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    Meeting F-0031-01

    Transcript from Monday, 9/28/65

    Subject: “Seadog”

    {14:51:23} [user_COSTUME opened room_F-0031-01.]

    {14:53:11} [user_SEADOG has joined the room.]

    {14:53:25} COSTUME: Good morning, Seadog. How are you feeling?

    {14:53:34} SEADOG: Uneasy. This is going to be a long negotiation

    {14:53:51} COSTUME: I don’t blame you. It’s not like the Floridian Empire is particularly easy to work with. I wish I could be there to help the rest of the Congress.

    {14:54:02} SEADOG: I thought all of this preparation would ease my worries, but they haven’t. I would really like to stop being at war

    {14:54:23} COSTUME: A part of me hopes they will realize they wouldn’t be able to take any more casualties in a longer war and give up Panama. Another part of me doesn’t want to put that much stock in their decision-making.

    {14:54:46} [user_KEY has joined the room.]

    {14:54:48} [user_ABYSS has joined the room.]

    {14:54:48} SEADOG: As long as they’re committed to using the Caribbean to compensate for their sinking mainland territory, I don’t believe they will want to give up their control of the ocean without more fighting or a heavy trade.

    {14:54:48} ABYSS: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {14:54:49} KEY: sup

    {14:55:02} SEADOG: That’s the reason why I’m concerned. Anyways, hello

    {14:55:03} ABYSS: Hey, you guys started before we could give the minutes D:

    {14:55:18} COSTUME: Sorry, Abyss. We are somewhat tight on time. I didn’t intend on opening this room so late.

    {14:55:20} KEY: thats fair

    {14:55:22} KEY: it was kinda helpful ngl

    {14:55:26} KEY: made the most of the extra time

    {14:55:27} ABYSS: Yeah, we’re all good!!!!!!!!!!

    {14:55:46} COSTUME: In any case, I think you’re right to be concerned, Seadog. These so-called “Florida men” haven’t exactly proven that they wouldn’t stoop as low as to spring a surprise attack if given the opportunity.

    {14:55:47} ABYSS: lol!!!

    {14:55:51} SEADOG: No memes in a non-general chat, please

    {14:55:51} KEY: lmfao

    {14:55:57} COSTUME: …That’s a meme?

    {14:55:58} KEY: seadog over here thinking costumes capable of intentional shitposts

    {14:56:04} SEADOG: I was just being safe.

    {14:56:07} COSTUME: If it is, it was indeed not intentional.

    {14:56:33} SEADOG: Anyways, I’m not THAT concerned. I just don’t want to have to give up too much of our resources to make them back down.

    {14:58:12} SEADOG: Meeting is starting in the next two minutes or so

    {14:58:16} KEY: glhf

    {14:58:34} COSTUME: Right. Keep us posted. Let us know if there is any way we can help.

    {14:58:35} ABYSS: Go get them, Seadog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {16:00:54} SEADOG: We are taking a recess now. I have no idea what I was worried about

    {16:01:01} COSTUME: That is the best news I’ve heard all day!

    {16:01:08} KEY: woah

    {16:01:09} KEY: what changed

    {16:01:16} SEADOG: It turns out these politicians actually do have some sense. We might be on the verge of a reasonable peace treaty where we get Panama

    {16:01:17} KEY: legit?

    {16:01:18} KEY: goddamn

    {16:01:18} ABYSS: All that strategizing paid off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {16:01:23} COSTUME: Fantastic work.

    {16:01:29} SEADOG: Yes, I am incredibly relieved, as are my peers. The Floridian politicians are sounding positive as well, as far as I can see

    {16:01:30} ABYSS: Wait a minute……… Most of those politicians participated in coordinating the war. Florida’s government is very hands on with its military……….

    {16:01:34} KEY: oh shit

    {16:01:36} KEY: you think we could do this right now?

    {16:01:38} KEY: would be hella helpful

    {16:01:43} COSTUME: …What would be helpful, Key?

