The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Following what Melchior had told him about seven years ago, Arian tries to piece together clues, but to little avail.

    However, a mission with a coincidentally named client takes him and Elvira with Team Sandstream north into the Czarno oblast.

    “You’re thinking too hard about this, Arian,” Elvira said to him. “I know it’s important that we find clues to these mysteries, but…you shouldn’t do so at the cost of sleep.”

    “I know, I know,” Arian replied, before he let out a yawn. “But I have to. I might be able to understand it all…”

    The Riolu’s curiosity had been sent into overdrive by the information Melchior had given him the other day about what happened seven years ago. As soon as he could, he drew up a flow chart based on what Melchior had told him and what he knew already. He hoped that through this, he would be able to be one step closer to figuring out the truth about the present.

    Alas…there were still too many unknowns, and the best he could conclude were unsubstantial guesses and conclusions that had already been made clear. Wondering about it all had cost him sleep too, hence why he was tired this morning as he got breakfast with Elvira.

    “Oi, what’re ya bickerin’ over, the two of ya?” Ishmael asked, who was walking by with a tray in hand. Axel and Lillian followed behind him carrying trays as well.

    “Can we sit with you?” Axel asked.

    “Of course,” Elvira permitted. The three sat down opposite them at their table. “I was just telling Arian that he needs to get enough sleep if he wants to figure out the mysteries he’s trying to find the answers to.”

    “…But they’re what’s keeping me awake…” Arian replied sleepily.

    “Ya need a chesto, mate,” Ishmael said. He handed the blue canine one of the aforementioned berries on his tray. Arian took it and ate it, soon feeling his sleepiness begin to wash away.

    “…Thanks, Ishmael,” he said gratefully.

    “No prob,” the Krokorok returned. “Anythin’ for a mate.” He dug into his food after saying this.

    “So…you were talking about mysteries?” Axel asked. “What sort of mysteries?”

    “Was that what you two and the Chief were talking about yesterday while Axel and Natalie were out together?” Lillian wondered.

    “Yes,” Arian answered. “…I don’t want to go into too much detail for Melchior’s sake, but…it was to do with seven years ago, when they saved Tsar Kliment from being assassinated.”

    “Oh yeah, I remember that,” Lillian recalled. “…Ish and I were in Iria that day, actually.”

    “Really?” Elvira was surprised to hear this.

    “Yup! We were sellin’ trinkets and other doodahs like that with Lill’s mum and dad,” Ishmael added. “It was great. We made a lotta wonga that day.”

    “Oh, but we weren’t in danger at all,” Lillian clarified. “We didn’t see any action at all. We only knew something had happened when news got out about Team Marshwood.”

    “…What about Axel?” wondered Arian. “You didn’t mention him.”

    “Oh, I was living with Mom and Dad at the time in Kamengrad,” Axel answered. “But we were in Iria on that day, to see the festivities. That was a fun day.”

    “Yeah…it was fun,” Elvira reminisced. “I was there too, and I loved it, even if there were a bit too many people for my liking. …Then we found out what Dad and Melchior had gotten up to, and Dad told us all what happened in his brilliant way that he told stories.”

    “…Yer old man must’ve been a great bloke,” remarked Ishmael. “…’Course, heroes are always great as pas, aren’t they…?”

    “Hm? What was that, Ishmael?” Arian asked.

    “Ah, nothin’. Don’t worry yer noggin about it,” the crocodile deflected. “‘Sides…we’re ‘ere in the present. Let’s tackle shit that we can actually do.”

    “Yeah,” Lillian agreed. “Let’s go and see if Sifis has missions for us.” And with that, the trio rose from their seats and headed to the main area.

    “…Aw man. Now I’m curious about what Ishmael meant back there,” Arian moaned in dismay.

    “Everyone has secrets, Arian,” Elvira said to him. “Don’t chase them all down. Just focus on the ones you were told yesterday.”

    “…Right.” Arian got up from his seat. “Let’s see what missions there are today.”

    After returning the trays to Aldebrand, Team Elpis headed to the mission board where Team Sandstream already were, considering what mission to take for the day.

    “Hey, you two,” Sifis greeted. “Got some new ones today for you.” He laid out three requests in front of them, all of them Bronze Rank jobs. Two were item retrievals – but it was the third request that caught Arian’s attention.

    Mercenaries of the Irian Guild, I need your help. A group of dastardly outlaws known as the Bibarel Brothers have taken up residence in Riverside Cave, and have been a nuisance to the citizens of nearby Rusalka. I am inclined to take them down, but I fear I cannot do it on my own. Could you please assist me?

    – Yumina (Furret)

    – Location: Riverside Cave (B8F)

    – Reward: 200P

    The request wasn’t what piqued the Riolu’s attention. It was the client’s name and species.

    There’s no way that’s a coincidence, right? After all he had been told yesterday, and the chart he’d drawn up and the brainstorming he’d done last night, he was not willing to think otherwise.

    “We’ll take this one,” he said to Sifis.

    “That one?” Elvira peered at the request. “…I guess we can manage that. Now where’s Riverside Cave…?”

    A map of Selenia was on the desk with various Mystery Dungeons pointed out in pins. A quick scan of it revealed where the Dungeon was – in the north of the tsardom, not far from the border with Alba.

    “There it is. In…” Arian squinted at the name of the oblast. It was spelt Czarno. “…How do you pronounce that?”

    “‘Charno’,” Elvira pronounced.

    “Czarno?” Lillian turned to them when they said that name. “…Funny you should mention that. Our mission’s up there, too. In a place called Riverside Cave.”

