired a burst of aura at Fionnlagh, making the bull cry in pain.

    “Argh! Bastart!” Fionnlagh shouted. “Ye’ll pay fer that!” He lunged after Arian, snorting furiously with its hooves raised. The Riolu couldn’t dodge in time, and was knocked onto his back.

    “Ack!” Quickly, Arian moved to block with his fists. He held back the bull’s kick with all his strength until a quick Energy Ball from Elvira knocked Fionnlagh off-balance, which was in turn followed up by her partner with a thrust to his chest.

    Aaagh!” Fionnlagh cried out in pain. Arian didn’t let up, slamming his aura-covered fists into the Tauros repeatedly, not giving him a moment to breathe.

    But just as he was about to land another blow, an object suddenly exploded at his feet, and he found himself stuck to the spot.

    “Wh-What?! I can’t-!”

    Arian’s next words were cut off as Fionnlagh rammed his head intohim, sending him flying towards a fallen stalactite.

    “Agh! Oof…” The Riolu winced at the sudden impact. He fought to get up before his adversaries could take advantage of his downed state.

    Once he got up, however, his eyes caught a small object falling towards Elvira, which suddenly exploded on impact, eliciting a pained cry from the Treecko.

    Elvira!” Arian looked up, and a horrified look crossed his face once he saw where the blast seed had fallen from.

    Labhra was in the air, sifting through Elvira’s bag and throwing items at them from above.

    “H-Hey!” Arian yelled. “Stop! That’s our stuff!”

    “That makes it all the better, dearie!” Labhra crooned sickeningly. “Now how about this!” She threw a seed towards him, which the Riolu quickly dodged. He ran towards Fionnlagh, who was closing in on a wounded Elvira. Thinking of nothing but saving his partner, he charged electricity at his fists and leapt forward to strike…

    Only for another seed to hit him and burst, causing his vision to suddenly distort and his balance to become wobbly and unfocused.

    “Wh-What? Agh…” Arian mumbled, dizzy from the sudden impact of the totter seed. He staggered around, trying to get any sort of bearing on his surroundings.

    But he couldn’t make heads or tails of anything. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out two figures in front of him. Pokémon much taller than him, duelling, with some angry shouting mixed in with the din in front of him. Alas, his ears were ringing too, and he couldn’t make out their words. They both sounded familiar, though he couldn’t determine which of his allies or enemies they were.

    But he had to do something. I can’t let this get the better of me. I have to get back in the fray!

    Arian therefore leapt forward, and threw a blast of aura at his nearest opponent. A cry sounded, meaning his attack must have connected. A smile crossed his muzzle.

    But his victory was short-lived, as the ground suddenly erupted beneath him, spewing hot earth into him and throwing him forward, colliding with something metallic and sharp.

    “You imbecile! What do you think you’re doing, you mercenary rat?!”

    That angry yell snapped him out of his stupor. Blinking, Arian took in his surroundings, and froze once he realised where he was.

    “Take this, you traitor!”

    Before Arian could do anything, Leonid slashed him three times, knocking him to the ground once again.

    Ow ow ow!” The strikes were sharp, and Arian could feel the air biting at where the tsesarevich had cut. Once he regained his focus, he whirled around to face Leonid.

    “Why’d you attack me?!” he snarled, baring his teeth.

    “You attacked me first!” Leonid blasted. “Backstabber!”

    “You did indeed attack him,” Ludmila confirmed, who had moved closer to the intruder on her and Leonid’s duel. A fair few slashes adorned her hide, though for the most part the Nidoqueen was still holding up strong. Better than her opponent, who was panting in exertion and had a number of gouges along his armour.

    “You’re lying!” Arian yelled.

    “Oh no, she isn’t, little bairn!” Labhra chuckled from above. “I saw it too! You struck your dear princeling like he was one of us.”

    “I didn’t…! I didn’t attack him!” the Riolu pleaded. However…he couldn’t prevent doubt from creeping into his voice.

    He didn’t have any time to think before Labhra suddenly swooped down and grabbed his back again, lifting the Riolu into the air.

    “Ack!” Arian flailed to break free, as the bird soared high into the air. “No no no! Not this-“

    The Bombirdier then flung him across the cave.


    He landed hard, his body meeting hard stone. A worrying crack sounded as he hit the ground.

    Argh! Ow…ow…” Arian groaned. He’d definitely broken something with that landing, but he couldn’t quite determine what, with how his entire body screamed out in agony. Pain was shooting through his left arm, and blood oozed from a new wound that had appeared with the landing. His sight was blurring, his ears were ringing, and it wasn’t even from a totter seed this time.