    {16:01:45} KEY: nothing crazy

    {16:01:48} KEY: may as well

    {16:01:51} KEY: were not doing much with this meeting anyway

    {16:01:52} SEADOG: Would you and Abyss please care to explain what you’re talking about?

    {16:01:54} KEY: so

    {16:01:57} KEY: last meeting you said if there was anything you could do for me

    {16:01:59} KEY: just to let you know right?

    {16:02:05} COSTUME: I don’t like where this is going.

    {16:02:11} SEADOG: I suppose I did, yes. Is there something you want me to do?

    {16:02:12} ABYSS: Here is what you need to do:

    {16:02:13} ABYSS: Calmly and clearly approach some of the politicians. As you do so, try to make small talk while respecting their security. Keep your distance so you don’t make them feel threatened.

    {16:02:14} ABYSS: After you’ve established yourself, tell them that you are curious about something, not for tactical reasons, but out of concern. You want to know the whereabouts of General Bello Fobi.

    {16:02:15} COSTUME: Abyss, what is this?

    {16:02:15} ABYSS: Gauge their reactions to being asked this question. You are looking to see whether they are exceptionally defensive about who he is and what happened to him. Take note if they are calm, and their response seems unrehearsed. Report to us what you see.

    {16:02:26} SEADOG: General Fobi? What does that bastard have to do with anything?

    {16:02:28} KEY: long story

    {16:02:29} KEY: well explain after you do the thing

    {16:02:31} COSTUME: Huh, somehow I forgot to put that name in the blacklist. That is frustrating.

    {16:02:49} COSTUME: Abyss, are you seriously suggesting Seadog walk up to the enemy and start probing them for information? Do you not realize the consequences that may have on the quality of their meeting?

    {16:03:03} COSTUME: I’m vetoing this plan. Key, you should probably troubleshoot Abyss’ logic after this meeting.

    {16:03:07} SEADOG: Does this have to do with the disappearances?

    {16:03:09} KEY: long story short

    {16:03:11} KEY: there is a small chance the floridians could have something to do with it

    {16:03:12} KEY: if you do this

    {16:03:14} KEY: we might be able to find out

    {16:03:15} ABYSS: You are running out of time, Seadog…….. Recess is only so long D:

    {16:03:20} COSTUME: …Did I not say that this research should be done on your own times?

    {16:03:22} KEY: yeah

    {16:03:23} KEY: but this is our only shot so

    {16:03:37} SEADOG: Alright. If this will make things better, then I suppose today I will be Glitchtrap’s vessel

    {16:03:39} KEY: i dunno wtf that means

    {16:03:40} KEY: but thanks

    {16:03:56} COSTUME: Seadog, are you actually entertaining this?! You realize you are jeopardizing your own meeting, right?

    {16:04:34} COSTUME: Seadog, if you are at your keyboard, send a one-word message now, please.

    {16:04:39} KEY: looks like hes doing it

    {16:04:51} COSTUME: Key, what is wrong with you?! If Seadog angers those politicians, we could lose a clean Panama deal.

    {16:05:08} COSTUME: You directly disobeyed my orders, and it could potentially put hundreds of thousands of more lives in danger.

    {16:05:10} KEY: bro

    {16:05:12} KEY: its not gonna be that bad

    {16:05:15} KEY: worst case scenario is that seadog looks like a dumbass

    {16:05:17} KEY: and he looks like a genius the rest of the time

    {16:05:18} KEY: he can take it

    {16:05:19} ABYSS: I prepared thirty five different versions of this plan. The version I provided Seadog is the most risk-adverse.

    {16:05:19} ABYSS: He will be okay!!!!!!! 🙂

    {16:05:37} COSTUME: Why are we even taking this risk at all?! We gain nothing from this, other than overstepping our bounds for the sake of affirming a conspiracy theory that we neither understand nor have any basis for.

    {16:05:39} KEY: we are finding out about where the FUCK they went

    {16:05:41} KEY: how many times do i have to say this?