    “Riverside Cave?” Arian’s ears pricked in surprise. “That’s the same Mystery Dungeon we’re headed to!”

    “Huh. What a coincidence,” Axel said. “What’s your mission?”

    “Helping a Furret deal with some outlaws on the eighth floor of the Dungeon,” Elvira answered.

    “…Wait, what?” Ishmael blinked. “…’S the bloody same as wot we got.”

    “…Really?” Arian’s brow furrowed. “Can I see?” The Krokorok handed him the request paper.

    One of our companions, a Furret under the name Yumina, has gone to deal with outlaws in Riverside Cave, but she has not yet returned. I fear something may have happened to her. Could you mercenaries in the Irian Guild rescue her and bring her back to us?

    – Boleslav (Sirfetch’d)

    – Location: Riverside Cave (B8F)

    – Reward: 200P

    “That’s weird,” Lillian remarked, when comparing the two requests. “They’re…so similar. Too similar.”

    “They’re more than similar,” Elvira added. “They’re demanding nearly the exact same thing for the exact same reward. They’re pretty much the same request.”

    “…Bit of a bloomer, innit?” remarked Ishmael. “…Well, their screw-up. Ain’t our fault.”

    “Hmm…” Arian muttered, half-listening to the conversation. Again, another detail stuck out to him; the name and species of the requester. Once again…it seemed too similar to a certain someone within Melchior’s telling of seven years ago.

    I’m sure of it now. There’s no way in hell this is a coincidence.

    “We should still do them,” he insisted.

    “…Ya seem pretty sure of yerself, mate,” Ishmael remarked. “Somethin’ up?”

    “…I’ll tell you later,” Arian replied. “But I’ve a feeling about these clients. If we can meet them, then…” he trailed off.

    “…Seems like you might be on to something, Arian,” Lillian observed. “…Well, I’m in on whatever it is you’re thinking. We could go together to solve these requests and divide the spoils between us.”

    “…Just like that one mission with Team Anima,” the Riolu recalled. “And they sure saved us when we needed them. …Sure! I’m on board!”

    “So am I,” Axel seconded.

    “I guess I am, too,” Elvira seconded.

    “Good on ya, Arry an’ El,” Ishmael praised, smiling a toothy grin. “…Now then. Gotta get goin’ to catch the ol’ nanny.”

    “…The old nanny?” Elvira looked puzzled. Her partner looked just as befuddled.

    “Oh, it’s just one of Ish’s speech quirks,” Axel explained. “He means the boat.”

    “A boat?” That, Arian wasn’t expecting. “We get to travel on a boat?”





    Indeed, they did get to travel on a boat. A passenger ferry with a number of other passengers, specifically, that was being pulled by a Lapras. It ran up and down along the River Evor, transporting passengers to the towns along Selenia’s lifeblood. At the river port, an hour or so from Kamengrad, Teams Elpis and Sandstream got on, with each team paying half the combined fare. There was no crush to get on, and the boat wasn’t crowded.

    On the boat, they had time to kick back and relax. Ishmael and Lillian decided the best way to pass the time was to tease Axel over yesterday.

    “So how was your alone time with Natalie?” Lillian queried, a joking grin on her face. “Any sparks fly?”

    “No, nothing happened, Lill.” By the sound of his tone, Axel wasn’t in a mood to hear it. “We went to the carpenter’s and asked him to make a ladder for the Guild. He made it. We brought it back to the Guild and helped to nail it in. …That’s it. There’s nothing else to talk about.”

    “…Nah, not buyin’ it, Ax,” Ishmael dismissed. “We had a few hours. Yer tellin’ me ya did nothin’? Sounds like yer hidin’ somethin’.”

    “I’m not!” Axel protested. “Stop it, you two!”

    “…Um, if I can maybe ask,” Arian requested. All six eyes of Team Sandstream fell on him. “Did you and Natalie talk? …I’m not trying to get a rise out of you, Axel. Really.”

    “…Well…we made small talk, I suppose,” the Gligar recalled, relenting at the Riolu’s honesty. “But…she’s very shy. There was a lot of awkward silence between us.”

    “…That sounds like Natalie, alright,” Elvira said. “Maybe if Serafina was with her, she’d open up a bit more.”

    “I kinda wish she did,” Axel replied. “Because, you know…she is kinda nice when she does talk. And I like her voice and her smile…” He drifted off as he saw the grins of his partners. “Crap! No! I don’t mean it like that!”

    “Oooh! Axel loves Natalie! Axel loves Natalie!” Lillian teased in a singsong voice.

    “I do not!” the Gligar cried.

    “Oh yeah, ya do! Bet ya ‘n ‘er were doin’ smoochy stuff under a tree!” Ishmael cackled.

    “D-Damn it, Ish!” Axel was redder than a tamato berry. “Alright, you asked for it! If you don’t shut up about me and Natalie, then I’m gonna tell Arian and Elvira about the decoy seed incident!”

    Both of them froze in an instant, before threatening looks crossed their faces.

    “No, Axel! Don’t!” Lillian insisted.

    “Ya better not tell ’em!” Ishmael snapped.

    “Shut up, then, and I won’t say anything!” Axel threatened.

    “…Wow, the tables turned pretty quickly there,” Arian remarked with bemusement. He thought back to Axel’s words. “…Decoy seed? Elvira, what’s that?”

    “…A decoy seed causes whoever eats it to…” The Treecko considered her words. “…Become infatuated with the nearest Pokémon to them.”

    “Infatuated? So…it’s like a love potion?” guessed the Riolu.

