The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Arian and Elvira decide to cooperate with Team Anima for a pair of missions in Lapis Grotto.

    On the trek there, the duo learn of the genesis of Serafina and Natalie’s team, and additionally, a shocking truth, for Arian at least, makes itself known.

    One morning a few days later…

    “Wow…this is fascinating…”

    “What is it, Arian?” Elvira asked. Looking over, she saw her partner engrossed in a book.

    “I’m reading this book about the history of mercenaries in Ardalion,” Arian told her, looking up from his tome. “So it was this tradition that mercenaries were hired hands for armies, and were common back in an era when wars between the nations were common. Then in Alba, this new kind of mercenary’s guild was set up that did any job for the right price. But…it was literally any job, no matter what it was. They signed up for armies, but they also did small stuff, like treasure hunting, routing bandits, finding lost people…just about anything you could think of, they’d do it. Jacks-of-all-trades, really. …A bit more like what we do today.”

    “So you’re immersing yourself into Ardalion’s history, are you?” Elvira wondered.

    “I am. If I’m to better adjust myself to this world, it’d be best if I know the various cultures of it,” Arian reasoned. “But I found this book about the history of mercenaries, and after reading it, I’m a bit hooked.”

    “…What era are you on?” asked the Treecko.

    “I just finished the end of the Great Selenian Famine,” the Riolu answered. “…Interesting. I never knew Selenia was annexed by the Eastern Alliance two hundred years ago.”

    “That’s true,” Elvira confirmed. “It’s one of the reasons why Selenia and the eastern countries have a bone to pick with one another. …Oh…so you read about Team Hope, did you?”

    “Yep. They sound like real heroes,” Arian answered. “They really lived up to that name, being a beacon of hope in a time of crisis. When the starving Selenian people, ridden by blight and denied help by their occupiers, needed help more than ever, an unknown trio rose up and did just that. Gamaliel, a Blaziken, Vilmantas, a Togekiss, and Tatiana, a Luxray – they all followed in the footsteps of the kind of mercenary that had been established in Alba and brought it to Selenia. They founded the Irian Guild, and built the foundations for what it later became. Through their help, they recruited other people who wanted to follow in their footsteps to their cause, and built up quite a following. They then aided Prince…” He looked back at the book, double-checking the name. “…Kaloyan in overthrowing his brother, Tsar Rihard, who was effectively a puppet of Dresilia and Miletos’s regime. He then set about planning an uprising to drive the occupiers out, with Team Hope and their fellow mercenaries backing him every step of the way,” he said, reading from the book directly. “And against all odds…they were successful in reclaiming this country. Selenia remains free from the Eastern Alliance’s control to this day.”

    “It is quite a story,” Elvira replied. “One of my old teachers loved to teach that era of history, and about the triumphalism of Team Hope.”

    “Is this the same teacher that Flora said was incredibly boring?” Arian guessed, recalling a previous conversation involving the Petilil.

    “Yes,” the Treecko replied, with a slight giggle in remembrance of past events with her friend. “But going back to that time. It effectively glorified mercenaries in Selenia, and got rid of that stereotype of them being bloodthirsty sellswords who’ll kill anyone for the right price. If not for Team Hope’s heroism, the Irian Guild would never have become as prestigious as it is today, and many more would have perished from starvation and disease. Many budding mercenaries strive to emulate the example that Team Hope created.”

    “…Hmm…you think maybe we could take after them a bit?” pondered the Riolu thoughtfully. “Because our name, Team Elpis, isn’t too different from Team Hope. It’s about being beacons of hope in a time of hardship. …That’s not really too different to what Team Hope was all about, was it?”

    “…I suppose not,” Elvira considered. “…But on the other hand, the circumstances of hardship are different. Back then, Selenia was truly in an awful place. That was a time when people were dying in great numbers to the point that many weren’t able to be buried properly. There was scarce little food, and most of what was able to be produced was sent off to the East.”

    “What? But…people were starving to death and dying in droves! And yet all that food that could have saved their lives was shipped off to people that already had plenty?”

    “I know. Injustice at its worst. …Let’s just say the Great Selenian Famine has caused a great deal of frostiness between west and east. A few tsars have tried to thaw relations, but…they’ve had to back down on a few occasions due to outcry from commoners and nobles alike. It’s most definitely not been forgotten by Selenia, even if it is around two hundred years old at this time.”

    “…I’d say they have the right to be angry about it,” Arian opinionated. “How could you forget something as cruel and heartless as that?”

    “I don’t blame you for sympathising with them,” Elvira replied. “Just…don’t do what some people do and label all people from the East as blackhearts. It’s simply not true. Mom, Dad and Melchior are proof of that.”