    {16:05:43} KEY: as long as theres even a chance we can find nail

    {16:05:44} KEY: and spur

    {16:05:44} KEY: and dolphin

    {16:05:48} KEY: and mjyvojses

    {16:05:51} KEY: we owe it to them to figure this out

    {16:06:07} COSTUME: I see how it is. If nobody has any interest in listening to me, then I will leave this to you. You clearly have a better idea of what we should do.

    {16:06:09} [user_COSTUME left the room.]

    {16:06:10} KEY: shit

    {16:06:14} KEY: ugh

    {16:06:16} KEY: why is she fucking like this abyss

    {16:06:18} KEY: i am talking about HER friends too

    {16:06:23} KEY: abyss?

    {16:06:34} KEY: oh ofc she disabled him so i cant do shit

    {16:06:36} KEY: just heard him fall over in the other room

    {16:06:37} KEY: goddammit

    {16:06:40} [user_ABYSS has been kicked by user_KEY.]

    {16:06:42} KEY: ill work on that later

    {16:10:10} SEADOG: I see things went badly after I left.

    {16:10:12} KEY: you could say that again

    {16:10:16} SEADOG: I see things went badly after I left.

    {16:10:17} KEY: oh screw off

    {16:10:22} SEADOG: Sorry. I wanted to lighten the mood

    {16:10:24} KEY: well thanks for trying

    {16:10:27} KEY: howd the talk go

    {16:10:35} SEADOG: Somehow, they were quite receptive. They said that he simply vanished one day

    {16:10:41} SEADOG: Is that true? I thought he was decommissioned

    {16:10:43} KEY: he disappeared yeah

    {16:10:45} KEY: apparently his son’s gone too

    {16:10:49} KEY: qpempdg/qpem is his name

    {16:10:52} KEY: dunno if hes on the blacklist, but im not trying

    {16:11:06} SEADOG: I can see some pattern recognition here. But we should probably deal with something else first

    {16:11:08} KEY: yeah

    {16:11:09} KEY: um

    {16:11:11} KEY: any ideas at all?

    {16:11:19} SEADOG: I might have an idea. Outside of our meetings, Costume has been quietly voicing her distress over this situation to me.

    {16:11:24} SEADOG: She seems really concerned about what is going on.

    {16:11:26} KEY: okay

    {16:11:28} KEY: so its a front to make herself look calm

    {16:11:29} KEY: that i can get

    {16:11:31} KEY: but why order us NOT to look into it?

    {16:11:39} SEADOG: I’m not really sure. I’ve tried asking her about it but she’s been somewhat dodgy.

    {16:11:41} KEY: im gonna talk to her

    {16:11:43} KEY: if shes not gonna listen to you

    {16:11:46} KEY: shell listen to what i have to say

    {16:11:48} KEY: im sure of it

    {16:11:50} KEY: (no offense seadog)

    {16:11:56} SEADOG: None taken. I know you and Costume are close as well.

    {16:12:04} SEADOG: Just be careful. I’d hate for her to become any more upset

    {16:12:07} KEY: ill be careful

    {16:14:12} SEADOG: My recess is close to ending

    {16:14:16} KEY: gotcha

    {16:14:18} KEY: gl with the rest of your meeting

    {16:14:20} KEY: one more yhing though

    {16:14:20} KEY: thing

    {16:14:25} SEADOG: What is it?

    {16:14:27} KEY: i was wondering

    {16:14:29} KEY since you brought it up

    {16:14:32} KEY: whos glitchtrap

    {16:14:38} SEADOG: You remember William Afton?

    {16:14:39} KEY: oh

    {16:14:41} KEY: its a fnaf character

    {16:14:42} KEY: never mind

    {16:14:45} [user_KEY has left the room.]

    {16:14:47} SEADOG: A wise choice.

    {16:14:50} [user_SEADOG has left the room.]

    {16:14:50} [Archiving room_F-0031-01…]

    {16:14:53} [Archival complete. room_F-0031-01 is now closed.]


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