    This was the worst pain he had ever felt. Not even the beatings he suffered from Hinnerk, Mitrofan, and Metody rivalled this.

    Arian struggled to get back on his feet, and though he fought to keep the pain to the back of his mind, that proved impossible. The physical agony was very much real, and he couldn’t just ignore it like a simple scratch.

    “He’s all yours, Chief!”

    The Riolu barely registered Labhra’s call to her chieftain. But immediately, the last person he wanted to see in that moment suddenly burrowed up from the ground in front of him.

    Chief Eilidh, wearing a sinister smirk at the sight of her cornered prey.

    “Got ya now.” The Excadrill grinned victoriously. “That’ll teach a wee barra like ye tae tussle with me!”

    “No…” Arian could feel the adrenaline leaving him. That burst of aura power he had gotten during the fight with Uther was also dwindling. The aura around his fists, once a fire that burned brightly, was now akin to a dimming flame.

    Fighting two Alban chiefs back to back had taken its toll. That power, whatever it was, appeared to have a limit, and adrenaline could only keep him going for so long.

    Please…I can’t die here. Images flashed in his mind of the Guild, and the bonding moments he had shared with each of the teams. What about the mission? I can’t…

    “Arian!” Elvira cried in terror. She tried to run towards him, but Labhra swooped down and smacked her with a wingbeat, before holding her under her talons.

    “Stay where you are, girlie,” she taunted. “Stay and watch your little friend be mauled by our chief.”

    “N-No! Let me go!” Elvira struggled, but the Bombirdier’s grip held tightly enough to choke her.

    Arian sensed the looming figure of Eilidh over him, and the winding noise of her drills. He shut his eyes and prepared for the inevitable.

    However…it didn’t happen.

    Instead, he felt a huge rush of wind. Next minute, a cry of pain from his attacker.

    Urgh! What?!”

    Arian’s eyes shot open. To his shock, Eilidh had been blown back several feet, and she sported several new cuts all over her body. Labhra’s slimy smirk had faded, and anger took its place.

    “Who dares?!” the bird cawed.

    “What cad did this?!” Eilidh raged.

    There was silence initially, before a new voice spoke.

    “I cannot allow you to endanger Fate with your reckless actions, Chief Eilidh.”

    “That voice…!” Arian said. He’d heard that voice before. It was familiar to him – awfully familiar.

    A white-furred quadruped Pokémon entered his vision. A green and gold cape was draped across their back with a distinguishable cross-wheel insignia on either side. A silver tiara rested atop their head, and a long crescent scythe protruded from the right side of their head, tipped with gold at the end.

    It was an Absol. Their eyes briefly met his, before turning back to their enemy. But that brief glance was all Arian needed to confirm his suspicions.

    “I-It’s you!” he stammered. “You’re that fortune teller!”

    “Fortune teller?” Labhra uttered in disgust. “What sort of lies are you telling?”

    “Bloody kirkmon talkin’ shite again!” Eilidh thundered. “A liar an’ a mangy bitch! That’s what ya are…Cathbad Bhán Ní Riagáin!”

    What?!” Arian cried, recognising the name. “Y-You’re the Archdruid?!”

    “That, I am,” Cathbad said, before flicking their mane fur and turning back to Eilidh and Labhra. “Now then. Let these threats to Fate earn the just punishment they deserve.”

    Art by Bograbbit.

    “A fickle kirkmon like you is no match for our chief,” Labhra hissed. “Especially not an elected one like you!”

    “Aye! An’ by a Dressie!” Eilidh’s teeth gritted in fury. “Tae think yer whisperin’ in Trahy’s lugs! Yer shite!”

    “You think that I am weak?” Cathbad was unfazed by the insults. “Then I shall demonstrate just how wrong you are.”

    The Absol dashed forward towards the Dálriadans, their horn primed. Dark energy coated their horn, not unlike Leonid’s own Night Slashes.

    “Ye winnae beat me!” Fionnlagh declared as he stepped forward and charged towards Cathbad. “Take thi-“

    He was cut off by the leaping slash from his adversary, which landed directly on his head.

    “Gaaaaaaaah!” Fionnlagh screamed in pain, crumpling to the ground with a bloody head wound.

    “Fionnlagh!” Eilidh cried. “Ye’ll pay fer that! Labhra, wi’ me!” Quickly, the Excadrill burrowed into the ground.

    “Damn kirkmon,” hissed Labhra. “Stay behind your altar table where you belong!” She flew into the air again, and opened Elvira’s bag, speedily rifling through it until she found an orb. She grabbed it with her wing and threw it towards Cathbad.