    “Wait…” Arian processed what his partner just said. “What? You mean…Melchior, Zenobia, and Kallias…they’re all from the East?”

    “All from Miletos, yes,” Elvira confirmed. “The short version of it all is that Dad and Melchior found that they’d have a better chance of carrying out their ideal life as mercenaries in Selenia. Around the same time, Dad met Mom, and the three of them migrated to Selenia. Dad and Melchior became a part of the Irian Guild, and once they’d found a firm home to settle in, Dad and Mom married. Not long afterward…I was born.”

    “…Wow…” Arian looked dumbstruck. “I…I never would have thought that Melchior and Zenobia were from another country.”

    “No, and that’s because they’ve become accustomed to life here in Selenia,” Elvira explained. “They’re more Selenian than the Selenians themselves. And that’s how they want to be seen. Dad and Melchior both felt far more at home here, and liked Selenia far more than Miletos. …And Mom…well…” she trailed off.

    “…Oh right…” Arian realised, recalling a few mornings ago, when he’d comforted Elvira over this very thing. “…I suppose if what everyone said about Miletos’s treatment of women is true, it’s no wonder your mom feels that way. …What’s the background behind it, though? …If you don’t mind me asking?”

    “…” Elvira paused, considering her words. “…I would tell you, but…I wouldn’t be comfortable telling that exact story without Mom’s approval. It’s not the kind of thing she’d like being blabbed about to everyone.”

    “…Oh. Okay,” Arian said in understanding. He was slightly disappointed to not hear the truth, but at the same time, he wanted to respect Zenobia’s wishes.

    “…Maybe you’ll hear it one day,” Elvira replied in consolation, presuming her partner’s emotions on this matter. “Maybe when we visit home, sometime. When Mom’s there to give approval.”

    “…Speaking of going places…that’s what we ought to be doing,” Arian announced. He folded the page corner of the book he was reading, closed it and put it near his pillow.

    “Agreed,” Elvira said. “…Let’s go and see what missions there are.”

    The two walked out of their room and down to the main area. Once they reached it, they looked over at the noticeboards, and saw Serafina and Natalie browsing them. Sifis was also there, looking over more mission requests that had been sent in.

    “Morning, you two,” Elvira greeted. “Any missions?”

    “Ah, good morning to you too, Elvira and Arian!” Serafina returned, with a curtsy. “Alas, not yet. We were still in the midst of deciding which mission to take.”

    “If it’s a mission you two girls are looking for, I’ve an ideal one for you among this lot,” Sifis said, looking up from his desk. He grabbed one of the parchment pieces with his mandibles, and tossed it Team Anima’s way. Serafina caught it.

    “What does it say?” Natalie asked. Her partner cleared her throat and read from it.


    Oh, heavens’ woe! Cleave mine heart in twain! The most vulnerable and resistless of souls hath vanish’d from my care and sight! Beauteous Candice, a Vivillon with wings bluer than any ocean – she is who I beseech you to rescue. Seek her presence in the caves of Lapis Grotto, where, on the sixth floor, she awaits the aid of a saviour. Prithee, Guild of Iria, I implore ye: rescue this pure, innocent maiden, begone of wrongdoing, and deliver her to Karinina’s Inn in Iria.

    – Dio (Primarina)

    – Location: Lapis Grotto (6F)

    – Reward: 500P. Mayhaps more for ye, O enemies of the Tyrant.


    “That’s…an interesting way to word a request,” commented Arian, noting the rich and sometimes archaic word choices.

    “But 500P?” Natalie noted. “That ain’t nothin’ small. They must really want ’em back.”

    “What’s this, though?” Elvira noted. “‘For enemies of the Tyrant’? What are they implying with that?”

    “A mysterious reward,” Arian murmured. “Could be interesting. …Or a trap.” That thought occurred to him. 

    “It’s in Iria, too.” A dark expression crept over Elvira’s face. “That’s where Mitrofan’s greatest presence is. It’s a considerable risk to even enter there. And like Arian said, that could well be a trap.”

    “Perhaps. But we will not know unless we complete this mission, no?” Serafina said. “Consider that another’s wellbeing is at stake. I elect we take a chance on this occasion.”

    “If we go in and out in two shakes, we should be good?” Natalie proposed. “No dawdlin’ once we’re in.”

    “B-But…” Elvira herself looked torn. 

    “If we’re careful about it, we should be good,” Arian said. “Besides, I’m kinda curious myself about that reward. Maybe we could go together?”

    “Actually,” Sifis interjected. “Before you make any decisions, there’s another request here that’s also got to do with Lapis Grotto. There.” He gave it to Elvira, who read it aloud.