    “Yes. Suppose I ate one right now. I would then fall into a trance where I would be love-struck with you,” Elvira said. She then looked over at Ishmael and Lillian’s faces, mixed with despair and embarrassment, and then over at Axel, whose grin was growing wider. “Wait a minute…” She looked back and forth between the Krokorok and the Sandslash. “Did…?”

    “Yep!” Axel wore a shit-eating grin as he revealed the bombshell. “Ish meant to give her a heal seed, but mixed the seeds up! Next thing, Lill’s chasing him down, trying to kiss him all over!” He began to double over in laughter. “Aha ha ha ha ha! That was hilarious!”

    “Ya knobhead!” Ishmael looked furious. “I swear, I’ll toss ya in the Evor!” He got up and lunged at the Gligar. However, Axel dodged out of the way.

    “You’ll have to catch me, Ish! Nah na na na nah!” he taunted, before running down the ship with an angry crocodile at his heels.

    “…Boys will be boys.” Lillian only shook her head with a bemused grin on her face. “Just like when we lived in Ardmacha…”

    “…Did that really happen?” Arian asked.

    “…Yes,” the Sandslash admitted quietly. “But please, please, don’t tell anyone else about it. It was so embarrassing…Ish didn’t talk to me for a week after that happened. Even more embarrassing, because…we’re cousins.”

    “…Oh. Ohhh…Now I see why you’re so embarrassed about it,” Arian mumbled, feeling a tad guilty at finding their plight funny. “We’ll keep it a secret.” Then another thought came to him. “But maybe tone down the teasing with Axel? Just a bit?”

    “…I guess,” Lillian accepted, with a small amount of reluctance.

    “…I have a question, Lillian,” Elvira asked.


    “You and Ishmael and Axel…are you from Alba?”

    “…Alba? That’s…the desert country up north, right?” Arian double checked.

    “Yes, it is,” Lillian confirmed. “And yes, you’re correct, Elvira. All of us in Team Sandstream are Alban, born and bred.”

    “…Hm. I had a feeling,” murmured Elvira.

    “Yeah, some clients can guess. We come from a village called Ardmacha, in southwest Alba. Not a huge distance from Selenia, actually. Ishmael and Axel and I, we were all born and raised there. And our parents were born and raised there, too. We were part of the Ó Ruairc clan, who own the land of Oiriall. We’re all related in some way – Ish and I are direct cousins, whereas Axel’s relation is more distant. But he was still family to us. A fellow clan member.

    “Our childhood was…aside from all the fighting training, it was mostly fun and games. You can kind of tell how closely-knit we are, the way the two boys are chasing each other.” She glanced over at Ishmael, who ran past them still chasing a fleeing Axel. “Yeah…it was like that. One of us would play a prank on the other, then the other would chase them around the village while the third one of us watched it like it was some theatre performance.”

    “That sounds rather fun,” Elvira opined. “But…I wonder. How did you end up in Selenia?”

    “…Ah.” Lillian looked away, not making eye contact with Team Elpis. “…In Ishmael’s words, ‘shit happened’. And…basically, because of that, we fled Alba and ended up in Selenia.”

    Arian was about to inquire more, but remembered the previous evening’s conversation with Melchior. Better keep my mouth shut. Lillian looks and feels like she doesn’t want to talk about it. He could feel the melancholy emanating from the Sandslash. Still, it must have been something sad…

    “But enough moping around,” Lillian said, dispelling that sadness. “Let’s go break up the boys.” She got up and marched over to them, with Arian and Elvira following behind her. The Elpis duo looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders.

    Childhood bonds, huh?





    The boat made its stop at the riverside town of Rusalka. This was the main town of the Czarno oblast, situated at the confluence of the Evor and the Czarno River. Much trade took place here, receiving most of the trade that came down the Czarno River, and it was one of the more prosperous places in Selenia.

    The crowds of people were something of a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that the crowds of people allowed them to blend in. The curse was what Elvira reminded Arian of as they were about to disembark.

    “Remember that we’re wanted,” she said to him. “If one person recognises us from the wanted posters, then we’re in trouble.”

    “Right. Of course…” Arian said, peeved at being reminded of that inconvenient fact.

    “It gets worse,” Elvira went on. “Every oblast in Selenia is ruled over by a house. Czarno’s house is…House Kumiega. And their current leader, Metody, is one of Mitrofan’s most loyal marshals.”

    “Metody?” That name sounded familiar. “Didn’t Serafina and Natalie mention encountering him in Iria? While we were unconscious?”

    “Yes. The same one.”

    “…Well. That’s a worry…”

    “Ain’t gonna be a worry if we don’t get busted,” Ishmael said. “…Enough of that. Where’s this Riverside Cave place?”

    As it turned out, that wasn’t too hard to figure out. A path went along the Czarno River to the Mystery Dungeon in question, according to signposting and some locals. Before long, they had found the route, and strolled along the side of the river to reach it.

    “Well, there it is…” Arian looked at the cave mouth before him. “In we go.”





    Riverside Cave



    Riverside Cave wasn’t too difficult a Mystery Dungeon, especially with the combined efforts of Teams Elpis and Sandstream. The cave was a mossy one with many puddles and lakes of water. Arian couldn’t help but notice that Team Sandstream seemed to be uneasy about the latter, trying their hardest to stay away from those bodies of water. They’re all Ground-type, he ruminated. Understandable, I suppose, why they’d want to stay away from water.

    They fought well, facing off against a variety of Pokémon including Cottonee, Carbink, Loudred, Duosion, Golbat, Ferroseed, Marill and Poliwhirl. There was some difficulty with Team Sandstream and fighting against types they were weak to, and at one point, Axel fainted from taking a Poliwhirl’s Bubble Beam. However, a reviver seed saw to him back on his wings, and off the teams went again.

