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    Meeting R-0001-13

    Transcript from Tuesday, 9/29/65

    Subject: “MjyvOjses”

    {08:00:19} [user_COSTUME opened room_R-0001-13.]

    {08:00:22} [user_ABYSS has joined the room.]

    {08:00:31} [user_SEADOG has joined the room.]

    {08:00:36} [user_KEY has joined the room.]

    {08:00:41} KEY: damn were fast today

    {08:00:59} COSTUME: I don’t know if I blame any of you for joining quickly, honestly. I am antsy to start unpacking this subject.

    {08:01:10} SEADOG: Glad to hear it, Costume. We have a lot to talk about

    {08:01:11} ABYSS: Do we need to do the minutes first??

    {08:01:13} KEY: sure

    {08:01:15} KEY: but make it quick

    {08:01:16} ABYSS: One quick minutes, coming up!!!!!!!!!

    {08:01:17} ABYSS: With Seadog’s peace negotiations out of the way, Costume told each of us that our next objective is to deduce the cause behind Nail, Spur, Dolphin, and MjyvOjses’ disappearances.

    {08:01:17} ABYSS: It was expected that each of us research anything that connects these cases together, so we may develop plausible theories and find a way to the truth.

    {08:01:29} KEY: there we go

    {08:01:41} SEADOG: First thing’s first. Key, Abyss, I want to know what you found that convinced you that Bello has something to do with this

    {08:01:43} KEY: both of us could explain

    {08:01:45} KEY: but abyss types faster

    {08:01:48} KEY: so ill let him do it

    {08:01:50} ABYSS: On it!!!

    {08:01:52} ABYSS: As previously noted, the substance that was found in Nail and Dolphin’s home is unrecognizable to any element currently known to exist in this universe. Information on this mystery substance is minimal.

    {08:01:53} ABYSS: However, this is not the first time the dust has been seen. There are a few forums and obscure websites in which these strange cases are being discussed.

    {08:01:54} ABYSS: Notably, every single occurrence of it is in relation to a recent disappearance in the area where it was found.

    {08:02:03} SEADOG: You’re serious? If true, that is huge

    {08:02:09} KEY: when abyss found this shit i was floored

    {08:02:18} COSTUME: Please, send your sources for this. I want to know how I was not made aware of this at all.

    {08:02:20} ABYSS: It wasn’t known to us because the majority of these disappearances occurred almost entirely on the east side of North America, not the west, as observed and cataloged on this forum[1].

    {08:02:21} ABYSS: It seems that appearances of the dust has been noted, but not studied on a wider scale due to a lack of communication between similar cases, primarily because of inefficiency from law enforcement in those countries[2].

    {08:02:22} ABYSS: The scientific community in the United States received no reply from relevant parties when seeking samples of the mystery substance, multiple times [3][4][5].

    {08:02:22} [User_ABYSS posted a message with a hyperlink. Messages with hyperlinks are automatically deleted after five minutes.]

    {08:02:39} SEADOG: So there’s a general apathy for these cases on their side of the world. Frustrating

    {08:02:56} COSTUME: If we were positioned in the United States and not the Western States, Abyss would certainly have ensured law enforcement provided this dust for research years ago.

    {08:02:57} ABYSS: You know it!!!!!!! 🙂

    {08:03:11} SEADOG: Anyways, that explains the dust. But what does it have to do with the Floridians? I’m not seeing the connection

    {08:03:14} KEY: well

    {08:03:14} KEY: this dust

    {08:03:16} KEY: showing up where all of these guys vanish

    {08:03:18} KEY: its like a signature right?

    {08:03:20} KEY: who or whatever is causing this

    {08:03:22} KEY: plants this dust like a sorta marker

    {08:03:24} KEY: so we can assume this isnt an accident

    {08:03:27} KEY: somebody wants these people gone or moved or whatever

    {08:03:28} KEY: and well

    {08:03:29} KEY: whose population is kinda

    {08:03:30} KEY: dying off?

    {08:03:34} ABYSS: If a large body of people is conducting these disappearances, the Floridian Empire is our most likely candidate.

    {08:03:35} ABYSS: It would explain why most of the disappearances are in the east, but some are in the west. They’re close in proximity to the United States, but could reach the Western States in secret if they wanted to.