    The orb, however halted in mid-air and thrown off to the side. It shattered harmlessly off to the side, near where it couldn’t harm anyone.

    “What?! But how? That kirkmon shouldn’t-” Labhra nearly fell from the air in shock, but quickly flapped her wings to right herself. She was distracted and didn’t register the beam of ice aimed for her until it struck her right wing. The shock of the chill sent her plummeting towards the ground with a squawk, where she barely managed to right herself before hitting it.

    However, she was low enough for Cathbad to comfortably strike her. The archdruid stamped their paw on the ground, and suddenly, stalagmites shot up from below.

    Aaaaaaah!” The Bombirdier was sent flying back to the water’s edge, where they landed in a graceless heap with their wings spread in a spreadeagled manner. The impact also knocked Elvira’s bag to the floor, with items spilling across the ground.

    Cathbad, meanwhile, stood their ground, not making a move. Arian watched them, stupefied. Look at them. They took down those two in no time at all! And yet the three of us struggled so hard…

    The Absol suddenly reacted, and jerked their body to the right, just as Eilidh resurfaced.

    “Bastart wench!” the Excadrill shouted in fury, their drills whirring aggressively. “I widae won if yer furry arse didnae shew up!”

    “Foolish,” Cathbad huffed. “Tempt Fate as you have done, and I will see to it your plans are destroyed accordingly.”

    “What did I do tae ya?! I didnae cross ya none!” Eilidh raged. “Th’ Annies are th’ ones! They started th’ whole shebang!”

    “And yet you chose to kill the very one who is required to stem the tide of Fate.” The Absol glared at Eilidh with their teeth bared. “You are a very dangerous individual, Chief Eilidh, and I will see to it that you are brought to justice!” Their horn glowed with darkness again, and they prepared to jump forward again.

    “That winna happen!” With those words, Eilidh burrowed underground again before the Absol could land their Night Slash.

    Arian watched it all, tense with baited breath. Cathbad seemed to stop as well, and wait. They lowered their head, their horn pointing forward as if it was a guide, dowsing for their target.

    Then they jerked their head. Upon their horn, what looked to be energy of smaller winds gathered, and they waited, their head lowered as if they were about to pounce…

    Until they suddenly jumped back as Eilidh resurfaced. Cathbad unleashed the Razor Wind, and a cloud of dust enveloped where the powerful winds struck. The sounds of slashing and pained cries rang through the den, and when the dust cleared, it revealed quite the sight.

    Eilidh was on her back, defeated with wounds littering her body, while Cathbad’s front paw was pressed upon her chest.

    “Surrender,” the Absol commanded.

    “I winnae!” Eilidh yelled. “I winnae bow tae – urk!”

    Cathbad pressed their paw deeper into the Excadrill’s chest.

    “Enough of this charade,” the archdruid said. “You are defeated. Admittance of such would at least grant you some honour.”

    “I…winnae listen tae ye,” Eilidh growled. “Àrd-draoidh Cathbad…How come I ne’er heard of ye? That strength woulda been th’ talk of Alba, but I dinnae ken of it.” She briefly paused, wincing at her wounds.

    “I do what is necessary to keep Fate from straying too far,” was the Absol’s response. “I act in our Creator’s name for the sake of Ardalion.”

    “Och awa’ wi’ ye!” the Excadrill spat. “Kirkmons like ye’ll say that till ye drop dead!”

    “You of all people should understand.” Cathbad was unfazed. “A pity, too. You know better than anyone in Alba the suffering that’s come from the drought. All that starvation and thirst, languishing your people and parching your land. And yet you endangered Fate to entertain your grand delusions.”

    “What shite are ye talkin’?!” Eilidh raged.

    “Let me make one thing clear, Chief Eilidh,” Cathbad said, walking up to the Excadrill. “Your actions today threatened that course. If you had succeeded today in your plans…then Ardalion’s future would’ve been cast into uncertain darkness.”

    They lowered their head, before moving their horn to Eilidh’s neck.

    “And I do not treat interferers lightly.”

    Suddenly, the golden tip of Cathbad’s horn began to glow, and the indignant defiance on the Dálriadan chief’s face gave way to terror.

    “Wh-What are ye-“

    Eilidh didn’t manage another word before Cathbad plunged the tip of their horn into her upper shoulder. The Excadrill suddenly fell limp, with not even a cry of pain coming from her.

    “Wh-” Arian was stunned.

    “Did they-?” Elvira whispered.