    I am a musician who has need of Amplifying Crystals for a performance I wish to put on with a good friend of mine. They are commonly found in Lapis Grotto, not far from Iria. I ask that whoever accepts this request collects them and delivers them to me at Karinina’s Inn in Iria.

    – Khoroshev (Oranguru)

    – Location: Lapis Grotto (Spring)

    – Reward: 200P


    “A bit less,” Arian noted. “And…not quite as articulate as the last one.”

    “But look,” Elvira pointed out. “These two missions meet in the same place when we’re done with them. That’s…rather convenient, actually. It would mean less time spent hunting down clients.”

    “…That makes things easier. …Hmm…” Arian then turned to Team Anima. “Do you two want to take these on?”

    “…May I suggest an alternate solution?” Serafina proposed. “I propose we take on one mission each, and work together in the Mystery Dungeon. The total reward of both missions combined can then be divided between us. Taking into account both missions…that comes to the total of 700P. Divided in two, that makes 350P for both of our teams.”

    “350P?” That drew Arian’s attention. That’s a lot more than the average request. And we get to work together with Team Anima… “Sure, why not? I’m in.”

    “…So am I,” Elvira seconded.

    “Splendid!” Serafina celebrated. “Let us not delay, then. Let us prepare for this mission ahead.”

    She and Natalie then left for their room to prepare for the mission. Arian and Elvira did the same, and returned to their own room to fetch their materials.

    “…I think we’re alright for materials,” Elvira said, checking the bag to see if they were low on anything. “Alright, Arian. Let’s go.”

    “…No. Not yet,” Arian replied. “You’re forgetting something. Or rather…two things.”

    His gaze fell to the two scarves, one blue and one green, hung up side by side. They had been worn a few times now, usually when the two went out to go on missions. It was becoming a regular routine for them to wear their scarves, and they had received more than a few compliments regarding their new look.

    “Oh, of course. How could I forget?” Elvira walked over to where Arian was taking the two of them down. He handed her the blue scarf, while he kept the green one. Both slung them around their necks, and tied them as they had.

    “There. Now we’re ready,” Arian declared.

    “…We are. Let’s not keep Team Anima waiting.”

    And so the two walked out into the hallway.





    “You two look so fetching!” praised Serafina, as she, Natalie, Arian and Elvira walked through the countryside. “Those scarves truly enhance your look!”

    “I’m glad you like them,” Elvira replied. “Dad and Melchior got a lot of compliments about their scarves, too. Then again…Mom did make both sets of them.”

    “Perhaps we should look to get scarves of our own,” the Meowstic said. “What say you about that, Natalie?”

    “…Maybe,” the Ledian replied, in her shy way. “They look nice. …Still, dunno if I’d wanna get attention ’cause of ’em…”

    “…A fair point,” assessed Serafina. “I was merely considering the idea of scarves becoming a uniform of sorts for mercenaries. It would give a stylish flair to our appearances. Team Sandstream would benefit from this, as would Team Mindfist!” she went on enthusiastically. “I shall see to it the idea reaches them, and I am hopeful they will take a shine to it.”

    “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” Arian said. “It’d let people know who we are. …What do you think, Elvira?”

    “…Perhaps. But not right now,” Elvira said. “We’re still outlaws at this time. We shouldn’t wear outfits that will make us stand out. Then Mitrofan’s allies will know who to look out for, and that wouldn’t be too good at all for us.”

    “…I see your point.” Serafina sounded dejected. “…Regrettable. But I understand what you mean, Elvira.”

    They continued walking along the road. Strangely for Serafina, she kept quiet for the next while, something Arian couldn’t help but feel was out of character for her. Natalie’s quiet disposition was more fitting for her to act this way, but her talkative partner, normally eager to gossip and chat, had little at all to speak of. For once, she was keeping her thoughts to herself, as opposed to expressing them.

    Not wanting this awkward silence to persist, Arian decided to speak up.

    “Is something bothering you, Serafina?” he wondered.

    “…Oh, you need not worry about me, Arian. It is merely…” The Meowstic let out a long sigh. “…Reminding myself of my fugitive status now that I am a mercenary. Every time I think this…I am then reminded that it was once not this way. My father greatly respected the mercenaries of the Irian Guild, and often hired them to carry out missions for him. He even hired Team Marshwood on a few occasions.”

    “Your father? Oh yeah…you did say you were a noble, weren’t you?” Arian recalled. “From…sorry, I don’t remember the name of the place.”

    “Karelia,” Serafina reminded. “My father was the lord of the oblast. It is a rural county, and alas, that means the knights’ response to there is not as swift as it would be for other oblasts. As such, he often turned to the Irian Guild to solve Karelia’s difficulties, given their good record and reliability.”