    {08:03:36} ABYSS: Considering their aggressive posturing, it is possible they intend to use these people as hostages for leverage in the wake of the Panama War.

    {08:03:37} ABYSS: Alternatively, with the rising sea levels decreasing the size of their nation and the population shedding caused by the war, they could be forcefully bolstering their numbers somehow.

    {08:03:55} SEADOG: Ah, I see.

    {08:04:01} COSTUME: I can understand the justifications for your theory.

    {08:04:20} KEY: cant believe we live in an era

    {08:04:21} KEY: where florida

    {08:04:23} KEY: could be literally abducting people

    {08:04:25} KEY: to make more florida men

    {08:04:33} SEADOG: Key, I should get Costume to kick you from this chat

    {08:04:40} COSTUME: Okay, seriously, what’s so funny about Florida men?

    {08:04:43} KEY: because

    {08:04:45} KEY: theyre really dumb

    {08:04:46} KEY: lol

    {08:04:58} SEADOG: News websites liked to use the phrase ‘Florida man’ to describe individuals who tried really stupid things in the state of Florida

    {08:05:03} SEADOG: Until around the 2020s

    {08:05:05} KEY: yeah that

    {08:05:11} COSTUME: …The Internet was so weird back then.

    {08:05:14} KEY: bro youre gen alpha

    {08:05:16} KEY: and seadogs gen z

    {08:05:18} KEY: thats more your fault than mine

    {08:05:22} COSTUME: I know. And I hate it.

    {08:06:49} SEADOG: In any case, if it turns out that the Floridians have to do with our losses… I’m going to go to their side of the continent and rip them apart

    {08:06:51} KEY: amen brother

    {08:07:09} COSTUME: I don’t know how I’d help, but I absolutely support that effort, Seadog.

    {08:07:11} KEY: i mean

    {08:07:14} KEY: youre the politician here

    {08:07:17} KEY: just go over there and tell them if they dont stop

    {08:07:19} KEY: youll force them to like

    {08:07:24} KEY: distribute government-mandated fursonas and declare “nineteen eighty fur” a national holiday

    {08:07:29} [user_KEY has been kicked by user_COSTUME.]

    {08:07:30} SEADOG: With that being said – fuck off, Key.

    {08:07:35} SEADOG: Thank you, Costume.

    {08:07:36} ABYSS: Key is in a funny mood today……….

    {08:08:10} [user_KEY has joined the room.]

    {08:08:14} KEY: ok im sorry

    {08:08:16} KEY: i deserved that lmao

    {08:08:29} COSTUME: Forgiven. Just…don’t do it again.

    {08:08:43} SEADOG: Anyways, with that being said, I think what I observed at the negotiation may have shot the Floridians theory in the foot. They have no reason to abduct their own people

    {08:08:56} KEY: its not 100%

    {08:08:59} KEY: iirc there were rumors that bello had changed

    {08:09:02} KEY: and wasnt into the war as much

    {08:09:06} KEY: but the guys he worked with being so honest about it

    {08:09:09} KEY: and not getting defensive or offended or anything

    {08:09:11} KEY: is a pretty hard clear

    {08:09:14} KEY: (rip florida men theory)

    {08:11:08} COSTUME: Personally, I don’t believe these disappearances could be conducted by a government at all. If it was, we would have heard something about this already.

    {08:11:24} COSTUME: The size of such a conspiracy is infeasible. Consider how small we are, and then consider how many close calls we’ve had with keeping ourselves unknown.

    {08:11:39} COSTUME: Most governments are several times our size, and they must have been coordinating this for almost as long as we have existed. Surely there would be a whistleblower by now?

    {08:11:51} COSTUME: The size of these kidnappers has to be smaller than a government — and, considering three of our members were all targeted simultaneously, have the connections needed to know who we are.

    {08:11:59} KEY: shit

    {08:12:01} KEY: thats a good point

    {08:12:10} SEADOG: Are you not including MjyvOjses in that list?

    {08:12:32} COSTUME: I am not convinced MjyvOjses is a victim the same way the others are. Her case is unique, considering she briefly returned to see me.

    {08:12:43} COSTUME: I’ve also heard nothing about the mystery dust being involved in her disappearance.