    Labhra and Fionnlagh cried out for their chieftain.

    “She is unconscious, not dead,” Cathbad said, clearing up the confusion. “Rí Trahaern will do the rest, as will he with you two.” They directed their gaze at the two other Dálriadans.

    “I winna go wi’ a kirk cad like ye!” Fionnlagh yelled, baring his teeth. “Ye’ll pay! Ye’ll pay! Ye’ll-“


    Before another word could be spoken, Cathbad struck Fionnlagh with their aglow horn, just as they had done to Eilidh. The Tauros slumped to the ground, leaving Labhra.

    “You…You!” Fury crossed the Bombirdier’s face. “Archdruid Cathbad! Your mangy arse is dead! You hear me?!”

    Cathbad merely huffed and flicked their mane.

    “Your kind will never defeat me.” Their tone was as cold as ice. “May you wallow in your failure, and may misfortune befall you and your fellows. All of them. Now be off with you!”

    The Absol struck once again, and Labhra fell to the ground. As their face met the ground, something small and shiny slipped out of their apron, landing next to the unconscious bird.

    “Good riddance,” huffed Cathbad. “Now then, that should be-“

    “Grr! Damn you, you traitor!”

    “Your Grace! Cabhraigh liom, más é do thoil é!

    Cathbad turned to the cries and happened across the scene unfolding to the side away from their confrontation with the Dálriadans.

    Ludmila was standing above a defeated Leonid, and by the looks of it, was about to land the ending blow. However, a Sigilyph was holding her back with his psychic powers, though by the looks of it he was struggling to do so.

    “…Very well, then.” Cathbad made a dash towards the group, and shot a blast of wind energy toward Ludmila. They bounded up as it connected, knocking the Nidoqueen back and onto her knees.

    “Stay out of this!” growled Ludmila, as she got back to her feet. “This is a Selenian matter!”

    “Then resolve it in Selenia,” Cathbad countered, staring them down with a glare. “Do not encroach your feuds into our borders.”

    “Blasted clergymon!” Ludmila raged, rising to her feet. “I’ll teach you!” She stamped her foot, and next minute, hot earth erupted where Cathbad…

    …Once stood. But the Absol gracefully evaded the Earth Power, and with their horn coated in dark energy, slashed at the Nidoqueen’s chest.

    “Agh!” Ludmila staggered back. “Dammit! First the pontifex and now you! Why must you interfere with Master Mitrofan’s will?”

    “Because he jeopardises the fate of Ardalion with his actions,” Cathbad said. “He cannot be allowed to succeed.”

    “What did we ever to do you?!” snarled Ludmila. “It’s not like we’re siding with the clergymon you’re throwing out!”

    “I just answered that question,” deflected Cathbad. “You imperil Fate. That is why you cannot be allowed to succeed. That said…I will be merciful and give you one chance, Marshal Ludmila.”

    They shot a piercing look into Ludmila’s eyes. “Leave. Not just these caves, but this country too. Ignore me and there will be consequences.”

    “You’re not gonna kill me on the spot, huh?” Ludmila tilted her head in confusion.

    “Provided you leave at once.”

    “…Amazing,” the Selenian marshal murmured. “To think a clergymon like you and the pontifex could have such conviction…what the hell’s been injected into the Church?”

    “Need I repeat myself?” Cathbad walked slowly closer, keeping up their menace.

    “…No, you don’t.” Ludmila took out an item from their pouch – a small orb – which she threw at her feet. A bright flash of light shone, and once it dissipated, the Nidoqueen had vanished.

    Bliain mhaith ina dhiaidh.” The Absol let out a sigh of relief. “Now then-” But before they could continue, they were cut off by an angry yell.

    “What are you playing at?!”

    Cathbad looked over to where the voice had come from. It was Leonid, who was standing shakily but whose expression contained a glare for the ages.

    “You could’ve had her! She’s one of our biggest enemies! But you let her escape!” Leonid lambasted. “What reason do you have for that?!”

    “It is not her time to fall here,” Cathbad reasoned. “As I stated, your feud is a Selenian matter, and will be dealt as such in your own country.”

    “You had the perfect opportunity to kill her!” Leonid pointed a blade angrily at the archdruid. “But you squandered it, you useless hoof-licker!”

    “Mercy to your opponents may well yield you fortune in the end,” the Absol returned, unmoved by the Bisharp’s ranting. “Continue down your path, and you will not know ally from enemy.”

    “Do not lecture me! I do not need such reprimands from you!”