    “Karelia…” Elvira mulled the name over. “…Yes, I think I remember Dad telling me about that. Your father…Is he Lord Feliks, by any chance?”

    “Indeed, he is. Feliks Jovanovich Dorofeyev,” the Meowstic confirmed. “We are a family of four; he, my mother, my brother and I. I am Serafina Feliksovna Dorofeyeva, his daughter. …But you need not refer to me by my full name, nor even Lady Serafina, Just Serafina will do.”

    “Good to know you’re not one of those snooty noble types who insist on proper titles for everything,” Arian replied, feeling a little relieved at that.

    “No, indeed. That would be too egotistical, making demands like that,” Serafina said, in understanding. “As well as that, we are far from a rich noble family. In terms of the noble hierarchy in Selenia, our family is right at the bottom. We feel, therefore, that we have more in common with the commonfolk than other noble families, and so take after their customs more. …Unfortunately, this has not led to good relations with other Selenian nobles. Often, we have been on the receiving end of mockery, verbally and monetarily. The latter of which has become a significant worry within my family. My father refuses to raise taxes on the commonfolk, and so our family must bear the financial burden. We’ve had to live more frugally, and before all of this, I’ve heard talk of my family marrying me off in order to get a dowry to better stabilise their influences.”

    “Marrying you off? That’s never good…” murmured Arian.

    “…My father is aware of my worries. He has assured me that I will have a say in who will be my husband. That was what he said to me five years ago now, before all of this happened.” She looked wistfully off to the side. “It truly is amazing, just how time flies…”

    “…Where are your family now?” wondered Elvira. “Do they still rule over Karelia?”

    “…Not my father, alas. He, like others, was vocally against the idea of supporting the reign of a murderer like Mitrofan,” Serafina mourned. “We unfortunately had little choice but to flee Selenia altogether, lest we be murdered by those who supported him. My family fled to Dresilia, and that is where they remain today.”

    “Why are you here, then?” asked Arian. “Shouldn’t you be with your family?”

    “…I couldn’t settle in Dresilia,” Serafina admitted. “All the while I was there, I kept thinking about all those people under Mitrofan’s thumb, and just how much I was to them, sitting in Dresilia doing nothing. I couldn’t stay there. I had to do something. Then, one day…Melchior happened to appear in the village in which we were taking refuge. I confessed my situation to him, whereupon he told me about the underground Irian Guild he was in the midst of organising. and offered me membership. I accepted his offer, and…here I am. My family were worried, but they wished me well, and we still keep in regular correspondence with one another.”

    “…Quite a story,” Arian remarked. “…Well then…where does Natalie fit into this? …If you don’t mind me asking,” he added, remembering the Ledian’s reticent disposition.

    “…Natalie has been my best friend since I was young,” Serafina answered. “I wished to form a team, and I couldn’t think of anyone I wanted more to be my partner. I therefore travelled back to Karelia, and informed Natalie of my proposition. I made it clear that she didn’t have to join me in this considerably dangerous move, that she could stay with her parents and siblings if she so wished.”

    “But I didn’t want ya to be on yer own,” Natalie replied. “I’ve always kinda been a lone gal. But ya made time for me, and yer pa and ma forgive my kinfolk’s debts. Ya helped me a lot…and I wanna help ya in return. So I came with ya, and we’ve been doin’ this whole merc thin’ for a few years now.”

    “So that explains how you came to the Guild, then,” Elvira said. “…But may I ask how Karelia is doing at the minute?”

    “…Well…it has been some time since we were there last,” Serafina said. “…In all honesty…things could be worse there. Karelia is nothing like Ozerograd was. There is no wicked despot ruling the roost, and there is no gang that hangs intimidation over the people like a noose. …I cannot have enough sympathy for what Ozerograd went through. I met the Ozerograd lord’s son, Dimitri, while in Selenia, and he was beside himself over what happened to his father and his domain.”

    “Oh yes…he was in Dresilia studying, wasn’t he?” Elvira recalled. “…He’s still alive. That’s a relief.”

    “Indeed, he is. …But back to Karelia, if you do not mind,” Serafina politely rerouted. “It is relatively peaceful, and…in many ways, the lives of the people have not changed much.”

    “Yeah,” Natalie seconded. “It’s ’cause most of us commonfolk aren’t affected by all ’em political stuff. For us farmin’ lot, it’s still plowin’ fields, sowin’ seeds, pickin’ berries, and takin’ our food to market. Only big thing that changed is who we’re payin’ our rent to.”

    “And who would that be?”

    “…My uncle,” Serafina revealed. “Lord Rafail Jovanovich Dorofeyev. The younger brother of my father.”

