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    Transcript from Monday, 9/28/65

    Participants: Key, Costume

    {18:12:03} KEY: hey

    {18:12:05} KEY: can we talk?

    {18:14:39} KEY: sorry for fucking up your meeting

    {18:14:42} KEY: i probably shouldve gone about all this differently

    {18:14:44} KEY: maybe asked abyss not to do that

    {18:14:50} KEY: it was a dick move

    {18:23:17} COSTUME: Don’t worry about it.

    {18:23:21} KEY: costume

    {18:23:22} KEY: i gotta worry about it

    {18:23:24} KEY: i know ive given you shit

    {18:23:25} KEY: but you are our leader

    {18:23:28} KEY: without you the western states would probably be fucked

    {18:23:31} KEY: thats why i was trying to get you in on what i was finding

    {18:23:33} KEY: and seadog obvs

    {18:23:34} KEY: but you especially

    {18:25:56} COSTUME: If that was your intention, I do appreciate your concern. But your presentation has come off as quite the opposite.

    {18:26:00} COSTUME: You seem to have no respect for my choice in priorities.

    {18:26:05} KEY: because i dont really understand your priorities

    {18:26:08} KEY: and im not gonna understand them until you tell me

    {18:26:15} KEY: does it not bother you that mjyvojses disappeared

    {18:26:17} KEY: came back ONLY to see you

    {18:26:18} KEY: and vanished again?

    {18:26:20} KEY: and now weve lost nail spur and dolphin the same way?

    {18:26:23} KEY: because it bothers the shit out of me

    {18:26:25} KEY: and i wasnt even there when it happened

    {18:26:28} KEY: so why write it off as a conspiracy theory and ignore it?

    {18:30:41} COSTUME: Are you kidding? Of course it bothers me. I reflect on my conversation with MjyvOjses often.

    {18:30:53} COSTUME: However, I also can’t help but think about what was said during her visit, more than the fact that it happened at all.

    {18:30:56} KEY: what part of it?

    {18:31:04} KEY: mjyvojses just came in to tell you that shes alive and we dont need to worry

    {18:31:04} KEY: right?

    {18:31:13} COSTUME: Well, yes. But there were other intentions there.

    {18:31:25} COSTUME: MjyvOjses also asked me to call off any search for her, specifically because she was “walking a path she did not want us to follow.”

    {18:31:27} KEY: wait

    {18:31:28} KEY: she said that?

    {18:31:29} KEY: i dont remember you saying that

    {18:31:32} KEY: (tho it was a decade+ ago, that might be my bad)

    {18:31:44} COSTUME: I never really said it out loud, although I figured honoring her request would make her wishes evident.

    {18:32:00} COSTUME: Key… MjyvOjses has done a lot of good for this world. I think we can both agree on that.

    {18:32:03} KEY: yea

    {18:33:50} COSTUME: Here is the truth: I don’t really believe Nail, Spur, and Dolphin are simply missing or dead. But, if we completely commit to chasing after this, I worry we are going to discover the reason why MjyvOjses wanted us to stay out of whatever is causing this.

    {18:34:29} COSTUME: I think it is going to be ugly. And I don’t really know if I want to entertain the possibility of seeing that.

    {18:34:47} COSTUME: I know it’s unreasonable, but… She was a good friend.

    {18:35:03} KEY: you know

    {18:35:04} KEY: i guess i can kinda get that

    {18:35:06} KEY: she was great back in the day

    {18:35:07} KEY: but

    {18:35:08} KEY: turning a blind eye

    {18:35:11} KEY: just so she can keep looking good to us

    {18:35:13} KEY: isnt gonna help things either

    {18:35:15} KEY: maybe we couldve stayed out of it

    {18:35:17} KEY: if everyone was still here

    {18:35:19} KEY: but weve just lost three of our best members

    {18:35:22} KEY: i know a lot about nails work but i cant replace him

    {18:35:25} KEY: phoenix couldnt ask for a better sheriff than spur

    {18:35:29} KEY: and the pacifics gonna be hurting without dolphin

    {18:35:32} KEY: losing all that means we gotta act

    {18:35:46} COSTUME: …You make a fair case. Operating without any of them would be much more difficult, much less all three at once.

    {18:35:48} KEY: and if we find out mjyvojses wasnt all who she made herself out to be

    {18:35:49} KEY: well

    {18:35:49} KEY: forget her then

    {18:35:51} KEY: we made it pretty far without her help anyway

    {18:35:53} KEY: thanks to a certain somebody giving it her best all these years

    {18:36:04} COSTUME: Thank you. I’m flattered, although I question the need for the compliment.

    {18:36:08} KEY: you earned it after all this shit

    {18:36:10} KEY: anyways

    {18:36:13} KEY: im gonna stop being an ass and let you do your job

    {18:36:15} KEY: whats our plan of action?

    {18:36:21} COSTUME: First, I intend to re-enable Abyss.

    {18:36:23} KEY: hell yeah

    {18:36:39} COSTUME: Then, I’m going to message Seadog and see how the remainder of his meeting went. And also thank him as well.

    {18:36:52} COSTUME: If the agreement went badly, our next objective will be to help him course correct.

    {18:37:14} COSTUME: If it went well, we will be proceeding straight into efforts to track these disappearances tomorrow.

    {18:37:28} COSTUME: Either way, you are right. We do need to unearth the truth about this. I’m sorry for struggling to come to that conclusion for this long.

    {18:37:31} KEY: youre fine

    {18:37:33} KEY: we were both acting stupid

    {18:37:35} KEY: whichever one happens

    {18:37:38} KEY: youve got both me and abyss backing you up

    {18:37:54} COSTUME: I’m incredibly glad for that.

    {00:00:01} [Archiving messages from 9/28/65…]

    {00:00:02} [Archival complete.]


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