    “Sometimes that we are reluctant to hear is what we need to hear the most.” Cathbad shook their head. “But there is no time for bickering. There are injuries to tend to.” Cathbad cast a glance back at the wounded Team Elpis, as well as Yuliya, hanging in the balance while being patched up by Carwyn and Cichol. A grave look crossed their face as they assessed the scene.

    They approached where Yuliya’s body lay. Using Elvira’s bag, Carwyn had grabbed the oran berries remaining in there and tried to patch up the Furret’s wounds. Alas, it could only do so much; the equivalent of sticking a plaster on a gaping wound.

    “Y-Yuliya…” Leonid’s angry composure faded briefly, as he looked upon the state of his loyal knight.

    “We’ve done all the patching up we can do,” Cichol reported. “But she’ll need medical attention with a proper doctor.”

    “Very well,” Cathbad said. “Bring her out of here, and we’ll treat her wounds in the taxi.”

    “Understood, Your Grace.” The Sigilyph held up an orb. “Stand back, everyone.” Cathbad and Carwyn did as requested.

    “Hold on a minute,” Leonid demanded from afar. “What are you-“

    He didn’t get to finish his sentence, before the Sigilyph slammed an orb down, and next minute, he and Yuliya had disappeared.

    “E-Excuse me!” Leonid exclaimed, aghast at the sight before him. “Have I not a say in this matter?! She’s beholden to me, in case you forgot! I did not give you permission to abscond with her!”

    “I am no servant of yours,” was Cathbad’s cold response. “You are a guest in our country, Prince Leonid, and as such, you are beholden to our whims.”

    “That does not give you the right!” the Bisharp thundered. “Even if you are Alba’s archdruid, this is nothing short of kidnapping!”

    “It is nothing of the sort. On the contrary; we are saving her life.” Cathbad paused to take a breath, trying to suppress their annoyance at the prince’s diatribes. “She will be returned to you once she has recovered.”

    “I do not believe you,” growled Leonid. “I will not bow to a lying clairvoyant like you!”

    “I am no liar. You are delusional.”

    “I am not! The delusional one here is you, Archdruid Cathbad!”

    Off to the side watching this exchange were Arian and Elvira. As the archdruid and prince bickered, Arian found himself becoming more and more infuriated. He let out a low growl, making his partner look at him in worry.

    Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he shakily stood up, before letting out an annoyed shout.

    Would you just shut up?!”

    His voice echoed through the cave. His outburst was far louder than any of Leonid’s protests, and stunned both the prince and Cathbad into silence. Before either of them could utter a reply, Arian turned on Leonid, and let his anger come out in full force, in spite of the pain shooting through him.

    “Can’t you just listen?” he lambasted. “Archdruid Cathbad’s not an enemy! They saved our lives! We’d be dead meat without them! Now they’re healing Yuliya for us! And this is how you repay them?!”

    “Stay out of this!” Leonid barked. “Mercenary scum, stow your-“

    “Shut up….Just shut up!” Arian snapped. “Why can’t you just accept help for once in your damn life?! Maybe Selenia would be free from Mitrofan if you didn’t spend all your damn time rejecting help from anyone who wants to give it!” The Riolu felt the anger pumping through him, and barely registered the shocked gasp from his partner.

    “But no! Perfect little ‘Prince’ Leonid is too proud to accept help!” He continued his rant. “And guess what? People are suffering in your own country for five damn years, all because you can’t swallow your pride and say yes to a bit of help! Now Selenia’s a hellhole with a tyrant and it’s all your fault!

    “You…!” Fury crept across Leonid’s face. “Insidious little rat! How dare you speak to me that way!”

    He suddenly marched forward, and before Arian even realised what was happening, the prince’s Night Slash flung him back towards a set of fallen stalactites. He landed hard, and his head hit a sharp edge of rock. The Riolu cried out in pain, before crumpling to the ground.

    He barely registered the panicked cries of his partner rushing over to him as he felt his consciousness being stripped away from him.

    Shout-out to Owry and StarFalcon555 for beta reading this chapter, and a huge thanks to Bograbbit for the art I commissioned for this chapter.

    ‘Hoof-licker’ is an in-universe derogatory slang term for clergymon, a play on words of ‘bootlicker’.

    Sèilìnich – a made-up word, in the style of Scots Gaelic, meaning ‘Selenians’.
    Àrd-draoidh – ‘Archdruid’ in Scots Gaelic.
    Ciúnas – ‘Silence’ in Irish.
    Cabhraigh liom, mas é do thoil é! – ‘Help me, please!’ in Irish.
    Bliain mhaith ina dhiaidh – ‘Good riddance’ in Irish.


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