    “…Is he a bad ruler?” Arian wondered, trying to judge the answer based on Serafina’s emotions. She seemed unhappy about this last part, and he wanted to dig deeper to find out why.

    “…I would not say that,” the psychic cat replied. “He knows how to rule, and those beholden to him do not seem aggrieved by his rule. He is far from a despot; that, I can say for sure. And I know my uncle. He was a fair man when I was younger, and acted as an advisor to my father. He also loved the oblast in which he lived, and the people who lived there.”

    “…Okay. He seems alright. …So what’s the problem?”

    “The fact that he’s where my father should be. The fact that he supports Mitrofan even now, despite the brutal murders he carried out towards Tsar Kliment, Tsarina Yelizaveta, and Prince Leonid.” Serafina’s tone was laced with contempt. “Uncle Rafail is effectively Mitrofan’s representative in Karelia. Like a number of nobles, he was most likely been offered some sort of deal that would give him the position of the oblast’s lord, and took it once a good deal was offered. Either that, or he was threatened. Threatened with execution if he didn’t comply. After all, that is how Mitrofan rules. Comply with him, or you shall be sent straight into Yveltal’s embrace. …It does guarantee peace. But peace brought about by fear is no peace at all,” she finished, her lips pursed with silent fury. Beside her, Natalie gave a concerned look towards her partner.

    “…I had a feeling it was like this,” Elvira remarked. “Fear brought about by threats of compliance, and corruption through bribery and coercion…it’s a sad sight, to think that this is being carried out in our very own country like this.” She gave a long, downcast sigh. “…Why, Mitrofan? Why did you suddenly change like this?”

    “…Actually, about that,” Arian brought up. “From what you told me before, it’s like your dad and Melchior knew Mitrofan personally. By the sounds of it, they seemed like they were good friends. Who was Mitrofan before all of this?”

    “…Oh my,” Serafina uttered. “Do you not know, Arian?”

    “…Not know what?” the Riolu said, brow furrowed in confusion. “Am I missing something here?”

    “…Did I not tell you?” Elvira said, in slight surprise. “Oh goodness…this will come as a bit of a shock to you, then.”

    “What will come as a shock? Elvira, what are you talking about?”

    “…I’ll just come out with it straight,” the Treecko decided. “…Mitrofan was the Guildmaster of the Irian Guild five years ago.”

    “Oh, really?”

    Then Arian did a double take.

    “Wait, what?!” He was absolutely blindsided by what he just heard. “Guildmaster?! But how?! How could he be the former Guildmaster? This tinpot dictator…was the former Guildmaster? How the hell does that make sense?!”

    “…I suppose you would be surprised if you knew nothing about who he was,” Elvira replied. “But before everything went down five years ago, Mitrofan was the Irian Guild’s Guildmaster. He earned a reputation as a capable, just man who led the Guild well and really helped to promote the Guild as virtuous and dependable, perhaps to the best it was in years. And without him…Dad and Melchior would never have become the prestigious men that they were.”

    “…Oh yeah…you did say Kallias and Mitrofan were friends, didn’t you?” Arian recalled. “At least, before everything went down five years ago.”

    “They were very good friends. In fact, Dad and Melchior were among the most prominent supporters of Mitrofan while he was Guildmaster. In turn, he saw to it they were justly recognised for their valorous actions. Kallias and Melchior of Team Marshwood, with Guildmaster Mitrofan of the Irian Guild…the three of them were shining stars. They were so good that even Dresilia and Miletos, who normally abhor and slander mercenaries, gave them praise. That’s quite an achievement, given how divided the two halves of Ardalion can be at times.”

    “Wow, really? That must have been quite an achievement,” Arian remarked, surprised to be hearing all of this about the Selenian tyrant. Reminded of this current reality, his expression turned a bit more serious. “…But then I have to ask…how in the world did someone like that end up becoming…you know…?”

    “…I don’t know,” a downcast Elvira replied. “I don’t know why he’s suddenly changed like this. He should be a great leader, if you think about it. He ran the Irian Guild, one of the most prestigious organisations in Selenia. And he was a mercenary himself, before he became Guildmaster. He should be charitable. He should have all the qualities that would make a fine leader. …I don’t understand. Why has he been like this? What drove him to change like this?”

    “…I do not know. But being the leader of the Irian Guild and being the tsar of Selenia are two different things,” Serafina reasoned. “It is no easy feat ruling over this country, or any country for that matter. It wouldn’t be preposterous to suggest that Mitrofan cannot handle that responsibility. But…one could make the argument that Selenia has had worse leaders. And certainly, when one looks at the reigns of Tsar Silvestr, Tsar Rihard, Ippolit the Foolhardy, and other disgraced tsars of their ilk, Mitrofan is not bad by comparison.”