    Eventually, they reached the eighth floor. And immediately, they were thrust into a scene as they found themselves in a wide open room.

    “Hyuk hyuk hyuk! Try and catch us, lady!” taunted a Bibarel.

    “Oh, but you can’t catch us!” added another Bibarel, nearly identical to the other one. “We’re the Bibarel Brothers! Even that big cheese in town can’t lay a paw on us!”

    They spoke obnoxiously, and Arian felt his skin crawl just listening to them.

    They weren’t alone, though. A Furret was in the same room, gazing with exasperation at the two. However, the new arrivals gave her room to pause from the frustration she was going through.

    “You…Are you all from the Irian Guild?” she inquired.

    “Yes, we are,” Elvira answered.

    “You’re Yumina, right? Don’t worry, we’ll help you against these ruffians!” Arian added, before turning his attention to the two Bibarel bandits. “Now who wants to get it first?”

    “Aw, crud! You mean the lady had a backup plan?” moaned one of the Bibarel.

    “What’re we gonna do, big bro?” the other Bibarel asked.

    “We do what we always do, lil’ bro! Play tricks on ’em ’til they give up!” the big brother replied. “Let’s split up! That’ll get ’em!” They then ran off down the hallway.

    “Get back here!” Arian yelled, and was about ready to give chase.

    “Wait, Arian!” Elvira called to him. “…How about we split up to catch them both? Team Sandstream can go on one team, and us and Yumina on the other. We might be able to corner them that way.”

    “…That would be the best strategy,” Yumina expressed. “They do quite well against lone opponents. But they might not stand up to a group.”

    “Sounds like a plan,” Ishmael approved. “Come on! Let’s get ’em!” He, Axel and Lillian followed the path the two Bibarel went down. Arian, Elvira and Yumina followed after them.

    “The path splits up ahead,” the Furret informed. “Go down either path, and we’ll go down the other!”

    “Gotcha!” Ishmael acknowledged. His team took the right path, and so Team Elpis and Yumina took the left.

    They soon happened upon a room. In it was one of the Bibarel.

    “Gah! You caught up too soon!” he whimpered.

    “Of course we did! Now prepare to be defeated!” Arian said. He wasted no time running for the

    Bibarel, charging a Force Palm, and striking his opponent.

    “Ngah!” cried out the Bibarel in pain. “Nope! No way! I need my big bro!” He therefore hightailed it and ran.

    “Oh no, you don’t! You’re not getting away!” Yumina called. “You two! We need to give chase!”

    “You don’t need to tell me twice!” Arian returned, before running after the Bibarel.

    They came to another room, one with a grassy floor. In it, the outlaw had reunited with the other Bibarel, who was duking it out with Team Sandstream.

    “Oh, look! Lil’ bro’s here!” the older Bibarel proclaimed with relief. “Hyuk hyuk hyuk! You lot are gonna get it now!”

    “Really now? I’d think again,” Lillian fired back. As she spoke, Ishmael took out a petrify orb and threw it at the Bibarel Brothers, freezing them in place.

    “That’ll shut ’em up,” the Krokorok said, smirking. “Right! Arry! El! Let’s rip into ’em!”

    “Sure thing!” Arian replied. “Let’s go, Elvira!” He started after the Bibarel nearest to him, and struck it with a Force Palm. Elvira moved in with a Giga Drain, and leeched the energy from the dazed Bibarel.

    “Excuse me…” Yumina then moved in. “Can I join in?”

    “Of course,” Arian allowed, and he and Elvira stepped aside to allow her to attack. The Riolu watched her curiously. If my hunch is correct…then we might see some signs of experience here.

    Firstly, Yumina limbered up by moving from side to side quickly with a usage of Agility. Then she leapt towards the beaver with her claws at the ready.

    “Agile Swipes!” she yelled out as she rapidly slashed at her opponent in what appeared to be Fury Swipes influenced by Agility. The hits came out quick and fast, and the Bibarel had no time to react to them.

    “Ow! That hurt!” whined the Bibarel. “You’re gonna pay, missy!” He charged towards her. However, to his surprise, Yumina charged at him too. He grinned initially; he was bulkier than her, and could easily overpower her, he thought.

    Suddenly, he tumbled to the ground, having tripped over something.

    “Oof!” he exclaimed. “What happened…?”

    “Grass Knot,” Yumina proclaimed. “You should’ve watched your feet. And now you’ll reap what you sowed.” She turned to Team Elpis, and gave them a nod, as if to say “Go ahead.”

    Arian and Elvira understood, and the two unleashed a Force Palm/Giga Drain combo that saw that brother taken down.

    “Well, that’s that,” said Arian, wiping his paws. Looking over at Team Sandstream, they saw a similar scene, with the other Bibarel defeated and Ishmael handing an oran berry to Axel. “…You guys okay?”

    “Yep,” Lillian confirmed. “Axel took a Water Pulse to the face. That’s the worst that happened. But really…he was annoying more than anything.”

    “Hah! Looks like the ol’ Up and Down combo still works!” Ishmael declared proudly.

    “Yeah!” Axel yelled, and the two slapped their claws together.

    “Up and Down?” Elvira puzzled. “What’s that?”

    “It’s a combo the two of them came up with,” Lillian informed. “Ishmael uses Dig to push the opponent upwards, and Axel leaps up and uses Aerial Ace, slamming them to the ground. They mostly used that to take down the Bibarel.”

    “It’s pretty cool! …Our idea’s not perfect, though,” Axel opined. “We should come up with something that involves Lillian at least.”