    {08:12:46} KEY: surely with the coverage that got

    {08:12:48} KEY: somebody wouldve pointed out dust

    {08:13:05} SEADOG: So, we’re looking for a small group with connections to us, probably through MjyvOjses. I’m not sure if there’s anybody who fits that description

    {08:13:19} COSTUME: Well…I bring this all up because I have already found a group that might fit the bill.

    {08:13:20} ABYSS: Nice! 😀 I can fact-check anything you want if you need it, Costume…….

    {08:13:34} COSTUME: Thanks, Abyss. The group I was looking into is Suuiyz Laboratories. All of this had somewhat reminded me of its CEO.

    {08:13:46} SEADOG: What’s so strange about him? I thought he was still around

    {08:13:59} COSTUME: He is, but not in the way he used to. A decade ago, he was the life of the party. Nowadays, he barely ever shows his face to the cameras.

    {08:14:00} ABYSS: Collecting information related to this topic. Estimated completion time: three hours……………….

    {08:14:05} ABYSS: Done! 😀

    {08:14:06} ABYSS: This is backed up by the news networks!!!!!!! Here are some editorials about how the CEO’s change in personality lowered public opinion of him and his company:

    {08:14:07} [User_ABYSS posted a message with a hyperlink. Messages with hyperlinks are automatically deleted after five minutes.]

    {08:14:18} COSTUME: I always forget how fast you work, Abyss. The resources are appreciated.

    {08:14:25} SEADOG: Five major news networks commented on this? Across the political spectrum, too

    {08:14:39} SEADOG: Looks like a lot of Xprjx fans caught on to it.

    {08:20:27} COSTUME: Huh, going through these… I didn’t know that even his employees became distant and private as well. That is useful information.

    {08:20:51} COSTUME: However, those aren’t the reason I bring his company up. I was trying to find any connection Suuiyz Labs might have with MjyvOjses, and I found this.

    {08:20:56} [User_COSTUME posted a video file. Messages with videos are automatically deleted after five minutes.]

    {08:20:58} [Video transcript from given timestamp (8:36 – 8:58):]

    {08:20:59} [[interviewer]: So you’re in favor of Mrs. [REDACTED], then?]

    {08:20:04} [[XPRJX]: Well, here’s the thing, [interviewer]. Something I think is important, and something important to [SUUIYZ] Laboratories, is people who give their best efforts to make the world a better place. We don’t have a lot of that these days, because things have already taken a turn for the worse, right? And a rising way of thinking here is that there’s nothing left to be done. But [REDACTED] tries. She tries hard. She gets a lot of other people to try.]

    {08:20:06} [[interviewer]: Does she get you to try?]

    {08:20:11} [[XPRJX]: She does! [REDACTED] really inspires me. I’ve had doubts about my work in the past — whether the ways I’m trying to help the world is really going to amount to anything. But, when I see her out there, fighting in one of the toughest places to fight, I think…maybe us people aren’t so hopeless, after all.]

    {08:20:13} [[interviewer]: It sounds like her message really resonates with you.]

    {08:20:16} [[XPRJX]: Yes. If you believe she’s weak, cruel, a do-nothing… That’s okay. Everybody has the right to their opinion. But I think she’s pretty great.]

    {08:21:01} SEADOG: Wow. That’s a big endorsement

    {08:21:22} COSTUME: I don’t have any evidence that the two of them ever interacted, but I can’t help but wonder if Xprjx’s departure from the public eye could have something to do with MjyvOjses.

    {08:21:48} COSTUME: Especially because of another detail I noticed. Apparently, Xprjx started becoming more reserved around the later half of 2054 — right around when MjyvOjses visited us for the last time.

    {08:21:50} ABYSS: Editorial dates: 11/24/54. 12/16/54. 2/9/55. 4/12/55. 5/2/55.

    {08:21:51} ABYSS: Accounting for the time it would take people to notice the change……. That would line up with the date of Meeting R-0001-09, 7/4/54.

    {08:22:09} SEADOG: I guess there’s a connection there. But why would Suuiyz Labs want to do any of this?

    {08:22:17} SEADOG: Aren’t they just a tech company? They have no reason to abduct people

    {08:22:44} COSTUME: That is…an unfortunate hole in my theory, yes. Although they are a believable candidate for a connection to the disappearances, any kind of motive I could provide for their involvement seems flimsy.