    “But he ain’t a good leader, either,” Natalie piped up.

    “No, indeed, Natalie. And I have no idea why he would not be either. Something tells me, however…that the answer is far from a simple one.” Serafina then sighed. “Alas, at this point, we have no definite proof to back up such a claim.”

    “…Can we stop talkin’ ’bout this?” Natalie requested. “Talkin’ ’bout politics and all that makes me all glum…”

    “Of course,” agreed Serafina. “…And luckily for you, Natalie, we have arrived at the Mystery Dungeon in question.”

    The two teams looked forward at a cave, surrounded by trees in a small wooded area. By this stage, Arian was well-used to the sight of a Mystery Dungeon’s entrance, and knew one when he saw one.

    “Well, let’s find what we’re looking for in there,” he said. “A missing Vivillon and some Amplifying Crystals, was it?”

    “Indeed,” Serafina confirmed. “Let us waste no more time, and enter.”


    Lapis Grotto



    The Dungeon was a cave not unlike Cyan Cove. Puddles of water were a constant feature, and the cave had a bluish glow to it. However, it wasn’t exactly like Cyan Cove; due to the inland nature of the Dungeon, the water was fresh rather than salty, and as well as that, the water’s shade was closer to a sapphire hue than cyan.

    “Right, let’s see.” Arian scanned the room. “To our left. Let’s go down that way.”

    “…Ya don’t waste time decidin’ nothin’,” Natalie observed.

    “That’s true,” Elvira agreed. “You’re certainly getting quite into the role of a mercenary, Arian. You’ve definitely developed from when you first entered a Mystery Dungeon.”

    “At least it’s proof I’m getting better,” the Riolu replied. “…Still, doesn’t mean Mystery Dungeons aren’t strange as anything. They still baffle me…”

    “As they do for most,” Serafina reasoned. “You are not alone in thinking that, Arian. Many devote their lives to figuring out why this phenomenon exists. But I doubt we will ever receive a proper answer. Until then…we forge on, in spite of our gaps in knowledge.”

    “…Yeah,” Arian said in agreement. “That might be the way we should go about it. …But anyway, let’s go looking for the stairs.”

    They searched through each room thoroughly. It had become a basic routine for Arian now, for him and Elvira to hunt down the stairs in order to get through the floor in question as efficiently as possible. They typically stayed together as a unit, and picked up items whenever they saw them.

    …Though Elvira felt her partner was sometimes a bit too eager to collect items. A sentiment that carried over into here, too.

    “Look!” Arian pointed out, seeing a blue berry on the ground. “An oran berry. That’ll be useful.” He picked it up. “Huh…this one’s a bit different than normal…”

    “Different? …Naw, Arian, don’t pick it up,” Natalie warned, once the rest of them got a closer look. “That ain’t an oran berry. It’s an oren berry. They ain’t good for ya.”

    “…What?” Arian was confused. “An oren berry? …Is there a difference?”

    “There is, indeed,” Serafina answered. “An oren berry – o-r-e-n – looks very much like an oran berry – o-r-a-n – but it is far from a safe berry to eat. It would sooner hurt you than heal your wounds. Do not eat it, Arian.”

    “…Hm. Well, if you say so…” Arian murmured disappointedly, throwing the oren berry away. “That sucks. Good thing you guys warned me. I might well have eaten it without knowing.”

    “It is a common error made by many budding mercenaries,” the Meowstic replied. “Believe me – I have made that same mistake myself.”

    “Yup,” Natalie confirmed. “I tell ya, ya were as green as a Metapod after eatin’ one of ’em oren berries, back when we were wet behind the ears ’bout bein’ mercs. Ya got a stern lecture from Raya after that.”

    “Indeed…” Serafina recalled. “When I started down this path as a mercenary, I regret to admit that I was far from a professional. Amateurish mistakes were commonplace, and were it not for the aid of Natalie, who was more experienced than me, I would almost certainly have been a goner. I lay the blame for my ineptitude at my noble heritage. Years of untapped potential bore its consequences when I started into mercenary work.”

    “…Ya ain’t like that now,” Natalie brought up. “Yer a lot better now, Serafina.”

    “I know, Natalie. It is thanks to your efforts, along with Galen’s and Guildmaster Melchior’s, that have improved my psychic powers and capabilities as a mercenary. And now I feel far more confident in my prowess,” she said. “…I have come a long way from the dainty noblewoman. My family may be in for a shock when we meet each other again.”

    “You still act like a noble, though,” Arian pointed out. “They might not be too shocked. …Then again, it’s not like I know them.”