    “Yeah…Don’t want Lill bein’ a third wheel,” Ishmael replied. “It’s about teamwork, innit? Ya gotta get all of yer lot involved in a special combo like that, I think.”

    “Let’s build on it when we get back to base,” Lillian suggested. “Maybe we can ask the Chief for advice.”

    “Hmm…” Arian was in thought at what Team Sandstream were saying. “We should come up with something like that, Elvira. A combo move to make us greater in sync.”

    “…I suppose.” Elvira sounded open to the idea. “Dad and Melchior had something similar.”

    “Oh yeah…” Arian recalled, thinking back to Melchior’s story the day before.

    “We’ll try some things out when we’re done with this mission. See what works,” Elvira entertained. “But it’ll be a while before we find something perfect. I know for a fact it took Dad and Melchior a while to perfect their combo. It’ll be trial and error for the first while.”

    “That’s okay.” Arian didn’t seem hugely bothered. “We’ll work it out.”

    “So…you’re all from the Irian Guild?” Yumina interjected.

    “…Oh! Um, yes,” the Riolu answered, realising they’d forgotten about their client. “Sorry, Yumina. We nearly forgot about you.”

    “It’s no problem,” Yumina said. “…I am Yumina. But you seem to know that already, given my request. …But I never got your names.”

    “I am Elvira, and this is Arian,” Elvira chose to introduce. “Together, we are Team Elpis.”

    “I’m Ishmael, and this lot are Axel and Lillian,” Ishmael followed up on his end. “We’re Team Sandstream, and we’ll help ya out with whatever ya want!”

    “A pleasure to meet you all. …So you claim to be of the Irian Guild?” Yumina wondered.

    “That’s right,” Elvira answered. “We’re underground at the minute because we’re all wanted under Mitrofan’s regime. But we still do all the jobs that the mercenaries of the old Irian Guild used to do. We’ve tried to keep the spirit of the old Guild within us, in standing for justice and seeing to the helping of those who request our aid.”

    “It’s also led by Mud Bomber Melchior!” Lillian added. “So it’s led by someone who knows what he’s doing.”

    “Mud Bomber Melchior?” Yumina’s interest was heightened all the more with the mention of that name. This, Arian happened to notice. “…If you all don’t mind, I have a request for you.”

    “And that is…?”

    “…I have a partner. Two of them, actually. I’d like to take you to them,” the Furret explained. “There are…matters we wish to discuss with you.”

    “Matters?” Axel sounded unsure. “…What do you want to talk about?”

    “…You will see. But I assure you – this isn’t a trap,” Yuliya made plain, seeing the look on the Gligar’s face. “Far from it.”

    “Well, if you say so…” Axel still wasn’t fully convinced.

    “Let’s get out of here first,” Lillian suggested. “We shouldn’t be having conversations like this when a feral could jump us.”

    “Good idea,” Arian agreed. He took out his badge, and walked over to Yumina. She, seemingly knowing of this procedure, placed her paw on the badge.

    Then they were all transported out of the Dungeon.





    The group of six walked back into town. Notably, though, before she entered Rusalka, Yumina took out a cloak and threw it over herself.

    “…Er, why ya doin’ that?” Ishmael immediately questioned.

    “I’d rather not be recognised by others,” the Furret reasoned. “It’s only for a while, anyway, until we meet my companions.”

    So she doesn’t want to be seen in public? Arian thought. …Almost like she has an identity she needs to keep hidden from everyone else. I guess I was right. It really is her…

    They continued into the town, and made their way along one of the side streets to a more hidden part of town. This part of town looked a bit shabby – a contrast from the lively trading town it appeared on the surface. A number of towns seemed to have this side to them – both teams had travelled to these parts of towns to meet with clients to give them what they needed and accept payment from them.

    The group arrived at a back alley tavern, named The Swanna’s Nest. A few patrons were seated outside, some eating an afternoon meal, but most getting in an afternoon drink. It was a nice day, and evidently, they wished to enjoy it.

    Not Yumina, though – she headed inside the building. It wasn’t too lively inside, given it was the middle of the day and these places were usually more packed come evening. Some patrons were inside, though, and at the barstools, a Swanna served.

    At the far end, two figures stood – a Sirfetch’d and a Swoobat. Both looked up at the group, and did a double take once Yumina took off the cloak she was wearing.

    “Ah! There you are!” the Sirfetch’d pronounced. The first detail the group noticed was his accent. It sounded somewhat silver-spoon, implying he came from a wealthy background. This, Arian mentally added to his list of reasons to believe this wasn’t just an ordinary Sirfetch’d.

    “Yes, I’m back, Boleslav,” Yumina replied. “These mercenaries saved me in Riverside Cave. …Which reminds me.” She turned back to Arian and Elvira. “I never did pay you.” She dug into a satchel at her side, and brought out some coins. “Here you go.”

    “Thanks,” Arian replied, as he put them away in their own bag.

    “Hey, are you this Boleslav fellow?” Lillian questioned to the Sirfetch’d. “We did your mission. Could you pay us, please?”

    “…I beg your pardon? But Yumina has already paid you!” the bird knight protested.

    “No. We got two requests at the Guild,” Axel argued. Next to him, Ishmael took out his team’s request from Boleslav. Arian then took out Yumina’s request. “Two different ones. See?”

    “…I told you I had that covered,” Yumina told Boleslav. “Why did you send a second request?”

    “Why, to make doubly sure those mercenaries got wind of our mission, of course!” proclaimed the Sirfetch’d proudly. “You were the one that was eager to get them on our side!”