    {08:23:06} COSTUME: Although I will note that one of the departments in Suuiyz Labs involves some…unconventional research. If they were to succeed, producing a dust nobody has ever seen before doesn’t feel like an impossibility.

    {08:24:31} KEY: ok im back

    {08:24:32} KEY: read up on this

    {08:24:36} KEY: you mean the dept based on that cjymsk guy?

    {08:24:45} COSTUME: Yes, that one. Mr. Cjymsk’s.

    {08:24:47} KEY: yeah

    {08:24:49} KEY: his work was kinda wack

    {08:24:53} KEY: crazy xprjx kept going with that

    {08:26:31} SEADOG: Just looked him up to refresh. Considering how much of a crackpot he was, it’s impressive Xprjx is as successful as he is

    {08:26:36} KEY: dont really have much to say abt all that

    {08:26:38} KEY: but i did find some crazy shit

    {08:26:41} KEY: so after you pointed out how nobody talked about dust with mjyvojses

    {08:26:43} KEY: i looked into the investigation

    {08:26:46} KEY: to see if i could find out who was involved

    {08:26:48} KEY: if anybody would know about dust

    {08:26:49} KEY: itd be them

    {08:26:49} KEY: right?

    {08:27:04} COSTUME: That makes sense. I might be able to get into contact with them.

    {08:27:08} KEY: ok but heres whats fucked up

    {08:27:19} KEY: apparently the guy leading it was pdyikx viixupy

    {08:27:21} KEY: hiring and managing people and shit

    {08:27:24} KEY: even gave up the general title

    {08:27:25} KEY: to focus on it

    {08:27:37} SEADOG: Him? From what I know, that makes sense

    {08:27:40} KEY: and guess who the FUCK

    {08:27:42} KEY: left his position

    {08:27:44} KEY: and vanished off of the face of the earth

    {08:27:47} KEY: three years after starting that hunt?

    {08:27:49} ABYSS: None of his socials have updated in seven years, after he left politics………….. 🙁

    {08:27:50} [User_ABYSS posted a message with a hyperlink. Messages with hyperlinks are automatically deleted after five minutes.]

    {08:28:06} SEADOG: And so the rabbit hole gets deeper.

    {08:31:18} COSTUME: Hmm. Across all of us, it seems like we have a lot of leads, but no idea how any of this connects together.

    {08:31:33} COSTUME: I am going to make an executive proposal: we need to put our heads together in a way that our logs do not allow us to.

    {08:31:41} SEADOG: Are we moving to a voice chat?

    {08:32:07} COSTUME: We could, but I think the subject is too significant to risk being recorded by a company. I believe we should all meet together for some time and work as a unit to pursue answers.

    {08:32:09} ABYSS: You should come meet us in Nevada Costume!!!!!!!!!! Key and I can keep a seat cozy for you and Seadog ;D

    {08:32:32} COSTUME: That’s what I was thinking. I will head out as soon as I safely can. Luckily, I can afford to put less stake in my position to focus on this.

    {08:32:34} KEY: shit

    {08:32:36} KEY: i better get the house ready then

    {08:32:47} SEADOG: I can come, but I might be late. Still need to make sure this negotiation is wrapped up before I leave

    {08:33:03} COSTUME: You should stay where you are until that is finished, Seadog. We need to stay timely, but not rush this process. Perfectly solving this is going to take time.

    {08:33:05} KEY: yeah

    {08:33:06} KEY: we can hella do this though

    {08:33:07} KEY: im sure of it

    {08:33:14} COSTUME: Your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated, Key.

    {08:34:55} COSTUME: See you in about two days.

    {08:35:02} [user_COSTUME has left the room.]

    {08:35:33} SEADOG: Best of luck to you all. Next time you see me, it’ll be in-person

    {08:35:37} [user_SEADOG has left the room.]

    {08:35:40} ABYSS: Ready to bust some conspiracies? >:)

    {08:35:42} KEY: yeah lol

    {08:35:44} [user_KEY has left the room.]

    {08:35:45} [user_ABYSS has left the room.]

    {08:35:45} [Archiving room_R-0001-13…]

    {08:35:49} [Archival complete. room_R-0001-13 is now closed.]


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