    “Maybe one day, you shall meet them,” Serafina idealised. “After Selenia has emerged from this mess she finds herself in. …We can only hope that one day, it will happen.”

    “…I hope so,” Arian said. Not wanting to dwell on this particular topic, he tried to think of something else to bring up. Thankfully, he was saved with the sight of what they were searching for.

    “Ah, look!” Serafina pointed to the stairs. “There they are. Let us ascend.”


    Lapis Grotto



    “So a blue-winged Vivillon named Candice…She should be on this floor.”

    The Dungeon had passed uneventfully. The Pokémon weren’t too difficult for Arian and Elvira, and they fell effortlessly before the combined efforts of them and Team Anima. Serafina and Natalie were a duo that worked well together, and Team Elpis could see signs of the long friendship the two seemed to have. They took note of their teamwork techniques in the hope to take leaves out of their book going forward regarding their own synergy with each other.

    “Yes, indeed,” Serafina confirmed. “That is what the request states.”

    “Hmm…” Arian looked at the room they had arrived in. Four exits greeted them. “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we split up to look for her? Hear me out before you protest – we found a rollcall orb on the last floor, we already have one in our bag, and we’ve established that this Dungeon’s not too hard, even for only one of our teams. When we’ve found her, we’ll use this, and then we’ll be one unit again. How does that sound?” As he spoke, he took out one rollcall orb and prepared to hand it off to Serafina.

    “…Very well. That sounds like a fair proposal,” Serafina agreed, taking the orb from the Riolu. “We shall search down this corridor.” She pointed to one of the exits on their right. “Come, Natalie. Let us begin our search.”

    “…Alright,” the Ledian said, before following after her partner.

    “Come on, Elvira.” Arian started off down one of the exits on their left. “Let’s go find that Vivillon.”

    They started off down the hallway. Both members of Team Elpis kept their eyes peeled for a blue-winged Vivillon, and listened out for any potential voices of a person who wasn’t one of Team Anima.

    Of course, they had to deal with their fair share of wild Pokémon – namely Tirtouga, Barboach, Basculin and Carbink. These Pokémon didn’t pose a threat at all. However, there were also Golbat, and Arian spoke up once they had felled one with a blast seed.

    “That’s a bit of a problem we have,” he noted. “Flying-types…we’re both weak to them.”

    “…That is true,” Elvira said. “…We should probably look into maybe learning some moves that counteract that.”

    “…True. Galen told me the same thing, when we were training yesterday,” Arian replied. After their rather successful first sessions together, the human found himself coming back to the dojo, and the Medicham was all too happy to hone his skills and give him some more pointers. “He told me it’s possible for Riolu to learn Thunder Punch and Ice Punch.”

    “That would definitely give you an edge,” the Treecko said. “We should look out for those moves next time we visit Jacob and Esau’s stall. …Speaking of Galen, how is your training with him going?”

    “It’s going well,” the human answered. “My dodging’s getting better, and I’ve learned a lot of new techniques from Galen. …Still can’t quite do that cool thing with Force Palm, though.”

    “Give it time,” Elvira recommended. “Keep at it, and you’ll be able to do it eventually.”

    “I know, I know. I just wish I could grasp it sooner.” Looking ahead of them, Arian could see the entrance to another room. “We’ve searched for quite a while. That Vivillon has to be somewhere…”

    “…Who’s there?” an unfamiliar voice spoke up. “Is someone there?” The voice was a soft feminine one, and by the sound of it, they were relieved that help had finally come.

    “That could be her,” Elvira said. “Let’s go and have a look.” The duo walked forward into the room, and happened across exactly who they were looking for: a Vivillon with blue wings and two white stripes on their upper wings.

    “Are you Candice?” Arian asked. “Don’t worry; we’re mercenaries from the Irian Guild. We were sent here by…” He double-checked the name on the request. “Dio, to come and rescue you.”

    “…Dio? Oh, thank heavens…” The butterfly was more than relieved. “I was worried that no one was going to come. I overestimated just what I could accomplish…” She bowed her head in shame.

    “Hey, don’t feel bad,” Arian tried to encourage. “You’re alright now. We’ll get you out of here, don’t you worry.”

    “Before we do, Arian, we need to inform Team Anima that we found Candice,” Elvira reminded. “I’ll bring them over.” She activated the rollcall orb, and in the blink of an eye, the duo were with them.

    “Oh, you found her!” Serafina said. “Excellent work, you two. …Since you found Candice, Natalie and I shall scour for those Amplifying Crystals the other mission spoke of.”

    “Yeah. You do that, and we’ll return to the entrance with Candice,” Arian said. “Good luck, you two!” With that, he pressed on his badge, and he, Elvira and the Vivillon were transported to outside the Dungeon.