    “Yes, but now we have two requests to pay them for,” the Furret reprimanded. “And money’s not something I’d like to waste…” She turned to the mercs. “My apologies. There appears to have been a mix-up.”

    “…Well, we ain’t leavin’ ‘ere without pay,” grumbled Ishmael. “Rather not ‘ave dragged my arse ‘ere for nothin’.”

    “…How about we work out a compromise?” suggested the Swoobat, speaking for the first time this conversation. “We’ll pay them 300P, and they can divide it between themselves. We don’t have to pay 400P, and they can get most of their money’s worth.”

    “…If you insist, Maciej,” grumbled Boleslav.

    “…Fine,” accepted Ishmael. “Pay up, feather’ead. And don’t get yer wires crossed with yer partner next time.”

    “…Lectured by a mercenary…” The Sirfetch’d handed Ishmael 150P. “To think, this is what it’s come to…”

    This comment didn’t go amiss by Arian, who by now, was bursting to blow this secret open. And now that both parties were here in a place where not too many people were…now was an opportune time, he felt.

    “Right!” he interjected, drawing everyone’s attention. “Now that we’re all here, I have a question for both Yumina and Boleslav.” He pronounced both of their names deliberately as a hint. This was effective; the expressions on both of them became more serious.

    “Now, don’t worry,” he assuaged. “If what I’m thinking is true, then we won’t expose you. I bet we share a common goal, us in the Guild and you as…” He paused. “…You know what, forget it. I’ll just ask.

    “Are you Marshal Yuliya – ” He gestured to Yumina. ” – And are you Marshal Branislav?” He gestured to Boleslav.

    Instantly, the two tensed upon hearing those names.

    “Y-You! …Where is your proof?!” ‘Boleslav’ instantly got defensive.

    “…Calm down,” ‘Yumina’ immediately placated. “We were going to tell them anyway.” She walked to a nearby booth table. Everyone gathered around, curious to what she would do next.

    She placed an insignia on the desk. A notable insignia that both Arian and Elvira recognised. It was similar to the ones the knights of Selenia wore.

    But this one was different. It was more colourful and distinguished, with some more strands to it, implying that its owner was high-ranking within the knights, or at least was.

    And indeed, someone of that calibre was in the same room as them.

    That famous Furret from more than five years ago spoke.

    “…You are correct. I am Yuliya Gerasimovna Lysagora, one of the loyal marshals that once served His Majesty Tsar Kliment VII.”

    I knew it, Arian thought. I knew I wasn’t imagining things.

    ‘Boleslav’ then moved in, and placed his own insignia on the table. It was the exact same as Yuliya’s.

    “And I,” began the Sirfetch’d in a grandiose manner. “I am Branislav Erastovich Lada, among the most loyal of marshals that ever served His Majesty Tsar Kliment VII while he still lived and breathed among us.” But he didn’t stop there. “…I would rather that have been kept a surprise. How did you figure it out, boy?”

    “…Oh, um. I just guessed from the species,” Arian hastily replied. He didn’t have the heart to tell the duo that their names weren’t exactly the best names to disguise themselves with.

    “…Hmm.” Branislav didn’t sound convinced. But he didn’t inquire further.

    “And who’re ya?” Ishmael asked the Swoobat, who remained behind the two marshals. “Ya ‘aven’t given yer name, mate.”

    “I’m Maciej,” introduced the Swoobat. “But I’m not a marshal. I’m just an aide to Marshal Branislav here. A friend these two picked up along the way.”

    “Do not be humble, Maciej,” Branislav replied. “It is thanks to your efforts that we have avoided detection from that dastardly Mitrofan all this time. I am grateful for it, too. If I were to be captured by that monster, I will almost certainly be put to death. Just like our good compatriot Trokhym was…”

    Trokhym…Arian recognised that name from Melchior’s story. He was inwardly disappointed to learn that the Rillaboom was no longer around; it meant one less potential ally. But he didn’t focus on this for now. Yuliya and Branislav were the more important ones to listen to right now.

    “As would I,” Yuliya seconded, before shaking her head in dismay. “…How could it have come to this? How could the once right and just Mitrofan, Guildmaster of the Irian Guild, turn to assassination of our beloved monarch?”

    “It matters not how it happened,” Branislav responded bitterly. “It matters what must be done. And there is no greater way we can avenge His Majesty’s name by slaying that monster that sits upon his throne! Our nation rots under Mitrofan’s rule, and he must be overthrown!”

    “Agreed,” Yuliya seconded. “…But then we hit upon another problem. A Ruslan must be the one to become our next tsar. However…even if those rumours are true and Prince Leonid still lives…his whereabouts are unknown. We have no idea where he is or if he even still lives. And Svetlana too…” She seemed especially wistful at the mention of the lost princess.

    “And that is why we must strike now!” Branislav asserted. “We have organised underground forces. If we make a defiant stand now, then he will surely come out of the woodwork to lead our nation!”

    “But you don’t know that! For all we know, Lord Leonid and Lady Svetlana could be locked up somewhere and won’t be able to respond to that call!” Yuliya argued. “We need more forces, first and foremost! And more importantly, we need Prince Leonid himself! The presence of the last heir of House Ruslan would more than bolster our cause, if he’s out there! But we don’t even know if he’s alive! We just don’t know…”

    She let out a distressed sigh as she addressed the mercenaries, who watched this exchange with slight discomfort.

    “…I’m sorry,” she apologised. “It’s just…it’s been a constant worry of mine over these five years; how Prince Leonid and Svetlana are, or whether they’re even alive. I just want an answer…I don’t want to kept in suspense any longer…” She wiped a tear from her eye. From the side, Branislav looked upon the Furret with an expression of slight disapproval.

    “…Well, um. We’ve been looking for Prince Leonid too,” Arian interjected, drawing the attention of the two marshals.

    “You have?”

    “Yes. And…we have something. We still don’t know where he is, but…” Arian trailed off, unsure if this would satisfy their demands. After all, it’s still a mystery.

    “What is it, boy? Spit it out!” demanded Branislav. “This is our tsesarevich we speak of!”

    “…Prince Leonid did survive Mitrofan’s coup, and fled with Svetlana to the East, where he’s been sheltering in churches and trying to get help from Dresilia and Miletos. But apparently he hasn’t had much success,” Arian recalled, trying to remember what Pontifex Sansarn had said about the missing prince. “That was in the two years after Selenia was taken over by Mitrofan.”

    “…How do you know of this?” Branislav interrogated. “Where is your proof? As you’ve surely realised by now, hearsay and truth can be quite hard to differentiate!”

    “…Er, um…” Arian stuttered briefly in the face of the Sirfetch’d’s interrogation. Geez, he’s fierce. What’s his problem? Is it just that I’m a mercenary? Is that it? He recalled Melchior’s tellings of Branislav’s disdain and mockery of mercenaries. If he’s acting like this…then it means he hasn’t changed a bit.

    Luckily for the caught off guard Riolu, Elvira stepped in to answer for him.

    “This isn’t hearsay,” she refuted. “These are the words from none other than Pontifex Sansarn himself.”

    Pontifex?!” This, Branislav did not expect to hear. Yuliya and Maciej were similarly taken aback. “The holy leader of the Church of Arceus? The pontifex?” However, his shock soon turned to skepticism. “…Begging your pardon, but what business would His Holiness possibly have with mercenaries of all people?”

    This remark was one that the five mercenaries bristled at. Especially Arian, who felt his earlier conclusion was not a premature one. Elvira took a breath before replying.

    “It wasn’t intentional. It was a chance encounter. We were in Iria a week ago, and we were nearly caught by Mitrofan and his forces. But…Pontifex Sansarn allowed us to shelter in Iria Cathedral, and managed to keep Mitrofan away from us. Not only that, but he gave us that information about Prince Leonid. As well as that, he promised to check church records in Padavonum to track him down, and let us know if he found anything. We haven’t heard anything back yet, but…it’s a promising sign, I think.”

    “…A link to the pontifex…” Yuliya was stunned by what she heard. “…Once again, I find myself astounded at what the Irian Guild can achieve. That’s why…I must propose something to you.”

    “And that would be?” Arian wondered.

    “…We have heard rumours of the Irian Guild existing in the shadows, evading the notice of Mitrofan. If they were true, then it would be fantastic news, to have another ally by our side. So I listened closely for stories that involved mercenaries of the Irian Guild. One that especially caught my attention was the sightings in Iria a week ago. Two mercenary teams, successfully evading the Irian Knights and even Mitrofan himself. I knew that, somehow, the potential of the mercenaries that once existed remained. And so…I made contact through that mission I sent.”

    “Oh…So it wasn’t just taking care of those two outlaws?” Elvira said.

    “Correct. It was also to get in touch with you mercenaries of the Irian Guild, and to see your skills on display for myself,” Yumina confirmed. “…I am glad my hopes weren’t misplaced. You dealt with those outlaws swiftly and efficiently. And so I must make my plea.

    “We must ally.” The Furret sounded almost pleading as she said this. “Please. Selenia has only been stagnant since Mitrofan took over. And we do not have enough resources to even think of overthrowing him. …But you all in the Irian Guild…you can make things happen. It was you who saved Tsar Kliment seven years ago. I know we in the knights have had our disagreements and rivalries with the Guild, but…there’s no room for that now. We both have a common enemy. We stand a better chance if we’re united.”

    “…Yeah, we would,” Arian agreed. “We could use the strength of you both to help us work to overthrow Mitrofan. We need to unite as one.”

    “Yes. That would be for the best,” Elvira agreed. “…What about you, Team Sandstream?” She turned to her Alban comrades.

    “…Sure.” Ishmael’s response, however, didn’t sound as enthusiastic. “I’m all for it if Feather’ead didn’t talk down to us like we’re scum.”

    “…What are you saying?” Branislav’s eyes narrowed.

    “…Yeah, I have a bit of a problem with that, too,” Arian concurred. “Melchior told me all about the kind of stuff you said to him, Kallias, and…most of the Guild, really. It wasn’t exactly praise, was it?”

    “…Hmph,” Branislav huffed discontentedly. “I’d rather you treated your elders with respect, boy.”

    “Respect goes both ways, Branislav,” the Riolu retaliated. “If you want us to respect you, you’re gonna have to respect us as well. So please. We need to cooperate, and if you make bad remarks about us, then it’ll never work.”

    “…Arian has a point,” Yuliya agreed. “We can’t badmouth them now, Branislav. Not when we need their aid more than ever. It only fomented bad feelings between the knights and mercenaries seven years ago, and keeping it up won’t do us any good.”

    “…I think that would be the wise thing to do, Marshal,” Maciej added.

    “Even you, Maciej?” Branislav uttered in dismay. He made a noise of reluctance, before coming up with a reply “…Very well, if you insist. I’ll put my trust in you mercenaries.”

    “Thank you, Branislav,” Elvira replied, though she didn’t put a huge amount of gratitude in it.