    “…And we’re out,” Arian declared, looking around him and seeing the wood they had walked through to get here.

    “Let’s wait for Serafina and Natalie to be done with their mission,” Elvira recommended. “Then we can go.”

    “…In the meantime, though…” The Riolu turned to the Vivillon. “How about we have a bit of a chat with our rescuee?”

    “Um…if you wish,” the blue-winged butterfly responded, with more than a hint of shyness.

    “Don’t be frightened,” Arian assuaged, sensing her apprehension. “We’re good people. Honest, hard-working mercenaries. We’ll reunite you with this Dio person, once our companions are done with their job.”

    “…You’re mercenaries?” Candice asked.

    “Yes. We work for the Irian Guild,” Elvira told her.

    “But…I thought that had dissolved?” the Vivillon wondered. “…Then again…there were those rumours…”


    “…Yes. Rumours speak of members of the now obsolete Irian Guild reforming in secret,” Candice informed. “They say they’re looking to get revenge on Mitrofan, their old Guildmaster, and take over Selenia once they’ve overthrown him.”

    “Take over Selenia?” Arian’s brow furrowed at that. “I…don’t think we’ll end up going that far. I mean, Mitrofan is a terrible leader, but…”

    “…That was what Dio said about it,” the Vivillon replied. “I didn’t believe him, but he insisted that some rumours held a hint of truth within them.” She looked at the duo before her. “…I was wrong, then…I’m sorry…”

    “Don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong,” Elvira said. “After all, you can’t believe everything you hear. Most of the time, rumours ought to be taken with a grain of salt. …But every once in a while, they hit the nail on the head.”

    “…So this Dio fellow told you about us?” Arian asked, curious about the sender of the request. “Who is he, if you don’t mind me asking?”

    “Dio is…my guardian, of sorts,” Candice answered. “He’s a musician.”

    “A musician?”

    “Yes. Specifically, he’s a singer. A very talented one. When he’s out there singing in front of an audience, there are few people, if anyone, that has a better singing voice than him. The audiences love him, and he loves them. He’s also…quite a character.” The Vivillon tittered slightly. “Maybe I don’t do him enough justice. It’s better if you meet him in person.”

    “We will, once our partners return with…whatever it was. Crystals of some kind,” Arian replied, somewhat dismissive near the end.

    “Amplifying Crystals, do you mean?” Candice presumed. “Like what Khoroshev wants…”

    “Wait…But we never told you the name of the client,” Elvira realised.

    “Dio and Khoroshev are working together at the moment in a musical collaboration,” the Vivillon explained. “…The music they’re creating is mesmerising. It’s beautiful, what they and the rest can dream up…”

    “Hmm…Interesting. Perhaps the two requests were submitted to be together,” Arian said thoughtfully. “I mean, Sifis did pick them up around the same time when we were deciding on our missions for today.”

    “How could they send the requests to your exact coordinates, though?” pondered Candice. “That is a question I must ask them when I return.”

    “Yeah. Whenever Serafina and Natalie are ready…” The Riolu glanced back at the Mystery Dungeon, patiently waiting for when their fellow mercs would emerge.

    Luckily, they didn’t have to wait much longer. Team Anima soon emerged from the Dungeon.

    “We got it done,” Natalie declared. “We got all ’em Amplifyin’ Crystals.”

    “We did, indeed,” Serafina seconded, while wiping her brow slightly. “…Manual labour…I may not mention this to my brother in my next letter. He would throw a fit if he heard I had done such a task.”

    “…So you got it done? Great,” Elvira said. “Now we can head to Iria.” A thought came to her as she said. “…It’s only now occurred to me that I haven’t visited Iria for some time. The last time I did was…more than five years ago.”

    “Oh my,” Serafina remarked. “…Then again, with Ozerograd in the state it was, perhaps that is unsurprising.”

    “Better than me,” Arian pointed out. “I’ve never been to Iria at all. This will be a first-time experience for me.”

    “…Well then,” the Meowstic murmured. “It would appear we have to bring you up to speed on that front.”

    “Why? Has something happened to Iria in the years since?” pondered Elvira.

    “…I could tell you. But…it may make a better answer to see it for yourself,” Serafina replied. “After all…a picture tells a thousand words. And as the stronghold of Mitrofan…Iria paints quite a picture indeed.”

    Decided to leave it there. I planned to write a bit more, but I think I’ll leave it until next time.

    There are a number of names brought up in this chapter that I’m eager to speak about. But I think the explanations would make more sense in the next chapter, when we meet the characters in question.

    Karelia is based on the region of the same name in Russia.

    Thanks for reading, and see you on the other side.


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