    “But!” the Sirfetch’d immediately proclaimed. “As long as you help us in our quest to overthrow Mitrofan. I will not be bogged down by wastes of time such as finding one’s lost items. If it doesn’t help us to this end, then leave it alone. That’s – “

    “Branislav!” interrupted Yuliya. “You cannot simply ask them to abandon their duty. Besides, we’re in no position to make demands of them. We’re coming to them asking for help. We may have been powerful marshals once…but we’re wanted outlaws now. …Fallen from grace, some would say.”

    “That does not mean we cannot have honour in our demands!” Branislav refuted.

    “Throwing demands at the Guild is not honour!” the Furret criticised. “That’s just selfish! We need to compromise. More to the point, you need to compromise. It’s you that’s been – “

    “Alright, enough, the both of you!” Maciej interjected, getting between the two former marshals. “You’re not making your standing any better by arguing in front of the very people you want to make an agreement with. Stop bickering like kids, and do what’s good for the nation. Y’know, what knights are actually supposed to do. Do you realise how infantile the two of you look right now?”

    “…” Neither knight responded. Both looked down in slight embarrassment and shame.

    “As far as I’m concerned, there’s no problem at all with allying with the Guild,” the Swoobat reasoned. “Especially now, when we can’t exactly pick and choose our allies. Would it really kill you to team up with them? I mean, you’re fine, Yuliya, because you like the Guild anyway. But Branislav…come on, man. Think of the people you’re meant to be protecting. You have the same goals as the Guild. Team up with them! It’s for the good of Selenia!”

    “…Fine then. I’ll do it,” Branislav agreed, swayed by Maciej’s words. “No insults at all. I shall be like a child when their parents’ friends are visiting. No bad words about the Irian Guild shall come out of this mouth while I am allies with you. …Is this acceptable?”

    “…S’pose it is,” Ishmael replied. “But we’re not the ones ya gotta talk to. Ya need to organise that with the Chief.”

    “The Chief?” Yuliya wondered.

    “He means the Guildmaster,” Elvira clarified. “Melchior, in other words. …I imagine he’ll say yes. But you’ll have to talk that through with him first.”

    “Where would he be right now?” Branislav asked.

    “Where our Guild is located,” Arian answered. “It’s located in Kamengrad.”

    “Kamengrad? I see…” murmured Yuliya. “…Well, could you guide us there?”

    “Sure. We’re headed back there anyway,” accepted the Riolu.

    “Then let us make haste! The sooner we make this alliance, the better,” proclaimed Branislav. “Now off we go! To the boats we head!”

    He made his way out of the tavern, followed by Maciej. Yuliya moved to follow them, but stopped and turned back to the five mercenaries.

    “Thank you so much for doing this,” she thanked. “I’m sorry you’ve had to witness Branislav and I arguing. I only found him recently myself…I had hoped he would be more open to accepting help from mercenaries. …A shame that bit of him hasn’t changed.

    “But he’s promised to respect you. …Let’s just hope he can keep his promise.” With that, the Furret followed after her fellow knight.

    “…How much you wanna bet he ain’t gonna keep ‘is promise?” Ishmael said to his partners.

    “100P,” betted Axel.

    “Same,” Lillian added. “Even I’ve heard about how much Branislav hates the Irian Guild. I bet he’ll throw out something before we even get back to Kamengrad.”

    “…Look, he might do that. But give him a chance, would you?” requested Elvira. “Having him by our side would be a great help. He wasn’t a marshal for nothing.”

    “…I getcha, El,” Ishmael replied. “Just sayin’ that we don’t take kindly to digs. ‘Specially from some stuck-up prat like ‘im.”

    “We’ll trust him. For now,” Axel added.

    “…Well, if we want him to trust us, we should probably catch up with him,” Lillian suggested, getting ready to leave. “Come on, guys. Let’s go.”

    Teams Elpis and Sandstream walked out of the tavern, following after their new allies. They soon caught up with them, and went to the riverside, where all of the boats were. Maciej returned after a quick chat with one of the ticket masters at the booth where they were selling ferry tickets.

    “The next boat upriver leaves in half an hour,” he informed the group. “We should go and get tickets.”

    And so the group did that, standing in line and getting tickets for the eight of them. That took ten minutes, and so the group stood at the jetty next to where several boats were anchored. They hadn’t planned to do anything, just watch the world go by while they waited for the river ferry to arrive.

    Twenty minutes passed. That turned into a half an hour. And then forty minutes.

    “…Strange. The boat’s not usually this late,” Yuliya noted. “Is there a delay?”

    “Oh, you haven’t heard?” another voice chipped in, one that was taunting and teasing. “The boat’s purposefully being held up so the passengers aboard don’t come into contact with wanted filth like you all.”

    “That voice…!” Maciej turned around, as did everyone else. And what they saw made them freeze.

    They were cornered by a horde of knights. And at the head of them…was a Floatzel, who was grinning like a Sharpedo with delight.

    “What luck! What a treat we’ve landed today! We have the ones who beat Hinnerk. But look what else we have! Alban scum…and two ex-marshals.”

    ‘Ol’ Nanny’ is rhyming slang. Nanny as in ‘nanny goat'(or nanny Gogoat, in this world). As in boat.

    Ardmacha is a variation of Ard Mhacha, the Irish name for the town of Armagh, which was once a royal site in ancient Ireland. Oiriall is a variation of Oirialla or Oriel, a land in northeast Ireland in medieval times.

    Czarno is named for Czarnobog, the Polish spelling of Chernobog, the Slavic god of death and bad fates. Rusalka is named after a water entity from Slavic mythology with malice towards mankind.

    Bit of an unintended Fire Emblem reference with Yuliya’s name. Yuliya’s also the name of a princess in Mystery of the Emblem. Her Japanese name? Yumina.


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